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AUSTRIA INFO Round trip 2010




Practical Tips Welcome to Austria! In order for you to be well prepared at all times, we have put together important facts and tips to help make your stay in Austria as pleasant as possible, including links and telephone numbers for your reference. About Austria

or city breaks is from April to October. The


Savouring delicious Austrian wines


Riegersburg fortress in Styria


Discovering Austria along numerous cycling


The Wachau valley - World Cultural Heritage Site

Credit Cards

Form of government: Republic

peak season for summer holidays includes

Credit cards are accepted in many hotels, res-

Surface area: 83.858 km2

the months July and August. The best time for

taurants, shops. It is recommendable, however,

Population: 8.3 million

winter holidays is from December to March.

to check before whether your credit card is

Official language: German

Temperatures: In summer up to 35°C, in winter

accepted. Outside of banks, you can withdraw

Provinces: Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria,

up to -20°C, average temperatures lie at about

cash with your cash or credit cards at many

Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tirol, Vorarlberg,

20°C in summer and 0°C in winter.

cash dispensers everywhere in Austria.

Vienna Currency, Foreign Exchange

Frontier Formalities

The unit of currency in Austria is the Euro.

Austria is a member of the European Union and

1 € is 100 cents. There are banknotes to the value

the Schengen Treaty. EU citizens need only an

Austria is located in a temperate climatic zone.

of € 5, 10, 20, 200 and 500, and coins to the

official identification card for entry into Austria;

Due to the topographical diversity and the

value of 1 and 2 € and fractional currency to the

nationals of other states should inquire about

relatively large West-East expanse, there are

value of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents. Foreign

entry requirements to Austria for their respective

three different climatic regions:

currency may be exchanged at all banks at the

country before starting the journey. There are

Climate and Travel Times

East: Pannonian climate with a continental

official rate fixed by the Vienna Stock Exchange.

no border controls between Schengen states.

influence – low precipitation, hot summers but

Currency exchange offices at railway stations

Travellers must, however, carry along their

only moderately cold winters.

and airports charge an additional “handling

identification cards. Children must have their

Alpine Regions: Alpine climate – high precipita-

fee”. Currencies not listed on the Vienna Stock

own passports or be registered in one of their

tion (except for inner alpine valley regions such as

Exchange are traded at free market rates. Most

parent’s passports. Foreign nationals need no

the upper Inntal), short summers, long winters.

travel agencies and hotels also have change.

customs documents for their own cars when

Rest of the country: transient climate influenced

The import of cash money exceeding € 10,000

driving to Austria. Recognition is accorded to

by the atlantic currents (in the west) and a

or the relevant value of another currency has to

most driving licenses and registration docu-

continental climate in the south-east. Before

be registered with the customs office.

ments issued in other countries. Motor vehicles

undertaking tours in the mountains, you should

Banking Hours in Austria:

must be covered by third-party insurance.

inform yourself on weather conditions, danger of

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:

The following internet website offers information

avalanches or route conditions. The warnings of

8:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m.

on passport and visa regulations in Austria:

local inhabitants should be heeded!

Thursday: 8:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and

www.aussenministerium.at (citizen’s service,

Travel Times: The best time for hiking holidays

1:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

consulate service/passport and visa section).

© S T E I E R M A R K T O U R I S M U S / W W W. I K A R U S . C C , W W W. B I G S H O T. AT

Capital: Vienna



Dogs and cats: Requirements: From EU-

nearly all mountain roads are fitted with guard-

Toll sticker for one year (2010):

countries an EU-pet pass, from non EU-states a

rails. On steep downhill gradients it is important


valid veterinary certificate and a rabies vaccina

to engage a low gear in due time.

Automobiles and motorhomes € 76.20

€ 30.40

- tion that has been performed at least 30 days before entering the country, but no longer than

Between 1 November and 15 April passenger

2-month sticker:

one year in advance (certificate must be in

vehicles may only be driven in wintry conditions


German or a with an officially certified German

if all four wheels are fitted with winter tyres or at

Automobiles and motorhomes € 22.90

translation). Every animal must have a clearly

least one axle is fitted with snow chains.

