08/08 Nvyc Newsletter

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August 2008


Camaraderie on the Water

Volume 235








 Bob Craven 1 John Hauhauser 4 John Salmon 6 Antoinette Alegria 7 Ken Graham 7 Ray Sercu 7 Keith Poehlmann 8 Nancy Mueller 12 Roseanna Goodfellow12 Frank Massino 14 Nancy Lesser 19 Pat Hildreth 23 Harold Moskowite 26 Sally Servidio 27 Sherrill Schager 29 Dirk Kruidenier 31

Allan & Kristen Spence Frank & Judy Lucchesi Larry & Linda Sharp Tom & Pat Hildreth Barney & Evelyn Silveri Joe & Greta Vallerga John & Judy Ahmann

2 11 19 23 25 28 28

Member Information on the Club Website Please check your information on the Member Only pages of our Website. I know there are names that should be removed and other I have to add. Please check your information and let me know if I need to make changes. I am doing some now and will update the others when I receive the information. Please send corrections by Officers Link. Thank you, Evelyn Silveri

Congress Passes Clean Boating Act                ! "# $ % &&'  () #  )(!* ) )  !## +( %) )$)!  %)( ,- )( ) .)( )  ! ) $  !#!  #        )/ #) #)! $  )( *  0  )$ ) $  () && ) $  ( 1 (!! )$)!  ! 2  ).)  $))* ,- )( %) !!# ) $)# $  $ )%%  # $!# ) +$#  $ )( !  ).) ##  () %  *)

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Cocktails at 5:30 Dinner at 7:00 August 1 Hosts: Ken & Naidene Graham Potluck August 8 Hosts: Bob & Lili Keating and Mark & Nancy Lessler Thai food Ice cream sundaes August 15 Hosts: Kurt & Dominique Stahr and Judy Nicholas Bring your own meat to grill August 22 Hosts: Bill Kisliuk & Elisabeth Frater and Tom & Judy Nunan Jazzy Grilled Hamburgers with all the fixings Salads August 29 Hosts: Ray & Jenny Sercu and Joe & Greta Vallerga Chicken Parmesan with Vegetables Tossed Green Salad Desserts


Clay Parker Vice Commodore

August 2008 Jon Lander Commodore This is being written in the week after the Commodore’s Cruise to Martinez. It was a great time! Eleven boats made the trek and we enjoyed good weather and great hospitality from our counterparts at the Martinez YC and the harbor staff at the Marina. We welcomed new cruisers Don Buresh and Sharon Phillips and Tom and Patricia Hildreth. There was good food, plenty to drink, bocce ball, sea stories, etc. All the reasons we go cruising! Dominique Stahr was the winner of 50/50 raffle at Friday’s dinner with MYC. Generous soul that she is, she donated the $150 winnings to our building fund. Dominique is this month’s honoree as a great example of one who promotes camaraderie on the water. With a winning smile, active in many club activities and supportive of our efforts to improve our club, she and Kurt deserve recognition for their full time participation in our club. Vice Commodore Clay mentions coming activities for the Labor Day weekend. I attended a Friend’s of the River planning session for the River Festival that weekend and can report that the Symphony Concert will be on Sunday August 30, in Veterans Park, this year. Fireworks will be after the concert and located at the fair grounds as in the past. The committee would like a big water craft presence to celebrate our Napa River. Hold the date and stay tuned for further details. As noted by the other flags, there are many happenings at our club. Great thanks to all of you that keep our ship running. Many hands make light work and I am very appreciative of the part each of you takes in sharing the necessary tasks. It is summer! Enjoy your boat and your club.

It is so good to back in Napa after a 3 week driving trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota. Even with all the smoke to contend with both ways, coming in to town and seeing the Napa River let us count our blessings of living here all over again. The Dawgpatch Days event on the July 4th weekend is reported to have been a real riot! The Social Committee obviously exceeded all expectations for food and fun at our little club. I can’t wait to get the video recording! Thanks to all that made the event such a success. It is amazing what a few volunteers can do to energize so many! Our next scheduled social event will be on Labor Day weekend, so stand by for announcements and plan to help if called upon. There will be more cruise-ins coming according to Port Captain, Bill Newton. Marine Yacht Club will be at our club with 9 boats the weekend this is written. Fortunately, our dock will be ready now that Tom Nunan and Bill Newton have gotten the floatation material back in place. The floatation material has been anchored now and maybe will hold better even regardless of speeding boats going by. That brings up a reminder to all of our members to observe the no-wake zone at our club and toward uptown Napa. I will try to get some notice, maybe from the City of Napa, in the Napa Valley Register about the speed and nowake issues especially since damage to banks and habitat can be serious. Save December 13th for the Change of Watch at Napa Valley Country Club. We will have more information later, but are working to make this a memorable event while keeping it as cost effective as possible. Have a safe and fun time on the water and join us at the club!

