The Sibenik Times (special), September 16th

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Sibenik Times THE



Medieval Fair in Sibenik

Sajam u srednjovjekovnom Šibeniku


The Sibenik Times


From the editor

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FOR THE “MEDIEVAL FAIR IN SIBENIK” 2008 19.09.2008. 17:00 20:00 21:00

Setup of craft stands, fighting rings and similar objects Exhibition of photographs AD 1550 by author Aleksandra Podrebarac, City Library “Juraj Šižgorić“ Official acceptance of participants on the square “Four Wells” along with handing out of gifts and letters of thanks


Mark THOMAS The closeness of neighbors in here is something which was interesting for me. I was introduced to this the day after I arrived in town. I woke up in the morning to find my new neighbors sitting on the end of my bed talking to my wife. I had lived in an apartment in South London for four years and didn’t even know the names of my first neighbors and here I was after a day in town in full conversation with my neighbors in my pyjamas. Within hours another neighbor had let herself into the apartment with the greeting “It’s me...” and opened the fridge looking for some eggs. I said to my wife it would be easier to install a revolving door instead of a front door. This opendoor policy is the complete opposite in England, there if you want to visit a friend you first ring call them and find make an appointment to see them in a few days time. The front door bell is almost completely useless here, in fact people tend to ring the bell after they have entered as a warning that they’ve entered. Sometimes this “open-house” system can be dangerous, especially if a couple are having an “intimate” moment. One good friend here gave me some good advice on how to avoid such an embarrassing situation. Before he and his wife got “intimate” he would hang a sign on his front door “Cleaning the chimney”, close neighbors would know what this meant and unexpected guests wouldn’t enter for fear of getting dirty from the soot of the chimney. Unfortunately my apartment didn’t have a chimney and “Cleaning the air-conditioning” doesn’t have the same effect. After a few years I moved to a house near to the city and there the situation was just the same. The “charm” of having your neighbors always within earshot of your conversation at all times is sometimes a blessing. Just the other day I was making a coffee when I realized I had run out of sugar, I said to my wife I’ll go to the shop and buy some when I heard a neighbor shout out from her bathroom “Don’t worry I’ve got some” and within seconds a hand appeared from the bathroom holding a sugar bowl.

Riječ urednika Blizina susjeda u Šibeniku je nešto što mi je bilo jako interesantno. S time sam se susreo samo dan nakon što sam stigao u grad. Kad sam se probudio jedno jutro, ugledao sam naše nove susjede kako sjede na rubu moga kreveta i razgovaraju s mojom ženom. Naime, živio sam u stanu u južnom Londonu četiri godine i nisam uopće imao pojma kako se zovu moji prvi susjedi, a ovdje sam već nakon prvog dana u gradu naveliko pričao sa svojim susjedima i to odjeven u pidžamu. Nakon nekoliko sati, druga susjeda je sama ušla u naš stan govoreći: ‘’Ja sam...’’ i otvorila frižider tražeći jaja. Rekao sam ženi da bi bilo lakše ugraditi kružna vrata umjesto ovih ulaznih. Ovakva ‘’praksa’’ s uvijek ‘’otvorenim’’ vratima je potpuna suprotnost onomu što se može vidjeti u Engleskoj. Ako tamo želite posjetiti prijatelje, prvo ih trebate nazvati i ugovoriti kad ćete se vidjeti, a i to bude tek za nekoliko dana. Ovdje je, recimo, zvono na vratima potpuno beskorisno. Ljudi imaju naviku pozvoniti nakon što su već ušli, tek toliko da se najave, da se zna da su ušli. Ponekad ovaj sistem ‘’otvorene kuće’’ može biti i opasan, posebno ako je par u intimnom ‘’trenutku’’. Jedan moj dobri prijatelj iz grada mi je dao dobar savjet kako izbjeći takvu neugodnu situaciju. Prije nego su on i njegova žena imali svoj ‘’intimni trenutak’’, objesio bi natpis na ulazna vrata ‘’Čistim dimnjak’’. Obližnji susjedi bi znali što to znači, a neočekivani gosti ne bi ušli iz straha da bi se mogli zaprljati čađom od dimnjaka. Nažalost, moj stan nije imao dimnjak, a natpis ‘’Čistim klimatizacijski uređaj’’ nema isti učinak. Nakon nekoliko godina preselili smo se u kuću blizu grada i tamo je situacija bila potpuno ista. Uvijek imati susjede u zoni čujnosti vašega razgovora i to u svako doba dana, ‘’draž’’ je koja ponekad može biti i blagoslov. Baš sam neki dan kuhao kavu, kad sam shvatio da nemam više šećera. Upravo kad sam rekao ženi da idem u butigu kupiti šećera, začuo sam susjedu kako viče iz svoje kupaonice: ‘’Ne brini, imam ja’’ - i za par sekundi iz kupaonice se pojavila ruka držeći zdjelu sa šećerom.

09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00



Music and majorettes for official pilgrimage Gathering of participants on Poljana Official procession starts from Poljana towards the City Council- the procession is divided into two parts, one through Kalelarga and the second along the Riva Official opening - Program of events - The princess announces the fourth “Medieval fair of Sibenik” open - Firing of cannons sounds the opening of the fair Visit of the squares with stands The legend of the beautiful princess and the black Knight Zelingradski Knights – in front of the St. Jacob Cathedral

16:00 17:00 18:00 19:15 20:00 21:00 22:00

The Knights forts Bolkov Wroclav Poljana “Children’s Alka” Poljana Tournament “Archery” – square near I.G Kovačic (St. Frane Church) - Firing of city cannons sounds the opening Concert – Nera Gojanović and Gordana Pavić St.Ivana Church Section of a medieval pleading “Dubovačko pravice preštimanje” Night siege of the city with balls of fire – Knight Zelingradski and Red silver snakes – in front of the Sibenik Diocese building - Firing of city cannons sounds the opening Festival in front of the fish market (Peškarija) - Firing of city cannons sounds the opening - Rich gastronomical offer along with entertainment program and a performance by the group “Bagatin”

21.09.2008. 10:00 11:00 12:00 20:30


Opening of the stands Society “Sibenik City Guard” pilgrimage from the coast Official firing of city canons Craft exhibition “Figurin”, official closing ceremony of the fair – Republic of Croatia Square (in front of the City Council)


Postavljanje obrtničkih štandova, borilišta i sl. Izložba fotografija AD 1550 Author Aleksandra Podrebarac, Alex Gradska knjižnica „Juraj Šižgorić“ Prijem predstavnika sudionika na prostoru Četiri bunara prigodan program, podjela zahvalnica i darova

20.09.2008. 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 16:00 17:00



Glazba i mažoretkinje svečani mimohod Okupljanje sudionika na Poljani Svečana povorka kreće s Poljane prema Gradskoj vijećnici - povorka se dijeli u dva pravca, jedan kroz Kalelargu, drugi preko Rive Svečanost otvarenja - prigodni program - kneginja proglašava četvrti „Sajam u srednjovjekovnom Šibeniku“ otvorenim - pucnjevi iz topova označavaju otvorenje sajma Obilazak trgova sa štandovima Legenda o lijepoj kneginji i crnom vitezu Zelingradski vitezovi ispod Katedrale Vitezovi tvrđave Bolkov Wroclav Poljana „Dječja Alka“ Poljana

18:00 19:15 20:00 21:00 22:00

Turnir „Rabski samostreličari“ – Trg kod I.G Kovačića (kod crkve sv. Frane) - označavanje početka pucnjem gradskih topova Koncert – Nera Gojanović i Gordana Pavić Crkva Sv. Ivana Isječak iz srednjovekovne parnice „Dubovačko pravice preštimanje“ - Bratovština sv. Mihovila, Karlovac – Mala loža (Trg I.Pavla II) Noćna opsada grada sa vatrenim kuglama – Vitezovi Zelingradski i Red srebrnog zmaja – ispred zgrade Šibenske biskupije - označavanje početka pucnjem iz gradskih topova Fešta ispred Peškarije - označavanje početka pucnjem gradskih topova - bogata ugostiteljska ponuda uz prigodni program i nastup grupe „Bagatin“

21.09.2008. 10:00 11:00 12:00 20:30


Otvorenje štandova Udruga „Šibenska gradska straža“ mimohod – obala Svečani pucnji iz gradskih topova Obrtnička revija Figurin, svečano zatvaranje Sajam Trg Republike Hrvatske (ispred Gradske vijećnice)


The Sibenik Times


did you know?

