Vine No. 18

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Volume 19 Number 18 November 2009

Future home of the McKendree Clothes Closet - operating out of the foyer work room. Please bring your donations to the church office.

McKendree United Methodist Church 523 Church Street Nashville, TN 37219 615.271.2600 Fax 271.2607


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Newsletters are now printed once a month - get the eVine and get church news via email mid-month! Email [email protected] today to sign up!

Wed. Night dinner menus: 1st: covered dish 2nd: casseroles 3rd: sandwiches 4th: lasagna 5th: (if applicable) bring your own (please RSVP by Tuesday - donations accepted 2-4th Wednesdays)

New church directory to be published for 2010 It’s been several years since we’ve had “McKendree in pictures!” Steve Kohl of KohlPhoto to direct new church directory We have long had the need to publish a new church directory. With the excitement of many new people becoming a part of the growing McKendree community, this need will be met for the new year. Steve Kohl has generously donated his time and talents to

directing the McKendree church directory that will be available at the turn of the new year. The hard copy design will allow for open access to insert new sheets of pictures and contact information as more and more people become a part of the church family over time. This will keep the directory from becoming outdated once it is released. There will also be plans to add the directory to the church website ( More details about this will become available closer to the

November Birthdays

release date of the tangible directory. The online directory will be password protected for safe access. Photos will be taken on: Sat., Nov. 7, 1-3 p Sun., Nov. 8, 8:30-9a, 10-11a, and 12-1p Mon., Nov. 9, 9-11a Please call the church office to schedule a time for your family photo. There is no charge to have your picture made. If you can’t come at any of these scheduled times, there will be a make-up session later.

2 – Sarah Barlar, Misty Chambers, Gary Vincent 3 – Mary Mullins 4 – Gary Mitchell, Heather Stewart 5 – Rodger Davis, Kacey Moseley 6 – Wade Bonds, Margie Swift, Gene Thompson 7 – John McNair, Sharon Stults 8 – Mary Cartwright 9 – Mary Ousley 11 – Christin Murphy 12 – Virginia Elam

13 – Vivienne Graham, Pattie King, Phil Navarra, Pat Reigle 18 – Stephanie Cavnar, Vivian Williams 21 – Keith Dickens 22 – Rocio Harrelson, June Maul 24 – Jo Vincent 26 – Brooke Davis, Mary Earheart, Bettye Kilgrow 27 – Cody Richardson 29 – Annalee Mueck

Sunshine Group news On November 3, the Sunshine Group will have lunch at Darfon’s Restaurant in Donelson. After lunch we will go to Breeden’s Orchard-Bakery and Country Store in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee for delicious apples (Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Jonathon and Granny Smith) plus fried apples pies, jams, jellies, relishes, honey, sorghum, molasses and syrup.

If you have any questions regarding our new parking location, please call Mary Alice Miles at 292-3814, also please let her know if you are interested in going on this trip.

We will meet at 10:30a on Tue., Nov. 3 at the Regal Cinema parking lot on Powell Avenue. This is in the 100 Oaks area, but not exactly in 100 Oaks itself. Please park close to Powell Avenue and not the Cinema. Expenses will be $4.00 per person for the bus, plus your meal and purchases. 1

Baby Diaper Shower April Anderson is expecting a new little one! We’re giving her a Diaper Shower November 15th at 10a in the McKendree Room. Diapers of all sizes will be appreciated. The x10sion class that usually meets there will gather in the Library Café that day.

Weekly Bible Readings Nov. 2 - Nov. 6 Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 Psalm 127 or Psalm 42 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44

Nov. 9 - Nov. 13 1 Samuel 1:4-20 1 Samuel 2:1-10 or Psalm 113 Hebrews 10:11-25 Mark 13:1-8

Room In The Inn begins the first Wednesday of November Thank you church family for taking the time to volunteer your participation in our annual involvement with Campus for Human Development’s Room In The Inn ministry. The master list of the schedule is posted on the bulletin board outside of the Fellowship Hall. There’s still a few gaps in the schedule, so if you feel called to volunteer for any of the following open positions, please call the church office so we can put you on the schedule. Nov 4: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, S. Kohl Light eve snacks: Excelsior Class Breakfast: Marshall fam Sack lunches: H. Stewart, J. McDaniel

