Education For Unifying Diversity, Reducing Disparity

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  • Pages: 11

A. LOOKING FORWARD TO THE TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION ERA The quality of education is hungering and expectation of all Indonesian societies as vehicle to produce the quality human resources that can compete globally. For achieving the condition, it needed the concrete and operational repair steps continually and continuation. The effort to realize the certifiable education need strategy and working together of the various and get support of the exact policy of government. It is necessary to build and give facility to the working together of inter schools, between schools and stakeholders, and the principal and all school components that can accelerate to achieve the certifiable education, that is: efforts to reduce the disparity of education quality especially the ability of students; competency of teachers; infrastructures; and acceptability of information. System of National Education Regulation of Indonesia No. 20 year 2003 section 50 verse 3 expressed “Government and or regional government foster at least one school of all the education level to be developed become the international standard school”. It is necessary to affirmed that to develop the international standard school, that still hold to develop the nation value and spirit of Indonesia, beside the developing of global progressively by introduction, recognition, and application of values that required global era, those are religion, science, technology, economy, art, solidarity, power, and global ethics. To support the global ethics, International Standard Schools use the global



language especially English and information communication technology (ICT). So the international standard schools can produce the output which are able to compete in locally and globally. In 2003, UNESCO established the project about ICT in education. The UNESCO “ICT in Education Policy" project aims to promote appropriate policy models and strategies for the integration of ICT into education in the Asia-Pacific region, with special emphasis on developing policies which utilize ICT to remove barriers to participation in education and enhance the quality of education. This project aims to: 1) enhance the awareness of decision makers of the pros and cons of using ICT in education; 2) at the national level, strengthen the capacity of decision-makers to develop, implement and monitor appropriate "ICT in Education" policies and plans. The situations and needs of the various Asia-Pacific countries differ widely. These differences affect how the "ICT in Education Policy" project is implemented in these countries. Indonesia is the huge country in Asia-Pacific region, the government through Ministry of National Education (MoNE) - Directory of Senior High School Building response the policy of UNESCO by establishing the policy that “ICT is icon of school” since 2004. There are three phases to implement the policy, that is: sending hardware and software to schools as laboratory of multimedia (2004); 2) using ICT as tool to develop learning material and evaluation (2005); 3) using ICT as tool of management and administration of school as Package of School Application (2006); 4) using ICT as tool of learning resource center (LRC) by establishing the web-based learning. Each phase was done step by step, because the budget of education does not cover all the schools level in Indonesia. Until now, the total of schools in Indonesia are: Primary School = 172,667; Junior High School = 43,656; Senior High School = 16,830; and Vocational High School = 7,138 ( ). So directory of Senior High School Building evaluates and maps the schools, especially Senior High School based on the achievement of Standard of EDUCATION FOR UNIFYING DIVERSITIES AND REDUCING DISPARITIES


National Education (SNE), that is: Schools with International standard; National Standard Schools; and Standard Schools. Schools with International standard are schools that have achieved eight components of SNE with enriched, developed, and extended education quality that equal with education quality of OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Develepment) and other progressing counties (Guide of School with International Standard’s Fostering, 2008:10). National Standard Schools are schools which almost or have achieved SNE. Standard Schools are schools which have not achieved SNE. The number of school with International Standard are 200; National Standard Schools are 440; and Standard Schools are 16,180. The plan of Directory of Senior High School Building is improving the classification of school to the higher category. The plans which have implemented are sending the hardware (PC) and laboratory of multimedia to national standard schools; training teachers of national standard schools and international standard schools in workshop of ICT-based development of learning and evaluation material; and establishment the learning resource center (LRC) or web-based learning (WBL) in 64 Senior High Schools in 32 Provinces (2007). The usage of information communication technology is not only as subject, but also as tool of school management, teaching and learning process, and linkages of inter school; school and other institution, or school and learning resource centre. ICT should able to change all the education fostering system: 1) the conventional management will be changed to the modern management; 2) the conventional teaching and learning will be changed to ICT-based learning; the conventional network will be changed to ICT-based network. For example, the administration of some schools in remote area are still using paper and pencil, using chalk and blackboard in teaching and learning, but in 2020, all educational administrations and teaching and learning will use ICT and data base as management and teaching and learning. In the other fact, some schools in remote area are using paper and pencil in getting information or networking, but in 2020, all schools in Indonesia will use EDUCATION FOR UNIFYING DIVERSITIES AND REDUCING DISPARITIES


ICT-network as establishment of linkages between the educational systems and external environments. Finally, ICT is the most important tool to administrate all the educational managements, teaching and learning process, and changes from the closed system to opened system by establishing the ICT-information network. So the disparity and diversity of quality of education in Indonesia will be reduced , and the quality of education will be increased by using ICT as tool.

