Week Answers

  • Uploaded by: Abraham Walkthewok
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  • July 2020
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a( /ldaA/ftU//Ad4 ' /-l,t md,r a- /2t4+t

TA:ZaraTabi([email protected]) AIM:ztabi06 Details TheNittv-Grittv Photosvnthesis:

tacf /, ka6/ca/rtd/44 rtMzce / '/ /APP// BICD 120: Dr.Schmidt Week2

+ 60z+ 12NADP-+ + 18ATP + 12HzO+ 1BADP+ 6 HzO ) CoHrzOo 12NADPH 6COz

fromlightenergy! Production ofATPandNADPH TheLiqhtReactions: - lmportant Pigments inPhotosynthesis . Primary pigment; photosynthetic inthereaction center ofeachphotosystem Chlorophyll a) located ( ^rrrrmrrtira "' . oflightthatcanbeabsorbed inthe Helpwiden spectrum byplant) located Pigments; S,,|tfi:l | Secondary/Acessory (LHC) aL &//Hna catdzlr'zx 'il[n[T^t, I UghtHarvesting complex - Carotenoids b,c,etc. - Chlorophyll \ +l-tlLu( r t' . graphs Spectral andAction oftheAbsorption Ynld,npnoYl Beabletointerpret T, W. Engleman's from experiment fficnrt' whatwas concluded - Understand = SizeofLHC -Photosynthetic'unit . SizeofLHChelps prevent theamount Photooxidation bycontrolling oflightabsorbed photooxidation forms which cell-damaging fee radicals lightthecause of - Excess freeradicals toprevent damage abletogather - Carotenoids . Growing morelightenergy ) higher chlorophyll B/ARatio inshade ) Large sizeofLHCtoabsorb . Growing lightintake ) lower chlorophyll B/Aratio insun) Small sizeofLHCtoregulate complex: andlocation ofeachprotein thename - Know +.o /, XM f \oz 26o +o t 4

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. InNon-byclic phoiophosphorylation: ) -y.'?2' fr OFi *fn olN ./ rl {rowr ll and | Photosystem use of BoTH {litrnfi 4 e-,102 2 NADPH of 2H2Oproduces ,.' \ uoo' " \ - Splitting


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. lnCyclic photophosphorylation, isavailable tobereduced, soe-areshuttled backto noNADP+ Plastoquinone topumpmoreH+) MoreATPProduced ,o oz tgaa.tcd | ) NoH2Oissplit€ Uses onlyPhotosystem -

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foodsource Producing fromCO2Fixation Reactions/C3 Photosynthesis ,/ TheCalvinCvcle/Dark byMelvin Calvin - Discovered 7 (3-phosphoglycerate) fixedintoa 3-Cmolecule - C)zinitially -/uhf/v.r/ frs ahz/ Pelz -ex?e^vvlenIed *>/ rMtoAriive tnl,[tCio vVwe-64l\Q Coz - $o





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f\ Evt ot-t> VvlPnfMt i3 t A?@'altA Clqd.i"cPhopPhosphovgtrd-ron "C-Hg ' r/ perco2 Fixed - Need3 ATPand2 NADPH "#'X.,t ) hasanaffinity forBOTH withRubisco CO2and02 - TheProblem Rubisco binds CO21= toCO2=CO2Fixation ' flow02]and[High = NetCO2Loss! Rubisco binds to02 = Photorespiration 02]and CO2]= [Low 7 ' [high L th,. pratvra[tsu4ts sr>tredbg a lrn sonleplarats) method fixfiion,discovered C4PhotosvnthesisAnother ofcarbon byscientists Hatch andSlack(1965) (Oxaloacetate) instead C4?) COzFixed endsupina 4-Cmolecule - WhyCalled of3-C! cells arespatially separated-Different - C4andC3photosynthesis

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phosphates, (intheformofhighenergy whenATP) AMP)? -Whydoitwhenit usesupmoreenergy Makes PROCESS: a MORE EFFICIENT 1)PEPCarboxylase hasa higher forCOz incomparison affinity toRubisco 2)Createanenvironmentof high[CO2]tofavorCO2fixationoverphotorespiration +t/7 &tat//ee?ZlV a&s helps recapture 3i Arrangement ofcells(C4orkrinzAnatomy) CO2thatmayhavebeenlostduring/ut/t/, ,h4rsoo photorespiration /u a2/77't/ b/.ntrltn 6ua op2 ,fl ffu,4

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more often) lessH2Ol'oss! CO2lossisrcduced, canclose stomata - Because . ldealforplants thatliveinareas ofhighlightandtemperature, where rateofphotorespiration increases Millet, ex.TropicalGrasses-Maize, Sugar Cane, etc.

version ofC4photosynthesis Analternate PhotosynthesisAcidMetabolisd CAMGrassulacean andNight separated-Day aretemporally - C4andC3Reactions

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pHwillusually atnight, belower (malic inthevacuole acid) stored high[] ofmalate - Because - Whydiditevolve? withliftlerainfall thatliveindrylocations ' Helpplants waterloss) Canstillperform C3photosynthesis toprevent thedaytime during stomata closed - Keep C4photosynthesis iscooler totakeinCO2toperform whentemperature - Openstomata atnight . ex.Cacti, pinepple succulents, tothinkabout: Productivity, GlobalWarminqQuestions Primarv productivity? - Definition forprimary Least atfixing CO2? efficient? (C3,C4,CAM, etc.)arethemostefficient - Whattypes ofplants peryear? plays themostcarbon roleinfixing animportant ecosystem - Whatcontinental gas gallon used? of for every are released ofCO2 - HowmanyPounds given (Referr lecture!) on10i08109 tothehandout

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