Critical-review Of School Strategic Plans

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CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS OF STATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 3 MALANG Written by Hariyanto External Programme-Quality Assurance National Institute of Education (NIE)-Nanyang Technological University (NTU) SINGAPORE (e-mail: [email protected]) A. INTRODUCTION The constitution of Republic of Indonesia explains the function and the purpose of national education. The function of national education is developing the national civilization that has high status and improving the nation life, whereas its purpose is developing the potency of learners to be faith in God, honored behavior, health, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and to be obedient and responsible civil. The realization of the function of national education, the government conducts the system of national education that heal in the regulation No. 23/2003 against The System of National Education. As for the content are: 1) improving the quality of education to aim at improving the quality of Indonesian people wholly through attitude, behavior, and sport in order to has competitiveness to look forward to global challenge; 2) improving the efficiency of educational management through school based management and renovation of organizing education which is planned and directed continuously; 3) managing the educational system at primary and secondary education level and implementing school based management which indicated by independence, partnership, participation, openness, and accountability; 4) widening of access of public and vocational school, integrated school, developing the local superiority based school, international based school in province and or regency. All education levels of Indonesia have to be standardized by eight standard of National Education (SNE) that regulated by Regulation Government No. 19/2005. The eight Standard of National Education is: 1) standard of content (curriculum); 2) standard of process (teaching and learning process); 3) standard of evaluation; 4) standard of teacher and educational personal; 5) standard of infrastructure; 6) standard of management; 7) standard of finance; and 8) standard of output. Based on the achievement of Standard of National Education (SNE), schools are classified by three classification, that is standard school, national standard school, and Internationalbased school. Standard schools are school which have not achieved SNE, national standard



schools are school which have or almost achieved SNE, and schools which have exceeded SNE are called International-based school. All school’s vision and mission have to aim at vision and mission of Education Ministry. Vision of Education Ministry is accomplishment of educational system as a strong and dignified social institution to exploit Indonesian citizen in order to develop being quality human, so be able to proactive survive in the challenging and changing age. Even though the mission of Education Ministry is: 1) effort of wide and spread opportunity all of citizen obtain a quality education; 2) facilitate developing of citizen completely along life to realize learning society; 3) improve readiness of input and quality of education process to optimize moral personality building; 4) improve professionalism and accountability education institution as process of cultural advancement center of science, skill, experience, attitude, and value with International and global standard; 5) effort the role of society in fostering of education based on autonomous in unity of Indonesian Republic. B. SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS OF STATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 3 MALANG THE YEAR 2007-2017 1. Uses and Purposes The uses of composing the school’s strategic plans are: 1) as a direction of managing State Senior High School 3 Malang to achieve vision and mission of school; 2) as a controller of implementation of annual and middle period work planning of school; 3) Anticipating the problems and opportunities at the future; 4) motivating the school community to understand clearly the goals and objectives of school; and 5) identifying

the opportunities and threats from the external

environment. The purposes are: 1) predicting the needs of future and school strategic plans plans about 4 to 8 years forward; 2) improving the school community and society participation in organizing of State Senior High School 3 Malang; 3) improving the effectiveness and efficiency of school management; and 4) improving the belief, satisfaction, and motivation of stakeholders. 2. Approach and Methods There are approach and method of composing the school strategic plans plans. The approach are factual approach, experiences, system analysis, and problem solving; and the methods are bargaining and discussion. Bargaining is making decision by debate and negotiation, whereas discussion is making decision by discussion to achieve consensus. 3. Vision and Mission a. Vision Achieving a school with the international standards which has superior achievement based on the strong faith and belief. CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS-HARIYANTO