B. THE INFLUENCES OF TECHNOLOGY TO THE INDONESIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN 2020 Technology, especially ICT is one of six external environments that strongly influence the educational system. By using ICT as a tool, it can change the educational system from closed system to opened system, so educational system open to external environment through input-output exchange. The opened educational system will get many information from external environment, so there are four advantages, that is: 1) educational system establishes the effectively management; 2) educational system establishes the teaching and learning; and 3) educational system establishes linkages with inter subsystem and external environment. Based on the role of ICT in Indonesian education system, ICT will reduce the disparity of school quality all over area of Indonesia. The schools both in city and remote area will not be diversity in information, teaching and learning process, and management. Finally, we hope that education will unify the many diversities of school quality in Indonesia in 2020. 1. ICT Influences the Effectiveness of Educational Management There are three influences of ICT to the educational management, that is: 1) formulating the educational goals based on the demands and needs of external environment effectively; 2) changing all educational administration to be ICT-based administration; and 3) assessing the achievement of educational goals effectively. Formulating the goals is planning step; ICT-based EDUCATION FOR UNIFYING DIVERSITIES AND REDUCING DISPARITIES


administration as organizing and actuating step; and assessing is controlling step of management component. Formulating the educational goals will be obtained from the demands and needs of external environments by using ICT as tool. By browsing the increasing of the present demands and needs of environments; societies, industries, science and technology, schools or education institutions formulate the goals automatically. The educational system’s goals will not formulated by formal meeting of school components; societies; and stakeholders in hall with long discussion, but formulating the education goals just determined and formulated effectively by getting information from internet or website. Finally, by using the ICT the determining of the educational goals will be planned effectively . All planning of education will be achievable; measurable, and applicable. The second influence of ICT in management is using ICT both hardware and software in educational administration. Using hardware in administration means all the data of students, officials, infrastructures, finance, and the planning and evaluation on education are saved, managed, and analyzed in computer or soft copy not in paper or hard copy. Therefore, using software in administration means the managing, analyzing, and applying of data need application program or software. So, by using the ICT, educational administration will be organized and actuated accurately, effectively, and efficiently. The end step of management component is controlling. Controlling consists of supervising and evaluating or assessing. By using ICT, the achievement of the educational goals can be analyzed and evaluated effectively both qualitative and quantitative. All achievement of indicators of each goal will be analyzed and evaluated. Based on the result of assessment, educational administrators can modify the past goals or formulate the next goals to be more achievable.



2. ICT Influences the Establishment of Teaching and Learning Processes ICT-based learning is instructional which uses ICT as tool; media, and learning resource. Wahono (2006) said that the ICT-based learning have to fulfill three aspect, that is: aspect of software engineering; aspect of instructional design; and aspect visual communication. Aspect of software engineering is effective and efficiency; reliable; maintainable; usable; compatible; reusable; accruable; and practical. Aspect of instructional design is clearness of instructional purposes; relevancy of purposes and curriculum; coverage and depth of purposes; accuracy of instructional strategy; interactivity; motivation; contextually; actuality; completeness and quality; suitability of materials; ease of understanding; systematic and logic; clearness of description, simulation, and exercises; consistency of evaluation and purposes; accuracy of evaluation; and feedback of evaluation. The aspect of visual communication is communicative; creative; simple and attractive; audio; visual; animation or movie; and interactive layout. In Government Regulation No. 19/2005 section 19 verse 3 expressed that the standard of process of SNE (Standard of National Education) is planning of teaching and learning; fostering of teaching and learning; evaluation of teaching and learning; and supervising of teaching and learning. So there are four influences of ICT to the establishment of teaching and learning, that is: 1) planning the teaching and learning process; 2) fostering the teaching and learning process; 3) composing the evaluation; and 4) supervising the teaching and learning process. The firs step of teaching and learning is planning. Planning consists of composing syllabi of curriculum; composing lesson plan; composing the timetables; composing the semester and annual program; composing the leaning materials; and composing the material and analysis of evaluation. The syllabi of curriculum can be composed by browsing the demands and needs of stakeholders or National and International curriculum, so by using the ICT for example internet or website, all educators or developer of curriculum can compose the syllabi effectively. The curriculum EDUCATION FOR UNIFYING DIVERSITIES AND REDUCING DISPARITIES


