Activity Guide And Evaluation Rubric - Activity 2 Writing Assignment.docx

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia Academica and Research Vice-Rector Activity 2 : Writing Assignment – Guide & Rubric 1. General description of the course School or Academic Unit Level of formation Field of Formation Course name Course code Type of course

Vicerrectoría de Relaciones Internacionales

Number of credits


Technical-Technological-Professional-Master Common Basic Interdisciplinary formation English III 90121 Methodological

Can it be retaken?

Yes ☐ No ☒

2. Description of the activity Type of activity: Moment of evaluation:

Collaborativ Number ☒ 6 e of weeks Intermedia, ☒ Starting ☐ Final ☐ unidad: Delivery environment: Evaluative score: 120 points Monitoring and evaluation Starting date: April 11th, Closing date: May 23th, 2019 2019 Competence to develop: Writing skill: The students write short texts coherently about academic topics related to their discipline and use the semantics appropriately. Topics to develop: Compound adjectives, Modal verbs, Past Progressive, Time and enough clauses, Uses fo –ING forms, Future. Phases, steps or stages of the learning strategy to develop Act. 2 : Writing Assignment Activities to develop Individual ☐

Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of the following modal verbs regarding your role as citizen: can – could – may - must - should - ought to – have to – need to- had better - would. Parte 1: Después de revisar la Unidad 1 Tema 2: Verbos modales, escriba 1 oración usando cada uno de los siguientes verbos modales con respecto a su papel como ciudadano: puede - podría - debería - debería - debería - debería debe - debe - debe tenía mejor - lo haría

I can access health services Yo puedo acceder a los servicios de salud I could enjoy the park with tranquility Yo podría disfrutar el parque con tranquilidad I may exercise my right to vote Puedo ejercer mi derecho de voto I should work tonight Debería trabajar esta noche I must go to the dentist again next week Debo ir al dentista la próxima semana I ought to know about some aliments Debería saber sobre algunos alimentos I have to take care the environment Tengo que cuidar el medio ambiente. I need to do physical activity Necesito realizar actividad física I had better save my money Será mejor que ahorre mi dinero I would go to the cinema this tonight Iría al cine esta noche.


I must participate in the democratic process.

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each student must write 5 things you were doing last night and 5 things you were not: Parte 2: De acuerdo con el tema Progreso Pasado (Unidad 1: Tema 3), cada estudiante debe escribir 5 cosas que estaba haciendo anoche y 5 cosas que no hizo: Mirar ejemplos Utilizar was or was not I was doing college assignments Yo estaba haciendo tareas de la universidad I was listening to music last night

Yo estaba escuchando musica anoche I was going to the gym

Yo estaba yendo al gimnasio I was having dinner at my house

Yo estaba cenando en mi casa I was working in the company

Yo estaba trabajando en la empresa I was not eating in the restaurant Yo no estaba comiendo en el restaurante I was not at my friend's party

Yo no estaba en la fiesta de mi amigo I was not in my sister's house

Yo no estaba en la casa de mi hermana I was not playing with my cat

Yo no estaba jugando con mi gato I was not drinking beer in the park

Yo no estaba bebiendo cerveza en el parque

Example: I was reading the newspaper at home. I was not walking my dog in the park. Part 3: Write a text about the activities you will do on a three-day trip next vacations. Use at least two pictures related to your journey. You should write three paragraphs:

Parte 3: escriba un texto sobre las actividades que realizará en un viaje de tres días en las próximas vacaciones. Usa al menos dos imágenes relacionadas con tu viaje. Deberías escribir tres párrafos: Example: I will go to the beach with my son on Sunday afternoon. Utilizer el will Como es future es ire hare, estare cosas asi  Paragraph 1: First day  Paragraph 2: Second day  Paragraph 3: Third day Each paragraph must have minimum four (4) sentences and maximum six (6) sentences. It must have a title, from 220 words to 250 and it is necessary to use and highlight the following topics:  Modal verbs  Future 1. Iré desde el aeropuerto de Cali para luego aterrizar en la ciudad de México, el vuelo demoraria cerca de 5 horas, luego iniciaríamos la visita de la ciudad conociendo el Palacio Nacional, la Plaza de la Constitución o zócalo y la Catedral Metropolitana así como las principales avenidas. Traslado al hotel y alojamiento. 2. Comenzariamos el día hacia la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe donde conoceremos la basílica antigua y moderna, el Cerrito del Tepeyac, entre otros. Continuaremos hacia la zona arqueológica de San Juan de Teotihuacán en donde admiraremos las Pirámides del Sol y la Luna. En horas de la noche saldríamos a la famosa Plaza Garibaldi para disfrutar de los bailes regionales, una

copa de tequila y por supuesto de los auténticos Mariachis.

3. Al día siguiente, visitariamos los diferentes museos de la ciudad, además visitariamos todo el Paseo de la Reforma haciendo la parada en el Ángel de la Independencia para que

te saques la foto correspondiente para luego terminar en el pulmón de la ciudad, el parque de Chapultepec, el parque es un deleite a la vista. Te encontrarás con una laguna donde puedes navegar en botecitos, está el Castillo de Chapultepec que tiene una bella vista, además, se encuentra el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Museo del Caracol y el Museo Nacional de Historia y Antropología. Es un bello viaje a la historia, aquí podrás observar el original calendario Azteca.


I will go from the Cali airport to land in Mexico City, the flight will take about 5 hours, then we will start visiting the city knowing the National Palace, the Plaza de la Constitución or the Zócalo and the Metropolitan Cathedral. as the main avenues. Hotel moving and lodging.


