Ut Bulletin April 2009

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The Bulletin

Union Temple of Brooklyn Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism

APRIL 2009

Nisan-Iyar 5769

Schedule for The Festival of Pesach


April 8th - Wednesday Evening First Seder observed at home

April 9th - Monday Morning 10:30 AM - Festival Morning Service

April 14th Tuesday Evening 6:45 PM - Reception 7:30 PM - Festival Evening Service

April 15th - Wednesday Morning 10:30 AM - Morning Service for the Conclusion of Pesach Yizkor will be recited; The Song of the Sea will be chanted.

Vol. 160, No 8



Friday Evening

6:30 PM

Kabbalat Shabbat Potluck dinner to follow


Saturday Morning

Torah: Leviticus 6:1-8:36

10:30 AM Haftarah: Malachi 3:4-24



Friday Evening

6:30 PM

Kabbalat Shabbat


Saturday Morning

Torah: Exodus 30:11-34:35

10:30 AM Haftarah: Ezekiel 37:1-14



Friday Evening

6:30 PM

Kabbalat Shabbat


Saturday Morning

10:30 AM

11:15 AM - Tot Shabbat Torah: Leviticus 9:1-11:47

Haftarah: II Samuel 6:1-7:17


Friday Evening

8:00 PM

Late Shabbat Service


Saturday Morning

10:30 AM

Kyle Graber will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah Torah: Leviticus 12:1 -15:33

Have you made dinner reservations? FREE Valet Parking

Haftarah: Isaiah 66:1-13, 23

Chag Sameach

Rabbi’s Message Reorganization of the URJ. . . . As some of you may be aware, the Union for Reform Judaism has been engaged in a significant restructuring effort, particularly with regard to its administrative network throughout the country. The restructuring was brought about by the economic downturn, in addition to decisions on the part of the URJ Board as to more efficient ways of serving its constituents. One of the departments of the Union that has been dissolved in this restructuring is the Social Action Commission, based in New York. The Social Action Commission has been headed by such luminaries as the late Rabbi Balfour Brickner, z”l, the inimitable Al Vorspan, and most recently by my good friend and colleague, Rabbi Marla Feldman. One of the pilot projects of the Social Action Commission has been the Reform Jewish Voice of New York State, for which I have been serving as a Rabbinic member of the steering committee. RJVNYS was modeled after the Religious Action Center in Washington D.C., to take positions consistent with those of the North American Reform Judaism as they apply to New York State. RJVNYS engages New York Reform Jews as advocates for progressive social and economic policies and advocacy programs. Current Issues. . . .RJVNYS had scheduled a lobby day for March 30th to support three specific issues: 1) The Healthy Teens Act, which would provide medically accurate sex education to schools throughout the state; 2) Marriage Equality for same sex couples; and 3) Repeal of the Rockefeller Drug Laws. These recent events at the Union made the logistics of a lobby day virtually impossible for RJVNYS, so this particular effort was cancelled. Carrying on. . . .While we have been thrown a curve, I must assure you that the agenda of the Social Action Commission, the RJVNYS, and all of us who are concerned with issues of social justice, will continue. We are actively engaged in finding alternative means of support and operations as we speak out in Albany with a liberal religious voice as members of the Reform Jewish community. Lobbying efforts. . . . There are, however, two significant opportunities for all of us that are coming up during April. I’m relieved to say that the reorganization of the Union has not affected the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington. Rabbi David Saperstein and his staff are still at the helm of that invaluable organization. The RAC is holding its biannual Consultation On Conscience on April 19-21 in Washington. It is an extraordinary opportunity to hear, and enter into dialogue with, religious leaders and elected officials. You may access information and registration materials at: http://rac.org/confprog/consult/ . In addition, I would call your attention to “Equality and Justice Day” in Albany on Tuesday, April 28th. This is being organized by Empire State Pride Agenda, and is specifically directed toward Marriage and Family Protection, Protection of LGBT youth, and similar protections for the LGBT community. If you are interested in taking part, please let me know ASAP, or register directly through the website at www.prideagenda.org/ . I will be attending as well, so I hope you can join me. Tikkun Olam. . . . The mission of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, is a cornerstone of our Reform Movement, and one of the driving precepts for all streams of Judaism. We as Reform Jews will carry on our commitment to this precept, in the pursuit of social justice. As we do, may our celebration of Passover, when we contemplate this mission, be one of renewal and hope, with the promise of a better time ahead, for our community, for our nation, and for our world. From Stephen, Philip, and myself, may this Passover Festival be one of comfort and hope for all of us. From house to house, A Ziessen Pesach.... -Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman


