The Sibenik Times (special), September 24th

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The Sibenik Times



Blagdan sv. Mihovila - Dan grada Šibenika

Day of the city of Sibenik

The Sibenik Times


From the editor



20:00 Exhibition – Group 12+1 – Sibenik authors Studio Gallery St. Krševana



10:00 Finals of the volleyball competition – South (M) Petar Krešimir IV School or the sports centre 11:00 Official sitting of the Sibenik City Council Sibenik theatre

28.09.2008. Mark THOMAS “In vino veritas”, or a rough English translation, one tells the truth under the influence of wine or the shortened version “in wine, truth”. Croatians certainly love their wines and they have good reason to do so. Many of the wines I have tried here are of an excellent quality and definitely on a par with French and Italian wines. Of course, there are some which I would rather forget about, but all in all they are drinkable. A local once told me that Italians drink to be sociable, French drink with food, Germans drink to be happy and English drink to throw up. There is plenty of truth in this saying, but I also think you could add that Croatians drink to music. It’s as though every eighth Croatian born is born with a guitar in his hand. As soon as a few friends gather together for an “informal” party somebody will pull out a guitar and then out comes a bottle of wine or two and the singing starts. What could be better on a warm summer evening than a guitar, group of friends and a bottle of red wine? Although most of the songs seem to be repeated at every gathering they always sung with enthusiasm and pride as if people have just learnt the words and are singing them for the first time. There is an enormous cultural variation in the way people behave when they drink. You can split Europe into three sections, the Mediterranean wine drinking countries, the central European beer culture and the Northern spirit drinkers. In England, amongst other countries, people seem to become violent and act in an anti-social manner after they have had a few too many. On the other hand in Croatia drinking alcohol normally leads to largely peaceful and friendly behaviour. In fact the same can be said for most Mediterranean countries and I have personally experienced the same harmonious behaviour in Spain. Maybe one of the reasons for this is the slower and more laid back lifestyle. Because of work commitments people in England don’t really drink much during the week and wine with meals is not so common. Then the week end comes and they explode, all of the pent up stress through the week is relived with a visit to the pub beer will be the drink of choice. The aim being is to drink as much as possible in the shortest time possible with the obvious result being getting as drunk as possible. As a drinker was once famously said “Beer, the cause of and solution to, all life’s problems.”



11:00 Athletic competition for adults Mandalina sports centre



08:00 Wake up for the city - traditional Sibenik music 09:00 Laying of wreathes at the monument cross City cemetery 11:00 St. Michael Sailing regatta (laser class) Sibenik port

09:45 Athletic competition for children Mandalina sports centre

16:00 “Run for my city” with the society “Our Children” in co-operation with primary and middle schools. Coastal Street Dr. Franjo Tuđman

10:00 Finals of the volleyball competition – South (F) Petar Krešimir IV School or the sports centre

19:00 Sibenik competition of swimming – beginners B Swimming pool in Crnica

Riječ urednika ‘’In vino veritas’’ ili u doslovnom engleskom prijevodu, ‘’osoba će reći istinu pod utjecajem vina’’ ili najkraće rečeno ‘’u vinu je istina’’. S punim pravom Hrvati jako vole svoja vina jer mnoga vina koja sam ovdje probao su odlične kvalitete i mogu ravnopravno parirati francuskim i talijanskim vinima. Naravno, postoje i ona vina koja bih najradije zaboravio, ali sve u svemu mogu se piti. Jedan lokalac mi je jednom prilikom lijepo objasnio da Talijani piju da bi se družili, Francuzi vole piti uz jelo, Nijemci piju da bi bili sretni, a Englezi piju da bi povraćali. Ima dosta istine u njegovim riječima, ali bih k tome još dodao da Hrvati piju da bi svirali i pjevali. Kao da je svaki osmi Hrvat rođen s gitarom u ruci. Čim se nekoliko prijatelja sastane na nekoj ‘’neformalnoj’’ zabavi, odjednom se pojavi i gitara, za njom boca vina ili dvije i pjesma može započeti. A što može biti bolje od gitare, grupice prijatelja i boce crnoga vina za vrijeme tople ljetne večeri? Europa bi se tako mogla podijeliti u tri regije i to na mediteranske zemlje gdje se većinom pije vino, na zemlje središnje Europe gdje se većinom pije pivo te na zemlje Sjeverne Europe gdje prevladavaju žestoka pića. U Engleskoj, čini se, nakon što su popili nekoliko pića previše, ljudi postaju agresivni i ponašaju se na jedan nedruštven način. S druge strane, u Hrvatskoj konzumiranje alkohola dovodi do ponašanja koje je vrlo miroljubivo i prijateljsko. Ustvari, mislim da se to može reći za većinu mediteranskih zemalja jer sam slično takvo ponašanje osobno doživio u Španjolskoj. Možda je jedan od razloga takvom ponašanju i opušteniji način života. Zbog velikih radnih obaveza ljudi u Engleskoj baš i ne piju preko tjedna tako da i vino uz obrok nije uobičajena stvar. Ali kada dođe vikend, oni jednostavno eksplodiraju, sav nakupljeni stres tijekom tjedna ponovno oživljava posjetom pubu u kojem će pivo biti glavni izbor. Cilj je popiti što je više moguće u što kraćem mogućem roku s očitim rezultatom – napiti se što je više moguće. Kao što je jedan pijanac rekao ‘’Pivo.., ono je razlog i rješenje svih životnih problema’’.



20:00 Izložba Grupa 12 + 1 – Šibenski autori Studio Galerije sv. Krševana



10:00 Završni odbojkaški turnir Kupa regije jug (M) OŠ Petar Krešimir IV ili Sportska dvorana 11:00 Svečana sjednica Gradskog vijeća Grada Šibenika Šibensko kazalište



11:00 Atletska utrka odraslih Mandalina-sportski centar



08:00 Budnica kroz grad - Šibenska narodna glazba 09:00 Polaganje vijenaca na Spomen križ Gradsko groblje Kvanj 11:00 Jedriličarska regata sv. Mihovil (klasa Laser) Šibenska luka

09:45 Atletska utrka djece Mandalina-sportski centar

16:00 Društvo Naša djeca u suradnji s osnovnim i srednjim školama «Trka za moj grad» Obala dr. Franje Tuđmana

10:00 Završni odbojkaški turnir Kupa regije jug (Ž) OŠ Petar Krešimir IV

19:00 Prvenstvo grada Šibenika u plivanju za početnike Bazen u Crnici


The Sibenik Times

did you know?


• The most famous battle for the defense of Sibenik through its thousand year history was fought against the invaders from the Ottoman Empire from the 17th of August to the 16th of September 1647. • Zirje is the furthest inhabited island from the Sibenik coast located 20.4 kilometers south west of the city.

On the occasion of the 29th of September the day of the city of Sibenik and the holiday St. Michael, I wish to send you, my dear fellow citizens, sincere congratulations in the name of the City Council of Sibenik, as well as in my own name. This celebratory day for our city we remember the numerous citizens of Sibenik that carry Michaels name and on this special day we feel pride that we are a part of the very stone that makes up this wonderful city. We are proud that we are a city of heroes from the Homeland War and we celebrate these heroes and their heroics in the month of September when they fought a significant battle in the Homeland War. Finally we are proud of the new economic take off of the City of Sibenik, a city which is developing business and expanding tourism. MAYORESS Nedjeljka Klarić

ČESTITKA GRADONAČELNICE POVODOM DANA GRADA U povodu 29. rujna Dana Grada Šibenika i blagdana sv. Mihovila, upućujem vam dragi sugrađani iskrene čestitke u ime Gradskog poglavarstva Grada Šibenika, kao i u svoje osobno ime. Slaveći dan našega grada prisjetimo se i brojnih Šibenčana koji su pronijeli njegovo ime; osjetimo ponos što potičemo upravo s ovog kamena kojim je sazidan ovaj prekrasni grad, ali osjetimo i ponos što


smo građani grada Heroja domovinskog rata, čije herojstvo slavimo upravo u rujnu-mjesecu u kojem je Šibenik izvojevao značajnu bitku u domovinskom ratu. Ponosimo se i novim uzletom Grada Šibenika, grada koji se okreće turizmu i razvoju gospodarstva. GRADONAČELNICA Nedjeljka Klarić

• The favourite sweets in the Sibenik area are “krostule” and “fritule” and at Christmas time they can be found on the table of every home. • The Sibenik – Knin County has 806 kilometers of coastline, five rivers, three large and ten small lakes. • Readers of The Sunday Times in 2003 voted Croatia as the most sought after tourist destination in the world. • One of the oldest and most popular dishes in Dalmatia and Sibenik is sardines in olive oil. • The editors of one of the most popular American tourist guides “The Lonely Planet” placed Croatia in fourth place in 2004 on the list of the most sought after world destinations.

