Radio Parameter Management For Mobile Operators - 061222

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Radio Parameter Management

Radio Parameter Management

ED003826 Issue 1.0

Cramer Systems Limited, all its affiliates and subsidiaries were acquired by Amdocs in August 2006. This document contains naming conventions and branding information that is in the process of transition as part of the acquisition. Accordingly, slight inconsistencies may exist within this document and/or between this document and other portions of the Cramer Amdocs OSS Division materials or other Amdocs documents. © Amdocs 2007 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or distribution other than for intended purposes is prohibited, without the prior written consent of Amdocs. Amdocs reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes in the content from time to time without notice. Amdocs may make improvements and/or changes to the product(s) and/or programs described in this document any time. The trademarks and service marks of Amdocs, including the Amdocs mark and logo, Ensemble, Enabler, Clarify, Return on Relationship, DDP/SQL, DDP/F, Intelecable, STMS, Collabrent and Intentional Customer Experience are the exclusive property of Amdocs, and may not be used without permission. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. © Cramer Systems Limited 2007 Effective Date: March 2007 Cramer and the Cramer logo, whether or not appearing with the registered symbol, are registered trademarks of Cramer Systems Limited. Any third-party products or company names referred to may be trademarks of their respective owners. This document is valid from the “Effective Date” shown and supersedes any previous issue. It contains summarized information that will be subject to periodic change and customers are advised to check with Cramer Systems that they are using the current version. Cramer Systems has made all reasonable endeavors to ensure that the statements contained within this document are accurate at the time of publication but cannot guarantee that the document is free from errors.

Radio Parameter Management using Amdocs Cramer





Mobile Operator Service Platforms ...................................................................................................6 2.1 2.2


Proposed Business Solution and Benefits.......................................................................................7 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6


2G Networks .............................................................................................................................6 3G Introduction..........................................................................................................................6 Required Business Solution......................................................................................................7 Manual and automated solutions ..............................................................................................7 Cramer Radio Parameter Management Solution......................................................................7 Validating Parameters...............................................................................................................8 Applying Parameters.................................................................................................................8 Business Process Automation ..................................................................................................9

Cramer Parameter Modeling ............................................................................................................10 4.1

Parameter Modeling................................................................................................................10 4.1.1 Parameter Dictionary ....................................................................................................10 4.1.2 Parameter Templates ...................................................................................................10 4.1.3 Parameter Instances.....................................................................................................11 4.1.4 Target Groups...............................................................................................................11 4.1.5 GUI Features ................................................................................................................11 4.1.6 Validation Framework ...................................................................................................11 4.2 Synchronisation.......................................................................................................................11 5

Solution Components .......................................................................................................................13


Business Benefits .............................................................................................................................14

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Radio Parameter Management using Amdocs Cramer


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Radio Parameter Management using Amdocs Cramer


Introduction Mobile Network operators have expanded to operate more than one radio access technology in the same geographic area, often from different vendors. This has led to difficulties in ensuring that configuration parameters are aligned between the different subsystems. Typical consequences are dropped calls due to incorrect handover parameters between 2G and 3G systems. Cramer 6 OSS Suite with the parameter management product provides the tools to model the parameter sets used to manage radio parameters within the mobile network. Synchronisation of datasets can be developed to enable validation and cross-correlation between different radio access network vendor equipment. This paper outlines how Cramer 6 OSS Suite may be used in this context and the benefits delivered.

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Radio Parameter Management using Amdocs Cramer


Mobile Operator Service Platforms


2G Networks When 2G mobile networks were first established, it was common practice to award contracts to two or more radio access network vendors, and allocate geographically separate regions for each to cover. This avoided interaction between each vendor’s networks, except at a limited boundary area. This worked well, and vendors generally included good management systems (OMC Operations and Management Centres) to handle all aspects of the radio access network configuration control. Operators would also have separate radio planning tools, which would export configuration information that was directly loaded into the OMCs and from there to the cellsites. Validation of the radio planning parameters was included in the OMC dataload, and typically operators could revert to a previous version of their parameter set.