will be applicable appropriate with the needs and demands of societies and stakeholders. Composing the schedule of subject or timetables is the difficult and complicated job, but by using software of ICT, the composing of them will be easier , quicker, and more accurate. Composing the lesson plan, semester and annual program are part of the important step of teaching and learning, so by using ICT composing it will be easier and more practical. Fostering of teaching and learning processes are related to experience, media, and models of learning. Quality Assurance of The Fostering of School with International Standard ( 2008: 6) states that the teaching and learning must be effective, creative, innovative, joyful, and meaningful. All the demands of teaching and learning can be achieved by using ICT, for example: learning material with interesting animation, games, web-based learning or e-leaning, learning resource center (LRC); and teleconference. The role of ICT in evaluation step is material of evaluation will be programmed by application software. The learners can do it at anywhere and can scored automatically. The result of evaluation can be analyzed automatically, so the educators can modify the evaluation materials easily, and by observing the analysis of evaluation, the teaching and learning processes can be supervised automatically. 3. ICT Influences the Establishment of Linkages Among Educational System, Inter Subsystems, and External Environment The influence of ICT to the network of system is ICT changes the closed system into the opened system. The opened educational system have to establish the linkages among educational system, inter subsystems, and external environment, that is: 1) browsing the other subsystems or external environments that have possible to be a partnership; 2) negotiating the linkages with other subsystems or external environments to be a partnership; and 3) communicating effectively with the other subsystems or external environments to formulate the formation of the partnership. The first influence of ICT to establish the linkages among educational system, inter subsystems, and external environments is browsing the other subsystems or external environments. EDUCATION FOR UNIFYING DIVERSITIES AND REDUCING DISPARITIES


Educational institution investigate the other institutions to support and work together to achieve the goals that have formulated. Supporting and working together are called partnership, the other institution can be as the same institution and external environments. For example; school and other school tie the partnership as sister school; share curriculum; exchange students and teachers. The realization of partnership of school and external environments is sharing the finance; training the human resources; providing the infrastructures; and improving the management. The second, after browsing the other institutions is negotiating. The realization of negotiating is composing memorandum of understanding (MoU); it can be compose by using of ICT, for example: e-mail; website; mailing list; and teleconference. The end of step of establishing linkages with other subsystem and external environment is communicating intensively. The members of linkages report the progress of partnership and formulate the next possible working together. All communication will be intensively and effectively if there is an effective network, that is e-mail; website; or with s new application software to create all communication automatically.

C. CONCLUSION Based on the description of using ICT in education above, so the influences of ICT to the Indonesian education can be concluded as follows: 1. The influences of ICT to the educational management are: 1) formulating the educational goals based on the demands and needs of external environment effectively; 2) changing all educational administration to be ICT-based administration; and 3) assessing the achievement of educational goals effectively. Formulating the goals is planning step; ICT-based administration as organizing and actuating step; and assessing is controlling step of management component.



2. The influences of ICT to the establishment of teaching and learning are: 1) planning the teaching and learning process; 2) fostering the teaching and learning process; 3) composing the evaluation; and 4) supervising the teaching and learning process. 3. The influence of ICT to the network of system is ICT change the closed system to the opened system. The opened educational system have to establish the linkages among educational system, inter subsystems, and external environment, that is: 1) browsing the other subsystems or external environments that have possible to be a partnership; 2) negotiating the linkages with other subsystems or external environments to be a partnership; and 3) communicating effectively with the other subsystems or external environments to formulate the formation of the partnership.

Finally, the influence of ICT to Indonesian education quality is: 1) ICT usage in educational system will unify the diversities of education quality over area in Indonesia; and 2) ICT usage in educational system will reduce the disparities of education quality of schools in administration of town area and schools in remote area. By ICT usage, all Indonesian citizens are going to look forward to the technology in education era, so the quality of education of Indonesia will compete globally, and will be equal with the quality of education of OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Develepment).



RESOURSES Chong, Keng, Choi, “Education for Living Tomorrow: Premises for Developmental Planning”, International Journal of educational Management, Vol. 10 No. 4, pp.10-14 Directory General of Primary and Secondary Education,Guide of School with International Standard’s Fostering 2008, Ministry of National Education, Jakarta, 2008 Directory General of Primary and Secondary Education, Quality Assurance of the Fostering of School with International Standard, Ministry of National Education, Jakarta, 2008 Government Regulation( Peraturan Pemerintah) No.19 year 2005, against Standard of National Education. Jardiknas, (Online), (, accessed on August 21 2008) Regulation (Undang-Undang) No. 23 year 2003, against System of National Education UNESCO , (Online), (, accessed on August 21 2008). Wahono, Romi, Satrio, Aspek Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak dalam Media Pembelajaran,(Online),(, accessed on October 11 2007)





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