Umt Alumni Information System

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UMT Alumni Information System (UMT A.I.S)

University of management and technology is growing academic institution. Number of under graduates and post graduates pass out each year and play their role in the different departments of the life i.e. commerce, science, Technology and textile. Maintaining the records of these vary students is an important task. Those students who left the university after completion the master or under graduates programs are called alumni of the university. For the purpose to maintain the records of these pass out students from University Management and Technology, UMT establishing the Alumni information system. A data base that have the Approx all the crucial information of each alumni through out his academic life form registration to till the last even after getting the degree form UMT.

Why there is need of Alumni Information system (AIS) In this era, where advancement is become the part of the each and every field of life and time become the one of the important element of the success we want to do things or everyday jobs with more fatly as ever. Here role of information system can’t be ignored doing things faster, doing things better, and doing thinks smarter these all traits are possible just because of two words, Information system. Alumni information system is one of the examples of information system. To get contact wit the old students and to provide the assistance to this old student for their future progress in all field of life and maintain the record of the passing out students AIS helps to do what is mention above. Following core aims and objective can describe the real need of the AIS.

Aims and Objectives The aims and objectives of UMT Alumni information system are to encourage alumni to maintain links with the University and with each other, in order: • • •

To promote more effectively the welfare and interests of the University and its alumni. To support the University's aims and objectives and uphold its reputation as an ambassadors of the University. To establish mutually beneficial relationship between the University and its alumni and to bind the alumni more closely together.

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To assist in developing financial and other resources for the University and the Alumni Association. To support the development of University services through advice, consultancy, assistance with recruitment of students and faculty or any other means. To develop linkages for mutual benefit (such as research) with other professional alumni bodies. To get connected with university for long term mutual benefits To remain the part of the university even after the study To participate in the seminars, academic and extra curriculum activities so that alumni knowledge remains up to date. To establish the link between the other skilled alumnae’s in accommodated each other in various fields of life. To help the university considering it as an parent institute in higher education and give a supportive hand by contributing through *Alumni Endowment fund and the Other charitable events.

How Alumni Contributes in the success of the university growth Alumni whether they are junior or senior always made an important contributions to the Alumni Endowment Fund and to the Alma Mater Fund... The money collected will go towards assistance with repayment of student loans of those alumni who are in Pakistan and cannot afford to pay back their loan amount owed to the institution. Annual career Counseling seminars for the Business administration (SBE), social sciences (SHS) students in order to promote the better way to developed career. This is done to help guide our students, interns and residents in choosing the most appropriate field suitable to them. It will prove to be very popular and useful. On these seminars or workshops related to student academic and other events UMT please to call its alumni to have cup of tea with the new students and share their experience. For his purpose university establish A UMT Alumni Association through which the alumni get themselves registered for the below mention benefits.

UMT Alumni Association Membership Benefits The UMT Alumni association membership will helps in the following services: • •

Facilitating transcript issuance/verification for alumni based in Pakistan or abroad who have taken up new jobs/positions. Providing Library/computer lab identification cards to alumni who wish to use this facility at UMT.

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Verification of Alumni Association membership for the use of UMT Sports (ASU) and SAF membership. Processing invitations for special alumni seating at UMT Convocations. Alumni Association members are eligible to purchase internet hours from UMT in future. The registered alumni can access the database of the UMT alumni information @ just one click i.e. contacts, email, job specification and many more of your interest. You can get picture of your time at Alumni Photo gallery. Where you can find your classic camera photos. On Eid greetings and at other similar evens you are tenderly welcome through invitation cards. You can publish your articles, poetry, and other researcher data on UMT official web at no Cost. You can enjoy sports activities specially devise for the alumni participants.

It is hoped that with time, the association and involvement of the alumni with each other and their coordination with university will grow and the Association shall play an ever-greater role in the support and academic affairs of the University. The alumni will continue to be excellent ambassadors of UMT wherever they go.

Newsletter for AIS

The alumni newsletter is sent to alumni of University of Management and technology every three months. If you have news, please send an e-mail to: [email protected]

How you can be an associate of the Alumni association and enjoy the Alumni information system data base advantages To get yourself registered you need to fill a form and through this form you could be member and enjoy the benefits of the A.I.S …the form will contain following quires the Alumni Information System (AIS) contains the names of more than 1300 graduates of UMT, and efforts are constantly made to keep the personal particulars of all graduates up to date. In addition, a continuous search takes place for ‘lost’ graduates, using among other things emial,contact number and change- of- address cards etc. The AIS forms the basis for the university’s alumni policy. You are kindly requested, if you are a graduate of University of management and technology , to fill out the questionnaire.

Your data will be treated confidentially and carefully, and will not be made available to a third party without your permission.

UMT I.D Annual subscription Name of alumni Gold medalist Program Internship Degree Thesis subject Golden student *your current picture GPA Majors E-mail *Personal contact number Job status Employee at Land line phone *Address of residence Skills/talent *Maternal status Batch number *youfor can mention but may remain confidentional at your requestat your request *essential registration but remain confidential Your university I.D i.e. your registration, is your password but you may change it .you will need following data to log on Fill and submit the online form from URL; //[email protected] For more information please contact at university alumni help desk +92-5653656, +925663265

UM T Al umn i Inf orma ti on Sy st em (UMT A.I.S)

Welcome at UMT Alumni Information System (UMT A.I.S) Become a member! UMT A-I-S System To get access to the full set of features of the Alumni Information System, you need to sign up here! Please enter your 8-Digit UMT Student ID and your email address. Your password will be sent to you in a few minutes. By signing up, you accept the Terms of Service of the AIS network. NOTE THAT system is not open for the Undergraduate Students (BBA, B.Com etc). The undergraduate students that will be graduating this semester can sign up on 2009. 8-Digit UMT Student ID: If you do not remember your ID, contact office of registrar @ [email protected] Email: UMT ID:

I have read the Terms of UMTAIS Service and accept them.

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