3G Introduction At the launch of 3G, operators were disappointed with the initial capabilities of the 3G RAN OMCs. This was all the more imperative given the greater complexity of 3G radio systems, which include soft handover and a wider range of optimization and tuning. Operators need to co-ordinate configuration of radio parameters with transmission network and cellsites to ensure that radio capacity balances the transmission capacity provided to cellsites. This includes updating configurations as part of the standard rollout and upgrade processes at each cellsite and controlling RNC/switching centre. An additional problem occurs with configuration disparities between different vendors radio access networks, especially relating to handover parameters. Every 2G and 3G cellsite must be configured to broadcast a specific neighbour list, which identifies suitable handover candidates. The neighbour lists are configured independently for both 2G and 3G networks, and thus errors can creep in. Typical problems occur where:


handover candidates are geographically out of range,

where only one-way handover has been configured, or

where other potential handover candidates are not considered.

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Radio Parameter Management using Amdocs Cramer


Proposed Business Solution and Benefits


Required Business Solution Operators require to


consolidate the data parameter sets from the radio planning tool with transmission planning and inventory information

validate the parameters, identify and correct mismatches and errors

download the parameter sets into the radio network management systems

manage parameter sets to allow regional or global updates in a co-ordinated manner.

Manual and automated solutions Some operators have resorted to analyzing fault logs, to identify common patterns of handover failure and resolving the issue manually. Others have introduced systems which address only this specific issue. With service quality becoming a more important discriminator to retain customers, operators are making investments in their OSS systems to prevent rather than cure the symptoms of poor 2G/3G handover. Cramer 6 OSS Suite can be adapted to solve this issue in a structured way.


Cramer Radio Parameter Management Solution Cramer 6 OSS Suite can be directly applied to solve current business issues for Radio Parameter Management using the new Parameter Management feature. The Radio Access Network (RAN) for the specific vendor would be modeled using the technology accelerators for mobile networks combined with underlying transmission technologies and equipment used. Parameter Management Templates would then be configured for each of the core components in the radio access network, namely RNC, NodeB, BSC, BTS. A dictionary of appropriate types and permitted parameter values would be created for each RAN and include vendor specific options. Synchronisation interfaces would then be created to interwork with the OMCs for each of the Radio Access Networks (RANs) and the radio planning tools. This would create a flow through of radio parameter data from the radio planning tool, via Cramer and

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Radio Parameter Management using Amdocs Cramer

out to the OMCs. Synchronisation with the OMCs would highlight any local changes and equipment outages etc. The following architecture diagram illustrates this:

Transmission Planning

Cramer OSS Suite Sync Engine

Radio Planning Tools

Discovery Engine


2G RAN OMC Vendor 2

Delivery Engine Activation Engine


3G RAN OMC (vendor 2)

High level architecture view of radio parameter data flow


Validating Parameters With the Cramer 6 OSS Suite Inventory holding a variety of reliable information from multiple vendors’ equipment, validation processes can be put in place which will significantly increase the quality of network operation. Specifically, when updating parameter data via the Cramer GUI, then individual attributes will be checked against the values allowed for that type. Additionally, business rules can be used to check that the parameter is co-ordinated with other data within the system. Typically as a batch process, either daily or weekly overnight, synchronization and validation of parameters from the RAN can be conducted. This will highlight discrepancies and these can either be automatically resolved or flagged for manual intervention.


Applying Parameters Using the GUI tools, such as Parameter Set Bulk Operation Wizard, users can apply revised parameter sets across a complete location area. This could include areas controlled by one or more RNC’s – particularly relevant where handover and radio configuration crosses RNC boundaries.


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Radio Parameter Management using Amdocs Cramer

Once updated within the Cramer system, these new parameters can be uploaded into the NMS systems either on a real-time event basis or as a batch file update.


Business Process Automation Using TaskEngine Templates, standard business processes such as cellsite reparenting, cellsite capacity upgrade, equipment replacement and transmission expansion can be automated. During the design phase, the system will allow selection from a pre-defined set of equipment and parameter sets and ensure these are compatible for the specific application. During implementation, the parameter sets can be downloaded to the relevant NMS as part of a controlled sequence aligned with the engineering work.

