Pop 1 Lesson Plan Spring 19

  • December 2019
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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction) Name of Teacher Candidate Lesson Overview Grade Level Estimated Time Needed Lesson Description

Content Area Standards Technology Standards Objectives

Kelly Chung 4th Grade One 45-minute class period The students will make inferences about videos and text, and they will be able to support their answers with evidence. The students will also understand what inferences are and how to make an inference. Fig. 19(D) make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding 4.6 Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. No Technology Standards! The students will be able to understand the concept of inferences and how to make their own inferences. The students will also be able to make inferences and support their inferences with evidence using text and videos.

Resources/Materials/Tools Terms/Vocabulary Technology Resources

Other Resources

Inference / Inferencing Prediction Projector- This will show the students what the teacher is writing on the papers. Computer- This will be used to show the YouTube videos that will engage the students in the lesson. Two anchor charts will be used to teach about inferencing. One chart will be interactive, the second will explain inferencing in further detail. Purse with items- will be used to complete the anchor chart. Graphic organizers- This will be used as the activities in the we-do and you-do.

Lesson Procedures

Focus/Anticipatory Set (motivational hook)

The students will be called to the carpet area where an anchor chart will be set up for an interactive engage. The teacher will start by telling the students that they will be talking about inferencing. The teacher will then recall prior knowledge by asking students “what does inference mean?” and “how do we make an inference?” From there, the students will

The students will be seated at the carpet area. The teacher will be standing next to the anchor chart. The teacher will be continuously observing the students as they interact and participate in the activity. The teacher will be asking various questions and the students while

During this activity the students will not need any tools or recourses. The teacher will be using the anchor chart and markers to fill in the anchor chart. For this activity the teacher will also need her purse and the contents inside her purse. The teacher will use

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction) participate in an interactive activity on the anchor chart. The chart will be titled “What’s in Ms. Chung’s Bag?” During this activity the teacher will be pulling out items in her purse to show the kids. The kids will be making inferences about the items and what they mean. For example: Keys: Ms. Chung has a car, or Ms. Chung drives to school. The students will participate with all the items and the teacher will be writing down their thoughts on the anchor chart like so…

seated will be answering them.

these materials to engage learners with making inferences.

15 minutes

Content-input (Could include content outline, presentation, questioning, modeling, examples)

Following the engage activity “What’s in Ms. Chung’s Purse” the students will remain on the carpet to view an anchor chart about what inferencing really is. The teacher will go over how to make an inference, what an inference is, and examples of inferences. The anchor chart will have similar content as this anchor chart…

The students will still be seated at the carpet area. The teacher will still be up at the anchor chart. The teacher will continue to observe students as she explains inferencing and ask questions. The students will be engaged and ask questions or answer questions when needed.

The students will still not need any recourses or tools. The teacher will be using another anchor chart that will be prepared ahead of class time. The teacher will be using the premade anchor chart in order to explain in detail inferencing.

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

We will also go over predictions to ensure that the students understand that predictions and inferences are not the same thing.

2-3 minutes

Guided Practice (identify students who failed to master lesson objectives.)

Independent Practice (reteaching and enrichment)

Following the explanation of Inferencing, the students will return to their seats to work in a whole group environment. The teacher will get the YouTube video “One Man Band Pixar” ready for this activity. The class will watch the animated short and answer questions as a class while the teacher pauses the video and writes their answers down. The class will answer four questions as a group by making inferences and supporting it with evidence from the video. This will be our we do activity, so the students are prepared to work on their own.

The teacher will be using the computer to display a shortanimated video. The teacher will be using an overhead projector to show the graphic organized that will be filled out with the students. The students will not need any tools at this point, they will just be engaging in the discussion with the questions and graphic organizer.

10 minutes

The students will be going back to their seats to work together in a whole group. The teacher will be standing by the computer to ensure the pauses at the correct time. The teacher will be going back and forth from the computer and overhead projector to fill in the graphic organizer. The students will be participating by answering questions asked and supporting their answers with evidence.

After working together as a class, the students will pair up with someone near their desk. They will now watch another

The students will stay seated at their desk or move to a different desk in order to work

The students, in pairs, will receive one graphic organizer per group.

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction) animated short video; this one is called “Partly Cloudy”. They will, in partners, answer a couple questions again by making inferences and supporting their inferences with evidence from the video. The teacher will be pausing the video at specific times in order for the students to answer their questions and discuss their thoughts. 15 minutes


The class will now come together to discuss as a whole group what they found during the video. The teacher will call on different groups to share their answers for each question and their evidence that they found. The teacher will then ask students whether they agree or have another answer than their classmates. The teacher will do this for all four questions. After answering all four questions the teacher will close by asking the class to remind her what an inference is.

with a partner. The teacher will remain by the computer to initiate the pauses once again. The teacher will stay standing to keep an eye out on the students and will continue to monitor. The students will be discussing their finding with their partner and answer questions together.

The teacher will still be using the computer in order to play the animated short video. The teacher will pause for students to answer questions with their partners. This will happen four times until the graphic organizer and video are complete.

The students will remain at their desk in their pairs. The teacher will come back to the overhead projector in order to get the students answer and discuss as a whole group. The students will be participating in sharing their answer and agreeing with other students’ answers.

The students will have their graphic organizer they filled in with their partners. The teacher will be on the overhead to fill in an empty graphic organizer with the class. The students will be interactive with each other and the teacher to share their answers and findings.

5 minutes Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations *No Special Education Students in my class* I would accommodate these students by putting them into groups of three, so Special Education they get more support from their peers. I would also accommodate by asking Students them fewer questions on the graphic organizer, so they can really grasp the concept without feeling behind.

English Language Learners

I plan on supporting my ELL students by really taking time to explain the concept and making sure they are understanding. I also plan on having the student discuss their thoughts with a partner, so that will help the ELL students understand and share what they know.

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Gifted and Talented

My gifted and talented students will be accommodated by receiving additional questions on their graphic organizer. They will be able to answer more questions and explain their findings. They could also work independently if they would like.

Other: Potential Challenges/Plan B Potential challenges that I would face with this lesson are some students not understanding, and other students excelling. Inferencing is not a new concept for the students, being in fourth grade most of them, if not all, already know and understand what inferencing is. However, I do not feel like I need a plan B due to the fact that the lesson is fun and engaging, the students would not get bored. On the other hand, I have a couple lower students that I feel might not be able to grasp this concept as well as other students. Inferencing is a hard concept, due to the fact that it’s not something you would be able to find the answers for easily. My plan B would be to pull those students aside, and further assist them in a small group setting. Assessment During the lesson I will be doing lots of check points to make sure there aren’t any misconceptions or questions. I will mostly be doing formative assessments through observations and informal tracking. After the lesson I will be giving a quick four question summative assessment to check what the students have learned and if I will need to be doing any reteaching.

Notes and Credits Attached are the graphic organizers used for the guided and independent practice.

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

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