Week 3 Blanked

  • Uploaded by: Abraham Walkthewok
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  • June 2020
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TA: Zara Tabi ([email protected]) BICD 120: Dr. Schmidt AIM: ztabi06 Week 3 OH: By email Appt. Plant Diversity & Life Cycles You won’t be asked to draw the detailed life cycles of the plants described in lecture, but do study the diagrams and try to understand what is happening, familiarize yourselves with important vocabulary, and more importantly the key concepts. Chlamydomonas p. 331, Uvula p. 335, Moss p. 362-363, Fern 396-397, Angiosperm p. 448-449 Alteration of generations:

• Describes how the life cycles between ___________________________________ of a plant (NOT an individual organism!) alternate between a ______________________(n) phase and a _____________________ (2n) phase  The haploid generation gives rise to the diploid stage, and the diploid stage gives rise to the haploid stage. • KEY WORDS: - ___________________________________- The diploid (2n) form of a plant. They produce haploid _______________________ through _____________________________. • _________________________________- Structure that produces spores - ___________________________________- The haploid (n) form of a plant. They produce haploid ________________________ through MITOSIS. • ____________________________ - Structure where gametes are produced. Can form female/+ (Archegonia) or male/- (Antheridium)

gametes • Depending on the type of organism, Alternation of generations can be: - __________________________________- Sporophyte and gametophyte have _____________ forms, with one form dominant: 1) Chlamydomonas  3) Pterophytes (Ferns)  __________________________ ______________________ 2) Bryophytes (Mosses) 4) Angiosperms?  __________________________ _________________________ * Sometimes one stage is dependent on the other! - _____________________________- Sporophyte and Gametophyte are ______________ in appearance • Ex. Uvula/Sea Lettuce • Why? 1) Get rid of _____________________________ mutations 2) Increase _______________________________________ The Move from Water to Land & Success of the Angiosperms • Plant ancestors (Chlamydomonas, uvula) and early non-vascular plants (_________________________________) relied on H2O source for metabolic needs (Photosynthesis, etc.) and fertilization (used ________________ _________________)  Limited their size and where they can live.

• Early Vascular plants (____________________________________) later evolved systems of water transport  can grow bigger, taller structures and grow in drier soil, but still had __________________________, so still relied on H2O for fertilization

• Vascular plants evolved further (_____________________ and _______________________) with the use of wind/animal dispersed ________________________ and ________________________  NO need for H2O in fertilization, can live in a greater variety of places

• Angiosperms developed extra features that gave them an advantage over other plants ________________________________: Sperm fertilizes BOTH egg (n) and polar nuclei (2n) to produce: - 2n ____________________________  Plant embryo - 3n ______________________________  source of nutrients for plant Plant Genetics and Inheritance • Classic Mendelian Inheritance - Result of cross does NOT change, regardless of sex • Usually occurs with ______________________ traits  derived from DNA found in nucleus

- Ex. Mendel’s work with pea traits (round, wrinkled, etc.) GENETICS ISN’T ALWAYS THIS SIMPLE! Plasmid Inheritance— Involves genes/components present in plastids • Usually _____________________________  Traits passed down from ONE parent only - In Angiosperms, female passes on it’s _______________________ (chloroplast) to the next generation  WHY? • _________________________________ (egg cell) responsible for providing a majority of the embryo’s __________________________________ content. _______________________________________ (sperm) simply provides its DNA. • As a result, ____________________________ progeny will inherit mother’s plastid traits (proteins, pigments, DNA, etc.) • _____________________________  BOTH parents contribute to traits of progeny - Ex. Varigated leaves, white/albino plants: Male























• In ___________________________, can still observe maternal (+ type) inheritance - Only (+) type chloroplast DNA able to be___________________________  protects from being degraded, while (–) type DNA is destroyed • Some important chloroplast proteins are encoded by DNA in BOTH the ________________ and __________________ - Ex. RUBISCO, ATP Synthase, Ribosomes - ____________________________ of plastid genome and nuclear genome complicate breeding of different species • Leads to __________________________ or defective proteins  sickly, unhealthy hybrids Quantitative traits- Traits that are controlled by ______________________________________________ - Don’t see __________________ phenotypes • Distribution of phenotypes can be described with a ___________________

 continuous distribution - Ex. Yield, Flowing time, Height, etc.

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