Officer’s Column

We All Make a Difference

Union Temple members are generous with donations to various Temple funds and programs. Ever wonder how the money is used? Here’s the rundown. All donations go to tzedakah or to support the work of the Temple, which according to Talmud, is in itself an act of tzedakah. Tzedekah, you recall, is not charity but justice – as in social justice: helping the poor, feeding the hungry, etc. The Memorial Fund is for donations in memory of departed loved ones. It’s traditional to make a memorial contribution to mark a Yahrzeit. The names of donors and honorees are listed every month in the bulletin. Perhaps you’ve noticed the commemorative bookplates in some of our prayer books, especially Mishkan T’filah, the new siddur just published last year. Temple members contribute $40 to purchase a prayer book in someone’s name, a nice tribute and a way to keep the Temple stocked with siddurim. Prayer Book Fund donations are also noted every month in the Bulletin. Then there’s my favorite, the Happy Day Fund, donations made to commemorate a wedding, a bar/bat mitzvah, the birth of a child, any joyous occasion. It’s a way to let your friends know you share their joy. All these donations contribute to the general work of the Temple, as does the annual Yom Kippur Appeal. This is the only regular temple-wide fundraising effort of the year. Members send in their donations by mail or in person at High Holy Day services. Contributions to the tzedakah box, on the other hand, go to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund. This account, separate from regular temple money, is not for the Rabbi’s personal use, but for her to dispense at her discretion (hence the name). At Union Temple, this fund is used chiefly to support Jewish charities and to provide confidential financial assistance to Temple members for specific purposes. Please note: The Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund comes solely from donations, not from the Temple budget. Thus it is quite helpful for congregants to make donations to this fund from time to time to commemorate both simchas and tzoros, or “just like this.” Checks to this fund should be made out to “Union Temple,” and earmarked on the bottom “Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.” Finally, Union Temple is a partner of MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger. (“Mazon” means meal in Hebrew). This nationwide organization supports a huge network of soup kitchens, food pantries, Meals of Wheels programs, and advocacy groups working to A Monthly Program relieve the root causes of poverty and hunger. The at Union Temple Temple contributes 3% of the cost of all the food served at Temple functions (and you know that’s a for Children ( ages 4-6 ) lot!). The MAZON tin you see at Temple buffet tables Socialize, sing, learn is for individual donations, all of which go to MAZON about holidays, make some art, learn to fight hunger in this country and abroad. blessings and make the world a betIf members are so moved, they can also donate, ter place. through the Temple: gently worn business clothing to Give your child a foundation the HOPE Program, for job seekers entering/returning in progressive Judaism! to the work force; other second hand clothing to local Parent participation is not homeless shelters; and non-perishable food around the required but is welcome! High Holy Days, Thanksgiving, Pesach or, now, any month of the year. Cash or goods, it all fulfills the Open to all without charge. mitzvah of tzedakah.

