Ut Bulletin June 2009[1]

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The Bulletin

Union Temple of Brooklyn Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism

JUNE 2009

Sivan - Tamuz 5769

Vol. 160, No 10



Friday Evening

6:30 PM

6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 PM - Potluck Dinner

Trouble Makers Coming to the Temple! See them on Movie Night June 24th at 6:30 pm. Details on page 8 Please remember that services are conducted throughout the summer months without interruption. Kabbalat Shabbat begins Friday at 6:30 PM except July 24 and August 28, when services will begin at 8:00 PM. All Saturday morning services begin at 10:30 AM.


Saturday Morning

10:30 AM

SYNAPLEX SHABBAT 9:30 AM: Brunch 10:30 AM: Shabbat Morning Service: The Crown of a Good Name Naming Service for Congregants Torah: Numbers 6:1-7:89

Haftarah: Judges 12:13-25



Friday Evening

8:00 PM

Shabbat Evening Service: Installation of Officers & Trustees


Saturday Morning

10:30 AM

David Vogel will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah Torah: Numbers 8:1-12:15

Haftarah: Zechariah 2:14-4:7



Friday Evening

6:30 PM

Kabbalat Shabbat Baby Naming: Anna Ruth Kuflik, daughter of Allison Day & Arthur Kuflik


Saturday Morning

10:30 AM

11:15 AM - Tot Shabbat Torah: Numbers 13:1-15:41

Haftarah: Joshua 2:1-24


Friday Evening

8:00 PM

Late Shabbat Service


Saturday Morning

Torah: Numbers 16:1-18:32

10:30 AM Haftarah: I Samuel 11:14-12:22

Rabbi’s Message

Mi Shebeirach for an Aliyah The Mi Shebeirach blessing has become a regular feature of our services. Mi Shebeirach means “The One who blessed.” It begins: Mi Shebeirach avoteinu, Avraham, Yitzhak, v’Ya’akov, v’imoteinu, Sarah, Rivka, Rahel, v’Leah... Hu y’vareich et… “May the One who blessed our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and our mothers, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, bestow Your blessing upon ... and so on.”

Though most often we have recited Mi Shebeirach for those who are ill, our liturgy actually provides different Mi Shebeirach texts for various occasions. There are blessings at an aufruf for a bride and groom; blessings for new parents and blessings for their babies; and indeed, blessings for each person who is given the honor of being called the Torah to recite the Torah blessing - the honor that we call an Aliyah (going up to the Torah). The Torah blessings are completed, and then the Mi Shebeirach is recited by the Rabbi or Cantor. While earlier generations of Reform Jews preferred to excise all these “Mi Shebeirachs” from the service, often out of a general anxiety about needlessly elongating the liturgy, our own generation has shown a marked preference for putting them back in. There is a general sense that it is important to acknowledge and bless people in their lives: whether as a prayer for a restoration to health, or in the joy of a new baby, an impending marriage, or for the honor of being called to the Torah. Our new siddur, MISHKAN T’FILAH, has inserted a Mi Shebeirach for an Aliyah, which essentially is the traditional text. Some of the members of our Religious Practices Committee found the traditional wording objectionable from a theological standpoint, so I took the liberty of rewriting the blessing. The translation of the text now reads: May the One Who blessed our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and our mothers, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, bless ________ (son)(daughter) of _________ who has ascended to the Torah, with good health, happiness, prosperity and peace; with wisdom and understanding, with the love of Torah and reverence for the Divine. And let us say Amen. We have used this already at Shabbat Morning services, and it seems to be well received by those in attendance, and appreciated by those who have been called for an aliyah. Thus, the next time you happen to be at a morning service, you’ll hear this Mi Shebeirach in addition to the one for healing. We hope you will enjoy the addition of this blessing. Though it adds little more than a few seconds to the service, it holds considerable significance for those being blessed, and their families. Blessings to all – -Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman


Officer’s Column

Thank You All

It’s June, and a good time to thank everyone who does principals and teachers. Our officers and Board members, Sisterhood and Brotherhood, and members who have volanything to help make Union Temple work. unteered their expertise and talent for special programs. Thanks to our administrator and temple staff, who The members who put together our bulletin and advertiskeep the business and building running... and our Rabbi, who sees to our spiritual maintenance. Our stu- ing and who beautify our space. Have I left anyone out? I dent cantor and music director, who bring truly special hope not, because all the officers have deep appreciation music to our Shabbats. All the committee chairs and for everything and anything anybody does. their committee members, who contribute their time Of course, thanks go to every congregational member. and energy to bring us educational programs, Shabbat You are the Union Temple community, and commuprograms, movies, book discussions, and all kinds of nity is ultimately what a temple is about. other activities. Our Religious School and Preschool -Ellen Kolikoff, Secretary

Gala a Huge Success! After months of planning and anticipation, the Union Temple 160th Anniversary Gala Dinner –themed Renaissance 160 - was a huge success. On Saturday night, April 18, 167 Temple members and friends gathered in the ballroom for an evening of celebration. Amid elegant décor and piano accompaniment, we paid tribute to three dedicated temple leaders: President Doris Klueger; Vice President Henry Singer; and trustee and past Vice President Dr. Marvin Lieberman. Early in the evening, the kids from our religious school presented a memory box they have been working on, collecting memorabilia from this moment in time, to be set aside and reopened fifteen years hence, at the temple’s 175th Anniversary. Among the treasures will be an invitation to the gala, the dinner journal and a DVD commemorating the history of Union temple, up to and including the 160th Anniversary festivities. Thanks are due our Religious School Director, Dr. Ann Landowne, for supervising this project. Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz presented a proclamation naming April 18, 2009 as Union Temple’s 160th Anniversary Celebration Day and a citation honoring our President, Doris Klueger. The Temple received another proclamation in its honor from Representative Anthony Weiner. City Special thanks to the following sponsors of th Council Member David Yassky addressed the group, with laudatory our 160 Anniversary Gala Dinner, who made generous contributions after the Din- words about the proud tradition of this Temple, as did a representative from the office of Congresswoman Yvette Clarke. ner Journal had gone to press. Union Temple is most grateful for your support. Over dessert, the glittering crowd was treated to “So You Think You’re Gertrude Adams A Union Temple Maven?” , a game show testing members’ knowledge John and Nancy Beranbaum of the history of Union temple. The members did pretty well. Jack and Gerry Berenholz Each of the honorees was presented with a gift, a beautiful Cheryl's Global Soul Havdalah service fashioned of colored art glass. Zeva Rischko introMichael and Helen Forman duced her friend, honoree Dr. Marvin Lieberman; Mike Wolfson Sonny and Rita Fuchs Loretta Glazer spoke for Henry Singer, and Marvin Polonsky for Doris Klueger. Daniel Levitan and Ann Schwartz This all could not have come together without help. Our Temple Kenneth Meister and Laurie Shahon Steven Rifkind and Devora Fong-Rifkind beautification experts - Zeva Roschko, Karen Guccione and Ralph Julius - really came through, providing gorgeous table decorations Lynne Schwartz on a tight budget. Denise Waxman spun together the video loop of Rosemarie Shaffer current and archival photos illustrating the history of Union Temple. Henry and Sue Singer


Jeffrey Stein and Denise Waxman Joan Wooters-Reisin

(Continued on page 8)


Religious School

A Profile in Courage

interview (and also played basketball with the students!) and to Zeva Greendale-Roschko who has helped with all aspects of this project and of course, Mrs. Marianne Dreyfus. The children gave Mrs. Dreyfus a Mother’s Day poster as a token of appreciaMrs. Dreyfus was twelve years old when she traveled tion for sharing her story. from Germany to London with the Kindertransport We also want to thank Nikki Lebenson who gave the program. The children asked tough questions about children an exciting tour of the Union Temple her experiences in Germany: Was she scared? Was “archives” lead a lively discussion and shared original she ever in danger? What was her saddest memory? photographs and documents from the early history of They also tried to get a picture of everyday life by ask- Union Temple. We are looking forward to continuing ing about friends, food and fun. Mrs. Dreyfus shared and developing our Living History project next year. her love of ice skating as a young girl in Germany. All current Religious School families should have reBy the time you read this article, Religious School will be over for the year. May was a terrific month for the children. The sixth- and seventh-grade students in Rachel Dayan’s class practiced their interviewing skills by interviewing Mrs. Marianne Dreyfus.