Larry Wolfe Rear Commodore    

  the 4th of July have come and gone, but the memories of friendship, teamwork and a little skullduggery will last forever. Where would we be without Karen and Charlie Agnew organizing the event and our great cooks, Bob and Nancy Weeks? Who will ever forget eating the best-ever baby buzzard and deer pieces? Creating our own egg omelets in a bag with Bob and Joy Magoon was a new and delicious experience. Bill and Merilee Newton served SOS Sat. morning, a first time experience for some. Don Buresh created Kickapoo Joy Juice that was delicious and had a good kick. Karen formed the participants into 6 teams of 3. After creating a team name and flag, the competition was on. Treasure hunt, paddle boat race, poker run, water blaster relay, bocci ball and build & race your own boat were the team challenges. Linda has some pictures to blackmail a chosen few. The over all winning team was the Dawg Patch Dinghys: Merilee Newton, Phil Champlin and Jacqeline Buresh. THANK YOU all for a fun filled weekend. Other happenings at our busy club. Bob Weeks has the gas line permit ready to go. At the July 8th Board meeting, we discussed more gravel for our parking lot. Bill Newton installed a “No Wake Zone” float anchored in the river. Hopefully this slows the boats down and saves some wear and tear on our docks. Fleet Capt. Scott Brown has August 8th set for a cruise to Benicia’s Peddler Fair. Have you signed up? Web Master Mike Noonan reports that all upgrades to the NVYC web site approved by the Board are complete. However, Mike has a few more suggestions to upgrade our cruise signups. Check it out. www.nvyc.org His class on Towing vs. Salvage on July 15th was attended by 20 members and very informative. Check your insurance. A class on tides by Ken Graham is scheduled for Aug. 12. This will in interesting and informative. Be sure to let him know if you are going to attend. Ken’s class on knots, held in June was outstanding, but we ran out of time. He has rescheduled for Tuesday, August 19 and Thursday, August 21. The “Know Your Knots” class will be limited to 12 members. Please sign up with Ken. [email protected] Safe boating, Larry Wolfe, Rear Commodore

Dawg Patch USA Report By Lynn Pritchett Oh my! Where do I begin! Those who attended and participated in the 2 day event had the time of our lives! We made new friends, got to know old friends in a way we never knew them before and ate like kings! As I write this, I am nibbling on a Coyote Dropping right now! Our morning started on July 4th at 9:00 AM with “mess kits” handed out, a wonderful breakfast, team assignments handed out randomly, flag materials given out and strict instructions to be creative, NEVER be caught without someone on your team carrying the flag and by all means, never lose your mess kit parts or you wouldn’t be eating! Mess kits were created ahead of time, placed in a plastic zip lock bag and found at each table. They consisted of a metal pie tin, plastic spoon, Mason jar for a glass and a hand made cloth napkin. We ate, drank and partied with these supplies for 2 full days (6 meals), washing them out back in the wash tubs and carefully placing them back into our bags, vowing to NEVER lose track of them……..or starve! And you’d better not be caught drinking from another vessel or eating with any additional utensils or you would be punished by the “higher up clans people”! Our first meal was a delicious omelet made by cracking raw eggs into a zip lock bag (not our mess kit “keepers”), with our name written on it in Sharpey Pen, adding various ingredients we wanted, mushing it altogether and handing it over to the cooks for a 13 minute boil in the pots out in the kitchen. There were biscuits and bacon to go along with it as well as coffee so strong you could stand a fork in it! (Just like the good ole days!) We were given the opportunity to take a strip of fabric out of a paper bag, passed by Karen Agnew (our Clan Lady Leader) so we would find out who we would be paired up with in groups of 3 for the 2 day event. My team was made up a 3 gals, but most teams were a mixture of men and women (not married or related to each other). An exception was made if you had been inbred through the years and happened to be paired up with a distant relative due to the high volume of inbreeding that was bound to have occurred in Dawg Patch USA! We had 6 teams of 3, all teams called names they made up by using the letter of the alphabet they were assigned. For example, my team had the letter “B” and we were the Big Baby Bloopers of Blueridge Mountains. The other teams were Abner Clan, Cabernet Clampetts, Dawg Patch Dinghys, Eyes of NVYC and “F” Troup. We were given a PVC pipe, fabric and a felt tipped pen and told to make a flag. We could put any artwork and name on it we desired, but had to keep said flag in the possession of a team member at all times! Or else! Some cut fringe, some folded them so they were double, some made them single and very large, thus wrapping up in them as to keep a good grip on it. The flags were very creative and the names even more so! During the 2 day event 3 teams lost their flags to other teams that stole them! Can you imagine that! Those 3 flags were never seen again and the culprits never apprehended. Our first event was a Scavenger hunt, where we were given an envelope and then had to find several clues, each containing a piece of a map and another clue as to where another piece of the map was hidden. The competition was fierce as 2 teams nearly ran each other over as they ran, full speed, running down the dock ramp and back and forth to both ends searching for the “Treasure Chest”. The reward was a chest filled with candy and the satisfaction of winning the first round. The Eyes of the NVYC came in first but not much before my team. I don’t think I’ve run that fast since high school! Lunch was a fabulous menu of Weenies on a Stick, RC Cola, pork rinds and Moon Pies. Gee! I haven’t eaten so well in years! And the calorie count was soooooooooooo generous, too! I can hardly wait to get on the scales and see how much weight I’ve gained!