JESTE LI ZNALI? • Najslavnija bitka za obranu Šibenika u njegovoj tisućljetnoj povijesti vodila se protiv osmanlijskih osvajanja od 17.kolovoza do 16.rujna 1647. • Žirje je najudaljeniji naseljeni šibenski otok, 20,4 kilometra jugozapadno od Šibenika. • Najomiljenije slastice šibenskog kraja zovu se kroštule i fritule, a za Božića nalaze se na stolu u svakom domaćinstvu

• Šibensko-kninska županija ima 806 kilometara morske obale, pet rijeka, tri velika i deset malih jezera. • Čitatelji londonskog The Sunday Timesa proglasili su 2003. godine Hrvatsku najpoželjnijom turističkom destinacijom. • Jedno od najstarijih i najomiljenijih jela u Dalmaciji i šibenskom kraju je srdela u maslinovu ulju. • Uredništvo jednog od najpoznatijih američkih nakladnika turističkih vodiča The Lonely Planet početkom 2004. godine Hrvatsku je svrstalo na četvrto mjesto najpoželjnijih svjetskih odredišta.


The Sibenik Times SIBENIK’S FORTIFICATIONS Šibenske utvrde 4

The starting point of the old city walls was the Fortress of St. Michael. In 1864 a part of the wall that surrounded the city from the north and the south was removed. Today, only the northern side of the wall by Gorica remains, a part of the

wall through the park towards the shore, a small section of the wall near Poljana, as well as remains of a bulwark from the 17th century behind Hotel Krka. The best preserved section is the double city wall which slopes from the Fortress of

St. Michael towards the shore (Kvartir) and ends with great Gothic gate. The western wall in Dolac with a city gate, which slopes from the fortress to the sea, was built in the 15th century so that Dolac could be protected from Turkish attacks.

Ishodište starih gradskih bedema bila je tvrđava sv. Mihovila. 1864. godine je uklonjen dio zidina koje su opasavale grad sa sjeverne i jugoistočne strane. Danas je ostao samo dio bedema sa sjeverne strane na Gorici, dio zidina kroz park prema obali, mali dio zida pokraj Poljane, te ostatci bastiona iz, iza ho-

tela “Krka”. Većim dijelom sačuvan je dupli gradski bedem koji se spušta s tvrđave sv. Mihovil niz strmu padinu do obale (Kvartir) i završava velikim gotičkim vratima. Zapadni dolački bedem s gradskim vratima, koji se sa tvrđave spušta do mora, izgrađen je u kako bi se Dolac zaštitio od turskih napada.

THE FORTRESS OF ST. MICHAEL The Fortress of St. Michael is located at a height of 70m above the sea behind the old city agglomeration. It was built, in the period from the 15th to 17th century, out of dressed white stone. Through archeological research, remains of a culture from the prehistoric Iron Era have been found, which proves that the fortress was built by Croats in the place that was once know as the station of the old Illyrians. There are two entrances to the fortress; one is located at the wall towards the old cemetery and the other on the north side.


Tvrđava sv. Mihovil nalazi se na uzvisini 70m nad morem iz nad stare gradske anglomeracije. Izgrađena je u razdoblju od XV.-XVII. stoljeća od bijelog tesanog kamena. Arheološkim istraživanjima pronađeni su ostatci kulture iz željeznog doba pretpovijesti, što dokazuje da su Hrvati utvrdu podigli na mjestu nekadašnjeg gradinskog punkta starih Ilira. Postoje dva ulaza u tvrđavu, jedan se nalazi na zidu prema starom groblju, a drugi na sjevernoj strani.

THE ŠUBIĆEVAC FORTRESS The Šubićevac Fortress is located southeast of the fortress of St. John on somewhat of a lower height. Since it was built the same year as the Fortress of St. John it has significantly contributed to blocking the Turkish attack on Šibenik.

TVRĐAVA ŠUBIĆEVAC Tvrđava Šubićevac nalazi se jugoistočno od tvrđave Sv. Ivan na nešto manjoj uzvisini. Budući da je izgrađena iste godine kao i tvrđava Sv. Ivan znatno je pridonijela da se zaustavi turska navala na Šibenik.

THE FORTRESS OF ST. NICHOLAS The Fortress of St. Nicholas is located at the entrance to the St. Anthony Channel and it was built in the middle of the 16th century for defense from Turkish attacks from the sea. It was built according to the designs of the Venetian military builder Michiele Sammichella. The Fortress of St. Nicholas (having a triangle shape) is one of the strongest forts on our coast.

TVRĐAVA SV. NIKOLE Tvrđava sv. Nikole nalazi se na ulazu u kanal Sv. Ante, a sagrađena je sredinom 16 st . radi obrane od turskih napada s morske strane. Sazidana je prema nacrtima mletačkog vojnog graditelja Michielea Sammichella. Tvrđava sv. Nikola ( ima trokutastu formu) spada u najjače fortifikacijske utvrde na našoj obali.

THE FORTRESS OF ST. JOHN The Fortress of St. John is located on a hill 115m high on the northern side of the historic city core. It was raised in 1646 according to the project of the Venetian military engineer Antonio Leni. A year later, in 1647, heavy battles were being held with the army of the Turkish pasha Tekeli who wanted to take over the fortress in order to rule the city.

TVRĐAVA SV. IVAN Tvrđava sv. Ivan nalazi se na brdu visokom 115 m , na sjevernoj strani povijesne gradske jezgre. Podignuta je 1646. godine prema projektu mletačkog vojnog inženjera Antonija Lenija. Već godinu poslije, 1647.god., vodile su se teške borbe s vojskom turskog paše Tekelije koji ju je želio zauzeti kako bi zavladao gradom.


The Sibenik Times


Around the county: SIBENIK S

ibenik was mentioned for the first time under its present name in 1066 in a Charter of the Croatian King Petar Krešimir IV. For a period of time, it was a seat of the Croatian King. For that reason, Sibenik is also called “Krešimirov grad” (Krešimir’s city). Sibenik is the oldest native Croatian town on the eastern sho-

res of the Adriatic. Sibenik was given the status of a town and its own diocese in 1298. Excavations of the castle of Saint Michael have since proven that the place was inhabited long before the actual arrival of the Croats. The city, like the rest of Dalmatia, resisted the Venetians up to 1412. The Ottoman Empire started to threaten Sibenik at the end of the

15th century, but they never succeeded in conquering it. In the 16th century, the fortress of St. Nicholas was built and, by the 17th century, its fortifications were improved again by the fortresses of St. John (Tanaja) and Šubićevac (Barone). The fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797 brought Sibenik under the authority of the Habsburg Monarchy. After World

War I, Šibenik became a part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, while during World War II it was occupied by Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. After WWII it became a part of the SFR Yugoslavia until Croatia declared independence in 1991. During the Croatian War of Independence (1991-1995), Sibenik was heavily attacked by the Yugoslav National Army and

Kroz županiju: ŠIBENIK Š ibenik, najstariji samorodni hrvatski grad na Jadranu, nalazi se u najzaštićenijoj prirodnoj luci, posred istočne obale Jadranskog mora, prastarog mare Adriaticuma, na ušću rijeke Krke, vjerojatno na mjestu gdje su neki od prvih doselje-

nih Hrvata ugledali more. Prvi se put spominje na Božić 1066. (darovnica kralja Petra Krešimira IV.). Nakon hrvatskih vladara (i hrvatsko-ugarskih) i povremene vladavine Venecije, u 15. stoljeću dolazi pod gotovo 400-godišnju vlast Venecije, a iz tog razdoblja potječe i najzna-

