Unas 0708 Bahasa Inggris B

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PAKET49 B lrAsArNc{Rrs(c2) sfiP/i{Ts


t$il &{-F&rx6


Mat! lclajuan

: B$a$ h8sris

: KMis, 26 A!!il 2007 : 0 8 . 0 0 -1 0 . 0 0

r. Isikd nonor ujid, nma peserbde langgallal)n padaLmbr Jawaba! Ujie Ndional (LIJ}o, ssuai letujul di L'UN. ?. Eildlu bulal@di dep6!naoa nala ujid padaLJUN. 3- T.sdiawl
l. X : Hav. you dore yN boo€wor&Rizki? Y : PI€as fo.givene, Sir, I haven'tfilisbed it yet,I hrd [o rale ny dothq to th. doctd, X : Oh, I'n sonyto he.r &ar. Well, doit noy, Wnc!€do.s lh. didoglc id@place? @ In Lhccl$rcon. d, h rhcbcdrood,


2. Lui Anli

: ... is you schooifi.n lhebls statio I Itt aboutts! kilon€Fes.

3, WiUian Sha&espcdc w.s hom in I 564ai Statforl-o*Avon in Enslud. Wn€nhe left school, Willim was enploy.d by his fathd, lle ,.. a local sirl, Ade HatEMy, whh he wd

4, AldE I Th.rc k sobethingwonS 'ith my coDtutei Do you lhinl Andili cm repairit? Mtrio :.... Eei oMcooprter is outof or.ler,bo. q I doubttllt

5. Molher I Seti, let', p!.!a!€ fo!.luch, H.b me sct the table,Look, the iabL i! diny, @dd


Sdti : ... it's ride to havclwh, Ant,lling.le, Mon? Molhc. I No, thal\ all, 3. Sorry,Monr I cd\ !m By all meac rl4 !,.311\raili


C@da - 9,976,000sqrle kilooelB. U.s.A -9,363.000sq'e kilonetd!.

Bluil - 8.s12.000 [email protected].



"Hik Cirb pad6PEdP.nitoidP.n

7. Somy : Hi, John,...-Th€roadis very slppery becaueoftF rsinjusr now, Joln I Al ns Sotr,Don t worry,w€ will drivedoM rhchill slowlt,

Tne .elt i! lor q!$tio! nuDbers3 to 10. AninJls& alm$r exr'nctrfrhen nmoer rs -serhnglmallo. l.oetu( moreminals be.omeF3T--bn.of rherNs,Dals^Rl #ieii, Rhinocms is a larg€hcavanajmal with a lhick sldn.Thc wold lhino.ercsis derived llon cft* RhinpEeaGnos.ddCec Debboru. Sore-hilocdoserhave(so hoG and or\es la\e oneh*olfll feiP dom areno! Dd or Lrebodysrrtrre of rhehc;d.Trey dd.r ht\e my bonycoE.ficiar ourio$an oftne3kin. R}inoccmres a herbivo-orst rt eqrptdr. Ihe) rivein e-Ny m6 or ri ajmgk. Rhlno(nflot(spendtu$r o''hen riae in qte.. They6ully live alone.exceprduringlhe bitadinelcason.Oneol r\ereree rhmocmsir thelavm rlx_ro.cDs TheJave rlunorercq, thesordaicL!.is . ompamrivelv shaUed sloder.i s abolt ,7 mereshiChThemal* hale. sinslchom up1ol0 itrchcs(25te€t led$b, ed lnc fcF.lcs e uulty homless.10q.i.1dg Fomerly t!€ Ja@ rhinoceroses liv€ in Myamd, Indoclina, the Malay P.ni6uta" Ja%bd ,Smde , I heyde row.Iehrive.)sme. Peope hurcd rh.d for rher horo. wc orly lid then in Ujue Iu.on. Wis Ja\anow lfq oonl ser rheJa\m rb rocprosei ro be *'n.r *e m6l lmrecl hem.se n8r pEseneorn hobikt.l\. ldx prohb'6lues b hbilnen. le9t- ' \,nJ "a Th. wnob Ext tells u thll .,,. a. rhi.o's hom h special b. we shouldpiol4r lhe lhinoqG by brealingthe law c: rhinocms€swilh rhct spaifc homsm alnost extinct i. peopl€ctu lnd ihinocelosin ay jbclc in hdoresja

9 . Wlee tlo rhinoslike lo spendtheirrine berc, a. Bolhin wale.andon land, c. N€ilherin waleror on lnd. 1 0 . .we muslpEseFetheir habitat."(Pdaglaph )

Thc word'brserye" in ibis senr.ncen€tus ....


