The Sibenik Times, April 7th

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st Easter breakfa . in Tisno, 2007

Uskršnji doručak u Tisnom, 2007.

st Easter breakfa 8. in Sibenik, 200

Uskršnji doručak u Šibeniku, 2008.


sibenik times


saturday april 11th 2009.

Croatia becomes full NATO member Croatia and Albania became full members of NATO yesterday (Weds) by depositing instruments of accession at the Department of State in Washington, D.C. Croatian ambassador to the USA Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic gave the instruments of accession to the North Atlantic Treaty, for which the United States is the government of deposit, to Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg. The United States welcomed the end of the accession process before the NATO summit in Strasbourg and

Kiel on 3 and 4 April that will celebrate NATO’s 60th anniversary. NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer congratulated Croatia and Albania on their admission to NATO. In an interview on Croatian National Television (HRT), Scheffer said Croatia had already proved itself an exporter of security rather than just a consumer. He praised Croatian involvement in ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) missions in Afghanistan, the most important NATO operation.

Mark Thomas [email protected]

Croatian Fraternal Union nominates poet Vesna Parun for Nobel Prize Welcome to our beautiful city and to the first edition of the second season of “The Sibenik Times.” The summer season is here again and the sun is bravely peering its head through the clouds. After a successful first year “The Sibenik Times” is back and once again we will try to inform and entertain guests to Sibenik and its surroundings. Although the sea is still a little cold for swimming, unless you are brave, there are still many sights worth seeing. In fact that’s the beauty of Sibenik, although it’s a coastal resort it’s not your classic sun, sea and sand destination. There is so much more to taste, try, see and experience. So instead of diving into the sea dive into Sibenik. Let the feel of the Old City wash over you and immerse yourself in the culture that surrounds you on every step. Of course while you’re here relaxing into the slower pace of life should be a must. Why run when you have time to walk. And the longer summer days and cooler evenings certainly give you plenty of opportunity to enjoy a promenade by the sea. Of course whilst promenading you have to take the time to sit in a café as the locals do and enjoy a drink or two whilst watching the world go by. One of the favorite pastimes of Sibenik citizens is drinking coffee. This doesn’t mean the quick “cup on the run” as you are probably used to but at least an hour slowly sipping and enjoying the company of friends and family. Seems to me like a very civilized way to spend an afternoon. Take your time you’re on holiday. Happy Easter! Thank you for all your e-mails that I received over the winter months.

SPEAK UP! We would love to hear from you. Please write or send an e-mail to us about your stay in Sibenik. Your comments are valuable to us and the most interesting letters will be published every week. Interesting and unusual photos are also welcome. Thanks.

The Croatian Fraternal Union in Pittsburgh has nominated the poet Vesna Parun for the Nobel Prize in literature. Parun, considered one of the greatest modern Croatian poets, will celebrate her 87th birthday on 10 April. Her first birthday card has come from the Croatian Fraternal Union and Ivana Marijanovic de Tony. In it, they said they were going to nominate her for the prize, according to the "Javno" website. The Sibenik-born Parun

has already been nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature by France and Syria. Parun has published over 60 books of poetry, prose and drama, including several volumes of stories and poems for children. Parun is still humorous and sarcastic. She has written herself a poem for her birthday entitled "The Birthday Fart." A special programme will take place at Histrioni theatre in Zagreb on 10 April on the occasion of her birthday.

Nautical Center Prgin and British company ISC will cooperate on refitting yachts The NCP (Nautical Center Prgin) shipyard has signed a contract with the British company International Superyacht Coating (ISC). ISC has 250 employees, some of whom will be based at the

shipyard where the two companies are collaborating on their first project, the refitting of Ladyship, a 41-metre-long yacht. The project will be publicly presented in June. ISC, which has 30 years of

experience in the yacht industry, is recognized for coating and painting work. It has worked on five of the 20 biggest yachts in the world, one of them a 160-metre-long yacht in Dubai. Since NCP became

the owner of Sibenik shipyard in 2004, it has been refitting mega yachts up to 75 metres in length. NCP Repair Shipyard has refitted more than 350 yachts from 18 to 75 metres in length.

saturday april 11th 2009.

sibenik times DID YOU KNOW?

