G ener ic nam e Trad e nam e Heparin S odium Heparin
C lassification antic oagulant
R ou te S ubQ
Time/Fr equency N or m al D osage - 10, 100, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000, 20000, 40000 units/mL
Ind icationsA ntic oagulant therapy in prophy laxis and treatment C on train of dication s/w ar ning s/inter-actions Severe thrombocytopenia. venous thrombosis, prevention of postoperative deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in patients undergoing major abdominothorac ic surgery , P rophy laxis and treatment of pulmonary embolism, A trial fibrillation with embolization, D iagnosis and treatment of ac ute and c hronic c onsumptive c oagulopathies, P revention of c lotting in arterial and c ardiac surgery , P rophy laxis and treatment of peripheral arterial embolism. Mechanism o f action exerts direc t effec t on blood c oagulation C om mo n side effectstransient thromboc y topenia, fever, c hills, urtic aria, (c lotting) by enhanc ing the inhibitory ac tions of antithrombin pruritus, III on skin rashes, itc hing and burning sensation of feet, numbness, ti several fac tors essential to normal blood c lotting, thereby hands bloc king and feet, elevated B P the c onversion of prothrombin to thrombin and fibrinogen to fibrin. L ab value alter ationHc s- t, Hgb, RB C and platelet c ounts
N ur sing C on sid eratioBnsaseline blood c oagulation tests, Hc t, Hgb, RB C an platelet c ounts prior to initiation or therapy and at regular intervals throug therapy , Monitor A PTT levels c losely , D raw blood for c oagulation tests 30 before eac h sc heduled SC or intermittent IV dose and approximately q4h rec eiving c ontinuous IV heparin during dosage adjustments period. A fte Interactio ns w ith o ther patien t dr ugs, O T C , or h erbal is established, tests may be done onc e daily , P ts vary widely in their reac medicinesD RUG INTERA C TIONS: may prolong P T, whic h is heparin; risk of hemorrhage appears greatest in women, all patients > 60 used to monitor therapy with oral antic oagulants; aspirin, NSA ID s patients with liver disease or renal insuffic ienc y , Monitor vitals, report fev inc rease risk of bleeding; nitrogly c erin IV may dec rease in B P , rapid pulse and other S& S of hemorrhage, Observe all needle site antic oagulant ac tivity ; protamine antagonizes effec ts ofhematoma heparin. and signs of inflammation , Have on hand protamine sulfate, s HERB AL INTERA C TIONS: feverfew, ginkgo, ginger, valerian heparinmay antagonist potentiate bleeding W hy w o uld you hold o r n ot g ive Ethis valuatio n-C oag studies, vitals. med ?C oag studies too low, hemorrhaging