Unas 0708 Bahasa Inggris A

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PAKET 16 (c2) r*ororilxlfilrs (UTAMA)


flrn D-,'tE\-Etfrt





MaraPelajatan : BahasaInggris

I{arilTarygal Jam

: Kamis,26 April 2007 : 08.00- 10.00

Isikannomorujiall,namapeserta dalttanggallahirpadaLembarJawaban UjianNasional(LJIJN),sesuaipetuojukdi LJI-IN. 2 . Flirarnkanbulatandi depannamamataujianpadaLJtn{. 3 . Tersediawaktu120meniturtuk mengerjakan pakettestelsebut. Jutrlah soai sebanyak50 butir, padasetiapbutir soaLt€rdapat4 (empat) pilihanj awaban. 5. Periksa danbacalah soal-soal sebelum Andamenjawabnya. 6. Laporkankepadapengawas ujian apabilaterdapatlembarsoalyangkurang jelas,rusak,atautidaklengkap. 7. Mintalahkertasburamkepadapengawas ujiarl bila dipedukan. 8. Tidak diizinkanmenggunakarkalkulator,HP, tabel matematikaataualat bantuhitunglainnya. pekerjaanAndasebelumdiserahkan 9. Periksalah kepadapengawas ujian. 10.Lembarsoaltidakbolehdicoret-coret, difotokopi,ataudigandakan. l.

1. X ; A!a. Let'spreparc foodfof lunch. Y : Whatwill wemakeMom? X : Chickensoupis appropdate, Cutth€vegetabies overthere.I'll preparc thespices, : Y All rightMom, Wteredoesthedialogue takeplace? a" In the dining roonl. b . In the b€droom, In the office. ln the kitchen.



CirrtaDadaPosatPenilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANc



2. Tcm Look. \Vhat is that? Bilt It's a key of a motorcycle, Tom ... keyis it? BiII I don't know.Let's takeit to the guard. a Who b . Which c . Whom c . Whose .{i.an and Dino like to have window shopping,yesterday they went to a supemarket but they ,. . truy anlthing there. They just looked aroundthc supermarket.Affer getting tired they went home. a don't b. did!'1 c. *on't d. arcn't Vicb : I lostmy wallet.Who cameherejust now? Rira : Budi did. But.._he didn,t takeyourwallet. Vicky : Oh,thereit is, on thebookshelf. a. I believe

b. I'm sorry c. I'm sure d. I agreewith you Dedi : Don, father askedme to cut the grassin the yard. Is it okay if I use a pair of scissors? Dono : ... You wou.ldbe bettertousea sickle, D--di :OK, lwiil. a. That'strue b. I don't mind c. Yes,ofcourse .i. I don't think so

L r-yr o .ruuoiruu /


Har Crprapadapusarpenitajarpendidikan-BALTTBANO



6. Sur4 thefollowingpictures I

Biology History English (150pages) (250pages) ilm pages) q1rich statementis conect basedon the pictures? a- The biology textbookis thicker than the history textbook. b. The history textbook is thicker thanthe Engiish textbook. c. The biology textbook is asthick asthe history textbook. d. The English textbook is the thickest. L

Lock at the Dictue I

Baat doesit mean? a- Don'tbuyanyweapons. b. Be carefulwith soldiers. c. Don'tshoot. d. Watchoul forrobbers.

C2 Pl6-2006'2007

"Hak CiptapadaPussrPenilaianPendidikan-BALITBANc


Rcrd the tert and answerquestioos8 to 10, Dengue fever is one of the most dangerousdiseasesin the world. Dengue fever is edemic in most topical countries of tle south Pacific, Asia, the Caribbean,the USA and Aticr. This diseaserapidly spr€adsitr most tropical uban areasofthe rrorld. It meanspeople in theseareashave high risks of infection of the disease. Dengue fever is causedby a virus. The virus is hansmittedinto human by thc bite of iEfected mosquitos, usually ,.dede,rAeglpti. ln other words, the disease calmot be spread diEttly ftom personto peNon. The diseaseis characterizedby the high fever, severeheadache,backache,joint and duscle pains. Somgtim€s,many patientsget nausea,vomiting, and rashon amn, face and legs, Thereis no speeifictreatmentofthe disease.

t- l&aat doestl1€text tell about? a. b. c. d-

Many kindsofvirus. The tropicalcount es. The symptomsofdiseases. Denguefever.

