G e ne ric nam e T rade nam e Classifica tion Route T im e/Fre quencyNo rm al Dosage - 81 m g Aspirin Aspirin Antipyretics, nono pioid P O analge sics In dic ations-Inflamm atory disord ers including : Contraind ications/w arnin gs /interactions - Hyp erse nsitivity to asp irin, R he umato id A rthritis, O steoarthritis. Mild to m oderate tartrazine, or othe r slicylates, cross-se nsitivity with other NS A ID s ma pain. Fe ver, P rophylaxis of transie nt ischem ic attacexist. ks and MI M echanism of actionA spirin relieve s pain by inhibiting Com m on sid e effectsT innitus, G I ble eding , dyspe psia, e pigastric production o f chem icals called prostag landins, aspirin distress, nausea, abdom inal pain, anorexia, hepatoto xicity, vo miting, works to diminish the b ody's respo nse to a chain of anem ia, hem olysis, increase d ble eding tim e. chem ical processes that eve ntually leads to pain. This m e chanism of action works on a cellular le ve l. Aspirin also has an antiplate le t effect b y inhibiting the pro ductio n of thro m bo xane, which under norm al circum stancesLa b inds b v alu e alteratio nsMo nitor hepatic function, may cause platelet m o lecules toge ther to cre ate a p atch over incre ased serum A S T, S LT and alkaline phosphatase dam age of the walls within bloo d vessels. Nursin g Co nsiderationsP atients with asthma, allergies and nasal polyp s or who are allergic to tartrazine are incre ased risk fo r hype rsensitivity. A ssess pain and lim itation of m ovem e nt, asse ss fe ver. In terac tions w ith othe r p atient drugs, O T C, or hVerbal ital signs m ed icin es-May incre ase risk of bleed ing with clo pidog rel (plavix), incre ased risk of G I irritation with NS AIDs- ibuprofen Why w ou ld y ou hold or no t give E va luation -Che ckaftergiving O T C=arnica,cham om ile , clove, feverfew, garlic, ginge r, m ed ?S urg ical pro cedures orA sse ss pain, m onito r serum this ginkg o, P anax ginseng and some others. allerg ies. salicylate levels periodically, m ay cause p rolonged bleeding time for Lasix, m eto pro lo l 4 to 7 days.