b. Mission Mission of State Senior High School 3 Malang is: 1) fostering both the understanding and the practicing of the religious values as well as the national cultures applied in daily life; 2) fostering glory spirit toward all of the members of the big family of State Senior High School 3 Malang; 3) fostering the rigorous long life education toward the entire members of the big family of State Senior High School 3 Malang; 4) administering either teaching or learning activities program both affectively and efficiently; 5) fostering well rounded independence personals and strong responsibility in conducting any single task; 6) fostering the spirit of cultural, physical, and social environment care ness; 7) developing either the potential or creativity toward the entire members of the big family of State Senior High School 3 Malang so they are capable enough to compete in all kinds of level: regional, national, and international; 8) fostering the habit of reading, writing, and creating; 9) applying the information and communication technology (ICT) in the process on both teaching and learning activities and school administration; 10) supplying international standardized facilities; and 11) applying participative management in managing the school by involving the entire members of the big family of State Senior High School 3 Malang and interrelated institutions. 4. Environment Analysis (SWOT Analysis) a. Strengths 1) Students The strengths of students are: 1) the number of students is sufficient; 2) high learning motivation; 3) high academicals ability; 4) high motivation to continue study at university; 5) steady personality, independent, and responsible; 6) high discipline; 7) high commitment; 7) high awareness to external environment (society, physic, and culture); 8) recruitment is conducted by national standard; and 9) TOEFL score > 450. 2) Curriculum and Teaching and Learning Process The strengths of curriculum and teaching and learning process are: 1) standard of content is available; 2) output standard is available; 3) adapted curriculum of national and international is available; 4) literature for teachers and students is available; 5) almost teachers use the effective; creative, joyful, and meaningful learning; 6) handout that prepared by teachers is available; 7) almost teachers prepare the handout; and 8) almost teachers teach by ICT based learning. 3) Officials a) Principal The strengths of principal are: 1) definitive position; 2) sufficient in academic qualification; 3) has principal certification; 4) has capability in school based management; 5) CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS-HARIYANTO


has spirit of situational and visional leadership; 6) familiar in ICT; 7) high to face challenge; and 8) has experience as principal more than five years.

b) Vice Principals There are four vice principals in State Senior High School 3 Malang, that is curriculum; studentship, infrastructure, and public relation. The strengths of vice principals are: 1) definitive position; 2) sufficient in academic qualification; 3) have capability in school based management; 4) have spirit of situational and visional leadership; 5) familiar in ICT; and 6) high to face challenge. c) Teachers The strengths of teachers are: 1) sufficient in academic qualification; 2) background of study is suitable with subject that taught; 3) standard teaching time; 4) certified; 5) have willing to improve the competency continually; 5) have high morale of work both individual and team; 5) implement ate ICT based learning; and 6) have TOEFL more than 400; and 7) have high awareness to guide students. d) Educational Personals Educational personals are classified to seven units, that is librarian; laboratorian; ICT technician, treasurer; administrator of officer; administrator of academic; and administrator of infrastructure. The strengths of each unit described as follows. (1) Librarian The strengths of librarians are: 1) sufficient in academic qualification; 2) has main competency as executor of duty and librarian function; 3) experience as librarian more than five years; 4) certified; 5) have willing to improve the competency continually; 6) ability in English both oral and written (TOEFL score>400) 7) high resistant and independence; and 8) familiar in ICT (2) Laboratory Staff (Chemistry, Physics, and Biology) The strengths of laboratory staff are: 1) sufficient in academic qualification; 2) has main competency as executor of duty and laboratory staff function; 3) experience as librarian more than five years;; 4) have willing to improve the competency continually; 5) ability in English both oral and written (TOEFL score>400) 6) high resistant and independence; and 7) familiar in ICT (3) ICT Technicians The strengths of ICT technicians are: 1) sufficient in academic qualification; 2) has main competency as executor of duty and ICT technician function; 3) experience as ICT CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS-HARIYANTO