MEDIEVAL ŠIBENIK FAIR The famed cannons on the Sibenik quay are firing once again, their barrels smoking this time not in anger, defending the city from an enemy at sea, but as a part of the Fair in the Medieval Sibenik. It is an event that takes place through the streets and squares of the old town by way of which the locals demonstrate the wealth of their city’s cultural and historical heritage. The Fair programmes offer a unique presentation of life, work and gastro- nomic achievements in the times when Sibenik was the largest city in Croatia. Special attention is therefore paid to the features of the traditional culture and oldcraft production of Sibenik. Numerous local and visiting actors tell stories of the medieval Sibenik, harmony singing groups and dancing troupes accompany the strollers dressed in tra- ditional costumes and uniforms while jugglers, fanfare, archers and knights lark around to recreate the atmosphere of the fairs of those times.


Ponovno pucaju slavni topovi na šibenskoj rivi, ponovno se njihove cijevi dime, no ovoga puta ne kako bi se grad obranio od morskog neprijatelja, već u sklopu manifestacije Sajam u srednjovjekovnom Šibeniku kojom Šibenčani svojim gostima po ulicama i trgovima stare gradske jezgre pokazuju svu raskoš kulturno-povijesne baštine svoga grada. Svojim programom ovaj sajam nudi jedinstven prikaz života, rada i gastronomskih postignuća iz vremena kada je Šibenik bio najveći hrvatski grad. Posebna se pozornost stoga usmjeruje na značajke tradicionalne šibenske kulture i starozanatsku proizvodnju. Brojni domaći i gostujući glumci scenskim nastupima pripovijedaju priče o srednjovjekovnom Šibeniku; klape i plesne skupine pjesmom i plesom prate šetače u tradicionalnim nošnjama i odorama, a žongleri, klaunovi, fanfare, streličari i vitezovi svojim ludorijama oživljavaju atmosferu sajmova toga vremena.

• St. Jacob’s Cathedral in Sibenik was built over 105 years from 1431 to 1536. • Two national parks, Krka and Kornati, are situated in the Sibenik-Knin County. • The Sibenik islands of Tribunj and Krapanj are the lowest populated islands in the Adriatic. • The City of Sibenik has been a member of NPA (Nürnberg-Pyrn-Adria) since its foundation in 1972. • The best period of the year to visit the Croatian coast is from April to October. • The summer sea temperature reaches 26 ºc. • The most well known Dalmatian and Sibenik specialties are fish stew and smoked ham. • In the Adriatic Sea you are only divers who have completed a course of diving and have a certificate are allowed to dive. • More than 50 percent of the total numbers of moorings in this region of the Adriatic are located in the SibenikKnin County.

JESTE LI ZNALI? • Katedrala sv. Jakova u Šibeniku građena je 105 godina, od 1431. do 1536. • Na području Šibensko-kninske županije nalaze se dva nacionalna parka – Krka i Kornati.

• Otoci šibenskog arhipelaga Tribunj i Krapanj najniži su naseljeni otoci na Jadranu. • Grad Šibenik član je udruge NPA (Nürnberg-Pyrn-Adria) još od njezina osnutka 1972. godine. • Najbolje razdoblje za boravak na hrvatskoj obali je od travnja do listopada. • Temperatura mora ljeti dostiže i 26 stupnjeva Celzijusa. • Najpoznatiji dalmatinski i šibenski specijaliteti su brodet i pršut. • U Jadranskom moru smiju roniti samo oni ronioci, koji su završili ronilačku naobrazbu i posjeduju valjanu ronilačku iskaznicu. • Više od 50 posto ukupnog broja vezova svih marina na hrvatskom dijelu Jadrana nalazi se u Šibensko-kninskoj županiji


The Sibenik Times



Last fair in pictures

2. 3.


5. 1. A vicious battle was fought between knights for the love of one noble lady, to the joy of the Sibenik public. Strasan boj vodili su vitezovi za ljubav jedne plemkinje, na radost i odusevljenje sibenske publike.

2. Many squares of Sibenik came alive after traders and buyers from all over

Croatia visited. Mnogi sibenski stari trgovi ozivjeli su posjetom trgovaca i kupaca iz obliznjih i dalekih krajeva Hrvatske.

3. The attack on Sibenik was forceful. Napad na Sibenik bio je silovit. 4. Enjoying traditional treats. Uživanje u tradicionalnim slasticama. 5. Girls accompanying their “Alkare” as their mothers once did. Kako su nji-

hove majke pratile svoje alkare tako i ove mlade sinjanke prate svoje male alkare.

6. The guard from Cakovac “Zrinski” marched along the streets of Sibenik. Cakovacka garda “ZRINSKI” defilirala je ulicama starog dijela Sibenika.



The Sibenik Times


SIBENIK – A BRIEF kratka HISTORY povijest Šibenika

Šibenik was mentioned for the first time under its present name in 1066 in a Charter of the Croatian King Petar Krešimir IV. For a period of time, it was a seat of the Croatian King. For that reason, Šibenik is also called "Krešimirov grad" (Krešimir's city). Through history the city has experienced many highs and lows, from the Black Plague in the 17th century to the end of the Homeland War in 1995 when the city virtually defended the whole of Croatia, to modern day where the city is an attractive destination for tourists from all over the world. Its many cultural monuments will amaze you and the ideal approach to the city is via the sea. This is one of the reasons that more and more nautical tourists decide to visit the city. The coast as the crow flies is only 56 kilometers long but thanks to an especially rugged coast has in fact a total coastline of 806 kilometers.

Šibenik, najstariji samorodni hrvatski grad na Jadranu, prvi put se spominje još na Božić 1066. u darovnici kralja Petra Krešimira IV. Samo ime do danas nije još objašnjeno, no smatra se da potječe od pojma šibe, odnosno grmlja kojim obiluje cijeli kraj. Kroz stoljeća je doživljavao mnoge uspone i padove, od kojih je za stanovništvo najpogubnija bila epidemija kuge iz 17. stoljeća a nakon završetka Domovinskog rata 1995. godine kada je praktički na ovom potezu obranjena cijela Hrvatska, danas se profilira kao atraktivna turistička destinacija. Mnoštvo njegovih kulturnih spomenika ćete poželjeti pomnije razgledati, a za samog turista najidealniji dolazak u Krešimirov grad je upravo sa morske strane. To otkriva sve više nautičara koji plove akvatorijem Šibensko-Kninske županije, dugim samo 56 km zračne linije, ali zahvaljujući izuzetnoj razvedenosti ukupna dužina obala je čak 806 km. Tu su čak i dva nacionalna parka, onaj na rijeci

There are in fact two national parks in the county. One is the Krka National Park, which is famous for its waterfalls. Unlike other Dalmatian towns that were founded by the Illyrians, Greeks, and Romans, it is the oldest native Croatian town on the eastern shores of the Adriatic. Šibenik was given the status of a town and its own diocese in 1298. Excavations of the castle of Saint Michael have since proven that the place was inhabited long before the actual arrival of the Croats. The city, like the rest of Dalmatia, resisted the Venetians up to 1412. The Ottoman Empire started to threaten Šibenik at the end of the 15th century, but they never succeeded in conquering it. In the 16th century, the fortress of St. Nicholas was built and, by the 17th century, its fortifications were improved again by the fortresses of St. John and Šubićevac. The fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797 brought Šibenik under the authority of the Habsburg Monarchy. After World War I,

Krki, poznatoj po čuvenim slapovima i Kornati, koji se sastoji od stotina malih i većih otočića. Kod uplovljavanja u Šibenik, na početku nešto više od 2,7 km dugog kanala Svetog Ante nalazi se jedna od četiri šibenske tvrđave, Sveti Nikola. U prošlosti je služila kao brana mogućim napadima s mora, a danas predstavlja samo turističku atrakciju. Sam grad smjestio se na potopljenom ušću rijeke Krke, mjestu koje predstavlja najpovoljniju prirodnu luku na istočnoj obali Jadrana. Panoramom dominira čuvena katedrala Svetog Jakova, čiji korijeni sežu još u 1298. godinu kada se rodila ideja o gradnji. Gradnja ovog najznačajnijeg šibenskog spomenika počela je 1431. godine pod vodstvom majstora Jurja Dalmatinca, a završena je godine 1536. U neposrednoj blizini se nalazi i Gradska vijećnica te Kneževa palača, u kojoj je smješten Muzej grada Šibenika. Mnogobrojne druge crkve koje se nalaze u starom dijelu grada, koji je i

Šibenik became a part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, while during World War II it was occupied by Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. After WWII it became a part of the SFR Yugoslavia until Croatia declared independence in 1991. During the Croatian War of Independence, Šibenik was heavily attacked by the Yugoslav National Army and Serbian paramilitary troops. Although under-armed, the nascent Croatian army and the people of Šibenik managed to defend the city. The battle lasted for six days (September 16-22) is often referred to as the "September battle". The bombings damaged numerous buildings and monuments, including the dome of the cathedral and the 1870-built theatre building. In an August 1995 military operation, the Croatian army defeated Serbian forces and freed the occupied areas, which created the basic conditions for its post-war recovery and allowed the region to continue to develop as the centre of Šibenik-Knin County.