čajniji kulturno-povijesni spomenik Šibenika - poznata šibenska katedrala sv. Jakova, građena u 15. i 16. stoljeću. 1797. Šibenik ulazi u sastav Habsburške monarhije (uz kratkotrajnu vlast Francuske u vrijeme Napoleona) sve do 1918. Za vrijeme drugog svjetskog rata Šibenčani

su velikom većinom bili u partizanima. Puno Šibenčana je bilo prisiljeno ići u partizane već 1941., a najviše ih se dragovoljno pridružilo 1943. nakon kapitulacije Italije. Mnogo ih je poginulo na bojišnicama diljem bivše Jugoslavije, a najviše u Hrvatskoj i BiH. Partizani

Serbian paramilitary troops. Although under-armed, the nascent Croatian army and the people of Sibenik managed to defend the city. The battle lasted for six days (September 16-22) is often referred to as the “September battle”. The bombings damaged numerous buildings and monuments, including the dome of the cathedral and the 1870-built thea-

tre building. In an August 1995 military operation, the Croatian army defeated Serbian forces and freed the occupied areas, which created the basic conditions for its postwar recovery and allowed the region to continue to develop as the centre of Sibenik-Knin county. Architecturally, the damaged parts of the city have been fully reconstructed.

su Šibenik oslobodili 3. studenog 1944. Kao i cijela Hrvatska i Šibenik je bio u sklopu Jugoslavije od 1945. do 1991.g. Grad Šibenik i okolica su dali veliki doprinos u Domovinskom ratu od prvih dana rata 1991. Šibenčani su već u rujnu 1991 g. zauzimanjem topništva na

Žirju i Zečevu kod Rogoznice obranili svoj grad i okolicu i tako izborili prvu pobjedu HV, kada su JNA i četnici poraženi i odbačeni 15 kilometara dalje od grada. Za obranu Šibenika su najveći doprinos dali dragovoljci-branitelji, a mnogi su od njih dali i svoj život.


The Sibenik Times


We’re proud on Sibenik’s history What does the day of Sibenik mean to you? The day of the city of Sibenik, together with the day of the patron saint of Sibenik, St. Michael, means a lot to me and the citizens of Sibenik. On that day with pride we celebrate his rich and fraught history; on that day we feel pride that we are a part of the very stone that makes up this wonderful city. That day we are also very proud that we live in the oldest Croatian city on the Adriatic and of our first century St. Jacob Cathedral which is listed in the UNESCO protected cultural monuments of the world. We are also proud that as long ago as 1895 Sibenik was only the third city in Europe to have public street lighting powered by alternative electricity. We are proud that were born so many famous and important people. Such as Antun and Faust Vrančić, as well as Ante Šupuka who was the first elected town major, then famous university professor, doctor and botanical expert Robert Visianija, Dražen Petrović a basketball genius and a number of world famous names in art, science, politics and sport. We are proud that we are a city of heroes from the Homeland War and we celebrate these heroes and their heroics in the month of September when they fought a significant battle in the Homeland War. Finally we are proud of the new economic take off of the City of Sibenik, a city which is developing business and expanding tourism. How will the city celebrate their special day? The day of the city will be celebrated with a number of cultural and sporting events. We have organized events and competitions in which representatives from other cities will take part as well as representatives from Sibenik’s sister cities. Children from pre-school and from schools will create both artistic and literal works to show their love for their city. On this special day we

We are proud that were born so many famous and important people. Such as Antun and Faust Vrančić, then famous university professor, doctor and botanical expert Robert Visiani, Dražen Petrović... will hold an official sitting of the Sibenik City Council at which we will award individuals, institutions and other organizations with a special award and certificate. The laying of wreathes and the lightening of candles at the central cross on the city’s cemetery will honour all the deceased Croatian defenders as well as all citizens of Sibenik who gave their life for this city. St. Michael is the patron saint of Sibenik, how will he be honored on the day of the city? St. Michael will be honoured with a traditional procession in which will take part a large number of Sibenik citizens and representatives of all the Sibenik dioceses. A holy mass will be held by the bishop of Sibenik monsignor Ante Ivas at which a special celebration will be held to honour the patron saint of the city of Sibenik and of the Sibenik diocese. How have the celebrations for the day of the city changed over the years? Every year we want to strengthen and enrich the celebrations for the day of the city. We want to get the younger inhabitants of Sibenik to join in so as to teach them from an early age the importance of this day. It’s also our aim to attract more and more citizens of the city to enter into the celebrations as well as guests to Sibenik and tourists because on this day we can show them all the beauty of the city. This year we are especially celebrating these events in Sibenik in September which in fact we have called the month of Sibenik’s history. The first day of September was marked with celebrations for Faust Vrančić one of the most important writers and constructors of the

16th and 17th centuries. Cultural institutions in the city of Sibenik, firstly the city library joined in marking this special project and published an illustrated book about Faust Vrančić. Also special lectures were held about the life of Faust and an exhibition of innovatory work was opened in Faust’s honour. His grave in the churchyard of Prvić- Luci was honoured and a stone foundation was laid for the future monument park which will carry his name. This year, for the 17th time, we are celebrating the September battle in the Homeland War in which the city of Sibenik was defended and so stopped the dividing of the Republic of Croatia which was the enemy’s objective. A large number of societies from the Homeland War from Sibenik, Vodice and Skradin joined in the celebration and visited all the places where Croatian defenders fell. Various sporting events were held as well as concerts to mark the Croatian September victory in Sibenik. The Medieval Fair in Sibenik was held for the 4th year in connection with St. Michael. The days of this fair return Sibenik back to the renaissance times. The program of this fair offers a unique opportunity to see life, work and gastronomy originating from a time when Sibenik was the largest city in Croatia. Special attention is also given to the significant traditional Sibenik crafts and cultures from that era. Numerous local and visiting actors play out scenes and stories from that time in medieval Sibenik. Vocal choirs and dance groups dressed in traditional costumes fill the streets as well as jongleurs, clowns, archers and knights which all make the atmosphere of the fair and the city of Sibenik a truly medieval one.



The Sibenik Times



Ponosni smo na šibensku povijest Što dan Šibenika Vama predstavlja? Dan Grada Šibenika, ujedno i Dan zaštitnika šibenske biskupije, sveti Mihovil, nama Šibenčanima znači mnogo. Toga dana s ponosom slavimo njegovu bogatu i bremenitu povijest, slavimo i brojne Šibenčane koji su pronijeli njegovo ime; toga dana osjećamo ponos što potičemo upravo s ovog kamena kojim je sazidan ovaj prekrasni grad. Toga dana smo i ponosni što živimo u najstarijem izvorno hrvatskom gradu na Jadranu, što je naša prvostolnica- katedrala sv. Jakova- na UNESCOVom popisu zaštićene svjetske baštine, što smo još davne 1895. godine u Šibeniku kao 3. europski grad imali javnu rasvjetu na izmjeničnu struju. Ponosni smo što je ovo grad Antuna i Fausta Vrančića, kao i grad prvog od naroda izabranog gradonačelnika Ante Šupuka, zatim uglednog sveučilišnog profesora liječnika i botaničara Roberta Visianija, ali i grad košarkaškog virtuoza Dražena Petrovića, te brojnih uglednih imena iz svijeta umjetnosti, znanosti, politike, sporta. Ponosni smo i što smo građani grada Heroja domovinskog rata, čije herojstvo slavimo upravo u rujnu- mjesecu u kojem je Šibenik izvojevao značajnu bitku u domovinskom ratu. Ponosni smo i na novi uzlet Grada Šibenika, grada koji se okreće turizmu i razvoju gospodarstva. Kako će grad proslaviti ovaj poseban dan? Dan Grada se slavi brojnim kulturnim i športskim događanjima; organiziraju se i natjecanja u kojima sudjeluju predstavnici drugih gradova, kao i gradova prijatelja grada Šibenika. Djeca predškolskog i školskog uzrasta potiču se da likovnim i literarnim radovima izraze ljubav prema svome gradu. Toga dana održava se i svečana sjednica Gradskog vijeća Grada Šibenika na kojoj se zaslužnim pojedincima, ustanovama,

