August('05) -12 - Spoken English

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-Ñ-Ø√-úø’ Vinod: When did you get the letter? What's the news?

(™„ô®˝ á°æ¤-úÌ-*açC? àçöÀ Ææçí∫-ûª’©’?) Vijai: Important news. My uncle is moving into his new home by the month end. He has given me an important job to do.

(´·êu-¢Á’i† ¢√Í®h. ´÷ ¶«¶«®· Ñ ØÁ™«ê-JéÀ éÌûªh ÉçöÀéÀ ´÷®Ω’-ûª’-Ø√oúø’. Ø√éÓ ´·êu-¢Á’i† °æE Å°æp-ñ„-§ƒpúø’.) Vinod: What is it? (àçôC?) Vijai: I have to buy furniture here and send it to him.

(Ééπ\úø °∂æJo-˝ éÌE Çߪ’-†èπ◊ °æç°œç-î√L.) Vinod: How much? - furniture uncountable) Vijai: It's a tall order. At least 8 to 9 items.


(î√™« áèπ◊\¢Ë. éπFÆæç áE-N’C, ûÌN’tC ´Ææ’h-´¤©’) (tall order= áèπ◊\´. á´-È®jØ√ ´’†èπ◊ °æ¤®Ω-´÷-®·ç*† °æE áèπ◊\¢Ë ņ-ú≈-EéÀ a tall order Åçö«ç. O’ conversation ™ DEo practice îËߪ’çúÕ.) Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æù†’ í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. furniture uncountable ÅE Éçûªèπ◊ ´·çüË ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊-Ø√oç í∫ü∆? Å®·ûË furniture †’ specificí¬ Ææçêu™ îÁÊ°pç-ü¿’èπ◊ an item/ items of; a piece/ pieces of furniture ņ-´îª’a. An item/ items of furniture ÅØËC shops ™, official language ™ ¢√úøû√ç. ´÷´‚©’ ´’† ¢√úø’é𠶵«≠æ™ conversational í¬ Å®·ûË a piece of/ pieces of furniture Åçö«ç. Customer: I want some furniture. Shop keeper: What are the items, Sir, and how many? Customer: Just a few items business language item

Ééπ\úø (= ´Ææ’h´¤) ¢√úø’-ûª’Ø√oç.


Ramana: Look at that sofa there and the dining table.

(Ç ≤Ú§∂ƒ, úÁjEçí˚ õ‰•’™¸ îª÷úø’) Raghav: Yes, what about them?

(îª÷¨»†’, àN’öÀ?) Ramana: Those two pieces of furniture have been with us for the past twenty years.

Vittal: Why are you in such a hurry?

(àçôçûª £æ«ú≈-´¤úÕ?) Vikram: I have two or three urgent jobs to do before 3 in the afternoon.

(؈’ ´’üµ∆u£æ«oç ´‚úø’™í¬ È®çúø’ ´‚úø’ °æ†’©’ îËߪ÷Lq ÖçC.) Vittal: I have a job to do too. Mom wants me to take her shopping.

(Ø√èπ◊ äéπ °æE ÖçC. ´÷ Å´’t ≥ƒ°œçí˚éÀ BÆæ’-Èé-∞¡x´’çöçC.) Soap èπÿú≈ uncountable. Å®·ûË ü∆Eoèπÿú≈ Ææçêu™ îÁÊ°pç-ü¿’èπ◊ ´÷®√_-©’-Ø√o®·. Kiran: How much soap do you use a month?

He has given me an important job to do

ÅE éπü∆. 'work' uncountable. Åçü¿’-éπE ûÁ©’í∫’™ ™«í¬ °æE/ °æ†’©’ ÅE îÁ°æp-ú≈-EéÀ job/ jobs ¢√úø-´îª’a. (Job Åçõ‰ ´÷´‚©’ Å®Ωnç ÖüÓuí∫ç. job Åçõ‰ °æE = work ÅØË Å®Ωnç èπÿú≈ ÖçC. 'work' uncountable; 'job' countable.)

I am giving you a hundred rupees. Will that do?