Gargoyles on the facade of Glave the Sibenik Cathedral s Katedrale

rekorder po broju stepenica u ovim krajevima, mogu se bez problema obići pješice nakon što se parkira brod ili automobil na području obale od stare zgrade ribarnice pa do gata Vrulje koji sada služi kao parkiralište i mjesto za prihvat velikih cruisera, a u bliskoj budućnosti će se znatno proširiti i dobiti moderni putnički terminal. Nakon šetnji kroz šibenske kale obvezno se treba popeti do tvrđave Sveti Mihovil, gdje turist može uživati u pogledu na cijeli šibenski zaljev, bez dima ili zagađenja. Nekad težački grad, Šibenik je u 20. stoljeću zahvatio val industrijalizacije, potaknut činjenicom da je još 1895. dobio električnu energiju koja se proizvodila i na danas postojećoj hidroelektrani Jaruga na rijeci Krki. No, Tvornica elektroda i ferolegura u predjelu Crnica je prestala sa radom polovicom 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća a proizvodnja aluminija u Tvornici lakih metala na Ražinama je znatno smanjena. Još neke tvrtke su stavile ključ u bravu, a zrak nad Šibenikom je postao izuzetno čist, baš kao i more nakon izgradnje kolektora za otpadne vode. Baš te činjenice, uz blagu mediteransku klimu gdje se i zimi temperatura kreće blizu 10 stupnjeva Celzija, trebaju odrediti šibensku budućnost. Ona se logično naslanja i na bogatu povijesnu i kulturnu baštinu, pa se stoga u Šibeniku održavaju razne manifestacije, od kojih je najpoznatiji Međunarodni dječji festival, koji ove godine puni ravnih pet desetljeća trajanja. Najnoviji u ovom nizu je Festival u srednjovjekovnom Šibeniku, koji se održava u rujnu.

The Sibenik Times


The Fair is the crown of Sibenik’s touristic season This will be the fourth Medieval Fair, what can we expect for this years fair? This year there are many new and interesting events in the fair. Once again I’m sure that the fair will attract the interest of many guests in the Sibenik region and at the same time be of great interest to the citizens of Sibenik. The fair is special because it presents the traditional way of life of the middle ages in the city of Sibenik. In fact it not only presents life in Sibenik at that time but also the whole of Croatia. There are also many guests from foreign countries, for example this year we can expect guests from Italy who will present how mozzarella cheese is made. Then we have guests from Hungary who will present their national folklore as well as another group from Hungary who will show us how lacework is made. Another group from Slovenia will present their traditional cakes. So that apart from the traditional crafts from Sibenik we will have a wide spectrum of crafts from around the world. We will also have in this year’s fair cultural events from all over Croatia including Sibenik, Rab, and Korčula. In fact the group from Korčula will dance their traditional

The fair is special because it presents the traditional way of life of the middle ages in the city of Sibenik. In fact it not only presents life in Sibenik at that time but also the whole of Croatia. There are also many guests from foreign countries Moreska dance. Then on Saturday we will have a full days program including; an archery tournament, concerts, firing of the city’s cannons, music and majorettes, a battle with knights and many other events. I am sure that the fair takes a lot of organizing when did preparations start? Yes, the organization of the Medieval Fair is very demanding; there are so many things that need to be arranged. In fact preparations started at the beginning of this year. By March of this year preparations had already been roughly made. Then we have to speak with all of our partners that are involved in the fair. Not forgetting that the event is announced in all tourist information brochures not only in Sibenik but across the country. The whole city comes alive on over the days of the fair and it’s great to see so many smiling faces in the city.

The fair always has many authentic souvenirs from Sibenik and Croatia, I’m sure this is very popular with tourists. What reactions have you had about the fair from guests? The interest for the fair is always very impressive. I think it speaks for itself when all the hotels and other accommodation in the city are fully booked whilst the fair is being held. This fair is also marketed outside of Croatia when we go on trade exhibitions in other countries. Always tourism in Sibenik in September is connected with the Medieval Fair, we have had many enquires from abroad through the year about the events in the fair. The fair is a great event for Sibenik, whose idea was it to hold the fair? The idea came from the Sibenik City council. Of course the organization of the whole event is in co-operation with the Sibenik tourist board and the society of crafts in Sibenik.





The Sibenik Times



Sajam je kruna šibenske turističke sezone Ovaj sajam je poseban po tome što predstavlja tradicionalni način života srednjega vijeka u gradu Šibeniku. Ustvari ne samo da predstavlja život u Šibeniku tog vremena nego i cijele Hrvatske

Ovo će biti četvrti po redu Srednjovjekovni sajam, što možemo očekivati ove godine? Ove godine na sajmu će biti puno novih i zanimljivih događanja. Još jednom mogu reći da sam siguran kako će ovogodišnji sajam privući pozornost mnogobrojnih posjetitelja šibenske regije te da će isto vrijeme biti i od velikog interesa za građane Šibenika. Ovaj sajam je poseban po tome što predstavlja tradicionalni način života srednjega vijeka u gradu Šibeniku. Ustvari ne samo da predstavlja život u Šibeniku tog vremena nego i cijele Hrvatske. Također tu će biti i mnogobrojni gosti iz stranih zemalja kao što su to recimo gosti iz Italije koji će nam predstaviti način pravljenja njihove poznate mozzarelle. Tu su još i gosti iz Mađarske koji će predstaviti svoj narodni folklor kao i još jedna mađarska grupa koja će nam pokazati kako se pravi čipka. Grupa iz Slovenije predstaviti će svoje tradicionalne kolače. Na taj način ćemo osim tradicionalnih obrta koji su postojali u Ši-

beniku također imati i široki sprektar obrta iz cijeloga svijeta. Na ovogodišnjem sajmu također ćemo imati i kulturna događanja iz cijele Hrvatske uključujući Šibenik, Rab i Korčulu. Naime, grupa s Korčule će otplesati svoj poznati ples Morešku. U subotu ćemo imati cijelodnevni program koji će uključivati natjecanje u streljaštvu, koncerte, pucanje iz gradskih topova, glazbu i mažoretkinje, borbu vitezova i mnogo drugih događanja. Siguran sam da Sajam zahtijeva veliki posao oko same organizacije.Kad su počele pripreme? Da, organizacija Srednjovjekovnog sajma jako je zahtijevna; ima toliko puno stvari koje treba uskladiti. Same pripreme započele su početkom ove godine. Do ožujka su već bile napravljene ‘’u grubo’’. Zatim je uslijedio razgovor sa svim našim partnerima koji su uključeni u Sajam. Također ne zaboravite da smo ovaj događaj najavili u svim turističkim informativnim brošurama i to ne samo u Šibeniku nego po cijeloj zemlji. Cijeli grad će oživje-

Sibenik Mayor and deputee Ninić (both sitting) with City counsil’s member Šibenska gradonačelnica i dogradonačelnik Ninić (sjede) sa članovima Poglavarstva ti tijekom svih dana Sajma i bit će lijepo vidjeti puno nasmiješenih lica po gradu. Na Sajmu se uvijek može vidjeti i dosta autentičnih suvenira iz Šibenika i Hrvatske, siguran sam da su jako popularni među turistima. Kakve su reakcije gostiju na ovaj sajam? Zanimanje za sajam uvijek je jako impresivno. Mislim da činjenica da su hoteli i

privatni smještaj puni za vrijeme održavanja sajma govori sama za sebe. Ovaj sajam također promoviramo i izvan granica Hrvatske i to na gospodarskim sajmovima po drugim zemljama. U mjesecu rujnu turizam u Šibeniku se uvijek veže uz Srednjovjekovni sajam tako da smo kroz cijelu godinu imali mnogo upita iz inozemstva veza-

nih za sajam i za događanja na sajmu. Ovaj sajam je jako veliki događaj za Šibenik. Čija je uopće bila ideja za održavanje ovog sajma? Ideja je došla od šibenskog Gradskog vijeća. Naravno, organizacija cijelog događaja izvodi su u suradnji sa šibenskom Turističkom zajednicom i šibenskom Udrugom obrta.


