Etymology Of Rtu (season)

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9 Apr

தமிழ் etymology of Rthu (season) what is the etymological root for the word Rthu? (season)

11 Apr delete

రవి వరరో The Skt word ऋतःु(Season) is derived from the Tamil word Iruthu (which means season of 2 months as 12 months is devided into 6 ऋतःु) iḻ,-இரு adj. Two, both ఇరు (p. 0138) [ iru ] iru. [Tel. cognate with రెండు.] adj. Two, both. ఇరుకెలకులు or ఇరుగడ both sides. ఇరుగోరు both shares, the whole, the gross crop. ఇరుచకిక్both sides. ఇరుచాళల్ దుకిక్a second ploughing. ఇరుతిగ or ఇతిత్ గ six at dice: ఇరుతూము or ఇదుద్ ము two bushels. See తూము. ఇరుదెసల on both sides. ఇరునాలుగు twice four. ఇరువది or అరువై or అరవై twice ten. అరు on both sides, from side to side. ఇరువురు or ఇరుగురు both persons. இரு->இருைம² irumai , n. < இரண்டு. 1. Twofold state; இருதன்ைம. அருவதா யுருவா யிருைமயாயுைற பூரணன் (கந்தபு. ததீசிப். 57). 2. Two things; இரு ெபாருள். இருைம வைகெதரிந்து (குறள், 23). 3. This birth and the future birth, this life and the life to come; இம்ைம மறுைமகள். (கம்பரா. அேயாத். மந்திர. 63.) இரு->இரண்டு iraṇṭu , n. [T. reṇḍu, K. iraḍu, M. raṇḍu, Tu. raḍḍu.] 1. Two; 2 என்னும் எண். 2. A few; சில. இரண்டுநாைளச் சுற்றேம யிரங் கல் ேவண்டா (சீவக. 270). இரு->இருது irutu : 1. Season of two months. இருதிள ேவனி ெலரிகதி ரிடபத்து (மணி. 11, 40). இருது irutu->ऋतःु [ऋ-त-ु िकच्च Uṇ1.71] 1 A season, period of the year, commonly reckoned to be six; िशिशरश्च वसन्तश्च गर्ीष्मो वषाःर् शरिद्धमः; sometimes only five; िशिशर and िहम or हे मन्त being counted together; cf. पञ्चतर्वो हे मन्तिशिशरयोः समासेन Ait. Br. वसन्तश्चैतर्वैशाखौ ज्येष्ठाषाढौ च गर्ीष्मकौ । वषार् शर्ावणभादर्ाभ्यां शरदिश्वनकाितर्कौ ॥ मागर्पौषौ च हे मन्तः िशिशरो माघफाल्गन ु ौ ॥ गोरक्षसंिहता. -2 An epoch, a period, any fixed or appointed time.

11 Apr delete

రవి వరరో so far as puberty is concerned, the word ऋतु is derived from the tamil word irutu இரு² iru , adj. < இரு-ைம. 1. Great, spacious, vast; ெபரிய. மாயிரு ஞாலம் (குறள், 999). 2. Black; கரிய. இருமலர்க் குவைள யுண்கண் (சீவக. 1171). இரு->இருது irutu: 1. Catamenia; மகளிர் பூப்பு. 2. The first menstrual discharge; முதற் பூப்பு. Cf:ெபரியவள் periyavaḷ , n. < ெபரு-ைம. 1. Elderly woman; வயது முதிரிந்தவள். 2. A girl who has attained puberty; இருதுவானவள். இருது irutu->ऋतःु1 Menstruation, courses, menstrual discharge. -2 A period favourable for conception; वरमत ु ु नैवािभगमनम ् Pt.1; ऋतःु स्वाभािवकः स्तर्ीणां रातर्यः षोडश स्मत ृ ष ृ ाः Ms.3.46,9.7; Y.1.11,79. -3 Any fit season or right time. Skt could not explain the etymology of ऋतु with reference to ऋ I. 1 P. 1 To go, move;. -2 To rise, tend towards. - 1 To go. -2 To move, shake. -3 To obtain, gain, acquire, reach, meet with. -4 To move, excite, raise (as voice, words &c.) -5 To display. -III. 5 P. 1 To injure, hurt. -2 To attack. -Caus. (अपर्यित, आिपर्पत ्, अिपर्त) 1 To throw, cast, fling; fix or implant in; हृिद शल्यमिपर्तम ् R.8.87. -2 To put or place on, fix upon, direct or cast towards (as the eye &c.); वामतर्कोष्ठािपर्तहे मवेतर्ः Ku.3.41; Ś.6.5,17,3.26; R.17. 79; Ś.6.8; Bk.5.9; Ku.6.11; R.15.77; Bg.8.7, 12.14; करपल्लवािपर्त Śi.9.54. -3 To place in, insert, give, set or place; अपथे पदमपर्यिन्त िह R.9.74,78; िचतर्ािपर्ताम ् Ś.6.15 drawn in a picture; R.2.31; द्वारदे शे Amaru. 62; V.4.35; Mu.7.6; Bh.3.18; लोकोत्तरं चिरतमपर्यित पर्ितष्ठाम ् R. G. -4 To hand or make over; give to, give in charge of, consign, deliver; इित सत ू स्याभरणान्यपर्यित Ś.1,4. 19; Bk.8.118; Y.2.65. -5 To give up, sacrifice (as the inherent sense); अतर् किलङ्गगङ्गाशब्दौ आत्मानमपर्यतः S. D.2. -6 To give back, restore; अिपर्तपर्कृितकािन्तिभमर्ख ु ःै R.19.1; Bk.15.16; Amaru.94; Ms.8.191; Y.2. 169. -7 To pierce through, perforate, penetrate.

