Ut Bulletin December 2009

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The Bulletin

Union Temple of Brooklyn Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism



Vol. 161, No 4


SHABBAT VAYISHLACH Friday Evening First Friday Family Shabbat 6:00 PM - Snacks 6:30 PM- Service Potluck Dinner to follow


Saturday Morning

Torah: Genesis 32:4-36:43

Union Temple Presents Fiddler on the Roof Sunday, December 13. Details on page 8


10:30 AM Haftarah: Hosea 11:7-12:12


6:30 PM

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class Shabbat


Saturday Morning

Torah: Genesis 37:1-40:23

18 19

10:30 AM Haftarah: Zechariah 4:1-7


6:15 PM

Chanukah Celebration Family Dinner

Please note earlier time

Saturday Morning

10:30 AM

11:15 AM - Tot Shabbat Torah: Genesis 41:1-44:1


Haftarah: I Kings 7:40-50


8:00 PM

Late Shabbat Service


Saturday Morning

Torah: Genesis 44:18-47:27

10:30 AM Haftarah: 37:15-28


Rabbi’s Message

Separation of Church and State

Attacks on Catholic politicians. . . . Over the past few decades, we have witnessed public attacks by leading Catholic prelates upon Catholic politicians who support reproductive choice as a matter of good public policy. Some of the more prominent targets of these attacks have included Mayor Rudolf Giuliani, Governor Mario Cuomo, and most recently, Representative Patrick Kennedy. Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, RI, has banned Rep. Patrick Kennedy from receiving Communion, the central sacrament of the church, in Rhode Island because of the congressman's support for abortion rights. "The bishop instructed me not to take Communion and said that he has instructed the diocesan priests not to give me Communion," Kennedy said in a recent interview. Kennedy said the bishop had explained the penalty by telling him "that I am not a good practicing Catholic because of the positions that I've taken as a public official," particularly on abortion. Apparently Church law permits Tobin to ban Kennedy from receiving Communion within the Diocese of Providence, which covers Rhode Island, but he cannot stop him from receiving Communion elsewhere. It was unclear whether bishops overseeing Washington and Massachusetts would issue similar bans. Kennedy vs. the Bishop. . . . The dispute between the two men began in October when Kennedy gave an interview to Cybercast News criticizing the nation's Catholic bishops for threatening to oppose a massive expansion of the nation's health care system unless it included tighter restrictions on federally funded abortion. Kennedy voted against the Stupak Amendment, which was supported by the nation’s bishops, because the amendment blocked federal funding for abortions. Kennedy wrote in a letter to Tobin: "While I greatly respect the Catholic Church and its leaders, like many Rhode Islanders, the fact that I disagree with the hierarchy of the Church on some issues does not make me any less of a Catholic," Kennedy wrote in a letter to Tobin, agreeing to a sit-down. "I embrace my faith which acknowledges the existence of an imperfect humanity." Tobin responded in a Diocesan newspaper: "Sorry, you can't chalk it up to an 'imperfect humanity.' Your position is unacceptable to the Church and scandalous to many of our members. It absolutely diminishes your Communion with the Church," Tobin wrote. How ironic it is that a member of one of the most prominent American Catholic families - a family that has given to, and sacrificed for this country - is now the latest target of sustained attacks by the Church. Our precious freedom. . . . We recently celebrated our beloved holiday of Thanksgiving. More than any other holiday, Thanksgiving is an American holiday, steeped in religious sentiment, but dedicated to the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. Our nation is founded upon the principle of separation of church and state, contained within the Bill of Rights of our Constitution. That principle has made it possible for the dreams of our forbears to be realized. The continued unfolding of these dreams enriches our society with ever-increasing religious, political, ethnic and cultural diversity, within an atmosphere in which such diversity is both philosophically celebrated and legally protected. When the Catholic bishops, or any organs of religious leadership, publicly attack the quality of religious feeling and observance of elected officials, and attempt to compromise the commitment of these officials by religious coercion, they compromise the very blessings of freedom that we as Americans have fought to protect and continue to cherish and uphold. Though our public conduct is naturally informed by the teachings of our religious tradition, in cases where public policy and religious teaching conflict, it is our duty as Americans to make a separation between the two, as our Constitution demands. -Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman 2