9. The diseaserapidlyspreadsin ... corufries. a- big b- tropicai c. endemic d. infecled 10. -The dis€ase... , gg$ headache,backache,joint andmusclepains." &'bat doesthe underlinedword mean? a- serious b. hard c. risky d. mild


QHak C;otaDadaPusatPenilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG




Reedthe followingtext ald alswerquertions11to 13. RESTAURANTREVIEW Locatio!

Ponyo,Sundanese food 50Nageg;op€ned1988; s€8r200.

Excellent; in the suburban area of Bandune

SimpangRaya,Padarg food 234Martadinatastreet; ooened1995:seat80 Kabayan,hdonesian cuisine 86 Pasteust€et; opened1999;s€at60

Quite good; in down mwr; coDgesuonarea

Putd Minang, Padangfood 1I Flamboyarsfieet; opened1990;seat70 ll.

Service Price good about Rp35,000ip€rson fair

A little bit hard to find; excellent close to Maranalha. University at the come! of GununcBatu Ave. fair Quite good; in down rown; conggslronarea

about RpI 7,500/p€rson about Rp40,000/p€rson

about Rp20,000/p€rsor

Which ofthe following statementsis TRUE accordingto the text? a, You can havePada.ngfood ot 86 Pasteu Street, b. The serviceat Ponyo is quite good. c, Theprice at SimpaflgRayais the cheapest one. d. Pulri Minang has l€ssthan 70 seals.

'.2. Which restauant hasthe biggestnumb€rof the seats? .



b. PutriMinang. c. Kabayan. d. Ponyo, l_?. Theword"cuisine"irt "Kabayan, Indonosian cuisine"means"thestyleof,.."

a. b. c. d,

taste cooking flavour dcoorEtion

C2-PI6-2006/2001 "'HakCiDtaDa&Pu$t Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG DEPDIKNAS

Readthe following text &trdanswerque{tiotrs14 to 17! My home: Bali Bali is an island in the Indonesianarchipelago,It is in the south of the equator ard has warm weather all the year. The rainy s€ason is Noyembe! to April, but it can rain anytime. Bali is 120 kilometerswide from eastto west alld 80 kilometers from north to soulh so everywhereis quite closeto the sea, Bali is shaped like a diamond, Mount Agung, a volcano,is 3.142 metershigh and is visible from far away. Most of the people are Hindus. There are mary temples and many religious festivals. Tourism is the mosl impoiant industry. Many toudsts visit Bali to seethe beautiful scaneryard int€restilg festivals, to swim in the walln seas.to look at the beauliful Eountains and valleys, and to shop for inexpensiveand beautiful clothes, paintings,and wood crafts. 1 4 . Whereis Bali located?

a. b, a. d.

It is alongthe €quator. In the southofequator. 120km from €astto west. Close to many templesandMount Agung.

i 5 . The laslpamgraphis aboul ... a, The locationofBali. b. The most important industry in Bali. c. The mostpopularthingsin Bali. d. Beautifulmountainsin Bali. 1 6 . The tourism industy in Bali offers us the following things, Except ..,, a. culture atrdnature b. beliefaadreligion c. handicraftand tradition d. wood crafting and painting 1 7 . Which one ofthe following stat€mentsis NOT TRUE according10the text? a. Bali hasfour sgasons. b. Bali is beautiful arrdintercsting, c. Bali is surroundedby the sea. d. Bali is ore oftourism destinationftr lndonesie.


PenilaianPendidikan-BALITBANG "'Hak CiDteDadaPlLsat




1 8 . Which ofthe following underlinedwords is spelt itrconectly? a, We sperfour vacationat the s€ashore. b. What glD4 of a car do you have? c. I have a 5919throat. d. Sahara{999X;istoo hot. Readthe text and answerquestiotrs19 Nnd20, The length of the country is 6,400 kilometres, stretchesfrom Sabangto Merauke. Indonesiais a big counky.Thereare 13,6?7islandsin the archipelago, about6.000ofthos€ got islandshave a name,and only 992 islandsare iDhabitted. Indonesiahas morc than 400 volsano€s.Most of these yolcanoesare not active, but between 70 and 80 are still active. Every year there are about ten volcano eruptions in Indonesia.The most famousvoloanogllpljg! in the world was Krakatauin 1883.

