Week Blanked

  • Uploaded by: Abraham Walkthewok
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  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 400
  • Pages: 3
BICD120:Dr.Crawford Week 6

T A'.ZaraTabi([email protected]) AIM:ztabi06OH:ByemailAppt,

tothe ofcellsinresponse made by1group andreleased molecule signals Phgohormones-Small Introducinq... produce (growth, etc,) group movement, cells a response of to another received by meant to be ) environment requlator conditions){rowth hormonre {atphvsioloqical




Common Locations .Young Leaves . Embryos

. Phototropism; bud CellElongation . CellDivision "apical growthdominance" . Development: -Root lnitiation culture &shoot tissue (adventitious roots) cuttings tissue formation - Vascular

Derivative . Inplants, canbe fromtrporindole derived

(awayfromlight) (towards light)ornegative canbepositive - Phototropism: . Auxinis produced andistransported inthe cellelongation topromote . Bending ofauxin delivery dueto towards a lightsource ononesideis morerapid - Elongation

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transport - Auxin . Usesactive (apical) (ATP) fromshoot toroot(basal) tomoveauxin hansport . Transport proteins downwards tokeepflowmoving areneeded Structure

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Growth andCellDivision Hormone-Promotes Represses Stimulates Common Locations . CellDivision . RootTips . Seeds Differentiation(plantaging/ripening/death) Growth O

. Adenine Derivative inthe Produced Transport: - Cytokinin


andCellDivision Growth Promotes Hormone Stimulates (Bolting) growth offlowers - Production . CellDivision & ExPansion Aletnfie -GAinseedgermination

. TheplantembrYo waitsuntilthe GA temp)beforeproducing ire met(light,moisture, - lnduces bythe production of - Induces

-tronrnt - 1ipld: - (vbs tnbvt4o

canbebroken carbs) ffiteins, for the metabolites plant! intousable down

endawerm plants

,0[ ) No areaffected andbolting Stemelongation -GAMutants. Howtoobtainthesetypesofmutants? ) Can'tmakeGAProPerlY mutant GA ) Can'tdetecUPerceive mutant . Howtodistinguish btwthetwo?)

SeedGermination Prevents hormone Represses Location Qtimrletaq Common Hesponses. GAresponses Stress Growth - Embryo . Closing . Seeds of ofHydrolases Release drought during . ColdHardening of - Production lipids - sYnthesize Proteins



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. Fruits . Germinating seeds

I Stimulates . Fruit . Senescence . "

seeds germinating . Disease Resistance . Derived from methionene

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with fordealing seed'smechanism - TripleResponse-Young . Three features:

towards soil'ssurface


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. Response of triggered bypresence in thelabtolookformutants - Canbereoroduced . TheETR1 foranETRIProtein Gene) Codes witha ofprotein Region domain- Protein Protein: - Structure of ETR1 F


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. ETR1partof mechanism inbacteria similarto system (i.e.ethylene) byan 1)Binding ofsignal Steps: group from_ ofthe ofa 2)Transfer domain totheAspofthe domain istriggered 3)Response

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