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Radio Parameter Management using Amdocs Cramer


Cramer Parameter Modeling


Parameter Modeling Cramer 6 OSS Suite Release 2 includes a new capability within ResourceManager for Parameter Modeling. This includes: •

Adding a new parameter object type

Adding relationships between parameter sets and other objects

History and versioning control of parameter sets

Vendor independent and technology independent modeling tools

Where before, parameters were modeled purely as simple attributes of each object, the parameters are modeled as an object in their own right. This supports constraints on the parameter set, provision status and state transitions. It provides a basis for features such as templates, versioning and history. Configuration changes to devices to extend the set of parameters related to the device no longer require revising the meta-data models using Cramer’s offline configurator tool. Instead, end-users can manage ongoing parameter changes. More significant changes such as updating the device model or configuration rules would require the configurator tool. The management tools for parameter sets include bulk application and updates:


By type of parameter set

By relationship; for example to equipment type or geographic region

Parameter Dictionary A parameter dictionary can be created that is telco or technology specific. This defines particular types of parameters each with their own constraints, such as valid ranges or strings.


Parameter Templates A template can be created which would contain a set of default parameters including types defined in the parameter dictionary for this application. The template also specifies which parameters in the set can be edited and updated.


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Radio Parameter Management using Amdocs Cramer


Parameter Instances Many instances of a specific template can be created, resulting in pre-populated parameter set with default values that can be edited and modified for that specific instance.


Target Groups Parameter Sets can be associated with specific regions or location areas. This allows regional or departmental variations for the default values. Users can then choose from a limited set of parameter set templates when creating parameter instances in that area. Additionally, parameter sets can be imposed as a bulk update for an associated region. Thus all RNCs in SouthWest region could be updated with a new revision of parameters in a controlled update program.


GUI Features The Graphical User Interface (GUI) features associated with Parameter Sets includes: •

Parameter Set Wizard

Bulk Parameter Set Wizard

Parameter Set Homepage

Parameter Set Version Homepage

Parameter Variations WebReport

These additional user operation utilities provide an easy and powerful toolkit to enter, manage and configure parameter sets and associated configurations.


Validation Framework By holding parameter sets from different external systems within a common inventory, useful correlation and validation can take place. A validation framework is included which enables:


Parameter Definition checks and callouts

Parameter Set callouts

Validation reports

Synchronisation Cramer 6 SyncEngine can be used to synchronise parameter sets in an efficient rd manner and can optimize/rationalize interworking with 3 party systems.

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Radio Parameter Management using Amdocs Cramer

This requires data models of the vendor’s specific equipment including card and device configuration rules, ports used for transmission, and radio configuration parameters. SyncEngine has been proven in the field to operate with high volumes of data and can be implemented either to work in batch mode (eg overnight) or event driven.


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Radio Parameter Management using Amdocs Cramer


Solution Components Operators who are already using the Cramer OSS suite can add the radio parameter management functionality by: •

Upgrading to Cramer 6, if this is not already installed

Adding the Parameter Management product

Adding a discovery adaptor to upload configuration information directly from the Radio Access Network management systems. A separate discovery pack will be required for each vendor’s 2G and 3G systems.

Adding an activation adaptor to download configuration information into the RAN management systems. A separate activation pack will be required for each vendor’s 2G and 3G systems.

Optionally adding a sync adaptor interface to direct import the radio planning parameters from the radio planning tool.

Operators who do not already use the Cramer OSS suite would additionally require a minimum of: •

Resource Manager

It is strongly recommended to purchase TaskEngine, RouteFinder during the initial stages.

Customisation during deployment for both options would include modification of task engine templates to implement the specific business rules when validating parameters. This is very much dependent on the specific operator’s preferences and can relatively easily be incorporated into business rules used.

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Radio Parameter Management using Amdocs Cramer


Business Benefits There is continuous pressure on operations departments to delivery higher quality of service at the same time as greater efficiency and effectiveness. By using Cramer to co-ordinate Radio Parameter Management, several goals are met:


Fewer dropped calls due to mismatched handover parameters

Higher achieved capacity from existing equipment because of improved validation of configuration parameters

Single point of control for versioned parameter sets, which reduces time to rollback any faulty configuration changes

More information about network performance when assessing faults, thus improving Service Assurance levels.

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Cramer, Amdocs OSS Division Cramer House The Square Lower Bristol Road Bath United Kingdom BA2 3BH Tel: +44 (0) 1225 471300 Fax: +44 (0) 1225 471301

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