Mrs. Dreyfus was a profile in courage for our students. She was very matter of fact about her experiences and she told the children how she always tries to look forward rather than dwell on sad memories from the past. She gave an eyewitness account of the burning of the Great Synagogue in Berlin during Kristallnacht in 1938, describing how her family’s apartment was on a high floor in a building nearby and she could see the dome burning. Mrs. Dreyfus shared how relieved her family felt when no Gestapo agents came to their door that evening. The next day she received a letter from school informing her family that she could no longer attend because she was Jewish. Some of her teachers and friends were kind people and sorry she had to leave the school but the situation was very bad. Shortly afterwards Mrs. Dreyfus left Germany for England. In London she lived through the Blitz and continued to attend school despite the attacks. She shared a “close call” with the students when a bomb blast shattered the windows of their home during an air raid.

ceived registration materials by e-mail. Please return your registration as soon as possible to facilitate planning for September. Have a wonderful summer. Kol Tuv (All the Best). -Ann Landowne, Religious School Principal


Mitzvahs and More

Brotherhood members had a nice showing during at Mitzvah Day on May 17th. The assignment: paint a closet in the preschool that probably hadn’t had one in 50 years! But the Brotherhood was more than up to the task. The closet was Steve Segall brightens shelves emptied and fresh coat of with a new coat of paint at Mrs. Dreyfus also spoke about happy memories of bright blue paint was rolled Mitzvah Day. traveling to the United States with her grandfather, the and brushed on in no time. Thank you to all the Brothesteemed Rabbi Leo Baeck, z”l when he was invited erhood members who helped out that day. to teach at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. It was on this trip that Rabbi Stanley Dreyfus z”l and Next month we can all look forward to the annual Mrs. Dreyfus first met and began a trans-Atlantic Brotherhood breakfast and election of officers. As courtship. They married and moved to East Liverpool, usual, there we be savoring the omelets cooked by Ohio which was a small town and very different than Treasurer Arnold Kolikoff . the big city of London. The children were very inter- The Brotherhood would like to wish everyone a happy ested in hearing about the similarities and differences summer! between Berlin, London, and the New York City. We are indebted to Dee Dee Royals who filmed the entire -David Rapheal, Secretary 4


Our Little Birds Are Set to Fly!

As we enter the end of the school year we are all enjoying the great outdoors and marveling at the growth of our preschoolers over the last year. Much of the classroom activity at this time of year focuses on growth, plant, animal and personal. After a very long winter and a very wet spring, we are spending more time outdoors visiting the park and taking walks around the neighborhood. Our four year olds have also brought the fruit of their neighborhood walks into their classroom through a neighborhood study. This is what we were doing at the preschool at the beginning of May.

tures in more detail. The Robins and Swallows are also starting a unit on the life cycle of the caterpillar, and observing several garden snails that are currently visiting their classroom. The Hummingbirds have begun to study our neighborhood. They have taken many walks observing all of the things in our area that comprise our neighborhood. Last week they visited the Botanic Garden to see the cherry blossoms. While they were at the garden, the children sketched what was in bloom. When they came back to the classroom they made a mural of the Botanic garden. They have also made a mural of our neighborhood. The children drew tall buildings and low ones, the road, subway, trees and flowers. The children are also busy building the neighborhood in the block area. In the coming weeks they will be visiting some neighborhood stores and creating their own neighborhood out of boxes.

The Chickadees, our two year olds, have flown into the great outdoors! This week they took their first forays outside as a class. They were belted into the school's deluxe six-seat strollers and pushed all the way to the Mount Prospect playground. What a treat to explore with classmates! The class has been able to let off steam as well as enjoy this great spring weather. -Susan Sporer, Preschool Director They will continue to go out about once or twice a week through the spring, weather permitting. The Chickadees are also exploring the wider spaces of our June is Gay Pride Month and school, playing at times in other classrooms and enBrooklyn Pride Festival is June 13 joying the water tables a great deal. The Starlings, our other twos class, used liquid watercolors to make wind “snakes” that spin when air blows in the window. They also made sculptures using play dough, pipe cleaners, and beads and buttons. They are also having fun digging in the dirt that’s in the water table and playing with the sparkling green play dough they made in class.

