European Mobile Operators

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European Mobile Operators

2008 European - Mobile Operators  

2008 European - Mobile Operators Publication Overview This report covers developments among Europe’s mobile network operators, assessing their strengths and strategies in a market characterised by increasing competition from MVNOs and resellers. The countries covered in this report include: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, BosniaHerzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia (FYROM), Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine and United Kingdom.

European Mobile Operators 

 Price competition will continue to erode average voice revenue in coming years, while regulatory measures on mobile  termination rates and voice roaming will further reduce overall operators’ revenue by many millions of Euro. This will be  exacerbated by the anticipated regulation of mobile data roaming. Operators have responded by focussing CAPEX on network  upgrades and encouraging consumers to take up high-end mobile data services to shore up overall ARPU. Yet during the next  few years considerable revenue opportunities will be derived from the growing application stores developed for the iPhone and  Android platforms and by manufacturers such as Nokia. Although mobile operators risk having their networks become dumb  pipes, they nevertheless earn much needed revenue by giving content providers network access.    Average mobile penetration in Europe is above 100%, so growth in coming years lies in the migration of subscribers from GSM  to 3G services. Most operators will also concentrate on shifting prepaid subscribers to higher-ARPU contract plans in coming  years, as well as moving to flat-rate data plans.    Europe’s mobile market remains dominated by a group of seven or so major international operators, while the principal operator  in most countries remains the former incumbent telco. Some have branched into non-home markets through developing low-cost  subsidiaries, while others, particularly Telenor, Vodafone, Telefónica and Orange, have branched out further afield to become  true global players.    Data in this report is the latest available at the time of preparation and may not be for the current year.    The following notes provide some background to our scenario forecasting methodology:    · This report includes what we term scenario forecasts. By describing long-range scenarios we identify a band within which we  expect market growth to occur. The associated text describes what we see as the most likely growth trend within this band.    · The projections shown in the tables in this report are based on our own historical information, as well as on  telecommunication sector statistics from official and non-official, national and international sources. We assume a possible  deviation of 15-20% around this data.    · All statistics for GDP, revenue, etc are shown in US$, in order to maintain consistency within and between markets. At the  same time we acknowledge that this can introduce some irregularities.

Table of Contents 

1. Albania 1.1 Operator statistics 1.2 Albanian Mobile Communications (AMC) 1.3 Vodafone 1.4 Eagle Mobile 2. Austria 2.1 Operator statistics 

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2.1.1 Operator market shares 2.2 Orange 2.3 Hutchison 3G Austria 2.4 mobilkom austria 2.5 tele.ring 2.6 T-Mobile 2.7 Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) 3. Belarus 3.1 Operator statistics 3.2 Belcel/Diallog 3.3 Mobile Digital Communications (MDC)/Velcom 3.4 Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) 3.5 BeST 4. Belgium 4.1 Operator statistics 4.1.1 Operator market shares 4.2 Proximus 4.3 Mobistar 4.4 BASE 4.5 MVNOs 5. Bosnia-Herzegovina 5.1 Operator statistics 5.2 GSM BiH 5.3 Mobilna Srpske (m:tel) 5.4 HT Mobile (Eronet) 6. Bulgaria 6.1 Overview 6.2 Operator statistics 6.3 RTC Mobikom/Vivatel 6.4 MobilTel/M-Tel 6.5 Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile/GloBul 7. Croatia

Table of Contents 7.1 Overview 7.2 Operator statistics 7.3 T-Mobile Hrvatska 7.4 VIPnet 7.5 Tele2 Croatia 7.6 MVNOs 8. Cyprus 8.1 Overview 8.2 Operator statistics 8.3 Cytamobile-Vodafone 8.4 MTN Cyprus 8.5 Kibris Telekom 9. Czech Republic 9.1 Overview 9.2 Operator statistics 9.3 Telefónica O2 Czech Republic 9.4 T-Mobile 9.5 Vodafone Czech Republic (Vodafone CR) 9.6 MobilKom / U:fon 10. Denmark 10.1 Operator statistics 10.1.1 Operator market shares 10.2 TDC 10.3 Sonofon 10.4 Telia Danmark 10.5 MVNOs 11. Estonia 11.1 Overview 11.2 Operator statistics 11.3 Eesti Mobiltelefon (EMT) 11.4 Radiolinja Eesti/Elisa 11.5 Tele2 Eesti 11.6 MVNOs 12. Finland 12.1 Operator statistics 12.1.1 Operator market shares 12.2 TeliaSonera 12.3 DNA 12.4 Elisa