The Sibenik Times


LAZAR ČIVLJAK FAMOUS CITY JEWE SOUVENIRS – SIBENIK BUTTON AND Certainly almost everyone has hidden in their bottom drawer at least one piece of this precious metal and have at one point in their life used it to decorate an occasion and the jewelers trade is as old as man itself. Can you even imagine the old city of Sibenik without a large number of jeweler workshops. In one of these workshops the famous Sibenik jeweler Lazar Čivljak continues his work today on jewelry and all with a Sibenik signature. This jeweler has revitalized the Sibenik button, a traditional Sibenik ornate piece without which it was difficult to imagine clothes. But Mr. Čivljak doesn’t only make earrings and rings, he creates almost everything, and among the most interesting is the jewelry boxes made with clean silver. The first was made twenty years ago, they are extremely complicated to create and down to the last detail they are handmade.

Four generations of jewelers - When you make jewellery by hand then the “master” puts his personal stamp and that is worth a lot more than machine made items, although mass produced jewellery is much easier to produce. Every line on a jewellery box is made of silver threads and unfortunately sometimes they break and you have to start from the beginning again – comments Mr. Čivljak, whose famous jewellery boxes have ended up on the side boards of many well known people. - One was given as a gift by the former bishop to the former president of Croatia Dr. Frano Tuđman. The former Pope John Paul II also had one, Cardinal Franjo Kuharić has another and I know for a fact that one is situated in Padova in the

church St. Ante. I am very proud that so many spiritual people own one of my creations as I grew up in a strong catholic background – continues Mr. Čivljak. He then adds that these boxes are relatively expensive as one costs around 4000 kuna. Mr. Čivljak is originally from Peći in Kosovo. This region has produced many great jewelers although he doesn’t really remember much about his birth place as he left when he was only three years old. – I am the fourth generation of jewelers in my family. We have been in Sibenik since 1964 and in 1965 my father opened this workshop. Three years ago we celebrated forty years of working in this trade, but to be honest we didn’t make too much of a fuss as we are waiting for the fiftieth anniversary when I think that we’ll have a real celebration – jokes Mr. Čivljak. And he doesn’t have to worry about the next in line as the rest of his whole family is involved in the business. My wife and I are the proud parents of three sons, Simon, Tadej and Bruno. Although, apart from the youngest son, not one has been “bitten” by the family profession Lazar is confi-

dent that they will change their minds over time. - My father never pushed me to follow him or to continue the family trade, but at the same time I never rejected the idea of going into the jewellery business. My favorite time was when my father used to go on some business trip and I had the workshop to myself. During those times I would make creations out of gold, which I couldn’t do when he was home as we only had one work table. My father was very happy

when he saw me making jewellery because he knew deep down that I would soon be following in his footsteps. As we say in Croatia “an apple doesn’t fall far from its tree”. I remember once making a silver model of the St. Jacob Cathedral in Sibenik but unfortunately my brother destroyed it when he was playing – recalls Mr. Čivljak.

Gold instead of Nintendo - I found out from journalists that I’d been awarded

by the Croatian National Tourist with a special recognition the “blue flower” for my Sibenik button. I didn’t even know that I was in the running for such an award. The Sibenik button was firstly awarded by the Sibenik tourist board and then the Croatian craftsmen society – says Mr. Čivljak. But the Sibenik button was not his only creation. He has also returned the old Sibenik coin the “bagatin” into popularity and not long ago the country authorities gave

him support to purchase a machine which will make the production of these coins easier. On one side of the coin is Saint Michael the patron saint and protector of Sibenik and on the other is Saint Mark the patron saint of Venice. – The “bagatin” was first used in 1485 after permission was given by the authorities at that time in Venice. Sibenik was in fact the first city to have its own coin money. This information comes from the city museum.



The Sibenik Times



Gotovo ne postoji osoba koja u škrinjici za nakit ne čuva barem jedan komadić ovog plemenitog metala, koja se njime nije okitila makar za jedu lijepu životnu prigodu, a zlatarski zanat star je koliko i čovjek. Možete li uopće zamisliti staru gradsku jezgru Šibenika bez brojnih zlatarskih radnji. U jednoj od takvih radnji, onoj šibenskog zlatara Lazara Čivljaka nastaju prave poslastice od nakita, a sve sa šibenskim potpisom. Ovaj je zlatar, naime, revitalizirao Šibenski botun, tradicionalni šibenski nakit bez kojeg se nekada nije moglo zamisliti ni jedno svečarsko ruho. Ne izrađuje Čivljak samo naušnice i prstenje, već gotovo sve, a najzanimljivija je svakako kutijica za nakit, pomno

izrađena od čistog srebra prema motivu s jedne ogrlice, samo što je u ovom slučaju ‘puca’ povećana čak pet puta. Prvu je izradio prije dvanaest godina, bila je jako teška i do posljednjeg detalja izrađena je – ručno.

Četvrta generacija zlatara -Kada se nakit radi ručno onda joj majstor ‘udahne’ svoj osobni pečat, a to je puno vrjednije od strojne izrade, iako je ona neosporno lakša. Svaki red na kutijici izrađen je od srebrne žice u jednom komadu, a dogodi se, fala bogu, koji put da pukne, pa sve ispočetka – kaže Čivljak, čije su slavne kutijice završile u vitrinama nekih slavnih ljudi. -Jednu je na poklon od

bivšeg župana Paška Bubala dobio pokojni predsjednik Tuđman, jednu je imao papa Ivan Pavao Drugi, jednu kardinal Franjo Kuharić, a za jednu znam da se nalazi u Padovi u crkvi Svetog Ante. Ponosan sam na to što su vlasnici većine ljudi vjere, jer sam u duhu katoličanstva odrastao i odgajan – kaže zlatar biblijskog imena i otkriva kako je kutijica relativno skup poklon čija se cijena kreće oko 4000 kuna. Čivljak je podrijetlom s Kosova, iz Peći, odakle potječe veliki broj uglednih zlatara, no rodnog se grada gotovo uopće ne sjeća iz vremena kada je bio dijete, jer je njegov otac Simon, također poznati majstor ovog zanata, od tamo otišao kada su Lazaru bile samo tri go-

dine. -Ja sam već četvrta generacija zlatara u našoj obitelji. U Šibeniku smo od 1964. godine, a 1965. je moj otac u gradu otvorio ovu radnju. Prije tri godine proslavili smo četrdesetu obljetnicu, ali joj nismo dali osobit značaj jer čekamo pedesetu i valjda ćemo je doživjeti – smije se Lazar koji se za nasljednika ne treba bojati. Supruga Violeta i on, naime, ponosni su roditelji trojice sinova: maturanta Simona, srednjoškolca Tadeja i desetogodišnjeg mezimca Bruna. Iako ni jedan, osim najmlađeg pomalo, nije ‘zagrizao’ za obiteljski zanat, Lazar je uvjeren kako tradicija u njihovoj obitelji neće zamrijeti. -Mene moj otac nije prisiljavao da postanem ovo što jesam, a

ja svejedno nisam odolio zlatarstvu. Najdraže mi je bilo raditi kreacije od zlata kada bi otac otišao na službeni put, jer to inače nisam mogao, zato što smo imali samo jedan radni stol. Ocu je bilo drago kada bi me vidio da izrađujem nakit jer je znao da jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla. Sjećam se da sam jednom od srebra izradio maketu šibenske katedrale, ali mi je brat u igri srušio – prisjeća se Lazar čiji je rad nedavno prepoznala i struka.

Zlato zamijenio Nintendo -Informaciju da sam za Šibenski botun nagrađen plavim cvijetom od strane HTZ-a saznao sam od novinara koji su došli u radnju napraviti priču. Nisam ni

znao da sam u konkurenciji. ‘Šibenske botune’ je najprije nagradila TZ naše županije, a potom i Hrvatska obrtnička komora – kaže Čivljak, kojem botun nije jedina kreativna ideja. On je, naime, u optjecaj vratio i stari šibenski novac – bagatin, a nedavno mu je država odobrila poticaj za kupnju stroja koji će mu olakšati izradu ovog srebrnjaka, kojem je s jedne strane lik svetog Mihovila, zaštitnika Šibenika, a s druge svetog Marka, zaštitnika Venecije. - Bagatin je prvi put iskovan 1485. godine, nakon dobivenog dekreta od Venecije. Šibenik je inače bio prvi grad koji je imao kovani novac, a informacije o tome dobio sam iz Muzeja i od profesora Ive Livakovića.



