The Sibenik Times (special), October 14th

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Sibenik Times THE


The Sibenik Times


The Sibenik Times


From the editor / riječ urednika

WORLD BANK APPROVES $1.8 BILLION TO BOOST CROATIA’S EU BID The World Bank has approved a new four-year lending programme worth $1.8 billion to support Croatia’s EU accession process, media reported on Wednesday (October 1st). The new Country Partnership Strategy outlines co-operation from

2009 to 2012. The Bank says the strategy will focus on sustaining economic stability in Croatia, strengthening growth in the private sector, improving social sectors and helping the country deal with climate change.

Mark THOMAS It’s the little things in life that make a difference. The everyday things that we take for granted and that we do without even thinking or noticing. However small and unsubstantial these things may seem each and every one of them takes getting used to when you move to another country. What was the most interesting is that I never knew what to expect or how many new experiences were waiting for me around the corner. I couldn’t really prepare for them or even learn about them beforehand, whereas with the larger, but not necessarily more important things, I had time to acclimatise for. Things like driving on the right, or should I say wrong, side of the road. Or the climate, you don’t have to a genius to realise that the temperatures will be higher and the summers will be longer and lastly that I needed to learn a new language. From the first day I was met with a plethora of surprises and still today, ten years later, I am still met with new experiences. Walking into the bathroom and searching in vain for the light switch only to be told that toilet light switches are outside of the bathroom here. Whilst still in the bathroom the next “surprise” was the taps, hot and cold water mixed into one tap instead of what I was used to a separate tap for hot and cold. It may sound crazy to you as it does to me now, but the English still have one tap for hot water and one for cold. This turns a simple task like washing your hands into a complicated one. You have two choices either scold your hands under the hot tap or freeze them under the cold. The solution is waving your hands frantically under both running taps to even out the temperature. Still in the first week of living here and a picnic, the sandwiches were brought out and someone asked me “Would you like a yogurt too?” I had seen the Spanish eating milk with bread before but sandwiches with yogurt, yuck! I still today can’t imagine trying that combination today. My first walk was a minefield of new sights. Like paying for your coffee after you’ve finished and not when you order it, or buying shoes in a shop only to be met with strange sizes, seeing windows with shutters on them, kissing friends on the cheek instead of a handshake and people not queuing in a line. And then there are the differences in the home and all of these were new to me People taking showers instead of having the daily bath. Boiling white clothes at 90 degrees rather than washing everything at 40ºc. Hanging clothes out on a line to dry rather than throwing them into the tumble drier. House plants growing outside rather than indoors. People cooking Turkish coffee as opposed to boiling a kettle and making Nescafe. Wooden floors everywhere instead of wall to wall carpets in England, we even put carpet in the bathrooms instead of tiles. Buying bread that’s not already sliced and packed, in fact buying bread everyday instead of buying seven for the week and keeping them in the deep freeze. While we are talking about food I have to mention soups. Not “ready made” soups in cans that you just heat up but homemade soups, I never saw anyone actually “make” soups before. In England people almost exclusively eat soups in the winter to “warm you up a bit”, and watching people eat soups when temperatures in the 30’s makes me giggle.

Male stvari čine život zanimljivim, one svakodnevne koje uzimamo zdravo za gotovo, koje i ne primjećujemo, a obavljamo ih bez ikakvog razmišljanja. Koliko god nam te stvari izgledale malene i beznačajne, na svaku od njih treba se naviknuti pogotovo ako se preselite u neku drugu zemlju. Ono što je pritom meni bilo najzanimljivije je činjenica da nikad nisam znao što mogu očekivati i koliko novih iskustava me uopće čeka iza kantuna. Za neke velike, ali ne toliko važnije stvari imao sam vremena pripremiti se, ali za malene i na oko beznačajne stvari nisam sam se mogao niti pripremiti niti bilo što o njima prije saznati. To su stvari poput vožnje desnom stranom ceste ili bih mogao reći , krivom stranom ceste. Ili npr. klimatski uvjeti, ne morate biti genij da biste shvatili da će temperature ovdje biti veće, a ljeta duža. Za kraj tu je i činjenica da bih trebao naučiti novi jezik. Od prvog dana sa svih strana me bombardiralo pravo obilje iznenađenja, čak i danas nakon deset godina još uvijek nailazim na nova iskustva. Moj prvi dan izgledao je otprilike ovako: ulazak u banju i odmah bezuspješna potraga za prekidačem svjetla da bih saznao da se ovdje prekidači nalaze s vanjske strane banje tj. na ulazu. Dok sam još uvijek bio u banji, uslijedilo je novo ‘’iznenađenje’’ i to pipe. Naime, topla i hladna voda bile su smiksane u jednoj pipi umjesto u dvije posebne kako sam to navikao u Engleskoj. Može vam izgledati blesavo, kao što je i meni sada, ali Englezi još uvijek imaju jednu pipu za toplu vodu, a jednu za hladnu. Zbog toga obična stvar kao što je pranje ruku na kraju može biti jako komplicirana. Imate dvije mogućnosti – ili opeći vaše ruke ispod pipe s vrlo toplom vodom ili ih zalediti ispod pipe s hladnom vodom. Rješenje je mlatarati rukama poput luđaka čas ispod pipe s hladnom čas ispod pipe s toplom vodom da biste nekako uspjeli postići optimalnu temperaturu. Za vrijeme mog prvog tjedna i jednog piknika, dobio sam sendvič te popratno pitanje ‘’Hoćeš li uz to i jogurt?’’ Naime, vidio sam Španjolce da jedu kruh s mlijekom, ali sendviči s jogurtom, bljak! Još ni dan danas ne mogu uopće zamisliti tu kombinaciju niti bih je probao. Moj prvi đir bio je poput minskog polja prepunog novih prizora i iskustava. Jedno od njih je npr. plaćanje kave nakon što ste je popili, a ne odmah prilikom narudžbe. Ili kupovina cipela u butigama gdje postoje neke čudne veličine, ili prozori s persijanama, ili čak poljubiti prijatelje u obraz kad ih sretnete umjesto rukovanja.Ili činjenica da ljudi ne formiraju red kad negdje čekaju. A tu su i razlike koje vas čekaju u kući i sve one su za mene bile potpuno nove poput činjenice da se ljudi tuširaju umjesto da ‘’urone’’ u kupku. Iskuhavanje robe na 90C umjesto da se sve pere na 40C. Sušenje robe na žici umjesto da se sve ubaci u sušilicu. Kućne biljke koje se drže van kuće umjesto unutra. Kuhanje turske kave umjesto jednostavnog prokuhavanja vode za Nescafe. Posvuda drveni podovi umjesto tapita koji se u Engleskoj postavljaju cijelom površinom prostorije od zida do zida. Mi Englezi čak i u banje stavljamo tapite umjesto pločica. Tu je još i kupovanje kruha, ali ne onoga koji je već unaprijed narezan na fete i zapakiran. Ustvari ovdje se svaki dan kupuje kruh umjesto da odmah kupite sedam komada za cijeli tjedan i držite ih u dubinskom (zamrzivaču). Kad već pričamo o hrani, moram napomenuti juhe. Ne one već gotove juhe u limenkama koje jednostavno samo podgrijete nego prave domaće juhe. Nikad prije nisam ni vidio nekoga da ‘’kuha’’ juhu. U Engleskoj ljudi jedu juhu samo u zimskom periodu i to da bi se ‘’malo ugrijali’’. Počnem se smijati čim vidim prizor da ljudi na 30C jedu juhu.

SVJETSKA BANKA ODOBRILA 1,8 MLRD. $ ZA POTICANJE KANDIDATURE HRVATSKE ZA PRIJAM U EU Svjetska banka odobrila je novi četverogodišnji kreditni program u iznosu od 1,8 milijardi dolara za potporu procesu priključenja Hrvatske EU, izvijestili su mediji u srijedu (1. listopada). U novoj Strategiji partnerstva s Hrvatskom izložena je suradnja za razdo-

blje od 2009. do 2012. godine. Banka kaže kako će se strategija usmjeriti na održanje gospodarske stabilnosti u Hrvatskoj, jačanje rasta u privatnom sektoru, unaprjeđenje socijalnih sektora i pomoć zemlji u sučeljavanju s klimatskih promjenama.

EXTENDED OFFER IN RECREATIONAL, CULTURAL AND RURAL TOURISM This year, Šibenik-Knin County co-funds 30 projects in tourism with 300 thousand HRK, which will significantly enrich the offer of recreational, cultural and rural tourism in the area. A large number of biking and hiking tracks, quality enhancement by numerous events and investments in rural estates will enable Šibenik-Knin County to have an increasing number of satisfied tourists of all profiles. Among others, Šibenik-Knin County supports projects that will provide Vodice, Knin and the Municipality of Tisno with newly developed biking tracks, and the Municipality of Tribunj will get a network of biking tracks. The county also provides financial support

for development of biking and hiking tracks in Pirovac and the local event called On Foot to the Beauties of Pirovac. Newly developed hiking and biking tracks in the municipalities of Primošten and Kistanje will also enrich the future recreational tourist offer, while the increase in the cultural offer level will be reflected in the co-funding of harmony singing evenings in Šibenik and other events and festivals held mostly in summertime, in addition to the event in Pirovac. The county allocated smaller amounts of money to numerous rural estates that have been turning to rural tourism for renovation and expansion of the existing capacities.

BOGATIJA PONUDA U REKREATIVNOM, KULTURNOM I SEOSKOM TURIZMU Ove godine Šibensko-kninska županija sa 300 tisuća kuna sufinancira 30 projekata u turizmu, koji će značajno obogatiti ponudu rekreativnog, kulturnog i seoskog turizma na tom području. Velik broj biciklističkih i pješačkih staza, poboljšanje kvalitete brojnim manifestacijama te ulaganja na seoskim gospodarstvima omogućit će Šibensko-kninskoj županiji sve veći broj zadovoljnih turista svih profila. Šibensko-kninska županija tako, između ostalih, podržava projekte kojima Vodice, Knin i općina Tisno dobivaju novouređene biciklističke staze, a općina Tribunj mrežu biciklističkih staza. Županija također financijski podupire i

uređenje pirovačkih biciklističkih i pješačkih staza te tamošnju manifestaciju ‘’Korakom do lipota pirovačkih’’. Obogaćenju buduće rekreativne turističke ponude pridonijet će i novouređene pješačke i biciklističke staze u općinama Primošten i Kistanje, a porast razine kulturne ponude očitovat će se, uz pirovačku manifestaciju, i u sufinanciranju organiziranja klapskih večeri u Šibeniku i drugih manifestacija, festivala i fešti koje se uglavnom održavaju ljeti. Županija je manje iznose novca dodijelila i brojnim seoskim domaćinstvima koja se sve više okreću seoskom turizmu za uređenje i proširenje postojećih kapaciteta.

The Sibenik Times EXTENSIVE TOURIST OFFER IN KNIN Over the past few years, the town of Knin and its surrounding area have become an increasingly distinctive tourist destination. In both Croatia and Europe, Knin is promoted as an attractive tourist destination, largely thanks to Krka River springing above Krčić Fall near Knin, but also because of Dinara, a mountain having the highest peak in Croatia, and the rich cultural and historical heritage of the Knin region. The preserved nature, the close proximity of the mountains of Dinara and Svilaja, and Krka River provide the visitors with numerous adventure options such as biking,

mountaineering, horseback riding, jeep and quad (ATV) rides, fishing, kayaking, rafting. In addition to the sport & recreation offer, the greater Knin area has a number of attractive tourist features. The most important and frequented cultural monument complex in the region is the Knin Fort. The construction of the fort began way back in the 9th century, in the times of Croatian national rulers. Over the past few years, new information boards, a fence, benches and a telescope were provided next to the fort. The Knin area also contains one of the most significant old-Croatian

archeological sites called Biskupija, and remains of the former large military settlement of Burnum discovered five years ago. Even though Knin is very near the coast, the town tourist board foresees great tourist activity in Knin not just during the summer months but year-round. While summer mostly brings bathers to the Knin region, autumn and spring show all the wealth of the region’s natural beauties, making it ideal for team building and paintball excursions. November and December are reserved for hunters, especially those coming from Italy.

ŠIROKA LEPEZA KNINSKE TURISTIČKE PONUDE Grad Knin i njegova okolica u posljednjih su nekoliko godina postali sve prepoznatljivija turistička destinacija. U Hrvatskoj, ali i u Europi, Knin se promovira kao privlačna izletnička destinacija uvelike zahvaljujući rijeci Krki koja izvire iznad slapa Krčić pokraj Knina, ali i blizini Dinare - planine s najvišim vrhom u Hrvatskoj te zbog bogatog kulturno-povijesnog naslijeđa kninskoga kraja. Očuvana priroda, blizina planina Dinare i Svilaje te rijeka Krka pružaju posjetiteljima brojne avanturističke razonode poput biciklizma, planinarenja, jahanja, vožnje

džipovima i quad (ATV) vozilima, ribolova, vožnje kajakom, rafting. Uz sportsko-rekreacijsku ponudu, šire područje grada Knina ima i niz atraktivnih turističkih posebnosti. Najvažniji i najposjećeniji kulturni spomenički kompleks ovog kraja je Kninska tvrđava. Izgradnja tvrđave započela je još u 9. stoljeću, u vrijeme hrvatskih narodnih vladara, a u posljednjih godinu dana uz tvrđavu su postavljene nove obavijesne ploče, ograda, klupe i teleskop. Na kninskom se području nalazi i jedno od najznačajnijih starohrvatskih arheoloških nalazišta Biskupija i

ostaci nekadašnjeg velikog vojnog naselja Burnum te amfiteatar koji je otkriven prije pet godina. Iako se Knin nalazi vrlo blizu obale, gradska turistička zajednica vidi veliku turističku aktivnost Knina ne samo u vrijeme ljetnih mjeseci već tijekom cijele godine. Dok ljeti kninski kraj najviše posjećuju kupači, jesen i proljeće doba su koja najbolje pokazuju svu raskoš prirodnih ljepota kninskog kraja i zato su idealni za izletničke ekskurzije te za ‘team buildinge’ i paintball, dok su pak studeni i prosinac rezervirani za lovce, posebice iz Italije.


did you know?

• Sibenik is the only original city on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. All of the other Croatian towns and cities originated from old Illyrian, Greek or Roman settlements. • In the Sibenik – Knin County there are two national parks – Krka and Kornati National Parks. • The lowest populated islands of the Adriatic Sea are both located in the Sibenik area - Tribunj i Krapanj. • The island of Žirje is the furthest populated island from the Sibenik coast, located 20.4 kilometers south west from Sibenik. • In the Adriatic Sea you are only allowed to dive with if you have finished a recognized diving course and have a certificate with you. • More than 50 percent of the total number of berths in the Croatian Adriatic Sea are located in the Sibenik – Knin county. • The Sibenik – Knin County has 806 kilometers of coastline, five rivers, three large and ten small lakes. • One of the oldest and most popular meals in Dalmatia and Sibenik is sardines in olive oil.

JESTE LI ZNALI? • Šibenik je jedini samorodni hrvatski grad na obali Jadranskog mora. Ostali hrvatski gradovi nastali su kao naselja starih Ilira ili kao grčke i rimske naseobine. • Na području Šibensko-kninske županije nalaze se dva nacionalna parka – Krka i Kornati. • Otoci šibenskog arhipelaga Tribunj i Krapanj najniži su naseljeni otoci na Jadranu. • Žirje je najudaljeniji naseljeni šibenski otok, 20,4 kilometra jugozapadno od Šibenika. • U Jadranskom moru smiju roniti samo oni ronioci, koji su završili ronilačku naobrazbu i posjeduju valjanu ronilačku iskaznicu. • Više od 50 posto ukupnog broja vezova svih marina na hrvatskom dijelu Jadrana nalazi se u Šibenskokninskoj županiji.

SHIPYARD SHARES SOLD FOR ONE KUNA According to the agreed model, workers will be able to become owners of 25 percent of shares plus one share, the ministers said. After a lengthy discussion at the Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship Ministry, Minister Damir Polancec and union representative Ozren Matijasevic expressed their satisfaction with the agreed principles of privatisation of Croatian shipyards, all except from Uljanik shipyard. According to Polancec, the starting share packet of shipyards will be sold for one kuna, after which the share owner will be obliged to complete the refinancing of the shipyard and covering the shipyard’s debts. Some debts will be settled by the state and a part of the debts would be written off to rehabilitate the society’s negative capital. According to the agreed model, workers will also be able to become owners of 25 percent plus one share of the shipyards.

DIONICE BRODOGRADILIŠTA PRODAJU SE ZA JEDNU KUNU Nakon višesatnog sastanka u Ministarstvu gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva, ministar Damir Polančec i sindikalni predstavnik Ozren Matijašević izrazili su svoje zadovoljstvo dogovorenim načelima privatizacije hrvatskih brodogradilišta, osim Uljanika. Kako je kazao ministar Damir Polančec, početni paket dionica brodogradilišta prodavat će se po jednu kunu, nakon čega će kupac dionica biti obvezan dovršiti dokapitalizaciju brodogradilišta i pokriti obveze brodogradilišta koje je kupio. Neke će obveze pokriti država, a jedan bi se dio obveza otpisao kako bi se sanirao negativan kapital društva. Po dogovorenom modelu, i radnicima će biti omogućeno da postanu vlasnici 25 posto plus jedne dionice.