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12.5 MVNOs 13. France 13.1 Operator statistics 13.1.1 Operator market shares 13.2 Orange 13.3 SFR 13.3.1 Network contracts 13.4 Bouygues Telecom 13.5 MVNOs 14. Germany 14.1 Operator statistics 14.1.1 Operator market shares 14.2 T-Mobile 14.2.1 Network contracts 14.3 Vodafone 14.3.1 Network contracts 14.4 E-Plus 14.4.1 Network contracts 14.5 O2 14.5.1 Network contracts 14.6 MVNOs 14.6.1 debitel 14.6.2 mobilcom 14.6.3 Tele2 14.6.4 CallMobile 15. Greece 15.1 Operator statistics 15.2 Wind Hellas (TIM Hellas) 15.3 Vodafone Greece 15.4 Cosmote 16. Hungary 16.1 Operator statistics 16.2 T-Mobile 16.3 Pannon GSM 16.4 Vodafone Hungary 17. Iceland 17.1 Operator statistics 17.2 Major mobile operators 18. Ireland

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18.1 Operator statistics 18.1.1 Operator market shares 18.2 Vodafone Ireland 18.3 O2 Ireland 18.4 Meteor Mobile Communications 18.5 3 Ireland 18.6 MVNOs 19. Italy 19.1 Operator statistics 19.1.1 Operator market shares 19.2 3 Italia 19.3 TIM 19.4 Vodafone Italy 19.5 Wind 19.6 MVNOs 20. Latvia 20.1 Operator statistics 20.2 Latvia Mobilais Telefons (LMT) 20.3 Tele2 20.4 Telekom Baltija/Triatel 20.5 Bite 20.6 MVNOs 21. Lithuania 21.1 Overview 21.2 Operator statistics 21.3 Omnitel 21.4 Bite 21.5 Tele2 22. Luxembourg 22.1 Operator statistics 22.2 LuxGSM 22.3 Tango

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22.4 LuXcommunications 23. Macedonia (FYROM) 23.1 Overview 23.2 Operator statistics 23.3 T-Mobile 23.4 Cosmofon 23.5 VIP 24. Malta 24.1 Operator statistics 24.2 Vodafone Malta 24.3 GO mobile 25. Moldova 25.1 Overview 25.2 Operator statistics 25.3 Orange/VoxTel 25.4 Moldcell 25.5 Eventis 25.6 UNITE 25.7 IDC

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26. Montenegro 26.1 Operator statistics 26.2 ProMonte 26.3 T-Mobile Montenegro 26.4 m:tel (MTEL CG) 27. Netherlands 27.1 Operator statistics 27.1.1 Operator market shares 27.2 KPN 27.3 Vodafone 27.4 Telfort 27.5 Orange Netherlands 27.6 T-Mobile 27.6.1 Network contracts 27.7 .mobi domain name 27.8 MVNOs 27.8.1 Tele2 27.8.2 Versatel 27.8.3 Other resellers 28. Norway 28.1 Operator statistics 28.1.1 Operator market shares 28.2 Telenor Mobile 28.3 NetCom 28.4 Mobile Norway 28.5 Teletopia 28.6 MVNOs 29. Poland 29.1 Operator statistics 29.2 PTK Centertel/Orange 29.3 Polkomtel/Plus GSM 29.4 Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa (PTC)/Era 29.5 P4 / Play 29.6 MVNOs 30. Portugal 30.1 Operator statistics 30.2 TMN 30.3 Vodafone 30.4 Optimus 30.5 OniWay exits the market 30.6 MVNOs 31. Romania 31.1 Overview 31.2 Operator statistics 31.3 Telemobil/Zapp 31.4 Vodafone 31.5 Mobil Rom/Orange 31.6 Cosmote Romania/Cosmorom 31.7 DigiMobil 32. Russia 32.1 Overview 32.2 Operator statistics 