The Sibenik Times DONKEYS

The donkey is a symbol of Dalmatia. Without this noble, timid, stubborn and very hardworking animal life would have been very different in Dalmatia. People wouldn’t have been able to move so much stone, harvest so many grapes, make roads and paths or build so many houses, villages or towns. Men brought water by donkey, climbed hills and mountains, for people the donkey was the key to success and hope for the future. And more importantly the donkey became man’s best friend and companion. In a sign of gratitude for this unique animal the towns of Tribunj and Primošten have both placed a statue to the donkey in the centre of the town. In Tribunj on the first Saturday in August is held the biggest and most well known “race of the donkeys” along the coast of the Adriatic.



Magarac je simbol Dalmacije. Bez ove plahe, plemenite, tvrdoglave, ali i vrlo izdržljive životinje ovdašnji čovjek nikad ne bi raskrčio toliko kamenjara, podigao brojne vinograde, i maslinike, probio putove i ceste, izgradio kuće, sela i svoje gradove. Na magarcu je čovjek donosio vodu, penjao se i silazio s njim strmim padinama, uz more ili u njegovu zaleđu, čovjeku je magarac bio nada i utjeha, njegova vjera u bolju budućnost, nerijetko i njegov jedini iskreni prijatelj. U znak zahvalnosti tom jedinstvenom stvoru, Tribunj i Primošten na svojim su središnjim trgovima podigli spomenik magarcu. U Tribunju se prve subote u kolovozu održava i najveća i najpoznatija utrka magaraca na jadranskoj obali.





The Sibenik area is famous for its tradition of wine production. It history dates from the period before the birth of Christ when vine yards were worked by the ancient Greeks and Romans. From the middle of the 15th century to the 20th century Sibenik became well known in Europe for its wine culture. In the 1930’s sparkling wines from Sibenik were extremely popular in Paris and the Vatican. The most well known grapes from the Sibenik region are Babić, Debit, Plavina, Lasin and Maraština. The most popular spirits (rakija) which are served as an appetiser before meals are travarica and loza.

Šibenski kraj poznat je po tradiciji proizvodnje vina. Ona datira iz razdoblja prije rođenja Isusa Krista kada su na ovdanjim obroncima vinovu lozu sadili stari Grci i Rimljani. Od sredine 15. do početka 20. stoljeća šibenski je kraj bio poznat u Europi kao vinska velesila. Tridesetih godina 20. stoljeća pjenušac iz šibenskih krajeva bio je omiljen u Parizu i Vatikanu.Najpoznatije sorte grožđa u šibenskom kraju su babić, debit, plavina, lasin i maraština. Najpoznatije rakije koje se piju prije jela su travarica i loza

The evenings of Dalmatian Chanson has been held in Sibenik since 1998. It is today the highest quality Croatian festival of Chanson. Many performers from all over Croatia attend including four of the leading Croatian artists. The festival has in fact won the prestigious Porin award four times. These awards are presented by the Institute of Croatian Music and the festival has won the award in 2001, 2004, 2006 and 2007. This kind of success has not been achieved by any other festival in Croatian. The evenings of Dalmatian Chanson is traditionally held on the Republic of Croatia Square on the first Friday after the 15th of August. Večeri dalmatinske šansone održavaju se u Šibeniku od 1998. Danas je to najkvalitetniji hrvatski festival zabavnih melodija o čemu svjedoče i četiri najveće hrvatske diskografske nagrade Porin, koje je Institut Hrvatske glazbene industrije dodijelio ovom festivalu 2001.,2004.,2006. i 2007. godine. Takav uspjeh nije ostvario niti jedan drugi festival u Hrvatskoj. Večeri dalmatinske šansone tradicionalno se održavaju na Trgu Republike Hrvatske prvog petka i subote iza blagdana Velike Gospe 15. kolovoza.


The Sibenik Times


SIBENIK CITY GRADSKA STRAŽA GUARD AS A BRAND kao OF SIBENIK BREND ŠIBENIKA The 24th of October 2006 was a historical day for the city of Sibenik. That day, the city guard of Sibenik was taken from mothballs and returned back to life. The city guard of Sibenik was first mentioned in the 15th century. - The idea came into existence from the Sibenik Tourist Board who came into contact with us; the first notion was to gather the guard just for the Medieval Fair in Sibenik for that year. However, as we are good friends, who have known each other since the war, the city guard remained together after the fair and is still together today. And thanks to our enthusiasm we have become one of the best known brands of Sibenik and we have in fact visited almost all of Croatia – commented the president Joško Babačić. The other members are: deputy president Siniša Burić, secretary Jurica Arambašić, Josip Čubrić, Kreše Mikulandra, Željko Škugor, Dubravko Ivec, Igor Vukšić, Željko Vukšić, Darko Škarica, Zlatko Batinica, Milan Drezga, Mate Žurić and Šime Panjkota a total of fourteen musketeers. - The city guard has its own bus, with our photo on the sides, in which we travel around Croatia, so this is an added attraction. We often joke that only the Sibenik city guard and the Rolling Stones travel with their own bus. We all get on very well together, we share the same war experiences and due to this when we are particularly welcome in Vukovar at their traditional pilgrimage towards Ovčari – says Siniša Burić and adds that their honoree member is the bishop of Sibenik Ante Ivas. - The clothes that we wear are authentic, made according to sketches that we got from the museum and created by the Sibenik designer Karmen Herceg. The hardest thing was to convince us to wear tights, but in the end we had to give in – joked Jurica Arambašić adding that the Sibenik guard was most well known for it archers. For this year’s Medieval Fair these guys have prepared one more surprise. Every day for a few hours the Sibenik guard will ride horses though the streets as their predecessors once did.

24. listopada 2006. godine povijesni je dan za grad Šibenik. Toga je dana, naime, iz naftalina izvađena i u život vraćena Šibenska gradska straža, koja se u službenim papirima prvi put spominje u 15. stoljeću. -Ideja je nastala u Turističkoj zajednici grada koja je potom stupila u kontakt s nama, a prvotna je misao bila okupiti se samo za Sajam u srednjovjekovnom Šibeniku te godine. Međutim, kako smo mi dobra ekipa, koja se međusobno poznaje iz rata, tako je gradska straža ostala do danas i zahvaljujući našem entuzijazmu postala jedan od najprepoznatljivijih šibenskih brendova, a obišli smo cijelu Hrvatsku – kazao nam je predsjednik Joško Babačić. Ostali članovi su: dopredsjednik Siniša Burić, tajnik Jurica Arambašić, Josip Čubrić, Kreše Mikulandra, Željko Škugor, Dubravko Ivec, Igor Vukšić, Željko Vukšić, Darko Škarica, Zlatko Batinica, Milan Drezga, Mate Žurić i Šime Panjkota, ukupno četrnaest mušketira. -Straža ima i svoj autobus u kojem obilazimo Hrvatsku, preko kojeg je naša slika, pa je to još jedna dodatna atrakcija. Često se šalimo kako jedino mi i Rolling Stonesi putujemo vlastitim autobusom. Inače se odlično slažemo, dijelimo isti ratni put, zbog čega smo posebno omiljeni gosti u Vukovaru na njihovom tradicionalnom hodočašću prema Ovčari – veli Siniša Burić i dodaje kako je njihov počasni član i šibenski biskup Ante Ivas. -Odore koje nosimo su autentične, rađene prema nacrtima koje smo dobili iz Muzeja, a izradila ih je šibenska dizajnerica Karmen Herceg. Najteže nas je bilo nagovoriti na tajice, ali na kraju smo se morali pomiriti s njima – smije se Jurica Arambašić nastavljajući kako je Šibenska gradska straža bila prepoznatljiva po samostreličarima, pa ga tako imaju i oni. No, ove godine na Srednjovjekovnom sajmu ovi sjajni momci pripremaju još jednu novost. Svaki dan, naime, i po nekoliko sati, uzimaju satove jahanja u konjičkom klubu Pegasus i ove će godine prvi put, kao i svoji prethodnici, u grad ujahati – na konjima i Šibenčanima i gostima nesumnjivo prirediti sjajan spektakl.