Ponosni smo što je ovo grad Antuna i Fausta Vrančića, kao i grad prvog od naroda izabranog gradonačelnika Ante Šupuka, zatim uglednog sveučilišnog profesora liječnika i botaničara Roberta Visianija, ali i grad košarkaškog virtuoza Dražena Petrovića privrednim subjektima dodjeljuju nagrade i priznanja. Polaganjem vijenaca i paljenjem svijeća na središnjem križu na gradskom groblju odajemo počast žrtvi hrvatskih branitelja, ali svih Šibenčana koji su dali život za svoj grad. Sv. Mihovil je zaštitni svetac grada Šibenika, kako ćete njemu odati počast na dan grada? Već tradicionalnom procesijom, u kojoj sudjeluju brojni građani, ali i predstavnici svih župa šibenske biskupije, kao i svetom misom, koju na trgu ispred katedrale predvodi biskup šibenski msr Ante Ivas, posebno se slavi zaštitnik Grada Šibenika i šibenske biskupije. Kako se proslava dana grada Šibenika promijenila tokom posljednjih godina? Svake godine želimo osnažiti i obogatiti proslavu dana grada; najmlađe uzraste želimo već od malih nogu odgajati da vole svoj grad, sve građane nastojimo privući da svojim sudjelovanjem u proslavi osjete značaj toga dana, a želimo privući i goste Šibenika i turiste kojima tada možemo pokazati svu ljepotu Krešimirova grada. Ove godine smo posebno proslavljali Šibenik događanjima u mjesecu rujnu, kojeg smo i nazvali mjesecom šibenske povijesti. Prvi dani rujna bili su posvećeni Faustu Vrančiću najznamenitijem piscu i konstruktoru na prijelazu iz 16. u 17. stoljeće; ustanove u kulturi Grada Šibenika- priije svega gradska knjižnica Jurja Šižgorića- uključile su se u obilježavanje ovih dana; izdana je slikovnica o Faustu Vrančiću, održana su

i predavanja o njegovom životu i djelu, otvorena je i izložba inovatorskih radova Faustu u čast, posjećen je Faustov grob u crkvi u Prvić-Luci, gdje je položen i kamen-temeljac za budući spomen-park koji će nositi ime Fausta Vrančića. Ove godine po 17. put slavimo rujanski ratni podvig-obljetnicu velike bitke u domovinskom ratu kada je obranjen Šibenik i time spriječeno cijepanje Hrvatske, što je i bio neprijatejev cilj. Brojne udruge proizašle iz domovinskog rata Šibenika, Vodica, Skradina uključeno je u proslavu; obilaze se mjesta stradavanja hrvatskih branitelja, ali se održavaju i športski susreti, organiziraju se koncerti i slavi se hrvatska rujanska pobjeda u Šibeniku. Sajam u srednjovjekovnom Šibeniku održava se po 4.put u povodu dana Sv. Mihovila U danima Sajma Šibenik se vraća u renesansno doba; u šibenskim kalama i na trgovima ožive na trenutak likovi ljudi čiji portreti krase vijenac na apsidama katedrale Sv. Jakova. Svojim programom ovaj sajam nudi jedinstven prikaz života, rada i gastronomskih postignuća iz vremena kada je Šibenik bio najveći hrvatski grad. Posebna se pozornost stoga usmjeruje na značajke tradicionalne šibenske kulture i starozanatsku proizvodnju. Brojni domaći i gostujući glumci scenskim nastupima pripovijedaju priče o srednjovjekovnom Šibeniku; klape i plesne skupine pjesmom i plesom prate šetače u tradicionalnim nošnjama i odorama, a žongleri, klaunovi, fanfare, streličari i vitezovi svojim ludorijama oživljavaju atmosferu sajmova toga vremena.

The Sibenik Times





he St. Jacob’s, the cathedral of Šibenik, built for over a century, is a testimony of persistency, sacrifice and belief of the generations of inhabitants of Šibenik. By many things it is unique not only in the Croatian architecture, but in the European as well: it is entirely built of stone, no other material being used; it is unique by the brave structure of stone slabs and ribs, with no binding material; it is also unique among renaissance churches by its trefoil front facade; finally, it is unique by the harmony of its architecture and the row of 71 realistic sculptural portraits around the apses.Documents preserved from the time of building

of the cathedral evidence contributions from the entire community to its building, but from many individuals as well, including large number of domestic stone-dressers, builders and artisans. The most important among them is Juraj Matejev Dalmatinac, who came from Zadar and who the town of Šibenik commissioned in 1441 to take over the job of the proto-master of the cathedral of Šibenik. The cathedral and the nearby renaissance town hall, other churches, palaces, and the Prince’s Palace presently housing the County Museum, make probably the most beautiful town square of the Croatian urban heritage.



ibenska katedrala sv . Jakova , gradjena više od stotinu godina , svjedočanstvo je upornosti , odricanja i vjere generacija Šibenčana. Izdvaja se po mnogo čemu, ne samo u hrvatskom, već i u europskom graditeljstvu: u cijelosti je izgradjena od kamena, bez uporabe ikakvog drugog materijala. Jedinstvena je po smionim konstrukcijskim montažama kamenih ploča i rebara, i to bez uporabe ikakvog vezivnog materijala; takodjer jedinstvena je među renesansnirn crkvama s pročeljem u obliku trolista; naposljetku, jedinstvena je po suglasju arhitekture i niza od 71 realističnog portreta na apsidama. Dokumenti iz

razdoblja gradnje katedrale svjedoče o doprinosu cjelokupne komunalne zajednice u njezinu podizanju , ali i mnogih pojedinaca , medju kojima je najveći broj domaćih klesara , graditelja i zanatlija . Među njima najznačajniji je Juraj Matvejev Dalmatinac, podrijetlom Zadranin, s kojim Šibenčani 1441.godine sklapaju ugovor o njegovu preuzimanju dužnosti protumajstora šibenske stolne crkve. Katedrala, zajedno s renesansnom gradskom vijećnicom te okolnim crkvama, palačama i kneževim dvorom, u kojem je danas smješten županijski muzej, tvori zacijelo najljepši trg u hrvatskoj urbanističkoj baštini .

ROCCATAGLIATINA BUSTS The northern entrance to Sibenik cathedral once has wooden doors which were decorated with unique bronze statues. The statues were of a male and female bust dressed in antique clothing. The busts were made in the metal workshop of

sculptor Nikola Roccatagliata at the beginning of the 17th century. Only traces of Roccatagliata’s works have been preserved in the Dalmatian region in Vis, Split, Imotski, Dubrovnik and Istria. The original, Roccatagliata Sibenik cathedral doors are

kept in the city museum and their credible copies are now on the northern entrance to the cathedral as evidence of the level of artistic life in Sibenik in the 17th century. These wooden doors were changed in 1968 for bronze doors.


Na drvenim vratnicama sjevernog ili lavljeg portala katedrale (zamijenjene 1968. god. brončanim vratnicama) bile su utaknute brončane drške. Riječ je o ženskom i muškom poprsju u antičkoj odjeći, s ispruženom glavom da ih se lako dohvaća. Drške su napravljene u mletačkoj radionici kipara Nikole Roccatagliata na početku 17. stoljeća. Roccatagliatini radovi sačuvali su se tek u tragovima na ostacima naše dalmatinske povijesne baštine pa ih nalazimo još samo na Visu, u Splitu, Imotskom, Dubrovniku te u Istri. Šibenski originalni primjerci čuvaju se u gradskom muzeju, a njihove vjerne kopije postavljene su na restaurirane vratnice katedrale (ovješene na pročelju Biskupske palače) svjedočeći o razini umjetničkog života u gradu na uviru baroknog 17. stoljeća.

HOW A BARON FROM VIENNA BOUGHT A SIBENIK CREST The gothic portal to the palace Rossini in 1896 was left without its crest. The crest was bought by a collector from Vienna Baron Nataniele Rotschild. The Baron was a great art collector and he bought the crest at the end of the ninetieth century. Even though the Sibenik City Council were all against the purchase of the crest they eventually gave permission as the they realized that the crest would not leave the country as at that time the city was part of the Austro – Hungarian Empire. Looking from a modern pint of view the devastation of one of the city’s palaces and the missing crest could be described as one of the biggest losses to Sibenik’s cultural history. The portal was renovated completely before the summer of 2003 as part of the program STANADI by the Sibenik conservative society.

KAKO JE BEČKI BARUN KUPIO ŠIBENSKI GRB Gotički portal palače Rossini ostao je 1896. godine bez svoje lunete i prekrasnog grba. Tada je grb kupio bečki kolekcionar barun Nataniele Rotschild. Taj je barun marno otkupljivao umjetnine pa tako primjerice kupuje krajem 19. stoljeća dvije divne figure s jednog kamina u Veneciji. Iako se šibenska općina usprotivila otkupu grba on je ipak dozvoljen jer se to pravdalo kako grb neće napustiti zemlju, a matična zemlja bila je tada Austro-ugarska monarhija. Gledajući iz današnjeg ugla devastacija portala palače i nestanak vrsnog grba može se smatrati jednim od najvećih gubitaka šibenske baštine u kamenu. Luneta portala u cjelosti je obnovljena pred ljeto 2003. godine u okviru programa STANADI šibenskog konzervatorskog odjela.