Officer’s Column

Sweet Music to Our Ears

A new piano is coming into the life of the Temple. Technically, it’s not “new”, but a vintage piano, a 1928 Mason & Hamlin, an instrument of beauty and character. According to Music Director Dr. Jonathan Hall, the Mason & Hamlin works in Baltimore produced some of the finest pianos in the world, of a quality equal to the better known Steinway. Dr. Hall and Rabbi Goodman, herself an accomplished pianist, found and auditioned the new piano, and were impressed by its good bones and its “warm eight-foot tone.” (The piano is actually 6'4".) There’s some work to be done. We’re getting the action, the mechanism that brings the hammers to the strings, replaced. The new parts are Steinway, but from the Hamburg Steinway plant, not the lesser shop in New York. And the strings are coming from Canada. Then there’s the voicing. Natural variations in the felt covering each hammer cause slight differences in tone; the voicing softens or hardens each of the 88 notes to create a unified sound. Our own Dan Levitan, who cares for pianos professionally, has volunteered to perform this very nuanced work. When the Hamlin & Mason arrives, toward the end of November, it will reside in the sanctuary. Was this baschert? Our former piano, a loaner, was reclaimed by its owner not long after the Temple’s 160th Anniversary celebration. And the amount raised in honor of the Anniversary was just what was needed to purchase the new instrument. Fittingly, the 160th Anniversary Committee voted to present the Hamlin & Mason as a gift to the Temple, memorializing not just the historical milestone, but the Renaissance of Union Temple. I can’t think of a more wonderful gift. -Bea Hanks, Treasurer



What Every Woman Should Know

Fear of this menace haunts every woman. But for many Jewish women, the fear is even more intense. What is it? It's breast cancer, which disproportionately strikes Ashkenazi Jews. But knowledge, as Emerson assures us, is the antidote to fear, and this month, Sisterhood will be bringing you the most important and up-to-date information on this vital subject. Join us for brunch at 9:45 AM on December 6 as we present BEYOND BRCA1 AND BRCA2—THE NEXT GENERATION OF GENETIC DISCOVERY. Dr. Freya Schnabel, Director of Breast Surgery at NYU Medical Center, and Lauren Carpiniello of the American Cancer Society will give us the latest updates on breast-cancer genetics, screening, and treatment. We'll also learn about the helping hand extended to women and their families by the acclaimed Jewish organization Sharsheret. Bring your mother, your daughter, your sister, your friends. Lives may depend upon it. This crucial program of hope and help is not to be missed! Sisterhood is also pleased to announce that classes devoted to memoir writing will be conducted by member Hilary Salk. For more information, please see our box in this issue of the bulletin, then call Sue Singer at 718-783-0181. We wish everyone a Chanukah filled with love, warmth, and happiness. May the glow from the candles in our menorahs light up our hearts, our lives, and the path to peace in our world. -Barbara Brett, Recording Secretary

Synaplex Presents: Kaskeset

Binghamton’s Jewish A Cappella Group Friday, January 8

4:30 PM - Children’s Workshop 6:00 PM - Workweek Wind Down 6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 PM - Dinner provided by Synaplex 8:30 PM - A Cappella Performance 4

Parking Update We have parking for fifty cars at the garage on St. John's Place between Plaza Street and Underhill Avenue. this is in the new building next to the temple. You can use it when you come to the temple for temple events, services and business. You cannot use the Union Street Garage any more. When you park you will receive a parking ticket which MUST be validated by the temple. There is a parking stamp which will available in the temple office. Please see John Golomb, temple administrator, or any of the officers to have your parking ticket validated. You must validate the ticket before you retrieve your car from the garage. If the ticket is not validated you will have to pay the parking fee. I would suggest you validate it as soon as you get to the temple. Please contact me if you have any questions or if something comes up when you use the garage Thanks Doris Klueger