Kinder Kef

10 AM -12 PM on 4/19/09 and 5/17/09

-Beatrice Hanks, Treasurer 3

Religious School

Purim in the “Hood”

The students did a terrific job writing and performing Purim spiels at the carnival. Rachel’s class presented Purim in the “Hood” a contemporary version of the story with a bit of time travel thrown in for good measure. Avi’s class did a more traditional rendition with the cutest King Ahasuerus ever! Over fifty dollars in tzedakah was contributed to the Darfur fund for education. As a result of our carnival over thirteen weeks of school will be provided to a child in Darfur. Creative liturgy is our new project in Religious School. Our song leader, Josh Adland, has launched a program to incorporate the creative writing of our students into the Sunday morning shaharit service. Rachel’s students wrote about their experiences with prayer and God and they read their reflections interspersed throughout the tefillah. In the coming months we are looking forward to a Crypto – Jewish Seder on April 5th, based on the customs of the conversos, who continued to observe Jewish traditions in secret after the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492. Tzippy’s class will be preparing Sephardic delicacies for the Seder. We will also be participating in the 160th Anniversary Dinner with a children’s party and presentation of our Union Temple Religious School Time Capsule, not to be opened until the 175th anniversary of Union Temple in 2024. Save the date for two Religious School Shabbat services and luncheons. May 2nd for 5th,6th, and 7th grade and May 9th for Family Day Shabbat, featuring the first ,second and third grade students participating in a family style Shabbat celebration lead by Josh Adland with camp style music. Happy Spring and Chag Sameach, -Ann Landowne, Religious School Principal


Jewish Pirates! Who Knew?

The Brotherhood had its annual Shabbat service and luncheon on March 14th with many Brotherhood members attending and conducting parts of the service. Erez Mirer and Steve Segall chanted part of the Torah reading, Ki Tissa (the Golden Calf). The next Brotherhood book discussion will be on April 26th, and will be about Edward Kritzler’s new book Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean. If you haven’t already read the book it’s not too late to get started. Munch on bagels and coffee and come and hear about this amazing and little known part of our history. It’s hard to believe that the year is winding down already. The Brotherhood will be having its annual Brotherhood breakfast in June. Is it too early to start looking forward to Arnold Kolikoff’s omelets? -David Rapheal, Brotherhood Secretary


Looking Forward to Spring

It is early March and the last vestiges of winter are hopefully behind us. We are enthusiastically greeting spring, the season of growth. Nowhere is growth more evident than in our classrooms. Our two year olds, who started the year as quiet little toddlers are now real kids. They are connected to each other and have become real participants in the daily life at Union Temple Preschool. The following is what the Chickadees did the first week of March. Shapes, shapes and more shapes! The Chickadees are finding circles, triangles and squares everywhere. They have hunted around the school and are noticing circles on the clocks, squares on the cubbies, and triangles on the couch outside the school office. They are making shape collages and murals, and using felt, playdough and even pastry dough to make shapes. This study ties in nicely with our celebration of Purim, as King Haman wore a tri-cornered hat that is represented in the delicious hamentaschen that we eat on Purim. The Chickadees are also busy creating noise-makers and crowns for this fun holiday. The Chickadees have all grown so much this year, and are so comfortable with their school routines. They especially enjoy Yoga with Haya. They look forward to her visits to the classroom, and ready their bodies for twisting, bending, and acting like fish in the sea. They listen for cues while singing a song from Ghana which encourages waking up various body parts and moving to a rhythm. At the end of Haya's sessions, they sit and bring their little hands together, take a deep breath, and say, "Namaste." - Susan Sporer, Preschool Director

Thank You to the Generous Donors to the Yom Kippur Appeal Since December 2008 Abe Barnett and Anna Schiavone Rene Chapman Rena Deutsch Leon and Rose Freilich Robert Fried and Gail Levine- Fried Peter Gomori and Jannette Katz Jack and Helen Gorelick Arlene Greendlinger Peter Grosz and Debra Downing Kenneth Hechter and Marsha Breitman Jonathan Holman Hortense Hurwitz Charles and Ellen Kaltman Arnold and Ellen Kolikoff Jeffrey and Barbra Kurland Daniella Lednicer and Darryl Chu

