06/09 Nvyc Newsletter

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“Building today toward a bright tomorrow”

Volume 245

Cruiser’s return from a 12 day Delta Cruise Out. . . . Great Job Cruise Captain Charlie Agnew & First Mate Karen


tsam je & m a s t Flo June 2009

Welcome New Members

birthdays Lewis Rogers Nancy Weeks Sharon Philips Mark Lesser Linda Parzych Tom Suard Clyde Smith Barney Silveri Charlie Agnew Lyn Scott Joe Vallerga Chuck Youngson Bob Stemmer Leanne Reyff Paul Reyff Jackie Finnegan Lesley Robson Samuel Walker

4 6 12 13 14 14 14 15 16 23 23 23 24 24 25 27 30 30

George & Dale Cliff 3000 Old Soda Springs Napa, Ca.94559 707 224-2277 Sponsored by: Commodore Clay Parker & Bruce Butler

ANNIVERSARIES Delma & Lewis Rogers Maryanne & John Carella Davis & Patti Allison Bob & Joyce Craven Brent & Norma Waters Charlie & Karen Agnew Dave & Donna Mendelson Scott & Nancy Kennedy


4 10 15 16 17 19 20 23

Check Out our Web page and Sign up for cruise outs etc. go to www.NVYC.org

June 5ht Potluck– The Gurley’s June 12th Agnew”s & Brown’s Minestrone soup, salad with anti Pasta, lasagna, garlic bread Dessert Mocha torte all served Family style June 19th Gloria & Charlie Bennet BYOM (bring your own meat) Salad, veggie, & dessert Provided June 26th Deits & Umbdenstock/Terry Tri-Tip, potato, Salad, rolls, dessert


Clay Parker Commodore NVYC June, 2009 Newsletter Commodore Summer is upon us with windy, but balmy days to enjoy all the things going on at the club and on the water. Cinco de Mayo was a great party thanks to all that put things together for our members to enjoy. Mark & Nancy Lessler worked hard to line up food and entertainment. Karen Agnew and the Lady Angels of our club had about 30 absolutely wonderful baskets for the silent auction. The $1833 raised by your generosity for the Senior Project will be well spent. The Volunteer Center Of Napa sincerely appreciates what we do for those seniors they serve. The Bar Crew made

sure everyone had imbibments (adult and otherwise) to set the spirit(s) of the day! The cruise-in handled by Fleet Captain Kurt Stahr made for a great display at the dock. Even the rain couldn’t dampen the mood. Standby for a 4th of July party coming up! Karen Agnew has some secret, but interesting challenges for everyone. When you get the flyer, be sure to sign up early as I am sure there will be some team events like last year. A flyer is on the way!! Cruise-outs still dominate the boaters. By the time you get this the Delta Cruise will be over. Charlie Agnew has arranged a super schedule to include the Sacramento Jazz Festival and four other stops on the way back. The Commodore’s Cruise to Petaluma is June 19th and returning on the 21st. Land Cruisers are always welcomed to join, so come if you can. Recently, Jim & Dana Robbers obtained some new

pots & pans for the kitchen. I must put out a plea that if you used one of the new big pots and haven’t returned it please do so as soon as possible. With our new stove in place more hosts are wanting to cook at the club instead of bringing food already prepared from home. Also, please make a point of meeting our new members. George and Dale Cliff have joined just now, but several others need to feel welcome among us. Our newlyweds (May 2nd), Jim and Pam Butchart, the Mogarts, Valerie Aguirre and Michael Allran and Chuck & Claudia Van Koten deserve our making them a part of our group. They are all great additions to the club! What the heck? Welcome each other, too… Have a fun and safe time on the water and join us at the club! Clay Parker, Commodore

Larry Wolfe Vice Commodore

Ol’ Neptune looked after us on our “Opening Day on the Bay” cruise to Berkeley headed up by Steve and Ellen Vartan. It was a smooth trip down. Ellen and Steve had a cocktail party on the