The Sibenik Times



The city has been honoring St Michael since its very beginnings. The oldest sacral building in it’s in its center was therefore devoted to this heavenly guardian. Having in his assistance, strength and protection, the residents of Sibenik used his figure, symbolizing fearlessness and victory, in their city seal and coat of arms. This was their way of demonstrating the strength of the municipality, which was to follow their patron’s example and constantly win in the battle for preservation of their rights. This saint has been honored and celebrated all over the diocese throughout the centuries. Churches in Murter, Raslina, Kijevo, Mitlo, Vršine by Dubrava, Pokrovnik,Oklaj and Lišani were built in his honor. St Michael is the most popular heavenly archangel. His name, translated from Hebrew, means “He who is like God”. He has been respected in the Western church since VI century when, as legend has it, he appeared on Monte Gargano in Apulia . He is celebrated on 8 May and 29 September. For Sibenik it is the latter date, also proclaimed the Day of the City that is filled with festivities. The holiday St Michael has been celebrated solemnly in Sibenik throughout the centuries. Many important town events happened on the day of the town’s patron. In a document dating back to 1252, when the habitants of Sibenik recognize the jurisdiction of the Trogir bishopric, it is mentioned that believers on the holiday of St Michael brought bread, money, candles and wine. A well known Sibenik poet, Juraj Šižgorić

notes that on that day prayer is held, nobility and craftsmen bring candles in honor of the saint, whereas a citizen was welcomed in the town senate. Every year on the patron’s day in September a nobleman would be accepted into the town council, and also it was common that a prisoner would be released. On the 12th of March 1453 the town council decreed that on certain holidays including St Michael’s day no trading was allowed in the town ,fortress , or in the district except for small things that were necessary for food. A very serious penalty was enforced to those who forged the seal of St Michael; the punishment was amputation of the right hand and banishment from the town and its district. The portrait of St Michael is preserved on many historical works of art; paintings, sculptures, and on buildings, which proves how much this patron was respected and worshiped in Sibenik and the Sibenik bishopric. Alongside many emblems and seals with the picture of St Michael , the significant ones can be seen on historical paintings, like the ones on the polychrome from the church St Grgur painted by a well-known Sibenik artist from the 15c Nikola Vladanov; the polychrome from the church of St Krševan ;in the codex of Bishop Kosirić, and it can be found on the Sibenik bagatin (local Sibenik currency from the 15c); it also can be traced on the statute of the town of Sibenik from 1608 ; on various liturgical objects; on altars and as well as on many modern works of art.

ZAŠTITNIK GRADA Grad Šibenik od najranijeg svog postanka časti Sv. Mihovila, pa je i najstariji sakralni objekt sagrađen u jezgri grada, u tvrđavi, upravo bio posvećen nebeskom zaštitniku. Vjerujući u pomoć, snagu i zaštitu svetog arhanđela Šibenčani su njegov lik, koji simbolizira pobjedu i neustrašivost, upotrijebili u svoj grb i pečat. Time su oni upozoravali na borbenost i moć gradske općine, koja će se po primjeru svog zaštitnika boriti za očuvanje svojih prava i uvijek pobjeđivati. I na području cijele Šibenske biskupije slavio se i štovao kroz stoljeća Sv. Mihovil. Njemu u čast podigle su se crkve u Murteru, Raslini, Kijevu, Mitlu, Vršinama kod Dubrave, Pokrovniku, Oklaju i Lišanima. Sv. Mihovil najpopularniji je nebeski arhanđel. Njegovo ime na hebrejskom znači “ Tko je kao Bog “. U Zapadnoj crkvi štuje se od 6. stoljeća, od vremena njegovog prikazanja na Monte Garganu u Apuliji. Blagdan mu se slavi 8. svibnja i 29. rujna, a Šibenik ga svetkuje 29. rujna, kada se slavi i Dan grada. U Ivanovoj apokalipsi opisuje se njegova borba sa zmajem, kojeg pobjeđuje. U židovskoj predaji spominje se svečeva borba s đavlom za Mojsijevo tijelo. Boreći se sa sotonom Sv. Mihovil bdije nad ljudskim rodom želeći ga osloboditi sotone i grijeha. Kršćanska ikonografija prikazuje ga kao ratnika s velikim raširenim krilima. kako gazi i ubiva zmaja ili sotonu. U rukama nosi uobičajene atribute, koplje, mač, vagu ili zemaljsku kuglu. Blagdan Sv. Mihovila stoljećima se proslavljao na najsvečaniji način u Šibeniku. Mnogi važni događaji za grad vezivali su se upravo za dan njegova zaštitnika. U ispravi iz 1252. godine kojom Šibenčani priznaju jurisdikciju trogirskog biskupa, spominje se da vjernici

na blagdan Sv. Mihovila donose kruh, novac, svijeće i vino. Poznati šibenski humanistički pjesnik Juraj Šižgorić bilježi, da se toga dana održavaju molitve, plemstvo i obrtnici svecu u čast donose voštanice, a u skupštini se zboru Senata pridružuje i jedan pučanin. Svake godine na dan nebeskog zaštitnika u mjesecu rujnu primao bi se po jedan plemić u gradsko vijeće, a bilo je uobičajeno da se iz zatvora pusti po jedan zatvorenik. O svetkovanju blagdana Sv. Mihovila u Šibeniku govori i odluka Gradskog vijeća od 12. ožujka 1453. godine da se na određene blagdane, među koje i spada blagdan Sv. Mihovila ne može trgovati u gradu, tvrđavi i distriktu osim sa sitnim stvarima potrebnim za prehranu. Statutom je predviđena vrlo stroga kazna za krivotvorenjem pečata s likom Sv. Mihovila i to odsjecanje desne ruke, istjerivanje iz grada Šibenika i njegovog distrikta u vječno progonstvo. Prikaz Sv. Mihovila sačuvao se na brojnim kulturno - povijesnim i umjetničkim predmetima slikarstva, kiparstva, arhitekture i umjetničkog obrta, što je dokaz značenja, veličine i štovanja nebeskog zaštitnika kroz minula stoljeća u Šibeniku i Šibenskoj biskupiji. Pored brojnih grbova i pečata s likom Sv. Mihovila značajni su i njegovi prikazi na spomenicima slikarstva, kao na poliptihu iz crkve Sv. Grgura - poznatog šibenskog slikara 15. stoljeća Nikole Vladanova, poliptihu iz crkve Sv. Krševana - Blaža Trogiranina, 15. stoljeće u kodeksu biskupa Kosirića, 15. st., na šibenskom bagatinu (lokalni šibenski novac iz 15. st.), Statutu grada Šibenika iz 1608. godine, brojnim predmetima liturgijske upotrebe, oltarnim palama te na likovnim radovima suvremenih umjetnika. Snažan lik gradskog zaštitnika, koji gazi sotonu i ubiva je kopljem, velikim raširenim krilima zaštitnički bdije i drži pod kopljem Krešimirov grad.


The Sibenik Times 1




3 1. Euro 2008 nogometna utakmica Hrvatska - Turska. Navijaci u Sibeniku navijaju za reprezentaciju Hrvatske u brojnim sibenskim kaficima i trgovima. • Euro 2008 Croatia – Turkey. Supporters in Sibenik cheered on their team in the cafes and shops of the city. 2. Sredisnja gradska ulica Kalelarga ukrasena zastavicama za 48. Medjunarodni Festival. • Streets in the centre of the old city of Sibenik decorated for the 48th International Children’s festival.

3. Djecija olimpijada djecijih vrtica na igralistu u sibenskoj Crnici. • The Children’s Olympics of local kindergartens held in Sibenik. 4. Plivački maratonac Dr. Velimir Susak pliva posljedne metre na 28 kilometara dugom maratonu od Skradina do Sibenika, u rekordnom vremenu od 5 sati i 5 minuta. • Marathon swimmer Dr. Velimir Susak swam the 28 kilometer long marathon from Skradin to Sibenik in a record time of 5 hours and 5 minutes.