Croatian tourism on the rise The number of holidaymakers travelling to Croatia rose last year, according to the latest statistics. Figures published by show that the Adriatic nation benefited from a 2.6 per cent rise in foreign visitors. The data, which was recorded during the first eight months of last year, also revealed that Croatia was attracting more tourists from Slovenia and Germany in particular. Director of the country’s tourism board, Meri Matesic, recently said: “Croatia is … known

Croatia EU entry expected 'in 2010'

Croatia's proposed entry into the European Union (EU) could happen as soon as early next year, it has been claimed. The Balkan nation has long been knocking on the door of the continental governing body, but one expert believes it may not have to wait much longer. Director of market trends at Property Abroad, Erin Scott, commented that accession to the EU could also see a surge of investment in the former Yugoslav country. She said: "The smart money goes on Croatia gaining full accession to the EU early 2010. "Croatia first applied for EU membership in 2003 and its massive support from the European Commission made investors think it would be a quick process." However, she added, if the successful examples of Estonia and Bulgaria were anything to go by, Croatia's admittance would likely see property prices begin to rise. Earlier this month, an expert at Abta - the Travel Association, claimed that Croatia offered great value for money for those looking to holiday on a shoestring this summer.

Croatia is among top three non-EU tourist destinations for EU residents Croatia will be among the top three non-EU travel destinations for EU residents in 2009, according to Eurobarometer. The research shows that 48 per cent of EU residents plan to spend their summer holidays in their own countries. When it comes to other EU countries, the most-popular destinations are Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Poland, Greece and Great Britain. The most-popular non-EU tourist destinations are the USA, Turkey and Croatia. The European Commission conducted a survey of holiday plans in February that featured telephone contact with 27,000 people in 27 EU countries.

worldwide for its natural beauty and there are only a few countries in the world where you can find so many wonderful and different landscapes in such a small area.” She added that the nation also benefited from an excellent transport and travel infrastructure, which include modern highways and global air connections. According to data published by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics earlier this month, the country is becoming increasingly popular with tourists from Japan.

Marina 'will enhance' Sibenik tourism The redevelopment of a famous marina in Croatia is set to boost the country's credentials as a tourism destination. That's according to the development group Island Global Yachting (IGY), which has announced that it will be transforming Sibenik's marina into one of country's top sailing destinations. Chief executive of Frank Garrison, chief executive of IGY, commented: "Croatia's international status as a leading tourism destination is definitely on the rise and


the addition of this mega yacht marina at Sibenik will certainly play a vital role in enhancing that reputation." He added that the company was "very excited" to be moving into Croatia and working alongside the local community. Aside from its marina, Sibenik also boasts two national parks and a UNESCO protected cathedral. Fans of yachting will no doubt to be tempted to visit the Adriatic resort of Split in Croatia, which boasts a marina to rival those found elsewhere in the continent.

• The Day of the City of Knin is celebrated on the 13th of June on the holiday St. Ante

• Knin was first mentioned by the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin Porfirogenet in 950 in his work “Administration of the Empire” • Croatians settled in Knin at the end of the 6th century and was established as one of the twelve noble counties. • During the rule of the Croatian King Zvonimir Knin became a metropolis of the ancient Croatian state. • After the occupation by the Yugoslavian army in 1991 Knin was liberated by the military action “Storm” in August 1995. • The most well known Dalmatian and Sibenik specialities are fish stew (brodet) and smoked ham (pršut)

• In 2005, Britain had moved up from 12th place to 8th place in the list of countries with the most tourists visiting Croatia. The numbers of visitors has been rising steadily every year. Britons are top of the table of highestspending tourists. • In the summer of 1936 King Edward VIII came to Croatia on the yacht Nahlin, with Wallis Simpson, whom he later abdicated to marry. The 90.2m yacht has now been restored. • The summer sea temperature reaches 26 ºc. • The name of the famous MILKA chocolate from Switzerland, was given in honour to Milka Trnina, a Croatian opera diva. • Goran Ivanišević was the first wild card entrant ever to win the Wimbledon men’s singles title, when he beat Pat Rafter in 2001 in his fourth final.


sibenik times

saturday april 11th 2009.

