G e ne ric nam e T rade nam e Classification Route am lodipine Norvasc antihypertensive P O
T im e/Fre quencyNorm al Dosa ge - 5-10m g qd ay qd ay
Indications-Alone or with other agents in the management of C ontraind ications/w a rn ings /interaction shypersensitivity, B P hy pertension, angina pectoris, and vasospastic (Prinzmetal's) <90 m mHg ;Use cautio usly in: seve re he patic im p airme nt (dosag e angina
red uction); geriatric p atients (dosage reduction); aortic stenosis; history of CHF; preg nancy, lactation, o r children
M echanism of actionS ystem ic vasod ilatio n re sultingC in om m on sid e effec ts- headache, dizzine ss, fatig ue, p eripheral de cre ased BP C oronary vasodilation resulting ede m a, angina, b radycardia, hypotension, p alpitations, gingival ind ecreased fre quency and severity of attack o f anghype ina rplasia, nause a, flushing La b v alue alteratio nsTotal serum calcium concentrations are not affected by calcium channel blockers.
Nursing ConsiderationsMonitor BP and pulse, E CG for pro longed therapy; Daily weight; intake /outp ut; signs of C HF; for angina assess location, duration, inte nsity, and precip itating factors of patient's angi pain In terac tions w ith othe r p atient drugs, O T C, or h erbal m ed icin es-fentanyl, antihypertensive s, nitrate s, alcohol, quinidine, nonste roidal anti-inflam m ato ry age nts, lithium Wh y w ould y ou h old or no t give E va luation-D ecrease in B P this m ed?signs of C HF: peripheral Decrease in freque ncy and ede m a, rales/ crackles, d yspnea,severity of anginal attacks. weight gain, jugular veno us Decrease in nee d fo r nitrate diste ntion. therapy Incre ase in activity tolerance and sense of well-being