Please join us at Union Temple's table at Brooklyn Pride Festival. The event runs from 11 am 'till 6 pm, on Prospect Park West between Ninth Street and Bartel Prichard Circle.

Many members of Brooklyn's gay community will be on hand, along with their friends, relaTo welcome spring, the Sparrows, three year olds, tives and supporters. This is a great opportuhave planted beans and peas. They’ve noticed how nity to greet our neighbors and enjoy another the plants have roots that grown down to soak up wa- aspect of Brooklyn's lively cultural mix. ter and leaves and stems that grow toward the sun. The children are enjoying digging in the dirt that was put in the water table. At the art table, the Sparrows have started work on a spring mural. On Earth Day, the Sparrows used liquid watercolors to decorate wind spirals that spin when the air blows in through the window.

Associated events include the Interfaith Pride Service at 6:30 on June 10 as well as the Gay Pride Parade, which steps off at 8:30 pm on The Robins and Swallows, threes classes, came back June 13, from Prosfrom spring break and were thrilled to find that quite a pect Park West and few pupae had turned into beetles. The children have Fifteenth Street. been using magnifying glasses to see all the tiny crea-



A Summer Respite

Suddenly it's June, that wonderful time of year when we all wind things up so that we can then wind down and enjoy sunny summer days and vacation fun. Sisterhood had a great season—timely, meaningful programs filled with learning, sharing, laughter and surprises. We're already deep in plans for more of them for next year, and we know you won't want to miss even one. We hope that you'll be with us for them all as a member. Sisterhood bills will be mailed out this month. If you are not yet a part of our warm circle of friendship, please join now. If you are already a member, please renew promptly for next year. Membership is only $36. Just think—for only double chai you can perform the mitzvah of bringing hope and help where they are needed by adding your voice, your heart, and your hands to ours as together we reach out to help our temple, our community, and our world. Remember, too, that even during the summer you can make a contribution to Sisterhood's Memorial Fund, Hattie Newman Happy Day Fund, and Rose Keit Flower Fund. It's a beautiful way to remember loved ones and to mark happy occasions and at the same time to be a part of Women of Reform Judaism as we work to help others and to make our world a better place. Have a terrific summer—and come back rested and happy, and ready to join us in another great season! -Barbara Brett, Recording Secretary

Calling All Actors!

Come join Union Temple in presenting The Gates Are Closing on September 12th, a play by Merle Feld. It takes place in a synagogue on Yom Kippur--evening, the following morning, and late that afternoon. The action follows 10 main characters spanning a wide range of ages, backgrounds, and professions, as they grapple with issues of identity, meaning, loyalty, betrayal, repentance, and forgiveness, on this most somber of days. The temple is looking for people to join the production. No experience necessary! Murray, an engineer in the throes of midlife emptiness. Jonah, Murray's son, a med student questioning his difficult calling. Mindy, an almost-Bat Mitzvah caught between Orthodox grandparents and a mother who is a convert. Shimon, a well-to-do Israeli who has settled in America and wrestles with his guilt. Joan, a single social worker struggling to balance her professional and her personal life. Becky, a rabbi's wife caught in a crisis of faith. Emily, the daughter of Holocaust survivors. Miriam and Aaron, an orphaned brother and sister, questioning and avoiding the relationship. Jake, the rabbi, working hard.

• • • • • • • • •

Interested? Contact Jannette Katz at [email protected], or Ellen Kolikoff at [email protected] 6

MAZAL TOV TO OUR GRADUATES! Ariel Barnett, daughter of Abe Barnett, is graduating from SUNY Albany. Claudia Bona-Cohen, daughter of Neil Cohen and Amy Bona, is graduating from Saint Ann’s School, and will be attending Wellesley College.

Emily Bona-Cohen, daughter of Neil Cohen and Amy Bona, is graduating from Hunter College with a Master’s degree in Applied Social Research.

Johanna Golomb, daughter of John and Barbara Golomb, is graduating Emerson College, and will be teaching Theater Arts.

Sophia Golomb, daughter of John and Barbara Golomb, is graduating from Friends Seminary, and will be attending Brandeis University.