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32.3 Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) 32.3.1 International expansion 32.4 VimpelCom 32.4.1 International expansion 32.5 MegaFon 32.6 Tele2 Russia 32.7 SMARTS Group 32.8 Skylink 32.9 Uralsvyazinform 32.10 MVNOs 33. Serbia 33.1 Operator statistics 33.2 Telenor 33.3 Mobilna Telefonija Srbija (MTS) 33.4 VIP Mobile

33.5 Kosovo 33.5.1 Operator statistics 33.5.2 Vala900 33.5.3 iPKO 34. Slovakia 34.1 Operator statistics 34.2 T-Mobile Slovensko 34.3 Orange Slovensko 34.4 Telefónica 02 35. Slovenia 35.1 Overview 35.2 Operator statistics 35.3 Mobitel 35.4 Si.Mobil 35.5 Tus Mobil 35.6 MVNOs 35.6.1 debitel 35.6.2 Voljamobil (Izimobil) 36. Spain 36.1 Operator statistics 36.2 Telefónica Móviles 36.3 Vodafone 36.4 Orange 36.5 MVNOs 37. Sweden 37.1 Operator statistics 37.1.1 Operator market shares 37.2 Telia Mobile 37.3 Tele2 Mobile 37.4 Telenor Mobile 37.5 Hutchison 3G Sweden 37.6 MVNOs 37.7 Mobile Virtual Network Enablers (MVNEs) 38. Switzerland 38.1 Operator statistics 38.1.1 Operator market shares 38.2 Swisscom Mobile 38.2.1 Network contracts 38.3 TDC (Sunrise) 38.4 Orange 38.4.1 UMTS/3G 38.5 MVNOs 39. Ukraine 39.1 Overview 39.2 Operator statistics 39.3 Ukrainian Mobile Communications (UMC)/MTS Ukraine 39.4 Kievstar 39.5 Golden Telecom 39.6 Ukrainian Radio Systems (URS) /Beeline Ukraine 39.7 Astelit/Life:) 39.8 Ukrtelecom (Utel) 39.9 MVNOs 40. United Kingdom 

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 

40.1 Operator statistics 40.1.1 Operator market shares 40.2 Hutchison 3 40.3 O2 40.4 Vodafone 40.5 T-Mobile 40.6 Orange 40.7 MVNOs 40.7.1 Virgin Mobile 40.7.2 Carphone Warehouse 40.7.3 Other operators 41. Glossary of Abbreviations

List of Table 

Table 1 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Albania – March 2008 Table 2 – AMC financial data – 2005 - 2007 Table 3 – Vodafone Albania quarterly prepaid & postpaid ARPU & MOU – 2005 2007 Table 4 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Austria – March 2008 Table 5 – Mobile subscribers by operator (regulator data) in Austria – 2005 2007 Table 6 – Mobile termination charges by operator in Austria – 2008 - 2009 Table 7 – Mobile market share by operator in Austria – 2005 - 2008 Table 8 – Share of new subscribers by operator in Austria – 2005 - 2008 Table 9 – mobilkom austria group subscribers in Europe and Austria – 2000 2008 Table 10 – mobilkom austria group subscriber breakdown – 2005 - 2008