Rud tL. telt &d m.r€r a&itio4 11 to 13. SOUTHCATEAREA Brdndncw hxury 1 ed 2 bcdFon apdrr.lts, At HdtlErdow od CrcenStet CoN.ni.lt to SouthgEte ShoppingCmt€r,Clole to bu mde 22.


R.ntalsfiob $250included:efollowilg urillties:he'l atr.shagcdper !E Udc.s, dtsbqEshq, p6tio.hudry, Fd. pool, I y.d h.e &d $cuity d.po$! on6pr.scloolss.d child coNidcEdin 2 b.&eEs. Modelop6 wekdays l-C su. l -5 or by appoinhht 241-7721.I!.luaepdby Sdds An €qul hoaing oppotuity.

1t. Wlich ofthe folowirg stlrenentsis TRUEaccordilg1otbet xl? a, b. o. d,

Ody oFb€drcon apartndts @ avlilrble. Tn@ is oo l6e equiEd. TbebG reur€is flr aMy. Theed ilclud.s sonc utilitie,

12. Which of l[ a Q,\ c, d,

followin! fanilie would be able to rent M apartment

A mno ed !{ twelv€-ycsold child. A hub&d, wif. dd thcn peschoolchiid. A me *ith s uall car. A habsd, wife 6d tw snall pets,

1 3 . ''Ren@tsfon $250includeheal !ir, shascs'per,siiija4s! . . .. ' Tle udqli!€d rcd nc4 ....

"Har cirh DadiP\d Pcnir,im p.ndidikd-BALITBINc

Rerd ih€ lollowitrs (ett to ..ser


TIG lldolqi.r


lhdonana 's b;rh'..|&o

1:l ao1t. AIhipd.go

lr is rhe Lresrone


Ir iec heseen rhe Ptuili. Oceanand

rhcIndidocc'. nhd.hiirr,!"" rfdt'"itui'*","trd"}"r" nmeiyAsi,dd Alsua.ia.

ftis mhrleldgo cdfi\istiof ll.067 i,ltud!. lb bur led aea is I o0t,45l sqw ti'lonet6- Ircm ed110 vest n suerohes 5.i52 kiloneresmd fton nodh10 south1.770 Thele de fiv€ nain islh& in Indonesia,laey de Java, Sualra Kalindtaa Sulawesi,sd Papu, Md de w.st€n pdt ofNew Guines TIE calilal city of hdon€siais JalGrra.Thn city becomes thecentcrof govcmncnlandeeononicacliviti.s. The clinate i! Indolesiais tropi.ll with high hMidiry, slicht chuses in tenpeFtw ed hcala rainfall. ft is because IndoresiaIiesalongthe equaror,Fom Nolehber to Febtudry rhiscou$y udergoesrhewet seson.Thedry se6onpEva s non Jue ro Scptcnb€r. wc cm $€ a ldce vaiety ofplant ed minal's life. Sone spechs@ ende6ic. ftey liwein o Fldd or a od ofa lrc. :.lud. soFl.i{ild^Ile_leseryshavebRn eskblishedby ihe govchmentr,hrcushour the codFr . nros wildlilc rclirus R u\cd b prorccttte rm ,pccie, &on .xiirction, IlL. re minals e th€ olalgutanprinales in Smatn tud (alimet !, tlc kododo d$go! i! Konodo isla ,lhe onehohed-rhi@cercsio Vesl Javq lhe pig dse!&d eo., fie d$€rf b!fialo ih Sdawes'md nany diff*nt specicsof nonleys dd bnds.

b.5.152 ('ci 11.661 1 5 . Themainidcaofparaenphfou is . ..{.n. Indonesiah6 a topical cLinate b, Indodesiahs hiehlmidiiy c, lndon€siah6 highrainfall d. Indonesi.liesalongfie equalorli@ How h {ie wearherlike fron NoveDbrrto Fcbrualy?