Sarah Gomori, daughter of Dr. Peter Gomori and Jannette Katz, is graduating from Midwood High School Humanities Program, and will be attending SUNY Purchase. Hillary Horowitz, daughter of Eric and Ronni Horowitz, is graduating from Midwood High School and will be attending SUNY New Paltz.

David Kurfirst, son of Dr. Jonathan and Beth Kurfirst, is graduating The Beacon School. Alexander Kurland, son of Jeff and Barbara Kurland, is graduating from LaGuardia High School, and will be attending the University of Rochester.

Danielle Lebenson, daughter of Richard and Peggy Lebenson, is graduating Stuyvesant High School, and will be attending Simmons College.

Nicole Lebenson, daughter of Richard and Peggy Lebenson, is graduating CUNY Macauley Honors College, and will be the commencement speaker for Brooklyn College. She will be working over the summer with the parent organization of the Fulbright Scholarship in Mexico City through the Watson Fellowship.

David Meister, son of Ken Meister and Laurie Shahon, is graduating from The Hill School, and will be attending Claremont McKenna College.

Sophie Miller, daughter of Karen Harber, is graduating from 8th grade at the Math and Science Exploratory School and will be attending La Guardia High School, majoring in Dance.

Alison Reed, daughter of David and Stacey Reed, is graduating from the Mark Twain Middle School, and will be attending Stuyvesant High School.

Andreas Reich, son of Rebecca Reich, is graduating from the Williamsburg HS for Architecture and Design, and will be attending Drew University. Camilla Rothenberg, daughter of Ned Rothenberg and Lois Ellison, is graduating from The Beacon School, and will be attending Dartmouth College.

Chloe Silversmith, daughter of Mark and Lisa Silversmith, is graduating from The Math and Science Exploratory School, and will be attending LaGuardia High School.

Alex Steckman, son of Larry Steckman and Annette Schulz, will be graduating from Brooklyn Friends, and will be attending the Art Institute at Edward R Murrow High School. Joseph Stein, son of Geoffrey Stein and Dr. Ann Landowne, is graduating Tufts University with a degree in International Relations. 7

@Mazal Tov to our Bar Mitzvah@ David Vogel Son of William and Stephanie Vogel David is a seventh grader at the Brooklyn Studio Secondary School to which he was accepted for creative writing. At home David likes to read and write about American history. He enjoys using his PlayStation with his friends and listens to music and plays video games on the computer. His favorite subject in school is gym where he exercises and plays sports. David used to be on a soccer team with AYSO. David is quite a family person. He loves getting together with his cousins on vacations and holidays. He especially looks forward to visiting his cousin Kaya up in Mellenville, NY. Here, he gets a chance to go hiking and play outdoors. David was born in Guatemala. He arrived in the States when he was just six weeks old. He is named after his grandfather "David."

Movie Night at Union Temple Wednesday June 24, 2009 6:30 PM

Making Trouble: Three Generations of Funny Jewish Women A salute to female Jewish comediennes. Starring: Molly Picon, Fanny Brice, Sophie Tucker, Joan Rivers, Gilda Radner, Wendy Wasserstein. As four noted funny ladies -- Judy Gold, Jackie Hoffman, Cory Kahaney, and Jessica Kirson -- chat about their craft over lunch at Katz's Delicatessen in New York City, they lend a framework to a celebration of iconic women in Jewish comedy and the influence of Jewish culture in American humor. Admission is free. Members and nonmembers welcome! Light refreshments will be served

Union Temple of Brooklyn 17 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 (718) 638-7600 Website:www.uniontemple.org email: [email protected]

to Temple Administrator John Golomb, for his tireless and cheerful help throughout the long planning process. We are grateful to Past President Hortense Hurwitz, for (Continued from page 3) the perspective she lent to the proceedings. And special Demetria Royals documented the evening in film, and thanks to Rabbi Linda Goodman, for her insight, counis working with Jerry Bunke on the DVD. Our thanks sel and encouragement every step of the way. to them all. Only 15 years until the next Gala! The 160th Anniversary Committee gives special thanks -Beatrice Hanks