5. Ucenici zavrsnih razreda OS Fausta Vrancica u Sibeniku, proslavi su zavrsetak nastave kupanjem u fontani obliznjeg parka u Sibeniku. • Pupils of the Faust Vrancic School in Sibenik celebrate the last day by bathing in the fountains in the parks of Sibenik. 6. Svecana dodjela nagrada grada Sibenika. • The official award ceremony by the City Council All photo by CROPIX





The port of Sibenik The Port of Sibenik is one of the most protected harbours on the whole of the Adriatic. The port is naturally protected from storms, winds and large waves. To enter into the port you first have to navigate the St. Ante canal, which is 2700 metres long and between 120 and 300 metres wide. Ships up to 50,000 DWT (Deadweight tonnage) can freely sail through the canal. The length of the Sibenik harbour is ten kilometres and the width is between 300 and 1,200 metres. The depth is between 8 and 40 metres.


THE ISLAND OF PRVIĆ The island of Prvić is unique in the Sibenik County because it is the only island that has two settlements on it, they are Luka and Šepurina. The village of Prvić Luka was first inhaboted in 1461, while Šepurina first took shape in the 16th century. One of the greatest Croatian scientists, writers, philosophers, inventors and historians Faust Vrančić is buried in the county church in Luka. In fact the society of public health is currently building a monument park for Faust Vrančić.


Šibenska luka je jedna od najzaštićenijih na hrvatskoj jadranskoj obali. Luka je prirodno zaštićena od olujnog vjetra i velikih valova. U nju se uplovljuje Kanalom sv. Ante, koji je dug 2700 i širok od 120 do 300 metara. Kanal omogućuje slobodnu plovidbu brodovima do 50.000 DWT. Duljina šibenske luke je deset kilometara, a širina je od 300 do 1.200 m. Dubina je od 8 do 40 metara.



The city of Sibenik has held a festival in the name of children since 1958. At the beginning the festival was named the Yugoslavian Children’s festival, and then in 1991 the name was changed to the International Children’s Festival. This year the festival should have marked its 50th anniversary, although in reality it was the 48th anniversary because at the beginning the festival was held once every two years. The International Children’s Festival is a multi-medial cultural event, in fact the festival includes the best of everything for children. It is held over two weeks, from the last week of June and the first week of July.


Od 1958. godine u Šibeniku se održava festival posvećen djeci. U početku se nazivao Jugoslavenski festival djeteta, a od 1991. nosi naziv Međunarodni festival djeteta. Ove godine obilježit će pedesetu obljetnicu održavanja, no to će biti njegovo 48 izdanje, jer se u početku održavao bienalno, svake druge godine. Međunarodni festival djeteta je multimedijalna kulturna svečanost, odnosno smotra onoga što je najbolje u stvaralaštvu za djecu. Održava se dva tjedna, u posljednjem tjednu u lipnju i u prvom tjednu u srpnju. MDF je član FIDOF-a, UNIM-e i ASSITEJ –a.

Nikša Stipaničev CROPIX

Posebnost Prvića je u tome što je to jedini otok u šibenskom akvatoriju na kojem se nalaze dva naselja - Luka i Šepurina. Mjesto Prvić Luku prvi su naselili franjevci-glagoljaši godine 1461. Naselje Šepurina oblikovano je u 16. stoljeću. Jedan od najvećih hrvatskih znanstvenika, filozof, pisac, izumitelj, polihistor i leksikograf Faust Vrančić pokopan je u župnoj crkvi u Prvić Luci. Udruga Narodno zdravlje u Luci upravo gradi Spomen park Faustu Vrančiću.





he Roman military camp Burnum was situated on the right banks of the Krka River in the area of the present day village of Ivoševci. On the location of “The Empty Church” (Šuplja Crvka) can be seen today the remnants of a port which was part of the military camp. The camp was most probably constructed 33 years before the birth of Jesus Christ when the XX legion briefly stayed there. After the battle at Akcija, 31 ye-


ars B.C, the XI legion was stationed at Burnum. Archeological excavations carried out in the area of the camp revealed that the camp was built in two phases. In the first, older phase a small part was constructed and then in the second phase the majority of the work was carried out. Building was initiated by the Roman governor for Dalmatia Publie Kornelius Dolabela. A few recovered written items are evidence on the construction of

the camp. One of these items is from 51 years after the birth of Christ and mentions Publie Anteja Rufa, witnesses of the building of the camp 69 years after the birth of Christ were the XI legion who left the camp and transferred to Vespazijan army in their fight for the emperor. After the XI legion left Burnum the IV legion were stationed there and stayed there from the years 70 to 86. The legions departed when the Dalmatian province became

“provincial inermis”. At this time Burnum started to lose its military significance and on the site of the military camp a civil settlement formed which developed to the west of the camp. The settlement, which carried the same name as the camp, got the status of a municipality and fell into the system of the Emperor Hadrian (118 AD). Burnum was situated on a very important crossroads in these ancient times. It can be assumed that the quality

of its position and its connections were the main reasons for its downfall. The last time that Burnum was mentioned was in 537 and this was in connection with a battle between the Bezant Emperor Justinian when he attempted to take it back from the Ostrogoths in the 6th Century. Today the archeological remains that be seen are the outlines of the port, amphitheatre and a section of the aqueduct which brought water to Burnum.

Rimski ostaci vojnog logora Burnum

imski vojni logor Burnum bio je smješten na desnoj obali rijeke Krke na području današnjeg sela Ivoševci. Na lokalitetu “Šuplja crkva” danas se vide ostaci lukova koji su pripadalo zgradi pretorija (zapovjedništva logora).Logor je vjerojatno bio sagrađen 33. godine prije Krista, kada je tu nakratko boravila XX. legija. Nakon bitke kod Akcija 31. godine prije Krista u Burnum se stacionirala XI. legija. Arheološka istraživanja koja su provedena na području logora potvrdila su postojanje dvije građevinske faze. U prvoj, starijoj fazi, podignut je manji, a kasnije, u drugoj fazi, veći pretorij. Za pretpostaviti je da gradnju stalnoga logora započinje provincijski namjesnik Publije Kornelije Dolabela. Nekoliko pronađenih natpisa svjedoči o gradnjama

u logoru. Jedan takav natpis iz 51/52. godine poslije Krista koji spominje namjesnika Publija Anteja Rufa, svjedoči o gradnji u logoru.69. godine poslije Krista XI. legija napušta Burnum i prelazi u sastav Vespazijanove vojske u borbi za carsko prijestolje (Vespazijan je postao car). Tom prigo-

dom unovačeno je i odvedeno u Italiju oko 6000 Delmata, koji su kasnije prebačeni u provinciju Germaniju na limes. Nakon XI. legije u Burnumu je stacionirana IV. legija Flavia koja tu boravi od 70. – 86. godine. Odlaskom legija, kada provincija Dalmacija postaje “provincia inermis” Bur-

num postupno gubi vojni značaj i na prostoru logora nastavlja egzistirati civilno naselje koje se razvija zapadno od logora. Naselje pod istim imenom dobilo jer status municipija, u čiji se sastav u vrijeme cara Hadrijana (iza 118. godine posl. Kr.) uključio i teritorij samoga logora (područje oko logora bilo je podijeljeno na territorium legionis koji se pruža sjeveroistočno od područja oko Knina i na teritorij zajednice Burnista, koji Plinije ubraja među civitates Liburnorum). Burnum se je nalazio na veoma važnom cestovnom križanju. Ovuda je prolazila cesta Salona – Iader, zatim cesta preko Iapodije prema Seniji i Aquileji, te cestovni pravac dolinama rijeka Unca i Sane do Siscie i dalje u Panoniju. Može se pretpostaviti da je ta kvalitetna i protočna cestovna infrastruktura bila jedan od

glavnih čimbenika njegove propasti. Posljednji put Burnum se spominje 537. godine u vezi sukoba između vojske bizantskog cara Justinijana na čijem su čelu bili vojskovođe Mauricije, Mund i Konstancije i postrojbi ostrogotskog kralja Vitigisa na čijem su čelu bili vojskovođe Vilegizel i Azinarij. Nakon što je ostrogotska vojska bila poražena kod Scardone, Vilegisel se povukao u Burnum, popravio dio nekadašnjeg logora. Poslije konačnoga gotskog sloma kod Salone Burnum se više ne spominje, a moguće da je konačno razoren u završnom pohodu Bizanta na Ostrogote (pod vodstvom bizantinskog vojskovođe Narzesa). Danas od arheoloških nadzemnih ostataka vidljivi su samo lukovi pretorija, amfiteatar i dio akvedukta koji je Burnum napajao vodom.


