10/08 Nvyc Newsletter

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October 2008


Camaraderie on the Water

Volume 237



Photo taken by Jon Lander



Napa Valley Yacht Club

October 2008 OCTOBER 2007 The month of Ghost & Goblins Friday Night Dinners






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OCTOBER 2008 DINNER HOSTS October 3rd Hosts: Dean Stahr & Pat Crisman Potluck October 10 Hosts: Tom & Nicky Suard and David & Patti Allison Taco Salad




Club and Bar opens at 5:30 pm


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October 17 Hosts: Norm & Else Madsen and Bob & Peg Beardsley Chicken Delight with Rice Dessert




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October 31 Hosts: Allan & Nancy Mueller, Chris & Lori Fultz, and Mike Noonan Italian Feast

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Halloween Party

October 24th Hosts: Keith & Regi Poehlmann and Soren and Ingrid Axelson Argentinian Beef Stew (Puchero) Mixed Green Salad and a Variety of Breads. Surprise Dessert

       Robert & Jean-Amodeo Morgart 30 Regatta Way Napa, CA. 94559 707 253-7690 Sponsored by: Lili Keating & Jackie DeRuiter

Toru & Sumiko Manabe 101 S. Newport Dr. Napa. CA. 94559 707 257-1965 Sponsored by: Richard Goodfellow & Jim Robbers Vessel: 29 ft. Larson named “WhiteWave”


Clay Parker Vice Commodore

October 2008 Jon Lander Commodore I am writing this column from the Marin YC and just prior to our departure for the Blue Water Cruise tomorrow. We are having a joyful time with 9 other boats from our club. We enjoyed a visit with the Marin Club last night at dinner and today Scott and Diane Brown arranged an excursion to China Camp State Park, a few miles from the marina. As usual, when the Napa YC is on the water, we are having fun! Club activities that are coming in October include: Oct 3, General Meeting and Election at 6 PM; Oct 10-18, Bay Cruise; Oct 31, Halloween Party. October will be a busy month! Come join us. This month I would like to highlight the outstanding job our Port Captain, Bill Newton, is doing. We have had an increased number of visiting clubs at our docks this year. We have also had some commercial endeavors that bring us some revenue and help support our dock maintenance. By being available to accommodate the requests, Bill has collected more dock fees than were anticipated. We are getting good reports of the fine time that visiting clubs are experiencing in Napa. This is beneficial when our club goes cruising too. A special thanks to Bill and recognition as one who is promoting Camaraderie on the Water. We are working through the last processes necessary to obtain a building permit for the new Deck. New member Chris Fultz is taking a lead on getting the plans in proper form and making an estimate so the Board can authorize the necessary budget. With agreement as to the scope of the project and a building permit, we will soon be under construction for this long anticipated project. Our club means a lot of different things to each of us. I think the common thread is the good camaraderie whether it be on a fishing excursion (see Larry’s column), the cruise that Carol and I are currently enjoying or Friday night at the club. I hope you are finding your share of the good fun.

Hello from Wyoming where fall colors are in full array and temperatures are showing it is time to dress a littler warmer than in our wonderful Napa Valley. September continues to be a busy month for guests coming to the club. We have already had Discovery Bay Yacht Club and will soon entertain the Disabled Veterans of America event on September 20-24th. This event takes disabled vets from Yountville out on the river for tours and some fishing. Last year there were about 125 that used our clubhouse and dock; a very nice experience for them. Then on the 24th-26th San Joaquin comes in to enjoy a few days in the Napa Valley. We seem to be a very popular club to visit! Our Social Chair and team are planning a party at the club for Halloween as it is also a Friday Night Dinner. You will be getting more information by flyer, but dust off those Halloween costumes and mark October 31st on your calendar. We will have a great dinner, prizes for costumes and a 50/50 “opportunity drawing” to support the Senior Program. Karen Agnew and mostly our lady members work so hard every year to provide a little cheer to seniors that otherwise would not enjoy the holidays nearly so much without them and their efforts. We are blessed to sponsor this event with major contributions from local businesses, especially Vallerga’s Markets. Our next General Membership meeting is to be held on Friday, October 3rd at the clubhouse. Please be there to elect officers for 2009. This is an excellent time to get updates by present officers and to learn of some things planned for the coming year. Remember to plan on attending the Change of Watch scheduled for December 13th at the Napa Valley Country Club. For especially newer members, this is the time when officers are changed to take leadership for our club and functions in the new year. More information will be coming soon. Have a safe and fun time on the water and join us at the club!