technician more than three years; 5) have willing to improve the competency continually; 5) ability in English both oral and written (TOEFL score>400); and 6) high resistant and independence. (4) Chief of Administrator The strengths of chief of administrator are: 1) has main competency as executor of duty and chief of administrator function; 2) experience as chief of administrator more than five years; 3) have willing to improve the competency continually; 4) high commitment; resistant and independence; 5) high friendship; and 6) high awareness to school community. (5) Treasurer The strengths of treasurer are: 1) sufficient in academic qualification; 2) sufficient in knowledge; 3) has main competency as finance and accountancy; 2) experience as treasurer more than five years; 3) have willing to improve the competency in ICT based finance and accountancy continually; 4) high commitment; resistant and independence; 5) high friendship; and 6) high awareness to school community. (6) Administrator of Officer The strengths of administrator of officer are: 1) has main competency as executor of duty and administrator of officer function; 2) experience as librarian more than five years; 3) have willing to improve the competency continually; 4) high commitment and professionalism; 5) high friendship; and 6) high awareness to school community. (7) Administrator of academic The strengths of administrator of academic are: 1) has main competency as executor of duty and administrator of academic function; 2) experience as librarian more than five years; 3) have willing to improve the competency continually; 4) high commitment and professionalism; 5) high friendship; 6) high awareness to school community; 7) have willing to improve the competency in ICT based continually; and 8) ability in English both oral and written (TOEFL score>450). (8) Administrator of Infrastructure The strengths of administrator of infrastructure are: 1) sufficient in academic qualification; 2) has main competency as executor of duty and administrator of infrastructure function; 3) experience as librarian more than five years; 4) have willing to improve the competency ICT- based continually; 5) high commitment and professionalism; 6) high commitment and professionalism; 7) high friendship; and 8) high awareness to school community. 4) School Management CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS-HARIYANTO


The strengths of school management are: 1) sufficient of teachers and educational personals; 2) composed by job description; 3) school program and school budget program are available; 4) suggestions of teachers and educational personals are accommodated; 5) opened finance; 6) accountability of finance to society; 7) high participation of school community and school committee; 8) assessment of performance is available; 9) system of school administration is available; 10) ICT-based school administration; 11) implementing visional and participative management; and 12) implementing school-based management. 5) Organization The strengths of organization are: 1) organization structure of school is available 2) organization structure of administration is available; 3) organization structure of counselor is available; 4) organization structure of internal school student organization is available; 5) organization structure of library is available; 6) organization structure of laboratory is available; and 7) organization structure of school committee is available. 6) Infrastructures The strengths of infrastructure are: 1) sufficiency in learning room; 2) sufficiency in science laboratories; 3) sufficiency in room equipment and material of laboratories; 4) sufficiency in supporting room; 5) sufficiency in library; 6) sufficiency in computer laboratory; 7) sufficiency in multi purpose room; 8) sufficiency in meditation room; and 9) sufficiency in TRC (Teacher Resource Center). 7) Finance The strengths of finance are: 1) source of fund from district/province and national budget program, block grant, and participation of society are sufficient; 2) allocation of fund is funding of operational, development, and welfare are sufficient. 8) Society and Stakeholders Supporting The strengths of society and stakeholders supporting are: 1) high role of school committee; 2) articles of association of school committee is available; and 3) harmonious relationship of committee and school. b. Weaknesses 1) Students The weaknesses of least students are: 1) unsteady personality, independent, and responsible; 2) low discipline; 3) low commitment; 4) low awareness to external environment (society, physic, and culture); and 5) low potency to study abroad . 2) Curriculum and Teaching and Learning Process



The weaknesses of curriculum and teaching and learning process are: 1) least literature for teachers and students is not available; 2) least teachers do not use the effective; creative, joyful, and meaningful learning; 3) the least teachers do not use the variation of instructional media and method ; 4) least teachers do not prepare the handout; and 5) evaluation is not international standard. 3) Officials a) Principal The weakness of principal is TOEFL score more than 350 b) Vice Principals The weakness of vice principals is TOEFL score more than 350 c) Teachers The weaknesses of teachers are: 1) TOEFL score more than 300; 2) least teachers have average ICT ability d) Educational Personals (1) Librarian The weaknesses of least librarians are: 1) sufficient enough in academic qualification; 2) TOEFL score>300. (2) Laboratory Staff (Chemistry, Physics, and Biology) The weaknesses of least laboratory staff are: 1) sufficient enough in academic qualification; 2) TOEFL score>300. (3) ICT Technicians The weaknesses of least ICT technicians are: 1) sufficient enough in academic qualification; 2) TOEFL score>300. (4) Chief of Administrator The weaknesses of chief of administrator are: 1) sufficient enough in academic qualification; 2) TOEFL score>200. (5) Treasurer The weakness of treasurer is TOEFL score>200 (6) Administrator of Officer The weaknesses of administrator of officer are: 1) sufficient enough in academic qualification; 2) TOEFL score>250. (7) Administrator of academic The weaknesses of least administrator of academic is TOEFL score>250. (8) Administrator of Infrastructure The weaknesses of least administrator of infrastructure is TOEFL score>250. CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS-HARIYANTO


