June Bulletin

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Spring - June 2009

New Cantor Chosen On May 1, over 200 individuals gathered together for a farewell Shabbat Dinner honoring Cantor Daniel Friedman, who will be leaving after 8 years of dedicated service. Over 400 people were present for Kabbalat Shabbat services following the dinner at which time Cantor Friedman led services in conjunction with the Ruach Ensemble. Cantor Friedman was presented with a gift at the dinner by Past Temple Present Sandra Mallin and with a crystal by Rabbi Goodman at services. As we wish Cantor Friedman well, we also look forward to welcoming a new Cantor to our community: Hazzan “Ari” Alpert. After an exhaustive search, The Temple Beth Sholom Board of Directors ratified the choice of “Avi” Alpert as the new Cantor of the Temple. The resumes were received from the Cantor’s Assembly, which is the professional organization of duly invested Cantors of the Conservative Movement. The Temple Beth Sholom search committee considered all the resumes and three candidates were invited to spend the weekend with the congregation. The final decision was predicated not only upon the candidate’s voice, but also their knowledge, experience, and ability to work with children and adults. According to the new Cantor, “We are so excited about joining the Beth Sholom family! Your congregation is a vibrant community with bold, charismatic leadership and endless possibilities for growth and enhancement. These qualities

have certainly attracted my family to this desert oasis.” Originally from Chandler, Arizona, for the past eight years, Hazzan Alpert has served Mosaaic Law Congregation in Sacramento, California. He brings with him not only tremendous energy and enthusiasm, but also a profound knowledge and love of the Hebrew language, liturgy, and sacred rituals and traditions. Hazzan Hazzan is scheduled to take the reins at Temple Beth Sholom on August 1st. In addition to representing the congregation through leading weekday, Shabbat and holiday services, Hazzan Alpert will be found training B’nei Mitzvah students, compiling and editing contemporary siddurim, developing music programs, training lay-leaders, teaching sacred music, instructing religious school, day school, and high school students, participating in adult education, sharing pastoral duties, sitting as a dayan on the local Bet Din, and officiating at life cycle events. Cantor Alpert reports, “One of my favorite roles as a cantor is the precious time I spend as an educator – particularly to our young people. While learning must take place over an entire lifetime, skills are more easily mastered at a young age. As I work with B’nei Mitzvah students, I share their excitement as they discover new talents. They are our future!” In his time away from work, the Cantor enjoys relaxing with his wife Kamala and their children Ezra, Maiella and Solomon. He also enjoys biking, chess, and basketball.

Rabbi’s Message Rabbi Felipe Goodman

Why The Wilderness? We have just begun reading Sefer Bemidbar which is the 4th book of the Torah. It opens with the report, “The Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai (Num. 1:1).” After spending an entire year at Mt. Sinai, the Israelites are finally preparing to continue a journey that will take another 38 years. Most of the lives of those who departed Egypt was spent “in the wilderness.” The aspirations of the Israelites were far greater than the reality they encountered. The result? Countless complaints about not enough food or water, poor leadership, etc. They expected the Garden of Eden; instead they found a “wilderness.” What is so significant or special about the wilderness? According to the Midrash Bemidbar Rabbah, the ancient rabbis inferred “that the Torah was given to the accompaniment of three things: fire, water, and wilderness. . . Why was the giving of the Torah marked by these three features? To indicate that as these are free to all humankind, so also are the words of the Torah free [to all humankind]; as it is said, “Everyone that is thirsty, come drink the water [of Torah] (Isaiah 55:1).” Rabbi Bradley Artson suggests this Midrash comes to “warn Jews not to mistake this gift as exclusively ours, to declare that the possession of Torah does not make us more worthwhile, more valuable or better than others. To the contrary, our tradition views our relationship with God as distinct not because it confers special privileges, but because it bestows additional responsibilities; responsibilities to all humankind.” Why, then, does this all take place in a “wilderness”? The Midrash continues by stating, “Anyone who does not throw himself open to all like a “wilderness” cannot acquire wisdom and Torah.” The wilderness is a real-life metaphor for the accessibility of God, not just to Jews but to all people. It took 40 years of wandering for the Israelites to discover themselves as a people, and it took 40 years of wilderness for these people to begin to discover their responsibility to God and all humankind. The discovery continues in our day. For most of us the process of self-discovery is something that continuously recreates itself. There is not a day that goes by in our lives when we don’t become aware of something within us that has changed but very few among us are willing to deal with those changes. For many of us confronting this process of self- discovery can prove to be a difficult and heart breaking experience. I have met a lot of people who would much rather remain the same day after day, year after year, than to actually understand how one must change in order to become not only a better human being, but also a nicer human being. Think about it, it took “The Generation of The Midbar” 40 years to make it into the promised land! We mustn’t give up in trying to find our own promised land! Before we judge others, before we examine everyone’s life before our own, we must be determined to follow the advice of The Midrash: “Anyone who does not throw himself open to all like a “wilderness” cannot acquire wisdom and Torah.” Only by virtue of being open, tolerant and understanding can we finally achieve the enormous goal of understanding ourselves. As we prepare ourselves to enjoy the nurturing warmth of the summer months, may we be privileged enough to find meaning in our own lives so that we too can find our own promised land.