The second team challenge was to get fortification (or was that fornification…..I was never quite sure of that one….) of Kick A Poo Joy Juice, climb into an electric boat, (piloted by various non team members) and make our way to selected docks throughout River Park Marina area to get a playing card (secretly sealed in an envelope) and a refill of our Kick A Poo Joy Juice in our Mason Jars. The Joy Juice was potent Whisky Sours made by our favorite bartender, Don, and put into gallon jugs marked “Very Special Mash XXX”. The more stops you made the more refills and the more….well, you know! After 5 stops we all came back into the Clubhouse, opened our envelopes to see what kind of a Poker hand we had. My team had a big NOTHIN’ and the winning team, “F” Troup had a flush. What great luck! On to our third challenge, which was to hop aboard a paddle boat and paddle out around a stick in the mud (which Larry and Linda put out earlier), grab a balloon off the stick and be the first to come back. There was a lot of splashing and holding onto boats during this race and many people got a real sample of Napa River water all over them! The Dawg Patch Dinghys won that race. Next on my agenda was a nap! I couldn’t believe the fun I was having or the sleepiness I felt from my Kick A Poo Joy Juice or just the level of activity I was enjoying. But an hours rest on Strange Trip was a blessing so I could get recharged for the wonderful dinner menu that was ahead. We had a few non team participants join us for dinner as well as some guests and 2 visitors from Glen Cove Yacht Club. Rafael and Mark, a father and son duo from Glen Cove YC came and dined at my table, which consisted of Acting Commodore Larry Wolf, Linda (his lovely Appellation bride and our Clan Leaders Karen and Charlie Agnew. The table I was sitting with had key roles in the fun filled festivities I was partaking in. I’m not sure how I got so lucky to “plop” myself down there but it was REALLY fun! Our menu was INCREDIBLY gourmet with Deer pieces (delicious ribs), corn on the cob, various green weeds, “ throwed” rolls, and cherry or lemon pies. And all the Kick A Poo Joy Juice you could still drink! Our head cooks were Bob and Nancy Weeks, who tirelessly and joyfully kept our bellies full and the menus creative and delicious. Bob was out tending the bar-b-que in the parking lot and Nancy was slaving away in the little kitchen which was not only hot but cramped. I am sure she will LOVE our new kitchen when it is completed. I just hope she is up for more cooking as she was a wiz in Dawg Patch! Most folks turned in or went to their boats around 9 PM so they could watch the fireworks and then “rest up” for another day of fun in Dawg Patch USA! Saturday AM at 9 came early; a bit of a headache from too much Joy Juice perhaps? Anyway, we started off another great day with SOS! We had more “throwed” rolls with sausage patties and gravy, fresh squeezed “do it yourself” orange juice, and coffee. Our 5th team challenge was a game of Bocce Ball with 2 out of 3 in each team playing. Some had experience and some had none. But the fun was all the same regardless of skill. That challenge was won by Eyes of NVYC. Following that was the squirt gun blaster challenge out in the parking lot. The object of the game was to quirt a ball down the parking lot between the fence and bales of hay and back, twice, using a large squirt gun. One team member was the “Squirter” and another held the pail nearby for refills. The 3rd stood by holding the flag. (Those that still HAD flags, that is.) Naturally, many ended up soaking wet as the “Squirters” had total control and loss of control at various times, taking license to “kill” a rival team member in their way! Dawg Patch Dinghys won that challenge, too! Our lunch at 1 PM was delicious “Roadkill” on a bun (delicious pulled pork sandwiches), more Kick A Poo Joy Juice, dandelion greens and coyote droppings for dessert. Oh how I loved those Coyote Droppings. They looked just like the droppings my Grandfather would point out to me up in the mountains where our cabin is. He’d always tell me “kid, you just have to pick that thing up, take