The Sibenik Times



Medieval mediterranean garden of St Lawrence monastery Medieval Mediterranean Garden of St Lawrence Monastery (MMG) in Sibenik was restored and opened on 6th November 2007 after being forgotten about for a hundred years. MMG is an integral part of the St Lawrence Monastery and an integral part of the programs that the Sibenik Private Gymnasium has developed. The restoration project of MMG was completed by renowned landscape architect, Dragutin Kiš, who received the Millennium Award for Flora in Japan, 2000. This particular type of garden is notably rare, as it is the only one of its kind in Croatia, and there a very few in this part of Europe. MMG follows an established medieval design: a cross design for a pathway, small centrally located water feature, with low growing varieties framed by box tree and beautiful spectacular

old varieties aromatic rose standards. There are four sections filled with medicinal plants and herbs. A special place has been assigned for our assortment of thyme in a wonderful array of red, purple, silver, light and dark green foliage. The sensational combination of colours is a true work of art. Another notable attraction in the garden are the capers. Legend has it that Juraj Dalmatinac brought the first capers to Sibenik. They have been planted within the gaps and cracks in the stone walls as a homage to the great builder. The inclusion of this simple medieval plant we are able to tie together the main features of this region; stone; flora; Juraj Dalmatinac. Šibenik has claims on another signifi-

cant historical figure, Robert Visiani Šibenčanin. He was one of the most famous European botanists of the 12th Century and a professor at the famous University of Padua. From its inception the project to restore MMG was fueled by the objective to have the site open to the public. With this in mind we created a number of educational programs for schools and for organized tours. The MMG is situated within the St. Lawrence Monastery complex which means that during your visit to the space you can tour Our Lady’s Grotto, the Church of St Lawrence, the Monastery as well as a cafe, restaurant, and souvenir shop.

„Sv. Lovre“ u Šibeniku je obnovljen i otvoren 6.studenog 2007, nakon što je gotovo sto godina bio zaboravljen. SSMV je sastavni dio samostana Sv. Lovre, i sastavni dio programske sheme Šibenske privatne gimnazije. Projekt obnove SSMV napravio je naš poznati parkovni arhitekt, Dragutin Kiš, dobitnik milenijske nagrade Flora u Japanu 2000. godine. Ovaj vrt je rijetka znamenitost, jer je jedini samostanski vrt takve vrste u Hrvatskoj , inače ovakvi vrtovi su vrlo rijetki, svega nekoliko u ovom dijelu Europe. SSMV slijedi poznatu srednjovjekovnu shemu: križna staza, u središtu mali zdenac, jednostavno parterno uređenje obrubljeno šimširom i prekrasnim, starinskim mirišljavim ružama. U četiri polja je zasađeno ljekovito i začinsko bilje. Posebno mjesto pripada zbirci majčine dušice s prekrasnim crvenkastim, ljubičastim, sivkastim, svijetlozelenim i tamnozelenim bojama lišća. Kombinacijom boja zbirka je vrhunska likovna i oblikovna senzacija. Još jedna znamenitost vrta su kapari. Legenda kaže da je kapare u Šibenik donio Juraj Dalmatinac. Kapari su posađeni u šupljinama zidova te nas podsjećaju na velikog graditelja J. Dalmatinca. S pomoću jedne korisne „srednjovjekovne“ biljke mogu se povezati kamen, biljka i Juraj Dalmatinac. Isto tako, u našem gradu je rođen Robert Visiani Šibenčanin, jedan od najpoznatijih botaničara u Europi devetnaestog stoljeća, profesor na tada čuvenom padovanskom sveučilištu. Od samog početka projekta cilj je uređeni SSMV otvoriti javnosti. Kreirani su edukativni programi za školsku populaciju te promocija i organizirani prihvat turista. Budući da se SSMV nalazi u kompleksu samostana Sv. Lovre, prilikom obilaska posjetitelji mogu obići Gospinu spilju i crkvu Sv. Lovre koji se nalaze također u sastavu Samostana .

The Sibenik Times


• Health

PHARMACY BALDEKIN, Stjepana Radica 56a, tel. 332-068; PHARMACY CENTRALA, Stjepana Radica bb, tel. 213-539; PHARMACY VAROS, Kralja Zvonimira 32, tel. 212-539; PHARMACY PLENCA, Karla Vipauca 21, tel. 214 -118, Osme dalmatinske udarne brigade 3, tel. 331-022; DONATION PHARMACY, Brace Polica bb, tel. 333437, VITA- SPECIALISED TRADE FOR MEDICINES AND MEDICIAL PRODUCTS, Biskupa Fosca 11, tel. 215-850 and Biskupa Milete 5a, tel. 310-525; PHARMACY BARANOVIC-PETKOVIC, Stjepana Radica 1, tel. 212-061; PHARMACY RADIN, Kralja Zvonimira 121, tel. 338-716; PHARMACY COBANOV, Trg Ivana Pavla II, tel-fax: 331-255; HERBAL PHARMACY GOSPINA TRAVA, Stjepana Radica 27, tel. 219-245; HERBAL PHARMACY NATURA, Stjepana Radica 12, tel. 336-116.

• Banks

JADRANSKA BANKA: tel. 242-242; CROATIA BANKA: Trg Pavla Subica And br. 1, tel. 212-033; HRVATSKA POSTANSKA BANKA: A. Starcevica bb, tel. 337-345; OTP BANKA: Ante Supuka 22, tel. 062/201-444; PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB: Vladimira Nazora 1, tel. 322-150; RAIFFEISEN BANK AUSTRIA: Trg Drazena Petrovica bb, tel. 348-800; HVB - SPLITSKA BANKA: Poljana 2, tel. 022/214-663; ZAGREBACKA BANKA: Biskupa Milete 2a, tel. 022/201-370; ERSTE BANKA d.d.: Poljana 5, tel. 062/374-540; HYPO-GROUP ALPE ADRIA: Stjepana Radica 77a, tel. 311-940; VOLKSBANK: Trg Drazena Petrovica bb, tel. 668-100; KRIZEVACKA BANKA: Biskupa J. Milete 6, tel. 215-396.

• Buses Buses departing from Sibenik Sibenik–Trogir–Split at 00.00, 00.15, 2.30, 3.45, 4.35, 5.15, 6.45, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30 (except Sundays), 13.00, 14.00, 14.20, 15.10, 15.30, 15.40, 16.00, 16.30, 17.00 (except Saturdays), 18.00 18.15, 18.55, 19.00, 19.30, 20.30, 20.45, 21.15 (except Saturdays), 22.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Pirovac–Bio-

grad–Zadar at 5.45, 6.30, 7.00, 7.45 (including Sundays), 8.00, 8.45, 9.15 (except Saturdays), 9.45, 10.05, 11.00, 11.45, 12.00, 12.15, 13.00, 13.10, 13.45, 14.10, 14.37 (except Saturdays), 16.00, 16.15, 16.45, 17.45, 19.00, 20.40, 21.15, 21.40, 22.00 and 23.00; Sibenik–Rijeka at 6.30, 8.45, 9.15 (except Sundays), 9.45, 11.00, 13.00, 14.37, 16.45, 22.00 and 23.00; Sibenik–Makarska–Ploce–Dubrovnik at 00.00, 2.30, 4.35, 8.00, 11.00, 12.00, 14.20 and 15.10; Sibenik–Zagreb at 00.40, 1.30, 7.00, 7.45 (including Tuesdays and Fridays), 8.00, 9.15, 9.40, 10.05, 12.00, 13.45, 14.50, 15.30, 16.00, 17.30, 18.00 and 23.00; Local line - working days Sibenik-Drnis-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15, 9.30 and 15.15; Sibenik-Drnis-Kosovo-Knin at 8.30; 10.30; 11.30; 14.00; 20.00; Sibenik-Tisno-Jezera at 10.00(Jezera bus); Sibenik-Betina-Murter at 10.30 (Murter trade); Sibenik-Vodice-Kapela-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 11.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.05, 8.40, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 12.45, 14.00, 14.30, 19.10, 20.00; Sibenik-SrimaVodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00; 15.20 18.00; 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20, 13.30; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Pirovac-Kasic at 11.40, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Brodarica at 6.10, 7.00, 7.45, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.05, 14.00, 15.05, 16.05, 17.30, 19.10, 20.00, 21.10; Sibenik-Grebastica-Brnjaca-Drage-Bratski Dolac-Sapin Dolac at 12.25 (to Brnjace), 15.10; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica at 9.45; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica-Razanj at 11.00, 11.45, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Primosten (BIS) at 12.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin at 10.30 (Antonio tours), 11.15, 12.45, 14.00, 15.20, 15.30; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablace at 7.00, 9.00, 11.40, 13.15, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 19.15, 20.15., 17.40, 19.10, 20.15. Local line - Saturdays Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 9.00, 11.30, 14.00, 18.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.05, 8.40, 10.15, 20.00 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 12.00, 15.10, 20.15; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica-Razanj-S. Dolac at 11.45; SibenikSolaris-Zablace at 7.00, 9.00, 11.40, 14.15, 15.05, 17.40, 20.15. Local line - Sundays Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00, 14.00, 18.00; SibenikZaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablace at 9.00, 11.40, 14.15, 17.40, 20.15.