Jon Mitzmacher Director of Education

Education Mackenzie Barney, Tehilla Ben-Shimon, Hannah Bock, Jake Graulich, Alex Lanzkowsky, Shulamit Mayer, Abigail Simon, Noah Weller, Ariel Wexler and Shoshana Wexler.

Schechter Welcomes New Teachers Congratulation Class of 2009! Schechter Celebrates First Graduating Class

Each year, Schechter has the challenge of bringing on new, excellent teachers as the school and its programming expands. The search for new teachers is among the school’s most serious endeavors and Schechter is proud to tell you a little bit about who will be joining its faculty family next year: • Dr. Ellen Royer brings a Ph.D. in Theater to her many years of experience as an elementary school teacher in our local private school community. She joins Schechter as a First Grade General Studies Teacher. • Laura Ben-Shimon incorporates her postgraduate expertise in photography and film into her master teaching. Ms. Ben-Shimon has extensive teaching experience in both private and public schools. She joins Schechter as a Second Grade General Studies Teacher.

2005 - 2006

2008 - 2009

On Monday, June 8th the Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas will honor and celebrate the first graduating class in its brief history. Some were part of the “original six” who opened the school and others joined along the way—all of our graduates and their families have contributed immeasurably to Schechter’s growth and success. We will use this evening as an opportunity to celebrate their varied accomplishments, reflect on their collective experiences, and wish them all well as they prepare to move on to their various schools of choice. It is with great pride that we acknowledge, thank, honor, and wish mazal tov to the friends and families of the Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas Class of 2009: Chloe Alessi,

Smart Board


Education Schechter Celebrates Israel @ 61! On Wednesday, April 29th, Schechter celebrated Yom Ha’Atzmaut with a special service in the morning followed by a Yom Sport at Spotted Leaf Park. The entire school was broken into six teams – Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Eilat , Tiberias and Sderot – and spent the morning playing relay races and games, competing for their city. Later in the morning, the cities all “produced” tourism commercials in order to show off what they had learned. A yummy Israeli lunch capped off a fun program for all. On Sunday, May 17th, Schechter students performed at the Israel Independence Day celebration at the Venetian.


Yonina Schnee Assistant Director of Religious School & Adult Education


Religious School Passover Religious School students had a real hands-on experience at in our Passover program this year, creating their own family Haggadah covers, acting out a new skit depicting Passover, and baking matzah in our own “taboon”, a special brick oven built by Rabbi Adam. They learned firsthand what the Jewish people were forced to do as they fled slavery in Egypt, mixing flour and water and baking the matzah in 18 minutes or less.

Spring Shabbaton Our Spring Shabbaton this year was amazing! For the weekend of April 24-26, Religious School students in Grades 3-7 ventured once again to Camp Lee Canyon on Mt. Charleston, and enjoyed the fresh cool mountain air, a touch of snow, and a wonderful camping atmosphere. We were well-staffed, and the programming, thanks to Jon Mitzmacher, was so engaging and fun, that the kids didn’t even realize they were learning. Faculty and students participated in a Murder Mystery Game on Friday night, where they had to interview suspects (who happened to represent different aspects of Israeli culture) to decide who murdered the Israeli guy, and I’m not sure who enjoyed the game more, the students who were full of questions, or the faculty and staff members who played the parts of suspects like Babka Latkowitz, the famous pastry chef, or Shlomo Goalberg, the star soccer player. After Shabbat services, where students showed off their skills in davening and discussed prayers with Rabbi Adam, students embarked on a “tour of Israel”, experiencing the army, enjoyed the “beach” of Eilat, drinking coffee (decaf) at a café in Tel Aviv, bartering in the shuk, and singing at an open-air concert at the Kotel in Jerusalem. Saturday night, Jon Mitzmacher led a very moving Havdallah service, and we honored the Kitah Zayin (seventh graders) students who are graduating

this year. It was a very emotional time as our graduating class realized that they will no longer be sharing these special experiences, and younger students expressed their sorrow at saying goodbye, and their admiration of the spirit and unity that the seventh graders have displayed. The culminating activity Saturday night was the first annual Talent Show, and students had the opportunity to cheer on their friends and classmates as they sang, danced, played musical instruments or juggled and mimed. The feeling of school unity and spirit was outstanding, and I hope that it carries on through future years of Religious School, and that the programs continue to improve and inspire, as they did on this special weekend.

Farewell On a final note, I want to say that I have truly enjoyed watching the Religious School grow and develop these past three years, along with the students. My favorite part of the week is when the children walk in the door on Sunday mornings, seeing their faces, knowing that they are the future of our ancient tradition, and the future leaders of synagogues and Jewish communities all over America. I have thoroughly enjoyed being the Religious School principal, and I believe I have helped the school to become a nurturing, engaging and warm place to learn for all of the students, and a welcoming place for parents as well. My goal has always been to provide the congregants with a place to learn and come together as a community. As you all know, this past year has been a very difficult one for me and my sons, after the sudden death of my husband David. I have struggled with the combination of full-time educator and single mom to three boys, and for that reason, I’ve decided to leave my position and pursue a career with a more family-friendly work schedule, most likely as a Special Education teacher here in Las Vegas. I plan to continue my involvement with Temple Beth Sholom as a community member, but I feel that I need to be more available to my sons in the afternoons and on weekends, which is not a possibility in my current position. I hope to maintain contact with all of you who have supported me in my task to provide the children of TBS with a Jewish education, and I hope to attend many B’nei Mitzvah in the coming years!