€ 11.50

10-day sticker:

identifiable tattoo or be marked with a microchip. Dogs must be muzzled and on a leash in public

The Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle and Tour-



ing Club (ÖAMTC) as well as the Austrian Motor-

Automobiles and motorhomes € 7.90

€ 4.50

ist and Cyclist Association (ARBÖ) have set up Customs: EU nationals are subject to the rules

over 100 rental facilities for snow chains in all

Infringements of the toll regulation will be

and regulations of the European Union. A valid

federal provinces.

punished with an additional charge of up to € 120 or – in cases of non-payment – an

passport assures admission for three months for citizens from non-EU countries. Nationals

Owning an emergency vest and wearing it in the

administrative fine (€ 400– € 4,000). The toll

of non-EU countries may bring with them duty

event of a breakdown or when stepping out of

stickers may be purchased abroad at automobile

free “personal travel requisites”, i.e. such

the vehicle onto the carriageway is compulsory.

clubs, at petrol stations and stores near the Austrian border; in Austria the stickers are

articles as are required for their personal use or consumption or for their professional activities.

Automobile clubs:

available at the automobile clubs ÖAMTC und

It is recommended to obtain information

ÖAMTC: Schubertring 1–3, 1010 Wien

ARBÖ as well as at post offices, tobacco shops

from the respective authorities at airports

Tel. +43 1 71199-0, [email protected],

and petrol stations. www.vignette.at

and railway stations. Further information can

www.oeamtc.at Vehicles weighing more than the maximum

also be obtained from www.bmf.gv.at/zoll/ InformationenfrReisende For more information on customs regulations in

ARBÖ: Mariahilfer Straße 180, 1150 Wien

permitted weight of 3.5 tons must be equipped

Tel. +43 1 89121-7, [email protected],

with the GO-Box. When passing the tollbooths



Austria visit www.austria.info Hints for Motorists

the length of the route subject to toll is measured automatically and the toll charge is

Motorways subject to toll:

deducted directly from a pre-paid credit (pre-

Austria’s motorways and motorroads (also

pay) or charged to a debit, credit or tank card

In general, Austrian traffic regulations and traffic

city motorways) are subject to toll. The toll is

(post-pay). The GO-Box is available at numerous

signals are similar to those in force in other

effected by purchasing a sticker that has to be

motorway service areas in all of Austria.

European countries.

attached to the windscreen (top-centre or top


left). Traffic lights first blink green 4 times before turning orange and then red. The edges of



A toll is charged on the following mountain

Permissible alcohol limit: 0,5 ‰. Drunken

The ÖAMTC and ARBÖ automobile clubs operate

pass roads:

driving is punishable by a fine and confiscation

a 24-hour emergency breakdown service, which

of the driving license.

may be utilised by anyone (non-members must

Arlberg Road Tunnel:


Brenner Autobahn:


Felbertauern Road:

€ 10.00

Gerlos Road:

pay a fee). Children under 1.50 m are required to sit in child car seats. www.autokindersitz.at

Traffic news is broadcast on the full and

Grossglockner High Alpine Road: € 28.00

The wearing of seatbelts is obligatory. When

Antenne radio stations. Serious hold-ups, e.g.

Pyrhn Autobahn (Gleinalm Tunnel): €


driving two-wheeled vehicles the wearing of

accidents, traffic jams are reported on local

Pyhrn Autobahn (Bosrucktunnel): €


helmets is obligatory.

radio stations in the transmission range. In

half hour after the news on the Ö3 and


Tauern Autobahn:


Karawanken Autobahn:


case of a serious emergency (e.g. driver on the Talking on the phone while driving is only

wrong carriageway) radio programmes will be

permissible with a handsfree system.


Nockalm Road:

€ 14.00

Silvretta High Alpine Road:

€ 11.50


€ 13.00

Limited parking zones (“blue zones”) in cities

Further information on road conditions, traffic

Villacher Alpenstraße

€ 13.00

and towns: parking time here is between 30

service and much more is available at

minutes and 3 hours and is marked as such at


Speed Limits:

the beginning of the zones. Parking clocks can

Automobiles and Motorcycles:

be obtained at tobacconists’ shops and must be

Emergency numbers:


130 km/h

clearly displayed on the inside of the windscreen.

Fire brigades:

Country Roads

100 km/h

In town

50 km/h

(in Graz generally 30 km/h; on priority lanes 50 km/h)

In some towns there is a charge for parking

Euro-emergency number:


vouchers which can be obtained at banks, petrol



stations, tobacconists’ shops and at vending

ÖAMTC emergency breakdown service: 120

machines, since there is a fee for parking in Automobiles with trailers of over 750 kg:

limited parking zones. Limited parking is free



100 km/h

of charge for 10 minutes but must be marked


Country Roads

100 km/h

as such (these vouchers can be obtained where


In town

50 km/h


parking vouchers are sold).


emergency breakdown service: 123 Doctor-on-call:


Traffic accidents involving injury to persons must immediately be reported to the police or constabulary; accidents involving material damage must only be reported when mutual identity has not been established. Please use


The Albertina in Vienna

the Comité Européen des Assurances form for


Performance of the Spanish Riding Scholl at Vienna‘s Hofburg

report on damage.