4) Infrastructures The weaknesses of infrastructure are: 1) completeness of learning room is not available; 2) the amount of literature is not sufficient; 3) infrastructure of sport and art is not sufficient; 4) learning media is not sufficient; 5) multimedia room is not available; 6) the amount of toilet and student is not proportional. c. Opportunities 1) Students The opportunities of students are: 1) high awareness of stakeholders; 2) culture and religion value is conducive; and 3) there is AFS program. 2) Curriculum and Teaching and Learning Process The opportunities of curriculum and teaching and learning process are: 1) there is opportunity to improving the teachers competency in subject teacher forum; 2) consultant from university is available; 3) Cambridge curriculum is available; and 4) join with Cambridge Certification. 3) Officials a) Principal The opportunities of principal are: 1) there is a opportunity to join with National and International training; 2) there is a opportunity to join with English course ; 3) there is a opportunity to join with higher education level; 4) there is a opportunity to improve career; 5) there is controlling of stakeholders. b) Vice Principals The opportunities of vice principal are: 1) there is a opportunity to join with National and International training; 2) there is a opportunity to join with English course ; 3) there is a opportunity to join with higher education level; 4) there is a opportunity to improve career; 5) there is facility of literature; and 6) there is stakeholders controlling . c)

Teachers The opportunities of vice principal are: 1) there is a opportunity to join with National

and International training; 2) there is a opportunity to join with English course ; 3) there is a opportunity to join with higher education level; 4) there is a opportunity to improve career; 5) there is facility of literature; and 6) there is stakeholders controlling . d) Educational Personals The opportunities of librarian; laboratory staff; ICT technician, treasurer; administrator of officer; administrator of academic; and administrator of infrastructure described as follows: 1) there is opportunity to improve competency and professionalism; 2) there is a opportunity to join with higher education; 3) there is a opportunity to join with training; 4) there is a CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS-HARIYANTO


opportunity to join with English course; and 5) there is opportunity to join with officer recruitment.

4) School Management The opportunities of school management are: 1) there is Government Regulation No. 19/2005 against school management standard; 2)there is International management standard (ISO 9001:2000); and 3) complete finance recording is available. 5) Infrastructures The opportunities of infrastructure are: 1) high commitment of government in education; 2) there is regulation that obligate to allocate 20% of fund from government budget ; 3) high finance of society. 6) Finance The opportunities of finance are: 1) high commitment of government in education; 2) high commitment of parliaments in education; 3) there is regulation that obligate to allocate 20% of fund from government budget ; and 4) high finance of society. 7) Society and Stakeholders Supporting The opportunities of society and stakeholders supporting are: 1) there is regulation of school committee; 2) there is the Ministry Regulation against school committee; 3) there is cooperation with alumni; 4) there is partnership with native speaker; and 5) there is school partnership both domestic and overseas. 8) Special Service There is cooperation with family doctor, psychologist, association of drug defense, policemen, and university. d. Threats 1) Students The threats to students are: 1) negative influence of progress technology; 2) negative influence of overseas culture; and 3) high school fee at university. 2) Curriculum and Teaching and Learning Process The threats of curriculum and teaching and learning process are: 1) many establishment of international based school; 2) Malang as vocational city; 3) many establishment of learning guidance institution; 4) passing grade is increasing; and 5) the improvement of curriculum. 3) Officials a) Principal CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS-HARIYANTO