Temple News Chesed Committee “The highest form of wisdom is kindness” (Talmud Brachot 17a)


Born in the Bronx, New York, Leonard, his wife Linda and their two daughters moved to California in 1971 where they became members of Temple Beth Sholom in Santa Ana. While in California they were very active in Jewish Marriage Encounter, serving on the Board of Directors of Jewish Marriage Encounter of Southern California. Leonard later served as President of the International Congress of Jewish Marriage Encounter. The Eckhause family joined Temple Beth Sholom in 2000 when they moved to Las Vegas.

Dear Temple Members: The purpose of the Chesed Committee is to visit our members in hospital or a Rehabilitation Center. We, also, keep in touch with our members upon discharge for a week or two after they return home. We telephone our members if we know they are ill at home. We cannot fulfill our commitment if you do not telephone Carol Jeffries (702) 804-1333 Ext. 104, assistant to our Rabbis and Cantor. It does not matter how many people call Carol about the same person. But above all, it is important that Carol gets the information or order to keep Rabbi Goodman informed, at all times, about the well-being of our members. I, in turn, keep in touch with Carol and the Chesed Committee. Thank you, B’Shalom Anita Lewy, Chairperson

Leonard is the Founder and past President of AFCOM, the leading association in the world for data center managers. He has been instrumental in raising the computer industry’s awareness of data center management’s critical role in the overall success of the company, and to raising the level of technical knowledge, management skills and professionalism within the computer industry. He is also Founder and past Chairman of the Data Center Institute, a council of leading computer industry vendors and data center managers working together to examine, research and develop positions on industry trends relative to data center and e-business issues. For seven years Leonard served on the Curriculum Advisory Board at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. He has spoken at various industry conventions, authored numerous articles on the computer industry and has been quoted frequently in such publications as Computerworld, Information Week, Datamation, The New York Times, U.S. News & World Report, The Washington Post, The Wall St. Journal and many more.


Temple News L’DOR V’DOR Making a Difference for Seniors By Shel Kolner L’Dor V’Dor continues to make an impact on the seniors in the Southern Nevada Valley. It is the premiere outreach program in Southern Nevada and it does make a difference. On April 14 L’Dor V’Dor hosted 225 seniors from local facilities and their homes. We celebrated Passover with musical entertainment by our own Cantor Daniel Friedman. Our Executive Director, Bruce Kesselman, accompanied Daniel on the clarinet. This is our own homegrown dynamic duo. After the entertainment our guests proceeded into the Social Hall and enjoyed a Kosher L’Pesach lunch catered by Gustav Mahler. Ever tried matzo lasagna? It is quite tasty and was really enjoyed by our guests. These 225 guests brought our total to 2026 guests over the past 12 events, which took place over the past two years. I am continually amazed at the number of people who tell us how much they enjoyed the day out and are looking forward to the next event. Even while waiting for their busses they were extolling the virtues of the day. We really do make a difference. In the last couple of months, the L’Dor V’Dor board, chaired by Ruth Goldfarb, brought in some of the executive directors and owners of the facilities from which we draw. One of the owners was so impressed with what we displayed to him, he attended the Passover event and brought 14 of his residents with him. He thoroughly enjoyed the event – but more importantly, he appreciates what L’Dor V’Dor does for his residents. In the coming months we are going to spread the “word” to more facilities. Volunteers are still the backbone of our organization. If you can spare a few hours every other month please call us: Lillian Radomsky at (702) 942-3251 or (702) 553-9425 (cell) if you can provide transportation for our guests; Karen Berke at (702) 3415112 if you would like to volunteer in the social hall. You can always call Shel Kolner, the coordinator, at (702) 228-4744 or (702)3348914 (cell) for more details. Our next event is scheduled on June 2 to celebrate Shavuot If you would like to enjoy our future events with us make your call now! We will put you on our list. The board of L’Dor V’Dor meets between events to critique the previous event, plan the next one and set the dates for the rest of the year. The next events are:

Date: June 2, 2009 September 8, 2009 October 27, 2009 December 15, 2009

Celebrating: Post-Shavuot High Holidays Sukkot Chanukah

If you know of any senior who is homebound and could benefit from this opportunity to socialize with other people, please call L’Dor V’Dor coordinator Shel Kolner (702) 228-4744 or (702) 3348914, or the Temple office (702) 804-1333 ext 100. We’ll make sure they receive invitations to the upcoming events. 8