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Table 11 – mobilkom austria mobile financial data – 2004 - 2008 Table 12 – mobilkom austria monthly ARPU – 2004 - 2008 Table 13 – mobilkom austria mobile broadband subscribers – 2007 - 2008 Table 14 – tele.ring subscribers (historic) – 2005 Table 15 – T-Mobile Austria revenue, subscribers, ARPU – 2003 - 2008 Table 16 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Belarus – March 2008 Table 17 – MDC revenue, EBITDA and operating income – 2007 Table 18 – MDC postpaid, prepaid and blended ARPU – 2007 Table 19 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Belgium – March 2008 Table 20 – Roaming tariffs by operator in Belgium – October 2007 Table 21 – Mobile termination tariffs in Belgium – 2006 - 2008 Table 22 – Market share by operator in Belgium – 2002 - 2008 Table 23 – Market share of net adds by operator in Belgium – 2005 - 2008 Table 24 – Proximus revenue by sector – 2004 - 2008 Table 25 – Proximus subscribers and prepaid proportion – 2004 - 2008 Table 26 – Proximus ARPU and mobile market share – 2006 - 2007 Table 27 – Proximus monthly ARPU (consumer) and annual change – H1 2008 Table 28 – Mobistar subscribers, prepaid proportion – 2003 - 2008 Table 29 – Mobistar financial data and annualised ARPU – 2005 - 2008 Table 30 – BASE financial data – 2005 - 2008 Table 31 – BASE subscribers and ARPU – 2004 - 2008 Table 32 – Mobile operators, subscribers & annual change in Bosnia-Herzegovina – March 2008 Table 33 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Bulgaria – March 2008 Table 34 – MobilTel financial data – 2005 - 2007 Table 35 – MobilTel prepaid, postpaid & blended monthly ARPU – 2004 - 2007 Table 36 – GloBul financial data – 2005 - 2007 Table 37 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Croatia – March 2008 Table 38 – T-Mobile financial data – 2004 - 2007 Table 39 – VIPnet financial data – 2004 - 2007 Table 40 – VIPnet prepaid, postpaid & blended monthly ARPU – 2004 - 2007

List of Table Table 41 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Cyprus – March 2008 Table 42 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in the Czech Republic – 2007 Table 43 – Telefónica O2 MOU, ARPU and annual change – 2006 - 2007 Table 44 – T-Mobile financial and operational data – 2004 - 2007 Table 45 – Vodafone CR quarterly prepaid and postpaid ARPU and MOU – 2004 - 2007 Table 46 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Denmark – June 2008 Table 47 – Mobile subscribers by operator and market share (regulator data) in Denmark – 2007 Table 48 – UMTS outgoing traffic market share by operator in Denmark – H2 2007 Table 49 – UMTS subscribers and market share of operators in Denmark – 2006 - 2007 Table 50 – Mobile operator share of net adds in Denmark – 2006 - 2008 Table 51 – Mobile operator market share in Denmark – 2005 - 2008 Table 52 – TDC domestic subscribers (retail, wholesale, Telmore) – 2003 - 2008 Table 53 – TDC Mobile Nordic revenue – 2006 - 2008 Table 54 – Sonofon mobile subscribers and ARPU – 2004 - 2008 Table 55 – Sonofon financial data – 2005 - 2008 Table 56 – TeliaSonera (Denmark) mobile ARPU and subscribers – 2005 - 2008 Table 57 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Estonia – June 2008 Table 58 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Finland – March 2008 Table 59 – Mobile operators – ARPU (€/month) in Finland – 2004 - 2008 Table 60 – Mobile termination charges by operator in Finland – 2004; 2006; 2008 - 2009