Dirk Kruidenier Rear Commodore It is June and half the year seems to have gone by in a very short period of time. The renewal of the lease seems to be moving along after a stretch of time when we were extremely bogged down without any movement. I think it is

“Strange Trip” and then it was off to the Berkeley Yacht Club for dinner and watching the sailboat racing. The next morning there was a potluck breakfast on the dock organized by Karen Agnew and Merrilee Newton. Sunday it was smooth sailing all the way home. I’m writing this from the Sac Jazz Festival/Delta Cruise. Charlie and Karen Agnew organized this fun and exciting trip. Five cruisers started Wed.—Napa to Rio Vista, the sixth boat (me) joined them coming into the Sacramento Yacht Club. The docking crew meets you and efficiently shoehorns you in to an impossible space, along with 72 other yachts. After four days of music, fun and festivity it was off to the Oxbow Marina. Here we met with seven other Napa Yachters. They had spent

their first part of the cruise at the Pittsburg Marina, wined and dined by the Pittsburg Yacht Club. Last night we had 28 for a gourmet, potluck dinner. Tomorrow it is off to Village West and then Martinez. Coming events: I am looking forward to the June 19th Commodore’s Cruise to Petaluma. I will try to line up a tour of ahuge cheese factory downtown. Sign up early for the 4th of July festivites. If you thought last year was great, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet”. The sign-up is in this newsletter. And, finally---A BIG THANK YOU to all the volunteers that make this club so successful. Safeboating, Larry Wolfe, Vice Commodore

important that we give plenty of his Commander-in-Chief to comaccolades to Clay Parker, Jon Lan- mand a division under him. All der, Steve Vartan, and others who commodores reverted to the rank have put a great deal of their time of Captain upon hauling down on getting this project completed. their broad pennants and relinMay be if you see them near the quishing their duties. The bar, buy them a drink--I know they thrust of all this is that going by tradition; we do not have any Past would appreciate the jester. The other day when I had some Commodores just a whole bunch free time from Seeta's honey-do of Captains running around the list, I was thinking about the rank club. of Commodore since it is not use Food for thought---Happing as an active rank in the Navy. I thought I would share my research Sailing with you.The rank first came about 'the rear' in the old British Navy. The rank was neither permanent nor a nec- Dirk Kruidenier essary step for promotion from Captain to Rear-Admiral. After 1805 there were two distinct types of Commodores: (1) a senior Captain who was appointed Commander-in Chief of a detached squadron and outranked any flag officer within his jurisdiction, and (2) a senior Captain appointed by

Land Cruisers to Solano Y. C.

July 24, 25, 26

·Solano Y.C. located off Highway 12, one mile east of Interstate 80, Take the Highway 12 exit and proceed to the Suisun City business district off ramp onto Civic Center Blvd. Drive straight on Civic Center Blvd to the end, turning into the very last right-hand driveway in the Court. The SYC Clubhouse and parking lot are on the left. Additional public parking is on the right. 703 Civic Center Blvd. 38 14.34 North , 12 02.26 West, · 38.242056,-122.038729

Guest dock inside

Harold Diehl

Bob Dahling

Solano Y. C. past “Members of the year” ready to greet NAPA VALLEY YACHT CLUB cruisers ( land & water )