The day will begin towards the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, where we will know the ancient and modern basilica, the Cerro del Tepeyac, among others. We will continue to the archaeological zone of San Juan de Teotihuacán where we will admire the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon. In the evening we would go to the famous Plaza de Garibaldi to enjoy the regional details, a glass of tequila and of course the authentic Mariachis.


The next day, we will visit the different museums of the city, in addition, we will visit the entire Paseo de la Reforma making the stop at the Angel of Independence so you can take your photo so you can finish in the lungs of the city, the park of Chapultepec, the park is a delight to behold. You find a lagoon where you can sail in small boats, there is the Castle of Chapultepec that has a beautiful view, in addition, you can find the Museum of Contemporary Art, Museo del Caracol and the National Museum of History and Anthropology. It is a beautiful journey into history, here you have to observe the original Azteca calendar.

Part 4: Students must comment about the partners’contributions and make corrections if necessary. Remember: All the participations must be written directly in the forum. Please do not attach any files because they won’t be taken into account! Environme nts to its developme

Collaborative Learning – Monitoring and Evaluation

nt Individual: Part 1: Send 10 sentences using the modal verbs of obligation and advice. Part 2: Send 10 sentences using past progressive taking into account what you were doing last night. Part 3: Write your own text about the activities you will do on a three-day trip and send it in the forum.

Products to submit by the students

Collaborative: Part 4: Send in the forum your comments about the partners’ contributions. Submit the final product taking into account this: Consolidate activities and the texts (Step 1 to 4). PDF file which will be sent at Monitoring and Evaluation Environment. File Name: Final_Writing_Group--Example: Final_Writing_Group110

General guidelines of developing the activity





Planning activities to develop the collaborativ e work

• Each student must choose a role according to his abilities and competences and tell it to his partners.  To read the unit contents taking into account the references because they support the activities.  Each student must participate active and thoughfully in collaborative activities.  To share the appropriate contributions on time for each activity.  To work together developing all the activities according to this guide.  To check continuously the time of developing and submiting collaborative assignments according to the Course agenda and activity guide.

Roles to perform by the student in the collaboative group

Collector Reviewer Evaluaror Submissions Alerts

Roles and responsibili ties to produce the submitions by the students

Collector: Articulate the contributions of all the participants of the collaborative group in order to consolidate the final paper; including only those who took part of the whole process. Reviewer: To verify that the final paper and process meet all the requirements established by the teacher. Evaluator: To verify that the final paper meets the criteria established by the rubric. The evaluator must inform the group about any corrections or adjustments regarding the quality of the document.

Submissions: To keep track and inform the group about the submission time, upload the final paper on time, using the link provided by the teacher or established by the activity guide. To notify the group members the final paper was submitted. Alerts: To notify all the group members about changes or news related to the submission or elaboration of the final paper. To notify the teacher through the collaborative forum and the course mail that the final paper was submitted. It is necessary to use the APA standards in order to provide a bibliography of the sources cited in the document Use of references

Plagiarism policy

Use this link as reference: In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article 99, the mistakes that infringe upon the academic order, among others, are the following: paragraph e) “To plagiarize is to present as your own work the whole or part of a writing, report, task or document of invention performed by another person. It also implies the use of cites or lack of references, or includes cites where there is no coincidence between them and the reference” and paragraph f)”To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of research products, which have intellectual rights reserved for the University”. The academic punishments that the student will face are: a) In case of academic fraud proved in the academic work or evaluation, the score achieved will be zero (0.0) without leading to disciplinary measures.

b) In case of plagiarism proved in the academic work of any nature, the score achieved will be zero (0.0), without leading to disciplinary measures. To know how the documents must be cited, check the following document: Centro de Escritura Javeriano ( ) Normas APA. Sexta edición. Taken from .php?option=com_content&view=article&id=138:n ormas-apa&catid=45:referenciasbibliograficas&Itemid=

4. Evaluation Rubric Evaluation Rubric Individual Collaborative ☐ ☒ Type of activity: activity activity Intermedia, ☒ Moment of evaluation Starting ☐ Final ☐ unit Peformance level of individual activity Item Score High score Media score Low score The student Grammar used did not handle in the writing gramar assignment structures in shows a good the writing handle of The student assignment structures. The did not according to student participate the level. The Grammar expressed in the 25 points student used situations using activity. different modal verbs, structures from phrasal verbs the established and future tense ones in the appropriately. guide. (Up to 25 (Up to 13 (0 points) points) points) Ideas and It was possible grammatical to understand construction in The student clearly the the writing did not message and were not participate Coherence main idea of the coherent, it was in the and 20 points text. The disorganized activity. cohesion content met the and the aim guidelines. was not clear. (Up to 20 (Up to 10 (0 points) points) points) In the text the It lacked a The student Vocabulary student used good use of did not 20 points and Spelling appropriately the proper participate

vocabulary addressed in the units and it is according to the guidelines. The student used properly the order of adjectives to describe his feelings. (Up to 20 points)

vocabulary in the writing assignment, besides it was too limited.

in the activity.

(Up to 10 (0 points) points) The student developed and submitted the The student final paper but submitted it was The appropriately the incomplete. The student did final paper assignment met not following the the structures participate Final instructions. The partially. The in the product student met all students did activity. the steps of this not send the activity. final task in the correct environment. (Up to 20 (Up to 10 (0 points) points) points) Performance levels of collaborative activity Item Low High score Media score score Participations The student’s were meanigful, participations The Participatio linked and were poor student n and contribute to the and/or did not did not interaction construction of met the participate in the the final paper. requirements. in the forum The student The student did activity. contributed not choose a

20 points


35 points

appropiately and role nor made meaningful comments about according to his his partners’ role. The contributions. student’s contributions follow the netiquette rules and were sent on time. The student met his roles. (Up to 35 points)

(Up to 18 points)

(0 points) Final score

95 points

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