Table 61 – Market share of subscribers by operator in Finland – 2006 - 2008 Table 62 – Market share of net adds by operator in Finland – 2006 - 2008 Table 63 – Mobile market share by operator (regulator data) in Finland – 2006 - 2008 Table 64 – TeliaSonera Finland mobile financial data – 2005 - 2008 Table 65 – TeliaSonera Finland blended ARPU – 2003 - 2008 Table 66 – TeliaSonera Finland mobile subscribers – 2002 - 2008 Table 67 – DNA financial data and monthly ARPU – 2006 - 2008 Table 68 – DNA mobile subscribers – 2007 - 2008 Table 69 – Elisa mobile financial data – 2004 - 2008 Table 70 – Elisa mobile subscribers – 2004 - 2008 Table 71 – Elisa mobile operating statistics and ARPU – 2004 - 2008 Table 72 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in France – March 2008 Table 73 – Mobile operator market share in France – 2005 - 2007 Table 74 – Mobile operator share of net adds in France – 2005 - 2008 Table 75 – Orange mobile subscribers (France) – 2005 - 2008 Table 76 – Orange annualised ARPU – 2005 - 2008 Table 77 – Orange mobile consumer revenue – 2005 - 2008 Table 78 - SFR mobile revenue and ARPU – 2004 - 2008 Table 79 - SFR subscribers – 2006 - 2008 Table 80 - Bouygues Telecom subscribers – 2005 - 2008 Table 81 - Bouygues Telecom financial data – 2005 - 2008 Table 82 – MNO, MVNO growth and MVNO market share in France – 2005 - 2008 Table 83 – Mobile service revenue by operator in Germany – 2006 Table 84 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Germany – March 2008 Table 85 – Mobile market share by operator in Germany – 2000 - 2008 Table 86 – Share of new subscribers by operator in Germany – 2006 - 2008 Table 87 – Mobile termination tariffs by operator in Germany – 2006 - 2009 Table 88 – UMTS subscribers by operator in Germany – 2006 - 2008 Table 89 – T-Mobile financial data (Germany) – 2005 - 2008 Table 90 – T-Mobile subscribers in selected European countries – 2001 - 2008 Table 91 – T-Mobile monthly ARPU (Germany) – 2005 - 2007 Table 92 – Vodafone Germany mobile subscriber statistics – 2002 - 2008 Table 93 – Vodafone Germany financial data – 2003 - 2008 Table 94 – E-Plus mobile operating and financial data – 2004 - 2008 Table 95 – E-Plus net adds – prepaid/contract – 2005 - 2008 Table 96 – O2 subscribers – contract and prepaid – 2005 - 2008 Table 97 – O2 revenue and monthly ARPU – 2006 - 2008 Table 98 – Mobilcom-freenet subscribers, revenue and monthly ARPU – 2006 - 2008 Table 99 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Greece – March 2008 Table 100 – Wind Hellas operational data – 2006 - 2007 

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Table 101 – Vodafone prepaid & postpaid monthly ARPU & MOU – 2005 - 2007 Table 102 – Cosmote financial data and annual change – 2006 - 2007 Table 103 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Hungary – 2007 Table 104 – T-Mobile financial and operational data – 2004 - 2007 Table 105 – T-Mobile churn, subscriber acquisition costs & ARPU – 2004 - 2007 Table 106 – Pannon GSM financial and operational data – 2004 - 2007 Table 107 – Vodafone Hungary average monthly prepaid, postpaid ARPU & MOU – 2005 - 2007 Table 108 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Iceland – June 2008 Table 109 – Mobile subscribers by operator (regulator data) in Iceland – 2005 - 2007 Table 110 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Ireland – March 2008 Table 111 – Mobile share of subscribers by operator in Ireland - 2005 - 2008 Table 112 – Mobile share of net adds by operator in Ireland - 2005 - 2008 Table 113 – Vodafone subscribers – 2006 - 2008 Table 114 – Vodafone ARPU: blended, prepaid and contract – 2006 - 2008 Table 115 – O2 mobile financial data – 2007 - 2008 Table 116 – O2 annualised ARPU, blended, prepaid and contract – 2006 - 2008 Table 117 – O2 subscribers – 2006 - 2008 Table 118 – Meteor Mobile subscribers – 2006 - 2008 Table 119 – Meteor Mobile revenue and annual change - 2007 - 2008 Table 120 – Meteor Mobile ARPU - 2006 - 2008 Table 121 – 3 Ireland subscribers – 2006 - 2008 Table 122 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Italy – March 2008 Table 123 – Mobile market share by operator in Italy – 2004 - 2008 Table 124 – Share of new subscribers by operator in Italy – 2005 - 2007 Table 125 – TIM mobile subscribers and traffic in minutes – 2005 - 2008 Table 126 – TIM monthly ARPU – 2005 - 2008 Table 127 – TIM revenue by sector and annual change – H1 2008 Table 128 – TIM revenue – 2005 - 2008 Table 129 – Vodafone Italy subscribers – 2001 - 2008 Table 130 – Vodafone Italy revenue – 2007 - 2008