Kashyap: Depends. In summer at least 5 to 6 cakes of soap. In winter, two or three.

ÅC î√©ü¿’. Ø√èπ◊ Åçûª-éπçõ‰ áèπ◊\¢Ë 鬢√L. That will not (won't) do. I need more than that.

(¢ËÆæ-N™ Å®·-ü∆®Ω’ Ææ•’s G∞¡x©’, Qû√-鬩ç È®çúø’´‚úø’.)

1) Madan:


Ææ•’s 鬢√-©´÷t? ¢√úøçúÕ) Mother: È®çvúÓ-V© éÀçüË éÌûªh Ææ•’s BÆæ’èπ◊Ø√o´¤. ÅC ¢√úË-¨»¢√? Madan: Åü¿-®·-§Ú-®·çC. É°æ¤púø’ Ø√èπ◊ Ææ•’s 鬢√L. (Mom

a piece of/ pieces.. Hemanth: You waste a lot of paper.

-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 37 ™ éÌØËC.

let me have soap/ a piece of soap/ some soap (pronunciation- cake news, information a piece of good/ bad news; a piece of information/ some pieces of information a) He has leaked out an important piece of information.

Éçöx Ø√èπ◊ ≤Ú°ˇ 鬢√L ņ-ú≈-EéÀ–

Åçö«ç. Ééπ

= Èéß˝’é˙) N≠æߪ’ç.

¢√úø’-éπ™ ÖçC.

b) A piece of news is missing in this letter.

(Ø√èπ◊ Ê°°æ®˝ 鬢√L. F ü¿í∫_-®Ω’çü∆?) (Ø√ ü¿í∫_®Ω È®çúø’ ≠‘ô’x ´÷vûª¢Ë’ ÖØ√o®·.) Hari: One sheet will do for me.

(Ø√èπ◊ äéπ ≠‘ö¸ î√©’.) will do = î√©’. ÉC èπÿú≈ conversational. O’ spoken English ™ 'î√©’— ÅØËç-ü¿’èπ◊ ¢√úøçúÕ.

Ñ ¢√éπuç èπÿú≈ ûªÊ°p éπü∆! ÅE ®√ߪ÷L éπü∆? – áØ˛. ¶µ«Ææ\-®Ω-®√´¤, Çîªçô

ï¢√•’: 1) Suneetha is like her sister,

Suneetha looks like her sister correct. Suneetha is like her sister.

¢ËÍ®y®Ω’ Å®√n-©ûÓ Ñ È®çúø÷

Suneetha looks like her sister.

D†®Ωnç äéπ\ §ÚL-éπ™ ´÷vûª¢Ë’ (îª÷úø-ú≈-EéÀ). 2) Ramu and his brother are alike in their appearance are verb


He went out an hour ago. went use Went (Past doing word) She has gone out just a minute ago. has gone

Ééπ\úø Æ洒ߪ’ç ûÁL-ߪ’ñ‰¨»®Ω’ 鬕öÀd O’®Ω’ îËߪ÷©E í∫ûªç™ îÁ§ƒp®Ω’. 鬕öÀd. ´’J–

Ñ ¢√éπuç™†÷ Æ洒ߪ’ç ûÁLߪ’ñ‰-¨»®Ω’. é¬F

Åçö«ç. É´Fo ™ ñ«ví∫-ûªh-°æ-ú≈-Lq† *†o-*†o Å稻©’. ¢√úø’ É°æp-öÀÍé Ø√©’í∫’ é¬T-û√©’ ´%ü∑∆ î˨»úø’.

He has written his address on a slip of paper and given it to me.

ØË© î√™« ¨¡Ÿv¶µºçí¬ ÖçC. äéπ\ é¬Tûªç ´·éπ\ èπÿú≈ ™‰ü¿’. The floor is clean, not a piece of paper anywhere.

ÅE O’Í® ´î√a?