• Šibensko-kninska županija ima 806 kilometara morske obale, pet rijeka, tri velika i deset malih jezera. • Jedno od najstarijih i najomiljenijih jela u Dalmaciji i šibenskom kraju je srdela u maslinovu ulju.

The Sibenik Times


ADRIATIC BOAT SHOW 2008 - CONGRESSIONAL PROGRAM wednesday: 15.10.2008. Day of Marinas on the Adriatic

Speakers: Vladimir Medica, technical university of Rijeka;

NCP MARINA MANDALINA 12:00 Nautical Center Prgin and sponsors: Inauguration of 1st International Boat Show in Šibenik

11:45 Nuvolari & Dan Lenard: Presentation of yacht design by Dan Lenard (

Tourist Ship Owners – Leo Lemešić Pavilion 5 10:00 - 18:00 “New technologies in modern ship building” – Polychem presentation (http://

1. Project “Mirila – original souvenirs in stone, picture and word”; Project “By the Traces of Winnetou,” thematic tourist way 2. Hotel & agency RAJNA, StarigradPaklenica: “Rural house Varos” 3. Public Institution National Park Paklenica: “Etno house Marasovic”

ABS Public library of Šibenik ABS Conference Hall 1 14:00 Nautical Forum: Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure; Presentation of strategy for development of nautical tourism and analysis of the 2008 nautical season 15:30 Association of Croatian marinas: Plenary session 17:30 NCP and IGY: Presenting of a project Marina Mandalina & Yacht Club ABS Conference Hall 2 15:00 Department of Marine and Environmental Research, Institute Rudjer Boskovic – “Nautical tourism and scientific research” – lecturers: Mr. Željko Kwokal and Mr. Neven Cukrov 16:30 Marinetek NCP – Use of the Seaflex anchoring system for pontoons and concrete floating Marinetek - NCP pontoons (lecturer: prof. Darko Bujas) thursday: 16.10. 2008. DAY OF SHIPBUILDING AND SHIP EQUIPMENT ABS Conference Hall 1 10:00 Navela d.o.o. Pula, Salestechnical team Topic: YANMAR New generation of engines. Introduction and presentation of the Yanmar Research & Development Center New generation of engines: features, diverses and achieved results, installation and engine room ”Pleasure” engines and “High speed commercial” engines: diverses and requirements

12:45 First Croatian Phone Factory “Free Port” from Unešić: Presentation of a Croatian product – AVL system “mali od palube” and VMS system “eye from a sky” – for tracking and control of vessels. Lecturer: Mr. Boris Belamaric ( 14:00 Hemark: Croatian premiere “filters for drinking water CUNO 3M” ( 16:00 Cyclops: “(Advanced) information systems for tracking business activities of shipyards and marinas” Lecturer: Ivana Drcec 17:00 Captain Tork Buckley, chief editor of Yacht Report (www.synfo. com, Themes and key facts to be discussed: - Effects of Croatia’s accession to the EU on shipyards and super yacht supply businesses - Strategies for minimizing the impact – items for the lobbying agenda (e.g. the French approach of allowing commercial yachts the freedom form VAT on everything) - Prevention of blue diesel - Clarifying the need for and the development of a legal framework the 24m-plus charters; possibly a charter cruising permit ABS Conference Hall 2 10:00 - 18:00 POU Libar: 2. Adriatic Diving Conference ( ABS Conference Hall 3 11:00 SBoard conference of UPUSP – charter – Željko Jerat 15:00 Conference of Association of

12:00 Session of Croatian Small Boat-builders Association friday: 17.10. 2008. SEA SPORTS DAY ABS Conference Hall 1 10:00 “Sea-kayaking - An adventure for anyone!” Lecturer Ms. Grozdana Ribicic ( video.htm)

17:00 Area Lovinac and Comunuity Lovinac, project of Centre of Mountain Tourism “Sveto Brdo”. The largest Tourist development project in the Lika-Senj District, in cooperation with Zadar District, financed by European Commission funds – CARDS 2004 ABS Conference Hall 2 10:00 Agriculture Tourism Kalpic : Presentation (

12:00 Conference of the Croatian Boatbuilding Cluster

14:00 Jurlina Court’s : Presentation (http://www.

17:00 Presentation of this year’s Volvo Ocean race start in Alicante/ Spain, speakers Damir Miloš and Darko Bujas

16:00 Association for the Preservation of Croatian Waters and Sea (SLAP): Presentation (

ABS Conference Hall 2 10:00 - 18:00 POU Libar: 2. Adriatic Diving Conference ( saturday: 18.10. 2008. SUSTAINABLE RURAL TOURISM DAY Sponsor of the day FIBAS d.o.o. ABS Conference Hall 1 10:00 Ministry of Tourism and the Croatian Tourist Board: Development of agricultural tourism in the Dalmatian hinterland 14:00 United Nations Development Programmes: From hinterland into sustainable rural tourism ( 15:00 Tourist board of Starigrad (

sunday: 19.10. 2008. DALMATIA IN MY EYE ABS Conference Hall 1 11:00 NP Kornati : Presentation “National Park Kornati – Island Lace of the Mediterranean” Lecturer: Mr. Vladimir Mihelcic ABS Conference Hall 2 10:00 Bubble Dive: Lecture on “Research of Microbenthos on the seabed of island Palagruza” Lecturer: Ms. Ivana Ostoic ( Contact: Conference manager Ms. Sandra Jelovcic e-mail: [email protected] M.:+385 99 696 7031 T.: +385 22 312 973 F.: +385 22 312 976

The Sibenik Times



Predavači: Vladimir Medica, Tehnički fakultet Rijeka;

turističkih brodara - predsjednik g. Leo Lemešić Paviljon 5

11:45 Nuvolari & Lenard: Prezentacija na temu yacht dizajna – Dan Lenard (http://

10:00 - 18:00 “Nove tehnologije u modernoj brodogradnji” prezentacija Polychem (http://

NCP MARINA MANDALINA 12:00 Nautički Centar Prgin i pokrovitelji: svečano otvorenje 1. međunarodnog sajma nautike u Šibeniku ABS Kongresna sala 1 14:00 Nautički Forum: Ministarstvo mora, prometa i infrastrukture; predstavljanje strategije razvoja nautičkog turizma i analiza nautičke sezone

12:45 Prva Hrvatska Tvornica Telefona “Free Port” iz Unešića predstavlja Hrvatski proizvod AVL sustav “mali od palube” i VMS sustav “nebesko oko” za praćenje i kontrolu plovila,predavač gdin. Boris Belamarić (http://www.

Gradska knjižnica Šibenik - ABS 12:00 Sjednica udruženja male brodogradnje PETAK: 17.10. 2008. DAN MORSKIH SPORTOVA ABS Kongresna sala 1

15:30 Udruženje hrvatskih marina: plenarna sjednica 17:30 NCP i IGY: predstavljanje projekta Marina Mandalina & Yacht Club ABS Kongresna sala 2 15:00 Zavod za istraživanje mora i okoliša; Institut Ruđer Bošković - “Nautički turizam i znanstvena istraživanja” - predavači g. Željko Kwokal i g. Neven Cukrov 16:30 Marinetek NCP – upotreba sistema sustava sidrenja pontona Seaflex i betonskih plutajućih Marinetek pontona (predavač prof. Darko Bujas)

ČETVRTAK: 16.10. 2008. DAN BRODOGRADNJE I BRODSKE OPREME ABS Kongresna sala 1 10:00 Navela d.o.o. Pula, Prodajno-tehnički tim Tema: YANMAR Nove generacije motora. Uvod i prezentacija Yanmar Research & Development Center. Nove generacije motora: karakteristike, promjene i postignuti rezultati, ugradnja i strojarnica ”Pleasure” motori i ”High speed commercial” motori: razlike i zahtjevi

14:00 Hemark: Hrvatska premijera “filteri za pitku vodu CUNO 3M” ( 16:00 Tvrtka Cyclops “(Napredni) informacijski sustavi za praćenje poslovanja brodogradilišta i marina” - predavač Ivana Drčec 17:00 Kapetan Tork Buckley, glavni urednik magazina The Yacht Report (, Teme: - Utjecaj ulaska Hrvatske u EU na brodogradilišta i opskrbu super yahti - Strategija minimiziranja utjecaja lobiranja (primjer francuskog pristupa dopuštanja komercijalnim jahtama ne plaćanje PDV-a na sve) - Prevencija plavog dizela - Potreba i razvoj legalnog okivra za 24m – plus chartera; charter cruising permit ABS Kongresna sala 2 10:00 - 18:00 POU Libar: 2. Jadranska konferencija o ronjenju ( ABS Kongresna sala 3 11:00 Sjednica vijeća UPUSP charter - predsjednik g. Željko Jerat 15:00 Sjednica udruženja

1. Projekt “Mirila – izvorni suvenir u kamenu, slici i riječi”;Projekt”Tragovima Winnetoua”, tematski turistički put 2. Hotel & agencija RAJNA, Starigrad-Paklenica: “Seoska kuća Varoš” 3. Javna ustanova Nacionalni park Paklenica: “Etno kuća Marasović” 17:00 Područje Lovinac i Općina Lovinac, projekt centra planinskog turizma “Sveto Brdo” Najveći turistički razvojni projekt Ličke-Senjske županije u suradnji sa Zadarskom županijom financiran sredstvima Europske Komisije – CARDS 2004

10:00 “Morskim kajakom našim Jadranom - Avantura za svakoga” predavač gđa. Grozdana Ribičić ( video.htm)

10:00 Agroturizam Kalpić : Prezentacija (http://www.kalpic. com)

12:00 Sjednica Klastera male brodogradnje

14:00 Jurlinovi Dvori : Prezentacija (

17:00 Prezentacija ovogodišnjeg starta regate Volvo Oceon race u Alicante/Španjolska, predavači gdin. Damir Miloš i gdin. Darko Bujas

16:00 Udruga za očuvanje hrvatskih voda i mora (SLAP): Prezentacija (

ABS Kongresna sala 2


ABS Kongresna sala 2 ABS Kongresna sala 1 10:00 - 18:00 POU Libar: 2. Jadranska konferencija o ronjenju ( SUBOTA: 18.10. 2008. DAN ODRŽIVOG RURALNOG TURIZMA sponzor dana FIBAS d.o.o. ABS Kongresna sala 1 10:00 Ministarstvo Turizma i HTZ: Razvoj agro-turizma dalmatinskog zaleđa 14:00 United Nations Development Programmes: Iz zaleđa u održivi ruralni turizam ( 15:00 Turistička Zajednica Općina Starigrad (

11:00 NP Kornati : Prezentacija “Nacionalni park Kornati - Otočna čipka Mediterana” - predavač g. Vladimir Mihelčić ABS Kongresna sala 2 10:00 Bubble Dive: predavanje na temu istraživanja makrobentosa u podmorju otoka Palagruža predavač gđa. Ivana Ostoić ( Kontakt: Voditelj Kongresa Sandra Jelovčić e-mail: [email protected] M.:+385 99 696 7031 T.: +385 22 312 973 F.: +385 22 312 976


The Sibenik Times

Sibenik, 16-17 October 2008. / Šibenik, 16-17 listopad 2008.

II ADRIATIC DIVING II. JADRANSKA CONFERENCE – THEME KONFERENCIJA O RONJENJU – TEME The lectures on the first day of the Adriatic Diving Conference (Thursday 16.10) will include professionals from the Croatian restoration institute, conservators, underwater archaeologists as well as archaeological diving in this region. Among other presentations will we also have lectures on protecting underwater archaeological sites, the problems arising from sediment with solo diving projects and various other projects on underwater archaeological explorations when diving on ship wrecks. In connection to the Adriatic Diving Conference Dr. Sc. Leonardo Marušić from the nautical and transport department of the Zadar University will present TEMPUS a European Union project - studies of underwater science and technology at which discussions in workshops and seminars will be held in line with this project. Also, at the end of the lectures a presentation of future study programs will be held, at which will be presented the first pre-diploma university study of underwater science and technology in the Republic of Croatia. It is important to mention that the main co-ordinator

of the project is the University of Zadar while the main supporter of the project is the University of Plymouth. The project has been realised with co-operation from: • The Slovenian National institute for biology • The University of Zagreb • The Archaeological museum from Zadar • The Croatian Ministry of sea, transportation and infrastructure. During the second day of the Adriatic Diving Conference (Friday 17.10) a presentation will be held on the work of underwater divers or ROV (Remote Operating Vehicles). After the formal lectures a demonstration will be held on the operation of ROV in the NCP Marina which will be covered by a television and communication system. Also, on the second day of the conference a presentation will be held highlighting the problems of corrosion damage as well as other problems which are brought on by corrosion concerning shipbuilding and the protection of ships. Finally lectures on other various underwater constructions including “offshore facilities”.

Predavanja prvog dana Konferencije (četvrtak, 16.10.) obilježit će stručnjaci Hrvatskog restauratorskog zavoda, konzervatori, podvodni arheolozi te doajeni arheološkog ronjenja na ovim prostorima. Između ostalog predstaviti će se načini zaštite podvodnih arheoloških lokaliteta, problematika nastanka sedimenata kod ronjenja i razni projekti podvodnih arheoloških istraživanja na brodskim olupinama. U sklopu Konferencije Leonardo Marušić sa Zadarskog sveučilišta, Odjela za pomorstvo i promet prezentirati će TEMPUS Zajednički europski projekt Studij Podvodnih znanosti i tehnologija na kojemu će se raspravljati o radionicama i seminarima u sklopu projekta. Također, na kraju predavanja predstaviti će se i budući studijski program prvog interdisciplinarnog preddiplomskog sveučilišnog studija Podvodnih znanosti i tehnologija u RH. Važno je napomenuti da je glavni koordinator projekta

Sveučilište u Zadru dok je nositelj projekta Sveučilište u Plymuthu. Projekt se između ostalih realizira u suradnji sa: • Slovenskim nacionalnim institutom za biologiju • Sveučilištem u Zagrebu • Arheološkim muzejom u Zadru • Ministarstvom mora, prometa i infrastrukture RH. Za vrijeme drugog dana trajanja Konferencije (petak, 17.10.) prezentirati će se i rad podvodne ronilice ili ROV-a (Remote Operating Vecihle). Nakon usmenog predavanja održati će se i demonstracija rada ROV-a-na prostoru Marine NCP praćena televizijskim i komunikacijskim sustavom. Također, drugog dana Konferencije će se prikazati problematika korozijskih oštećenja te ostalih problema koje izaziva korozija kad su u pitanju brodogradnja i zaštita brodova, zatim različitih podvodnih konstrukcija kao i „offshore postrojenja“.

The Sibenik Times




he St. Jacob’s, the cathedral of Šibenik, built for over a century, is a testimony of persistency, sacrifice and belief of the generations of inhabitants of Šibenik. By many things it is unique not only in the Croatian architecture, but in the European as well: it is entirely built of stone, no other material being used; it is unique by the brave structure of stone slabs and ribs, with no binding material; it is also unique among renaissance churches by its trefoil front facade; finally, it is unique by the harmony of its architecture and the row of 71 realistic sculptural portraits around the apses.Documents preserved from the time of building

of the cathedral evidence contributions from the entire community to its building, but from many individuals as well, including large number of domestic stone-dressers, builders and artisans. The most important among them is Juraj Matejev Dalmatinac, who came from Zadar and who the town of Šibenik commissioned in 1441 to take over the job of the proto-master of the cathedral of Šibenik. The cathedral and the nearby renaissance town hall, other churches, palaces, and the Prince’s Palace presently housing the County Museum, make probably the most beautiful town square of the Croatian urban heritage.



ibenska katedrala sv . Jakova , gradjena više od stotinu godina , svjedočanstvo je upornosti , odricanja i vjere generacija Šibenčana. Izdvaja se po mnogo čemu, ne samo u hrvatskom, već i u europskom graditeljstvu: u cijelosti je izgradjena od kamena, bez uporabe ikakvog drugog materijala. Jedinstvena je po smionim konstrukcijskim montažama kamenih ploča i rebara, i to bez uporabe ikakvog vezivnog materijala; takodjer jedinstvena je među renesansnirn crkvama s pročeljem u obliku trolista; naposljetku, jedinstvena je po suglasju arhitekture i niza od 71 realističnog portreta na apsidama. Dokumenti iz

razdoblja gradnje katedrale svjedoče o doprinosu cjelokupne komunalne zajednice u njezinu podizanju , ali i mnogih pojedinaca , medju kojima je najveći broj domaćih klesara , graditelja i zanatlija . Među njima najznačajniji je Juraj Matvejev Dalmatinac, podrijetlom Zadranin, s kojim Šibenčani 1441.godine sklapaju ugovor o njegovu preuzimanju dužnosti protumajstora šibenske stolne crkve. Katedrala, zajedno s renesansnom gradskom vijećnicom te okolnim crkvama, palačama i kneževim dvorom, u kojem je danas smješten županijski muzej, tvori zacijelo najljepši trg u hrvatskoj urbanističkoj baštini .