Women’s League – by Brenda Katz I went back home last month. No, not that place where I was born or grew up, but that place where you leave your heart. I went back to New Orleans because my former Sisterhood was having its annual fundraising gala, a Mitzvah Donor Dinner. It was going to be a Reunion, welcoming all those who had left because of THE STORM. We didn’t leave the city because of Katrina, but we hadn’t been back since and I didn’t want to be the only one who didn’t make the event. So we went, full of memories, full of curiosity, and full of anticipation. My Sisterhood, the one that made me grow as a person, as a leader and as a devoted fan of Women’s League was waiting for me. People I had felt so close to had grown older. I didn’t feel the same way about everyone that I thought that I would, but instead created new bonds, new connections with people that I hadn’t felt connected to before. Had I changed or had they? Could I step back into time? Could I forget the last ten years here? No, obviously it doesn’t work that way. I have changed and that includes more than just my hair color. Some of the changes I like and some I’m not so crazy about, but it is all part of the big picture, I tell myself: New Orleans changed because it had to. The Jewish population became drastically reduced, but they found strength in their desire to get through. They had to. They had no choice. I had a wonderful visit, but it was time to return home. No, not that place where you were born and grew up but where your life is, not just your heart. So here I am, thinking how much we as WL have accomplished in a few months. We took on the challenge of the Gala. We did it. We had a successful Spa Day and made a commitment to participate in the Family Promise program. And we honored those special women who made Donor at our Brunch on May 31. We did a lot of things that we hadn’t done before, but we succeeded and learned and hopefully will be better for it. All of us. By the time you read this, my presidency will soon be ending and I will join Melanie Greenberg as CoPresident for the next year. I am confident that together and with your help, we can and will make a difference. Thank you for allowing me to come back home, back to Women’s League. B’Shalom, Brenda Katz, President

Temple News Men’s Club The Men’s Club of Temple Beth Sholom has had a very productive year. Monthly meetings included a D’var Torah by our own Murray Leitner, plus a program accompanied by dinner. During the dinner B’nei Mitzvah students and Solomon Schechter students were presented Student of the Month awards, which consisted of both a stipend and a plaque. The Rabbi’s Round Table consisted of six separate discussion sessions, all having to do with men’s emotions and relationships. It was extremely well received and an encore program is being planned for the coming year. On the sports front, we have supported both financial and emotionally the JCC / TBS Men’s Club Softball Tem. The yearly Men’s Club Shabbat included our members participating in every part of the service and sponsoring the Kiddush. For the World Wide Wrap we supported our children putting on their first tefillin, including some actually constructed through the “Build a Pair” program. Our Yom Hashoah Candle Program continued as an annual event whereby all synagogue members were mailed a candle to light in memory of those who died during the Holocaust. And, of course, we continue to support the Warsaw Ghetto Remembrance Garden. Last, but certainly not least, we support the morning minyan by having three to six of our members present on every morning of the week

To place an ad call Karen Boyarsky (702) 804-1333 x129

Bnei Mitzvah Happenings By Adam Brustein I am so pleased by the wonderful progress our Bnei Mitzvah students have been making during the past several months. Our congregation has been fortunate to witness student after student chanting their Torah and Haftorah portions flawlessly. With a full schedule of Bnai Mitzvah coming in May and June, my excitement about this success and my determination to continue this progress grows every day. In this regard, I am pleased to tell you that I have had a lengthy and extremely productive initial discussion with our incoming Cantor, Avi Alpert. While our plans are still in the developmental stages, I can assure you that the new Cantor and I are on the same page regarding the Temple’s goals to develop educated, enthusiastic and involved young Jewish adults. To help achieve these goals, I recently implemented a program to encourage our post-Bnei Mitzvah students to read from the Torah on Shabbat mornings. Nearly all of the students introduced to this program have reacted with excitement; they want to be involved in our Temple and to make Judaism an important part of their lives. We witnessed this enthusiasm firsthand on Passover, when several of our students attended services during the first days of Yom Tov, which fell on weekdays, during spring vacation. Clearly, these students did not come to Temple because they needed to attend a specific number of services; rather, they came because they actually wanted to be here. What a novel concept! You see, my friends, we are not, and cannot, be a Bar/Bat Mitzvah factory. To the contrary, in order to ensure a bright future for our Temple, it is essential that we seek to actively involve our young adults and provide them with the skills and the desire necessary to help make Judaism meaningful, not only for them but, hopefully, for their children as well. In an effort to gauge their desire to become involved in this endeavor, I have been contacting students by phone and in person; however, please do not wait for me to call you. If you would like to participate, feel free to call me and simply let me know any Saturday morning which you desire to do a Torah reading. Within a couple of days, I will have all materials ready, and, together, we will make plans to help you with your portion. Please note too that this program is not exclusively for younger students but is intended for the entire congregation, and I look forward to hearing from anyone who is interested in taking part. You can reach me anytime, day or night, at (702) 497-5267. B’shalom Adam 9