1 9 . The word "stretches"canbe replacedby .... a. b. c. d.

pulls tightens lengthem spreads

1 0 . Theword "eruption"hascloselymeaningto .... a. sound b. explosion c, nolse d. erosion

21. NO ENTRANCE Thesignmeans.... a. we may comein b, we car aomeln c. we are allowedto come d. we are forbidden to comein






Readthe followitrgtert to snswerquestiotg22 to 24. Tiara's schoolis SMP 27. It is on Jl. Sudimran.The schoolhas 2l classrooms,a tearher'soffioe,a headmsster's officc, a staff offi.cc,a laboratory,a dataroom,a libraryanda computerroom.Theschoolalsohassomelavatories,threecanteens anda smallmosquc, Thereare4? teachers,15staffanda headmaster, Theleare845snrdents there.Theyare girls. boysand Theystudyfrom 07.00a.m.to 1.30p.m.excepton FridaysandSaturdays. They hav€the first brcakal 09.15andthe secondbroakat 11.45.Duringth€breaksomestudentsgo to the library, someothcrsgo to the caoteeofo! blcakfastor lunchandthe othersplay in the groundor talk with their friendsin theveranda. 22. Howmanyclassroomr aretherein Tiara'sschool? a. 15. b. 21. d. 4'1. Whattime is thesohooloveron Mondaytb$ugh Thursday? a. At s€veno'clock. b, At a quarterpastnina. c. At a qualterto twelve. d. At halfpastone. 24, "Ilgy hav€thefi$t brcaka109.15a.m." Whatdoesthe.,vord"l!el' rcferto? a. Thestudents. b. Theteachers. c. ThestaJl d. Theirfriends. For qu€stions 25 and26 choose tbe suitableword to complet€ thfupsEsage. Andikais an SMPstudent. He wearsa school...(25).Theshidis whiteandhis ...(26) areblue.He alsowearsa bluehal on his head. 25.


a. b. c. d,

uniform 9UStOm drest

8b, c. d.

shids socks shortr shoes


C2-Pl6-200612001 -Hak CiptapadaPusatPenilaian PendidikDtr-BALITBANC DEPDIKNAS



Tbetext ir for questious 27 to 29, Th€Losl RlrB Manyyearsagoa ladywho lived in a big housein Waleslost herbestring. Oneofthe servantsmusthavestolenit. Shewaswonied aboutwhather husband,who wasawayat the time, would say.The ring had costa grEatdealof money,Sb€knewthat shehad !o fird it beforcherhusbandretumcd. 'Wbat amI goinglo do?' Sheaskedherfriends. 'Sendfor RobinDdu,'theytoldher.'He is thewisestmanin Wal€s.' Soshesentfoi thewizardRobinDdu.He cameat onc€, 'Do not worry,' he told her.'We shallsoonftid themissingring.' He ask€dthat all the s€rvantsbe gatheredin one largeroom. As they camein, he studiedthen, But hecouldtell nothingftom theirfaces. Thenhe askedfor a live cockandcookingpo1that thingswerebmughtto him, H€ put the cockon thetable andcoveredit with the cookingpot. Next he closedthe eurtainsso that theroom\ir'asalmostdark. 'Now,' he said, 'eachof you must walk pastthe table and placeyour thumbfor a momenton thecookingpot. Thecockwill crowifthe thieftouchesit. All the servansdid aswhattheyaretold. But th€oockueverclowed. RobinDduopened fte curtain. 'Thethiefcannotbc here,'the ladysaid. 'l think he is,' answered the wizard. H€ askedthe servantsto showhim theirthumbs.Thefrst servanlheldouthis thmb. It was black wilh soot from the bottomof the cookingpo1,So were the thumbsof the other servants- all but one. 'There is the thief,' Robin Ddu told the lady. The one who was aftaid that the cock mightcrcw.' 27. Wheredid the storytakeplace? a. In a kingdomin Wales. b. In a smallhousein Wales. c. [n a hous€of a richfamilyin Wales. d. [n a houseof a wizardin Wales. 2 8 . what is the Foblemwith thelady? a. Shewant€dto knowwhathappened. b. Shewantedto fird herlost ring. c, Shewasafraidof herhusband. d. Shewantedto live with thewizard.RobinDdu.