Gala A Success


Tzedakah UNION TEMPLE MEMORIAL FUND Donated by .....................................................................................In memory of Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman.................................................................. Philip G. Henry Erica Shatz Spry ...................................................................................... Sarah Shatz Susan Kahn.............................................................................................. Aurthur Kahn Doris Klueger .......................................................................................... James Brooks Nancy Greenberg..................................................................................... Stella Bloom Helen Heller............................................................................................. Stella Bloom Denise Waxman....................................................................................... Dorothy and Abner Waxman Barbara Morgan....................................................................................... Shirley Leibowitz

HAPPY DAY FUND Donated by .....................................................................................In honor of Mr. and Mrs. David Zupnick................................................................................ Jessica Roschko Leonard Konigsberg and Camille Scarciotta....................................................... In appreciation to Union Temple Rosemarie Shaffer ................................................................................................. In honor of Doris Klueger, Henry Singer and Marvin Lieberman for their years of dedication to the Temple Laurie Lieberman .................................................................................................. In honor of Marvin Lieberman for years of dedication to the Temple

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Donated by Howard and Linda Simka ..................................................................................... in appreciation

Social Action

Sharing Our History

It all started when the Social Action Committee was searching for an interesting project for the oldest students in our Religious School to do on Mitzvah Day. After discussing it all with the school principal, Ann Landowne, we all decided that rather than singing to the residents at the Senior Center near us, a true mitzvah would be to visit with them, to interview them, and to show an interest in what their lives were like when they were young. Because it was our Temple’s 160th celebration, we also decided to interview some older members of our temple and put their stories in the memory box. We enlisted Nikki Lebenson to help us because of her interest in oral histories and archives. She took the students on a “ghost walk” to see the “ancient treasures” collected in the back room of the Sanctuary, (One was a temple Bulletin article from 1941 referring to FDR’s “Day of Infamy” speech on Pearl Harbor Day.) After making up some searching questions the children talked to Marianne Dreyfus whose early life involved a trip on the Kindertransport when she was the same age as the children who interviewed her. We then involved Lenny Shiller, whose father is a resident at the Center, and he arranged for the students

to do the interviews on Mitzvah Day with some of the residents. They actually met with a 103-year-old woman who has had a fascinating life. Religious School parents accompanied the children and Rachel Dayan, their teacher, on this exciting mission. Our resident film/ new media maker Dee Dee Royals was so enthusiastic about this project that she filmed it. We plan to make this a yearly “happening” for Religious School students. -Zeva Roschko, Co-Chair, Social Action Committee

We express our deepest sympathy to MARK and JOAN PETERS, and Shaina and Aaron, on the death of Mark's father ANTONY PETERS on May 24. Our sympathy goes as well to Mark's Uncle Michael and Aunt Holly, and the entire extended family.

 May his memory be for a blessing 9

Memorial Plaques June Janet Lippen Protter ..................June 1, 1976 Stephen Caplin ..........................June 2, 1935 Frieda Kraus ..............................June 2, 1942 Josephine E. Glassheim .............June 2, 1982 Dorothy Levitt............................June 3, 1985 David B. Wohlberg ....................June 4, 1951 Eva Goldstone............................June 5, 1995 Louis Ribman.............................June 6, 1912 Minnie Minkoff..........................June 6, 1961 Isidore Leviton ..........................June 9, 1965 Etta Fradin Nevin.....................June 10, 1930 Nellie Lustig.............................June 10, 1941 Col. David Marcus ...................June 10, 1948 William A. Wasch....................June 10, 1968 Lt. Norman K. Bernstein..........June 11, 1944 Samson O. A. Ullman ..............June 11, 1947 N. Byron Cronheim..................June 11, 1964 Elsie A. Wasch.........................June 12, 1956 Hannah Wertheimer .................June 14, 1927 Arnold Schmidt........................June 14, 1939 Jennie Fogel .............................June 15, 1928 Nettie Schoen ...........................June 16, 1931 David L. Wasch .......................June 16, 1932 Natalie S. Wasch......................June 16, 1970 Charles Sturzer.........................June 17, 1972 Samuel Minkoff .......................June 18, 1947 Joseph Friedman ......................June 18, 1953 Dorothy Zweig .........................June 18, 1980 Helen W. Millman ...................June 18, 1990 Lilyan Austen...........................June 19, 1971 Anna Drexler............................June 20, 1958 Malvine Nathanson ..................June 21, 1918 Anna Linde...............................June 23, 1926 Morris Woronock.....................June 24, 1947 Jennie Rosenberg .....................June 24, 1973 Irwin Karlitz.............................June 24, 2001 Sophia Hess..............................June 25, 1945 Genevieve Bernstein ................June 27, 1919 Michael Furst ...........................June 27, 1934 Dinah Bloom............................June 27, 1951 Abraham Abraham...................June 28, 1911 Louis E. Fogel..........................June 28, 1956 Bernard Marienhoff .................June 28, 1952