ROCCATAGLIATINA BUSTS The northern entrance to Sibenik cathedral once has wooden doors which were decorated with unique bronze statues. The statues were of a male and female bust dressed in antique clothing. The busts were made in the metal workshop of

sculptor Nikola Roccatagliata at the beginning of the 17th century. Only traces of Roccatagliata’s works have been preserved in the Dalmatian region in Vis, Split, Imotski, Dubrovnik and Istria. The original, Roccatagliata Sibenik cathedral doors are

kept in the city museum and their credible copies are now on the northern entrance to the cathedral as evidence of the level of artistic life in Sibenik in the 17th century. These wooden doors were changed in 1968 for bronze doors.


Na drvenim vratnicama sjevernog ili lavljeg portala katedrale (zamijenjene 1968. god. brončanim vratnicama) bile su utaknute brončane drške. Riječ je o ženskom i muškom poprsju u antičkoj odjeći, s ispruženom glavom da ih se lako dohvaća. Drške su napravljene u mletačkoj radionici kipara Nikole Roccatagliata na početku 17. stoljeća. Roccatagliatini radovi sačuvali su se tek u tragovima na ostacima naše dalmatinske povijesne baštine pa ih nalazimo još samo na Visu, u Splitu, Imotskom, Dubrovniku te u Istri. Šibenski originalni primjerci čuvaju se u gradskom muzeju, a njihove vjerne kopije postavljene su na restaurirane vratnice katedrale (ovješene na pročelju Biskupske palače) svjedočeći o razini umjetničkog života u gradu na uviru baroknog 17. stoljeća.

HOW A BARON FROM VIENNA BOUGHT A SIBENIK CREST The gothic portal to the palace Rossini in 1896 was left without its crest. The crest was bought by a collector from Vienna Baron Nataniele Rotschild. The Baron was a great art collector and he bought the crest at the end of the ninetieth century. Even though the Sibenik City Council were all against the purchase of the crest they eventually gave permission as the they realized that the crest would not leave the country as at that time the city was part of the Austro – Hungarian Empire. Looking from a modern pint of view the devastation of one of the city’s palaces and the missing crest could be described as one of the biggest losses to Sibenik’s cultural history. The portal was renovated completely before the summer of 2003 as part of the program STANADI by the Sibenik conservative society.

KAKO JE BEČKI BARUN KUPIO ŠIBENSKI GRB Gotički portal palače Rossini ostao je 1896. godine bez svoje lunete i prekrasnog grba. Tada je grb kupio bečki kolekcionar barun Nataniele Rotschild. Taj je barun marno otkupljivao umjetnine pa tako primjerice kupuje krajem 19. stoljeća dvije divne figure s jednog kamina u Veneciji. Iako se šibenska općina usprotivila otkupu grba on je ipak dozvoljen jer se to pravdalo kako grb neće napustiti zemlju, a matična zemlja bila je tada Austro-ugarska monarhija. Gledajući iz današnjeg ugla devastacija portala palače i nestanak vrsnog grba može se smatrati jednim od najvećih gubitaka šibenske baštine u kamenu. Luneta portala u cjelosti je obnovljena pred ljeto 2003. godine u okviru programa STANADI šibenskog konzervatorskog odjela.

The Sibenik Times

8 Poštovani sudionici i posjetitelji 1. Adriatic Boat Showa,

Regards to the partners and visitors of the 1st Adriatic Boat Show.

Iznimno sam sretna i počašćena što vas mogu pozdraviti i zaželjeti vam dobrodošlicu u Šibeniku-najstarijem izvorno hrvatskom gradu na Jadranu. Svojim mediteranskim šarmom, smješten u najzaštićenijoj prirodnoj luci na Jadranu, na ušću rijeke Krke, na izvorima bogate povijesti, Šibenik svjedoči o nevjerojatnom skladu prirode i čovjeka.

I am extremely pleased and honoured to be able to greet you and wish you a warm welcome to Sibenik, the oldest original Croatian city on the Adriatic. A city which has a Mediterranean charm, located in the most naturally protected natural port on the Adriatic, on the mouth of the Krka River, a source of rich cultural heritage, Sibenik is an unbelievable combination of man and nature.

Šibenik se s pravom ponosi ljepotom svojih naconalnih parkova-Krkom i Kornatima, ali i biserno plavim morem iz kojeg izranjaju prekrasni otoci šibenskog arhipelaga. Inspiriran takvim prirodnim skladom čovjek je lako našao inspiraciju i isklesao u kamenu prelijepi grad; grad bogat kulturnopovijesnim naslijeđem od romanike, preko gotike i renesanse, do baroka i postbaroknih stilova.

Sibenik has the all rights to be proud of its National parks, Krka and Kornati, as well as it clear blue sea from which rise the beautiful islands in the Sibenik archipelago. Inspired by such natural beauty it was easy to find inspiration for man to carve the stone for our splendid city. A city rich in cultural heritage, from Romanesque, through Gothic and Renaissance, to Baroque and post Baroque styles.

Šibenik je danas grad koji se snažno okreće turizmu i razvoju gospodarstva, a Nautički centar Prgin u šibenskoj Mandalini snažno pridonosi toj razvojnoj viziji grada i njegova okružja. 1. Adriatic Boat Show manifestacija je koja grad promiče u svim segmentima; nautičkom, turističkom, a nizom pratećih manifestacija daje mu mogućnost da se prezentira i u kulturnom pogledu.

Sibenik today is a city which is a powerful mover in the world of tourism and the development of trade and business. And the Nautical Centre Prgin in Mandalini is an example of that development and vision for the city of Sibenik and its surroundings. The 1st Adriatic Boat Show is an event which promotes the city in all segments, nautical, tourism and a range of other accompanying events that give the possibility to present the city from a cultural angle.

Dragi gosti, želim vam ugodan boravak u našoj sredini, uz želju da se vidimo i dogodine na 2. Adriatic Boat Showu.

Dear Guests, I wish you a pleasant stay in our city and hope that we will see you all again at the 2nd Adriatic Boat Show.


MAYORESS Nedjeljka Klarić

The Sibenik Times Exhibitors list on 1th Adriatic Boat Show - Marina Mandalina Sibenik





Organizator – Organizer NCP – Nautički Centar Prgin Nautical Centre Prgin Event partner 1. IGY – Island Global Yachting

Sponzori sajma – Sponsors of the fair 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Jadranska Banka d.d. – generalni sponsor – general sponsor Jadransko Osiguranje – službeno osiguranje – official insurer Tomić & CO – BMW – službeni automobile – official cars Navela – XM – službena odjeća sajma – official clothes of the fair Electrolux – profesionalna kuhinjska oprema – professional cooking equipment Vinoplod Vinarija Šibenik Marinetek NCP – pontoni i plutajući valobrani – pontoons and floating sea breaks Fibas – pokrovitelj dana održivog ruralnog turizma – patron of rural tourism NCP Remontno brodogradilište Šibenik – NCP Shipyard Sibenik Cyclops – sponzor press centra – sponsor of the press centre

Pokrovitelji sajma – Patrons of the show 1. Ministarstvo turizma – Ministry of Tourism 2. Ministarstvo mora, prometa i infrastructure – Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure 3. Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva – Ministry of Trade, Work and Enterprise

Partneri sajma: - Partners of the show


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


1. EPH 2. Slobodna Dalmacija


Medijski partneri – Media Partners


Grad Šibenik – The City of Sibenik Klaster male brodogradnje – Klaster shipyard Libar – Pučko otvoreno učilište – Libar – Open University Nacionalni Park Krka – Krka National Park Kulinarska Akademija – Culinary Academy Rotary Club Šibenik – Sibenik Rotary Club Veleučilište u Šibeniku – Sibenik University Solaris – Hotels Resort – Solaris Resort

Medijski pokrovitelji – Media Coverage

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Radio Ritam – sajamski radio – Adriatic Boat Show Radio Ritam Radio Dalmacija – Radio Dalmatia The Šibenik Times – Nemo – Morsko Prase - Yacht Info Yacht Revue

Sajmovi partneri – Show Partners 1. Boot Tulln 2. Salone Nautico de Madrid 3. Moscow International Boat Show


The Sibenik Times

THE SHOW IN NUMBERS In the first year of its existence the fair will take place in the premises of about 160 000 m2, including aquatorium, out of which 5,000 m2 is a covered exhibition space for tents, 2,500 m2 is an open air exhibition

space for vessels on the land, 2,000 m2 of exhibition space is in closed halls and around 350 places for vessels in the sea. About 200 exhibitors, 400 vessels and 20,000 visitors are planned for a 5-day fair in 2008.

SAJAM U BROJKAMA U prvoj godini postojanja sajam će se odvijati na prostoru od 160 000 kvadratnih metara, uključujući akvatorij, od čega 5000 m2 natkrivenog izložbenog prostora za šatore, 2500 m2 otvorenog izlož benog prostora za plovila na kopnu,

2000 m2 izložbenog prostora u zatvorenim halama te oko 350 mjesta za plovila u moru. Projekcije za 2008. godinu su da će na sajmu sudjelovati oko 200 izlagača i 400 plovila sa 20 000 posjetitelja u 5 dana trajanja.

The Sibenik Times


ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM – ADRIATIC BOAT SHOW 2008. 15.10.2008. 12:00 12:30 17:30 18:00 20:00 21:00 00:00


Program at the boat show Inauguration of the Adriatic Boat Show 2008. Welcome remarks by the representatives of the Honorary Board, the relevant Ministries, the town of Šibenik, and the Organizational Board. Banquet at the Gastro-tent NCP and IGY: Presentation of the Mandalina Marina & Yacht Club project Banquet and cocktail party ABS at the Blue Frog restaurant. Presentation of Dalmatian culinary representation – chef Zdravko Kalabrić performance by klapa Solaris, Gastro-tent, by invitation only Concert by the group MI and Ivana Prgin, Blue Frog bar terrace. (In the event of bad weather, the concert will be moved to Hall 5.) After opening party, Club INSIDE.

Events in the centre of Šibenik 09:30 Holly Mass in st. Nicholas church: Church is open: 10:00 – 12:00 in the morning 16:00 - 18:00 in the afternoon Bishop Ivan Milovan Zlarinski prolaz b.b. Sibenik

10:00 12:00

ŠIBENIK THEATER, Visiting theatre “Face to face,” Split Children’s show: Lisica varalica, Author: Zvjezdana Ladika CITY LIBRARY JURAJ ŠIŽGORIĆ, ŠIBENIK, Exhibition of bookmarks from the children’s workshop on the theme “Sea and boats.” Centre for visual arts for children and youth

16.10.2008. 20:00 00:00

Program at the boat show Captains’ party, Blue Frog bar terrace: DJ, sax session, belly dancers By invitation only “Good or bad, I’m still the Captain!” party, Club INSIDE

17.10.2008. 16:00 21:00 00:00 00:00



Program at the boat show Fashion show of nautical attire Musto for adults Blue Frog bar terrace Concert by Neno Belan and Marijan Ban, Hall 5 More & More party, Club INSIDE Even More & More party Cafe Bar DOMINO

Classical music concert



17:00 20:00 23:00

Program at the boat show Fashion Show of nautical attire Nes for adults, Blue Frog bar terrace Concert Deep in Rock on S/Y Galatea in front of Blue Frog, By invitation only DJ night, club INSIDE


Events in the centre of Šibenik ŠIBENIK THEATRE, Presentation of young Šibenik musicians. Concert of classical music: Martina Klarić, soprano, Gordana Pavić, piano



Program at the boat show 11:00 Performances by Dalmatian klapas 14:00 Raffle for visitors 16:00 Announcement of the winners for the best stand, the best boat at the show 16:30 Closing song performed by Puhački orkestar Primošten 17:00 Regatta “Latinsko Idro.” Festival of traditional Croatian boats at the Šibenik waterfront Banquet after the festical at the Marini Mandalina Blue Frog bar. 17:30 Closing ceremony for the Adriatic Boat Show 2008. 19:00 Bye bye ABS 2008 party, Blue Frog bar

Koncert klasične glazbe

Sibenik theatre Saturday, October 18th 2008 at 8 pm

Šibensko kazalište Subota, 18 listopada 2008 u 20 sati

As part of Young Sibenik musicians presentation cycle, a concert will be held by young soprano Martina Klarić with piano following of professor Gordana Pavic. These two artists are already affirmed and stand out with especially sensible approach to music. The program will include parts of R. Strauss, W. A. Mozart, G. Pucinni, B. Smetana and others.

U sklopu Ciklusa predstavljanja mladih šibenskih glazbenika koncert će održati mlada sopranistica Martina Klarić uz klavirsku pratnju profesorice Gordane Pavić. Ove dvije umjetnice već su afirmirane i izdvajaju je posebno senzibilnim pristupom glazbi. Na programu su djela R. Straussa, W. A. Mozarta, G. Pucinnia, B. Smetane i drugih. Ovim koncertom obogaćuje se i ponuda posjetiteljima prvog Sajma nautike u Šibeniku. Karte se mogu kupiti na blagajni kazališta od 10 do 12 i od 18 do 20 sati.

This concert enriches offer to visitors of first Adritic boat show in Sibenik. Tickets can be bought on Theatre’s cashier from 10 to 12 and 18 to 20 hours.

ZABAVNI PROGRAM – ADRIATIC BOAT SHOW 2008 15.10.2008. 12:00 12:30 17:30 18:00 20:00 21:00 00:00


PROGRAM NA SAJMU Svečano otvaranje sajma Adriatic Boat Show 2008. Govor dobrodošlice predstavnika Počasnog odbora, ministarstava pokrovitelja, Grada Šibenika i Organizacijskog odbora. Svečani domjenak u Gastro šatoru NCP i IGY: Predstavljanje projekta Mandalina Marina & Yacht Club, Svečani domjenak cocktail party ABS u restoranu Blue Frog. Nastup dalmatinske kulinarske reprezentacije – šef Zdravko Kalabrić, nastup klape Solaris, Gastro šator, ulaz na pozivnice. Koncert grupe MI i Ivane Prgin, terasa Blue Frog bar. (u slučaju lošeg vremena koncert se premješta u halu 5). After opening party, Club INSIDE.

Događanja u centru Šibenika 09:30 Sveta misa u crkvi sv. Nikole povodom susreta Apostolata mora u Šibeniku, misu će predvoditi porečko-pulski biskup mons. Ivan Milovan Ulica Zlarinski prolaz bb Crkva sv. Nikole biti će otvorena: 10:00 – 12:00 ujutro 16:00 – 18:00 popodne

10:00 12:00

ŠIBENSKO KAZALIŠTE, Gostovanje kazališta „Licem u lice“, Split Predstava za djecu: Lisica varalica, Autor: Zvjezdana Ladika GRADSKA KNJIŽNICA JURAJ ŠIŽGORIĆ, ŠIBENIK, Izložba straničnika iz dječje radionice na temu „More i brodovi“, Centar za vizualnu kulturu djece i mladih knjižnice

16.10.2008. 20:00 00:00

PROGRAM NA SAJMU Captains party, terasa Blue Frog bar: DJ, sax session, trbušne plesačice, ulaz na pozivnice (u slučaju lošeg vremena party se premješta u halu 5). „Good or bad, I’m still the Captain!“ party, Club INSIDE

17.10.2008. 16:00 21:00 00:00 00:00



PROGRAM NA SAJMU Modna revija nautičke odjeće Musto za odrasle, terasa Blue Frog bar Koncert Neno Belan i Marijan Ban s održavanjem u hali 5. More & More party, Club INSIDE I još party More & More party Caffe Bar DOMINO



17:00 20:00 23:00

PROGRAM NA SAJMU Modna revija sportske odjeće Nes za odrasle, terasa Blue Frog bar Koncert benda Deep in Rock S/Y Galatea ispred Blue Froga, ulaz na pozivnice. DJ night, club INSIDE


Događanja u centru Šibenika ŠIBENSKO KAZALIŠTE, Ciklus predstavljanja mladih šibenskih glazbenika. Koncert klasične glazbe, Martina Klarić, soprano, Gordana Pavić, klavir



PROGRAM NA SAJMU 11:00 Nastup dalmatinskih klapa 14:00 Nagradna igra za posjetitelje 16:00 Proglašenje pobjednika za najbolji štand, najbolji brod sajma 16:30 Završna pjesma uz Puhački orkestar Primošten 17:00 Regata „Latinsko Idro“. Smotra gajeta na Šibenskoj rivi Svečani domjenak nakon smotre u Marini Mandalina u Blue Frog bar 17:30 Svečano zatvaranje Adriatic Boat Show-a 2008. 19:00 Bye bye ABS 2008 party, Blue Frog bar


The Sibenik Times

Interview on the ABS Fair The first time of organizing a nautical fair guarantees some advantages and some problems. Have you observed some other shows and tried to avoid of the common mistakes? Organizing a show for the first time definitely has its advantages and those are that we can learn from mistakes as well as good examples of other nautical fairs from all over the world. Of course if we look at the famous nautical shows, both foreign and domestic, we have tried to implement as much of the good things and eliminate the things that don’t work. In the organization of our show we have tried to pay a lot of attention to the exhibitors as they play a very important role in the overall chain, because without good quality exhibitors you can’t have a good quality show. The advantage that the NCP group has is that we have for many years appeared at the majority of major world nautical fairs so we have experience of being an exhibitor and we will use this experience to offer all

an exhibitor needs. On the other hand we find ourselves in the role of being the organizer, being on the other side of the stage means that we are having to learn new things from hour to hour. Today we know a lot more than in March when we started organizing the show from the very beginning. What do you think about the number of nautical fairs in Croatia? Shows are now held in Zagreb, Split, Rijeka and Biograd. Is there co-operation between the shows in Croatia? The number of nautical fairs in this small country is relatively big, however in my opinion there is room for other shows. It’s true, and many people will say, one more nautical show is surplus but me are trying to make a show that will be in character different from the others. Our idea is to create a show of used boats along with a strong congress program. It is also our wish to bring close the nautical world to the ordinary person. In that way I’m sure

that we will have something for everyone, from people who will come to buy equipment for the next hunting season for squid to those who have come to upgrade their fleet of charter boats for the next charter season. Examples of world fairs have shown us that it is possible for different shows to coexist even if they are geographically close or close on the calendar as long as they are different in character. Look at Cannes, Monaco and Genoa, all these fairs are held within a time line of one month but at the same time they are among the most well known nautical shows in the world. Up until this year there hasn’t been a significant co-operation between the Croatian nautical shows but this year some of the fairs have started to come closer together. We have gone a step further and have made an international connection with two world known nautical shows, the Australian Tulln Bootom and the Spanish Salone Nautico de Madrid.