Rock and Roll with Brotherhood

We thank Jeff Stein for leading the discussion about “The Complex Fate of the Jewish-American Writer” at our November meeting. It was an interesting overview of the evolution of Jewish writing and writers over a span of about 60 years. Please join us on Saturday evening, December 5, for our first Brotherhood Havdalah, with light refreshments, followed by a visit to the Brooklyn Museum for their free First Saturday event. The Brooklyn Museum will have a few musical groups performing that evening, the photography exhibit “Who Shot Rock & Roll” and much more happening. I hope to see you all there. Happy Chanukah to all! -Steve Segall, Brotherhood President

Join us for a taste of Pardes learning at Union Temple With Guest Scholar

Judith Klitsner Senior Faculty Member, Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem “The ‘Seeing’ and ‘Taking’ of Sarah: The Matriarch as Forbidden Fruit”

What does Sarah have in common with the “forbidden fruit” in the Garden of Eden? In our study we will note surprising parallels between the two stories, and then discuss them within the larger context of gender relations in the Bible.

Judith Klitsner has been teaching Bible and Jewish biblical exegesis for nearly two decades. A disciple of the great Torah teacher Nechama Leibowitz, Klitsner has had a profound impact on thousands of students, many of whom now serve as teachers and heads of Jewish studies programs. Klitsner lectures widely in Israel, the U.S., and Europe. In her teaching and in her writing, Klitsner weaves together traditional exegesis, modern scholarship, and her own original interpretations that are informed by close readings of the text. Judy Klitsner is the author of the new book, Subversive Sequels in the Bible (Jewish Publication Society). In our seminar she will examine Her teaching style is energetic and interactive. Don’t miss this opportunity to study with her!

Wednesday, December 16 - 7:30 - 9:00 PM Union Temple of Brooklyn ● 17 Eastern Parkway ● 718-638-7600 www.uniontemple.org 5




Adults: $10

Kids (5yrs-12yrs): $5

Kids under 5: FREE


PLEASE RETURN BY December 11th WITH YOUR CHECK TO: UNION TEMPLE 17 EASTERN PARKWAY, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 11238 (718) 638-7600 [email protected]

Please reserve:

For a total of: I will bring:

______ places at $10 ______ places at $ 5 ______ free places $ _______ _______________entree or



_______________ salad or _______________ vegetable dish (Servings should feed eight adults...thank you!)




Religious School

A Day in the Life of Religious School

On Sunday, November 15, the Kinder Kef class participated in a Family Education Celebrating Shabbat Program. We read about Ira and the Lost Shabbat Box in Lesley Simpson’s book, shared his sadness and delighted in his ingenuity. We learned about brachot , sang songs and danced with Josh Adland our song leader. We made Kiddush, and said Motzi on challah. We ended the morning creating beautiful challah covers to use at home on Shabbat. Avi Reinharz’s first and second grade class is working hard to master the Hebrew alphabet and learn about the history of the Maccabees. They also created a beautiful poster for the Pre-Thanksgiving Food Drive. Tzipi Hazan’s third and fourth grade class is practicing vowel sounds and basic Hebrew reading skills. While studying Parashat Hashavua, the weekly Torah portion, they discussed the qualities of din v’rachamim , justice and mercy, as manifested in the actions of our ancestors Sarah and Abraham. Interestingly, our rabbis considered Sarah an arbiter of justice and Abraham a proponent of mercy. Rachel Dayan’s fifth and sixth grade class is moving forward in the second book of the New Siddur Program. In preparation for the Synaplex Shabbat Service, they studied Pirkei Avot, an ethical text, to better understand the roots of moral behavior in our tradition. Carole Gould’s seventh grade class created interpretive models of Maimonides’ Ladder of Tzedakah. The great 12th century Jewish philosopher ranked different types of charitable actions and our students modeled this intellectual and spiritual exercise. The entire community participated in an interactive morning service, based on Lisa Kingston’s tefillah curriculum, that included a skit about Balak and Balaam of talking donkey fame and the author of our morning prayer Mah Tovu, How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob. Upcoming events in December of special interest to our Religious School families begin on December 4 with a Family Kabbalat Shabbat Service at 6:30 PM, followed by a Pot Luck Shabbat Dinner. This new service will be held the first Friday of every month, except for January 1. The Shabbat Chanukah Service is on Friday night, December 18 at 6:30 PM. Snacks will be available at 6:00. PM The Family Kabbalat Shabbat Service will feature words of Torah crafted with elementary age children in mind, music that encourages participation, and a slightly shorter service. Babysitting will be available for younger children on the fourth floor during the service. Kol Tuv, -Ann Landowne, Religious School Principal