29, Whatcanwe leamfrom tte text? Richpeopleoanbuy everythingtheywant. b. Wealthymeanseverything. Wizardscando everything. Peoplewill feel afiaid ifthey aredishonest. 30. An"airgethesejumbled sentencesinto a cohsre paragaph abouthow to washclothes. 1. When wasbing is finished select"DRAI\I" to &ain the water out. 2. Put the approprialoamountof detergentand the clothes to be washedinto the washtub. 3. set the dmin selectorto "WASH RINSE ' position. 4. Put the clothes into the spin drycr basket and perforu the interrnediatespin, 5. Iusert lhe power plug into the outlet. 6. Open fie water trapand filI water in tbe washtub about halfi.r'ayto the desiredwater level. 7. Settlle desiredq,ashtime lefedtrg !o the tabie giyen. is .... The correctarmnsements

4-7 -r-2-6-5-3 b. 6 - 2 - 5 - 3 - 7 - 1 - 4 c. 5 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 7 - 4 - l o- 2 - 5 - 4 - l - 6 - 3 - 7


ouak CiprapadaPusatPenitaian P€ndidikan-BALITBANG




Thetext is for auestions 31 to 33 A Pboto Ffuh Fun Frame YOU'LL NEED: A Sqtofoam tay, colouredtissuepaper,any photograph,glue stick, aodvarnish. l. Draw tlre fish on the tray and cut it out. The fish should be a lilde smaller than ftre photographyou wallt to frsme. 2. Cut different-colourcdtissuepaperinto little pieces. 3, Use a glue stick, glue the pieces of tissue pap€r to the tay so that they overlap a little. 4. Cover the fish cut out. which will serveasthe ftam€'s stand. 5. After you have cover€dth€ fiame arldth€ fish vamish both. 6. Let the pieces dry, then glue the frsh cut-out to the back alld use it to hold up the fiame. 7. Attaah the photo to the back ofthe frartrewith sellotape.Pretty fishy, isn't it? Use your imagiuation : You catl cut out atry kind of shapeto make your ftame. Try a star, a sun, or a flower, or makemany smalleropeningsfor a multi photo frame.

3 1 . What should we do after we glue lhe piecesoftissue papa to the tray? a. b. c. d,

Vamishit. Coverthe fish cut out. Glue the fish cut out to the back. Cut different-colouredtissuepaper.

32. How many materialsdo we needto make a photo 6sh i,lll frame? a. b. c. d.

Fou! Five Six Seven

33. "..., g$9 the piecesoftissuepaper10thetmy ..." (line 5) The underlinedword means. ,.. a. pul b. setup c. stick d. take







For questions34 to 36 choosetbe bestword(r) to conplete tbe numberedblank spaces, Thc Clwer Judge Once upon a time, a liorq a fox and a donkey set off for a day's hunting. They madean agreementto have an equal shareof what was caught.After a time, they werc able to kill a fat buck. The lion askedthe donkeyto divide the prize. The obliging donkeycut up the buck into thrce equalpartsttren invited the lion to takehis choice. This madethe lion so firiow andkilled the donkeywith his powerfirl blow. Thea the lion told the fox to divide the meat,The fox was cuming. Ho put a side a big heap ...(34) the lions share,and kept only a small piece for himself. On s€eingthis, the lion ...(35) and said "Masterfox, this needsthe most satisfactory divisor. Who taughtyou to be so clever? "The dead donkey bas been my teache!," replied the fox. "From ...(36) foolish conduotI hav€ leamedto b€ wise""


a. for b. to c. in d. oE


a, thoughtyery happy b. s€emed Yeryaflgry lookedvery pleased d. lookedvery disappointed


his b. him c. himself d. he a.

tr'or questlols 37 aud 38 choosethe optior which ir closestin mea rg to the underlined

worals, "The Baduy commuoity is a uqiqlg (37) society. The people live in Banton, We can (38) the place via a 10 km village road from Cibungurvillage in Leuwidamardistdct. It lgggb is a steeproad, 37.

ab. c. d.

unusual veryold very strang€ underdeveloped


"Hak CiotaoadaPusatPenilaianPendidikon-BALITBANC





garn b. achieve c . arrive d. find a.

Read the text end answerquesliols 39lo 41.