G) c.a d. Bright. l7- Why doesthe sove@eli s.i !p rhewiLdlife@sefle?To prctcc!tbc b. komododBsons c, onehoned-rhinoceros

t 8 . Cnooseth€senlenccwhichha d misspeltword. a. Nadiabqk! nappyrJyineon hr n€w&€$, /n , Shesewed the cbln cretullv vesterdlv. '4.'shealder]1epartedof dE ds; 16rw* d. Molhcrqlq &e pntieD!ri!e a pairofscissds. For qu*iio6 19 !d 20 .!@s. t!. bst m.rdrg of rhe uderliled eords i! tb€ tett bach Peoplegoro thebemhbea6e $er val nle a#*quPf gas.Bai{tr _ncoplc so 'o_Lh€ (lq, rd-eA nD-ed cn_oiJ)0 beduDof [E ss dd ib amudinC. ftey 'lco enioyLhe activiti* which lley cm do lhere-Ior eidph: s{inhine or su barhing,lMsdiling or speedboaring. although d'f€@nt beachesofe! difeEnt etiilies, ther is (20) sonethi.e in condor. You will alwarsfind sdd arcud $em. 19.


2t, rl,d€

wt'h ff



Thelabelabovededs that{e h6veto ca!rythe srutr.... e) senllyud cmlidly 'b. hhiedly md quicKy c. caFlessiyandquickly d. rccklc$ly md quickly


idikan-BAUTB ANG

Re.d t[. t€rt rnd rft*.r

qEedtioft 22 to 24.

Thereare mdy t€acheEin ny school. Most ofthen d ki andhebtul. Bur ny favoiie one h Mr. David, my Enslisi teacher. Mr. David is rall fld slim. He is about thirly ye6 old {d aur ebssca. Mr. David is alMys nerly dEsed.

rcv I

22. How old is Mr David? /')


23. Whichof the statenenrsis NOT TRUEaboullvlr, David? b. H€ v€as gl8cs. c He dr€ss€s n€otliy. (dl He hs a bis sia body. lhe word "one" in the text aboverele6 to ..-. (Line 3)

rll r&hd

For q!*rion


25 ard 26 fll in the bh

! rith the sdtrbl€ vord,

My sister,Yulia, turks for a tEvel bwau. ActualLysh€doe$\ likc herjob becaEerhework is nol , ..(25).Thesalaryis low sd the bo$ is not fiiendly. So,sh€*ill .,.{26) for dotlu job al dree.d ofthis Dolth. Shcw@tslo h€ a secierary. l!) dhappointinc


d Jldr. 'pu padr Fuu reril!i:n r., o.d\rn.Brt rBA\C

R€.Nb. td!.!d

m6werqtrBiio4 27io 29,

The lion wd having6 Dp wbena linlc nose {ke lin up. Thc lion ws @oye4 $ hepickedup the linle ho$c ad ihEatenedto ealhin up, '?leasc E6€ ne, on, king of thejusl€. If you do, I win do sonedile for you one day!" beggedtheDoue*Whatl A lirdc 6ing Iikc jDu? Ilal This is r€aUyvery nmy', lalghed rhe lion, Then he gottbc liftle mous€ft€ebecauehethougbllharrhelinle c€at@ did norevenra5legood. Seve6l days lald when the lion w4 walling in th€ jugte, he eot into a r.ap, H. sFuggledhard,but h€ stiU could not tEc himseli Whenhe Ms aboulto give up, ile linle nor,e cm€. Heenr\d lhercpesor rhcnered $en s6i.l. Didr'r)ouorceruef r ne for beinglinl.?Lookho* I ha!esaved you.hferotlay,' 27. wtun a, b. (c: d.

did tle storyhoptcn? In tlc kingdon. In&evillaee, In de juelc. In thc ficld.