JUDAIC BOOK FAIR Preschool to Adult, Picture Books, Activity Books, Holidays, Bar/Bat Mitzvah planning and more! Preschool: Friday, December 4 - 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM Temple-wide: Friday, December 4 - 6:00 - 8:30 PM Saturday, December 5 - 9:30 AM - 1 PM (Please Note: Orders but no money will be taken on Shabbat )


Sunday, December 6 - 9:30 AM - 1 PM 7

UNION TEMPLE PRESENTS a Broadway Musical Fantasy Camp Staged-Reading Production Producer/Director: Stephen Hanks Musical Director: Dr. Jonathan Hall

SUNDAY DEC. 13, 2009 Vodka & Latke Reception 3 PM

Presentation 4 PM Tickets $15 in advance $20 at the door Union Temple of Brooklyn • 17 Eastern Parkway • Brooklyn, NY 11238 (718) 638-7600 • [email protected] • www.uniontemple.org Mail in this form to make your RESERVATIONS! Name/s No. Tickets:

@ $15=

Mail reservations form & check to Union Temple of Brooklyn 17 Eastern Parkway • Brooklyn, NY 11238 Make checks payable to Union Temple YOUR TICKETS WILL BE HELD AT THE TEMPLE FOR PICK UP. 8



Donated by .....................................................................................In memory of Helen Heller........................................................................................................................... Nathaniel Bloom Nancy M. Greenberg ............................................................................................................ Nathaniel Bloom Arlene Greendlinger.............................................................................................................. Harry Ebner Betty Dimm ........................................................................................................................... Sargent Sidney Schnell Ira Rifkind.............................................................................................................................. Steven Rifkind Robert Fried........................................................................................................................... Morris Fried Beth L. Kurfirst ..................................................................................................................... Saul Kurfirst Beth L. Kurfirst ..................................................................................................................... Arlene Lawrence Leona Spector ...................................................................................................... Jeanette Henry


Donated by .....................................................................................In honor of Marc Schwabish and Lisa Huang......................................................................... the naming of their daughter, Leah Isabelle Huang Schwabish, born November 19, 2008.

Thank You for Your Yom Kippur Appeal Donation Abe Barnett and Anna Schiavone Hy and Barbara Brett Henry Ehrlich Eleanor Forman Robert Frey and Judy Stossel David Garlick Libby Glazer Peter Gomori and Jannette Katz Rabbis Stephen and Linda Goodman Arlene Greendlinger Aimee Greenstein Tom and Karen Guccione George Hausman and Anna Budd Hortense Hurwitz

Mohani Jaikaran Ralph Julius Doris Klueger Jeffrey and Barbara Kurland Darryl Chu and Daniella Lednicer Jason Lynch and Abigail Sher Anne Maltz Kenneth Meister and Laurie Shahon Jason Meyer Tom and Heidi Oleszczuk Gene McCollough and Cheryl Paradis Marvin and Diane Polonsky Bill and Evelyn Reder Rebecca Reich