Is organizing a nautical fair financially viable? When we started with organizing the ABS our goal was to create a quality foundation on which we could build this show. We didn’t start with the motive of making a profit, as can be seen in the price of the exhibition stands as well as the price of tickets for the visitors. It isn’t our aim to make a quick profit in the first year and then in further years dwindle away. it will take some time before this show is financially viable, it will certainly be a big success if we can finish the first year on a “positive zero” or in a break even situation. And as things stand at the moment with the number of exhibitors who are involved I think that we will be very close to this goal. Why did you choose to hold the fair in October? The month of October was determined to be the best since the autumn is the “real” time for the buying and selling of boats. The owners of charter companies, whose season is slowly

coming to an end are deciding at that time of the year to upgrade their fleets and they have time as well to prepare the boats for the next season. The date is also ideal as far as the tourist season is concerned because in the Sibenik region the season comes to an end around September. This show will help to extend the tourist season in the region as well as increasing new job positions in this sector. Also we hope to attract both domestic and foreign capital to the Sibenik region and create a nautical brand and destination in Sibenik. The ABS will make Sibenik into a fair city and that means a financial injection into all sectors such as restaurants, cafés, hotels and all other hospitality objects. Research has shown that one every one Euro spent at the show the same guest will spend 10 Euros outside the fair in various places. This year we are expecting between 15 and 20 thousand guests. Do the math yourself and you can see what that will mean to the business in this city.

The Split Boat Show is held in the middle of Split and the Rijeka Show in the centre of the city the location of the Mandalina marina in comparison with these shows is further from the city centre. Do you think that this fact is an advantage or not? We certainly consider that the dislocation of the Adriatic Boat Show an advantage over other fairs that are held in the very centre of cities. Firstly, in Mandalina we have all the necessary infrastructure for holding a show like this as well as having plenty of space for a large number of exhibitors. Secondly, we have a very good relationship with the City of Sibenik and they have done their maximum to make a co-operation with us that a section of the boats from Mandalina marina can be moved to the Sibenik harbour. With that co-operation we have not only symbolically connected the city with the show but also we have physically connected it. The boats from the National Park of

Razgovor o abs sajmu Prvi put organizirati sajam nautike jamačno ima neke prednosti, ali i teškoće. Ugledate li se na neki sajam ili pokušavate izbjeći neke „već viđene“ greške? Organizirati sajam po prvi put svakako ima svojih prednosti a to su da možemo učiti na greškama ali i na dobrim primjerima ostalih svjetskih sajmova nautike. Svakako da se ugledamo na svjestski poznate sajmove, kako strane tako i domaće, pokušavajući implemenirati što više dobri stvarih a eliminirate one loše. U organizaciji našeg sajma pokušali smo što više pažnje posvetiti izlagačima jer su oni ipak najbitnija karika u cijelom lancu, jer bez kvalitetnih izlagača nema ni kvalitetnog sajma. Prednost je u tom i što NCP grupa već godinama nastupa na većini bitnijih svjetskih sajmova nautike tako da imamo perspektivu izlagača i iz svog smo iskustva naučili što je izlagačima najbitnije. Na drugu stranu po prvi put se nalazimo u ulozi organizatora, sa dru-

ge strane pozornice i tako reći iz sata u sat učimo nove stvari.. Danas znamo puno više nego u trećem mjesecu, kada smo krenuli stvarati sajam od nule. Što mislite o broju nautičkih sajmova u Hrvatskoj? Održavaju se nautički sajmovi u Zagrebu, Splitu, Rijeci, Biogradu… Postoji li suradnja između sajmova u Hrvatskoj? Broj nautičkih sajmova za ovako malu zemlju je velik ali mislim da i dalje ima mjesta za drukčiji sajam. Istina, mnogi će reći, još jedan nautički sajam nam je suvišan ali mi pokušavamo stvoriti sajam koji će se karakterom razlikovati od drugih. Ideja nam je napraviti sajam polovni brodova, sa jakim kongresnim programom. Želja nam je također, danas razvikani svijet nautike približiti „običnom“ čovjeku tako da će na ovom sajmu svatko pronaći nešto za sebe, onaj koji je došao kupiti „peškafondo“ za nadolazeću sezonu lova na lignje kao i onaj tko je došao obnoviti svoju čarter flotu

za iduću čarter sezonu pa će za sebe pronaći upravo brod koji odgovara njegovim potrebama i mogućnostima.Svjetkski primjeri svjedoče da je moguća koegzistencija sajmova koji su geografski i datumski blizu ali su karakterom različiti. Pogledajete Cannes, Monaco i Genovu, svi se održavaju u razmaku od mjesec dana i istovremeno su sva tri među najpoznatijim svjetskim sajmovima natuike. Dosadašnjih godina nije postojala nikakva značajnija suradnja među sajmovima ali ove su se godine neki domaći sajmovi počeli udruživati. Mi smo otišli korak dalje i postigli međunarodnu suradnju sa dva svjetski poznata strana sajma nautike, austrijskim Tulln Boot-om i španjolskim Salone Nautico de Madrid koji će već ove prve godine održavanja našeg sajma biti prisutni sa vlastitim izlagačkim mjestima. Istu suradnju su i oni ponudili nama, tako da ćemo ove zime imati pune ruke posla promovirajući ABS.

Da li je organiziranje nautičkog sajma financijski isplativo? Kada smo krenuli u stvaranje ABS-a, želja nam je bila stvoriti kvalitetne temelje na kojima ćemo moći graditi i pravilno razvijati ovu sajamsku priredbu. Nismo se vodili motivom zarade, što svjedoče uistinu popularne, kako cijene izložbenih prostora tako i cijene ulaznica za posjetitelje. Nije nam namjera na brzinu zaraditi novac prvu godinu, a kasnije što bude. Trebati će neko vrijeme da ovaj sajma postane financijski isplativ, za prvu godinu biti će uistinu veliki uspjeh ako budemo na pozitivnoj nuli a kako je krenulo sa brojem izlagača čini mi se da smo sve bliži zacrtanom cilju. Zašto ste odabrali 10. mjesec za vrijeme održavanja sajma. Termin održavanja sajma je namjerno određen da bude u 10. mjesecu, u jesenjem terminu, budući je to pravo vrijeme za prodaju odnosno kupnju plovila. Vlasnici čarter

kompanija, kojima sezona lagano završava se odlučuju na obnovu vlastite flote tako da imaju dovoljno vremena za pripremu brodova za iduću sezonu. Termin je idealan što se tiče i turističke sezone u šibenskoj regiji budući da već u rujnu lagano jenjava dolazak turista. Ovim sajmom namjeravamo produljiti turističku sezonu u regiji te pridonijeti povećanju broja radnih mjesta u ovom sektoru i privući kako domaći tako i strani kapital i od Šibenika stvoriti novu nautičku destinaciju i nautički brand. Stvaranjem ABS-a, Šibenik postaje sajamski grad a to znači i financijska injekcija ovdašnjim restoranima, kafićima, hotelima i svim ostalim poslovnim subjektima. Istraživanja pokazuju da na svaki potrošeni euro na sajmu, isti taj gosti potroši 10 eura van sajma, na razne popratne sadržaje. Ove godine očekujemo između 15 i 20 000 gostiju. Sami izračunajte što to znači za gospodarstvo grada van turističke

sezone. Splitski sajam održava se u središtu Splita, Riječki u centru Rijeke, lokacija Mandalina u usporedbi sa spomenutim sajmovima ipak je udaljena od centra grada. Držite li to prednošću ili nedostatkom? Svakako smatram da je, uvjetno rečeno, dislokacija Adriatic Boat Show-a prednost pred sajmovima koji se održavaju na gradskim rivama. Prvo, u Mandalini imamo svu potrebnu infrastrukturu za održavanje jednog ovakvog sajma kao i dovoljno prostora za veliki broj izlagačkih mjesta. Drugo, sa Gradom Šibenikom smo u jako dobrim odnosima i oni su nam maksimalno izašli u susret te su nam dopustili da dio brodova iz Mandaline premjestimo na šibensku rivu. Na taj smo način simbolično povezali grad sa prostorom sajma a šibenska će riva i sama postati izložba brodova. Grad nismo samo simbolički povezali sa Mandalinom već i fi-

The Sibenik Times


Krka will transport guests free of charge from the city to the marina every hour. In that way we have solved the problem of parking in Mandalina. NCP marina is more and more becoming a place where people decide to “go out” even if they are not directly with the marina or the nautical world. Has the marina become in that way a place for not only for people linked to sailing? Is that one of the NCP’s goals? It is true, recently the marina has been visited by more and more people who are not connected to the nautical world. Boats, the sea, a quiet and comfortable ambient offers people a break from their everyday life’s and don’t forget we are only a few minutes from the heart of the city of Sibenik. It is one of our aims to bring people closer to the beauties of the sea and of nautical life even is they haven’t had the opportunity to feel their charms before. I think its time that Sibenik at last turns towards the sea.

zički, brodovima NP KRKE koji će svaki sat vremena besplatno prevoziti posjetitelje iz grada na sajam te pružiti potpuno novu perspektivu grada i šibenskog zaljeva. Na taj smo način rješili i problem parkinga u Mandalini. NCP marina sve više postaje odredište gdje ljudi odlučuju „izaći“ bez obzira jesu li vezani uz marinu, nautiku ili tome slično. Postaje li marina na taj način mjestom sastajališta i onih koji nisu nautičari? Da li vam je to jedan od ciljeva? Istina, marinu u posljednje vrijeme sve više posjećuju ljudi koji nisu vezani uz more i nautiku. Brodovi, more, tišina i ugodan ambijent marine pružaju ljudima odmor od svakodnevice a sve samo nekoliko minuta od centra Šibenika. Želja nam je približiti ljepotu mora i nautike onima koji do sada nisu imali priliku iskusiti te čari. Mislim da je vrijeme da se Šibenik napokon okrene moru. (IZVOR: MORSKO PRASE)


owner of the Refitting shipyard NCP and the Mandalina marina vlasnik Remontnog brodogradiliŠTa NCP i marine Mandalina


The Sibenik Times


autical Center Prgin from Šibenik has initiated a new project, a nautical fair called Adriatic Boat Show which will be held for the first time from 15th to 19th October this year. The project has been planned as a combination of a business fair and a public show with the emphasis on the promotion of Croatian small boatbuilding and the promotion of used vessels. Exactly these two facts make this fair unique and the first one of that kind in Croatia and wider region. Except for the boatbuilders and the representatives of vessels, the fair will also bring together the manufacturers of engines and ship equipment, representatives of sports clothes and footwe-

Promoting „Adriatic Boat Show“ at “Croatia Boat Show 2008” The nautical center Prgin has promoted his new boat show on a 32 sqm booth at this year’s Croatia Boat Show. The nautical center Prgin has promoted his new boat show on a 32 sqm booth at this year’s Croatia Boat Show.Additional to this presentation to a wider audience, the nautical center Prgin has exhibited as a distributor sailing boats from the Grand Soleil product line as well as presented a range of wave breakers and pontoons of its sister’s company Marinetek NCP. The charter program, the sailing school and the team building programs have also interested a lot of exhibitors and visitors. Talking with potential exhibitors at site has lead to the first applications of joining the Adriatic Boat Show in October 2008.

ar, the representatives of diving equipment, spear - fishing and fishing, insurance and leasing companies and the engineering and consulting companies. The representatives of Croatian and foreign marinas, charter companies and all those people related to sea and nautical tourism who know how to recognize the potential of exhibiting at such event will also be present here. Since the aim of this fair is to have a working character, the expert workshops, seminars, lecturers and conferences dealing with boatbuilding, marinas, fishing and diving will be held during this fair, as well as competitions and presentations of the latest trends in nautical science and water sports.

Fair in numbers In the first year of its existence the fair will take place in the premises of about 160 000 m2, including aquatorium, out of which 5,000 m2 is a covered exhibition space for tents, 2,500 m2 is an open air exhibition space for vessels on the land, 2,000 m2 of exhibition space is in closed halls and around 350 places for vessels in the sea. About 200 exhibitors, 400 vessels and 20,000 visitors are planned for a 5-day fair in 2008.

Press center The press center will be organized during the duration of the fair and from that center the accredited journalists from Croatia and abroad will send their reports to daily

newspapers, radio and TV stations, Internet portals and specialized magazines.

Partners and sponsorship For the project Adriatic Boat Show NCP has arranged the cooperation with Croatian Boatbuilding Cluster which encompasses 28 members for the time being, with a mutual intention of branding, a high quality promotion and a sale of Croatian small shipbuilding at Croatian and foreign market with the support of the Ministry of the Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship. The project will be carried out under auspieces of Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure and Croatian Chamber of Economy.

Adriatic Boat Show – More Nautičkih Prilika N

autički centar Prgin iz Šibenika pokrenuo je novi projekt, nautički sajam pod imenom Adriatic Boat Show koji se po prvi put održava u terminu od 15. do 19. listopada 2008 godine. Projekt je zamišljen kao kombinacija radnog sajma i sajma otvorenog široj publici sa naglaskom na promociji hrvatske male brodogradnje te promociji rabljenih plovila. Upravo ove dvije stavke čine ove sajam jedinstvenim i prvim takve vrste u Hrvatskoj i široj regiji. Osim brodograditelja i zastupnika plovila sajam okuplja i proizvođače motora i brodske opreme, zastupnike sportske odjeće i obuće, zastupnike opreme za ronjenje, podvodni lov i ribolov, osiguranja,banke i leasing kuće te tvrtke za inženjering i konzalting. Svoje mjesto na ovoj priredbi našli su i predstavnici hrvatskih i stranih marina te charter kompanije. Budući je cilj ovog sajma da bude radnog karaktera, tokom

trajanja sajma održavati će se i stručne radionice i seminari, predavanja i konferencije na temu brodogradnje, marina, i ronjenja te natjecanja i prezentacije najmodernijih trendova u nautici i vodenim sportovima.

Svjetski poznati govornici Na sajmu će predavanja održati renomirani svjetski govornici iz područja: razvoja marina – predstavnik američke tvrtke za upravljanje i razvoj marina – Island Global Yachting - IGY, dizajna jahti – poznati svjetski dizajner Dan Lenard iz dvojca Nuvolari&Lenard brodogradnje – captain Tork Buckley – urednik „The Yacht Reporta“ vodećeg svjetskog magazina za dizajn, konstrukciju, management, vlasništvo i upravljanje luksuznim jahtama i ronjenja. Ronjenja – Adriatic Diving Conference

Valja napomenuti i zanimljiv gastro program koji je zamišljen kao prezentacija pet vrhunskih restorana iz šibenske regije tokom pet dana trajanja sajma. Također je predviđen i premijerni nastup kulinarske reprezentacije Dalmacije za večer otvorenja. Adriatic Boat Show je jedini hrvatski nautički sajam koji se odvija pod pokroviteljstvom čak tri ministarstva: Ministarstva turizma, Ministarstva mora, prometa i infrastrukture te Ministarstva Gospodarstva, poduzetništva i rada kao i pod pokroviteljstvom Hrvatske Gospodarske Komore i Hrvatske Turističke Zajendice. Prostor održavanja sajma, poluotok Mandalina, tokom održavanja priredbe biti će povezan sa centrom Šibenika i morskim putem tako što će se brodovima prevoziti posjetioce. Tokom trajanja sajma će se održati i 1. međunarodna Rotary regata humanitarnog karaktera. Već prvu godinu postojanja

Adriatic Boat Show je dobio međunarodni karakter kroz suradnju sa dva svjetski poznata sajma, Tulln Boot te Salone Nautico de Madrid te ujedno i potvrdu kvalitetne organizacije i pripreme prvog izdanja sajma. Predstavnici obaju sajmova su prisutni na Adriatic Boat Show-u sa vlastitim izlagačkim mjestima a na isti će se način i ABS predstavljati na tim sajmovima. Ovogišnji event partner Adriatic Boat Show-a je američka tvrtka Island Globa Yachting – IGY sa kojom NCP kreće u projekt izgradnje marine za megajahte i hotelskog resorta na poluotoku Mandalina.