B’nei Mitzvah Zachary Saul Singer was called to the Torah, April 18. LAS VEGAS, NV – Stephanie and Philip Singer were pleased to announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son Zachary Saul on April 18. Zachary is currently a seventh grade student at Sig Rogich Middle School where he is a member of the Student of the Month Club, the Junior National Honor Society, Student Council, and the Straight “A” Club, as well as being manager for his school basketball team. In addition to spending time with his sister Cameron and his brother Jonah, he is the catcher for his travel baseball team and plays offensive and defensive lines for the Palo Verde Football team in the middle school league. In his spare time, Zachary is also a frequent volunteer at the Catholic Charities Homeless Shelter and Soup Kitchen. Special, out-of-town guests attending included both sets of grandparents, as well as several aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Raphael Schnee was called to the Torah, May 16. LAS VEGAS, NV – Temple Beth Sholom was pleased to announce the Bar Mitzvah of Raphael Schnee on May 16. Raphael is the son of Yonina Schnee and the late Cantor David Schnee. Raphael is currently a seventh grade student at Victoria Fertitta Middle School where, in addition to his studies, he plays percussion in Advanced Band Class. He is also looking forward to spending his second summer at Camp Ramah in California. For his Mitzvah Project, Raphael is collecting canned food for the homeless in the Las Vegas community. Special guests who attended included Grandma Pearl Schnee of Brooklyn, NY, Aunt Ellen and Cousins Yael and Ohad from Israel, Aunt Greta , Uncle John and Cousin Alexis from Massachusetts, Great-Aunt Mitzi and Uncle Herb from New Jersey, Uncle Pete and Cousins Marv, Gail and Jill from California, and Cousins Lori, Blair and Evan from Arizona.


Samantha Ganton was called to the Torah, May 30. LAS VEGAS, NV – Sara and Michael Ganton were pleased to announce the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Samantha Ganton on Saturday, May 30 at Temple Beth Sholom. Samantha is currently a seventh grade student at Hyde Park Middle School where she majors in Math and Science in a special Magnet Program . Besides her studies, Samantha also plays cello in the school orchestra. In her spare time, Samantha enjoys writing poetry and holds a ‘Third Red Belt’ in Karate, which is just one below Black Belt. For her Mitzvah Project, Samantha has supported Safe Nest and the Jewish National Fund. Special guests who attended included her grandmother from Georgia as well as cousins from Colorado.

Edward Mash to be called to the Torah, June 6. LAS VEGAS, NV – Christiane and Jason Mash are proud to announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son Edward Israel on Saturday, June 6 at Temple Beth Sholom. Edward is currently a seventh grade student at Lawrence Junior High School where he excels in all his subjects and jams with the school choir. In his spare time, Edward volunteers his time with Three Square helping provide food for those in need. He has organized many successful food drives and has also helped at their warehouse storing food items. Edward loves the ocean and has chosen to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah with family and friends in Huntington Beach, California.

B’nei Mitzvah Joseph Frye to be called to the Torah, June 20.

Erica and Jillian Wiley to be called to the Torah, June 27.

LAS VEGAS, NV – Parents Jacqueline and Marc, along with older brother Adam, are proud to announce the Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Max Frye on Saturday, June 20th at Temple Beth Sholom. Joey currently attends 6th grade at Sig Rogich Middle School where he is an honor student. Joey’s hobbies include playing the drums, drawing, reading, making Claymation movies with his video camera and building things. For his Mitzvah Project, Joey collected new school supplies that will be donated this spring to a local at-risk elementary school for use during the next school year. Special guests expected to attend include his Bubbie and Zaydie from St. Petersburg, Florida as well as his Grandma and Poppie from Ormand Beach, Florida.


in 1998, If you have a child who was born dman to Goo bi and you have not met with Rab call se plea e, dat h schedule a Bar/Bat Mitzva Carol at x104. of your child If you would like a photo and bio d this sen st to appear in the Bulletin, you mu the actual of e anc information eight weeks in adv this lish pub to e date or it may not be possibl information in time. lution .JPEG Please mail the bio with a high reso photo to:


[email protected]

LAS VEGAS, NV – Erica and Jillian Wiley, daughters of Marilyn and Dennis, will be called to the Torah as B’not Mitzvah on June 27th at Temple Beth Sholom. Erica and Jillian are happy to share this special occasion with each other. Erica is a straight “A” student and member of the National Junior Honor Society at Sig Rogich Middle School and is looking forward to pursuing honors classes next semester at Palo Verde High School. When she’s not participating in an advanced placement writing competition, Erica enjoys singing in the school choir and dancing, as well as hanging out with friends and family. She is currently participating in the Midrasha Program at Temple Beth Sholom helping both teachers and students. Jillian also attends Sig Rogich and will be in 7th grade this fall. She is also a straight “A” honors student with history as her favorite subject. Jillian loves dancing, singing, gymnastics, and volleyball. She collected and donated over 800 books to the students of Quannah McCall Elementary School while a volunteer in a community service club and she is the recipient of the Great American Award as well as an award from President George W. Bush. For their Mitzvah Project, Erica and Jillian are volunteering with the Jewish Family Service Agency (JFSA) with one of their projects being collecting plastic grocery bags to be provided for families receiving grocery donations from the JFSA. Special guests expected to attend include grandparents Marlene and Irvin Sherman of Las Vegas. Also attending are aunts, uncles and cousins from across the country. We are all very proud of them and all the hard work they have done to prepare for this special day.