a bite with yer teeth and see how hard it is to tell how long it’s been a sittin’ there. That way you know how far ahead the varmint is.” This same principle also went for deer sign and bear sign, as well. I learned so many valuable lessons from my Grandfather. Our final challenge was the most fun yet! We came out after lunch to find 3 inner tubes, two 12 foot long PVC pipes, a new roll of duct tape and several pieces of yellow twine per team. The object of that challenge was we had 45 minutes to design a raft, build it, and have our team float it out to the pole in the river, go around the pole and race back to the dock. This, naturally, meant someone or all of us had to get INTO the River! Many, including myself said “there is NO way I am getting into that water! I’m sure I will catch a dreadful disease from the water!” But Clan leader, Karen, assured me I would NOT contract any nasty “pussy” disease; she’d personally tested the water beforehand! (Sorry Mama, I HAD to write what Karen honestly said). We all went to work fashioning a differently designed raft, randomly deciding who would go out on it, and how we would beat out the team next to us! Some rafts used only the items given to us, one strapped on a plastic white chair, some had swim fins in their boats and put those on (what an advantage THEY had!), and many of us used pot lids from the kitchen to make paddles. Oh my, what a hoot as we jumped, rolled onto and climbed onto our rafts. I couldn’t believe I actually was the one from my team that went in! I chose to roll from the dock onto my raft, face down, as my 2 team leaders held her steady for me. We had made paddles out of large pot lids, taped to the ends of PVC pipe and Kathy was in back kicking like mad at the end of the 3rd inner tube but we went nowhere fast! We were dead last! What a hilarious experience! And much to our amazement, when I got out my behind was still dry! Wow! That water is salty, though! The award for best designed boat went to Abner Clan and the race was won by “F” Troup. After a shower on Dancing Wolf, I felt like a new “Hillbilly” and returned to the Club House to get my final instructions as I was taking over the bartender duties from Don and Sharon. They had to go to 2 parties that evening and left Dawg Patch, only to find out at a later date, they had won the costume competition for “Best of Show”. You should have seen them! Don with his very sexy “trick rope belt”, plaid shorts and chest bearing shirt! And Sharon! A different hairstyle and hair color each day, with VERY fashionable hats, along with lovely “bosom bearing” clothing that made all the men of Dawn Patch feel like critters after a “bitch” in heat. She was definitely the most sought after female in the mountains! And she was the only one with a change of clothes twice a day! We all wondered “who’s her daddy” that could afford to buy her all those fancy duds! After another great meal prepared by our famous chefs, Bob and Nancy, we were all sad to see our Dawg Patch Days coming to a close. We sat and reminisced about all the fun, the great “sports” in our wonderful Club, the friendships we made and rekindled as we dined on an exquisite meal of roasted Buzzard (Cornish Game Hens), nini beans, sliced growed maters and frozen white stuff for dessert. The spirits were running high and we felt sorry for those of you that missed out on this wonderful event! Everyone has an opportunity to see, first hand, what fun we had! Phil Champlin video taped ALL the fun and “evidence” of our town of Dawg Patch. Very soon we will be able to purchase a DVD and all proceeds will go to our Senior Project! What a wonderful fundraising opportunity. Prizes were awarded to all teams, including a Booby Prize to the losing team, which happened to be mine! But we had so much fun that winning or losing didn’t matter. The camaraderie and fellowship was the most important part of the week end and I hope, with all my heart, we can have another event like this one! It feels so wonderful to be part of a family of boaters and people that all care about each other and can come together for some good, clean fun! Thank you so much Karen and Charlie Agnew, Larry and Linda Wolf and Bob and Nancy Weeks! You guys made wonderful memories for all of us! I’ll never forget my stay in Dawg Patch U.S.A.!