Sajam u brojkama U prvoj godini postojanja sajam će se odvijati na prostoru od 160 000 kvadratnih metara, uključujući akvatorij, od čega 5000 m2 natkrivenog izložbenog prostora za šatore, 2500 m2

otvorenog izložbenog prostora za plovila na kopnu, te oko 350 mjesta za plovila u moru. Broj potvrđenih izlagača na ovogodišnjem izdanju sajma se kreće oko brojke od 150 sa 250 plovila, kako u moru tako i na kopnu.

Budućnost ABS-a Cilj Adriatic Boat Show-a je da se u narednih tri do pet godina svojim karakteristikama i postignućima afirmira kao najznačajniji događaj nautičkog segmenta u Hrvatskoj i zemljama okruženja u jesenskom terminu. Osim afirmiranja same stručne priredbe sajam će snažno doprinijeti i promociji turističko-ekonomskog razvoja grada Šibenika, Šibensko – Kninske županije kao i cijele Dalmacije. Adriatic Boat Show bi u budućnosti trebao biti jedan od neizostavnih sadržaja grada koji će doprinijeti razvoju Šibenika kao nautičkog brenda.

The Sibenik Times



The Sibenik Times

SIBENIK A BRIEF HISTORY Šibenik was mentioned for the first time under its present name in 1066 in a Charter of the Croatian King Petar Krešimir IV. For a period of time, it was a seat of the Croatian King. For that reason, Šibenik is also called "Krešimirov grad" (Krešimir's city). Through history the city has experienced many highs and lows, from the Black Plague in the 17th century to the end of the Homeland War in 1995 when the city virtually defended the whole of Croatia, to modern day where the city is an attractive destination for tourists from all over the world. Its many cultural monuments will amaze you and the ideal approach to the city is via the sea. This is one of the reasons that more and more nautical tourists decide to visit the city. The coast as the crow flies is only 56 kilometers long but thanks to an especially rugged coast has in fact a total coastline of 806 kilometers. There are in fact two national parks in the county. One is the Krka National Park, which is famous for its waterfalls. Unlike other Dalmatian towns that were founded by the Illyrians, Greeks, and Romans, it is the oldest native Croatian town on the eastern shores of the Adriatic. Šibenik was given the status of a town and its own diocese in 1298. Excavations of the castle of Saint Michael have since proven that the place was inhabited long before the actual arrival of the Croats. The city, like the rest of Dalmatia, resisted the Venetians

up to 1412. The Ottoman Empire started to threaten Šibenik at the end of the 15th century, but they never succeeded in conquering it. In the 16th century, the fortress of St. Nicholas was built and, by the 17th century, its fortifications were improved again by the fortresses of St. John and Šubićevac. The fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797 brought Šibenik under the authority of the Habsburg Monarchy. After World War I, Šibenik became a part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, while during World War II it was occupied by Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. After WWII it became a part of the SFR Yugoslavia until Croatia declared independence in 1991. During the Croatian War of Independence, Šibenik was heavily attacked by the Yugoslav National Army and Serbian paramilitary troops. Although under-armed, the nascent Croatian army and the people of Šibenik managed to defend the city. The battle lasted for six days (September 16-22) is often referred to as the "September battle". The bombings damaged numerous buildings and monuments, including the dome of the cathedral and the 1870-built theatre building. In an August 1995 military operation, the Croatian army defeated Serbian forces and freed the occupied areas, which created the basic conditions for its postwar recovery and allowed the region to continue to develop as the centre of Šibenik-Knin County.

kratka povijest šibenika Šibenik, najstariji samorodni hrvatski grad na Jadranu, prvi put se spominje još na Božić 1066. u darovnici kralja Petra Krešimira IV. Samo ime do danas nije još objašnjeno, no smatra se da potječe od pojma šibe, odnosno grmlja kojim obiluje cijeli kraj. Kroz stoljeća je doživljavao mnoge uspone i padove, od kojih je za stanovništvo najpogubnija bila epidemija kuge iz 17. stoljeća a nakon završetka Domovinskog rata 1995. godine kada je praktički na ovom potezu obranjena cijela Hrvatska, danas se profilira kao atraktivna turistička destinacija. Mnoštvo njegovih kulturnih spomenika ćete poželjeti pomnije razgledati, a za samog turista najidealniji dolazak u Krešimirov grad je upravo sa morske strane. To otkriva sve više nautičara koji plove akvatorijem Šibensko-Kninske županije, dugim samo 56 km zračne linije, ali zahvaljujući izuzetnoj razvedenosti ukupna dužina obala je čak 806 km. Tu su čak i dva nacionalna parka, onaj na rijeci Krki, poznatoj po čuvenim slapovima i Kornati, koji se sastoji od stotina malih i većih otočića. Kod uplovljavanja u Šibenik, na početku nešto više od 2,7 km dugog kanala Svetog Ante nalazi se jedna od četiri šibenske tvrđave, Sveti Nikola. U prošlosti je služila kao brana mogućim napadima s mora, a danas predstavlja samo turističku atrakciju. Sam grad smjestio se na potopljenom ušću rijeke Krke, mjestu koje predstavlja najpovoljniju prirodnu luku na istočnoj obali Jadrana. Panoramom dominira čuvena katedrala Svetog Jakova, čiji korijeni sežu još u 1298. godinu kada se rodila ideja o gradnji. Gradnja ovog najznačajnijeg šibenskog spomenika počela je 1431. godine pod vodstvom majstora Jurja Dalmatinca, a završena je

godine 1536. U neposrednoj blizini se nalazi i Gradska vijećnica te Kneževa palača, u kojoj je smješten Muzej grada Šibenika. Mnogobrojne druge crkve koje se nalaze u starom dijelu grada, koji je i rekorder po broju stepenica u ovim krajevima, mogu se bez problema obići pješice nakon što se parkira brod ili automobil na području obale od stare zgrade ribarnice pa do gata Vrulje koji sada služi kao parkiralište i mjesto za prihvat velikih cruisera, a u bliskoj budućnosti će se znatno proširiti i dobiti moderni putnički terminal. Nakon šetnji kroz šibenske kale obvezno se treba popeti do tvrđave Sveti Mihovil, gdje turist može uživati u pogledu na cijeli šibenski zaljev, bez dima ili zagađenja. Nekad težački grad, Šibenik je u 20. stoljeću zahvatio val industrijalizacije, potaknut činjenicom da je još 1895. dobio električnu energiju koja se proizvodila i na danas postojećoj hidroelektrani Jaruga na rijeci Krki. No, Tvornica elektroda i ferolegura u predjelu Crnica je prestala sa radom polovicom 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća a proizvodnja aluminija u Tvornici lakih metala na Ražinama je znatno smanjena. Još neke tvrtke su stavile ključ u bravu, a zrak nad Šibenikom je postao izuzetno čist, baš kao i more nakon izgradnje kolektora za otpadne vode. Baš te činjenice, uz blagu mediteransku klimu gdje se i zimi temperatura kreće blizu 10 stupnjeva Celzija, trebaju odrediti šibensku budućnost. Ona se logično naslanja i na bogatu povijesnu i kulturnu baštinu, pa se stoga u Šibeniku održavaju razne manifestacije, od kojih je najpoznatiji Međunarodni dječji festival, koji ove godine puni ravnih pet desetljeća trajanja. Najnoviji u ovom nizu je Festival u srednjovjekovnom Šibeniku, koji se održava u rujnu.

The Sibenik Times


Sibenik is situated in the central part of the Croatian coastline, at the mouth of the river Krka, between two national parks, The Kornati Islands and The River Krka, and this area is voted the most attractive world nautical destination. Sibenik is an economic, cultural and political center of the Sibenik – Knin County. It is the city which has changed in the beginning of the 90s up to now from extremely industrial city into a tourist center and very soon into a leading nautical destination on the Adriatic Sea. Šibenik, smješten na centralnom dijelu hrvatske obale, na ušću rijeke Krke, između dva nacionalna parka, Kornati i Krka a područje u kojem se nalazi proglašeno je najatraktivnijom svjetskom nautičkom destinacijom. Šibenik je gospodarski, kulturni i politički centar ŠibenskoKninske županije. Grad koji se od početka 90-ih do danas od izrazito industrijskog grada pretvorio u turističko središte, a uskoro i u vodeće nautičko središte Jadrana.



The Sibenik Times


10:32:11 AM










Šibenik, 15.−19.10. 2008. radno vrijeme od 10 do 18h event partner

sajam partneri

Posjetite premijerni nautički sajam Adriatic Boat Show koji će vam na poseban način približiti more i sve mogućnosti uživanja u njemu. Zanimljiv kongresni program s renomiranim govornicima iz područja razvoja marina, dizajna jahti, brodogradnje i ronjenja kao i ekskluzivna gastro ponuda iz regije neće vas ostaviti ravnodušnima. Uz brodograditelje i zastupnike novih i rabljenih plovila, na Adriatic Boat Showu predstavit će se i zastupnici sportske odjeće i obuće, motora i brodske opreme, te predstavnici stranih i domaćih marina te charter kompanije.


Dobrodošli na 1. šibenski međunarodni sajam nautike Adriatic Boat Show!

pokrovitelji Ministarstvo turizma REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE

generalni sponzor Ministarstvo mora, prometa i infrastrukture

službeno vozilo

službeno osiguranje

službena odjeća

medijski pokrovitelji

The Sibenik Times




he Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) is believed to be the world’s rarest pinniped and one of the most endangered mammals of the world. This species of monk seal grows from approximately 80 cm long at birth to an average of 2.40 m in adults. The latter weigh up to 320 kg, females being slightly smaller than males. Pups are born in a black natal fur, often with a white patch beneath whose shape can be used to identify individuals for the rest of their lifes. The average lifespan of these animals is unknown, but is thought to be somewhere around 20-25 years. Believed to have the shortest hair of any pinniped, the Mediterranean monk seal fur is black (males) or brown to dark grey (females) with a paler belly which is close to white in males. The snout is short broad and flat, with very pronounced, long nostrils that face upward, unlike their Hawaiian relative who tend to have more forward nostrils. The flippers are relatively short, with small slender claws. Monk Seals have two pairs of retractable abdominal teats unlike most all other pinnipeds. The Mediterranean Monk Seals are diurnal and feed on a variety of fish and mollusks, primarily octopus and squid, up to 3kg per day. They are known to forage, mostly, at depths of 150-230 feet. The habitat of this seal has changed over the years. In ancient times, and up until the 20th century, Mediterranean Monk Seals have been known to congregate, give birth, and seek refuge on open beaches. In more recent times, they have left their former habitat and, now, only use sea caves for such things, and more often than not, these caves are rather inaccessible to humans due to underwater entries, and because the caves are often positioned along

remote or rugged coastlines. Scientists have confirmed that this is a recent adaptation, most likely, due to the unwanted excitement of the 20th century. Not only because of two World Wars, but because of a rapid increase in population, tourism, and industry. These have been the ultimate causes of habitat destruction and loss for these animals. Because these seals’ shy nature and sensitivity to human disturbance, they have slowly adapted to try avoid contact with humans completely within the last century, and, perhaps, even earlier than that. This change in habitat, however, has not been good for the seals, particularly the young. Coastal caves are dangerous for newborns and are major mortality cause among pups. This earless seal’s former range extended throughout the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea coastlines including all offshore islands of the Mediterranean, and into the Atlantic and its islands, as far South as Gambia and as far West as the Azores. Several causes have provoked a dramatic population decrease over the time, mostly commercial hunting (especially during the Roman Empire and Middle Ages) and, during the 20th century, eradication by fishermen – who used to consider it a pest due to the damage the seal causes to fishing nets when it preys on fish caught in those – and coastal urbanisation. The species has gone extinct in the Sea of Marmara, due to pollution and heavy ship traffic from the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus. In addition, the last report of a seal in Black Sea dates to the late 1990s. Nowadays its entire population is estimated to be less than 600 individuals scattered throughout a wide distribution range, which qualifies this species as Critically Endangered. Its current very sparse population is one

more serious threat to the species, as it only has two key sites which can be deemed viable: the Aegean Sea and, specially, the one in the Western Sahara portion of Cabo Blanco (which may support the small but growing nucleus in the Desertas Islands). These two key sites for the species are virtually in the extreme opposites of its distribution range, which makes natural population interchange impossible. The only other locations in the seal’s former range where it can still be found consist of small populations in Madeira, the Desertas Islands, South-Eastern Turkey, and the Ionian Sea, in the coastal waters of Western Greece and Southern Albania and the tiny, virtually relict, Morocco Mediterranean population (a recent confirmed sighting in Majorca indicates that the seal can still be seen in the Balearic Islands if only as a vagrant). In the summer of 1997, two thirds of the largest surviving single population of Mediterranean monk seals (the one in Cabo Blanco) were wiped out within the space of two months, extremely compromising the species’ viable population. While opinions on the precise causes of this epidemic remain sharply divided (the most likely cause being either a morbilivirus or a toxic algae bloom) the mass die-off emphasised the precarious status of a species already regarded as critically endangered throughout its range. While still far below the beginning of 1997, numbers in this all important location have started a slow paced recovery ever since. Currently the population in this location is estimated at 150 individuals, down from approximately 300 in 1997 but still the largest colony by far. The threat of a similar incident that could wipe out this entire population remains.

SREDOZEMNA MEDVJEDICA S redozemna medvjedica (Monachus monachus) je vjerojatno najrjeđi perajar ali i jedan od najugroženijih sisavaca na Svijetu. Dio je porodice pravih tuljana (Phocidae). Ovaj rod životinja rađa se s oko 80 cm dužine, a kad odrastu, mogu doseći dužinu od oko 2,40 metara. Težina im može biti sve do 320 kg, pri čemu su ženke nešto manje i lakše. Krzno im je crno (mužjaci) ili smeđe do tamno sivo (ženke) sa svjetlijim trbuhom koji je kod mužjaka gotovo bijel. Mladunci se rađaju u jesen, a u vodu ulaze u dobi od dva tjedna. Majke ih doje do starosti od oko 18 tjedana. Rađaju se s crnim krznom, često s mjestimičnim bijelim flekama. Šare, odnosno oblik i mjesto ovih bijelih fleka mogu se koristiti za prepoznavanje pojedinih jedinki. Spolno zreli postaju u dobi od četiri godine, a očekivan životni vijek im je više od 20 godina. Skotna ženka sredozemne medvjedice

za koćenje i podizanje mladunca traži nepristupačnu špilju s ulazom ispod morske razine, iako povijesni opisi govore, da su sve do 18. stoljeća u tu svrhu koristile i otvorene plaže. To su dnevne životinje koje se hrane ribom i školjkašima, no primarno glavonošcima. Dnevno im je potrebno više od 3 kg hrane. Sredozemne medvjedice nekada su nastanjivale obale Sredozemnog i Crnog mora i dijelove obala Atlantika na jug do Zelenortskih otoka a na zapad do Madeire. S vremenom, niz razloga doveo je do dramatičnog pada brojnosti populacije. To je ranije bio uglavnom komercijalni lov (naročito u vrijeme Rimskog carstva i u srednjem vijeku. U 20. stoljeću ribari ih doživljavaju kao konkurenciju i smatraju, da im oštećuju mreže, a velik problem morskim medvjedicama je i urbanizacija obala. U Mramornom moru vrsta je izumrla zbog zagađenja i vrlo velikog brodskog

prometa kroz Bospor i Dardanele. Pored toga, u Crnom moru je zadnji put viđena kasnih 1990ih. Procjenjuje se, da ukupna populacija broji nešto manje od 600 jedinki raspršenih na vrlo velikom području, što znači da je vrsta kritično ugrožena. Smatra se, da su dva mjesta ključna, jer imaju relativno velike populacije, Egejsko more i, naročito, populacija koja nastanjuje obalu zapadne Sahare, odnosno kod poluotoka Ras Nouadhibou (Mauritanija, Zapadna Sahara) i mogla bi podržati malenu ali u porastu, populaciju na otočju Desertas (Portugal). Ova dva ključna mjesta za opstanak sredozemne medvjedice toliko su međusobno udaljena, da praktično ne postoji mogućnost razmjene genetskog materijala između ovih skupina. U ljeto 1997. godine dvije trećine najveće populacije (one kod Zapadne Sahare) uginule su u roku od dva mjeseca, ugrozivši na taj

način njenu vitalnost. Nije jasno što je izazvalo ovaj pomor. Pretpostavke su različite, no niti jedna nije dokazana. U međuvremenu, iako je još daleko od brojnosti koju je kolonija imala (procjena je 300 jedinki 1887.) prije ove epidemije, postepeno se oporavlja i narasla je na oko 150 jedinki. Iako je sredozemna medvjedica bila stanovnik Jadrana, zna se da je 1964. ubijen zadnji primjerak sredozemne medvjedice koji je živio u hrvatskom dijelu Jadrana. Od 2003. godina raste broj dojava o viđenju (od okolici Biševa, do okolica Opatije). Potvrde li se ova izviješća, postoji mogućnost da je, usprkos uvriježenom mišljenju da je u Jadranu izumrla, nekoliko jedinki preživjelo i da se populacija donekle obnovi. U Hrvatskoj je strogo zaštićena vrsta. Udomaćeno neznanstveno ime ove vrste u Hrvatskoj je “morski čovik”, “morski medvid” ili “morski fratar”.