Table 131 – Vodafone Italy prepaid, contract and blended ARPU – 2004 - 2008 Table 132 – Wind operational statistics and revenue – 2005 - 2008 Table 133 – Wind annualised mobile ARPU – 2005 - 2008 Table 134 – Wind mobile subscriber statistics – 2005 - 2008 Table 135 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Latvia – June 2008 Table 136 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Lithuania – June 2008 Table 137 – Omnitel MOU, postpaid, prepaid ARPU and churn rate – 2005 - 2007 Table 138 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Luxembourg – March 2008 Table 139 – Mobile market share by operator in Luxembourg – 2005 - 2008 Table 140 – LuxGSM mobile revenue and annual change – 2004 - 2005 Table 141 – VOXmobile subscribers, revenue, ARPU – 2006 - 2008 Table 142 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Macedonia – March 2008 Table 143 – T-Mobile MOU and ARPU – 2004 - 2007 Table 144 – T-Mobile financial data and annual change – 2004 - 2007 Table 145 – T-Mobile churn, subscriber acquisition costs & ARPU – 2004 - 2007 Table 146 – Cosmofon financial data and annual change – 2006 - 2007 Table 147 – VIP financial data – 2007 Table 148 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Malta – March 2008 Table 149 – Mobile termination rates in Malta – 2007 - 2009 Table 150 – Vodafone Malta subscribers and ARPU – 2005 - 2008 Table 151 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Moldova – March 2008 Table 152 – Mobile market revenue by operator in Moldova – 2004 - 2007 Table 153 – Mobile market ARPU by operator in Moldova – 2004 - 2007 Table 154 – Total mobile revenue by service in Moldova – 2007 Table 155 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Montenegro – March 2008 Table 156 – ProMonte financial data – 2005 - 2007 Table 157 – ProMonte monthly ARPU and monthly MOU – 2005 - 2007 Table 158 – T-Mobile MOU and ARPU – 2004 - 2007 Table 159 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in the Netherlands – March 2008 Table 160 – Operator share of mobile market revenue in the Netherlands – 2007 - 2008 Table 161 – Mobile termination tariffs in the Netherlands – 2006 - 2008 Table 162 – Market share of subscribers by operator in the Netherlands – 2006 - 2008 Table 163 – Market share of net adds by operator in the Netherlands – 2007 Table 164 – KPN mobile subscribers by country – 1998 - 2008 Table 165 – KPN Mobile consumer retail subscribers – 2006 - 2008 Table 166 – KPN mobile service revenue by operator and annual change – 2006 - 2008 Table 167 – KPN mobile market share by revenue – 2004 - 2008 Table 168 – KPN mobile market share by subscribers – 2004 - 2008 Table 169 – KPN mobile monthly ARPU – 2006 - 2008 Table 170 – Vodafone Netherlands financial data – 2007 - 2008 Table 171 – Vodafone Netherlands operating statistics – 2004 - 2008 Table 172 – T-Mobile (Netherlands) operating statistics – 2006 - 2008 Table 173 – MVNO subscribers in the Netherlands – 2005 - 2007 Table 174 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Norway – March 2008 Table 175 – Subscriber, traffic, SMS and turnover market shares by provider in Norway – 2007 Table 176 – Telenor Mobil – subscribers, prepaid, SMS and market share – 2000 - 2008 Table 177 – Telenor Mobil financial data – 2005 - 2008 Table 178 – Telenor Mobil ARPU: blended, contract and prepaid – 2004 - 2008 Table 179 – NetCom subscribers and ARPU: blended, contract and prepaid – 2002 - 2008 Table 180 – NetCom revenue – 2004 - 2008