The threats of principal are: 1) position is periodically; 2) autonomous of district government. b) Vice Principals The threats of vice principals is having little opportunity to be principle because influenced by autonomous of district government policy. c) Teachers The threats of teachers are: 1) the professionalism of other school teachers are more increasing; 2) there is regulation that teachers have to teach 24 hours every week. d) Educational Personals The threats of Educational personals that classified to seven units, that is librarian; laboratory staff; ICT technician, treasurer; administrator of officer; administrator of academic; and administrator of infrastructure are: 1) having little opportunity to be civil officer; 2) financial welfare from government is small. 4) School Management The threats of school management are: 1) high claim of customer; 2) high budget of Cambridge Certification and ISO. 5) Organization The threat of organization is progress of technology. 6) Infrastructures The threat of infrastructure is progress of technology 7) Finance The threats of finance is low awareness of industries. 5. Goals and Objectives of Development a. Goals of Development The goals of development are: 1) achieving the improvement of faith and belief to God; 2) achieving the improvement of discipline and orderliness; 3) achieving the internalization of etiquette culture of school community especially students; 4) achieving the improvement of quality of students in research, Olympiad, art, sport, social, and religion; 5) achieving the output that have faith, belief, science, and technology, compete locally and globally; 6) achieving the implementation of curriculum 2004 and competence and life skill-based evaluation;



7) implementation of curriculum 2004 that adapted by International curriculum of Cambridge especially mathematic, science, and English; 8) improvement of using outdoor learning model; 9) achieving the improvement of using ICT-based learning; 10) improvement of using the laboratory equipment; 11) achieving the implementation of active, innovative, creative, effective, joyful, meaningful learning; 12) improvement of the average of national exam score; 13) improvement of quantity of students that admitted by State University; 14) improvement of teachers in composing syllabi and evaluation; 15) improvement of ability in foreign language communication; 16) improvement of ICT and realizing life skill ; 17) improvement of quantity and quality of international-based infrastructure; 18) achieving the improvement of piece, orderliness, discipline, friendship, green environment, and healthy; 19) realizing the learning, reading, and writing culture; 20) achievement the improvement of acceleration program service; 21) realizing the participative, transparency, and accountable school management; 22) realizing the honesty, sincere, greeting, smiling, and polite; 23) realizing the discipline, democratic, and productive; 24) realizing the improvement of equilibrium of IQ, EQ, SQ, and Social Quotation; 25) realizing the of the physically and spiritually welfare of school community; 26) achieving the improvement of cooperation with parents, community, other institutions; 27) realizing the harmonious relationship of school community which have spirit of Bhawikarsu; 28) realizing the quick, exact service, and focus on customer satisfaction; 29) realizing the mutuality profitable cooperation with other institution; and 30) achieving the improvement of sufficient healthy school. b. Objectives of Development The objectives of development are: 1) improvement of faith and belief to God; 2) improvement of discipline and orderliness; 3) internalization of etiquette culture of school community especially students; 4) improvement of quality of students in research, Olympiad, art, sport, social, and religion; 5) improvement the output that have faith, belief, science, and technology, compete locally and globally; CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS-HARIYANTO


6) implementation of curriculum 2004 and competence and life skill-based evaluation; 7) implementation of curriculum 2004 that adapted by International curriculum of Cambridge especially mathematic, science, and English; 8) improvement of using outdoor learning model; 9) improvement of using ICT-based learning; 10) improvement of using the laboratory equipment; 11) implementation of active, innovative, creative, effective, joyful, meaningful learning; 12) improvement of the average of national exam score; 13) improvement of quantity of students that admitted by State University; 14) improvement of teachers in composing syllabi and evaluation; 15) improvement of ability in foreign language communication; 16) improvement of ICT and realizing life skill ; 17) improvement of quantity and quality of international-based infrastructure; 18) improvement of piece, orderliness, discipline, friendship, green environment, and healthy; 19) realization of the learning, reading, and writing culture; 20) improvement of acceleration program service; 21) realization of the participative, transparency, and accountable school management; 22) realization of the honesty, sincere, greeting, smiling, and polite; 23) realization of the discipline, democratic, and productive; 24) realization of the improvement of equilibrium of IQ, EQ, SQ, and Social Quotation; 25) realization of the physically and spiritually welfare of school community; 26) improvement of cooperation with parents, community, other institutions; 27) realization of the harmonious relationship of school community which have spirit of Bhawikarsu; 28) realization of the quick, exact service, and focus on customer satisfaction; 29) realization of the mutuality profitable cooperation with other institution; and 30) improvement of sufficient healthy school. 6. Strategic Plans of Development a. Priority of Development The priority of development are: 1) studentship; 2) curriculum, teaching and learning process; 3) Officials; 4) management; 5) organization; 6) infrastructure; 7) finance; 8) society supporting; and 9) special service. b. Strategic Plans 1) Studentship