Tributes RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: Adele Gross & Bob Finkel on your marriage Rose Raphael D. J. Sinai, Yasher Koach on chanting beautifully the Shabbat service Lillian Radomsky An Aliyah: Michael Migdal Samuel Rosen Thank you: Sheila & Mordecai Braunstein Philip Miller Goldie Wechsler For blessing Madison Holly Jacobs Elaine, Howard & Holly Jacobs for your friendship & love Jerry Jacobs for your friendship & love Samuel Rosen Misheberachs: Anita Lewy In Memory of: Hadjc Avraham Borukh Linda Rifca Borukh Lorraine Chaya Borukh Irene Dvorak Sam Dvorak Shirley Borukh Harry Gilbert Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg

ASSIST. RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation: Estelle & Martin Weiss Thank you: Fayette Kaplan 12

Misheberach: Ellen Scully In Memory of: Dr. Phillip Mann Estelle & Martin Weiss

CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of an Aliyah: Ira Sender

SANDRA & STANLEY MALLIN EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER In Memory of: Allen Brewster Sandy & Stan Mallin Marci & Rob Murdock & Family Harry Gilbert Sandy & Stan Mallin

SIDNEY CHAPLIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND FOR SSDS-LV Thank you: Shirley Chaplin for all you do Sheryl Honig Terry Neistadt Ellen Ploesch In Memory of: Bertha Aronson Shirley Chaplin Sister of Ceil Ostrow Shirley Chaplin

JUDY & RONALD MACK SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES In Honor of: Carolyn Goodman’s Birthday Esther Frankenstein Sarah Memar’s Birthday Esther Frankenstein Wendy & Michael Passer on daughter Rachel becoming a Bat Mitzvah Lillian Radomsky Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg, recipients of the “In Pursuit of Excellence Award” Esther Frankenstein Speedy Recovery: Audrey Abramow Andrea, Richard, Drake & Scarlett Gordon Dr. Sheldon Schore Elaine & Irv Steinberg Judy Mack Kathy & Moe Menasche In Memory of: Allen Brewster Bonnie Berkowitz

HEATHER SAXE SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Harry Gilbert Dr. Sheldon Schore

LAWRENCE A. SCULLY LIBRARY FUND In Honor of: Florence Frost’s Birthday Sheryl Honig’s Birthday Lois Lee’s Birthday Ellen Rosoff’s Birthday Norma Wilensky’s Birthday

Tributes Esther Frankenstein An Aliyah: Sam Showel Speedy Recovery: Esther Frankenstein Lois Lee Sherrill Nesbit Ellen Scully Ellen Scully Esther Frankenstein In Memory of: Dorothea Rozen Sara & Bill Mason

Dorothea Rozen Joan & Laurence Davis Jack Sham Annette & Jerry Rubin



Gloria Bransky Mildred Green Daniel Miller In Honor of: Anne Cohen’s Birthday Esther Frankenstein Randolph Kluger Racine & Gerry Murdock Ellen Ploesch’s Birthday Esther Frankenstein An Aliyah Elaine Jacobs Holly Jacobs Thank you: Jamey Real Speedy Recovery: Jackie Kolner Ruth Goldfarb Dr. Philip Miller Ruth Goldfarb In Memory of: Bertha Aronson Ruth Goldfarb Harry Gilbert Susan & Hillel Aronson Lillian Radomsky Florence Sokoloff Linda Spindell Rosa Wolff

SCHNEE EDUCATION FUND In Honor of: Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg, recipients of the “In Pursuit of Excellence Award” Anita Lewy

In Honor of: Henry Kronberg’s Birthday Judy & Ron Mack Nancy Rosten’s Birthday Lillian & Henry Kronberg Lillian & Henry Kronberg, recipients of the JFSA “Tzedakah Award” Lil Glicken Judy & Ron Mack, recipients of the JFSA “Tzedakah Award” Lil Glicken Kathy Menasche’s Birthday Lil Glicken Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg, recipients of the “In Pursuit of Excellence Award” Susan & Hillel Aronson Speedy Recovery: Judy Mack Lillian & Henry Kronberg In Memory of: Allen Brewster Susan & Hillel Aronson Lil Glicken

Andrea & Richard Gordon Lillian & Henry Kronberg Blanche & Phil Meisel Ellen Ploesch & Family Dr. Sheldon Schore Harry Gilbert Lil Glicken Lillian & Henry Kronberg Kathy & Moe Menasche Irwin Goldberg Andrea & Richard Gordon Judy & Ron Mack Dr. Sheldon Schore Dorothea Rozen Lillian & Henry Kronberg Kathy & Moe Menasche Jackie & Ron Turshinsky

MOLLIE WEISS MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Ben Zion Chozahinoff Abraham Marmor Chai Henya Marmor Rose Marmor Chana Baila Nelkin Barbara & Igal Chozahinoff

