Final Demo Lesson Plan (1).docx

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  • Words: 2,444
  • Pages: 15
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Dasmariñas Dasmariñas City, Cavite

New Era National High School Sampaloc V, City of Dasmariñas


Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to: A. Define what sex-linked gene is. B. Identify some sex-linked traits and disorders C. Express how sex-linked genes disorder happen using Punnett square.


Subject Matter: A. Topic: Sex-Linked Genes B. Concept: Sex linked genes are genes that are in the sex chromosomes and that are therefore inherited differently between males and females. C. Materials: Instructional Materials


Television or Projector


Powerpoint Presentation D. Reference: Science Learner’s Module pp. 349 Sex








( E. Process Skills: Observing and analyzing skills will be develop throughout the lesson. F. Valuing Show respect to the people with genetic disorders.


Learning Tasks Teacher’s Activity

Learner’s Activity

A. Daily Routine 1. Prayer

Everyone, you may all stand up.

(The students will stand up)

Rovie, kindly lead us a prayer.

(The student will lead a prayer)

2. Greetings

Good Afternoon Class!

Good Afternoon, Ma’am Caparas

3. Checking of Classroom

Before we start, kindly pick up the pieces of trash and paper under your chairs






(The students will follow the given instructions obediently and silently before sitting down.)

4. Checking of Attendance

Group 1, who is absent in your group? None, Ma’am. How about the Group 2? Apelado and Lagunoy, Ma’am. Group 3? Is there any absent in your group? How about the Group 4?

None, Ma’am.

Falsado, Ma’am. 5. Review of the Past Lesson

Last meeting, we discussed about sex chromosomes and sex determination. Let us have a review, what is a chromosome? Chromosome is a tiny structure inside cells made from DNA and protein. They carry all of the information used to help a Very good! So therefore, what is a Sex

cell grow, thrive, and reproduce.

Chromosomes? Sex






chromosomes that determine whether an Excellent!





individual is male or female.

chromosomes are there in a single cell of a human? There are 23 pair of chromosomes, Good! It is mentioned that there are 23


pairs of chromosomes so therefore, how many chromosomes are there in a human cell? There are 46 chromosomes in a human So, in 23 pairs of chromosomes, there

cell, Ma’am.

are somatic chromosomes and sex chromosomes, but what do you mean by somatic chromosomes? Somatic Great! Therefore, how many pairs of somatic







chromosomes forming up a body cell.

chromosomes are there in a human body cell?




22 and

pairs 1

of pair

somatic of


chromosomes in a human body cell, Ma’am. Excellent! How will you determine the sex chromosomes of a male and female?

Ma’am, if an individual has X and Y chromosomes, then the gender of an individual is Male, meanwhile, if the chromosomes are X and X, therefore, the gender of that individual is Female.

Very well said!



Before we start to our new lesson, I need three volunteers here in front. Who wants to volunteer?

(The students started to raise their hand)

Can you please come here in front?

(The chosen volunteers came in front)

I have here a treasure box. It contains 2 paint brushes, one color red and white poster paint and a glitter. Now, the first and second volunteers will mix the red and white color of poster paint, and paint the result color in the box that you can see in the blackboard. I want you to observe them while they are doing the task. Is that clear?

Yes, Ma’am.

Now, you may start to paint the box.

(The two volunteers started to mix the colors and paint the box and the students are curiously watching them while they’re painting.)

Since they are now done in painting, who Ma’am, the painted box became color

wants to describe the painted box?

light red or pink. Very good! The third volunteer will get a pinch of glitters in our treasure box and put it in the box that they’ve painted. (The third volunteer will get a pinch of glitters in a treasure box and put them in Now,







the box that they’ve painted.)

chromosomes and the glitters are the disease, do you still see the colors of the box? Yes, Ma’am. Do you think the glitters that the volunteers put in box may affect the colors that they’ve painted? No, Ma’am. Why do you think the pinch of glitters does not affect the color of the box? Because Ma’am, the pinch of glitters is just the carrier because they are just only a pinch or few. Carrier sometimes does not Very well said, Volunteers, I want you to

display any symptoms of a disease.

put all the glitters in the box that you’ve painted. (The volunteers put all the glitters in the box that they’ve painted.)