13 Apr

Ramakrishnan In Vedic cosmology Rta was the natural order of things.. the "rhythm" of nature. The Rt-vij was the person who sacrificed "in time", or in accordance with the established rhythm of nature, the proper times for the performance of yajna Rtu, a closely related word deriving from the same root as Rta (and very likely a cognate of english "rhythm") denotes the season (nature's annual cycle, the appointed times). Six seasons are named in classical literature: 1. varsha - the rains (comprising the months of Shravana and Bhadrapada, mid-July to midSept). Name derived from root vRs (to rain). The years were counted from one rainy season to another, the phrase "varshA varsham" (rains to rains/ year after year) is common in the south. In eastern Indic, this may be called barsha (not too sure). 2. sharada - the autumn (comprising months of Aswina and Kartika, mid-Sept to midNovember).

3. Haimanta - the snowy season/winter (from root hima, "snow") - comprising the months of Agrahayana (i.e Margashirsha) and Pausha, mid-Nov to mid-January 4. Shishira - the cool dewy (pre-spring) season, comprising the months of magha and phalguna (mid-January to mid-march) 5. Vasanta - the spring, comprising the months of Chaitra and Vaisakha (mid-March to midmay) 6. Grishma - the summer, comprising the months of Jyaishta and Ashada (mid-May to midJuly)

13 Apr delete

రవి వరరో <> Rita is no way relates to Ritu. The meaning for Rita is not Time or season. ऋत ṛta ऋत a. [ऋ-क्त] 1 Proper, right. -2 Honest, true; सवर्मेतदृतं मन्ये यन्मां वदिस केशव Bg.1.14; Ms.8.82. -3 Worshipped, respected. -4 Bright, luminous (दीप्त) -5 Gone, risen, moved, affected by; सख ु ेन ऋतः = सख ु ातःर् ऋते च तत ृ ीयासमासे Vārt. on P.VI.1.89; so दःुखः˚, काम˚. -तम ् ind. Rightly, properly. -तः 1 A sacrifice. -2 The sun (n. also). -तम ् (Not usually found in classical literature) 1 A fixed or settled rule, law (religious). -2 Sacred custom, pious action. यस्तनोित सतां सेतम े ामत ु त ृ न ृ योिनना Mb.12.47.49. -3 Divine law, divine truth. -4 Absolution. मत्यानाम र् त िमच्छताम ् Bhāg.1.16.7. -5 Water; सत्यं त्वा ऋतेन पिरिषञ्चािम. -6 Truth (in general), ृ right; ऋतं विदष्यािम T. Up.1.1.1. ऋतानत ृ े Ms.1.29, 2.52,8.61,14. -7 Truth (personified as an object of worship; in later Sanskrit regarded as a child of Dharma). -8 Livelihood by picking or gleaning grains in a field (as opposed to the cultivation of ground); ऋतम ञ् ु च्छिशलं वत्त ृ म् Ms.4.4. -9 The fruit of an action; एकं चकर्ं वतर्ते द्वादशारं षण्णािभमेकाक्षमत स्य धारणम Mb.1.3. 62. -1 ् ृ Agreeable speech; ऋतं च सन ा वाणी किविभः पिरकीितर् त ा Bhāg.11.19.38. -11 N. of an Āditya. -12 ू त ृ The Supreme Spirit. (In the Vedas ऋत is usually interpreted by Sāyaṇa to mean 'water', 'sun' or 'sacrifice', where European scholars take it in the sense of 'divine truth', 'faith' &c.).

17 Apr

Ramakrishnan Rita is no way relates to Ritu When did you become an authority?

17 Apr


18 Apr delete

రవి వరరో <> rhythm, c.1557, from L. rhythmus "movement in time," from Gk. rhythmos "measured flow or movement, rhythm," related to rhein "to flow," from PIE base *sreu- "to flow" (see rheum). In M.L., rithmus was used for accentual" PIE word*Sreu (to flow) very much relates to SKt. Rtu or Rtu(season)? <> what is that root, according to you?

18 Apr

Ramakrishnan The PIE root is *arRtu and Rta are cognates to Avestan ratu, Latin artus, Germanic reeht, English right. The year is the time wheel of the cosmic order (rta) having 12 spokes (months) classified into the 6 rtus (seasons). In my understanding, I would connect the word vrata (law/rule/will/vow) with Rta. The lord of the cosmic order (and seasons) is varuNa (to a lesser extent mitra). In the mitanni (Sattiwaja's) treaty with Suppiluliuma, varuna's name is rightly invoked as the protector of vows/rta as uaruna, as it should have been in vedic (cf. Latin Uranus, Greek Ouranos)

21 Apr delete

రవి వరరో <> <> The etymology for Rtu could not be explained by Skt. The etymological explanation shifts to PIE Root *ar.

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