Hal and Lisa Rose Beverly Rotter Hilary Salk Daniel Schacter and Stephanie Steinberg Alan and Patrice Schuster Steven Segall and Mark Silverstein Henry and Susanne Singer Rosemarie Shaffer Howard and Linda Simka Lewis and Sheila Soloff Emerson Spry and Erica Shatz-Spry Jake and Liz Tamarkin David Unger Carol Zide

Your mother? Your sister? Your daughter? You? Who's harboring that dangerous Ashkenazi gene?

Sisterhood of Union Temple Presents A life-saving program of hope and help


Join us for brunch

Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 9:45 AM with Dr. Freya Schnabel, Director of Breast Surgery at NYU Medical Center, and Lauren Carpiniello of the American Cancer Society They will give us the latest updates on breast-cancer genetics, screening, and treatment. We'll also learn about the helping hand extended to women and their families by the acclaimed Jewish organization Sharsheret. Bring your mother, your daughter, your sister, your friends. Lives may depend upon it! Sisterhood of Union Temple 17 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York 11238 718-638-7600 Uniontemple.org


Memorial Plaques Max Goldberg ................................................... December 1, 1947 Elizabeth Perlo .................................................. December 2, 1948 Jacob Fogel........................................................ December 3, 1917 Meyer Kasdan ................................................... December 3, 1940 Bernard Van Raalte ........................................... December 5, 1908 Herman L. Sherrer............................................. December 5, 1969 Jacob M. Shaffer ............................................... December 5, 1972 Max Baar ........................................................... December 6, 1936 Abraham L. Lippin ............................................ December 6, 1970 Sol A. Liebman ................................................. December 6, 1978 H. Broadman Epstein ........................................ December 6, 1997 Minnie Reiss...................................................... December 7, 1921 Solomon Hamburger ......................................... December 7, 1923 Harry C. Levinson ............................................. December 7, 1987 Michael Dumey ................................................. December 8, 1939 Margaret Bo1ey................................................. December 9, 1973 Jacob Block ....................................... …….….December 10, 1931 Max Hess......................................................... December 10, 1941 Rachel Heimberger.......................................... December 11, 1947 Bertram Heimberger........................................ December 10, 1985 Lena H. B. Lax ................................................ December 10, 1990 Anita M. Mandelbaum .................................... December 11, 1947 Sarah Marienhoff............................................. December 11, 1958 Myrtle David ................................................... December 11, 1977 Michael Kraus ................................................. December 13. 1930 Fanny Petechsky.............................................. December 13, 1931 Sylvia Hamburger ........................................... December 13, 1996 Solomon Igelheimer ........................................ December 14, 1907 Fannie Igelheimer............................................ December 14, 1930 Abraham H. Frankel ........................................ December 14, 1943 Alexander Davidson ........................................ December 14, 1978 Bernard Bender ............................................... December 15, 1926 William Meruk ................................................ December 15, 1928 Mary Eilperin .................................................. December 15, 1994 Harry N. Needle .............................................. December 17, 1972 Alfred Newman ............................................... December 18, 1932 Byrdie Hymes.................................................. December 18, 1961 Gussie Epstein ................................................. December 18, 1969 Kate Heller ...................................................... December 18, 1980 Helen H. Bernstein .......................................... December 19, 1924 Lee Ornitz........................................................ December 19, 1996 Aaron Polisar................................................... December 20, 1969 Jacob Iason ...................................................... December 21, 1946 Edward Drexler ............................................... December 22, 1928 Louis Schnell................................................... December 22, 1946 Esther Davidson .............................................. December 23, 1928 Eva Jacobs ....................................................... December 23, 1942 Rubin Rodecker............................................... December 23, 1969 Eve Freiman .................................................... December 23, 1978 George Kershner.............................................. December 23. 1982 Alexander Spitzer ............................................ December 24, 1941

A memorial plaque is a lasting tribute to a loved one. If you wish more information regarding obtaining a plaque in memory of a loved one please e-mail the temple at [email protected] or leave a message with the temple office.