The Sibenik Times


NAUTICAL CENTER PRGIN The story about Nautical Center Prgin began in the mid-1990s when nautical tourism in Croatia had its revival after several years of stagnation. Having used a convenient moment at the market, the rise of charter of vessels and high demands of boaters, Nautical Center Prgin has decided from the very beginning to offer its services at a high level and to offer guests a holiday and all the necessary technical

support, not only with a charter base but also with its service boat for emergency cases at sea in order to enable guests to rely on the NCP team assistance 24 hours a day. From its foundation up to now Nautical Center Prgin has developed and profiled into a recognized and acknowledged company specialized in nautical tourism. The company has extended its spectrum of services and products


over the years, and it represents today a leading nautical center with 10 sister companies which employ altogether around 400 employees. Nautical Center Prgin has been very soon recognized among the most demanding clients from Croatia and abroad as a reliable partner due to its services and programs adjusted to individual demands / needs of guests, and its popular shortened name

• NCP CHA RTER wins an a Business Y acht Charte ward for the Best r Company. • NCP CHA RTER, com pany fully Nautical Ce owned by nter Prgin from Šiben the award ik has won for the Be st Business Company f Yacht Char or Europe ter in 2008. • This firs t annual tr avel award oured by th has been h e well know onn british m ness Desti agazine „B nations“. usi• NCP CHA RTER has p roven to be in Croatia „i and has co ntributed to ndustry leader“ travel indu the growth stry in the of country. • This awa rd is anoth e r argument quality, reli that prove ability and s tradition th nurtures s at this com ince its esta pany blishment in 1995.

NCP has become a brand for a quality holiday on a yacht, either as a sailing with a family, a corporate regatta, team building program or a luxurious cruising on the Adriatic Sea with a crew.

Among its highest achievements NCP lists the following:

• a gained concession over the Repair Shipyard Šibenik in 2004. • a foundation of a com-

pany for the production of pontoons and marine systems after the Finnish license Marinetek NCP in 2005. • the construction of marina with 350 berths in the shortest period of time even for European standards • making partnership with the City of Šibenik for the construction of Hotel Šibenik in 2007. • negotiating for the partnership with a leading

international group specialized in construction, development and management of marinas with the seat in New York IGY – Island Global Yachting 2008 a unique nautical center on the Adriatic Sea and in the Mediterranean with all its facilities and top quality of service covers all the needs of tourists and boaters, yacht owners and crew who stay on board and at sea during the whole year.

The Sibenik Times

IN NAUTIČKI CENTAR PRGIN Priča o Nautičkom Centru Prgin počela je sredinom 90ih kada je nautički turizam u Hrvatskoj nakon nekoliko godina stanke ponovno doživljavao svoj procvat. Iskoristivši povoljan trenutak na tržištu, rast trenda iznajmljivanja plovila i zahtjevnost nautičara Nautički Centar Prgin se od samog početka odlučio da svoje usluge ponudi na visokom nivou te da gostima pruži odmor i svu


potrebnu tehničku podršku ne samo u charter bazi već i servisnim brodom za hitne intervencije na moru kako bi se gosti 24 sata mogli osloniti na asistenciju NCP tima. Nautički Centar Prgin se od svog osnivanja do danas razvio i profilirao u priznatu i poznatu tvrtku specijaliziranu za nautički turizam. Tvrtka je proširila spektar svojih usluga i proizvoda tijekom godina, te

ajbolja radu kao N g a n ja a v s RTER o • NCP CHA a. sništvu arter tvrtk h otpunom vla p u poslovna c a tk r tv vojila je RTER, ibenika, os Š • NCP CHA iz in g r P tvrtka u centra na charter v lo Nautičkog s o p a lj o Najbo nagradu ka je od 08. godini. dodjeljena a d Evropi u 20 a r g a n usiness godišnja asopisa „ B č g o • Ova prva k s n a it natog br strane poz ijski ns“. kao „industr o a Destinatio z a k o d turističke RTER se rinos rastu p o d • NCP CHA je o a atske i d sti prvak“ Hrv , pouzdano u državi. a kvalitete d r tv djelatnosti a o p tk u a n os je dodatn je od svog • Nagrada rtka njegu tv a v o ju o k i tradicije e. in d o g . 5 199

danas predstavlja vodeći hrvatski nautički centar sa 10 tvrtki kćeri koje zajednički zapošljavaju preko 400 djelatnika. Zbog usluga i programa prolagođenih individualnim zahtjevima/ potrebama gosta Nautički Centar Prgin je i među najzahtjevnijim klijentima iz Hrvatske i inozemstva vrlo brzo prepoznat kao pouzdan partner, a njegovo popularno skra-

ćeno ime NCP postao je brand za kvalitetan odmor na jahti, bilo da se radi o jedrenju s obitelji, korporativnoj regati, tim building programu ili luksuznom krstarenju Jadranom s posadom.

U najveća postignuća dosadašnjeg razvoja NCP ubraja:

• dobivanje koncesije nad Remontnim brodogradilištem Šibenik 2004.

• osnivanje tvrtke za proizvodnju pontona i marinskih sistema po finskoj licenci Marinetek NCP 2005. • izgradnja marine s 350 vezova u – čak za evropske pojmove - rekordnom roku • sklapanje partnerstva s Gradom Šibenikom za izgradnju Hotela Šibenik 2007 • ugovaranje partnerstva s vodećom međunarodnom grupacijom specijali-


ziranu za izgradnju, razvoj i management marina sa sjedištem u New Yorku IGY- Island Global Yachting 2008 Jedinstveni nautički centar na Jadranu i Mediteranu, koji svojim sadržajima i vrhunskom kvalitetom usluge pokriva sve potrebe turista i nautičara, brodovlasnika i posada koje borave na brodu i na moru tijekom cijele godine.


The Sibenik Times

r a e y This . . . s e r u t c i p in

u a n i God . . . a m slika

A part of the rubbish taken out of the sea around the NCP marina. / Dio izvadjenog smeca iz podmorja u sibenskoj marini NCP Mandalina. Foto: Ante Baranic / Cropix

The largest concrete pontoon gets prepared for its client in Turkey in the NCP Remontnog shipyard. / Najveci ponton do sada izljeven od betona za narucitelja iz Turske izlio se u pogonu “ Remontnog brodogradilista NCP “ u Šibeniku. Foto: Ante Baranic / Cropix

A party organized by Goran Prgin at his Sibenik marina “Mandalina” / Na partyu koji je organizirao Goran Prgin u svojoj sibenskoj marini “Mandalina”. Foto: Ante Baranic / Cropix

Pirovac organized its first regatta in the Pirovac bay. / Pirovac JK Azimut iz Pirovca organizirao je prvu regatu u Pirovackom zaljevu. Foto: Niksa Stipanicev / Cropix

Police boats on mooring in the Sibenik port preparing to control the economicfishing belt. / Brodovi Pomorske Policije na vezu u sibenskoj luci kontrolirati ce Zasticeni ekonomsko-ribolovni pojas. Foto: Niksa Stipanicev / Cropix

A real souvenir from under the sea, a diver found a part of a World War II bomb when he was cleaning the sea bed in NCP marina./ Pravi suvenir iz podmorja izvukao je ronilac prilikom ciscenja podmorja u sibenskoj marini NCP Mandalina. To je dio granate iz drugog svjetskog rata. Foto: Ante Baranic / Cropix

The Sibenik Times

Directors and partners from Turkey outside the Sibenik City council. / Poslovni partneri iz Turske sjede na zidu katedrale. Foto: Niksa Stipanicev / Cropix

Director of Klaster small shipyard Ante Jukic (left) and Goran Prgin signing contracts on business co-operation in Sibenik. / Direktor Klastera male brodogradnje Ante Jukic ( ljevo ) i Goran Prgin potpisuju ugovor o poslovnoj suradnji u Sibeniku. Foto: Ante Baranic / Cropix


A 20 meter long pontoon, this is until now the longest concrete pontoon produced and right here in Sibenik. / 20 metarski pontoni koji se proizvode u sibenskom remontnom brodogradilistu u odjelu MARINATEK NCP. Foto: Radovan Goger / Cropix

As a sign of remembrance for the first time that workers raised the Croatian flag at NCP shipyard 17 years ago. / U znak sjecanja na godisnjicu kada su prvi puta radnici Remontnog brodogradilista u Sibeniku digli Hrvatski zastavu, danas su radnici NCP-a ponovo podigli zastavu na isti jarbol kao prije 17 godina. Foto: Radovan Goger / Cropix

Skradin marina this year was able to accept some of the biggest megayachts thanks to the concrete pontoons produced at NCP shipyard. / Skradinska marina ove godine zapocela je s primanjem u privez i megajahte a sve zahvaljujuci jos jednom domacem proizvodu - betonskom pontonu kojeg proizvodi NCP Remontno brodogradiliste. Foto: Stanko Feric / Cropix

During a football match a signal rocket fell into Marine Tribunj and set fire to a motor launch Mava III. / Tjekom nogometne utakmice ispalio je signalnu raketu koja je pala u krug Marine Tribunj na motornu jahtu Mava III. Foto: Radovan Goger / Cropix

The site for a planned building of a hotel with 300 rooms and a marina for mega yachts with 400 berths in a project by Nautical Centre Prgin. / Vojarna Kuline u kojoj se planira gradnja hotela sa 300 soba i marine za mega jahte sa 400 vezova u projektu Sibenik koji ce realizirati Nautik Centar Prgin. Foto: Niksa Stipanicev / Cropix

The largest yacht in the world “Phocea” arrives at NCP shipyard for a service. / U Sibeniku je u NCP Remontnom brodogradilistu dosla na servis najveca jedrilica na svijetu “ Phocea “. Foto: Ante Baranic / Cropix


The Sibenik Times

EXPLORE THE COUNTY PRIMOŠTEN Primošten is certainly one the most beautiful places on the Adriatic coastline. It gets its name from the peninsular on which it is situated and which until the 16th century was detached from the mainland. In 1542, in the days when the Turkish were conquering the area, the local inhabitants built a movable bridge together with towers and fortifications so they could defend themselves from enemies. When the Turkish retreated and the threat of invasion ceased the bridge was destroyed and in its place an embankment was constructed which is still in place today. Today a network of narrow side streets criss-cross the peninsular with typical Dalmatian walls, buildings and architecture. The town’s skyline is dominated by the church St. Jurja, whose

foundations were laid in 1760. Inside this beautiful church are kept precious paintings such as The Virgin Mary (which has a solid silver frame) and St. Maria with St. Luke (painted in 1719) as well as a graveyard with a spectacular panorama. This, however, isn’t the oldest church in the area. This honour goes to St. Jere which was constructed in 1460 and is located in Široke near to Primošten. Due to the location and climate, Primošten has been recognised as a tourist destination for a long time. In fact tourist development goes back at least fifty years. The symbol of tourism in the area is the hotel complex Primošten, which despite being damaged in the Homeland War and losing some of its capacity, has kept its image and has been renovated in

the last few years. Primošten also has a strong history with wine production and olive growing and with these roots has developed “rural” tourism recently in the surrounding countryside. Apart from the already established production of domestic smoked ham (pršut) and cheese, the area is also now famous for the development of ecologically friendly foods including chick peas, lentils, beans and of course the unmistakeable olive oils. The most well known product of this area is almost certainly the red wine “Babić”, which is produced from grapes grown in the Bucavac region. These vineyards have the official status of a monument to “peoples work” and a painting depicting them hangs from a reception hall in the UN headquarters in New York. In

close proximity to Primošten lies the marina Kremik. The beauty of this marina is unique on the Adriatic Sea and it is certainly one of the safest and most well protected marinas in the region. It is defended from winds from all four points of the compass and is well used by mariners from all over the world, there are also an organised diving and surfing clubs. It is also possible to anchor yachts, with a draft up to 3.5 meters, close to the town of Primošten. But care must be taken because the port is open to winds from the south and west and good attention must be taken when mooring and anchoring. Apart from the rich gastronomic offer the town has to offer there are a number of other interesting activities for guests. For younger guests and the “young at heart”

a disco, “Aurora” is situated on the hill overlooking the town, which is in fact the largest in this part of the Adriatic. Two important events for the area are the traditional “Primošten Festival” and the “Primošten delicacies” which are held in the first week of August. Also mention must be made of the art gallery “Sfere” as well as the ambient gallery “Kamene Sfere”. In Primošten there is also a ballet school, run by the famous ballet experts Ane Roje and Oskar Harmoš. There are also plans to turn the Orson Welles’s former villa into a museum. The world famous actor fell in love with the area so much that he planned to live here permanently, unfortunately his premature death ended his dream of enjoying his Primošten vision.

OTKRIJTE ŽUPANIJU PRIMOŠTEN Primošten je zasigurno jedno od najljepših mjesta na jadranskoj obali. Ime je dobio po poluotoku na kojem se nalazi, a koji je do 16. stoljeća bio odvojen od kopna. U vrijeme turskih osvajanja 1542. godine stanovnici su izgradili pokretni most zajedno sa bedemom i kulama kako bi se što bolje obranili od neprijatelja. Prestankom opasnosti nakon što su se Turci povukli, most je srušen i umjesto njega je sagrađen nasip, koji se zadržao do današnjih dana. Inače, mjesto se prije zvalo Capusta Cista, i pod njim se zadnji put spominje godine 1564., a poslije toga po dalmatinskom izrazu primostiti dobija sadašnje ime. Na današnjem poluotoku se zadržala mreža uskih ulica, tipičnih dalmatinskih kala sa dijelom vanjskih zidina, a panoramom dominira Župna crkva Svetog Jurja, temeljito pregrađena 1760. godine. U njoj se čuva ikona Svete Blažene Djevice

Marije sa srebrnim okovom i slika Svete Marije sa Svetim Lukom i Jurjem iz 1719. godine, djelo majstora Cusia. Također, tu se nalazi i mjesno groblje sa neobično lijepom panoramom. Ako se gleda na starost, crkva koja je na primoštenskom području najduže sačuvana je ona Svetog Jere iz 1460. godine, koja se nalazi u zaleđu Primoštena, u mjestu Široke. Zbog položaja i klime, Primošten je već odavno prepoznat kao atraktivna turistička destinacija, u kojoj je organizirani turizam razvijen već pedesetak godina. Simbol ovog napretka je ponajprije hotelsko naselje Primošten koje je, premda reduciranih kapaciteta nakon Domovinskog rata, zadržalo svoju prepoznatljivost i nakon obnove zadnjih godina opet postalo vrhunsko odredište za sve one koji žele uživati u izuzetno lijepom okolišu i kristalno čistom moru. Primošten je od davnina i mjesto u

kojem su se stanovnici bavili vinogradarstvom i maslinarstvom. Na tim korijenima se u zadnje vrijeme razvija i seoski turizam u zaleđu. Osim već etabliranih proizvoda tipa domaćeg pršuta i sira, sve se više nudi i ekološki uzgojena hrana, pa i ona makrobiotičkog tipa – slanutak, leća, te nezaobilazno maslinovo ulje. Najpoznatiji proizvod primoštenskog kraja je zasigurno crno vino sorte Babić, koje se dobija od grožđa vinove loze posađene na lokalitetu Bucavac – malim površinama zemlje ograđenih kamenim suhozidovima, gdje sve zajedno podsjeća na čipku ili pčelinje saće. Ovi vinogradi imaju službeni status spomenika ljudskom radu, a također se ističe da se njihova slika nalazi u predvorju zgrade Ujedinjenih naroda u New Yorku, za što ipak nema službene potvrde. Inače, u neposrednoj blizini se nalazi marina Kremik, jedinstvena na Jadranu, najljep-

ša i najsigurnija prirodna uvala za turističke brodove. Zaklonjena od svih vjetrova, stjecište je nautičara iz svih krajeva, a ovdje su organizirani i ronilački kao i surferski klubovi. U samom Primoštenu isto tako postoji mogućnost priveza jahti sa gazom do 3,5 metra, s tim da je luka izložena južnim i zapadnim vjetrovima, te je naročitu pažnju potrebno obratiti u slučaju sidrenja u uvali, jer se zna dogoditi da u slučaju jakog vjetra sidro ne drži. Osim bogate gastronomske ponude u samom Primoštenu i u njegovom zaleđu, postoje i brojni sadržaji za goste, od onih mlađih pa sve do zahtjevnije klijentele. Za mlade je dosta spomenuti da se na brdu iznad mjesta nalazi disco club Aurora, najveći u ovom dijelu Dalmacije, popularno odredište i za turiste iz susjednih županija. Osim tradicionalnih priredbi tipa Primoštenska fešta i Primoštenske užance, koje se održavaju

prvog tjedna u kolovozu, ovdje se slavi blagdan Gospe od Loreta u svibnju te Gospe od Porta potkraj srpnja. Vrijedno je zabilježiti i likovnu koloniju More, ljudi, obala. Također postoji i umjetnička galerija Sfere kao i ambijentalna galerija Kamene sfere. Tu je i glazbena škola Primo primores kao i ljetna barokna glazbena škola. U Primoštenu je svojedobno djelovala i Baletna škola pod vodstvom poznatih stručnjaka Ane Roje i Oskara Harmoša, a danas postoje planovi i za bivšu vilu poznatog glumca Orsona Wellesa, koja bi se eventualno prenamijenila za kulturne potrebe ili svojevrsni muzej. Pokojni poznati glumac toliko se zaljubio u ovaj kraj da je tu planirao i stalno živjeti, nažalost prerana smrt ga je spriječila da do kraja uživa u primoštenskim vizurama, koje su svako ljeto mamac mnogobrojnim turistima iz svih krajeva Europe i svijeta.