Marvin and Purlaine Lieberman Anne Maltz Rebecca Reich Steven Rifkin and Devorah Fong-Rifkind Daniel Schachter and Stephanie Steinberg Steven Segall and Mark Silverstein Jean Shaffer Henry and Susanne Singer Sheila Solow and Michael Schwartz Emerson Spry and Erica Shatz-Spry Marc Sweet William and Stephanie Vogel Brooks White and Jill Dube


Union Temple Celebrates Purim


@Mazal Tov to our Bar Mitzvah@

Mazal Tov to Nicole Lebenson upon being chosen the Graduation Speaker of her class for the commencement exercises at Brooklyn College of The City University of New York.

Kyle Benjamin Graber (Katriel Binyamin) Son of Pamela Meersand and Joel Graber Kyle is a 7th Grader at the Berkeley Carroll School whose favorite pastimes include drawing, playing basketball, listening to music, videogaming and socializing with friends. As was true of the Biblical Binjamin, he is a beloved youngest son and sibling (of Dena, 27, and David, 25). Our pride and joy, as well as the memory of his grandparents, Edith and Leo Meersand, will be with him as he becomes a Bar Mitzvah on April 25th. To Benjamin, his parents Pamela and Joel, and his sister Dena and brother David, we wish our heartiest Mazal Tov.

Mazal Tov to Peter Grosz and Debra Downing on the birth of their son Abraham Carter Grosz on March 9th

The Rabbi, the Officers and the Board of Trustees of

Union Temple of Brooklyn cordially invite you to a

Gala Dinner celebrating the

160th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation and a ceremony in honor of Doris Klueger, Dr. Marvin Lieberman and Henry Singer Union Temple Ballroom 17 Eastern Parkway Saturday evening, April 18th,2009 6-7 p.m. cocktail hour 7 p.m. havdalah and dinner R.S.V.P Required $136 dollars per guest Children may attend for free. There will be a special children’s party during the Gala.


Tzedakah UNION TEMPLE MEMORIAL FUND Donated by .....................................................................................In memory of Anna Budd............................................................................................... Jack Machtinger Sherry Rosenberg .................................................................................... Louis Rosenberg Judy Stossel ............................................................................................. Sandor Stossel Sheila Solow ............................................................................................ Anna and Saul Solow Karen Harber ........................................................................................... Philip Harber Barbara Morgan....................................................................................... Harry Leibowitz

HAPPY DAY FUND Donated by .....................................................................................In honor of Mr. and Mrs. David Zupnick................................................................................ Jessica Roschko Barbara and Hy Brett............................................................................................. Marianne Dreyfus on the installation of Rabbi Ellen W. Dreyfus of Chicago to be the president of Central Conference of American Rabbis Hortense Hurwitz................................................................................................... the installation of Rabbi Ellen W. Dreyfus of Chicago to be the president of Central Conference of American Rabbis

PRAYER BOOK FUND Donated by ........................................................................... In memory of Linda B. Emanual.................................................................................................. Lucas Mirer’s Bar Mitzvah

SISTERHOOD MEMORIAL FUND.......................In memory of Hy and Barbara Brett ............................................................................... Pauline Brett Gertrude Berger ....................................................................................... Isidor Kantrowitz and Leo Berger Howard and Linda Simka ....................................................................... Max Goldfarb, Morris Goldstein, Hermia Gould

SISTERHOOD HAPPY DAY FUND Donated by .....................................................................................In honor of Howard and Linda Simka ........................................................................ Ralph Julius

Union Temple presents: An Evening of Original Chamber Music with Ned Rothenberg and Friends. Thursday, May 7th at 8 PM Three of Rothenberg's compositions will be performed:

