Lbm 3 Sgd 1.docx

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LBM 3 STEP 1 1. bleeding: -outing blood from perifer vascular cause traumatic or leases from the vascular blood -losing blood 2.petechiae: small red a purple spot in the body a proximacly want until from millimeter and cause hemorrhage -if the petechiae are press the color will not change 3.fever : reaction in the body because of infection. 4.hemoetasis: the mechanism by which loss of blood from the vascular system is controlled by a complex interaction of vesell wall, platelets and plasma proteins. -contain two words Hemo and stasis. Hemo is blood and stasis is maintance. Sequence of response to stop bleeding. STEP 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

how the physiology of hemostasis? How the patophysiologys of hemostasis? What kind of hemostasis and explain! How the etiology of the hemostasis? What the factors of hemostasis? How the mechanism of bleeding? What the morphology of platelets? How could ptechiae happened? What are the releation between hemoestasis blood clotting?

STEP 3 1. how the physiology of hemostasis? There are three phase: -primery phase: temporary phase contricsy and blood platelets or trombosit -secondary phase: trombosit relase reaction. -tertiery phase: clotting factors activation. 2. How the patophysiologys of hemofilia? Hemofilia are two: 1.hemofilia a:cause by deficiency of eight clotting activity In bahasa: dikarenakan sintesis factor 8 menurun. 2.hemofili b: cause by deficiency of nine factors.

3. What kind of hemostasis and explain intrinsic or extrinsic factors! in bahasa: ada 13 faktor: 1.fibrinogen: protein yang disintesis dlam hati yang diubah menjadi fibrin 2.protombin: protein plasma yg disintesisi di dalam hati protombin menjadi trombin 3.trombo plastin: untuk mengaktivasi factor 7 untuk pembentukan thrombin 4. ion calcium: diperlukan dlm seluruh pembekuan darah akselerin: mekanisme intrinsic & ekstrinsic 6.fungsinya seperti pro akselerin: convertin: diperlukan dlam mekanisme intrinsic 8.anti hemofilik: mekanisme ekstrinsic 9. plasma tromboplastin: mekanisme intrinsic

10.stuart prower: mekanisme ekstrinsik dan intrinsik 11. antiseden tromboplastin plasma: mekanisme intrinsic 12. Hageman: mekanisme intrinsic 13.penstabilan fibrin: protein yg ditemukan dlm plasma dan trombosit 4. What the factors of hemostasis? ada 13 faktor: 1.fibrinogen: protein yang disintesis dlam hati yang diubah menjadi fibrin 2.protombin: protein plasma yg disintesisi di dalam hati protombin menjadi trombin 3.trombo plastin: untuk mengaktivasi factor 7 untuk pembentukan thrombin 4. ion calcium: diperlukan dlm seluruh pembekuan darah akselerin: mekanisme intrinsic & ekstrinsic 6.fungsinya seperti pro akselerin: convertin: diperlukan dlam mekanisme intrinsic 8.anti hemofilik: mekanisme ekstrinsic 9. plasma tromboplastin: mekanisme intrinsic 10.stuart prower: mekanisme ekstrinsik dan intrinsik 11. antiseden tromboplastin plasma: mekanisme intrinsic 12. Hageman: mekanisme intrinsic 13.penstabilan fibrin: protein yg ditemukan dlm plasma dan trombosit 5. How the mechanism of bleeding? There is trauma on tissue, vascular rupture, the blood flows into the tissue. 6. What the morphology of platelets? Size is 2-4 mm, in the nucleus is absent or the sitoplasm colour is light blue the age is 8-12 days. 7. How could ptechiae happened?

In bahasa: terjadi perdarahan, dan hemostasis itu tidak bisa mengatasi maka darah mengalir ke jaringan dan akan terjadi ptechiae 8. What are the releation between hemoestasis and blood clotting? The blood clotting the part of hemostasis, because hemostasis is function from our body to flows of blood. -Blood clotting one of the mecanisme of hemostasis. Secara garis besar: -perdarahan -vaskular spasme -konstriksi -pembentukan sumbat platelet -pembentukan pembekuan darah -pertumbuhan pada jaringan fibrosa

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