23. How couldlhe lion beftcc lion theproblen? a. The lion walkedinto thetrap b. Thelionldlledtholinlemouse. G, T[. noue gnawd at ihe nei md *t il free. d Thenou. wokc u! lle lion.

29, Whlt co qe led &on &€ slory? a, (!) ., d.

Helpyou ftiend orly if y@ sd a csEid, Don't und$tiilate n\os€*[o m sauer. Stengthi! alw.ys usetulwhenve ar€in trouble, Donl pul you ftend in troubl€,

30. l TheylFvent tbe soiLfrom erosionfld ledslidc. 2. It wale! 8os into theriv€r. 3, M.n nust $te cm offoEsls. 4, A newspringenere€sfrod rh€grcud. 5. Rain$ alerdoesnl oow n€ely. 6. Il soaks10thesround. Tle mE€ct orderofthe senenc$ ro nate a paographis ^. 1-2 4 \ 6-5 ( ! - r3 1 - 5 - 6 - 4 - 2 .. 3 6 4-5- 1-2 d.3-4-6-l-5 2

pendidik BALrrBANc "Hik cipraDrd.pu*pedtaiatr

Reld the tsxt and .nser

qftslioN 31 io 3l-

EIIE BANANA I buch o,'kepot

b@nd (not roo npe)

Peelthebfleas:then roaslth.m overchdoal unlil sonewhatso8dd broM. - llatren $em qiii a sFcial *oodenclmp or, iayou don'lo\hone, usea lase ilst Nooden spoonlo jlalten tle bananasoDa cuning board. - Saucc:Boil thewaterwidrthe broM snBar,*hite sugar.nd!&illa essence unril ir dissolvcs i.lo lhrck s)rup, tlEn pour over rhe bManas.


Whatdoesthelastthinswe do in makinSEle Banam? a, Peela bud ofbddas. b. Flanenrheban6ss. c Roas rhe 6M&c. , d. Malc sauce.fEpeba.ana.

32. Ho$ nuch whilssugardoweneedlo nakeEpcbaMa?


!!!Ile! dren wilh a specialwoodenclanp.,, Theunderlin€d slrd nelns....



For qrcst'iorr 34 ro 36.,tooseth. bestrord! to.onpl.l.

t[. tett .d,n l.pi!r'y ItnrcFf On a brieh nd s@y day I wentnsbine.Wh.n I Ea.hedthejeny, I pur a *om on the hook md threw lhe line in and Miled for lhc fish to bite, I wasiery ...(34)wher I did not calchdlaling afto waitjle for thf. hous. I pulled i! the lirc ed lo ny surpris€,th€rems ! mall fish .t th€ €nd oft!€ lire. ...(35)Ms sosmallthai I did tu f€ele,,thin8 on the line. I wd €venmo& sut!fted whenlle Itub sbned b la&, "t t nc so ...€6) I win hm you into a frog," I {s so slartledthal I jnsr sbrcdat it. q



aajrr" 36,

For quelioltJ? ud l8 cboo$ rh. rod cloce{ ir Deubg ro lh€ uDderli.cdrordt.

Elepla s &€ thc ldgst n@nds ii the rcrld. Alihouehlhey havchueea3l bodies gr.ar dd Fowr, tbei. novendts @ dow sd se4i!-G&. 31,

aa. verybis


LH"[. po

ra., r..,, o"do


t2 R.rd fte t.xa crd .!!*.r

qr*rioor 39to 41, Ti. Jrg!.' (p.nlhorr Orq)

AltlDugh thejagrd h e dinal tt6i h not foud in Asia,ir is fuos of the car naned aner $e mimal, Tlis Epod lFvidd infomtion 6 the h6bihr&d lifeof lliejas@.