1. Cloud Hands for 2 Japanese Shakuhachi Flutes 2. Dan no Tabi for Shakuhachi and Viola 3. Clarinet Quintet #1 for Clarinet and String Quartet Featured Artists are: Riley Lee, shakuachi, Stephanie Griffin, viola, The Mivos quartet (Olivia de Prato and Joshua Modney, violins, Victor Lowrie, viola and Isabel Castellvi, cello) and Ned Rothenberg, clarinet and shakuhachi

"Ned Rothenberg is absolutely phenomenal.. (He has) opened up new and unheard expressive possibilities for wind instruments." - Jochen Metzner, Tagespiegel (Berlin) PM

PARKING FOR TEMPLE MEMBERS Parking is now available at Rapid Parking at 908 Union Street for temple meetings and events until parking is available in the building next to the temple. The garage has a list of all members, so you should pull in and identify yourself as a temple member. You may park there when coming to all temple functions, including meetings, services, etc. You must vacate the garage when the event you are attending at the temple concludes. 9

Memorial Plaques Isaac Silverstein .................................................................. April 1, 1933 Abraham Sterzelbach .......................................................... April 2, 1953 Henry Rockmore ................................................................ April 3, 1925 Charles Dorf........................................................................ April 3, 1927 Rose Freiman ...................................................................... April 5, 1944 Jacob Freiman ..................................................................... April 5, 1919 Rosie Kellner....................................................................... April 5, 1934 Emile Heimberger ............................................................... April 5, 1961 Tessie Tuch ......................................................................... April 5, 1978 Nathan Strauss..................................................................... April 6, 1936 Rachel Davidson ................................................................. April 6, 1966 Ruth Batt Minkin................................................................. April 6, 2003 Henry Rockmore ................................................................. April 7, 1990 Sylvia Davidson .................................................................. April 7, 1975 Emil A. Lowenthal .............................................................. April 8, 1965 Sabina Obstfeld ................................................................... April 8, 1937 Jesse Baar............................................................................ April 9, 1936 Julia J. Neuberger................................................................ April 9, 1942 Edward Leopold.................................................................. April 9, 1980 Margot Schuster ................................................................ Yom Hashoah Rose Schuster.................................................................... Yom Hashoah Arnold F. Korman, Past President .................................... April 10, 1989 Victor J. Schwartz ............................................................. April 10, 1987 Prof. George Bayron ......................................................... April 10, 1970 Ida Newberger................................................................... April 12, 1945 Sadie May Nona................................................................ April 13, 1939 Eva Marcus ....................................................................... April 13, 1925 Frederick Frisch ................................................................ April 13, 1955 Max Newberger................................................................. April 14, 1935 Julia Altschul..................................................................... April 14, 1953 Rachel May ....................................................................... April 15, 1932 Aaron Marcus.................................................................... April 15, 1931 Jacob Clark........................................................................ April 15, 1967 Seligman Goodman........................................................... April 16, 1909 Joseph Love....................................................................... April 16, 1971 Gordon B. Cronheim......................................................... April 16, 1965 Rose Rosenfeld ................................................................. April 17, 1925 Helen Phillips.................................................................... April 17, 1945 Isaac Bernstein .................................................................. April 18, 1941 Bertha Gross...................................................................... April 18, 1935 Benjamine Boley............................................................... April 19, 1929 Alma B. Steinhardt............................................................ April 19, 1938 Max Kahn.......................................................................... April 20, 1925 Albert L. Levi.................................................................... April 20, 1945 Harold K. Bernstein .......................................................... April 20, 1957 Solon Weit ........................................................................ April 21, 1956 Mark Reich........................................................................ April 22, 2005 Betsey Levine.................................................................... April 23, 1913 Lena Schwartz................................................................... April 24, 1941 Lillian Brodsky Frey ......................................................... April 24, 1999 Mildred L. Bernstein ......................................................... April 25, 1960 Deborah Barkan Gross ...................................................... April 26, 1923 Lena Goldsmith................................................................. April 27, 1926 Leo Eis .............................................................................. April 27, 1961 Sophie Silverman .............................................................. April 27, 1976 Katherine London.............................................................. April 29, 1982 Moses Elly ........................................................................ April 30, 1914