english version

Tisno – Easter breakfast The Tisno tourist board and Tisno’s caterers have, for the third year in a row, organized the event Easter Breakfast. The breakfast is organized on the 12.04.2009 from 9.30 to 11 o’clock at Velika Rudina. It is with great pleasure that on this occasion we can treat all citizens of Tisno, our guests and friends and all visitors. On our Easter table we try to offer all delicacies which are traditionally served throughout the whole of Croatia for Easter Bre-

EASTER BREAKFAST A typical Easter Breakfast consists of:

akfast, in this way connecting both the green and blue areas of the country. Along with traditional bread, which is in fact homemade “farmers bread”, there are several cakes, smoked ham, cheese, ham, traditional drinks, painted eggs and the special attraction of a meal consisting of 300 eggs and 20 kg of asparagus are cooked in a huge pan. All the tables will be decorated with art work from pupils of the Vjekoslav Kaleb School in Tisno. «


• Eggs • Smoked ham • Traditional bread • Ham • Cheeses • Traditional cakes

nday the tourist Every year on Easter Mo enik organises board of the city of Sib ich traditionally an Easter Breakfast wh the tourist marks the beginning of season in Sibenik.

Who are zudije? Zudije are young men dressed in uniforms of Roman soldiers, displaying their role in Jesus’ suffering. The zudija custom in Vodice has been cultivated for over a hundred years. There are strict rules prescribing who can be a zudija and what he must be like.

Vodice - Easter customs What makes Easter celebration in Vodice special are the Vodice zudije. They participate in the Easter service from Big Thursday to Big Saturday. Zudije commence their service on Great Thursday toward the end of Mass of the Supper of the Lord. Dressed like Roman soldiers with maces and javelins, they approach the altar and proceed to guard the grave of Jesus until his resurrection. On Big Friday, they take part in the procession through the town, following Jesus who

carries a heavy cross. Their service stops on Big Saturday when they fall and flee at mass, and two angels announce the resurrection of Jesus. The town Tourist Board has been organizing outdoor breakfasts on Easter Monday for many years. Women dressed in Vodice folk costumes serve homemade fritule and krostule (traditional cakes). Folk groups from the surrounding towns also take part, as well as Dalmatian harmony-singing groups. «

saturday april 11th 2009.

hrvatska verzija

sibenik times


Tisno – Uskršnji doručak Turistička zajednica Tisno i tišnjanski ugostitelji treću godinu za redom organiziraju Manifestaciju Uskršnji doručak. Doručak se organizira 12.04.2009. u 9,30 do 11 sati na Velikoj rudini. Sa velikim zadovoljstvo tom prilikom počastitimo sve mještane Tisna, sve naše goste i prijatelje i sve putnike namjernike. Na našem uskršnjem stolu pokušali smo ponuditi sve delicije koje se tradicionalno služe za Uskršnji doručak u čitavoj Hrvatskoj, spajajući zelenu i modru Hrvatsku. Uz tradicionalne pogače, odno-

USKRŠNJI DORUČAK Tipični Uskrsni doručak sastoji se od:

sno po domaći, turte, nude se fritule, kroštule i ostali kolači, pršut, sir, šunka, tradicionalna pića, piturana jaja, a specijalna atrakcija je spremanje fritaje od 300 jaja i 20 kg šparoga u velikoj tavi. Veseli nas što će se na stolu naći kao dekoracija i radovi učenika osnovne škole Vjekoslav Kaleb- Tisno Svečanost Uskršnjeg doručka će svojom prisutnošću uveličati članovi KUD-a Travulin koji slave prvu godišnjicu djelovanja, limena glazba Kud-a Hartić, crkveni pučki pjevači Tisno, i čuvari Božjeg groba. «

USKRŠNJI DORUČAK 9 U ŠIBENIKUUs-krs1ni3po.0ne4dje.2lja0k 0

• Jaja • Pršuta • Domaćeg kruha • Šunke • Sireva • Tradicionalnih kolača i slastica

Svake godine na da Šibenika (uz Turistička zajednica gra enja obrtnika Šibenik Sekciju ugostitelja udruž latnosti) organizira i Sekciju proizvodnih dje se Uskršnji doručak kojim četak po va ža tradicionalno obilje e. turističke sezon

Tko su žudije? Žudije su momci koji odjeveni u odore rimskih vojnika uprizoruju njihovu ulogu u Isusovoj muci. Običaj žudija njeguje se u Vodicama već više od stotinu godina i postoje stroga pravila koja propisuju tko može biti žudija i kakav mora biti.