List of Table

List of Table Table 181 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Poland – 2007 Table 182 – PTC operational data – 2005 - 2007 Table 183 – Plus financial data and annual change – 2006 - 2007 Table 184 – PTC financial and operational data – 2005 - 2007 Table 185 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Portugal – March 2008 Table 186 – Mobile operators’ market share in Portugal – 2004 - 2008 Table 187 – Mobile operators’ share of net adds in Portugal – 2005 - 2008 Table 188 – TMN subscribers, ARPU and data percentage – 2006 - 2008 Table 189 – TMN financial data – 2006 - 2008 Table 190 – Vodafone Portugal subscribers – 2006 - 2008 Table 191 – Vodafone monthly ARPU: prepaid, contract and blended – 2005 - 2008 Table 192 – Vodafone financial data – 2007 - 2008 Table 193 – Optimus mobile subscribers – 2003 - 2008 Table 194 – Optimus operational statistics – 2006 - 2008 Table 195 – Optimus financial data and annual change – 2006 - 2008 Table 196 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Romania – March 2008 Table 197 – Vodafone ARPU & MOU – 2005 - 2007 Table 198 – Orange Romania financial data and annual change – 2003 - 2007 Table 199 – Cosmorom financial data and annual change – 2006 - 2007

List of Table

Table 200 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Russia – March 2008 Table 201 – MTS financial data – 2005 - 2007 Table 202 – MTS operation data and ARPU – 2001 - 2007 Table 203 – VimpelCom ARPU, MOU and churn for active subscribers – 2001 - 2007 Table 204 – VimpelCom financial data – 2005 - 2007 Table 205 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Serbia – March 2008 Table 206 – Telenor financial data – 2006 - 2007 Table 207 – Telenor prepaid and postpaid ARPU and MOU – 2006 - 2007 Table 208 – MTS revenue breakdown – 2006 - 2007 Table 209 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Kosovo – March 2008 Table 210 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Slovakia – 2007 Table 211 – T-Mobile financial data – 2004 - 2007 Table 212 – Orange Slovensko revenue and ARPU – 2003 - 2007 Table 213 - Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Slovenia – 2007 Table 214 – Active user market share in Slovenia – 2006 - 2007 Table 215 – Si.Mobil financial data – 2004 - 2007 Table 216 – Si.Mobil prepaid, postpaid & blended monthly ARPU – 2004 - 2007 Table 217 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Spain – March 2008 Table 218 – Mobile subscribers & market share by operator (regulator data) in Spain – 2006 - 2008 Table 219 – Mobile revenue by operator (regulator data) in Spain – 2006 - 2007 Table 220 – Telefónica mobile subscribers and ARPU statistics – 2005 - 2008 Table 221 – Telefónica Móviles financial data – 2006 - 2008 Table 222 – Vodafone financial data – 2007 - 2008 Table 223 – Vodafone mobile subscribers, and ARPU statistics – 2005 - 2008 Table 224 – Orange mobile subscribers – 2005 - 2008 Table 225 – Orange mobile revenue – 2006 - 2008 Table 226 – Orange annualised ARPU by sector – 2005 - 2008 Table 227 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Sweden – June 2008 Table 228 – Market share of subscribers by operator (regulator data) in Sweden – 1999 - 2006 Table 229 – Mobile market share by operator in Sweden – 2004 - 2008 Table 230 – Share of net adds by network operator in Sweden – 2006 - 2008 Table 231 – Telia Mobile subscribers – 2002 - 2008 Table 232 – Telia Mobile blended, contract and prepaid ARPU – 2002 - 2008 Table 233 – Tele2 Mobile (Sweden) subscribers, ARPU and revenue – 2005 - 2008 Table 234 – Telenor Mobile Sweden financial data – 2004 - 2008 Table 235 – Telenor Mobile Sweden subscriber statistics and ARPU – 2004 - 2008 Table 236 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Switzerland – March 2008 Table 237 – Mobile termination charges by operator in Switzerland – 2006; 2009 Table 238 – Share of net adds by operator in Switzerland – 2005 - 2008 Table 239 – Share of subscribers by operator in Switzerland – 2005 - 2008 Table 240 – Swisscom Mobile ARPU and AMPU – 2006 - 2008

