Flubber Lesson Plan Final

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 331
  • Pages: 2
David Fitch

April 21, 2005

(Student’s Name)

(Date activity will be implemented)

Four Year olds (Age Group)

A. General Information 1) Name of Activity Source of Idea-Author, text, page number (required)

Flubber http://www.makingfriends.com/r_flubber.htm 2) Curriculum Area or Development Area, I

Creative Art 3) Brief Description of Activity

The Children will play flubber. 4) Where? Activity area where activity will be presented

The activity will be presented at the art table. 5) When? Approximate "Time Block" activity will be presented.

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 6) Who? Number of children you will be working with at a time-size of group.

Four Children at a time. B.

Activity Planning

1) Why? List purposes of activity.

The children will develop gross motor skills. 2) What? List all materials needed (do not include recipe ingredients unless children are making the recipe in the classroom),

a) Flubber b) Cookie cutters c) Plastic knifes

Color Scheme Yellow Flubber

and Red Flubber

Novel Materials Children’s book to use prior to Activity Flubber: y El Professor Chiflado By: Cathy East Dubowski

4) List 4 things that you want the children to understand from this activity.

a) b) c) d)

Some tools can be use for more than one thing. It is ok to hit flubber but not other people. Art doesn’t always have to be messy. How to take turns.

5) As a guiding adult, I will transition into activity with the following open ended question:

I wonder what you can make out of this? 6) During the activity, I will use descriptive statements such as...

a) b) c) d)

You are playing with the red flubber. You are playing with the yellow flubber. You are using your left hand to cut with. Yes Johnny, hit that flubber instead of Timmy.

7) During the activity, 1 will ask the following open-ended questions,

a) How many different shapes can you make? b) I wonder how this flubber became orange? c) What would happen if you mixed red and yellow together?

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