The Bulletin Union Temple of Brooklyn 17 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11238 (718) 638-7600 Fax (718) 783-9151 E-mail [email protected]

Website Uniontemple.org Dr. Linda Henry Goodman Rabbi Maria Dubinsky Student Cantor Dr. Jonathan B. Hall Music Director Dr. Ann Landowne School of Religion Principal Susan Sporer Preschool Director Doris Klueger President Henry Singer Jeffrey Stein Vice Presidents Ellen Kolikoff Secretary Beatrice Hanks Treasurer Mike Baron Hortense R. Hurwitz Honorary Presidents Eleanor Forman Honorary Trustee David Rapheal Bulletin Editor John Golomb Temple Administrator Martin Kasdan Funeral Director (800) 522-0588

Union Temple suggests that its members contact our Funeral Director Martin D. Kasdan of Boulevard-Riverside Chapels 1895 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 1-800-522-0588 Proudly maintaining more than 50 years of Temple involvement

December 2009 ~ Kislev-Tevet 5770 Sun












6:00-8:00 PM Brooklyn Jewish High School At Hannah Senesh




4:30 PM Religious School Trope Class 6:00 PM Adult Ed Meeting 6:30 PM Adult Choir


First Friday Family Shabbat 6:00 PM Snacks 6:30 PM Service Pot Luck Dinner to follow



9:30 AM Religious School; 10:00 AM NYU Program: Breast/Ovarian Cancer & Genetics

6:00 PM Officers

7:00 PM “Fiddler” Rehearsal


9:30 AM

Religious School Chanukah Party 3:00 PM Vodka & Latke Reception 4:00 PM “Fiddler On The Roof” Performance

20 9:30 AM Religious School 10:00 AM Brotherhood 11:00 AM Membership Committee


No Religious School

6:00-8:00 PM Brooklyn Jewish High School At Hannah Senesh

14 15 Preschool Chanukah Luncheons this week. Please check with Preschool Office for schedule. 6:00-8:00 PM Brooklyn Jewish 6:00 PM High School Board of Trustees


At Hannah Senesh


4:30 PM Religious School Trope Class 6:30 PM Adult Choir

7:00 PM “Fiddler” Rehearsal

———Rosh Chodesh Tevet————

16 3:00-5:00 PM 17 JBFCS Intergenerational Chanukah Party

4:30 PM Religious School Trope Class

6:30 PM Adult Choir 7:30 PM Judith Klitsner Adult Ed Seminar



12 9:00 AM Adult Study Hevre 10:30 AM Shabbat Chanukah Morning Service

19 9:00 AM Adult Study Hevre 10:30 AM Shabbat Chanukah Morning Service

RS Students

Family Dinner



26 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service

8:00 PM Late Shabbat Service

6:30 PM Religious School Committee



6:15 PM (please note time) Shabbat Chanukah Celebration Choir/

No Religious School Or Adult Choir


6:30 PM Shabbat Chanukah Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class Shabbat

9:00 AM Adult Study Hevre 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service


No Religious School Or Adult Choir


Prospect Park Health and Racquet Association In Union Temple Building at 17 Eastern Parkway 718-789-4600 Ask about Special discounts for Union Temple Members

CREATIVE SOLUTIONS Copy & Design for Direct Mail ● Emails ● Brochures ●Web & Print Advertising Ellen D. Kolikoff [email protected] 917-817-6292 10% Off for Union Temple members & Brooklyn business owners

Union Temple of Brooklyn 17 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 (718) 638-7600 [email protected]


Fiddler is Coming! See Page 8.

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