The Sibenik Times

WELLS THE SECRETS OF SIBENIK Four and a half years after work began on the plateau four wells this unique detail of the architectural history of Sibenik is finally renovated. The citizens of Sibenik have yet another attraction, which will no doubt grab the attention of tourists, as well as having a new location to hold different cultural events and entertainment programs. Works began on repairing the four wells back in January 2004 and that first phase was completed in July of that year, however this early success was followed by a break of several years. Last year work restarted and the whole project cost around 1.5 million Kuna, from which the Ministry of Culture paid 300.000 Kuna and the remaining amount was paid for by the City Council of Sibenik from their budget. According to Ive Šprljan, a conservator from Sibenik, the first phase involved re-

covery all the cisterns of the wells and this started and almost the same time when the wells were being prepared as an exhibition area. Since the concession for the wells was given to the company “Experia” who planned to open a cultural-tourist attraction called “Wells- the secret of Sibenik”. This was a great opportunity to carry out a detailed investigation into the walls of the cistern as well as to see in which way the water filter process worked in the cistern. – Thanks to that investigation the original look of the tiles on the plateau was confirmed and the results of this were written up and described in the article by Joško Ćuzela “The water supply system of the object four wells in Sibenik” which will soon be published in an expert magazine from Split. After this the plateau was strengthened with reinforced concrete on which

the supporting walls of 1.2 meters thick of the cistern were placed. The concrete is 20 centimeters thick and the weight of this brought up new problems as the crowns of the wells “sunk”. The rebalancing of the wells was the next phase and this began a year and a half ago. At the same time as this phase was in process the renovation of the neighboring buildings was also started. All of the wells crowns were also renovated and had received new

iron bars under which was placed special glass so that the water couldn’t flow out of the cistern. A new sewer system was also installed and now all the waste water flows directly into the city’s sewer system. An illumination system was also installed and on the entrance of the plateau an iron fence and gate were erected. But the thing that will steal all the attention is the tessellation of red bricks laid out in the shape of a fish’s skeleton


exactly as the plateau used to look in days gone by adds Šprljan. And while the renovation of the four wells lasted for four and a half years the actual building of the wells in the middle ages lasted for seven years from 1446 to 1453. They were built by a famous builder Jakov Corerra from Trania. The wells had a capacity of 28.000 barrels or around 1400 cubic meters of rain. The total area of the cistern was divided into two parts was 205 meters squa-

red and the surface area of the plateau above the cistern was 364 meters squared. Juraj Dalmatinac was charged with the overall supervision of the works. At that time due to a misunderstanding and a lack of money Juraj Dalmatinac had less work on the construction of the city cathedral so had time to help with the wells. The crowns of the wells were the work of stone masons Juraj Mihajlova from Zadar and Marko Petrov from Apulije.

BUNARI - TAJNE ŠIBENIKA Četiri i pol godine nakon što su počeli radovi na platou 4 bunara, taj jedinstven detalj šibenske spomeničke baštine konačno je obnovljen te je tako od proteklog ponedjeljka Šibenik dobio još jedan atraktivan prostor koji će nesumnjivo privlačiti pozornost turista, a na toj lokaciji kako je najavljeno održavat će se razni kulturni i zabavni programi. Radovi na uređenju platoa 4 bunara počeli su u siječnju 2004. godine i u toj prvoj fazi trajali su do srpnja te godine, da bi nakon toga nastupila višegodišnja stanka. Radovi su nastavljeni prošle godine, a cjelokupni projekt stajao je 1,5 milijun kuna, od čega je 300.000 kuna osiguralo Ministarstvo kulture, a ostatak Grad Šibenik iz svog proračuna. Prema riječima šibenskog konzervatora Ive Šprljana radovi u prvoj fazi obuhvatili su sanaciju svodova cisterne bunara i počela je gotovo istodobno kada su se cisterne počele uređivati kao izložbeni prostor, budući da je koncesiju za cisterne dobila tvrtka ‘Experia’ koja je tu planirala otvorila tzv. kulturno-turističku atrakciju ‘Bunari - tajne Šibenika’. To je ujedno bila prilika, kako kaže Šprljan, da se obave detaljna konzervatorska istraživanja zidova cisterne i žbuke, kao i načina na koji je funkcionirala cisterna te filtri za pročišćavanje vode kojih je na platou bilo šest. -Zahvaljujući tim istraživanjima utvrđen je i izvorni izgled pločnika na platou četiri bunara, a rezultate tih istraživanja Joško Ćuzela i ja opisali smo u članku ‘Vodoopskrbni objekt Četiri bunara u Šibeniku’ koji će uskoro biti objavljen u splitskom stručnom, konzervatorskom časopisu ‘Prilozi povijesti umjetnosti u Dalmaciji’ – ističe Šprljan. Potom je plato ojačan armiranom betonskom pločom koja se statički oslonila na nosivi zid cisterne širok

1,2 metra i koja je preuzela sva opterećenja tako da su svodovi cisterne ostali rasterećeni, objašnjava Šprljan. Betonska ploča debela je čak 20 centimetara, a njenim postavljanjem pojavio se novi problem – bunarske krune su ‘utonule’ u odnosu na razinu na kojoj su izvorno stajale i to točno za debljinu ploče. Njihovo deniveliranje bio je dio radova druge faze koja je počela prije godinu i pol. U tom vremenu obnovljena su i pročelja svih susjednih zgrada, restaurirane su sve bunarske krune koje su sada dobile nove željezne rešetke ispod kojih je postavljeno i posebno staklo kako voda ne bi ulazila u cisterne. Postavljen je i novi odvod, pa sva prikupljena voda sada otječe u gradsku kanalizaciju, postavljena je rasvjeta, a na ulazu u plato, postavljena je željezna ograda. No ono što će svakako privlačiti pozornost je popločenje crvenim ciglama složenim po uzorku riblje kosti, baš onako kako je taj plato izvorno i izgledao, ističe Šprljan. I dok je s prekidima obnova 4 bunara trajala četiri i pol godine, gradnja cisterne tj. vodoopskrbnog sustava u srednjem vijeku trajala je sedam godina - od 1446. do 1453. godine. Gradio ju je poznati graditelj cisterni iz tog vremena Jakov Corerra iz Trania. Imala je kapacitet od 28.000 barila ili oko 1400 prostornih metara kišnice. Ukupna površina cisterne podijeljene u dva dijela bila je 205 četvornih metara, a površina platoa nad cisternom je 364 četvorna metra. Nadzor nad izvođenjem radova bio je povjeren Jurju Dalmatincu koji je u to vrijeme, zbog nekih nesporazuma i nedostatka novca, imao manje posla na gradnji šibenske katedrale. Bunarske krune na platou klesarski su rad Jurja Mihajlova iz Zadra i Marka Petrova iz Apulije

The Sibenik Times

ISLANDS IN NUMBERS In the Sibensko- Kninska County there are 285 islands in the sea (which are larger than 1 kilometer squared) as well as islets, tidal islands and reefs, in fact the county has more islands than the rest of the Republic of Croatia. 149 of these islands are located in the Kornati National Park and the remaining 136 islands have a total surface area of 665 km squared. If we compare this with other European countries we come up with some very interesting results. For example in Great Britain there are 803 islands, while in Denmark there is one peninsular and 499 islands. Further a field the island nation of Fiji in the Pacific Ocean has “only” 322 islands. In Europe the country with the most islands is Finland with an

impressive 179,000 islands (with more than 100 meters squared). For those who don’t know another interesting fact is that country also has 188,000 lakes (over 500 meters squared). Also in Europe Norway has 74,523 islands in their sea and 42,593 inland islands. The Republic of Croatia before half a century had 1,185 islands but after a recount three years ago that was corrected to 1,246. Greece has 1,400 islands, Australia 8,222, New Zealand 1,065, the Philippines 7,100, the Maldives 1,192 islands and in Japan there are 6,852 islands with a surface area over 100 meters squared. To explain these examples a little better Japan has a coastline which is 27,359 kilometers long while Croatia has a coastline


Otočne računice

Stanko Ferić EPEHA


only 4,398 kilometers in length. Among these numerical “giants” from the world’s island nations there is no room for the Republic of Croatia. Although among the record holders in Europe, according to the category of indented coastlines, Croatia takes second place with a factor of 9,7. The leader is Norway (with a factor of 20) with Greece in third place (with a factor of 8) and fourth goes to Spain (with an indention factor of 5). Although these numbers and factors are impressive but to really get a feel for theses islands you need to take a more sentimental outlook. Every island is a machine for producing wonderful memories and every bay on them is a laboratory that invents new feelings.