Strategic plans of development of studentship are: 1) socialization of new students admission; 2) fostering the new students admission; 3) fostering new students orientation; 4) improving the quality of faith to God; 5) improving the civilization life; 6) improving education of country defense; 7) improving the building of personality; 8) improving education of politics and leadership; 9) improving skill and entrepreneurship; and 10) improving heath of physics and spiritual. 2) Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Process Strategic plans of development of curriculum, teaching and learning are: 1) composing syllabi and lesson plan; 2) composing the development of learning material and worksheet; 3) composing strategic plans the active, creative, innovative, joyful, and meaningful learning; 4) composing using ICT-based learning media; 5) composing class-based and authentic evaluation system; 6) composing cooperative learning models; 7) implementation of curriculum school level adapted international curriculum; 8) implementation of evaluation based on curriculum school level; 8) learning guidance for XII grade for preparing national exam and university admission selection; and 9) report of learning result of students. 3) Officials a) Principal Strategic plans of development of principal are: 1) improvement of principal’s professionalism; 2) improvement of welfare; 3) improvement of harmonizing of ESQ by joining ESQ training; 4) providing of heath facility; 4) traveling. b) Teachers Strategic plans of development of teachers are: improvement of teacher’s professionalism; 2) improvement of English communication; 3) improvement of ICT skill; 4) improvement of welfare. c) Educational Personals The strategic plans of development of educational personals are: 1) conducting the training appropriate with their main duty and function; 2) conducting the ICT training for librarian, laboratory staff, ICT technician, chief of administrator, administration officer, and treasurer; 3) improvement of welfare. d. Management The strategic plans of development of management are: 1) composing the school’s strategic plans the year 2008-2018; 2) composing the annually school program; 3) composing the ethic code of teacher; 4) composing the direction of student discipline with student involvement; 5) composing report accountability and job for one year; and 6) improvement school-based management (transparency, participative, and accountability). CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS-HARIYANTO


e. Organization The strategic plans of development of organization are: 1) composing organization chart and job description of each field; 2) vice principal election. f. Infrastructure The strategic plans of development of infrastructure are: 1) renovating laboratory rooms; 2) renovating learning rooms; 3) adding the amount of reference, magazine and newspaper, journal, and bulletin; 4) developing physical school; 5) increasing power of electric connection, water, and telephone; 6) providing stationary; 7) providing infrastructure of library with International standard; 8) adding learning media in learning rooms; 9) increasing infrastructure maintenances; and 10) listing the infrastructure. g. Finance The strategic plans of development of finance are: 1) increasing resource of school finance; 2) increasing efficiency of budget using; increasing job-based incentive for teachers and educational personals. h. Society Supporting The strategic plans of development of society supporting are: 1) composing articles of association and household of school committee; 2) reformation of school committee election; 3) socialization of annual work program and fund collecting from parents of new students; and 4) improving quality and quantity of co-operation with industries and university. i.

Special Service The strategic plans of development of special service are: 1) improving health service of

teachers, educational personals, and students; 2) hiring professional cleaning service; 3) increasing self-empowerment of officer; and 4) improving service of school canteen. C. REVIEW OF STRATEGIC PLANS 1. Responsiveness of Strategic Plans of Senior High School 3 Malang to Education Ministry Mission and Vision Vision of Education Ministry is accomplishment of educational system as a strong and dignified social institution to exploit Indonesian citizen in order to develop being quality human, so be able to proactive survive in the challenging and changing age. To achieve the vision, educational institutions should standardized by input standard, process standard and output standard. Whereas input standard consists of intake (student), curriculum, officials, management, organization, culture and climate school, infrastructure, and finance, even though process standard is related to teaching and learning process, and output standard is the quality of output. To response the vision, strategic plans of State Senior High School 3 Malang described it in each field, that is studentship, CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS-HARIYANTO