Jan 20: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, ___________ Light eve snacks: _________________________ Breakfast: ________________________________ Sack lunches: THIRST ministry

Nov 11: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, E. Harris Light eve snacks: _____________________ Breakfast: ____________________________ Sack lunches: H. Stewart, J. McDaniel

Jan 27: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, ___________ Light eve snacks: _________________________ Breakfast: ________________________________ Sack lunches: ____________________________

Nov 18: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, B. Stewart Light eve snacks: _____________________ Breakfast: ____________________________ Sack lunches: H. Stewart, J. McDaniel

Feb 3: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, S. Kohl Light eve snacks: _________________________ Breakfast: ________________________________ Sack lunches: ____________________________

Jeremiah 33:14-16 Psalm 25:1-10 1 Thess. 3:9-13 Luke 21:25-36

Nov 25: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, Ed C. & Tie W. Full meal: Cooper/Watkins fam’s Breakfast: Cooper/Watkins fam’s Sack lunches: Cooper/Watkins fam’s

Feb 10: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, E. Harris Light eve snacks: _________________________ Breakfast: ________________________________ Sack lunches: ____________________________

Nov. 30 - Dec. 4

Dec 2: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, S. Kohl Light eve snacks: _____________________ Breakfast: H. Stewart, J. McDaniel Sack lunches: ________________________

Feb 17: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, ___________ Light eve snacks: _________________________ Breakfast: ________________________________ Sack lunches: ____________________________

Dec 9: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, E. Harris Light eve snacks: _____________________ Breakfast: H. Stewart, J. McDaniel Sack lunches: ________________________

Feb 24: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, ___________ Light eve snacks: _________________________ Breakfast: ________________________________ Sack lunches: ____________________________

Dec 16: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, B. Stewart Light eve snacks: _____________________ Breakfast: H. Stewart, J. McDaniel Sack lunches: ________________________

Mar 3: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, S. Kohl Light eve snacks: _________________________ Breakfast: ________________________________ Sack lunches: ____________________________

Dec 23: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, __________ Full meal: ________________________________ Breakfast: H. Stewart, J. McDaniel Sack lunches: ____________________________

Mar 10: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, E. Harris Light eve snacks: _________________________ Breakfast: ________________________________ Sack lunches: ____________________________

Dec 30: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, K. Sparkman Light eve snacks: K. Sparkman Breakfast: H. Stewart, J. McDaniel Sack lunches: ____________________________

Mar 17: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, ___________ Light eve snacks: The UMW Breakfast: The UMW Sack lunches: The UMW

Jan 6: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, S. Kohl Light eve snacks: _________________________ Breakfast: ________________________________ Sack lunches: ____________________________

Mar 24: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, ___________ Light eve snacks: _________________________ Breakfast: ________________________________ Sack lunches: M. Mullins

Jan 13: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, E. Harris Light eve snacks: _________________________ Breakfast: ________________________________ Sack lunches: ____________________________

Mar 30: Inn keepers: A. Skipper, ___________ Light eve snacks: _________________________ Breakfast: ________________________________ Sack lunches: ____________________________

Nov. 16 - Nov. 20 2 Samuel 23:1-7 Psalm 132:1-12 Revelation 1:4b-8 John 18:33-37

Nov. 23 - Nov. 27

Malachi 3:1-4 Luke 1:68-79 Phil. 1:3-11 Luke 3:1-6

Visual changes: Donations were given by the Handy family, Heather Stewart, and Joyce McDaniel to upgrade the software that produces our media presentations on the screens for Sunday mornings and other events held in the Worship Center. Thank you, very generous servants of God! This change will greatly enhance the visual aids and allow us the capability to seamlessly use multiple forms of media in this application, previously unavailable to us.


New date for Charge Conference McKendree’s Charge Conference date has been changed from October 6 to Wednesday, November 11, 2009 at 6:30p. Please adjust your calendars accordingly!

weeks. We also are looking for volunteers to work on Wednesday evenings during Wednesday Night Live. If you enjoy working with young children and would like to volunteer to be a “thrive” helper, please contact the church office today.

UMW News The nominating Committee will be seeking new officers for 2010 so be in prayer for them and prayerfully consider accepting a office if you are asked.

McKendree Clothes Closet We are currently taking donations for the McKendree Clothes Closet to be opened very soon and operated out of the front office of the church foyer (work room).