GENERAL FUND Steven Eskenazi In Honor of: Nina & Les Boshes’ 40th Wedding Anniversary Jackie & Neil Rabin In Memory of: Bertha Aronson Elaine & Irv Steinberg Allen Brewster Carol & Joel Lubritz Robert (Bob) Lewison Barbara Shulman Dorothea Rozen Paula & Bruce Kesselman 13

Tributes CHEVRA KADISHA FUND In Memory of: Sandra Johnson Sandra & Philip Sperling Helene Sussman Louisa & Louis Levin

YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Eleanor Abrams Sidney Abrams Shelley & Stan Carroll Oscar Agron Elissa Agron Charlene & Tony Carter Lil Glicken Esther Aisuss Charlotte & Sam Showel Abraham Applebaum Bobbee Finkel Celia B. Arum Lovee & Bob Arum Shirley Beer Corinne Fields Miriam Bengart Ziva, Karl, Jessika & Gabriela Tscholl Leah Block Rachmeal Block Shirley Chaplin Linda Borukh Susan Molasky Adolph Brown Rose Raphael Florence Brown Herbert Brown Sharyn & Jay Brown Danny Burgauer Robert Frankenberg


Brenda Caplan Myron Caplan Jack Carroll Pauline Carroll Shelley & Stan Carroll Edna Casey Sharyn & Jay Brown Dr. David Coblentz Suzanne & Alan Feld Bert Colodny Harry Colodny June Colodny Phillip Devore Edward & Lee Devore Edward Ehrlich Gladyce & Marty Ehrlich Jack Esformes Flora & Stuart Mason Abraham Feitelson Roselyn & Hyman Silkes Anne Ferdman Hyman Ferdman Jack Straus Eva Flaum Fred Glusman Jennie Flur Corinne Fields Sam Frankoff Laurie Robinson & Richard Frankoff Isaac Eddie Friedman Sharon & Steve Goldman Albert Fuhrman Mariem Fuhrman Melita Fuhrman Vickter Yechoved Gertler Lillian Kronberg Robert Goldberg Shirley Goldberg & Daughters Nestor Goldman Frances D. Goldman Sharon & Steve Goldman

Kuval Harris Eve Harris Morris Hazan Lovee Arum Samuel L. Herzlich Carol & Harold Herzlich Cheryl Fruchter Hinds Barbara & Bernard Fruchter Morris Hyzen Howard Hyzen Walter Jacobs Elaine, Howard & Holly Jacobs Eva Jaeger William Ben Jaeger Jacque Jaeger Rachel Jones Rabbi Samuel Jones Esther Frankenstein Marlene & Maury Jones Pamela Joseph Rene & Vincent Marino Dorothy Katz Joseph Katz Brenda & Jerry Katz Sonya Kirshenbaum Yvette & Dale Galsky Paul Klein Sophia Klein Morris Golden Dora Klessman Marcy & Jack Simon Rachel Kramer Edie Radomsky Dresna Kretchmer Roberta & Larry Brown Myron “Michey” Kulwin Albert A. Kulwin Darryl Kulwin Samuel Labinsky Dave Loban Naomi Lambert Teri Thienhaus Harold Lederer Debbie Lederer

Tributes Nadov Lee-Engel Adele & Philip Engel Dr. Eli E. Leeder Adelle Gersten Selma Levy Louise Kloner Else Lewy Gerard Lewy Anita Lewy Nathan Long Blanche & Phil Meisel Stanley Lowe Shelli Lowe Wara Mildred Lyons Emanuel Lyons Harry Mack Phyllis & Charles Mack Julius Miller Ruth Miller Lois & Michael Weinberg Marc David Moskowitz Laura & Bob Frankenberg Adolf Nadel Mina Nadel Lana Nadel D’Vorre Ober Anonymous Leon Peikin Phyllis Peikin Samuel Peikin David Peikin Beatrice Peilte Dr. Jordan & Zelda Goodman Sidney Phillips Lily Phillips Florence Premack Renee & Joe Premack Anna Reiter Norma J. Wilensky Robin Resnik Harriett Resnik Mary Esformes Robins Nathan Esformes

Edgar A. Robinson Laurie Robinson & Richard Frankoff Alexander K. Roseff Mary Roseff Lois & Bruce Joseph Helen Rosenberg Roberta, Larry, Evan & Brandon Brown Robert Rosenthal Linda & Leonard Eckhaus Henry Rothman Lee Rothman Seymour Rudolf Clarice Kirsch Charles Salton Adele Baratz & Family David Schaffer Eileen Schaffer Gerald Schaffer Alvin Schlom Naomi & Art Sloan Diane Schwartz Elaine & Irv Steinberg Max Shinert Joanie Shinert

Fannie Silkes Roselyn & Hyman Silkes Ezra Slonim The Wechsler Family The Vann Family Elias Stendig Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg Ruth Stiel Marcy & Jack Simon Pesa Szrut Shia Szrut Judy & Ronald Mack Gerhart Thienhaus Ole Thienhaus Joe Weinberg Mort Goldstein Betty Weisman Irene & Herb Kaufman Issadore Wexler Natalie & Art Berger Ann Winer Lil Glicken Aron Winer Leo Winer