Vodice - Uskrsni običaji Posebnost proslave Uskrsa u Vodicama, od proslave u nekom drugom gradu, čine vodički žudije. Oni na osobit način sudjeluju u uskrsnom bogoslužju od Velikog četvrtka do Velike subote. Žudije započinju svoju službu na Veliki četvrtak pri kraju mise Večere Gospodnje. Obučeni u rimske vojnike sa buzdovanom i sulicama pristupaju oltaru i ovdje nastavljaju čuvati Isusov grob sve do uskrsnuća. Na Veliki petak prisustvuju u procesiji kroz mjesto prateći Isusa koji

nosi teški križ. Kraj njihova službovanja je na Veliku subotu, kada na misi padaju i bježe, a dvoje anđela najavljuju Isusovo uskrsnuće. Turistička zajednica grada, već godinama, organizira doručak na otvorenom na uskrsni ponedjeljak. Doručak poslužuju žene obučene u vodičke narodna nošnje. Sudjeluju folklorne skupine iz okolnih mjesta, pjevaju dalmatinske klape. Poslužene su domaće fritule i kroštule. Prava prilika za ugodno druženje i uživanje. «


sibenik times

saturday april 11th 2009.

Around the county - TISNO Tisno is a small Dalmatian or stay for good. With its long town on island Murter, situa- and exceptionally beautiful ted half on the island, half on coastline, including stunning the mainland. The two parts bays and natural beaches, set are linked with 20 meter bas- against a pine forest, Tisno procule-bridge. vides a magical vacation for its The drawbridge connecting guests. One of the particularly the island of Murter with the charming things to do is to set mainland, situated in the cen- sail in a small boat to one of tre of Tisno, is open during the the neighbouring isles. In fact tourist season every day from 9 the whole region is a “heaven” to 9:30 a.m. and from 5 to 5:30 for sailors as there are plenty of p.m. It is truly an interesting si- secluded marinas and the coasght to see as the bridge opens tline is indented which makes to allow yachts and larger for a host of interesting plavessels to pass. In fact ces to drop anchor and Tisno was previously enjoy the natural connected to the surroundings. The mainland only by peaceful and hosboat until the pitable people of bridge was conthis place, which meters structed in 1962. was once predois the length of Today the town has minantly a place the bridge great connections of hard toil, have with the rest of the copreserved their traditiunty with the new highway ons and culture despite the Tisno, Kapela and Pirovac. hardships of its history. Tisno was first mentioned in Heaven for sailors 1474 during the Turkish invasiIn this beautiful place, where on and during the war against the cliffs of the island of Mur- the Venetians when numerous ter almost touch the mainland, refugees fled to Tisno to seek the first notes of beauty were shelter.This is testified by the inscribed half a millennium ago churches of St.Andrew and in the barren stones of Dalma- St. Rocco (17 th centry), churtia. Hence, it is no wonder that ch of the Lady of Karavaj (18 visitors either return repeatedly th century) and particularly


PROGRAM 13. 04. 2009

USKRSNI PONEDJELJAK Mjesto održavanja: Trg palih branitelja Domovinskog rata (ispred Krešimirovog doma) - 09.00 misa u katedrali sv. Jakova - 09.30 okupljanje na Trgu Pavla Šubića I. ( ispred hotela Jadran) - 10.00 polazak dviju povorki prema Krešimirovom domu - 10.30 Uskrsna čestitka organizatora uz prigodni program u kojem sudjeluju: Balarin, Šuštine male, Šuštine velike, Bedem Grabaštica, Šibenska gradska straža, Šibenska narodna glazba, Mažoretkinje. - 11.30 blagoslov jela (don Krešimir Mateša) - 11.45 zabavni program uz klapu Brodarica Voditelj programa: Nikola Urukalo Organizator: TZ grada Šibenika Suorganizator: Sekcija ugostitelja udruženja obrtnika Šibenik Suizlagač: Sekcija proizvodnih djelatnosti Sponzor: Konzum

saturday april 11th 2009.

the churche of the Holy Spirit from 16th century. The remain of an ancient Christian basilicum from the 6th century and villa rustica from the 11th century were discovered near the Chapel of St. Martin (11th-12th century) only three kilometres from Tisno.