U ovoj je županiji 285 morskih otoka (većih od kvadratnog kilometra) i otočića, hridi (nad vodom i u vrijeme plime) i grebena, više no što ih imaju mnoge čitave zemlje. Njih 149 ih je u Kornatima, a 136 u ostatku otočja na ukupno 665 km2. Licitirajući brojkama o najobdarenijem moru kojem sjedimo u njegovom najljepšem dijelu poučno je pogledati preko granice. Najveći otočani među Europljanima, oni u Velikoj Britaniji, imaju 803 otoka. U Danskoj je takav zbroj nacionalna krilatica jer imaju jedan poluotok i 499 otoka. Otočna država Fidži u Pacifiku ima “samo” 322 otoka. U Europi najviše otoka ima Finska sa 179 000 otoka (onih uopće većih od 100 m2). Komu je to neobično treba znati i to da ta zemlja ima 188 000 jezera, ne brojeći ona manja od 500 m2. I močvarna Južna Karolina ima 2 508 otoka. Norveška ima 74 523 morskih i 42 593 unutrašnjih otoka. Takvo istančano prebrojavanje je i pola stoljeća star hrvatski zbroj od 1 185 prije tri godine ispravilo na 1 246. U Grčkoj je 1 400 otoka, u Australiji 8 222 (od toga na Tasmaniju otpada jedna tisuća), na Novom Zelandu 1 065, na Filipinima 7 100, na Maldivima 1 192, a u Japanu onih koji su veći od 100 m2 ima ukupno 6 852. Obala Japana je duga 27 359 km, dok u Hrvatskoj imamo 4 398 km dugu

obalu svih otoka i još dvije tisuće kilometara dugu obalu. Nakon što su svoje otoke pobrojali na satelitskim snimcima u najotočnijoj zemlji svijeta su zbroj povisili na 18 108 indonezijskih otoka s 20 731 km2 (u Hrvatskoj 3 259 km2, osam puta manje od jedne Sardinije), a ukupna im je otočna obala duga 108 920 km. Od tih je oko 6 000 otoka nastanjeno. U društvu tih numeričkih “teškaša” iz svijeta otoka nema najvišeg mjesta za Hrvatsku. Među rekordima ona s faktorom 9,7 u Europi zauzima drugo mjesto po razvedenosti obale, poslije Norveške (s faktorom 20) a prije Grčke (faktor razvedenosti je 8) i Španjolske (faktor razvedenosti je 5). To je stvarnost brojki. Za doživljaj prostora ipak je važnija sentimentalna geografija. Ni na tako razvedenoj obali nema brojki koje mogu nadomjestiti sjećanja na boravljenja u ovakvom krajoliku. Svaki je otok stroj za proizvodnju sjećanja, a svaka njegova uvala laboratorij u kakvom se uvijek iznova izumljuju neprocjenljivosti iz područja nepredvidive ljudske kemije. Morsko otočje poput Kornata, riječni otočić poput Visovca, slapovi i sprudovi s obje strane razdjelnice kopna i mora u ovom su kraju ostvarili kombinaciju kakva se ne može zaboraviti ni pred kakvim rekorderskim zbrojem.

The Sibenik Times


• Health

PHARMACY BALDEKIN, Stjepana Radica 56a, tel. 332-068; PHARMACY CENTRALA, Stjepana Radica bb, tel. 213-539; PHARMACY VAROS, Kralja Zvonimira 32, tel. 212-539; PHARMACY PLENCA, Karla Vipauca 21, tel. 214 -118, Osme dalmatinske udarne brigade 3, tel. 331-022; DONATION PHARMACY, Brace Polica bb, tel. 333437, VITA- SPECIALISED TRADE FOR MEDICINES AND MEDICIAL PRODUCTS, Biskupa Fosca 11, tel. 215-850 and Biskupa Milete 5a, tel. 310-525; PHARMACY BARANOVIC-PETKOVIC, Stjepana Radica 1, tel. 212-061; PHARMACY RADIN, Kralja Zvonimira 121, tel. 338-716; PHARMACY COBANOV, Trg Ivana Pavla II, tel-fax: 331-255; HERBAL PHARMACY GOSPINA TRAVA, Stjepana Radica 27, tel. 219-245; HERBAL PHARMACY NATURA, Stjepana Radica 12, tel. 336-116.

• Banks

JADRANSKA BANKA: tel. 242-242; CROATIA BANKA: Trg Pavla Subica And br. 1, tel. 212-033; HRVATSKA POSTANSKA BANKA: A. Starcevica bb, tel. 337-345; OTP BANKA: Ante Supuka 22, tel. 062/201-444; PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB: Vladimira Nazora 1, tel. 322-150; RAIFFEISEN BANK AUSTRIA: Trg Drazena Petrovica bb, tel. 348-800; HVB - SPLITSKA BANKA: Poljana 2, tel. 022/214-663; ZAGREBACKA BANKA: Biskupa Milete 2a, tel. 022/201-370; ERSTE BANKA d.d.: Poljana 5, tel. 062/374-540; HYPO-GROUP ALPE ADRIA: Stjepana Radica 77a, tel. 311-940; VOLKSBANK: Trg Drazena Petrovica bb, tel. 668-100; KRIZEVACKA BANKA: Biskupa J. Milete 6, tel. 215-396.

• Buses Buses departing from Sibenik Sibenik–Trogir–Split at 00.00, 00.15, 2.30, 3.45, 4.35, 5.15, 6.45, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30 (except Sundays), 13.00, 14.00, 14.20, 15.10, 15.30, 15.40, 16.00, 16.30, 17.00 (except Saturdays), 18.00 18.15, 18.55, 19.00, 19.30, 20.30, 20.45, 21.15 (except Saturdays), 22.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Pirovac–Bio-

grad–Zadar at 5.45, 6.30, 7.00, 7.45 (including Sundays), 8.00, 8.45, 9.15 (except Saturdays), 9.45, 10.05, 11.00, 11.45, 12.00, 12.15, 13.00, 13.10, 13.45, 14.10, 14.37 (except Saturdays), 16.00, 16.15, 16.45, 17.45, 19.00, 20.40, 21.15, 21.40, 22.00 and 23.00; Sibenik–Rijeka at 6.30, 8.45, 9.15 (except Sundays), 9.45, 11.00, 13.00, 14.37, 16.45, 22.00 and 23.00; Sibenik–Makarska–Ploce–Dubrovnik at 00.00, 2.30, 4.35, 8.00, 11.00, 12.00, 14.20 and 15.10; Sibenik–Zagreb at 00.40, 1.30, 7.00, 7.45 (including Tuesdays and Fridays), 8.00, 9.15, 9.40, 10.05, 12.00, 13.45, 14.50, 15.30, 16.00, 17.30, 18.00 and 23.00; Local line - working days Sibenik-Drnis-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15, 9.30 and 15.15; Sibenik-Drnis-Kosovo-Knin at 8.30; 10.30; 11.30; 14.00; 20.00; Sibenik-Tisno-Jezera at 10.00(Jezera bus); Sibenik-Betina-Murter at 10.30 (Murter trade); Sibenik-Vodice-Kapela-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 11.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.05, 8.40, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 12.45, 14.00, 14.30, 19.10, 20.00; Sibenik-SrimaVodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00; 15.20 18.00; 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20, 13.30; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Pirovac-Kasic at 11.40, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Brodarica at 6.10, 7.00, 7.45, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.05, 14.00, 15.05, 16.05, 17.30, 19.10, 20.00, 21.10; Sibenik-Grebastica-Brnjaca-Drage-Bratski Dolac-Sapin Dolac at 12.25 (to Brnjace), 15.10; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica at 9.45; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica-Razanj at 11.00, 11.45, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Primosten (BIS) at 12.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin at 10.30 (Antonio tours), 11.15, 12.45, 14.00, 15.20, 15.30; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablace at 7.00, 9.00, 11.40, 13.15, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 19.15, 20.15., 17.40, 19.10, 20.15. Local line - Saturdays Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 9.00, 11.30, 14.00, 18.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.05, 8.40, 10.15, 20.00 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 12.00, 15.10, 20.15; Sibenik-Primosten-Rogoznica-Razanj-S. Dolac at 11.45; SibenikSolaris-Zablace at 7.00, 9.00, 11.40, 14.15, 15.05, 17.40, 20.15. Local line - Sundays Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00, 14.00, 18.00; SibenikZaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablace at 9.00, 11.40, 14.15, 17.40, 20.15.