List of Charts:  

List of Charts: Exhibit 1 – Active mobile providers in Austria – 2008 Exhibit 2 – Denmark’s 3G licensing results – October 2001 Exhibit 3 - Operating MVNOs launch dates and network provider in France – Sep 2008 Exhibit 4 – 2G spectrum awarded in Lithuania Exhibit 5 – Mobile operators and spectrum allocation range in Malta – 2006 Exhibit 6 – 3G licence allocations in Malta – 2005; 2007 Exhibit 7 – 3G beauty contest licence results in Norway – 2000; 2003; 2007 Exhibit 8 – 2.6GHz licence awards in Sweden – May 2008

List of Table

Table 240 – Swisscom Mobile ARPU and AMPU – 2006 - 2008 Table 241 – Swisscom Mobile revenue – 2003 - 2008 Table 242 – Swisscom Mobile subscribers – 2006 - 2008 Table 243 – TDC Sunrise subscribers – 2004 - 2008 Table 244 – TDC Sunrise revenue and annual change – 2006 - 2008 Table 245 – Orange mobile subscribers – 2000 - 2008 Table 246 – Orange mobile revenue – 2000 - 2008 Table 247 – Orange annualised ARPU – 2003 - 2008 Table 248 – Orange data as % of revenue – 2003 - 2008 Table 249 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in Ukraine – March 2008 Table 250 – Ukrainian Mobile Communications ARPU, MOU and churn – 2003 - 2007 Table 251 – Kievstar prepaid, postpaid & blended monthly ARPU – 2004 - 2007 Table 252 – Kievstar prepaid subscribers and MOU – 2004 - 2007 Table 253 – URS monthly ARPU, MOU and churn – 2005 - 2007 Table 254 – URS financial data – 2006 - 2007 Table 255 – Mobile call revenue by operator in the UK – 2002 - 2008 Table 256 – Mobile operators, subscribers and annual change in the UK – March 2008 Table 257 – 3G subscribers by operator and annual change in the UK – 2006 - 2008 Table 258 – Mobile subscribers by operator in the UK – 2000 - 2008 Table 259 – Mobile retail revenue by operator in the UK – 2000 - 2007 Table 260 – Mobile market share by operator in the UK – 2004 - 2008 Table 261 – Share of net adds by network operator in the UK – 2005 - 2008 Table 262 – O2 financial data – 2007 - 2008 Table 263 – O2 quarterly ARPU – blended, contract, prepaid and data – 2006 - 2008 Table 264 – O2 subscribers, prepaid and contract – 2005 - 2008 Table 265 – Vodafone ARPU – blended, contract and prepaid – 2005 - 2008 Table 266 – Vodafone mobile non voice as % service revenue – 2005 - 2008 Table 267 – Vodafone 3G and live! subscribers – 2005 - 2008 Table 268 – Vodafone subscribers and proportion prepaid – 2001 - 2008 Table 269 – Vodafone Group revenue by sector and annual change – 2007 - 2008 Table 270 – T-Mobile financial data – 2005 - 2007 Table 271 – T-Mobile subscribers – 2005 - 2008 Table 272 – Orange subscribers, contract and prepaid – 2006 - 2008 Table 273 – Orange revenue – 2005 - 2008 Table 274 – Orange ARPU by category – 2006 - 2008 Table 275 – Virgin Mobile subscribers – 2005 - 2008 Table 276 – Carphone Warehouse subscribers – 2002 - 2008 Table 277 – Carphone Warehouse mobile revenue – 2006 - 2008

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