Hello again, I'm very happy with the results of our newly updated website as implemented by Wizard Marketing here in Napa. I'll give this project's highlights and then tell you about the goals for our next project. One the homepage you now see one title for Cruises and Events. I've provided for one continuous, scrollable calendar page. You can scan the entire calendar or jump to a particular month of interest. All known activities for each month are listed, e.g., Cruise out/ins, dinners, education. For each Cruise Out, click its link and go to that cruise's page to review the cruise information, e-mail the Cruise Captain, look up who has already signed up for the cruise, and of course, add yourself to the cruise. You do not need to login to view this page or sign-up for a cruise. The Member Only page has been cleaned up and reorganized. You will need a user-id and password to get to this page. The user id is "mynvyc" (no quotes), and for security reasons, the password will be sent by e-mail after this newsletter is received. SAVE this user-id. The Member Only section titles are hopefully self-explanatory but here is a summary of each column:- Officers - here are listed all Officers, Chairs, and staff positions. You click on the person's e-mail link to launch your e-mail program to send a message. Members - here you will see the members by name and phone number (you can jump to different parts of the membership list by clicking the first character of the last name). Clicking the detail link will provide name, address, phone number(s) and boat information. (Evelyn will have more to say about this in this newsletter.) Newsletters - you can download a color version of the last twelve newsletters. We've significantly shrunk the number of pixels in each newsletter for a faster download experience (2 minutes tops but we'll be working to reduce that time too). - Documents - all the club's documents are online and can be viewed in the browser by section or, via a full download of the PDF file, can be read using Adobe Reader or (Mac's Preview) (both are free). - Suggestion Box - there's a nice big text entry box for your suggestions. Please use it. I've also implemented several internal changes that should result in a more timely, up to date website. For example, Evelyn Silveri can make changes to member information, add new members,and delete former members; Linda Sharp can make changes to the dinner schedules and menus; and Philip Craig can upload each months newsletter. (Send a message to them via the Officers link - see above.) For our next project I'll be re-working the Cruise Out section. Today it is clunky at best. We should be able to correct our own cruise entry, the Captain should be able to update the itinerary, and the group should be able send e-mails within the Cruise group. We also should be able to get a download of some or all members for mass e-mailings such as Clay Parker and Ken Graham are doing today for announcements and classes. And finally we will be able to display the advertising from the newsletter on the website. I'm sure there are other features/cleanup needed, so use that Suggestion box! And PLEASE start using the site, "www.nvyc.org", to check dinners, Cruise Outs, classes, and get member information. Make it part of your monthly and weekly activities planning. Happy boating. Mike Noonan - Webmaster

Member Information on the Club Website Please check your information on the Member Only pages of our Website. I know there are names that should be removed and other I have to add. Please check your information and let me know if I need to make changes. I am doing some now and will update the others when I receive the information. Please send corrections by Officers Link. Thank you, Evelyn Silveri