Salzburg, the festival city

connected with the entire European railway


Scene from the famous „Jedermann“ performance at Salzburg‘s Domplatz

network. The Austrian Federal Railways have

Austria is connected to the world flight network

introduced an hourly or two-hourly intercity

through the Austrian Airlines Group and most

Rushing waterfalls are frequent in Alpine regions

service on all major routes.

foreign air companies. The airports Wien-

10 Drinking water directly from the mountain spring

Schwechat, Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Linz Fare reductions: Fare reductions for travelling

and Salzburg have international connections. The

to Austria are offered in all Central European

City Airport Train (CAT) takes you directly from

countries. Children up to 6 years of age travel

Wien-Schwechat into town to Wien Mitte (U3/

free of charge, children up to 15 years of

U4-Station Wien Landstrasse) in just 16 minutes

In Austria only unleaded petrol can be obtained:

age pay only 50% of the fare. In Austria the

(EUR 8.–). There is also a regular bus service

Regular-grade (91 octane), EURO-SUPER (95

VORTEILSCARD (of which there are various

into town (EUR 6.–): Vienna–Schwedenplatz

octane), Super Plus (98 octane) Diesel, Liquefied

kinds) as well as packages for group travel offer

(20 min.), Vienna– UNO City (20 min.), Vienna–

Petroleum Gas. For older cars without a catalytic

further reductions.

Südbahnhof (25 min.), Vienna–Westbahnhof


converter an additive is available at gas stations.

(35 min.). The Schnellbahn S7 also operates EuroCity trains always have dining cars, national

between the airport, Wien-Mitte and Wien-Nord

trains have dining cars or a mobile service with

to Floridsdorf (EUR 3.–).

In the larger cities taxis are provided with officially

snacks and drinks. Night trains have sleeping

Flight information, Vienna Airport,

controlled meters. An extra charge is made in

cars and couchettes.

Tel. +43 1 7007-2231, -2232.

Taxis and Car Hire


Vienna for luggage weighing more than 20 kg. In smaller towns fixed charges for certain destinations

There are auto transport trains between Vienna

apply. Fares for overland journeys are agreed

and Villach, Vienna and Salzburg, Vienna and

upon beforehand. For taxi rides from Vienna to the

Innsbruck, Vienna and Feldkirch, Vienna and

airport, ordering airport taxis that offer fixed rates

Lienz, Vienna and Schwarzach- St. Veit as well

There are steamer services on the Danube (from

is advisable. Car rental firms have offices at all air-

as between Graz and Feldkirch and Villach and

mid April to end of October) and on all the larger

ports, large railway stations and in the cities (SIXT,

Feldkirch. It is advisable to obtain route and

Austrian lakes (from May to end of September).

AVIS, HERTZ, ARAC, EUROPCAR, interRent etc).

schedule information in advance as these vary

Speedboat traffic on the Danube, Danube

according to season.

cruises run within Austria as well as to other

www.austrian.com By Steamer

countries along the Danube. Special services for

By Coach Austria has an extensive public bus transporta-

Car ferries: through the Tauern Tunnel

group travel. www.ddsg-blue-danube.at,

tion network. For detailed information please call

(Böckstein-Mallnitz, 8 km). Transport every 50


the Central Bus Information in Vienna:

minutes. Detailed information is available on the

Tel. +43 1 71101.

internet at www.oebb.at, at the ticket counters

By Mountain Transportation

of the Austrian Federal Railways, travel agencies

Approximately 3,300 mountain railways, cable

and automobile clubs as well as the Central

cars, chair lifts and T-bars are operating in

The Austrian Federal Railway network covers

Railway Information in Vienna

Austria’s mountainous districts, some of them

a total of about 5,800 km and is directly

(Tel. +43 51717).

reaching heights of 3,000 m and more.