A memorial plaque is a lasting tribute to a loved one. If you wish more information regarding obtaining a plaque in memory of a loved one please email the temple ([email protected]) or leave a message with the temple office. 10

The Bulletin Union Temple of Brooklyn 17 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11238 (718)638-7600 Fax (718) 783-9151 E-mail [email protected]

Website Uniontemple.org Dr. Linda Henry Goodman Rabbi Maria Dubinsky Student Cantor Dr. Jonathan B. Hall Music Director Dr. Ann Landowne School of Religion Principal Susan Sporer Preschool Director Doris Klueger President Henry Singer Jeffrey Stein Vice Presidents Ellen Kolikoff Secretary Beatrice Hanks Treasurer Mike Baron Hortense R. Hurwitz Honorary Presidents Eleanor Forman Honorary Trustee David Rapheal Bulletin Editor John Golomb Temple Administrator Martin Kasdan Funeral Director 1-800-522-0588

Union Temple suggests that its members contact our Funeral Director Martin D. Kasdan of Boulevard-Riverside Chapels 1895 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 1-800-522-0588 Proudly maintaining more than 50 years of Temple involvement

April 2009 Sun



Nisan-Iyar 5769 Wed








Preschool Passover Luncheons—Please consult schedule

4:00 PM

Religious School B’nei Mitzvah Track

6:30 PM

Trope for Adults


9:30 AM

Religious School Model Seder; 160th Anniversary Committee

11:00 AM

Social Action Committee


Religious School Vacation


Preschool Passover Luncheons—Please consult schedule



6:30 PM



Religious School

9:30 AM

Brotherhood Book Discussion: JEWISH PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN

10:30 AM

Kabbalat Shabbat Pot Luck Dinner



9:00 AM

Adult Shabbat Study Hevre

10:30 AM

6:30 PM

10:30 AM



Shabbat Morning Service

189:00 AM

Adult Shabbat Study Hevre

Festival Morning Service Yizkor

10:30 AM

Shabbat Morning Service


6:00 PM


10 AM

9:30 AM

15 6:45 PM

Religious School



6:30 PM

Shabbat Morning Service

Kabbalat Shabbat

Bd of Trustees

Kindergarten Kef

7:00 PM

First Seder Night

9:30 AM

9:30 AM

Adult Ed Committee

Festival Morning Service

Officer’s Mtg.

160th Anniversary Committee (offsite)


10:30 AM

6:00 PM

Synaplex Committee Mtg.

9:00 AM Adult Shabbat Study Hevre

7:30 PM

Evening Service for the Conclusion of Pesach


Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)

Kabbalat Shabbat





9:00 AM

10:30 AM

8:00 PM

Late Shabbat Service

6:30 PM

Trope for Adults

Yom Hazikaron

7:00 PM Temple

Adult Shabbat Study Hevre

Religious School B’nei Mitzvah Track


11:15 AM

Tot Shabbat Dinner —160th Anniversary Celebration

4:00 PM

Brownstone Brooklyn Yom Hashoah Commemoration Congregation Beth Elohim


6:30 PM

160th Mtg.

6:30 PM


Yom Ha’atzma-ut 60th Anniversary of The State of Israel

4:00 PM

Religious School B’nei Mitzvah Track

6:30 PM

Trope for Adults

7:30 PM


Shabbat Morning Service Bar Mitzvah: Kyle Graber

Have you sent your dinner reservation? FREE Valet Parking

Prospect Park Health and Racquet Association In Union Temple Building at 17 Eastern Parkway 718-789-4600 Ask about Special discounts for Union Temple Members

Union Temple of Brooklyn 17 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 (718) 638-7600 [email protected]


160th Anniversary Gala - April 16th!

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