(Past Participle) use

î˨»®Ω’. Å™« îËߪ’-– áç. Xé¬çû˝, £j«ü¿-®√-¶«ü˛ ï¢√•’: She has gone out just a minute ago. Ééπ\úø just a minute ago Åçõ‰ É°æ¤púË ÅØË Å®Ωnç BÆæ’éÓ-¢√-™‰-í¬F, õ„jç îÁ°œp-†ô’x é¬ü¿’. just ¢√úøúøç ´©x Ç Å®Ωnç ´Ææ’hçC. Å®·ûË American usage ™ É°æ¤p-úÕ-°æ¤púË complete Å®·† °æ†’-©èπ◊ èπÿú≈ Past Doing Word (past simple) ¢√úøû√®Ω’. He has gone out just a minute ago. just has gone outbetter, British usage time past action Past Doing Word correct. 'could' 'mould'


Ææ’Fûª Ç¢Á’ ÆœÆd®æ ˝™«Íí ÖçC– Åçõ‰ §ÚL-éπ™, í∫’ù«™x, †úø-´-úÕ™ ÅE.

ÅØËC éπÈ®é˙d. ™‰ü¿’. 鬕öÀd éπÈ®é˙d é¬ü¿’.

sheets of paper; a slip of/ slips of paper; a piece of paper/ pieces of paper Spoken English

¢√úø’ ûª† ÅvúøÆˇ äéπ é¬Tûªç ´·éπ\ O’ü¿ ®√Æœ-î√aúø’.

Hemanth: I have only two sheets.

ÅØ√L éπü∆!

(Ç ≠‘ö¸ É´¤y. ؈’ M. SURESAN ûÌçü¿-®Ω™ ÖØ√o.) ®√ߪ’-ú≈-EéÀ, printing èπ◊ ¢√úË paper á°æ¤púø÷ uncountable. Åçõ‰ Ñ Å®Ωnç™ papers ÅE-í¬F, a paper ÅE-í¬F ņç. Ææçë«u-¢√-îªéπçûÓ ÅØ√-©-†’-èπ◊çõ‰– a sheet of/

He has already wasted four sheets of paper.

(Ñ ™„ô-®˝™ äéπ Ææ´÷-î√®Ωç ™‰ü¿’.) Hari: I want paper. Have you any?

Suneetha looks like her sister 2) Ramu and his brother alike in appearance Ramu and his brother are alike in appearance

(†’´¤y Ê°°æ®˝ ¶«í¬ ´%ü∑∆ îË≤ƒh´¤.) Hari: Let me have just one sheet. I am in a hurry

shop a cake/ cakes of soap

Åçõ‰ ´’†ç

v°æ¨¡o: 1) Suneetha is like her sister ņúøç ûª°æ¤p éπü∆?


Practice the following aloud in English:

؈’ -Fèπ◊ ´çü¿-®Ω÷-§ƒ-ߪ’-L-Ææ’h-Ø√o†’, ÅC î√™«?

(ØÁ©èπ◊ O’®Ω’ áçûª Ææ•’s ¢√úø-û√®Ω’?)

(´·êu-¢Á’i† Ææ´÷-î√®Ωç •ßª’-ô-°-ö«dúø’.) (Ç È®çúø÷ ´÷ ü¿í∫_®Ω 20 à∞¡Ÿxí¬ ÖØ√o®·.) Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æù business/ official é¬èπ◊çú≈ informal 鬕öÀd Åçü¿’™ a piece of / pieces of furniture Åçö«ç. ¢Á·ü¿öÀ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ Vijai à´’Ø√oúø’?