curriculum, teaching and learning, officials, management and organization, infrastructure, and finance. For example, there are strategic plans in studentship, that is: socialization, fostering, and orientation of new student admission; improving the quality of faith to God; improving the civilization life; improving education of country defense; improving the building of personality; improving education of politics and leadership; improving skill and entrepreneurship; improving heath of physics and spiritual. The strategic plans of curriculum, teaching and learning are: composing syllabi and lesson plan, evaluation based on adapted curriculum national and international; teacher and learning have to use interactive learning, ICT-based learning; improve the quality of output. The strategic plans of officials is improving professionalism of officials; and in management and organization are implementing school-based management, compose the organization chart and job description. Even though strategic plans of infrastructure is providing International-based infrastructure; and in finance is increasing of school finance Mission of Education Ministry is: 1) effort of wide and spread opportunity all of citizen obtain a quality education; 2) facilitate developing of citizen completely along life to realize learning society; 3) improve readiness of input and quality of education process to optimize moral personality building; 4) improve professionalism and accountability education institution as process of cultural advancement center of science, skill, experience, attitude, and value with International and global standard; 5) effort the role of society in fostering of education based on autonomous in unity of Indonesian Republic. The responsiveness of strategic plans to the mission is complicated, there is not response to mission no. 1 and 2, but they response to mission no. 3 to 5. Strategic plans of State Senior High School 3 Malang do not response mission no. 1 and 2 because there is insufficiency in area and capacity, so it cannot admit many students, but just admit about 252 students every year. Otherwise, the strategic plans response to mission no. 3 to 5, the evidences are all the plans of studentship response to mission no.3; all plans of curriculum, teaching and learning, officials, management, infrastructure, and finance response to mission no. 4. All plans of management , society and stakeholders response to mission no. 5. 2. Effectiveness of Strategic Plans of Senior High School 3 Malang to Achieve School’s Goals and Objectives Based on achievement school’s goal and objectives, there are effective and ineffective strategic plans. The effective plans are the plans which achieve the school’s goals and objectives effectively, but the ineffective plans are not effectively. The school’s strategic plans just implemented for a year, so they can be analyzed the effectiveness of each plan. Accordance of that case, it will be described the ineffective plans as follows. a. Studentship



The school’s goals and objectives of studentship are: improvement of faith and belief to God; improvement of discipline and orderliness; internalization of etiquette culture of school community especially students; improvement of quality of students in research, Olympiad, art, sport, social, and religion; improvement the output that have faith, belief, science, and technology, compete locally and globally. The strategic plans of studentship achieve the goals and objectives effectively. There are many ineffective plans, that is: improving the quality of faith to God; improving the civilization life; improving education of country defense; improving the building of personality; improving education of politics and leadership; and improving skill and entrepreneurship.. The evidences of the ineffectiveness are: inconsistence fostering of religion doctrine implementation; many violations of orderliness especially in attribute of uniform, late to join the first period; no greeting friendly of students to teachers and other staffs; unchained of leader building; little realization of entrepreneurship; and students never get the highest score of national exam and champion of Olympiad subject. For fulfilling the strategic plans, school have to form the special team of teachers that build, accustom, and evaluate the faith and belief, personality, attitude, orderliness, leadership, scientific think and research of students. Even though, for stimulating the skill and entrepreneurship, the vice principal of studentship have to involve the internal of student organization and industries to train the special group of student. output that have faith, belief, science, and technology, compete locally and globally, school have to plan the special program of improving quality output, for example; special program for mapping the students based on the ability of subject and guide them effectively. b. Curriculum, Teaching and Learning The school’s goals and objectives of curriculum, teaching and learning are: implementation of curriculum 2004 and competence and life skill-based evaluation; implementation of curriculum 2004 that adapted by International curriculum of Cambridge especially mathematic, science, and English; improvement of using outdoor learning model; improvement of using ICTbased learning; improvement of using the laboratory equipment; implementation of active, innovative, creative, effective, joyful, meaningful learning; improvement of the average of national exam score; improvement of quantity of students that admitted by State University; improvement of teachers in composing syllabi and evaluation. Based on the plans which implemented in a year, all strategic plans of curriculum, teacher and learning are effective. All plans are implemented effectively, the evidences of the effectiveness are: adapted curriculum of national and international is available; almost teachers use the effective; creative, joyful, and meaningful learning; handout that prepared by teachers is CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS-HARIYANTO