• Boats

SIBENIK – ZLARIN (ferry): Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11.00 hours, return at 14.55 hours. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE – ZIRJE: (ferry) Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 11.00 and 16.00 hours, return at 13.30 and 19.30 hours. Sundays and holidays at 11.00 and 19.00, return at 17.00 and 21.00 hours. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE - ZIRJE (hydro-speedboat Mislav): Mondays till Saturdays at 8.00 and 20.00 hours, return at 5.30 and 9.15 hours. Sundays and holidays at 8.00 and 20.10 hours. Return at 5.30 and 12.00 hours. SIBENIK – ZLARIN – PRVIC – SEPURINE - VODICE (line): Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 6.00, 9.30, 13.30, 15.30 and 19.30 hours. Return at 4.45, 12.00, 18.00 hours. Sundays and holidays at 9.30 and 20.45 hours. Return at 7.15 and 18.30 hours. Boat schedule valid until June 19th.


Important phone numbers

Powered by Šibenski list Božidara Petranovića 3, 22000 Šibenik, Tel: 022/311-300, fax: 022/330-100

The telephone code for Croatia is 00385 and for Sibenik and the Sibenik county dial 022

Director: Srđan Bužančić Editor-in-chief: Zdravko Pilić [email protected] Assistant editor: Mark Thomas [email protected] Reporters: Nevena Banić, Joško Čelar, Jadran Kale, Milko Kronja, Nikola Urukalo Photography: Vilson Polić, Nikolina Vuković, CROPIX Graphic editing: Luka Čanković, Orsat Lasić, Nino Milin Marketing: Nikolina Čvorak [email protected]; 091/302-0122 , Elida Slavica Printer: Slobodna Dalmacija In association with Tourist Board Šibenik: Goran Bulat, director

Police Fire brigade HAK roadside assistance Information Bus Station Tow away parking service Jadrolinija – ferries Croatian Railways General Hospital County council City council Port authority Meteorological station Sibenik University State archive City sanitation Tourist info centre


92 and 347-111 93 and 212-222 987 988 060 368-368 098/975 4196 218-663 9830, 333-696 246-246 244-200 332-021 217-217 338-585 311-060 330-370 332-325 214-411

060 368 368


KNIN Tourist Board, tel. 664-822; Health centre, tel. 660-552; General Hospital, tel. 663-732; Bus Station, tel. 661-005; Pharmacy, tel. 660-080; Red Cross, tel. 662-019; Library, tel. 660-010;

MURTER Tourist Board tel. 434-995; Pharmacy tel. 434-129; Doctor’s clinic tel. 435-262; Dentist tel. 436-026; National Park Kornati tel. 435740; City Council tel. 435-599; Jadranska bank tel. 443-137; Port Authority tel. 435-190,

PIROVAC Tourist Board tel. 466-770; Pharmacy tel. 467-099, from 8-14,30, Saturdays from 8 do 12. Doctor’s Clinic. 467-080; Post Office tel. 467-000; Jadranska bank tel. 466622; Fire Brigade tel. 467-090.

PRIMOŠTEN Tourist Office, Trg biskupa J. Arnerića 2 tel. 571-111; Port Authority, tel. 570-266; Library “dr. Ante Starčević” tel. 570-259; Doctor’s Clinic tel. 570-033; Pharmacy tel. 570-305.

Rogoznica Borough Rogoznica - tel/fax 022 559- 049;Por t Authority Rogoznica - 022 559-045; Tourist Board - 022 559-253; Doctor’s Surgery - 022 550032; Dentist - 022 558-392; Pharmacy Rogoznica - 022 558-330; Fire brigade - 022 559-294; Marina Frapa - tel: 559 900; Taxi - 091/666-0000; Post Office - tel: 559 080

SKRADIN Tourist Board tel. 771-306. Pharmacy - clinic of general medicine works Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7,30 do 13,30, and Tuesdays and Thursday from 13.30 to 19.30. tel. 771-099, 771-049;

TISNO / JEZERA Tourist Board, Put Zaratića 3, Jezera, tel. 022/439 – 120. Tourist Board Tel. 438-604. Pharmacy tel. 438 - 427; Doctor’s Clinic tel. 438-427, Jadranska banka tel. 438-486; Post Office tel. 439210; Port Authority tel. 439-313; Firebrigade tel. 438-751;

VODICE Tourist Board City of Vodice, Ive Čače 1a, tel. 443-888; City Council tel 444-900; Police tel. 443-150; Firebrigade tel. 441-324.


The Sibenik Times CROATIAN

Do you speak English?

Govoriš engleski?

You’re welcome

Nema na čemu

Where are you from?

Od kuda si?

Where are we going?

Gdje idemo?

Happy birthday

Sretan rođendan

I’m hungry (masculine)

Gladan sam

I’m hungry (feminine)

Gladna sam

What’s your name?

Kako se zoveš?

How old are you?

Koliko imaš godina?

No problem

Nema problema

See you

Vidimo se

Call me

Nazovi me

Some other time

Neki drugi put

How much does that cost?

Koliko to košta?

Strange but true Organizers of a special exhibition of the world’s longest tie were forced to put up a huge fake owl to stop pigeons using it as a toilet. The 2,300 feet long, 82 feet wide tie was wrapped around a Roman arena in Pula on the western Croatian peninsula of Istria where it was made. Organizers brought in a seven foot model of an owl after local seagulls

started leaving their droppings on the red material used in the tie. One worker, who was installing the owl at the arena, said, “We don’t know why but seagulls seem to use red textile like a toilet.” It appears the seagulls stayed away from the arena since the owl had been erected.

Quote of the week

You know you’re getting old when you stop to tie your shoes and wonder what else you can do while you’re down there.

Recipe of the week

PANCAKES WITH COTTAGE CHEESE Riddle of the week He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he?

2 cups flour milk water (1 part milk for 1 part water. Add until batter is thin) 1 egg pinch of salt zest from 1/2 of lemon cooking oil

Filling 1 cup cottage cheese (dry curd) 1 cup sour cream 1 egg 3 Tbsp sugar 1 Tbsp raisins 1 egg, beaten 1/2 cup sour cream


Heat a few drops of oil in a non-stick frying pan. Ladle batter into hot pan, tilting the pan in a circular motion until batter thinly covers the whole pan. Cook for 1-2 minutes on medium heat, then turn over and cook another 30 sec. Makes 6 large or 8 small pancakes.

Answer -A priest



Preparation for filling Preheat oven to 3500 F. Mix together all ingredients, spread across centers of pancakes and roll them up. Place the rolled pancakes in a rectangular baking pan. Mix beaten egg and sour cream and pour over pancakes. Bake 25 minutes uncovered.


George Burns (January 20, 1896–March 9, 1996)



The Sibenik Times






wednesday CLOUDS AND SUNSHINE HIGH 16 ºc LOW 7 ºc thursday MOSTLY SUNNY HIGH 17 ºc LOW 8 ºc



friday MOSTLY SUNNY HIGH 14 ºc LOW 6 ºc


A view from the Sibenik channel back towards the city with the St. Jacob cathedral dominating the skyline.

A similar scene taken this year the sea front buildings may have changed but the cathedral still stands proudly.

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