Now tell me, do you still see the colors that the volunteers painted?

No Ma’am.

What does it mean when we put all the glitters in the box?

Ma’am, it means that if the box are the chromosome and the glitters are the disease, it means that the box fully inherit a disease that came from his or her parents.

Very good! you may now take your seats and let’s give them a round of applause.

(The students give them a round of applause)



Now let us do an activity, I want you to meet with your groups silently and circle your chairs so that you can be able to do the activity that you will perform today.

(The students will meet with their groups silently)

I have here four envelopes and these contain materials and activity sheet that you’re going to do. You need to do this for 15 minutes. In this activity, you need to solve the genetic disorder that is assigned to your group using a Punnett square. You will also explain the results of your Punnett Square. After that, you will present your output in front of the class but do it in a creative and unique way. Understood? (See attached activity sheets)

Yes, Ma’am.

This activity has a rubric for judging. 40% for the explanation and the content of your works, 25% for the creativity, 20% for the cooperation of your group members and 15% for the organization of your work and the total of this activity is 100%. Is that clear? Yes, Ma’am. Your time starts now.

(The students are busy doing the said activity)

Kindly go back to your proper seats, please and arrange your chairs properly.

(The students will follow the given instructions obediently and silently before sitting down.)

Group leaders, kindly post your group works in the blackboards.

(The group leaders posted their works on the blackboard)

Group 1, you may now present and explain about your activity.

(The Group 1 presented and explained the activity that they’ve done.)

What a lovely performance, how about the Group 2?

(The Group 2 presented and explained the activity that they’ve done.)

Great job, Group 2! Next one, the Group 3.

(The Group 3 presented and explained the activity that they’ve done.)

Very good! Last but not the least, the Group 4.

(The Group 4 presented and explained the activity that they’ve done.)

Since you did all the great job guys! Let’s give ourselves a round of applause. C.

(The students give themselves a round of applause)

Explanation Based on the activity that you’ve performed how will you define the sexlinked genes?

Ma’am, sex linked genes are genes that are in the sex chromosomes and that are therefore inherited differently between males and females.

Very good, based on the lesson that we had last Thursday, how many percent of X chromosomes the mother gives to her offspring?

100% of X-Chromosomes, Ma’am.

How about the father? How many percent of X and Y chromosomes does he gives to his offspring?

50% from X Chromosomes and 50% from Y Chromosomes, Ma’am.

Excellent! It is said that most of the sexlinked genetic disorders are mostly found on the X chromosomes. Why do you think so?

Very good, so who do you think are most likely to be affected by X-linked

Because Ma’am, the Y Chromosomes is much smaller than the X chromosomes and the Y chromosomes only contains few genes.

Ma’am, the male is most likely to be affected by X-linked disorders.


Why do you think so, Georgine?

Because Ma’am they have only one X Chromosomes.

If the woman is heterozygous for the Xlinked disease, she is said to be a carrier. So, what does it means?

It is mean that the woman does not have the disease, but can pass it to her children.

For you to be able to understand the lesson very well, let’s take a look for this table example, the color blindness in humans.



1. XX

Normal female

2. XXc



carrier of the gene. 3. XcXc

Color blind female

4. XY

Normal male

5. XCY

Color blind male

Using a Punnett square, how will you

(The student draw and compute the XY

prove that the number 2 is really correct?

genes and XXc genes in the blackboard)

Based on what you’ve compute and written on the board, why do you think the female has a presence or the carrier of

Because Ma’am, it has a presence of

the color blindness?

recessive Xc chromosomes.

Very good! Let’s have an example problem.

If the mother of a carrier of color blindness has a son and the father has normal eyes, do you think the son will be normal male but a carrier of the gene, or

Ma’am, the son has 50% chance to be a

color-blind male?

color-blind male.