available; almost teachers prepare the handout; almost teachers teach by ICT based learning; the average of national exam score is increasing ;and the quantity of students that admitted by State University in increasing. c. Officials The school’s goals and objectives of officials are: improving the ability in foreign language communication; improving the ICT and realizing life skill . The strategic plans of officials are: improvement of English communication; improvement of ICT skill. Based on the plans which implemented in a year, the strategic plan which ineffective is improvement of English communication. The evidences of the case are: the TOEFL score average is less than 400; most teachers and educational personals do not use English in daily conversation; principal does not speak English. For fulfilling the strategic plan, school must control the using English every time and create the English area step by step. It is necessary to fine a person who does not speak English in area. The regulation should be obeyed by all school community. d. Management and Organization The school’s goals and objectives of management and organization are: improvement of piece, orderliness, discipline, friendship, green environment, and healthy; realization of the learning, reading, and writing culture; improvement of acceleration program service; realization of the participative, transparency, and accountable school management; realization of the honesty, sincere, greeting, smiling, and polite; realization of the discipline, democratic, and productive; realization of the improvement of equilibrium of IQ, EQ, SQ, and Social Quotation; realization of the physically and spiritually welfare of school community. Based on the implantation the plan for a year, there are ineffective plans, that is: composing the ethic code of teacher; composing the direction of student discipline with student involvement; and composing report accountability and job for one year. The evidences o the case are: no implementing the ethic code of teacher; no involving student when compose the direction of student orderliness; and no effective controlling from principal for every fostering of program. For fulfilling the strategic plans, principal have to apply the functional of management in managing organization of school, that is planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. e. Infrastructure The school’s goal and objectives of infrastructure is improving the quantity and quality of international-based infrastructure. Based on the implementation the plan for a year, all strategic plans of infrastructure are effective to achieve the school’s goals. For example, all the classroom are installed by internet and intranet connection, ICT media (LCD projector and CPU), sound system and CCTV; providing the multimedia room; and providing the digital library. CRITICAL REVIEW OF SCHOOL’S STRATEGIC PLANS-HARIYANTO


f. Finance, Society Supporting, and Special Service The school goals and objectives are: improvement of cooperation with parents, community, other institutions; realization of the harmonious relationship of school community which have spirit of Bhawikarsu; realization of the quick, exact service, and focus on customer satisfaction; realization of the mutuality profitable cooperation with other institution; and improvement of sufficient healthy school. The effective plans that achieve the school’s goals are: increasing resource of school finance; increasing efficiency of budget using; increasing job-based incentive for teachers and educational personals; socialization of annual work program and fund collecting from parents of new students; improving health service of teachers, educational personals, and students; increasing self-empowerment of officer; and improving service of school canteen. Other wise, the ineffective plans are: composing articles of association and household of school committee; reformation of school committee election; improving quality and quantity of co-operation with industries and university; and hiring professional cleaning service. For fulfilling the strategic plans, principal have to coordinate with school committee to compose article of association and household; principal have to approach the alumni to more contribute in develop school program; and principal have to train and control the cleaning service work. REFERENCES Depdiknas, (2006) Panduan Penyusunan Rencana Pengembangan Sekolah (RPS), Jakarta: Dirjenmandikdasmen. Depdiknas, (2006) Renstra Pendidikan Nasional, Jakarta: Depdinas. Depdiknas, (2006) Standar Nasional Pendidikanl, Jakarta: Depdinas. Dirjen Mandikdasken. 2007. Sistem Penyelenggaraan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional. Jakarta. Depdiknas. Dirjen Mandikdasken. (2008) Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Program Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Djalal, Fasli. (2005) Pengembangan Sekolah Unggul, Jakarta: Depdiknas. Government Regulation( Peraturan Pemerintah) No.19 year 2005, against Standard of National Education. Regulation (Undang-Undang) No. 23 year 2003. against System of National Education SMA N 3 Malang, (2007) Renstra SMA Negeri 3 Malang (2007-2017) Menuju Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional, Malang- Indonesia, Document Unpublismnet.



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