·38 14.34 North , ·122 02.26 West, · · 38.242056, ·122.038729

Guest dock inside

Hunter Cut 33 09.321 N. 122 03.107 W

July 24, 25, 26

DELTA CRUISE 2009 A total of fifteen boats participated in this years Delta Cruise. It all started with Lady Di and Grand Cru going into Vallejo Tuesday evening, 5/19, so they could get a jump Wednesday morning. Starship, cking fun and True Love left Napa Wednesday, 5/20, and all five met in Rio Vista where the Lady Di hosted a cocktail party on the floating gazebo, then we all enjoyed dinner at the Point Restaurant. The next day we headed up Steamboat Slough and into the Sacramento River where Dancing Wolf caught us. The six of us proceeded to the Sacramento YC where we joined some 80 other boats for their Memorial Day Week-End Jazz Jubilee Celebration. The four days included too many highlights to list, but a couple that stand out are the first night cocktail party on cking fun, the last night cocktail party on True Love and Larry Wolfe winning the next to last raffle prize at the yacht club (shirt and fishing lure earrings for Linda). Had he won the grand prize, it was a night stay in the beautiful Napa Valley! Meanwhile, Elsinor, Judeez II, Lucky Bummer, Riverdance, Feisty Lady, Lazy Daze and Hot Toddy (with Don Buresh and Sharon Phillips aboard) were all docked at Driftwood starting Friday through Sunday where they reported being treated royally as usual and served fantastic dinners and breakfasts. The whole “gaggle”, as Ken Graham referred to the group, met up at the Oxbow Marina on Monday with the exception of Hot Toddy who headed home. We still had 13 though, as Betty D joined in from their weekend in Pittsburg visiting their son and their former boat “Olive Oyl”. Cking fun hosted a cocktail party on the deck followed by a fabulous pot luck dinner the first night. Several people made use of the pool on Tuesday as the temperature warmed up. Evening appetizers were provided by Grand Cru, Elsinor, Betty D and Riverdance followed by a bring your own meat bar-b-que. Wednesday morning it was off to Village West YC. True Love had to head for home, so now we were down to twelve boats. The twenty mile trip was calm and relaxing; just what you expect on the delta. We were treated to a great baby back rib dinner at the club house. Dancing Wolf, Riverdance and Lazy Daze pulled out Thursday morning and the rest of us scattered in different directions around Stockton. Later on in the afternoon, we got word the three boats who headed home encountered rough seas and had to hunker down in the Antioch/Pittsburg area for the night. That didn’t stop us from celebrating Kurt Stahr’s 57th birthday with a “Fiesta” cocktail party hosted aboard the Starship, followed by dinner across the way at the Garlic Brothers, then back to the Starship for ice cream cake and champagne. The big talk Thursday evening was the wind and rough water for Friday. Betty D was first out at 6:00a.m. The rest of us were on the water by 6:30. We had 46 miles to go to Martinez and it wasn’t going to be pretty. I’m not going to try and describe any of the trip here because each boat is going to have it’s own story (what a way for Diane to celebrate her 17th anniversary). We all made it into Martinez and enjoyed a nice dinner followed by Bingo. Napa cleaned up! First the Nunans won a bottle of Southern Comfort in a drawing; Joyce Craven, Joy Magoon, Charlie Agnew won bingo games, but the big winner was Nancy Weeks who won multiple games to the tune of $110 plus a bottle of Southern Comfort. I hope they let us come back. The big treat in Martinez was that Omega was able to join us and had the appetizers aboard with help from Judeez II, Lucky Bummer and Feisty Lady. During cocktails, Scott Brown christened Omega with champagne. The trip home Sunday was much calmer than the trip into Martinez on Friday. Everyone made it home safely, so all was good. Twelve days sure go by fast when you’re having fun!!

Charlie Agnew 2009 Delta Cruise Captain

A successful Cinco de Mayo Beautiful baskets-thank you to everyone that contributed to the baskets & a big “THANK YOU” to Karen for Chairing this project for Seniors

