English 3 - 4.docx

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  • Words: 1,261
  • Pages: 6
PERTEMUAN KE-3 Eating problems that occur in children can be caused by several causes, such as: - Start to have an appetite for the taste of food: When a child begins to be able to distinguish the taste of food, they will be picky about food based on the taste they like. - Children who consume too many snacks, sweets, etc. make children never really hungry, so when given solid food / main food, they will refuse. Parents must limit children to snack consumption and prioritize basic food so that nutritional needs are met. - Or caused by disease Tips for Overcoming Difficulty to Eat Children: - Create a food menu to keep it delicious and likeable to children, of course, while paying attention to the nutritional intake of these foods that contain enough nutrients to support growth. - Vary food dishes for children, use unique and interesting food equipment, so they will not get bored quickly. - Create a pleasant dining atmosphere for children, by avoiding arguments or conflicts during meals. - If the child has a eating problem because of a physical illness, then find out specifically whether it includes chronic or acute disease. Eating problems can also be caused by children experiencing psychological disorders. For example, by threatening or punishing if your child does not want to eat. Eating disorders can also appear as an act of resistance from children. When this happens, parents should approach the child, such as taking the child to the playground or praising him for being strong if he wants to eat.

PATIENT Appetite decreases it turns out not only against the background of psychological factors or mood. However, it can also be caused by the presence of dangerous diseases that reside in the body. One disease that is often associated as a cause of reduced appetite is Chronic Kidney Failure. Damaged kidneys will lose the ability to filter metabolic remnants, one of which is amino acids. This amino acid pile will interfere with the appetite control system in the brain,

so people tend not to feel hungry and appetite decreases. The thing to note is to limit the amount of fluid entering the body because the kidneys filter blood and water, and provide adequate protein consumption. As an initial treatment, try to prioritize the foods you like so you can eat more vigorously and eat small portions.

Masalah makan yang terjadi pada anak dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor penyebab, seperti: - Mulai memiliki selera pada rasa makanan: Ketika seorang anak mulai bisa membedakan rasa makanan, mereka akan pilih-pilih makanan berdasarkan rasa yang mereka sukai. - Anak yang terlalu banyak mengonsumsi snack, manisan, dll menjadikan anak tidak pernah benar-benar lapar, sehingga ketika diberikan makanan padat/makanan utama, mereka akan menolak. Orang tua harus membatasi anak dalam mengonsumsi snack dan mengutamakan makanan pokoknya agar kebutuhan nutrisi tercukupi. - Karena sakit Tips Mengatasi Anak Susah Makan: -

Kreasikan menu makanan agar tetap enak dan disukai anak-anak, tentunya dengan tetap memperhatikan asupan gizi pada makanan tersebut yang mengandung nutrisi cukup untuk mendukung pertumbuhan.


Variasikan hidangan makanan pada anak, gunakan perlatan makanan yang unik dan menarik, sehingga mereka tidak akan cepat bosan.


Buat suasana makan yang menyenangkan bagi anak, dengan menghindari argumen atau konflik pada jam makan.


Jika anak mengalami masalah makan karena adanya penyakit fisik, maka cari tahu secara spesifik apakah termasuk penyakit kronis atau akut.

Masalah makan juga bisa disebabkan karena anak mengalami gangguan psikologis. Misal, dengan mengancam atau menghukum bila si kecil tidak mau makan. Gangguan makan juga bisa muncul sebagai aksi perlawanan dari anak. Saat hal ini terjadi, seharusnya orang tua melakukan pendekatan terhadap si anak seperti misalnya mengajak anak ke taman bermain atau memujinya agar menjadi kuat jika mau makan.

PASIEN Nafsu makan berkurang ternyata bukan hanya dilatarbelakangi faktor psikologis atau mood. Namun, dapat disebabkan juga oleh adanya penyakit-penyakit berbahaya yang bersemayam di tubuh. Salah satu penyakit yang sering dikaitkan sebagai penyebab nafsu makan berkurang adalah Gagal Ginjal Kronis. Ginjal yang rusak akan kehilangan kemampuan untuk menyaring sisa-sisa metabolisme, salah satunya asam amino. Tumpukan asam amino ini akan

mengganggu sistem kontrol nafsu makan di otak, sehingga orang cenderung tidak merasa lapar dan nafsu makan berkurang. Hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah membatasi jumlah cairan yang masuk ke dalam tubuh karena ginjal memfilter darah dan air, serta memberikan konsumsi protein yang cukup. Sebagai penanganan awal, cobalah mengutamakan makanan yang disukai agar bisa makan dengan lebih semangat dan makanlah dalam porsi kecil-kecil.

PERTEMUAN KE-4 Eating Disorders describe illnesses that are characterized by irregular eating habits and severe distress or concern about body weight or shape. Eating disturbances may include inadequate or excessive food intake which can ultimately damage an individual’s well-being. The most common forms of eating disorders include Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder and affect both females and males. Eating Disorders are complex disorders, influenced by a facet of factors. Though the exact cause of eating disorders is unknown, it is generally believed that a combination of biological, psychological, and/or environmental abnormalities contribute to the development of these illnesses. Examples of biological factors include: - Irregular hormone functions - Genetics (the tie between eating disorders and one’s genes is still being heavily researched, but we know that genetics is a part of the story). - Nutritional deficiencies Examples of psychological factors include: - Negative body image - Poor self-esteem Examples of environmental factors that would contribute to the occurrence of eating disorders are: - Dysfunctional family dynamic - Professions and careers that promote being thin and weight loss, such as ballet and modeling - Aesthetically oriented sports, where an emphasis is placed on maintaining a lean body for enhanced performance. Examples include: Diving, Ballet, Gymnastics, and Long distance running - Family and childhood traumas: childhood sexual abuse, severe trauma - Cultural and/or peer pressure among friends and co-workers - Stressful transitions or life changes

Treatment for an Eating Disorder: - The highest concern in the treatment of eating disorders is addressing any health issues that may have been a consequence of eating disordered behaviors. - Weight restoration and stabilization, guidance for normal eating, and the integration of an individualized meal plan. - Different forms of psychotherapy, such as individual, family, or group, can be helpful in addressing the underlying causes of eating disorders. - Some medications may be effective in helping resolve mood or anxiety symptoms that can occur with an eating disorder or in reducing binge-eating and purging behaviors. Eating Disorder Articles: - Anorexia kills people. In fact, this disease enjoys the highest fatality rate of any psychiatric disorder. In the case of a celebrity death, the media provides coverage. Perhaps the first recognized case was that of Karen Carpenter in the early 8Os. An anorexic who relied on ipecac for vomiting, she died of heart failure. Years later, she was followed by Christina Renee Henrich, a world-class gymnast who died in 1994. - There is a close relationship between anxiety and all types of eating disorders. One study found that 64% of the 674 anorexic and bulimic participants had a diagnosable anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. - Female Athlete Triad Syndrome is a dangerous illness that can cause women who are extreme in their sports to have lifelong health concerns. In some instances, an athlete may need to take a temporary break from her sport in order to allow the necessary time for healing. While this is not always the case, many athletes may need to give themselves sufficient time to recuperate from the damage that may have occurred due to over-exercising and/or training.

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