By Rail

© W W W.S A L Z B U R G . I N F O


By Air



Camping and Caravaning

Restaurants and taverns

Austria’s 20,000 hotels and accommodations

Austria has an extensive network of camping

Lunch is served between 11.30 a.m. and 2:00

with a total of 690,000 beds are top standard.

sites. Detailed camping information is available

p.m.; dinner from 6:00 p.m. onwards. Many

The classification of hotels (* to *****) is

at the branch offices of the Austrian National

establishments serve warm meals all day as

subject to strict regular controls. There are

Tourist Office, www.austria.info, the automobile

well. When satisfied with the service, it is

also numerous private rooms to rent. Hotel

clubs, the regional tourist boards of the nine

customary to give a tip amounting to approx.

indexes and price lists or hotel catalogues are

federal provinces, as well as at the:

5–10 % of the bill.

available at the offices of the Austrian National

Camping- und Caravaningclub Austria (CCA),

Tourist Office, www.austria.info, the tourism

Mariahilfer Straße 180, 1150 Wien,

organizations of the federal provinces as well as

Tel. +43 1 89121-222, Fax +43 1 89121-274,

Drinking water has a special value in Austria;

in individual localities.

[email protected], www.cca-camping.at,

tap water here is of outstanding quality. Austria

and at the Österreichischen Campingclub (ÖCC),

draws its drinking water from ground and spring

Schubertring 1–3, 1010 Wien,

water. Vienna, for example, is well known for its

29,000 farmhouses with a total of 300,000 beds

Tel. +43 1 7136151, Fax +43 1 71199-2754,

mountain spring water.

offer farmhouse holidays.

[email protected], www.campingclub.at.

Farmhouse Holidays

For more information contact the Holiday




Drinking Water


Specialists “Farmhouse Holidays”

A Carnet de Passage (customs document) is

Shopping hours in Austria vary according to

Tel. +43 662 880 202,

not required for mobile homes. At many sites

region and industry. Usually the opening times

Fax +43 662 880 202-3,

reductions are granted to children as well as

are Monday–Friday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or

[email protected],

to members of the FICC, the AIT and FIA upon

7:00 p.m. (some shops close for a lunch break),

www.UrlaubamBauernhof.at, the offices of the

presentation of the “International Camping

on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 or

Austrian National Tourist Office, www.austria.info,

Card”. The usual international taxes are

1:00 p.m. (in larger cities and tourist resorts

or the provincial regional tourist boards.

collected for camping automobiles and trailers.

until 5:00 or 6:00 p.m.). In tourist regions some

Camping outside the camping sites requires the

shops are also open Sundays. www.austria.info

permission of the landowners. Overnighting in Youth Hostels

trailers outside of camping sites is permitted –

Refund of Value-added Tax (VAT)

Youth hostels exist in many places in Austria.

except for Vienna, Tirol and protected rural areas

Citizens of countries not belonging to the

They are open to all persons who carry a

(subject to eventual regional restrictions). When

European Union may obtain a refund on the VAT

membership card of their national Youth Hostel

overnighting in motorhomes and trailers, setting

they pay on single purchases totalling more than

Association. Groups and lone travellers are

up camp (i.e. putting out tables and chairs) is not

EUR 75.–, if these goods are taken out of the

advised to book in advance. More details are


country and the necessary customs formalities

contained in the youth hostel catalogues of the

are completed. The required forms are available

Österreichischer Jugendherbergsverband,

For more information on camping in Austria

at stores that are marked with a TAX FREE

Schottenring 28, 1010 Wien,


sticker. For further information contact the

Tel. +43 1 5335353, Fax +43 1 5350861,

branch offices of the Austrian National Tourist

[email protected], www.oejhv.or.at.

Office and at www.globalrefund.com


Medical Service, Chemists


that are played incl - ude Roulette, Black Jack,

In all towns and villages there are doctors

Poker, Punto Banco, Wheel of Fortune, European

and chemists. Chemists’ shops operate a rota

Seven Eleven; most casinos also have slot

system for night and Sunday duty; when closed

machines with the Mega Austria Jackpot and

a notice is displayed giving the addresses of the

the Magic 50 Jackpot. No admission to minors

nearest pharmacies that are open. Information

(below 18 years of age). www.casinos.at

11 Pumpkins grow in great numbers in southern Styria 12 Vinoteque in Lower Austria‘s Wineviertel 13 The Loisium in Langenlois - a must for everyone interested in viniculture

about the medical emergency service is obtainable from the local police station as well