Cinco De Mayo-Good Tomes


Jazz Festival


Susie & Foster Pritchett By Verda Belle Gollnick Susie and Foster Pritchett were both born and raised in Napa. And, they were high school sweethearts. However, there is a whole lot more to this story, which I'm sure you have guessed. Susie Andersen lived with her parents and brother on the family farm, with rabbits, chickens, horses, and a small vineyard. Susie cherishes her Danish heritage. Her Dad did tractor and auto repairs, fabricating parts when necessary. Foster's Dad was a second generation J.C. Penney manager. They lived in town, also with horses, cherries, and peaches on their property. As teen-agers, Foster and his brother worked at the Napa Glove Factory, which was owned by their father. Foster claims Scotch-Irish, English, and Welsh ancestry. Susie wanted to be a nurse and, as a high school student, worked at a local hospital during the summer, and half days during the school year. She continued this work while attending college. It was in a high school English class that Foster started paying a lot of attention to Susie. Such that SHE invited HIM to a Rainbow Girls' Installation Dance. (I think it was to rescue him from the blonde that he was dating.) Both graduated from Napa High School. Fos and Susie "went together" for five years. After graduation in 1945, Fos entered the U.S. Army. He was inducted at Camp Beale, Marysville. When they learned that he could type and had business skills, he was immediately placed as the General's office typist. Fos completed his military career at Fort Lee, Virginia where he was again in the office as the "Company Clerk". While Fos was in the service, Susie attended classes at Napa Junior College. At that time, the classes were held at the high school campus, because the new college didn't have buildings yet. She earned her AA Degree and Foster Pritchett came home from the army and presented Susie with an engagement ring on her birthday, February 11, 1948. They were married in September that same year. Fos started farming with his dad and brother on Dad's 1000-acre grain ranch, along the Napa River. The newlyweds lived on the ranch until it was sold and Fos went to work for Associated Oil, driving a gas delivery truck. His next job was in auto and insurance sales at the local Lincoln Mercury Dealership. Fos was good in sales and that had always been his aspiration. In 1958, he was appointed as a State Farm Insurance Agent, a business he developed and retired from, after 32 years. Susie was also a part of that business office, part-time.

Fos and Susie are parents of three daughters Lynn, Shelly and Cindy. It was when their daughters were involved in Jobs Daughters that Fos became involved In the Masonic Orders - the Blue Lodge; York Rite, which included Royal Arch and The Commandry; and President of the Napa Valley Shrine Club, Aahmes Temple. Fos was also the Exalted Ruler of Napa Elks Lodge. The Pritchetts always lived in the proximity of the Napa River. Being boating enthusiasts, Fos and two friends actually started the Napa Valley Yacht Club, which membership has flourished to around 200 today. Fos was the Founding Commodore. The Prlichetts had fun seeing the construction of the clubhouse and dock facilities. They both took all the safety courses offered through the Coast Guard Auxiliary. And, they eventually taught classes and became boat inspectors. Their first boat was a 28-foot Chris Craft Cruiser and their last boat was a 46-foot power cruiser. They enjoyed cruises on the Napa River, the Sacramento Delta, and the San Francisco Bay. Next comes Orland! When daughter Shelly and Bill Rossi moved to Orland, Mom and Dad came to help unpack and to visit. Next to Bill and Shelly, there was a house under construction, which they just had to "walk through" (and really liked). Shelly made the comment that she "would just love to have you as neighbors." And Susie replied "Well, if they paint that house green, we Just might be interested." And here they are - in Orland. Fos and Susie maintain a dual membership, here and at Napa First Presbyterian, where Fos was baptized in 1927. In fact, his grandparents were very active in that same church. Susie and her brother were baptized at the First Baptist Church in Napa, as teenagers (with Foster Pritchett peeking through the window, watching.) After settling in Orland, Fos and Susie went in search of a Presbyterian Church. It wasn't until they stopped in front of the Federated Church that they realized they had found the Presbyterian Church they had found a home. Immediately, they became involved, singing In the Chancel Choir, and joining in the church fellowship. Susie works with the Church Women, Circle, and Worship Committee. Fos attends the Men's Group and serves on the Finance committee. The Pritchett’s truly feel at home here and treasure the warmth and friendship everyone has shown.


Petaluma YC

Commodore’s Cruise

06/19 to 06/21

Clay Parker


Cruise-In to club

Fourth of July

07/03 to 07/05

Kurt Stahr

Solano YC


07/24 to 07/26

Bob Magoon


Benicia Y.C.

Peddlers’ Fair

08/07 to 08/09

Mark C.


Marin Y.C.

09/11 to 09/13

Kurt Stahr

Blue Wtr. Cruise

To Monterey

09/13 to 09/18

Ken Graham


Bay Cruise

Fleet Week

10/09 to 10/18

Scott Brown


Vallejo Y.C.