First World War. Tisno at that time already had small hotels and private accommodation. The future looks bright as well; the town has recently received permission to build more hotels as well as camps and other tourist amenities. The chief occupations today include farming, wine production, The future looks bright olive growing, fishing and toThe parish church of 1548 urism. Although in this list towas reconstructed in Baroque urism would probably take top style in 1640, and annexed in place. Another interesting fact 1840; the belfry was built is that the people of Tisno by the local builders have once again got the between 1680 and right to decide their 1684. Other churown justice. Back ches date back to in 1899 Tisno has the 17th century. its own court and is the year A mediaeval churthis worked unwhen Tisno was first til 1949 when its ch of St. Martin is mentioned in Ivinje, a hamlet powers were ceain history on the mainland. sed. Modern day Tisno has Warm weather significantly changed from However in 2006 the town its historical roots. In the 19th and 20th centuries Tisno was, officially opened its own court apart from being the admini- again and was once again in strative centre, the region deve- charge of its judicial system. loped strong trade connections The average air temperature with its production of wine and in January reaches 6.9 °C and olive oil. In fact Tisno was one between July and August 24.7 of the first towns in the region °C. Tisno is situated on the to develop tourism which resul- regional road connecting the ted in foreign tourists starting main road with the island of to stay in the town after the Murter. «


sibenik times



sibenik times

saturday april 11th 2009.

EVENTS What to look forward to this year

PRIMOSTEN (07.-08.) – Every Monday Dalmatian Klapa – Every Wednesday Folklore evenings – Every Saturday live music


grebastica Night of Grebaštica July


jezera Jezera Days of the Sea July

International Children’s Festival

Sibenik Klapa Evenings

Day of the city of Vodice

7th Seaside Jazz festival



29. 07. 2009 - 30. 07. 2009

20.06 - 04.07.2009

Sibenik Medieval Fair

End of July

Organ Summer School

Children’s Festival in Vodice

Vodice nights

15.07 - 28.07.2009

27. 06. 2009 - 03. 07. 2009

02. 08. 2009 - 04. 08. 2009.


Dalm. Chanson Evenings 21.08. - 22.08.2009

pirovac Pirovac Summer Nights grebastica Tribunj Fisherman Night July

Adriatic Boat Show Nautical centre Prgin 14.10 -18.10.2009

Our Lady of Karmel – pilgrimage

Punta Cup Vodice 2009 – Surfing

grebastica Croatian Independence Day

16. 07. 2009

01. 08. 2009 - 02. 08. 2009


saturday april 11th 2009.

ments u n o m l a r u t l u C

sibenik times


Sibenik theatre – cultural centre of the city Today's Sibenik theatre is a descendant of the national theater Sibenik founded on the 9th of May 1945 where a professional drama and operetta group (functioned from1946 to 1956) worked there till 1964. In 1963 the professional drama group seizes all activities and a semiprofessional drama group continues and stages several premieres annually. From the 1st of March 1966 the Sibenik theatre is united with the children's festival; today the International Children's Festival established in 1958. Before the construction of the current theatre, shows were held in many

different locations, such as: the ground floor of the Duke's palace(1782-1821) , in the previous salt warehouse, and then in the 18th century in a house on Dobrić owned by Frane Đardov on which a “mascherone” is still visible, then till 1841 in halls of certain homes, and from 1841 to 1870 in the “old theatre” (a building by the eastern town wall next to the present theatre to the north side.) The old theatre was severely damaged in a fire in 1861 but was repaired minimally, so shows took place there till the opening of the current theatre. Today the Sibenik theatre functions in a grand building that was finished in 1870.

(from 1864-1870). In that time it was considered to be one of the largest (500 seats) and most beautiful theatres in Croatia. It was designed by a man from Trogir an engineer Joseph Slade. It is the only theatre house in Croatia that wasn't financed by the government, but by 28 stockholders who were citizens of Sibenik. The theatre was solemnly opened on the 29th of January 1870 showing Teobald Ciconi's” Statue of Flesh” performed by the drama company “La Dramatica Compagnia Vittorio Alfieri”. The new theater house was named The Communal Theatre of Sibenik ( Teatro Sociale de

