Bedhol_bhawikarsu Of Sma Negeri 3 Malang

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  • Words: 986
  • Pages: 4

A. BACKGROUND OF THE PROGRAM Technology does not always influence to the young generation positively, although in the globalization era, the role of technology is very important in life. For example, besides the technology make their life easily and practically, but the technology also makes they are being dependence and preoccupied with technology, so they will behave negatively; being egocentric; and not socialize with others, especially with unlucky people surround them. For resisting the case, so the educational institutions have to promote the seven basic goods, that is life; truthful knowledge; friendship; beauty; skilful play; religion; and practical reasonableness (morally sound), especially friendship; religion; and practical reasonableness (morally sound). The students are demanded to aware with the external environment (practical reasonableness); the students also are demanded to socialize with community (friendship) and implement the religion doctrine in their daily activities (religion). Therefore, the students are demanded to contribute and aware in overcoming the various problems of life. So, educational institutions can produce the students which have integrated and multi-intelligence, intelligence of quotient (IQ); emotional quotient (EQ); and spiritual quotient (SQ). Based on the description above, the Organization of Intra School Students of Public Senior High School 3 Malang (OSIS SMA Negeri 3 Malang) fosters the annual society service-plus program called “ Bedhol Bhawikarsu” that can practice and improve the social sensitivity of



students, especially the students of SMA Negeri 3 Malang directly interact with village people which need help anything in their life. B. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES The objectives of the program “Bedhol Bhawikarsu” fostering described as follows: 1. implementing the program of Organization of Intra School Students of Public Senior High School 3 Malang (SMA Negeri 3 Malang) 2007/2008 2. improving the social sensitivity of students of SMA Negeri 3 Malang 3. practicing the students to directly interact with community 4. practicing the students to adapt to the new environment, that is village environment 5. practicing the feeling of solidarity of students with others 6. facilitating the students to help the community lack fulfill the needs in the village.

C. Details of the Program Implementation 1. Name of Program The name of program is Bedhol Bhawikarsu 2. Theme of Program The theme of program is “ Build up the social spirit and be humbled with Bedhol Bhawikarsu”

3. Implementation of Program The program will be implemented on November 13 to 15, 2008 (in the middle odd semester), in Village of Senggreng; District of Sumberpucung; Regency of Malang; East Java; Indonesia, participant is all school components (student; teachers; principal; vice-principals; and educational personals).



4. Description of Program The term of Bedhol Bhawikarsu stands for Bedhol and Bhawikarsu. Bedhol is Javanese metaphors; it means to uproot the tree. Bedhol is used in the term if we move all components from one place to other, for example the transmigration of all people of village without left to other place is called “Bedhol Deso” whereas Deso is from Javanese language that means village. Even though, Bhawikarsu is the acronym of the Sanskrit: Bhaktia (to show faith); Widagda (educated/knowlegable/study); Karya (work); and Sudira (struggle). It is the motto of SMA Negeri 3 Malang. So, the term of Bedhol Bhawikarsu means the moving of all components of SMA Negeri 3 Malang (Bhawikarsu) from one place (school) to other place (village). All school components are distributed to the village people’s houses. The number of teachers, educational personals, and students are about 852 persons (756 students and 106 staffs), and every house will be placed the 6 persons (1 teacher and 5 students), so the program needs about 142 houses. They stay in village about 3 days, they have meal alike what the people eat, and they sleep alike where the people go bed. So all school components live in the village alike as village people. The activity of students during staying in the village is academicals and non academicals activity. The academicals activities is doing the assignments of subjects, for example: observing and reporting the phenomena of village both people and environment; practicing to teach in Elementary School; fostering the academicals quiz for children in the village. In the other hand, the non academicals activities is society service, that is all the activities that to practice the social sensitivity of students, for example: free medical service; community work together with village people; cheap market of basic needs and chemical manure; agriculture counseling; healthy counseling; friendship match of sport between students and people village; and conducting the entertaining night on farewell. THE ANNUAL SOCIAL SERVICE-PLUS PROGRAM “BEDHOL BHAWIKARSU”


The program is supported by six components, that is teachers (including principal, vice-principals, and educational personals); students; parents; people of village; sponsorships; and government. The role of teachers is a guider; builder; and participant. The role of students is a executor; donator; and participants. Parents are as donator and supporter of program, whereas the sponsorships are as donator (i.e: industries of foodstuff; chemical manure; medicine; transportation; and broadcasting, alumnae, etc). The conducting of program is necessary to support by government, especially for legal permit . The final supporter is people of village, because they are not only as target of program but also as supporter of the program. So the program of Bedhol Bhawikarsu has to be supported by many components or stakeholders. In the other words, the stakeholders of the program are classified to two stakeholders, that is direct stakeholders and indirect stakeholders. The direct stakeholders consist of students; parents; people of village; and sponsorship, because they are involved directly to the program. Even though the indirect stakeholders are local government (head of village, head of district, regent or major, and central government c.q Ministry of National Education.



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