Trip to SF on Ferry

11/06 to 11/08

Norm Madsen



X-Mas Parade


Kurt Stahr

South Beach

New Year’s

12/28 to 01/01

Larry Wolf

Kurt Stahr, NVYC Fleet Captain 2009 May 3, 2009

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Look Cool in your very own Napa Valley Yacht Club attire Sold every Friday night at the club

OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, CREW Board Members Commodore Clay Parker 224-0188 Vice Commodore Larry Wolfe 253-9158 Rear Commodore Dirk Kruidenier 554-1098 Secretary Bob Weeks 253-2276 Treasurer James Robbers 253-9052 Staff Commodore; Jon Lander 265-9003 Directors Charlie Agnew 255-8115 Avi Strugo 224-8707 Bill Newton 224-0306 Nancy Weeks 253-2276 Tom Nunan 252-7928 Lynn Pritchett 255-6619 Staff Chairs - Vice Commodore Port Captain Bill Newton 224-0306 Galley: Clyde & Kathleen Smith 253-2168 Social Chair Mark & Nancy Lessler 257-9008 Bar Captain Kisliuk William/Elizabeth Frater 287-2627 OD Coordinator: Nancy Muellar & Lori Fultz 967-8836 (supplies) Bob and Judee Stemmer 255-9137 Chairs - Rear Commodore Fleet Captain: Kurt Stahr 224-5157 Web Unknown 555-5555 Newsletter Philip Craig 260-4596 Newsletter Sally Craig 224-6972 Advertising Carole Terry 252-3098 Merchandise Angela & Art Lewis 252-8586 Membership Evelyn Silveri 255-1254 Bldg. & Grounds Bob Stephenson 255-6012 Public Relations Lynn Pritchett 255-6619 Other Staff - Commodore Long Range Planning Steve Vartan 224-6553 Telephone Pending Sunshine Evelyn Silveri 255-1254 Christmas Seniors Karen Agnew 255-8115 PICYA Delegates Maxine Maas 255-4110 Clay Parker 224-0188 Larry Wolfe 253-9158 8 Bells Committee Evelyn Silveri 255-1254 Jackie Finnegan 255-6638 .

NVYC PAST COMMODORES 1987-1988 1989 1990-1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997-1998 1999 2000 2001

Fos Pritchett Jim Garcia (Dec’d) George Donald (Dec’d) Kathy Nord Gary Schager Chuck Miller (Dec’d) Joe Ramos Wayne Friesel Ria Donald Susie Pritchett Steve Vartan Dan Robson

OLD Meeting was called to order at 1730, April 14, 2009, at Napa Valley Yacht Club. Present: Dirk Kruidenier, Bill Newton, Tom Nunan, Clay Parker, Lynn Pritchett, Avi Strugo, Bob Weeks, Nancy Weeks and Larry Wolfe. Excused: Charlie Agnew, James Robbers and Jon Lander. Previous month's minutes were approved by Dirk Kruidenier and seconded by Avi Strugo. We received an invitation from San Rafael Yacht Club to join them at their Yacht Club for Opening Day on the Bay. A financial report for the 1st quarter 2009 was presented in absentia by James Robbers. A motion to approve the report was made by Tom Nunan and seconded by Avi Strugo. We have received a final inspection from the Building Department for enclosing our old porch and installing windows in the front of the building. We have received an offer to donate gas heaters for our deck from Phil and Lynn Champlin. Our project to upgrade the electrical to the dock is continuing. Our lease agreement is still continuing. A discussion was held regarding ads in our newsletter. A motion by Dirk Kruidenier and seconded by Nancy Weeks was made to prorate the cost of unused advertisements for any who ask for it. Tom Nunan made a motion, seconded by Larry Wolfe to donate $100 to Napa Valley Support Services. Tom Nunan will match our donation. Meeting adjourned at 1845. Respectfully submitted. Bob Weeks, Secretary

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Bill Newton Mary Herschend-Robbers Carol Willis Bob Keating Sherrill Schager Avi Strugo Jon Lander

P.O.BOX 5951 NAPA, CA. 94581 707 252-3342


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