Orchidis oneofthe mostbeautifulflowerson eslth.I$ aunk is thick andbudding.The leavesarelong,stiffandthick, The color of this plant ca[ be diferetrt by usiag crossiagmethod,It san b€ white, purple,yellow or oth€rs,Peoplelik€ to useorchidasa decorativ€plad. Orchidlives on a tre€.It aatronly produceflowersnot fruit. It usuallylives andgrows well in cool placessuchashigh.lands. Theinterestingfaatof orchidis thatit growson thetle€,but it is not palasite. 39. Whatdoesparagraph 3 tell about? a. Thecolouroforchid, b. Thehabitatof orchid. c. Theappea.mnce oforchid. d. Theinterestingthingoforchid. 40. Why do peoplelike to useorchidasa decontiveflo$,or? a. It is expensive, b. lt is colourful. c, lt is unique. d, It is cheap. 4 1 . "Orchid is one of the most beautifulflower on earth.Its tunk is thick and b u d d i n g . . . " (Paragraphl) Theunderlinedwordmeans.. ,. a. Thelow€stpa.rtofa tree. partofa tree. b, Thereproductive c. Thestemof a tree, d. Thefoodfactoryof a tr€e. 42.

TWe "MUSIC" andsendto 8888asmanyaspossible Where do peopleusually fmd this notice? a. On abillboard. b. On a computer. c. On a cellularphone, d. On a laptop.


"Hak CiotaDadaPusarPenilaian Peodidikan-BALITBANG





BewareofPickpockets What doesthe text mear? a. We mustmakea pocket. b. We mustbe carefulofpickpockets. c. We musthavea pocket. d. We must be friendly to pickpockets. Read the followitrg text to answerqu€Etiotrs 44 to 46. Salatiga,lsi April 2007 DearWati, Hi! How are you? I haven't contactedyou for a long time. I miss you so much. Now, I'll tell you aboutmy experiences in visitingKeteppass. Ketep Passis located in Magelang R€gency.It offers the view of high lands, I went there with my friends a week ago. I left Salatigaat 1,00 p.m. On my way to Ketep pass I €njoyedthe view ofcocoa plantatioDandthe beautyofthe landscape. After tkee hous, I arriv€d thele. Unfortunatelyit was foggy. I wasvery disappointed.I couldn't seethe beautiful view of the highland, so I decidedto enter the musewn of Merapi Volcano. There are rnanypich[es of Merapi eruption.Aftel watehingthem I continuedto see the Merapi eruption film. The film was so good that I like it very much. I have never seenit before. I am so happybecauseI've got a lot of new experience. That'sall. Please,tell me somelhingaboutyour lastexperience.

Yours, Rosa 44. Wheredid the witer go?

a. b. c. d.

KetepPass. Magelang. Salatiga. Mount M€rapi.

45. W1tydid the writer feel disappointed? a. Shewas an unfortunatepe$on. b. Shecouldn'tseean).thingin Ket€pPass. c. Shecouldn'tseethe beautifulview of thehighland. d- Shewent to the museum.



pendidikan-BALITBANC CiptapadaPusatPenjlaian




It's the fiIst time for thewriterto waich.... a. thefoggyweather b. theviewofhigh land c. thepicturesofMerapi eruption d. theMerapieruptionfiLn The following text is for questiotrnumbers47 rud 48. Dear Rudi I waot you to cometo my housefor lunchon Sundayat 11 a.m. Thanks

When doesAnwar expectRudi to cometo his house? a. In tbe morning. b. In the affemoon, c. In thg gvening. d. At night. 48. From the invitation card above,we know that Rudi is Anwar's .... a. father b, teaaher c. grandfather d. closeftiend 49. A(ange thesewords into a good sentence. bv plalle - monev - morc - traveline - by bus- than- needs

4-l-'l -2-3-6 5 b. 4 | - ' t - 3 - 2 - 6 - 5 4-5-7 -3-2-6 1 d_ 4 - 5 - 3 - 2 - ' 1 , 6 1

C2-PI6-2OO61200'7 "Elak CiDtaDadaPusarPenilaiaoPcndidikanBALITBANC



50. Arrange the fotlowing senlencesinto a goodparagraph. l. It interestedme and attractedme to colleot it. 2. Sincetheo, I collectedthe stampswhen I got lette$ from my relatives_ 3. I beganto collert stampswhen I got a letter fiom my uncle, 4. My hobby is stamp-collectiag 5. The stampwas very beautifi and interesti[g, 6. I startedwhen I was 10, a. 4 - 6 - 3 - 5 - t - 2 b. + - ) - J - O - l - l c, + - z - o I -l -:t A

.r- I -l-J-l-o

C2 P16200612007

="Hak pendidikan-BALITBANG CiptspadaPusatPenilaian


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