Tte jasu bllolss 1oth. catfaoily. Ir is oie of i.\. fou big (rtieing) 'ats: rhelioq tbe tig€r md lh€ leopafd.Bcc6lseir hm spol3,ajagud is onc! nistalen fo! $e l6psrd. Hbww.r, a jaeu! hs ldgd rosne mdkinSs,a sEong* body ad a shonertail, A rcseriek a ros. shapedsporon m aninal. The rorenesofjaCu8 sobetid6s look like the p!i!! ofo einal Tlt. jaeu is brcuish-ydlow in colou md hass!o$ on rh. h.ad, ncckandlces,ed dettes on odEr pdt of ils body,h cm weighup to t00 kilorrMs dd h6 a lowrtul jaw r h t ti t 6 a ' l y c r u h 1 e s k u l l o l i l , D r v . 39. Whichlangralh rellsabou!rhedifeEncesberweenajagw ad ! leopdd? c, Pmsraph I ud 2. d. Pmslaph 2 ed 3. 40, How do peopl. di$ercntiateber*e.n ajagw md a leopard? ,.a. A jasxd hasldser nakitrg on n! body. b. A leopdd hasa strongdbody, c. Ajasua.onlyUvesjn Asia. d. Frcn thc snapcofrhcir bodi.s. 41.'Becauseit b6 !pqs, ajaeud is oftennislatenfor th. l.opad., The sderlined wordhasthesse heding win .,..


cipra padrPusa!P.nnaidf,P.ddjdikn-sAlnBANc


Featen Jroar @rtbIt wme settted Wh€redo tou uully Jlndthh instution?


Ple-ase keclt Jl,osr ctty Glea,, DonX drep nte| w1laldoeslne Gxt mem? a, You e not supposed ro pnt tneedbaecid , dslbin. @ You re norallowedro purUe sdbageplopelly. o. You arcnot allow.d to tho* g&bageev€rywhde. d. Youaenorsupposed rocled lhegdbageinrheciry. Read the l.tier rnit tNwer oucltions 44 to 46.

i'"i:lf.:",:*'"::**' Mrch,4,2007 How clcv* ofyon to snd nc bluebeadslI ws plamiry to ved a bluesw€ar€red a plaidskirt to thenming bes nexrSmday,&d the b€adsyill natc! perf€cdy. Ou b@@ is going1o!e biggd thd eve!thh yeai. We,rehaving€xhibirsof aits &d cmns,books,foodod flowd emgemenls. In the baz@ $ere will befolk dancesdd gdes. ]nrn* you againfof you thoushdll gii1. Nita did Aut DewiCive!o Nita?

"H!r ciPb Psi! PNd Pcn rir Pcn


NiL *uled Aut Dewi to go ro theber bccaNc. .. r, h.r ast prohi$d to go thcleb @ rhebdad. Lt sle wmredAur D€wi lo Mlch th€folk ddces dd edes. c, shethough hd ahr *ould norb€bDsyrhen. d. lhei! noqq aegements wolld beexhibitedthere. wlicl g,' b. c. d.

of thestatenenkGNOT TRUEaboutNit ? Shelived at Jald SldnMn 23,Bandug. Shewoie nerletteron M@h, 4, 200?. Shews Ms,Dewi\ lovingyougershter. Shelik€d theeiil thatMs, Dewi g!ve,

Rerd thetdi md rNwer queslions 4? .nd 48.

?riJue YoLrsppoinme ro seeMJ.Chdl.ek ooTuesday at2.15p.n.Ple6ebeontime.

fie t€xt we krow tbatMr. Anlo MII con€ b se Mr. ChdlE ....

Thesedencemeaos"to cone .. .. ,b_. edly

49. therc is wh€E -a wy - a will - th@ is 12345

corect @egcn.!t of thewordsto nak€ a senten€is 2-5-1-l-4 t2354 !q.' 2 5 - 4 - 1 - 3 I-2-4-5-3



50, Cbo6€ lb. riglt ord.r of t!. folldllg !s!t@q aoDBlt. . p.r.gnpb. 1, Il tales placetlu€e&yr o! moG, 2. Th. nore jnponEt the!.!!m wtD di4, llc borc buifaloB rheyslaught!!, 3. it h caried out in honou ofth. deadpcBon. 4. On. of th. Tonj6 ba.litionsis the fijlml c6l.nony. 5, It is doneby slalght€riry a waierbullelo. a,2,5,4,3,I .b. 2,3,5,4,I

i9 4,3,1,5,2 d.4,3,5,2,I

'".. ci".p"a" p p., -r tu,n p.nooann.sAr rTsqNG

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