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  • Words: 748
  • Pages: 3
1. Explain how mathematics is evident in children's everyday lives. GUIDANCE You could produce a table or chart to show this. You must include all areas of mathematics including number, pattern, matching and sorting, shape and space, measuring, problem solving, time, estimating and mathematical language. Minimum 500 words 2. Explain the different factors that can affect children's learning of mathematical concepts. GUIDANCE Consider the following points in your answer - Prior knowledge and understanding, context, resources available, access to practical experiences, level of language development, supportive adults, breadth of knowledge and working with peers. The analysis should be a minimum of 800 words. 3. Explain how working with colleagues and parents/carers supports children's emergent mathematical development. GUIDANCE Provide a written explanation which is a minimum of 500 words. How do you work with colleagues and parent/carers to support emergent mathematical development in your setting? 4. Describe how to create an environment that supports emergent mathematical development for children aged 0-7yrs. GUIDANCE You will need to research and be aware of current frameworks for children aged 0-7yrs and describe how your setting creates an environment which supports these frameworks. As additional evidence you could provide photographic evidence of your environment e.g. displays and resources. Minimum 500 words. 5. Explain the 3 key reasons for scaffolding emergent mathematical development. GUIDANCE Within your explanation think about the ways in which you and your setting scaffold children's mathematical development Min 400 words. 6. Analyse the different reasons for valuing individual interests when supporting children's emergent mathematical development. GUIDANCE In your own words research and give an analysis the man reasons. Include how you do this in your setting min 400 words. 7. Explain how you can provide opportunities for sustained shared thinking to support emergent mathematical development. GUIDANCE Consider how you do this in your setting. What kind of activities or experiences do you provide the children with that supports sustained shared thinking for emergent mathematical development. You should describe at least 4 different opportunities. Min 700 words. 8. Explain the different strategies you use to support the development of emergent mathematical development for children aged 0-7yrs. GUIDANCE

Consider the different strategies you use in your setting explain at least 4 different strategies and relate these to current frameworks. Minimum 700 words. 9. Describe different opportunities that support children's emergent mathematical development. GUIDANCE Describe a variety of opportunities that you have used to support children's understanding of the following • number • shape, size and pattern • weight, volume and capacity • space and time • matching and sorting • data representation • problem-solving Min 150 words per bullet point. 10. Plan activities that support emergent mathematical development. GUIDANCE Plan at least 4 activities that support children's emergent mathematical development. Your activities could be to support any of the following • number • shape, size and pattern • weight, volume and capacity • space and time • matching and sorting • data representation • problem-solving. You can use your settings planning sheets or create your own. Each plan should be a minimum of 150 words. 11. Implement and lead activities to support emergent mathematical development. GUIDANCE Using your plans from Q10 carry these activities out in your setting. Produce a session sheet (minimum of 4) for each activity demonstrating how you have led these activities in your setting. Each session sheet should be completed in detail and include a signature from your mentor. Each session sheet should be a minimum of 250 words. 12. Review how your planned activities supported emergent mathematical development. GUIDANCE Using the activities you have carried out you know need to reflect on your own role in supporting these. Consider your planning of the activity, did you have all of the resources to hand? Did you plan for the right age group and group size? During the activity - How did you introduce the activity? How did you ensure the activity was enjoyable for the children? Did the activity focus on the emergent mathematical skills that you planned for? After that activity - Did you record the learning of individual children? Did you feedback to others? Min 250 words.

13. Explain how you work with parents/ carers in your setting which encourages them to take an active role in their child's play, learning and development. GUIDANCE Explain how your setting encourages parents and carers to take an active role in play, learning and development. Provide at least 2 examples of how this is carried out. Minimum 250 words.

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