Eleanor Dumey ............June 29, 2007 Henry Elroc ..............................June 29, 1984

July Louis Newman ...........................July 1, 1928 Mathilda Weill............................July 1, 1958 Solomon Goodman.....................July 1, 1964 Rose Barkan ...............................July 2, 1944 Michael Elman ...........................July 2, 1957 Harry Jaffa ..................................July 3, 1903 Dr. Joseph Zimmerman .............July 3, 1963 Federick B. Hirsch......................July 3, 1972 David A. Wallach .......................July 3, 1993 Gus Weill....................................July 5, 1941 Hattie Baum................................July 6, 1958 Charles Bloch .............................July 8, 1947 Amelia Meruk.............................July 8, 1948

Rabbi Dr. A Stanley Dreyfus July 8, 2008 Babbette Schmidt .......................July 9, 1924 Hazel Cronheim..........................July 9, 1981 Aaron Jacobs ............................July 10, 1942 Milton Hamburger....................July 10, 1964 Norman Silverman ...................July 11, 1997 Mildred Strauss.........................July 12, 1934 Charles Rockmore, Past Pres.. July 12, 1988 George Levitt............................July 14, 1966 Celine M. Lefkowitz.................July 15, 1953 Constance Rockmore................July 15, 1965 Alex Berlin ...............................July 15, 1976 Jennie Diener............................July 15, 1978 Isabel Meyer .............................July 16, 1936 Isabel Hyams Abraham ............July 17, 1873 Bessie Felsenfeld......................July 17, 1955


Pauline Sturzer .........................July 17, 1988 Irene Schwartz..........................July 18, 1993 Lily G. Meyer...........................July 20, 1970 Olive Cohen .............................July 21, 1957 Ann Greenberg .........................July 21, 1998 Ida Iason ...................................July 22, 1948 Donald R. Oppenheimer ..........July 22, 1998 Ruth E. Wolfort........................July 23, 1966 Anna Ruttenberg ......................July 24, 1944 Lawrence E. Abraham..............July 24, 1945 Joseph Shaffer ..........................July 24, 1978 Irene Schwartz..........................July 24, 1998 Norma Korman.........................July 24, 2003 Dr. Robert Kamen ....................July 26, 1976 Helen Klupt ..............................July 26, 1976 Bernard B. Dorf........................July 27, 1924 Theodora H. Lorence ...............July 29, 1970 Julien W. Newman ...................July 29, 1976 Madeline P. Drexler .................July 29, 1978