-´’çí∫-∞¡-¢√®Ωç 23 -Çí∫Ææ’d 2005

èπ◊ v§ƒ´·êuç 鬕öÀd v°æ鬮Ωç. îÁ°œp† äéπöÀ´÷vûªç í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓ-¢√L. èπ◊ á°æ¤púø÷ ¢√úø-úø¢Ë’ v°æ¨¡o: ÉçTx≠ˇ™ E 'èπ◊ú˛— ÅE, E '´’¯™¸f— ÅE áçü¿’èπ◊ °æ©’-èπ◊-û√®Ω’? ÉC ÉçTx-≠ˇ™ ™°æ´÷? – öÀ. ÆæB-≠ˇ-È®úÕf, Né¬-®√-¶«ü˛ ï¢√•’: English pronunciation system ™ Ö†o üÓ≠æç ´©x É™«çöÀ ÆæçüË-£æ…©’ ´≤ƒh®·. English ™ äéπ ´÷ô pronunciation ü∆E origin †’ •öÀd Öçô’çC. Åçõ‰ ü∆E ´‚™«-Eo-•öÀd. ÅC Åîªaç English ´÷ö«, ™‰èπ◊çõ‰ ¢ËÍ® ¶µ«≠憒ç* ´*a† ´÷ö« ÅØË ü∆Eo •öÀd Öçô’çC. 鬕öÀd Dictionery E ¢√úÕ pronunciation ûÁ©’Ææ’-éÓ-´úøç äéπõ‰ ´÷®Ω_ç. áçü¿’-éÀ™«? ÅØË v°æ¨¡oèπ◊ Ææ´÷-üµ∆†ç üÌ®Ω-éπü¿’.


Ææ•’s ´’K áèπ◊\´ ¢√úø’-ûª’-Ø√o´¤. Ωtç §ÒúÕí¬ Å´¤-ûª’çC ñ«ví∫ûªh! Madan: ؈’ î√™« ûªèπ◊\´ Ææ•’s ¢√úø-û√†’. Mother: ûÁ©’-Ææ÷hØË ÖçC. Ø√©’í∫’ ®ÓV™x äéπ Ææ•’s Å´-íÌ-õ‰d-¨»´¤. 2) Prasanth: †’´¤y ´÷´‚-©’í¬ áEoç-öÀéÀ °æúø’èπ◊ç-ö«´¤?(when ... go to bed ¢√úøçúÕ). Pramod: ´÷´‚-©’í¬ ®√vA 10éÀ. é¬F Ñ ®ÓV Ç©Ææuç Å´¤ûª’çü¿†’èπ◊çô’Ø√o. Ø√èπ◊ È®çúø’ ´‚úø’ ´·êu-¢Á’i† °æ†’-©’-Ø√o®·. ÅN îËÆœ† ûª®√yûË °æúø’-èπ◊çö«. Prasanth: Å®·ûË ØË¢Á-∞¡xØ√? Ø√èπÿ Éçöx ´·êu-¢Á’i† °æE ÖçC? ؈’ éÌçûª Ê°°æ®˝ BÆæ’Èé-∞¡Ÿ-ûª’Ø√o. áÂÆj-Ø˛-¢Á’çö¸ äéπöÀ ®√ߪ÷L. äéπ Ø√©’í∫’ é¬Tû√©’ BÆæ’Èé-∞¡Ÿ-ûª’Ø√o. Pramod: ÅN î√™«? Answers: 1) Madan: I want soap/ some soap, mom. Mother: You took a new cake of soap just two days ago. Have you done with it? (have done with = conversational. 'Have you used it up?' bookish. 'Have you used it up?' spoken form- Have you done with it?/ Are you done with it. Madan: Yes, mom. I am done with it. I want soap now. Mother: You are using too much of soap, boy. It dries up your skin, be careful. Madan: I use very little soap. Mother: I know. That's why you have used up a whole cake in just four days. 2) Prasanth: When do you go to bed usually? sleep = (go to bed =

äéπ ´Ææ’h´¤†’ ¢√úËߪ’úøç – ÉC ņ-´îª’a. é¬F ÅC éÌçîÁç ¢√u´£æ…-J-éπçí¬ ÅØË ü∆EéÀ

Evü¿èπ◊ Ö°ævéπ-N’-çîªúøç, EvCç-îªúøç – È®çúø÷ äéπöÀ é¬ü¿’ éπü∆!)

Pramod: Usually at 10. I shall be late today. I have two or three jobs to do. I will go to bed only after finishing them. Prasanth: Shall I go then? I have important work at home too. Shall I take some paper? I have an assignment to do. I am taking four sheets. Pramod: Will that (they) do?

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