Sibenico), but from 1872 it was called Theatre Mazzolini, in honor of the largest stockholder Franjo Mazzolini a citizen of Sibenik and a well renowned opera singer. For 4 whole years visiting drama groups (mostly Italian) performed plays in Italian. Croatian was first heard from this stage on the 10th of October in 1874. (A drama titled “Zvonimir a Croatian Duke”, by J.Subotić and performed by the National Theatre of Fotija Iličić.) A valuable part of this grand theatre is the ceiling that is above the stage, it was illustrated by Antun Zucccaro an artist from Trieste. He painted an allegoric painting of renowned Sibenik

citizens (Nikola Tommaseo, Antun Vrančić, Faust Vrančić, Martin Kolunić Rota, Andrija Medulić and in the middle a woman-the symbol of Dalmatia, leaning on a stone emblem.) The theatre has been reconstructed several times in 131 years. In the September attack on Sibenik in 1991, it was directly hit with a grenade, so since then till 2001 it was closed, but it has been completely restored. The building today can accommodate 310 viewers. The theatre has always has strong connections to the International Children’s Festival in Sibenik and this link continues to this day. « (source Grad Sibenik)


sibenik times

saturday april 11th 2009.

ns Easter traditio Easter eggs Coloring and decorating Easter eggs, called “pisanice”, is among the oldest traditions. There are several ways of decorating Easter eggs. The best known method is to use hot liquid wax with the help of pencil-like instruments. After coloring, the wax is removed, revealing the splendid decorations. Before artificial coloring, eggs were colored by being boiled in water with onions, walnuts, roots and herbs. In order to get their shine, they were polished with oil before being placed in the basket. Another method of decorating, popular in continental Croatia, was to use a knife, as well as

threads of silk and wool, while the third method was to use formic acid. Eggs in the southern part of Croatia are traditionally colored in red and have white star or rosette shaped decorations, while decorations such as pine branches, flowers, circles and spirals are more common in other parts of the country. Finally, there is one more custom related to Easter eggs the so-called “tuca” (egg fight). Everyone would choose an egg from the basket and would hit it against their adversary’s egg. The winner would be the person whose egg remained intact throughout the “fight”.

Drinking of Wine This custom originated in ancient times, nevertheless it is still followed nowadays. Since people used to believe that wine transformed into blood in the body and made people stronger and healthier, it was recommendable to drink it as much as possible for Easter. There was plenty of wine served on Easter and people used to

drink it without water. Documents from the island of Brac show that housewives used to prepare, among other dishes, cod and cabbage, food that makes people thirsty so that they could drink as much as possible. It has been documented that a certain inhabitant of the island of Brac drank 10 l of pure wine on Easter!

Weaving of Branches Since palms can rarely be found on the Adriatic, people mostly use olive or rosemary branches and flowers. Nevertheless, chronicles from the city of Split show that people used to gather on Easter at the only palm tree in the city, located in the garden of a certain inhabitant, in order to collect palm branches. The inhabitants of Brac used to manage in a different way: they used to ship palm branches from the island of Vis, where palm

trees can be found in abundance, and distribute them to the islanders. The branches were decorated with crosses or wreaths made of ribbons and flowers. This skill was so respected that one decorated branch could be exchanged for Easter bread and 20 colorfully decorated eggs. On the island of Korcula and in the surroundings of Sibenik, olive branches were woven into plaits, while branches were woven into wreaths with crosses in Istria.

saturday april 11th 2009.

photo: mark thomas

tures c i p n i k e e w t s La

sibenik times



The first signs of the summer season as tourists from Japan stroll the seafront in Sibenik avoiding the spring showers. 02

The first round of the cooking competition “Golden Sun Dalmatia” was held in Hotel “Zora” in Primosten. 03

Even though the rain didn’t stop tourists to the old city of Sibenik made the most of the situation under colourful umbrellas. 04

Low clouds look just like fog as the technicians from the Austrian firm “Enercon” install wind generators above Sibenik. 05

Boris Maskaric, of Sibenik NCP water polo club, passes to a teammate during their clash with Jadran Split in the Adriatic water polo league.