[Credit to Boating World - from e-mail 7/25/2008. "Boating World Magazine" I'm sure they'd appreciate subscribers. Mike Noonan] How To --- Pump it Up - Want to keep oil out of your bilge and avoid a hefty fine? Prevention is your best defense against polluting the waters. by Chris Caswell July 2008 It was a pleasant summer morning when a boat owner (we’ll call him Dave) stepped aboard his boat and went through his usual routine: open up the hatches, flip on the engine blower and bilge pump then put the chairs in the cockpit. As he was finishing up his chores, he realized that two uniformed Coast Guard officers were standing on the pier next to his boat. “Good morning, sir,” one greeted him. “Is this your boat?” Replying that it was, Dave had the uneasy feeling that all was not right with the world. “Sir, we’re going to have to cite you for violation of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act,” the officer said. “If you’ll step over here, I’ll show you why.” Looking where the officer was pointing, Dave saw that his bilge pump was coughing a few last spurts before shutting off. Still scrupulously polite, the officer said, “As you can see by the film on the water, you’ve been discharging oil into the water, which is strictly prohibited. Now if I could see the registration papers and some personal identification, please.” As he spoke, the other officer produced a Polaroid camera and snapped a few shots of the now-widening, rainbow-hued sheen. After signing the citation, Dave sat in the cockpit to read the small print, and his heart stopped. The fine was no slap on the wrist. It could be as high as $5,000! Though he hadn’t dumped millions of barrels of crude oil in the water like Exxon Valdez, Dave was just as guilty of breaking the federal water pollution laws. In all likelihood, you are too. Dave’s woes stemmed from two separate problems. First, in the process of changing an oil filter, he had dribbled a couple of tablespoons of oil under the engine. Second, he also had a prop shaft that was dripping just enough to produce a couple of inches of water in the bilge during the week that wasn’t even enough to activate the automatic bilge pump. When he flipped the bilge pump switch to empty the water, Dave was asking for trouble, and he got it. Under the federal Water Pollution Control Act passed in 1972, the limit set by the EPA is 15 parts of oil per million parts of liquid (ppm) discharged from your boat, which means that you would need to have more than 500 gallons of water in your bilge (picture this as ten 50-gallon drums) to legally remove just 1 fluid ounce of oil without breaking the law. In addition, each state is allowed to set its own lower requirements. California’s is 0 ppm. When it comes to citations, the Coast Guard and harbor patrols are looking for that iridescent sheen on the water. It is, of course, difficult to keep oil from getting into the bilge of a gas- or diesel-powered boat. Even if you don’t have an oil leak (who doesn’t?), you may still have “blow-by” oil that exudes from the oil breathers, collects on the bilge surfaces and ends up in the bilge water. Here are some tips for avoiding a citation like Dave’s: 1Keep your engine leak-free. Valve cover and oil pan gaskets are the normal culprits on gasoline engines, and they can usually be replaced inexpensively. You’ll need to be careful when you change your oil and filters. Slip a plastic baggie over your oil filter before you unscrew it to catch all the oil that will otherwise spill into the bilge. And remember that you can even drip oil into the bilge if you aren’t careful when pulling the dipstick. 2Provide your own makeshift drip pan. If your bilge doesn’t have a pan under the engine to separate any drippings from the bilge water, you’ll have to take matters into your own hands. An aluminum baking tray is inexpensive and can be found in sizes to fit under most engines, or you can use a cheap plastic liner for paint roller trays that costs nearly nothing. 3. Don’t focus all your efforts on the engine and forget the transmission. Transmissions are notorious for oil leaks, which can be difficult to cure. Rig an oil pan and toss it out when it gets icky. If you’re still getting oil in the bilge, several companies offer oil-absorbent materials that can suck the oil right out of the bilge water, leaving a liquid that you can pump overboard with no fear. Star brite, for example, offers an 18-inch-by-18-inch Engine Drip Pad that can be secured under the engine to absorb up to 3 quarts of petroleum, but which repels water. Star brite also has a Bilge Oil Absorber about the size of a loaf of bread that can be lowered into the bilge to inhale 2 quarts of oil. Most marine hardware stores offer these or similar products from 3M, MDR and Biosok in a variety of pillow, sheet and tube shapes to fit your oil spill needs. 4. Beware of so-called “bilge cleaners” that always insure to turn your bilge into a fresh-smelling rose garden. Since oil doesn’t mix with water, most of these bilge cleaners are designed to emulsify oil and water into one homogeneous liquid that can be pumped out. Nearly all of the bilge cleaners now available are labeled as “biodegradable,” which means that the product can be consumed by a natural life form without ill effects. Unfortunately, just because the bilge cleaner is biodegradable doesn’t mean the solution of oil and bilge cleaner is biodegradable. The oil is simply being held in suspension and is just as illegal to pump overboard as it was when it floated on the surface of your bilge water. There are several bacterial bilge cleaners, which may or may not provide a solution. Certain types of bacteria live in water and eat petroleum products, converting them back into water and carbon dioxide. These products provide colonies of the bacteria in a solution that you deposit in your bilge. Developed to handle major oil disasters such as the Exxon Valdez spill, these micro-critters will theoretically gobble up your oil problem.There may be some downsides to this solution, though, and Star brite (which was considering adding a bacterial bilge cleaner to its line) decided that the possible hazards outweighed the positives. Regardless, you still can’t pump the bilge overboard, because the EPA feels that the oil, whether in the critter’s tummies or not, is still oil.Prevention is your best defense against polluting the waters with oily bilge water. And, if you do get oil in your bilge, be sure to remove it before pumping it overboard.