Larry Wolfe Rear Commodore Your Napa Valley Yacht Club fishing team, Don Buresh, Tom Nunan, Bob Stephenson, Bob Weeks, Sunkist and yours truly, Larry Wolfe left Friday afternoon, September 5th for the 768 mile drive to San Felipe, Mexico. We arrived at 6:00 A.M. Most of us have not stayed up all night since our high school graduation. The steel 80 foot fishing boat we boarded had seen better days and was well broken in. It (she?) also carried 8 pongas, row boats with out board motors used for the actual fishing. After loading gear and stores, we cruised about 200 miles south to fish our way north, back to San Felipe. Communication was a major problem. Our Spanish was not so good and their English even worse. So, what time to get up, to eat, to fish and what to do when, was frustrating. Our other area of even greater concern was safety---no drill on fire extinguishers, life jackets or life saving equipment. Even when we went out fishing in the open pongas, out of sight of the mother ship, there was no VHA radio, life jackets, flashlight, flares, fathometer, fishfinder and at times we had 8 foot seas. At one time we were led to believe a major storm was on our path. The radio on the boat was one of the many things not working. The Captain was so concerned that he took a ponga to a town 5 miles away to check on their radio and phone, only to find the town’s generator not working for the night. Keep in mind we had 21 fishermen and a crew of 13 for a total of 34 people on this boat. In spite of all of this we had a great adventure and experienced becoming better acquainted. The reason I share all of this with you is this. Three weeks ago we were cruising the bay and as we approached the San Rafael Bridge, I spotted two Coast Guard boats. In that instant the blue lights went on. I think I recall saying, “OH SUGAR!” They came alongside and asked if we had been inspected and I said, “Yes”. I proudly showed off my 2008 Coast Guard sticker. He said a little louder, “When was the last time you were boarded?” I replied, “Never”. He replied, “Permission to come aboard”. I said, “Sure.” While cruising on auto pilot at 7 knots, two young men jumped on board. They politely did a thorough safety check and checked our documentation. The process took 30 minutes. The point is SAFETY-----SAFETY. You can never be too safe. Thanks Coast Guard.








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Ask about Senor Citizens & Yacht Club members discounts.

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OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, CREW Board Members Commodore Jon Lander Vice Commodore Clay Parker Rear Commodore Larry Wolfe Secretary Bob Weeks Treasurer James Robbers Staff Commodore; Avi Strugo Directors Charlie Agnew 255-8115 Scott Brown Bill Newton 224-0306 Nancy Weeks Tom Nunan 252-7928 Bill Coffield Staff Chairs - Vice Commodore Port Captain Bill Newton Galley: Nancy Weeks Social Chair Mary Parker Bar Captain Don Buresh/Sharon Phillips OD Coordinator: Linda Sharp (supplies) Bob & Marla Stephenson Bob and Judee Stemmer Chairs - Rear Commodore Fleet Captain: Scott Brown Web Mike Noonan Newsletter Philip Craig Newsletter Sally Servidio Advertising Carole Terry Merchandise Angela & Art Lewis Membership Evelyn Silveri Bldg. & Grounds Tom Nunan Public Relations Lynn Pritchett Other Staff - Commodore Long Range Planning Steve Vartan Telephone Kathy Nord Sunshine Evelyn Silveri Christmas Seniors Karen Agnew PICYA Delegates Maxine Maas Jon Lander Larry Wolfe 8 Bells Committee Evelyn Silveri Jackie Finnegan 255-6638 Kathy Nord .

265-9003 224-0188 253-9158 253-2276 253-9052 224-8707 255-0885 253-2276 224-4429 224-0306 253-2276 224-0188 548-2545 226-7488 255-6012 255-9137 255-0885 224-3647 260-4596 224-6972 252-3098 252-8586 255-1254 252-7928 255-6619 224-6553 255-1804 255-1254 255-8115 255-4110 265-9003 253-9158 255-1254 255-1804

NVYC PAST COMMODORES 1987-1988 1989 1990-1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997-1998 1999 2000 2001

Fos Pritchett Jim Garcia (Dec’d) George Donald (Dec’d) Kathy Nord Gary Schager Chuck Miller (Dec’d) Joe Ramos Wayne Friesel Ria Donald Susie Pritchett Steve Vartan Dan Robson

Meeting called to order at 5:30, August 12, 2008, at NVYC Club House. Present: Jon Lander, Clay Parker, Larry Wolfe, Bob Weeks, James Robbers, Scott Brown, Charlie Agnew, Bill Coffield, Nancy Weeks, Bill Newton and Tom Nunan Previous month's minutes approved by Bill Newton and seconded by Larry Wolfe. Financial report was not available this month. Commodore's report: The nominating committee consists of Chairman Avi Strugo, Art Lewis, Mary Parker, Mike Noonan, Kurt Stahr and Diane Brown. Thank you to Al Mueller and not yet new member Chris Fultz for not only installing the new gas line but also donating the material. Thank you long time member Mark Cordeiro for donating 50 tons of road base rock for our parking lot. Thank you new member Norm Madsen for bringing your skip loader for spreading the road base. Thank you Larry Wolfe, Tom Nunan and Bob Weeks for helping. Our deck project is going before the Flood Control Board August 27. Change of Watch will be at Napa Valley Country Club December 13, 2008. Welcome our new members Chris and Laurie Fultz. Meeting adjourned at 7:15. Respectfully submitted, Bob Weeks, Secretary 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Bill Newton Mary Herschend-Robbers Carol Willis Bob Keating Sherrill Schager Avi Strugo

P.O.BOX 5951 NAPA, CA. 94581 707 252-3342


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