• Boats

SIBENIK – ZLARIN (ferry): Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11.00 hours, return at 14.55 hours. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE – ZIRJE: (ferry) Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 11.00 and 16.00 hours, return at 13.30 and 19.30 hours. Sundays and holidays at 11.00 and 19.00, return at 17.00 and 21.00 hours. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE - ZIRJE (hydro-speedboat Mislav): Mondays till Saturdays at 8.00 and 20.00 hours, return at 5.30 and 9.15 hours. Sundays and holidays at 8.00 and 20.10 hours. Return at 5.30 and 12.00 hours. SIBENIK – ZLARIN – PRVIC – SEPURINE - VODICE (line): Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 6.00, 9.30, 13.30, 15.30 and 19.30 hours. Return at 4.45, 12.00, 18.00 hours. Sundays and holidays at 9.30 and 20.45 hours. Return at 7.15 and 18.30 hours. Boat schedule valid until June 19th.


Important phone numbers

Powered by Šibenski list Božidara Petranovića 3, 22000 Šibenik, Tel: 022/311-300, fax: 022/330-100

The telephone code for Croatia is 00385 and for Sibenik and the Sibenik county dial 022

Director: Srđan Bužančić Editor-in-chief: Zdravko Pilić [email protected] Assistant editor: Mark Thomas [email protected] Reporters: Nevena Banić, Joško Čelar, Jadran Kale, Milko Kronja, Nikola Urukalo Photography: Vilson Polić, Nikolina Vuković, CROPIX Graphic editing: Luka Čanković, Orsat Lasić, Nino Milin Marketing: Nikolina Čvorak [email protected]; 091/302-0122 , Elida Slavica Printer: Slobodna Dalmacija In association with Tourist Board Šibenik: Goran Bulat, director

Police Fire brigade HAK roadside assistance Information Bus Station Tow away parking service Jadrolinija – ferries Croatian Railways General Hospital County council City council Port authority Meteorological station Sibenik University State archive City sanitation Tourist info centre


92 and 347-111 93 and 212-222 987 988 060 368-368 098/975 4196 218-663 9830, 333-696 246-246 244-200 332-021 217-217 338-585 311-060 330-370 332-325 214-411

060 368 368


KNIN Tourist Board, tel. 664-822; Health centre, tel. 660-552; General Hospital, tel. 663-732; Bus Station, tel. 661-005; Pharmacy, tel. 660-080; Red Cross, tel. 662-019; Library, tel. 660-010;

MURTER Tourist Board tel. 434-995; Pharmacy tel. 434-129; Doctor’s clinic tel. 435-262; Dentist tel. 436-026; National Park Kornati tel. 435740; City Council tel. 435-599; Jadranska bank tel. 443-137; Port Authority tel. 435-190,

PIROVAC Tourist Board tel. 466-770; Pharmacy tel. 467-099, from 8-14,30, Saturdays from 8 do 12. Doctor’s Clinic. 467-080; Post Office tel. 467-000; Jadranska bank tel. 466622; Fire Brigade tel. 467-090.

PRIMOŠTEN Tourist Office, Trg biskupa J. Arnerića 2 tel. 571-111; Port Authority, tel. 570-266; Library “dr. Ante Starčević” tel. 570-259; Doctor’s Clinic tel. 570-033; Pharmacy tel. 570-305.

Rogoznica Borough Rogoznica - tel/fax 022 559- 049;Por t Authority Rogoznica - 022 559-045; Tourist Board - 022 559-253; Doctor’s Surgery - 022 550032; Dentist - 022 558-392; Pharmacy Rogoznica - 022 558-330; Fire brigade - 022 559-294; Marina Frapa - tel: 559 900; Taxi - 091/666-0000; Post Office - tel: 559 080

SKRADIN Tourist Board tel. 771-306. Pharmacy - clinic of general medicine works Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7,30 do 13,30, and Tuesdays and Thursday from 13.30 to 19.30. tel. 771-099, 771-049;

TISNO / JEZERA Tourist Board, Put Zaratića 3, Jezera, tel. 022/439 – 120. Tourist Board Tel. 438-604. Pharmacy tel. 438 - 427; Doctor’s Clinic tel. 438-427, Jadranska banka tel. 438-486; Post Office tel. 439210; Port Authority tel. 439-313; Firebrigade tel. 438-751;

VODICE Tourist Board City of Vodice, Ive Čače 1a, tel. 443-888; City Council tel 444-900; Police tel. 443-150; Firebrigade tel. 441-324.


The Sibenik Times



Do you speak English?

Govoriš engleski?

You’re welcome

Nema na čemu

Where are you from?

Od kuda si?

Where are we going?

Gdje idemo?

Happy birthday

Sretan rođendan

I’m hungry (masculine)

Gladan sam

I’m hungry (feminine)

Gladna sam

What’s your name?

Kako se zoveš?

How old are you?

Koliko imaš godina?

No problem

Nema problema

See you

Vidimo se

Call me

Nazovi me

Some other time

Neki drugi put

How much does that cost?

Koliko to košta?

Recipe of the week

PLUM DUMPLINGS 560 g (1 1/4 lb.) potatoes 560 g (1 1/4 lb.) pitted plums 2 tbsp. cinnamon sugar About 225 g (8 oz.) flour 1 knob of butter

freefalling from 10,000 feet has been launched in Croatia. The Wings of Zadar cocktail, based on the local Maraschino liqueur, is poured upside down so that the drink flies upwards into the mixer, and then shaken as the barman performs a series of somersaults. The drink is chilled by the free-

zing air rushing over the shaker - and then served on landing to the customer. Drinks creator Ante Butic, who has been serving the drinks to clients on the beach at Zadar, said: “The high altitude mix gives the drink a distinct flavour.

Quote of the week Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.

Cook the potatoes in their skins. Peel and rice them while still warm. Set aside to cool. Cut open the plums, remove the pits, and if they are not fully ripe or sweet enough, stuff with a bit of sugar or cinnamon sugar. To make the dough, mix the potatoes with the flour, butter (or oil), egg and salt and knead well. Add enough flour to make a light, but not sticky dough. Roll the dough out to a 12 mm (1/2”) thickness on a floured board, then cut into approximately 7.5 cm (3”) squares. Place a plum in the middle of each square of dough, flour your hands, pull the corners together, and shape into small dumplings, making sure that each plum is completely covered and there are no openings anywhere. Cook in a large pot of boiling water until the dumplings rise to the surface, then continue cooking for another 3-4 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon. Brown the bread crumbs in the oil or melted butter until golden brown; place the dumplings carefully into the bread crumbs, and roll them around to coat. Remove the dumplings and serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.


Robert Louis Stevenson 1850 - 1894



Riddle of the week Three people check into a hotel. They pay $30 to the manager and go to their room. The manager suddenly remembers that the room rate is $25 and gives $5 to the bellboy to return to the people. On the way to the room the bellboy reasons that $5

would be difficult to share among three people so he pockets $2 and gives $1 to each person. Now each person paid $10 and got back $1. So they paid $9 each, totalling $27. The bellboy has $2, totalling $29. Where is the missing $1?

Answer -We have to be careful what we are adding together. Originally, they paid $30, they each received back $1, thus they now have only paid $27. Of this $27, $25 went to the manager for the room and $2 went to the bellboy.

CROATIA The ultimate cocktail which can only be mixed by a barman

1 egg For the fried breadcrumbs 2 tbsp. oil or 50 g (2 oz.) butter 100 g (3 1/2 oz.) breadcrumbs 1 tbsp. powdered sugar


Strange but true WORLD The oldest person ever to climb Everest was Ramon Blanco of Spain. He was 60 years and 160 days old. He reached the summit on October 7, 1993.


The Sibenik Times










The Sibenik port taken at the turn of the century with St. Jacob’s Cathedral and the Fortress of St. Michael in the background.

wednesday MOSTLY SUNNY HIGH 14 ºc LOW 7 ºc

thursday PARTLY SUNNY HIGH 18 ºc LOW 11 ºc

friday MOSTLY CLOUDY HIGH 18 ºc LOW 9 ºc

The same view today but with a very different architectural look along the portside.

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