Strong south winds, known as Jugo, caused problems for sailors in Sibenik harbour




photo: cropix

photo: cropix

photo: cropix

photo: cropix


photo: cropix



sibenik times

saturday april 11th 2009.

saturday april 11th 2009.

sibenik times


Little bit of everything Climate

Fact files

The climate along the Sibenik Rivera is a typical Mediterranean one, with mild, rainy winters and hot and dry summers. However, it is perhaps distinct from other Mediterranean climates because of the unusual winds and frequency of thunderstorms. The Bora wind blows uncomfortably cold gusts down the Adriatic coast between October and April, and thundery conditions are common all the year round, even in summer, when they interrupt the warm, sunny days. The air temperatures can slightly vary, depending on the

The Sibenik – Knin County is full of interesting sights and sounds. Its history and tradition are rich, complicated and fascinating. Its nature and wildlife, including two national parks, are unique and breathtaking. Its cuisine and wine are world class. The connection to the sea is unbreakable. And finally its people are friendly, generous and warm. Every week we’ll bring you a few short fact files of different areas of life in the county so that you can better comprehend the culture that surrounds you.

area or region. Typically, in July and August daytime maximum temperatures reach 29°C, and at night drop to around 21°C. More comfortable, perhaps, is the climate in Spring and Autumn when maximum temperatures are typically between 20°C and 28°C. During winter the coldest temperatures are recorded in the northern Adriatic with temperatures dropping sometimes below zero, while the southern regions of the Adriatic coast generally remain above zero, although this can change when the Bora wind blows.

The Sibenik button

Vocal choir “Klapa”

Through the years, the Šibenik Button decorated the male national costume, a throughout the last few decades it has been recognized as an original souvenir of Šibenik. Today, the Šibenik Button can be bought in the form of earnings, rings, charms, tie pins, broaches, necklaces and other similar items. The Button has the form of two half spheres connected in the middle and hollow inside. The outer part is decorated with thin silver threads and balls. The original Button was made out of silver, with an exact size; however, today you can find it made out of gold and aluminum and in various sizes. The Šibenik Button, and an authentic souvenir was made by the famous filigree Ljazer Čivjak according to the ideas of the designer Franka Baranović. In 2007, the Šibenik Button was named the most original Croatian souvenir by the Croatian Tourist Board. Today the Šibenik Button is a component of the costumes of Šibenik Klapas (a cappella groups).

Held every Thursday during July and August, organized by the Šibenik tourist board, are the Evening of “Klapa” songs. These evenings are organized so that the “klapa” tradition of Šibenik and its surrounding could be presented and improved. The entire event takes place in the old part of town on a beautiful square surrounded by old houses. The public’s desire for this type of musical evenings in Šibenik is the best way to judge the need for it to be held.

Kornati - islands in the sun The Croatian Kornati archipelago (Ialian: Arcipelago delle Incoronate) is located in northern Dalmatia, south of Zadar, but in Šibenik-Knin county. With 150 islands in a sea area of about 320 km² Kornati are the densest archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea. The southern part of the archipelago was declared a national park in 1980. Kornat, with its area of 32,525,315 m², the biggest of the islands, comprises two-thirds of the park's land area. Although the island is 25.2 km long, it is no wider than about 2.5 km. There are no permanent settlements in Kornati. Simple houses in well-protected coves are used by land owners as temporary shelters.


Vodice is a town in the Šibenik-Knin county, Croatia. It borders the Adriatic Sea and has a population of 9,407. Vodice is a popular tourist destination in Croatia, with most of the population oriented towards providing accommodation for visitors in the city's hotels, motels, and pensions. Vodice was first mentioned in 1402 although it was founded already in the Roman times as Arausa. The defense walls from the times of the Turks with the Coric tower testify the past times. Other similar monuments are St. Cross' church on the former graveyard, built in 1421 and the parish church in the town centre built in 1746.


sibenik times

saturday april 11th 2009.



Health DAILY PHARMACY Varoš (from 10. April); PHARMACY BALDEKIN, Stjepana Radića 56a, tel. 332-068; PHARMACY CENTRALA, Stjepana Radića bb, tel. 213-539; PHARMACY VAROŠ, Kralja Zvonimira 32, tel. 212539; PHARMACY PLENČA, Karla Vipauca 21, tel. 214 -118, Osme dalmatinske udarne brigade 3, tel. 331-022; DONACIJSKA PHARMACY, Braće Polića bb, tel. 333-437, VITA- SPECIJALIZIRANA PRODAVAONICA LIJEKOVIMA AND MEDICINSKIM PROIZVODIMA, Biskupa Fosca 11, tel. 215-850 and Biskupa Milete 5a, tel. 310-525; PHARMACY BARANOVIĆPETKOVIĆ, Stjepana Radića 1, tel. 212-061; PHARMACY RADIN, Kralja Zvonimira 121, tel. 338-716; PHARMACY ČOBANOV, Square Ivana Pavla II, tel-fax: 331-255; HERBAL PHARMACY GOSPINA TRAVA, Stjepana Radića 27, tel. 219-245; HERBAL PHARMACY NATURA, Stjepana Radića 12, tel. 336-116.