Can you prove your answer using Punnett

(The student proves the answer using


Punnett Square)

How will you describe if the female is color blind?

Can you show to us using punnett square if your statement is correct?

Ma’am, when her chromosomes are XcXc and XcY. It means that her mother and

How many percent do you think if the

father are both color-blind.

female child inherit the color blindness of her mother?

(The student draw and compute the XcXc genes and XcY genes in the blackboard)

How about the male child?

Do you have any questions before we proceed to our next activity?



I want you to look at the pictures in this screen. They are the people who have X

100%, Ma’am

and Y linked genes. 100% also, Ma’am None, Ma’am.

In the first picture, what do you call on that genetic disorder and tell me something about this disorder?

Very good! But how about the second picture?

Very well said, how about the next picture?

Ma’am, the first picture is the Baldness. Baldness typically refers to excessive hair loss from your scalp.

Good! But how about the last picture?




picture is


Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy or the DMD.






by progressive

disorder muscle

degeneration and weakness.

The next picture is hypertrichosis pinnae How do you feel when while you’re

auris in which it is a Y-linked disorder that

looking at the pictures?

refers to the excessive hair on the ears of a human.

The last picture is Hemophilia, in which it is a rare disorder in which your blood doesn't clot normally because it lacks Very well said. Sometimes, these kind or

sufficient blood-clotting proteins If you

type of people are also a victim of

have hemophilia, you may bleed for a

bullying, right?

longer time after an injury than you would if your blood clotted normally.

As a student, what will you do to stop them from bullying?

Ma’am, I feel sad because I know they don’t deserve to have that kind of diseases but they are still having the courage to fight and smile to the people around them even though it hurts to smile and pretend that everything is okay.

Yes, Ma’am.

What a wonderful answer, Rovie! Bullying is really not good and it causes

Ma’am, as a student, I think I need to

emotional and physical damage so you

approach those people who are bullying

must stop bullying and start to love

them and stop them for bullying these

yourself first and embrace your flaws and

types of people because bullying is really


not good, and sometimes, words cut deeper than the knife. And also, I will







clarifications about the said lesson?

encourage this kind of people to always keep living and fighting in this life because this world is still the better place


to live in.

Evaluation In ¼ sheet of a pad paper, write the letter of the correct answer. 1. Sex-linked



traits: a) can appear in both males and females b) are only found in males c) are only found in females d) result from premarital sexual

None, Ma’am.

intercourse 2. Y-linked traits are inherited: a) only by females b) only by males c) by both males and females 3. Harmful X-linked traits are: a) inherited only from mothers


b) more numerous than Y-linked

1. A


2. B

c) most likely to show up in the phenotype of daughters 4. Red-green color blindness is: a) an X-linked trait b) a Y-linked trait c) both X and Y linked 5. Men with red-green color blindness inherited the genes for it from: a) their mothers b) their fathers c) either their mothers or fathers



Directions: Answer the problem in one whole sheet of a pad paper. 1. Suppose a young lady comes to you for advice in your capacity as a marriage counselor. She tells you that her brother has hemophilia, but both her parents are normal. She wishes to marry a man who has no history of hemophilia in his family and wants you to tell her the probability of her children having this disease. What would you tell her, and how would you explain your conclusions using a punnet square? Reference: Sex-Linked Practice Problems KDib8bhA0HwqzCul4oM2ygnOygaQx.pdf

3. B 4. A 5. A

Prepared By:

_______________________ Ms. Marie Elaine B. Caparas Student-Teacher

Checked By:

_____________________________ Mrs. Jelucil T. Dominguez Cooperating Teacher

______________________________ Mrs. Maria Concepcion F. Simbulan Department Head / Science

Noted By:

_____________________ Cherrielyn L. Casco, LPT, Ed.D. PT Supervisor

Approved By:

_____________________ Mr. Arbel A. Bayot Principal II

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