The Sibenik Times The Sibenik Times

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Medieval mediterranean garden of St Lawrence monastery Medieval Mediterranean Garden of St Lawrence Monastery (MMG) in Sibenik was restored and opened on 6th November 2007 after being forgotten about for a hundred years. MMG is an integral part of the St Lawrence Monastery and an integral part of the programs that the Sibenik Private Gymnasium has developed. The restoration project of MMG was completed by renowned landscape architect, Dragutin Kiš, who received the Millennium Award for Flora in Japan, 2000. This particular type of garden is notably rare, as it is the only one of its kind in Croatia, and there a very few in this part of Europe. MMG follows an established medieval design: a cross design for a pathway, small centrally located water feature, with low growing varieties framed by box tree and beautiful spectacular

old varieties aromatic rose standards. There are four sections filled with medicinal plants and herbs. A special place has been assigned for our assortment of thyme in a wonderful array of red, purple, silver, light and dark green foliage. The sensational combination of colours is a true work of art. Another notable attraction in the garden are the capers. Legend has it that Juraj Dalmatinac brought the first capers to Sibenik. They have been planted within the gaps and cracks in the stone walls as a homage to the great builder. The inclusion of this simple medieval plant we are able to tie together the main features of this region; stone; flora; Juraj Dalmatinac. Šibenik has claims on another signifi-

cant historical figure, Robert Visiani Šibenčanin. He was one of the most famous European botanists of the 12th Century and a professor at the famous University of Padua. From its inception the project to restore MMG was fueled by the objective to have the site open to the public. With this in mind we created a number of educational programs for schools and for organized tours. The MMG is situated within the St. Lawrence Monastery complex which means that during your visit to the space you can tour Our Lady’s Grotto, the Church of St Lawrence, the Monastery as well as a cafe, restaurant, and souvenir shop.

„Sv. Lovre“ u Šibeniku je obnovljen i otvoren 6.studenog 2007, nakon što je gotovo sto godina bio zaboravljen. SSMV je sastavni dio samostana Sv. Lovre, i sastavni dio programske sheme Šibenske privatne gimnazije. Projekt obnove SSMV napravio je naš poznati parkovni arhitekt, Dragutin Kiš, dobitnik milenijske nagrade Flora u Japanu 2000. godine. Ovaj vrt je rijetka znamenitost, jer je jedini samostanski vrt takve vrste u Hrvatskoj , inače ovakvi vrtovi su vrlo rijetki, svega nekoliko u ovom dijelu Europe. SSMV slijedi poznatu srednjovjekovnu shemu: križna staza, u središtu mali zdenac, jednostavno parterno uređenje obrubljeno šimširom i prekrasnim, starinskim mirišljavim ružama. U četiri polja je zasađeno ljekovito i začinsko bilje. Posebno mjesto pripada zbirci majčine dušice s prekrasnim crvenkastim, ljubičastim, sivkastim, svijetlozelenim i tamnozelenim bojama lišća. Kombinacijom boja zbirka je vrhunska likovna i oblikovna senzacija. Još jedna znamenitost vrta su kapari. Legenda kaže da je kapare u Šibenik donio Juraj Dalmatinac. Kapari su posađeni u šupljinama zidova te nas podsjećaju na velikog graditelja J. Dalmatinca. S pomoću jedne korisne „srednjovjekovne“ biljke mogu se povezati kamen, biljka i Juraj Dalmatinac. Isto tako, u našem gradu je rođen Robert Visiani Šibenčanin, jedan od najpoznatijih botaničara u Europi devetnaestog stoljeća, profesor na tada čuvenom padovanskom sveučilištu. Od samog početka projekta cilj je uređeni SSMV otvoriti javnosti. Kreirani su edukativni programi za školsku populaciju te promocija i organizirani prihvat turista. Budući da se SSMV nalazi u kompleksu samostana Sv. Lovre, prilikom obilaska posjetitelji mogu obići Gospinu spilju i crkvu Sv. Lovre koji se nalaze također u sastavu Samostana .


The Sibenik Times


n the Sibensko- Kninska County there are 285 islands in the sea (which are larger than 1 kilometer squared) as well as islets, tidal islands and reefs, in fact the county has more islands than the rest of the Republic of Croatia. 149 of these islands are located in the Kornati National Park and the remaining 136 islands have a total surface area of 665 km squared.

If we compare this with other European countries we come up with some very interesting results. For example in Great Britain there are 803 islands, while in Denmark there is one peninsular and 499 islands. Further a field the island nation of Fiji in the Pacific Ocean has “only” 322 islands. In Europe the country with the most islands is Finland with an

impressive 179,000 islands (with more than 100 meters squared). For those who don’t know another interesting fact is that country also has 188,000 lakes (over 500 meters squared). Also in Europe Norway has 74,523 islands in their sea and 42,593 inland islands. The Republic of Croatia before half a century had 1,185 islands but after a recount three

years ago that was corrected to 1,246. Greece has 1,400 islands, Australia 8,222, New Zealand 1,065, the Philippines 7,100, the Maldives 1,192 islands and in Japan there are 6,852 islands with a surface area over 100 meters squared. To explain these examples a little better Japan has a coastline which is 27,359 kilometers long while Croatia has a coastline only

4,398 kilometers in length. Among these numerical “giants” from the world’s island nations there is no room for the Republic of Croatia. Although among the record holders in Europe, according to the category of indented coastlines, Croatia takes second place with a factor of 9,7. The leader is Norway (with a factor of 20) with Greece in third place (with a fac-

tor of 8) and fourth goes to Spain (with an indention factor of 5). Although these numbers and factors are impressive but to really get a feel for theses islands you need to take a more sentimental outlook. Every island is a machine for producing wonderful memories and every bay on them is a laboratory that invents new feelings.

Otočne računice U

ovoj je županiji 285 morskih otoka (većih od kvadratnog kilometra) i otočića, hridi (nad vodom i u vrijeme plime) i grebena, više no što ih imaju mnoge čitave zemlje. Njih 149 ih je u Kornatima, a 136 u ostatku otočja na ukupno 665 km2. Licitirajući brojkama o najobdarenijem moru kojem sjedimo u njegovom najljepšem dijelu poučno je pogledati preko granice. Najveći otočani među Europljanima, oni u

Velikoj Britaniji, imaju 803 otoka. U Danskoj je takav zbroj nacionalna krilatica jer imaju jedan poluotok i 499 otoka. Otočna država Fidži u Pacifiku ima “samo” 322 otoka. U Europi najviše otoka ima Finska sa 179 000 otoka (onih uopće većih od 100 m2). Komu je to neobično treba znati i to da ta zemlja ima 188 000 jezera, ne brojeći ona manja od 500 m2. I močvarna Južna Karolina ima 2 508 otoka. Norveška ima 74 523 mor-

skih i 42 593 unutrašnjih otoka. Takvo istančano prebrojavanje je i pola stoljeća star hrvatski zbroj od 1 185 prije tri godine ispravilo na 1 246. U Grčkoj je 1 400 otoka, u Australiji 8 222 (od toga na Tasmaniju otpada jedna tisuća), na Novom Zelandu 1 065, na Filipinima 7 100, na Maldivima 1 192, a u Japanu onih koji su veći od 100 m2 ima ukupno 6 852. Obala Japana je duga 27 359 km, dok u Hrvatskoj imamo 4

398 km dugu obalu svih otoka i još dvije tisuće kilometara dugu obalu. Nakon što su svoje otoke pobrojali na satelitskim snimcima u najotočnijoj zemlji svijeta su zbroj povisili na 18 108 indonezijskih otoka s 20 731 km2 (u Hrvatskoj 3 259 km2, osam puta manje od jedne Sardinije), a ukupna im je otočna obala duga 108 920 km. Od tih je oko 6 000 otoka nastanjeno. U društvu tih numeričkih “teškaša” iz svijeta otoka

nema najvišeg mjesta za Hrvatsku. Među rekordima ona s faktorom 9,7 u Europi zauzima drugo mjesto po razvedenosti obale, poslije Norveške (s faktorom 20) a prije Grčke (faktor razvedenosti je 8) i Španjolske (faktor razvedenosti je 5). To je stvarnost brojki. Za doživljaj prostora ipak je važnija sentimentalna geografija. Ni na tako razvedenoj obali nema brojki koje mogu nadomjestiti sjećanja na boravljenja u ovakvom

krajoliku. Svaki je otok stroj za proizvodnju sjećanja, a svaka njegova uvala laboratorij u kakvom se uvijek iznova izumljuju neprocjenljivosti iz područja nepredvidive ljudske kemije. Morsko otočje poput Kornata, riječni otočić poput Visovca, slapovi i sprudovi s obje strane razdjelnice kopna i mora u ovom su kraju ostvarili kombinaciju kakva se ne može zaboraviti ni pred kakvim rekorderskim zbrojem.

1. Exhibition area 1 2. Exhibition area 2 3. Exhibition area 3 4. Exhibition area 4 5. Exhibition area 5 6. Exhibition area 6 7. Exhibition pier 8. Exhibition pier 9. Exhibition pier 10. Exhibition VIP pier


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The Sibenik Times

A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING CLIMATE The average annual temperature of the Sibenik Riveria is 16 ºc. The average daily hours of sunshine is seven hours, while the average annual number of sunshine hours is 2555. Every year around 886 litres of rain fall per metre squared. The summer temperatures are around 28 ºc to 34ºc. Also the summer temperature of the sea is very pleasant for swimmers between 22ºc and 25ºc.

SIBENIK CATHEDRAL The city of Sibenik is best known for its magnificent cathedral St. Jacob. The cathedral is constructed entirely of stone. Not only according to beauty, construction and the significance of its style is it the most important building in the city but it is also recognized by the more eminent world organizations. On the 30th of November 200 the cathedral was added to the list of protected cultural monuments of UNESCO. The idea to build such a cathedral began in 1298 when Sibenik received the title of “city”. The construction started in 1431 and was finally completed in 1536.


KLIMA Srednja godišnja temperatura na Šibenskoj rivijeri iznosi 15,7 stupnjeva Celzija. Prosječna godišnja dnevna osunčanost je sedam sati, dok je prosječni godišnji broj sunčanih sati 2555. Godišnje padne oko 886 litara kiše po metru četvornom. Ljeti se najviša temperatura kreće u prosjeku između 28 i 34 stupnja Celzija. More se ljeti ugrije od 22 do 25 stupnjeva.

Šibenik je u svijetu poznat po svojoj veličanstvenoj prvostolnici, katedrali sv. Jakova, koja je cijela izgrađena od kamena. Prema ljepoti, gradnji i stilskim značajkama, nije samo najveća i najvrijednija zgrada graditeljskog naslijeđa u Šibeniku, nego je ona po tomu jedinstveni spomenik europskoga crkvenog graditeljstva, uvršten 30. studenoga 2000. na popis svjetske baštine UNESCO-a. Zamisao o gradnji velike stolne crkve potječe iz 1298. kada je Šibenik dobio naslov grada. Gradnja je započela 1431 i s prekidima trajala do 1536.



The Port of Sibenik is one of the most protected harbours on the whole of the Adriatic. The port is naturally protected from storms, winds and large waves. To enter into the port you first have to navigate the St. Ante canal, which is 2700 metres long and between 120 and 300 metres wide. Ships up to 50,000 DWT (Deadweight tonnage) can freely sail through the canal. The length of the Sibenik harbour is ten kilometres and the width is between 300 and 1,200 metres. The depth is between 8 and 40 metres.

Vodice is the leading tourist destination on the Sibenik Riviera. The resort offers more than 10,000 beds in private accommodations and hotel rooms. During the tourist season in Vodice around 50,000 tourists stay daily. In the season one of the largest discos, Hacienda, on the Adriatic is filled with tourists from all over the world.

VODICE Vodice su vodeća turistička destinacija Šibenske rivijere. Nude više od 10 tisuća kreveta u privatnim apartmanima i hotelskim sobama. Tijekom turističke sezone u Vodicama dnevno boravi oko pedeset tisuća gostiju. U sezoni je u Vodicama otvorena i jedna od najvećih diskoteka na jadranskoj obali Hacienda.

ŠIBENSKA LUKA Šibenska luka je jedna od najzaštićenijih na hrvatskoj jadranskoj obali. Luka je prirodno zaštićena od olujnog vjetra i velikih valova. U nju se uplovljuje Kanalom sv. Ante, koji je dug 2700 i širok od 120 do 300 metara. Kanal omogućuje slobodnu plovidbu brodovima do 50.000 DWT. Duljina šibenske luke je deset kilometara, a širina je od 300 do 1.200 m. Dubina je od 8 do 40 metara.

INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S FESTIVAL The city of Sibenik has held a festival in the name of children since 1958. At the beginning the festival was named the Yugoslavian Children’s festival, and then in 1991 the name was changed to the International Children’s Festival. This year the festival should have marked its 50th anniversary, although in reality it was the 48th anniversary because at the beginning the festival was held once every two years. The International Children’s Festival is a multi-medial cultural event, in fact the festival includes the best of everything for children. It is held over two weeks, from the last week of June and the first week of July.

međunarodni DJEČJI FESTIVAL Od 1958. godine u Šibeniku se održava festival posvećen djeci. U početku se nazivao Jugoslavenski festival djeteta, a od 1991. nosi naziv Međunarodni festival djeteta. Ove godine obilježit će pedesetu obljetnicu održavanja, no to će biti njegovo 48 izdanje, jer se u početku održavao bienalno, svake druge godine. Međunarodni festival djeteta je multimedijalna kulturna svečanost, odnosno smotra onoga što je najbolje u stvaralaštvu za djecu. Održava se dva tjedna, u posljednjem tjednu u lipnju i u prvom tjednu u srpnju. MDF je član FIDOF-a, UNIM-e i ASSITEJ –a.

DALMATIAN CHANSON The evenings of Dalmatian Chanson has been held in Sibenik since 1998. It is today the highest quality Croatian festival of Chanson. Many performers from all over Croatia attend including four of the leading Croatian artists. The festival has in fact won the prestigious Porin award four times. These awards are presented by the Institute of Croatian Music and the festival has won the award in 2001, 2004, 2006 and 2007. This kind of success has not been achieved by any other festival in Croatian. The evenings of Dalmatian Chanson is traditionally held on the Republic of Croatia Square on the first Friday after the 15th of August.

DALMATINSKA ŠANSONA Večeri dalmatinske šansone održavaju se u Šibeniku od 1998. Danas je to najkvalitetniji hrvatski festival zabavnih melodija o čemu svjedoče i četiri najveće hrvatske diskografske nagrade Porin, koje je Institut Hrvatske glazbene industrije dodijelio ovom festivalu 2001.,2004.,2006. i 2007. godine. Takav uspjeh nije ostvario niti jedan drugi festival u Hrvatskoj. Večeri dalmatinske šansone tradicionalno se održavaju na Trgu Republike Hrvatske prvog petka i subote iza blagdana Velike Gospe 15. kolovoza.

The Sibenik Times

od svega pomalo



Sibenik Rivera has a very indented coastline with numerous bays, ports, more than 240 islands, reefs and points including the national park of Kornati. The direct airline length of the coastline is 56.2 kilometers but in reality it is 806 kilometers long due to the amount of inlets, rivers, bays and coves. The largest island in the Sibenik County is Kornat which has a surface area of 32,525,315 meters squared. The inhabited islands include Kopara, Gola Glava, Krapanj, Zlarin, Prvić, Tribunj, Kaprije, Žirje and Murter. On the island of Visovcu on the river Krka live Franciscan monks. The island with the highest peak is Kornat with 237 meters, while the lowest inhabited islands are Krapanj, seven meters above sea level and Tribunj only two meters above sea level.

The Sibenik Bridge is one of the most attractive spots in the world for free falling connected to a line of elastic, popularly known as bungee jumping. In the summer months a real crowd forms on the bridge, both of jumpers and spectators. The brave among them throw themselves off the bridge over the Krka river and fall 40 meters down before being catapulted by the nylon cord back up again. Bungee jumping is open everyday during the season and costs around 220 Kunas.

