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BICD120:Dr.Crawford Week6
Introducinq... Phvtohormones-Small molecule signals made andreleased by1group ofcellsinresponse tothe group produce (growth, environment ) meant tobereceived byanother ofcellsto a response movement, etc,) (at hormonre conditions Structure Stimulates Common aoenca(;tclLocations . Shoot Tips . Phototropism; CellElongation .Young . CellDivision"acr/qnufh .. . Development: 'lltzor/ Leaves u . Embryos Rootlnitiatio n - Lateral intissue culture - Roots & shoot (adventitious cutting roots) . Tryptophan - Vascular Derivative formation tissue . lnplants, canbe fromtrporindole derived +
Represses . Lateralbud "apical grothdominance"
(towards (away havepositive light)or negative fromlight) - Phototropism:can . Auxin isproduced intheshoot tipandisreansported downwards topromote cellelongation . Bending a lightsource towards duetodifferential delivery ofauxin ononesideismorerapid - Elongation - Auxintransport . Usesactive (ATP)to (apical)to moveauxin fromshoot transport root(basal) . Transport proteins areneeded tokeepflowmoving downwards +
Structure - N -F-
Hormone-Promotes Growth andCellDivision Stimulates Common Location . CellDivision . RootTips . Seeds
Dirrerentiatio : Sffi :l T nf,if;,*
. Adenine Derivative Va4(JI n
Transport: Produced intherootsandissentuptotheshoots - Cytokinin Hormone Promotes Growtfr andCellDivision
Represses . Senescence (plant aging/ripening/death)
. SeedGermination . Reproductive growth offlowers - Bolting/Production . StemElongation . CellDivision & Expansion -GAinseedgermination producing GA . Theplantembryo before moisture, temp) aremet(light, waitsuntiltherightconditions growth - Induces embryo production bythealeurone ofhydrolases - lnduces fortheplant! metabolites downintousable bebroken ) Macromoleculeqpan
,^otordwarrprants JfHlld'# #ffitnn, and borting rnsation HY W*!\:A:y,, (!t'oc-u-,,
. Howtoobtainthesetypesof mutants? t n{ +0 \^uot a cotNpb,& stt Ll ) Can'tmakeGAproperly mutant - Biosynthesis
'#oiitr,i'fiff'^d d'W' wwwr,'rlt 6er S,,Wi'#* r '*Urt: Germination 0n Prevents Prevent6 seedGerminat Seed lormone: wgde u 44{ oewltt/d' -) Actinohormone: OA
Common Location . Roots . Seeds
AbioticSfress . Closing ofstomata . ColdHardening lipids - Production orunsaturated Proteins - Synthesize antifreeze
. GAresponses Growth - Embryo ofHydrolases - Release
Locations Common . Fruits . Germinating seeds
Stimulates . Fruit Ripening . Senescence . "Triple seeds ingerminating response" . Disease Resistance
. Derived from methionene soil'ssurface withobstructions towards fordealing mechanism seed's Response-Young - Triple . Three features: ofthehyPocotYls 1)Shortening withhyPocotYls 2)Thickening Hook 3)Larger Curvature . Response ofethylene bypresence triggered in the - Canbereproduced lab
. TheETR1 Protein foranETR1 Gene) Codes function witha specific ofprotein Region domain- Protein Protein: ofETRI - Structure
inbacteria system receptor . ETR1 to2 component similar partofmechanism domain byaninput (i'e.ethylene) ofsignal 1)Binding Steps: totheAspof domain ( group ofi ehosptrate Z)Transier ) fromHisofthekansmitter domain thereceiver istriggered 3)ResPonse