Saturday, November 7th from 10:00-11:30 a.m. all circles will meet together for the election of officers and for the pledge service. A District officer will be invited to install our officers after the election. For any of you who wish, bring a sandwich and we will eat together following the meeting. If you need a babysitter please let Willodene Brodrick know as soon as possible.  The National Assembly for UMW  will be April 30-May 2, in St. Louis, MO. Information about Assembly and the registration form is online at Registration is $215 before November 30. After this date, and if registering on paper, the cost is $250. Tennessee Conference UMC is chartering a 48-passenger bus and a deposit of $30 is needed ASAP. The Conference has also reserved a block of rooms in the Millennium Hotel, 200 S 4th St., St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 241-9500. The SEJ is offering a $500 scholarship to a first time attendant to Assembly.  Please see Willodene Brodrick for instructions on applying for this. Advent On The Street Advent is around the corner! McKendree will offer Advent On The Street again as a way to share Christ’s love to the downtown community during the Christmas holidays. We will also need cookies and workers again this year. Please watch for greeter sign up posters throughout the church in November. Also please begin baking cookies and placing two per bag for us to hand out during this ministry. You can bring them to church in the month of November and we will freeze them for the Advent On The Street events. Thrive: McKendree’s preschool ministry McKendree’s preschool ministry, “thrive,” is in search of volunteers interested in teaching and/or assisting the preschool class. We can work around schedules, but volunteers typically help out one Sunday every 4-6

We are also partnering with the Chamber of Commerce in being a regional host church for a city-wide effort in collecting coats for those in need to be distributed at the Project Homeless Connect event at Municipal Auditorium on December 9. We will need coats and any clothing or toiletry items for the clothes closet. Please bring your donations in abundance to the church office. Nashville Adult Literacy Council news The Nashville Adult Literacy Council needs volunteer tutors for its drop-in learning program to help teach Englishspeaking adults how to read and English to adult immigrants. The next volunteer tutor training session will be held at the Cohn Adult Learning Center, 4805 Park Ave., Nashville, 37209 on Tue., Nov. 10  from 5:30p - 8:30p. Please contact our offices at 298-8060 or [email protected] to RSVP for training and for more information.  

The NALC also needs one-on-one volunteer tutors to help teach Englishspeaking adults how to read and English to adult immigrants. The next volunteer tutor training orientation session will be held at Cohn Adult Learning Center, 4805 Park Ave., Nashville, 37209 on Thursday, Nov. 12 from 6p - 8p. Training will be held on Saturday, Nov. 14 from 9:00 a.m. – Noon. You must attend both orientation and training. No teaching experience is necessary, but you must be at least 18 years of age. Operation Christmas Child Sign up to donate a Christmas gift for a child in Africa through Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse). Please visit the table in the main foyer of the church for more information! Deadline is November 15!

Weekly Calendar Sundays 8:30a Prayer Team (MR) 9a New Wine worship (WC) 9:30a THIRST Children (Attic) 10a Thread Youth, x10sion & Bible Studies 11a Sunday worship (WC) 12:30p McK Ministry Classes


9:30a Art Group (3rd Fl main) 11:30a Front Lawn Community lunch


11:30a Prayer Meeting (WR bring own lunch) 3p Let Loose (CLC) 5:15p Dinner (FH)

6p THIRST & Thread ministries (Attic) 6:15p Wed. Night Worship (FH) 6:30p Bible Studies (various) 7:30p Chancel Choir Reh’l (CR)

Thursdays 11a Jubilate Choir Reh’l (CR) Noon Kairos Bible study (FH bring own lunch)

4p Meal for the displaced (FH) 6p Open Gym (CLC) 7p Praise Team Reh’l (WC)


9a Open Gym (CLC) TBD Marriage Ministry Legend: AR (Archives room), CLC (Christian Life Ctr), CR (Choir room), FH (Fellowship Hall), MR (McKendree room), WC (Worship Ctr), WR (Work room)

Home Groups & Third Place Groups: Mondays 9:30a Third Place Bible study (The St. Paul, 5031 Hillsboro Pk.) Various times/locations Mom’s Home Group Tuesdays 6p Third Place Conversation group, men (Haddock Barber Shop, 17th & Jo Johnston) 3

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