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June 2009 Sunday

Sivan / Tammuz 5769

Monday 1

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday L’Dor V’Dor Event




Bereavemaent Group 10:00 AM


Saturday 5

7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat with Ruach Ensemble

9:00 AM Bar Mitzvah Edward Mash


7:36 pm

9 Sivan


9:00 AM Minyan

9:00 AM L’Dor V’Dor Board

10 Sivan




12 Sivan


Bereavemaent Group 10:00 AM

12:00 PM 1:00 PM

10:00 AM Preschool Fundraiser

11 Sivan


14 Sivan


9:00 AM Bat Mitzvah Shaina Tarter

Shabbat in the Hood Dinners

6:00 PM TBS - EC

9:00 AM Minyan


Friday Nite Kids 6:15-7:00 PM

7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

Rabbi’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn

15 Sivan

13 Sivan

7:40 pm

16 Sivan 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Rabbi’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn


17 Sivan


18 Sivan


Bereavemaent Group 10:00 AM

19 Sivan Men’s Club18 Meeting with Mayor Oscar Goodman

20 Sivan 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat


21 Sivan 9:00 AM Bar Mitzvah Joseph Frye


7:42 pm

22 Sivan 9:00 AM Minyan


Father’s Day

23 Sivan


12:00 PM 1:00 PM Rabbi’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn

24 Sivan


Bereavemaent Group 10:00 AM

25 Sivan


26 Sivan


27 Sivan 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat


28 Sivan


9:00 AM Bat Mitzvah Erica and Jilllian Wiley

6:00 PM TBS - BD


29 Sivan 9:00 AM Minyan


6 Tammuz 18

30 Sivan


12:00 PM 1:00 PM Rabbi’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn

7 Tammuz

1 Tammuz

30 Bereavemaent Group 10:00 AM

8 Tammuz

2 Tammuz

3 Tammuz

4 Tammuz

5 Tammuz

July 2009 Sunday

Tammuz / Av 5769


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1



Saturday 3


Office Closed

Independence Day

7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

9:00 AM Shabbat Services

7:43 pm

9 Tammuz


9:00 AM Minyan


12:00 PM 1:00 PM Rabbi’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn


10 Tammuz


Bereavemaent Group 10:00 AM


11 Tammuz 12 Tammuz 6:15 PM Kids Nite

10 9:00 AM Shabbat Services

7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat with Ruach Ensemble

6:00 PM TBS - EC


7:42 pm

13 Tammuz


9:00 AM Minyan

14 Tammuz


12:00 PM 1:00 PM Rabbi’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn

15 Tammuz

16 Tammuz

17 Tammuz




Bereavemaent Group 10:00 AM

18 Tammuz 19 Tammuz 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat


9:00 AM Shabbat Services


11:00 AM L’Dor V’Dor

7:39 pm

20 Tammuz

21 Tammuz

22 Tammuz

23 Tammuz

24 Tammuz






9:00 AM Minyan

12:00 PM 1:00 PM Rabbi’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn

Bereavemaent Group 10:00 AM

25 9:00 AM Shabbat Services

7:35 pm

27 Tammuz 28 Tammuz

9:00 AM Minyan

24 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 PM TBS - BD


25 Tammuz 26 Tammuz

29 Tammuz

27 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Rabbi’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn

1 Av

28 Bereavemaent Group 10:00 AM

2 Av

29 Tisha B’Av 8:30 PM

3 Av

30 Tisha B’Av

4 Av

31 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

7:29 pm

5 Av

6 Av

7 Av

8 Av

9 Av

10 Av 19

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Clergy & Staff

PAID Permit No. 171 Las Vegas, NV

Rabbi Felipe Goodman - x104 [email protected] Asst. Rabbi Adam Watstein - x104 [email protected]


Asst. to Rabbi and Cantor Carol Jeffries - x104 [email protected] Executive Director Bruce Kesselman - x133 [email protected] Director of Education Jon Mitzmacher - x115 [email protected] Asst. Director of Religious School & Adult Education Yonina Schnee - x122 [email protected] Director of Early Childhood Education Jennifer Zukowski - x113 [email protected] Controller Phyllis Margolis - x101 [email protected] Director of Security Daniel “D.J.” Sinai - x108 [email protected] Office Manager Bonnie Baxter - x128 [email protected] Marketing Specialist Karen Boyarsky - x129 [email protected] Receptionist Myrna Hills - x100 [email protected]

Office: (702) 804-1333

The Board of Directors 2008-2009 Officers President First Vice President Second Vice President Treasurer Secretary Immediate Past President President Emerita

Ellis Landau Ed Kainen Sara Price Mason Harvey Gitel Ivy Gage Dr. David Steinberg Sandra Mallin

Directors Jeremy Bach Leonard Eckhaus Abbie Friedman Ivy Gage Mitchell Ogron Honorary Board Member Women’s League Men’s Club

Joel Mann Blanche Meisel Dan Miller Dr. Steve Saxe Dr. Adam Schwartz Sharon Sigesmund Pierce Brenda Katz Jerry Springberg

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