August Max C. Fogel.........................August 1, 1962 Carl Ornitz ............................August 1, 1970 Rose Stegman Lippin ............August 1, 1995 Rose Levitt ...........................August 2, 1949 Harry A. Goldstone ..............August 2, 1968 Abraham Greenberg .............August 2, 1984 Joseph Wertheimer ...............August 4, 1930 Henry Newman ....................August 4, 1934 Lillian S. Fogel .....................August 4, 1966 Sally Smallberg ....................August 4, 1991 Rachel Klein..........................August 5, 1933 Augusta Stark ........................August 5, 1946 Henry A. Rowland ................August 5, 1962 Sophia Rosenzweig ..............August 7, 1949 Gabriel Baum .......................August 8, 1905 Martin G. Peters ...................August 9, 1934 Mary G. Kamins ...................August 9, 1943 Mendel Rosenzweig .............August 9, 1957 Leon J. Goodman .................August 9, 1966 Helen Jacobs .........................August 9, 1975 Luba Louria ........................August 10, 1926 Irma C. Katz .......................August 10, 1948 David Nachman ..................August 11, 1922 Dr. William Linder..............August 11, 1945 Paul Grossman ....................August 11, 2001 Dr. William Linder .............August 12, 1953 Clara Parnes .......................August 12, 1953 Hillard R. Nevin Jr. .............August 12, 1955 Dr. Hillard R. Nevin ...........August 12, 1955 Hilary C. Nevin ..................August 12, 1955 Cecile M. Nevin .................August 12, 1955 Emanuel Newman ...............August 12, 1957 William Marks ................... August 12, 1990 Clara London ......................August 13, 1918 Jacob Rosenfeld .................August 14, 1905 Laura Hamburger ...............August 17, 1936 Berenice Gerstman ..............August 17, 2000 Isabelle Silverman...............August 18, 1972 Lillian Flyer ........................August 18, 1973 William Baron ....................August 18, 1990 Rose Elroc ..........................August 19, 1994 Philip Lipstein ....................August 19, 1966 Anna M. Polisar .................August 19, 1969 Alexander J. Linde ..............August 21, 1934 Morris Sasuly .....................August 23, 1960 Robert L. Drexler ...............August 23, 1971 Estelle Marks ......................August 23, 1988 Sadye R. Altman ................August 24, 1979 Harris Farber ......................August 25, 1927 Helen Dumey .....................August 25, 1970 Irma Tedesche ....................August 25, 1978 Jacob Grossman .................August 26, 1940 Dr. Leon Louria ..................August 27, 1923 Dr. Bernard Stattman .........August 27, 1956 Charles N. Cohen, Past PresAugust 29, 1955 Dr. Walter Sherer ...............August 29, 1971 Rose Ehrlich .......................August 29, 1991

The Bulletin Union Temple of Brooklyn 17 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11238 (718)638-7600 Fax (718) 783-9151 E-mail [email protected]

Website Uniontemple.org Dr. Linda Henry Goodman Rabbi Maria Dubinsky Student Cantor Dr. Jonathan B. Hall Music Director Dr. Ann Landowne School of Religion Principal Susan Sporer Preschool Director Doris Klueger President Henry Singer Jeffrey Stein Vice Presidents Ellen Kolikoff Secretary Beatrice Hanks Treasurer Mike Baron Hortense R. Hurwitz Honorary Presidents Eleanor Forman Honorary Trustee David Rapheal Bulletin Editor John Golomb Temple Administrator Martin Kasdan Funeral Director 1-800-522-0588

Union Temple suggests that its members contact our Funeral Director Martin D. Kasdan of Boulevard-Riverside Chapels 1895 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 1-800-522-0588 Proudly maintaining more than 50 years of Temple involvement

June 2009—Sivan-Tammuz 5769 Sun











6:00 PM Calendar Meeting All Committee Reps

6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Pot Luck Dinner to follow



6:30 PM Adult Education Committee

6:00 PM Officers


9:30 AM Brotherhood Breakfast 11:00 AM Social Action Committee



6:30 PM Gay Pride Interfaith Service St. Augustine’s Sterling & Park

6:00 PM Bd of Trustees




6:00 PM HHD Honors Meeting


Seventh Heaven Street Fair


Rosh Chodesh Tammuz (30 Iyar)



Rosh Chodesh Tammuz (1 Tammuz)



6:30 PM Movie Night: “Making Trouble”





6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat Baby Naming: Anna Ruth Kuflik

6:30 PM Synaplex Committee



8:00 PM Shabbat Service Installation of Officers & Trustees


5:30 PM Religious School Committee




9:30 AM Brunch 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service “The Crown of a Good Name” Naming Ceremony for congregants


10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Bar Mitzvah: David Vogel


10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service 11:15 AM Tot Shabbat


10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service

8:00 PM Late Shabbat Service

Please remember that services are conducted throughout the summer months without interruption. Kabbalat Shabbat begins Friday at 6:30 PM except July 24 and August 28, when services will begin at 8:00 PM. All Saturday morning services begin at 10:30 AM.


Prospect Park Health and Racquet Association In Union Temple Building at 17 Eastern Parkway 718-789-4600 Ask about Special discounts for Union Temple Members

Union Temple of Brooklyn 17 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 (718) 638-7600 [email protected]


Movie Night is June 24th - See Page 8

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