Martinez served us a delicious BBQ dinner. Thank You to Dominic– She won $150. on a 50/50 raffle and donated it to NVYC Building Fund


Fashion Show & Art Show at Martinez YC

We had a feast on the guest dock and the Margarita’s were flowing. Thank You Jon & Carol for a Great Commodores Cruise

Thank You Commodore, for a Great Cruise!

 33 4 4 5644         




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OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, CREW Board Members Commodore Jon Lander Vice Commodore Clay Parker Rear Commodore Larry Wolfe Secretary Bob Weeks Treasurer James Robbers Staff Commodore; Avi Strugo Directors Charlie Agnew 255-8115 Scott Brown Bill Newton 224-0306 Nancy Weeks Tom Nunan 252-7928 Bill Coffield Staff Chairs - Vice Commodore Port Captain Bill Newton Galley: Nancy Weeks Social Chair Mary Parker Bar Captain Don Buresh/Sharon Phillips OD Coordinator: Linda Sharp (supplies) Bob & Marla Stephenson Bob and Judee Stemmer Chairs - Rear Commodore Fleet Captain: Scott Brown Web Mike Noonan Newsletter Philip Craig Newsletter Sally Servidio Advertising Carole Terry Merchandise Angela & Art Lewis Membership Evelyn Silveri Bldg. & Grounds Tom Nunan Public Relations Lynn Pritchett Other Staff - Commodore Long Range Planning Steve Vartan Telephone Kathy Nord Sunshine Evelyn Silveri Christmas Seniors Karen Agnew PICYA Delegates Maxine Maas Jon Lander Larry Wolfe 8 Bells Committee Evelyn Silveri Jackie Finnegan 255-6638 Kathy Nord .

265-9003 224-0188 253-9158 253-2276 253-9052 224-8707 255-0885 253-2276 224-4429 224-0306 253-2276 224-0188 548-2545 226-7488 255-6012 255-9137 255-0885 224-3647 260-4596 224-6972 252-3098 252-8586 255-1254 252-7928 255-6619 224-6553 255-1804 255-1254 255-8115 255-4110 265-9003 253-9158 255-1254 255-1804

NVYC PAST COMMODORES 1987-1988 1989 1990-1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997-1998 1999 2000 2001

Fos Pritchett Jim Garcia (Dec’d) George Donald (Dec’d) Kathy Nord Gary Schager Chuck Miller (Dec’d) Joe Ramos Wayne Friesel Ria Donald Susie Pritchett Steve Vartan Dan Robson

Meeting called to order at 5:30, June 10, 2008, at NVYC Club House. Present: Jon Lander, Clay Parker, Larry Wolfe, Bob Weeks, James Robbers, Scott Brown, Charlie Agnew, Bill Coffield, Nancy Weeks, Bill Newton, Tom Nunan Previous month's minutes approved by Clay Parker and seconded by Nancy Weeks. We received a thank you note from the Berkeley Yacht Club thanking us for a good time on there recent cruise-in. Financial report: We have $30,500 in checking and $120,700 in CDs. Financial report approved by Clay Parker and seconded by Tom Nunan. Commodore Jon Lander thanked everyone for all of the help last month. Rear Commodore Larry Wolfe made a motion to install a remote switch for the ceiling fan and place dowels in the sliding window tracks for extra security seconded by Bill Newton. Scott Brown reported we had a successful Delta Cruise with 10 boats participating. Our Club will have a cruise-in to our Club on the 4th of July weekend. Evelyn Silveri presented Bob & Peg Beardsley for membership. Motion to accept by Bill Newton and seconded by Larry Wolfe. Motion made by Nancy Weeks to exempt the bartenders and 2 host couples from having to pay for Friday night dinners seconded by Tom Nunan. Tom Nunan thanked everyone who helped paint our Club House and build and install our new sign. A donation of $50 was sent to Hospice of Napa in memory of Freya Hulmer. Meeting adjourned at 7:.00. Respectfully submitted, Bob Weeks, Secretary

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Bill Newton Mary Herschend-Robbers Carol Willis Bob Keating Sherrill Schager Avi Strugo

P.O.BOX 5951 NAPA, CA. 94581 707 252-3342


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