Opera, Theatre, Concerts, Festivals

Tourist Guides

as from the telephone directory. All mountain

In Austria the opera and theatre season lasts

Experienced guides are available in all major

resorts have a special mountain rescue service.

from early September to end of June; the

Austrian cities and resorts. For information

concert season extends from October to end

contact the regional tourist boards or all major

of June. A large number of theatre, opera and

travel agencies. www.austriaguides.com

Emergency numbers Ambulance: 144

concert performances are held at other times

Doctor-on-call: 141

too, often during festivals that are listed in the

Mountain Rescue: 140

Austrian event calendar. The brochure “Culture”

Diplomatic Representations

of the Austrian National Tourist Office includes

Royal British Embassy:

Health Insurance Coverage: Before starting

extensive information on a number of cultural

Jauresgasse 12, 1030 Wien

their holiday, EU and EWR member state

events in Austra. www.austria.info

Tel. +43 1 716 13-0

nationals may apply to their health insurer to

© W T G / M . H I M M L ; L O I S I U M / C H R I S T I N E S C H A U M / W E I N V I E RT E L T O U R I S M U S

obtain an E 111 form. In urgent medical cases,


Embassy of Ireland:

this form entitles the insured to the same

1 January: New Year‘s Day,

Rotenturmstrasse 16-18, 1010 Wien

benefits under statutory health insurance as

6 January: Epiphany,

Tel. +43 1 715 42 46

those granted to persons insured in Austria.

Easter Monday,

Before claiming such benefits, the form must

1 May: National Holiday,

U.S. Embassy:

be exchanged at the locally competent health

Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Corpus Christi,

Boltzmanngasse 16A-1090 Wien

insurance company for a local health insurance

15 August: Assumption of the Virgin Mary,

Tel.: +43 1 31339-0


26 October: National Holiday, 1 November: All Saints‘ Day,

Australian Embassy:

8 December: Conception,

Mattiellistrasse 2-4, 1040 Wien

Casinos operate all year round in Baden near

25 December: Christmas Day,

Tel. +43 1 506 740

Vienna, Bregenz, Graz, Innsbruck, Kleinwalsertal,

26 December: Boxing Day


Linz, Salzburg, Seefeld in Tirol, Velden am

Further representations can be found at

Wörthersee and Vienna; during the summer and


winter season also in Bad Gastein and Kitzbühel. Opening times for casinos are daily from 3:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The games

Effective: April 2009

Our service. Your holiday. A good holiday begins with good guides. Do you want information about a specific topic? Or are you looking for ideas and suggestions? We invite you to take advantage of our Holiday Service. Holiday Service of the Austrian National Tourist Office P.O.Box 83, 1043 Vienna GB Tel. 0845 101 18 18 (calls are charged at a local rate), Fax 06 1 413 39 20 [email protected] DE Tel. 01802 10 18 18 (ab 6 Cent/Anruf aus dem dt. Festnetz, abweichende Tarife aus dem Mobilfunk), Fax 01802 10 18 19, [email protected] BE Tel. 078 16 60 18, Fax 0032 78 16 60 19 [email protected], [email protected] LU Tel. 0032 78 16 60 18, Fax 0032 78 16 60 19 [email protected], [email protected] HU Tel. 06800 127 26, Fax 06 1 413 39 20 [email protected] DK Tel. 80 88 67 84 (gratis), [email protected] IE Tel. 1890 930 118, FAX 1890 930 119 [email protected] US Tel. (212) 944 68 80 (USA) CA Tel. (416) 967 3381 (CAN) [email protected] IT Tel. 840 999 918 (costo chiamata 15 cent) Fax 840 999 919, [email protected] SE Tel. 0200 89 62 62 (gratis), [email protected] AU [email protected], www.austria.info/au JA www.austria.info/jp ES Tel. 902 999 432, Fax: 915 424 476 [email protected] CH Tel. 0842 10 18 18, Fax 0842 10 18 19 [email protected], [email protected] www.austria.info

Austria in words and pictures available from the Holiday Service and at www.austria.info

Summer holiday journal All you need to know about an action-filled summer outdoors. As with all other journals and brochures contains available booking options.


Culture journal The ultimate guide to the extensive opportunities to experience culture in Austria

Holiday journal “Winter” Useful information for your winter holiday including a detailed list of winter sports regions.

Hotels 1-3 and Hotels 3-5 stars No matter how many stars you are sure to find the hotel of your dreams.

Culinary holiday journal From prime boiled beef to desserts. Whetting your appetite for a culinary journey through Austria.

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