Activity Guide And Evaluation Rubric_unit 1 Activity 2 Writing Task.docx

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  • Pages: 11
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia Academic and Research Vice-rector Activity 2 – Writing Task 1. General description of the course Faculty or Academic Unit Academic Level Academic Field Course Name Course Code Course Type Number of Credits

Vicerrectoría de Relaciones Internacionales Professional, specialization, master Common basic interdisciplinary training English B1+ 900004 Methodological Can be yes ☐ No ☒ reopened 3

2. Description of the activity Type of the activity: Moment of evaluation:

Collaborative ☒

Number of 4 weeks

Initial ☐ Intermediate: ☒

Final ☐

Individual ☐

Evaluative score: 90 points

Delivery Environment: Monitoring and Evaluation

Starting date: April 11th, Closing date: April 30th, 2019 2019 Competence to develop: Build different sentences according to the topics seen, the student will construct this with the support of the E-Tutor and e-students. Through this exercise, the student will recognize and ownership the contents of the unit 1 in the online contents, their environment and the context to express themselves according to their level. Topics to develop: Unit 1 Compound Adjectives. Present Progressive. Modal Verbs Phases of the learning strategy to develop:

Central task - Writing assignment - Production Phase 1: Students work in collaborative groups to plan, prepare and correct the sentences / paragraph. Phase 2: Students present a document with the development of the different practices in the online content (Knowledge environment). Phase 3: The group construct a writing paragraph with the given instructions. Activities to carry out: I. PHASE ONE - Individual A. Check the online content – Unit 1 (Knowledge environment). B. Select a Role for the collaborative activity. II.

PHASE TWO - Collaborative

After checking the online content, in the group you are going to develop the following practices (12 practices):

III. PHASE THREE – Collaborative In the group, you are going to do the following (answer the questions):

Environment Knowledge environment / Collaborative Learning for the environment / monitoring and Evaluation development environment. Collaborative: In the Evaluation and monitoring environment, upload the Final Document in PDF FORMAT with the following Products to information: deliver by 1. First page: Cover (complete names, IDs and Date) student 2. Practices answered (Phase two - 12 practices). 3. Paragraphs (Phase three – answer the questions and the short paragraphs). General guidelines for the collaborative work Planning of activities for the development of collaborative work Roles to perform by the student in the collaboative group Roles and responsibiliti es to produce the

Each student has to contribute in the forum as follows: 1. Check the online content. 2. Develop the practices. 3. Work in group for the final document. Collector Reviewer Evaluator Submissions Alerts Collector: Articulate the contributions of all the participants of the collaborative group in order to consolidate the final paper; including only those who took part of the whole process.

submitions by the students

Reviewer: To verify that the final paper and process meet all the requirements established by the teacher. Evaluator: To verify that the final paper meets the criteria established by the rubric. The evaluator must inform the group about any corrections or adjustments regarding the quality of the document. Submissions: To keep track and inform the group about the submission time, upload the final paper on time, using the link provided by the teacher or established by the activity guide. To notify the group members the final paper was submitted. Alerts: To notify all the group members about changes or news related to the submission or elaboration of the final paper. To notify the teacher through the collaborative forum and the course mail that the final paper was submitted. It is necessary to use the APA standards in order to provide a bibliography of the sources cited in the document

Use of references

Plagiarism policy

Use this link as reference: In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article 99, the mistakes that infringe upon the academic order, among others, are the following: paragraph e) “To plagiarize is to present as your own work the whole or part of a writing, report, task or document of invention performed by another person. It also implies the use of cites or lack of references, or includes cites where there is no coincidence between them and the reference” and paragraph f)”To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of research products, which have intellectual rights reserved for the University”.

The academic punishments that the student will face are: a) In case of academic fraud proved in the academic work or evaluation, the score achieved will be zero (0.0) without leading to disciplinary measures. b) In case of plagiarism proved in the academic work of any nature, the score achieved will be zero (0.0), without leading to disciplinary measures. To know how the documents must be cited, check the following document: Centro de Escritura Javeriano ( ) Normas APA. Sexta edición. Taken from p?option=com_content&view=article&id=138:normasapa&catid=45:referencias-bibliograficas&Itemid=

4. Evaluation rubric

Activity type: Moment of the evaluation

Evaluation rubric Individual Collaborative ☒ ☐ Activity Activity Initial ☐

Intermediate ☒

Final ☐

Performance levels of the collaborative activity High score Media score Low score The There is participations minimum are relevant, participation in articulated and the writing contribute to forum, besides There is not the it neither meets forum Participation construction of the participation the final & requirements of at all. interaction document. The the guide and contributions schedule nor are posted the netiquette according to standards. the schedule. (Up to 20 (Up to 10 (Up to 0 points) points) points) The written The proper use outcome of grammar contains some shows a good grammatical The student knowledge of inconsistencies didn’t the structures and the participate in Use of in the simplicity of the the activity. grammar development sentences show of the difficulties in practices. the structures. (Up to 10 (Up to 5 (Up to 0 points) points) points) Assessed Aspect

Scor e





The document The written shows final document inconsistencies contains a in the proper organization construction of and sentences and construction of paragraphs, ideas; however, making use of the objective or logical main point of connectors. view is understandable. (Up to 15 (Up to 7 points) points) Although the The final vocabulary used document in the final contains wide document variety of matches the words which difficulty level are used according to the coherently, contents of the with course, it is appropriate limited and has spelling. some spelling mistakes. (Up to 15 points)

(Up to 7 points)

The group develops the complete 12 The group practices, but develops the Development they have some complete 12 of the mistakes in the practices, with practices sentences. no mistakes in the sentences. The group doesn’t develop the 12

The student didn’t participate in the activity.


(Up to 0 points)

The student didn’t participate in the activity.

(Up to 0 points) The student doesn’t participate in the development of the 12 practices. The group answers


(Up to 20 points)

Final PFD delivery

practices. They answer among 6 to 11 practices.

among 1 to 5 practices.

(Up to 10 points)

(Up to 0 points)

The final document is The final delivered in document is not the Link delivered in the established for proper link or that purpose lacks some and contains dispositions in all the the final version dispositions for that matter (Up to 10 (Up to 5 points) points)

The student didn’t participate in the activity.



(Up to 0 points) Final score


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