G e ne ric nam e T rade nam e Class ifica tion Route T im e/F re qu en cyNorm al Do sa ge - 3.7 5g p ip eracillin Zosyn antibio tic IV Q 6H and tazob actam In dic ations-indicated for the tre atment of p atients with Con traindication s/w a rnings/interactions - allerg ic reac tions to any m o derate to severe infe ctions caused by piperacillinof the pe nicillins, cep halosporins, or β-lactam ase inhibitors re sistant, p iperacillin/tazobactam -susceptible, βlactam ase producing strains
M echanism of actionbroad spec trum antibiotic, β- Com m on side effec tsHeadache , dizziness, nause a, stom ach up set, lactam ase inhibitor or lo ose stools; vom iting, d iarrhe a, fe ver, chest pain, anxiety, unusu blee ding or bruising
Lab value alteration sfalse positive gluco se in urine. N ursing Conside rations-
In terac tions w ith othe r p atient drugs, O T C, or h erbal m ed icin es-antibiotics, birth contro l pills, "b lo od thinners", blo od p ressure m edication, m e thotrexate. This drug m ay inte rfere with the effectivene ss of birth contro l p ills. Why w ould you hold or not give Ev aluationthis m ed?vom iting , diarrhea, fever, chest pain, anxie ty, unusual bleeding or bruising