OBALA I OTOCI Šibenska rivijera ima vrlo razvedenu obalu s brojnim uvalama, lučicama, te s više od 240 otoka, otočića i nadmorskih grebena, od kojih se brojem i slikovitošću ističe kornatska skupina. Zračna duljina obale iznosi 56,2 km, a stvarna 805,9 kilometara. Najveći otok šibenskog akvatorija je Kornat s površinom od 32.525,315 četvornih metara. Naseljeni su otoci Kopara kod Rogoznice, Gola glava kod Primoštena, Krapanj, Zlarin, Prvić, Tribunj, Kaprije, Žirje i Murter. Na otoku Visovcu na rijeci Krki žive franjevci. Najviši otok je Kornat s 237 metara, dok su najniži naseljeni otoci Krapanj (sedam metara) i Tribunj (dva metra).

THE SIBENIK CAP AND BUTTON If you are considering taking an original souvenir from Sibenik home with you then I recommended to you the Sibenik Cap and the Sibenik Button. The Sibenik Cap can be bought in gift shops and souvenir shops and the Sibenik button can be found in gold and jewellery shops in the Old City of Sibenik.


BUNGEE JUMPING Šibenski most jedno je od najatraktivnijih mjesta na svijetu za slobodno poniranje elastičnim užetom, poznatije kao bungee jumping. U ljetnim mjesecima na mostu se stvori prava gužva kakao bi svi koji to žele mogli skočiti s mosta u rijeku Krku i ostati živi.

THE ISLAND OF PRVIĆ The island of Prvić is unique in the Sibenik County because it is the only island that has two settlements on it, they are Luka and Šepurina. The village of Prvić Luka was first inhaboted in 1461, while Šepurina first took shape in the 16th century. One of the greatest Croatian scientists, writers, philosophers, inventors and historians Faust Vrančić is buried in the county church in Luka. In fact the society of public health is currently building a monument park for Faust Vrančić.

ŠIBENSKA KAPA I PUCA Ako iz Šibenika namjeravate ponijeti neki izvorni predmet, onda vam preporučujemo šibenski kapu i šibensku pucu (botun, dugme), dvije najistaknutije pojedinosti stare šibenske narodne nošnje. Šibensku kapu možete kupiti u darovnim trgovinama i suvenirnicama, a šibensku pucu možete potražiti u zalarsko-filigramskim prodavaonicama u gradskom središtu.

OTOK PRVIĆ Posebnost Prvića je u tome što je to jedini otok u šibenskom akvatoriju na kojem se nalaze dva naselja - Luka i Šepurina. Mjesto Prvić Luku prvi su naselili franjevci-glagoljaši godine 1461. Naselje Šepurina oblikovano je u 16. stoljeću. Jedan od najvećih hrvatskih znanstvenika, filozof, pisac, izumitelj, polihistor i leksikograf Faust Vrančić pokopan je u župnoj crkvi u Prvić Luci. Udruga Narodno zdravlje u Luci upravo gradi Spomen park Faustu Vrančiću.



The donkey is a symbol of Dalmatia. Without this noble, timid, stubborn and very hardworking animal life would have been very different in Dalmatia. People wouldn’t have been able to move so much stone, harvest so many grapes, make roads and paths or build so many houses, villages or towns. Men brought water by donkey, climbed hills and mountains, for people the donkey was the key to success and hope for the future. And more importantly the donkey became man’s best friend and companion. In a sign of gratitude for this unique animal the towns of Tribunj and Primošten have both placed a statue to the donkey in the centre of the town. In Tribunj on the first Saturday in August is held the biggest and most well known “race of the donkeys” along the coast of the Adriatic.

The Sibenik area is famous for its tradition of wine production. It history dates from the period before the birth of Christ when vine yards were worked by the ancient Greeks and Romans. From the middle of the 15th century to the 20th century Sibenik became well known in Europe for its wine culture. In the 1930’s sparkling wines from Sibenik were extremely popular in Paris and the Vatican. The most well known grapes from the Sibenik region are Babić, Debit, Plavina, Lasin and Maraština. The most popular spirits (rakija) which are served as an appetiser before meals are travarica and loza.



Magarac je simbol Dalmacije. Bez ove plahe, plemenite, tvrdoglave, ali i vrlo izdržljive životinje ovdašnji čovjek nikad ne bi raskrčio toliko kamenjara, podigao brojne vinograde, i maslinike, probio putove i ceste, izgradio kuće, sela i svoje gradove. Na magarcu je čovjek donosio vodu, penjao se i silazio s njim strmim padinama, uz more ili u njegovu zaleđu, čovjeku je magarac bio nada i utjeha, njegova vjera u bolju budućnost, nerijetko i njegov jedini iskreni prijatelj. U znak zahvalnosti tom jedinstvenom stvoru, Tribunj i Primošten na svojim su središnjim trgovima podigli spomenik magarcu. U Tribunju se prve subote u kolovozu održava i najveća i najpoznatija utrka magaraca na jadranskoj obali.

Šibenski kraj poznat je po tradiciji proizvodnje vina. Ona datira iz razdoblja prije rođenja Isusa Krista kada su na ovdanjim obroncima vinovu lozu sadili stari Grci i Rimljani. Od sredine 15. do početka 20. stoljeća šibenski je kraj bio poznat u Europi kao vinska velesila. Tridesetih godina 20. stoljeća pjenušac iz šibenskih krajeva bio je omiljen u Parizu i Vatikanu.Najpoznatije sorte grožđa u šibenskom kraju su babić, debit, plavina, lasin i maraština. Najpoznatije rakije koje se piju prije jela su travarica i loza.

The Sibenik Times


• Health

PHARMACY BALDEKIN, Stjepana Radica 56a, tel. 332-068; PHARMACY CENTRALA, Stjepana Radica bb, tel. 213-539; PHARMACY VAROS, Kralja Zvonimira 32, tel. 212-539; PHARMACY PLENCA, Karla Vipauca 21, tel. 214 -118, Osme dalmatinske udarne brigade 3, tel. 331-022; DONATION PHARMACY, Brace Polica bb, tel. 333437, VITA- SPECIALISED TRADE FOR MEDICINES AND MEDICIAL PRODUCTS, Biskupa Fosca 11, tel. 215-850 and Biskupa Milete 5a, tel. 310-525; PHARMACY BARANOVIC-PETKOVIC, Stjepana Radica 1, tel. 212-061; PHARMACY RADIN, Kralja Zvonimira 121, tel. 338-716; PHARMACY COBANOV, Trg Ivana Pavla II, tel-fax: 331-255; HERBAL PHARMACY GOSPINA TRAVA, Stjepana Radica 27, tel. 219-245; HERBAL PHARMACY NATURA, Stjepana Radica 12, tel. 336-116.

• Banks

JADRANSKA BANKA: tel. 242-242; CROATIA BANKA: Trg Pavla Subica And br. 1, tel. 212-033; HRVATSKA POSTANSKA BANKA: A. Starcevica bb, tel. 337-345; OTP BANKA: Ante Supuka 22, tel. 062/201-444; PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB: Vladimira Nazora 1, tel. 322-150; RAIFFEISEN BANK AUSTRIA: Trg Drazena Petrovica bb, tel. 348-800; HVB - SPLITSKA BANKA: Poljana 2, tel. 022/214-663; ZAGREBACKA BANKA: Biskupa Milete 2a, tel. 022/201-370; ERSTE BANKA d.d.: Poljana 5, tel. 062/374-540; HYPO-GROUP ALPE ADRIA: Stjepana Radica 77a, tel. 311-940; VOLKSBANK: Trg Drazena Petrovica bb, tel. 668-100; KRIZEVACKA BANKA: Biskupa J. Milete 6, tel. 215-396.

• Buses Buses departing from Sibenik Sibenik–Trogir–Split at 00.00, 00.15, 2.30, 3.45, 4.35, 5.15, 6.45, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30 (except Sundays), 13.00, 14.00, 14.20, 15.10, 15.30, 15.40, 16.00, 16.30, 17.00 (except Saturdays), 18.00 18.15, 18.55, 19.00, 19.30, 20.30, 20.45, 21.15 (except Saturdays), 22.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Pirovac–Bio-

grad–Zadar at 5.45, 6.30, 7.00, 7.45 (including Sundays), 8.00, 8.45, 9.15 (except Saturdays), 9.45, 10.05, 11.00, 11.45, 12.00, 12.15, 13.00, 13.10, 13.45, 14.10, 14.37 (except Saturdays), 16.00, 16.15, 16.45, 17.45, 19.00, 20.40, 21.15, 21.40, 22.00 and 23.00; Sibenik–Rijeka at 6.30, 8.45, 9.15 (except Sundays), 9.45, 11.00, 13.00, 14.37, 16.45, 22.00 and 23.00; Sibenik–Makarska–Ploce–Dubrovnik at 00.00, 2.30, 4.35, 8.00, 11.00, 12.00, 14.20 and 15.10; Sibenik–Zagreb at 00.40, 1.30, 7.00, 7.45 (including Tuesdays and Fridays), 8.00, 9.15, 9.40, 10.05, 12.00, 13.45, 14.50, 15.30, 16.00, 17.30, 18.00 and 23.00; Local line - working days Sibenik-Drnis-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15, 9.30 and 15.15; Sibenik-Drnis-Kosovo-Knin at 8.30; 10.30; 11.30; 14.00; 20.00; Sibenik-Tisno-Jezera at 10.00(Jezera bus); Sibenik-Betina-Murter at 10.30 (Murter trade); Sibenik-Vodice-Kapela-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 11.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.05, 8.40, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 12.45, 14.00, 14.30, 19.10, 20.00; Sibenik-SrimaVodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00; 15.20 18.00; 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20, 13.30; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Pirovac-Kasic at 11.40, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Brodarica at 6.10, 7.00, 7.45, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.05, 14.00, 15.05, 16.05, 17.30, 19.10, 20.00, 21.10; Sibenik-Grebastica-Brnjaca-Drage-Bratski Dolac-Sapin Dolac at 12.25 (to Brnjace), 15.10; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica at 9.45; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica-Razanj at 11.00, 11.45, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Primosten (BIS) at 12.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin at 10.30 (Antonio tours), 11.15, 12.45, 14.00, 15.20, 15.30; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablace at 7.00, 9.00, 11.40, 13.15, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 19.15, 20.15., 17.40, 19.10, 20.15. Local line - Saturdays Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 9.00, 11.30, 14.00, 18.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.05, 8.40, 10.15, 20.00 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 12.00, 15.10, 20.15; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica-Razanj-S. Dolac at 11.45; SibenikSolaris-Zablace at 7.00, 9.00, 11.40, 14.15, 15.05, 17.40, 20.15. Local line - Sundays Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00, 14.00, 18.00; SibenikZaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablace at 9.00, 11.40, 14.15, 17.40, 20.15.

• Boats

SIBENIK – ZLARIN (ferry): Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11.00 hours, return at 14.55 hours. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE – ZIRJE: (ferry) Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 11.00 and 16.00 hours, return at 13.30 and 19.30 hours. Sundays and holidays at 11.00 and 19.00, return at 17.00 and 21.00 hours. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE - ZIRJE (hydro-speedboat Mislav): Mondays till Saturdays at 8.00 and 20.00 hours, return at 5.30 and 9.15 hours. Sundays and holidays at 8.00 and 20.10 hours. Return at 5.30 and 12.00 hours. SIBENIK – ZLARIN – PRVIC – SEPURINE - VODICE (line): Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 6.00, 9.30, 13.30, 15.30 and 19.30 hours. Return at 4.45, 12.00, 18.00 hours. Sundays and holidays at 9.30 and 20.45 hours. Return at 7.15 and 18.30 hours. Boat schedule valid until June 19th.


Important phone numbers

Powered by Šibenski list Božidara Petranovića 3, 22000 Šibenik, Tel: 022/311-300, fax: 022/330-100

The telephone code for Croatia is 00385 and for Sibenik and the Sibenik county dial 022

Director: Srđan Bužančić Editor-in-chief: Zdravko Pilić [email protected] Assistant editor: Mark Thomas [email protected] Reporters: Nevena Banić, Joško Čelar, Jadran Kale, Milko Kronja, Nikola Urukalo Photography: Vilson Polić, Nikolina Vuković, CROPIX Graphic editing: Luka Čanković, Orsat Lasić, Nino Milin Marketing: Nikolina Čvorak [email protected]; 091/302-0122 , Elida Slavica Printer: Slobodna Dalmacija In association with Tourist Board Šibenik: Goran Bulat, director

Police Fire brigade HAK roadside assistance Information Bus Station Tow away parking service Jadrolinija – ferries Croatian Railways General Hospital County council City council Port authority Meteorological station Sibenik University State archive City sanitation Tourist info centre


92 and 347-111 93 and 212-222 987 988 060 368-368 098/975 4196 218-663 9830, 333-696 246-246 244-200 332-021 217-217 338-585 311-060 330-370 332-325 214-411

060 368 368

KNIN Tourist Board, tel. 664-822; Health centre, tel. 660-552; General Hospital, tel. 663-732; Bus Station, tel. 661-005; Pharmacy, tel. 660-080; Red Cross, tel. 662-019; Library, tel. 660-010;

MURTER Tourist Board tel. 434-995; Pharmacy tel. 434-129; Doctor’s clinic tel. 435-262; Dentist tel. 436-026; National Park Kornati tel. 435740; City Council tel. 435-599; Jadranska bank tel. 443-137; Port Authority tel. 435-190,

PIROVAC Tourist Board tel. 466-770; Pharmacy tel. 467-099, from 8-14,30, Saturdays from 8 do 12. Doctor’s Clinic. 467-080; Post Office tel. 467-000; Jadranska bank tel. 466622; Fire Brigade tel. 467-090.

PRIMOŠTEN Tourist Office, Trg biskupa J. Arnerića 2 tel. 571-111; Port Authority, tel. 570-266; Library “dr. Ante Starčević” tel. 570-259; Doctor’s Clinic tel. 570-033; Pharmacy tel. 570-305.

Rogoznica Borough Rogoznica - tel/fax 022 559- 049;Por t Authority Rogoznica - 022 559-045; Tourist Board - 022 559-253; Doctor’s Surgery - 022 550032; Dentist - 022 558-392; Pharmacy Rogoznica - 022 558-330; Fire brigade - 022 559-294; Marina Frapa - tel: 559 900; Taxi - 091/666-0000; Post Office - tel: 559 080

SKRADIN Tourist Board tel. 771-306. Pharmacy - clinic of general medicine works Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7,30 do 13,30, and Tuesdays and Thursday from 13.30 to 19.30. tel. 771-099, 771-049;

TISNO / JEZERA Tourist Board, Put Zaratića 3, Jezera, tel. 022/439 – 120. Tourist Board Tel. 438-604. Pharmacy tel. 438 - 427; Doctor’s Clinic tel. 438-427, Jadranska banka tel. 438-486; Post Office tel. 439210; Port Authority tel. 439-313; Firebrigade tel. 438-751;

VODICE Tourist Board City of Vodice, Ive Čače 1a, tel. 443-888; City Council tel 444-900; Police tel. 443-150; Firebrigade tel. 441-324.

The Sibenik Times CROATIAN

Do you speak English?

Govoriš engleski?

You’re welcome

Nema na čemu

Where are you from?

Od kuda si?

Where are we going?

Gdje idemo?

Happy birthday

Sretan rođendan

I’m hungry (masculine)

Gladan sam

I’m hungry (feminine)

Gladna sam

What’s your name?

Kako se zoveš?

How old are you?

Koliko imaš godina?

No problem

Nema problema

See you

Vidimo se

Call me

Nazovi me

Some other time

Neki drugi put

How much does that cost?

Koliko to košta?

Strange but true Croatia may not be thought of as the hub of women’s libbers but new special parking spaces for women drivers introduced by a Croatian shopping center has caused quite a bit of controversy. Many female motorists are outraged and resent the implication that they need the extra wide parking spaces and ironically, men resent the fact women are ge-

tting special treatment. The special “women only” spaces are decorated with pink flowers and are wider and further apart. One female shopper said, “Do they think we’re disabled or something?” Managers at the center are now apologizing and said, “We didn’t mean any offence. Most of our customers are ladies and we just wanted to make their lives easier.”

Quote of the week

Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does.

Recipe of the week

Croatian “buzara” Shrimps Riddle of the week The man who invented it doesn’t want it. The man who bought it doesn’t need it. The man who needs it doesn’t know it. What is it? Answer -A coffin.



1 kg shrimp 10 g garlic (two garlic cloves, finely minced) 4 tablespoons olive oil 10 g raisins 1/2 cup strained tomatoes

1 cup fresh parsley leaves (minced) 5 g salt pepper (to taste) 1/2 liter white wine 10 g breadcrumbs

This is very simple Dalmatian recipe. Easy to make, delicious to taste.


Take a large pot and put olive oil and heat it, but not too much. Add garlic and fry just 30 seconds and than add all shrimps. Using wooden ladle mix the shrimps to cover them with oil. Add wine and cook for 5 minutes until alcohol evaporates. Add tomato, salt, raisins, pepper, bread crumbs. Mix gently with the ladle, or shake the whole pot to mix all ingredients. Cover and cook for 10-20 minutes (depends how large shrimps are). At the and add parsley leaves and serve.


Stuart Henderson




The Sibenik Times wednesday MOSTLY SUNNY HIGH 21 ºc LOW 11 ºc


friday RAIN HIGH 18 ºc LOW 9 ºc





A view over the world famous Sibenik Cathedral to the port and the Sibenik channel.

The same view over the terracotta rooftops of the Old City of Sibenik today.

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