Banks JADRANSKA BANK: tel. 242-242; CROATIA BANK: Square Pavla Šubića br. 1, tel. 212-033; HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANK: A. Starčevića bb, tel. 337-345; OTP BANK: Ante Šupuka 22, tel. 062/201-555; PRIVREDNA BANK ZAGREB: Vladimira Nazora 1, tel. 322-150; RAIFFEISEN BANK AUSTRIA: Square Dražena Petrovića bb, tel. 348-800; HVB - SPLITSKA BANK: Poljana 2, tel. 022/214-663; ZAGREBAČKA BANK: Biskupa Milete 2a, tel. 022/201-370; ERSTE BANK d.d.: Poljana 5, tel. 062/374-540; HYPO-GROUP ALPE ADRIA: Stjepana Radića 77a, tel. 311-940; VOLKSBANK: Square Dražena Petrovića bb, tel. 668-100; KRIŽEVAČKA BANK: Biskupa J. Milete 6, tel. 215-396.

Buses Departure buses from Sibenik Sibenik–Trogir–Split at 00.00, 00.30, 2.30, 3.00, 3.45, 4.35, 5.15, 6.45, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 9,20, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30 (not sunday), 13.00, 14.00, 14.20, 15.10, 15.30, 15.40, 16.00, 16.30, 17.00, 17.30, 18.00 18.15, 18.55, 19.00, 19.30, 20.30, 20.45, 21.15 (not on saturday), 22.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Pirovac–Biograd–Zadar at 5.45, 6.30, 7.00, 7.45 (only on tues-

day and friday), 8.00, 8.45, 9.15, 9.45, 10.05, 11.00, 11.45, 12.00, 12.15, 13.00, 13.10, 13.45, 14.10, 14.37, 16.00, 16.15, 16.45, 17.45, 19.05 (not on saturday) 19.35, 20.40, 21.15, 21.40, 22.00, 23.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Rijeka at 6.30, 8.45, 9.15, 9.45, 11.00, 13.00, 14.37, 16.45, 22.00, 23.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Makarska–Ploče–Dubrovnik at 00.00, 2.30, 4.35, 8.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.20 and 15.10; Sibenik–Zagreb at 00.40, 1.30 (motorway), 7.00, 7.45 (on tuesday and friday), 8.00, 9.15, 9.40, 10.05, 12.00, 13.45, 14.50, 15.30, 16.00 (motorway), 17.30, 18.00 (motorway), 23.00; Sibenik-Karlovac at 7.00, 8.00, 10.05, 13.45, 15.30, 19.10, 21.40, 23.00; Sibenik–Varaždin at 13.45; Sibenik–Osijek at 21.40; Sibenik–Požega at 7.45 (tuesday and friday); Sibenik–Slavonski Brod at 19.10 (thursday and sunday) and 21.40 (everyday); Sibenik–Vinkovci at 19.10 (thursday and sunday); Sibenik–Imotski at 3.45; Sibenik–Pula at 6.30, 9.45 and 22.00; Sibenik– Rovinj at 22.00; Sibenik-Gospić at 9.15; Sibenik–Pag at 9.15. LOCAL LINE - work day Sibenik-Drniš-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15 (Čupić); 9.30(Čupić); 15.15 (Čupić); Sibenik-Drniš-Kosovo-Knin at 8.30; 10.30; 11.30; 14.00; 20.00; SibenikTisno-Jezera at 10.00 (Jezera bus); Sibenik-Betina-Murter at 10.30 (Murter trade); Sibenik-GrabovciStankovci-Budak-Banjevci at 10.30 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-GrabovciVelim-Stankovci-Dobra Voda-Banjevci-Benkovac at 14.00, 20.00 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-Vodice-Kapela-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 11.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.15, 8.40, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 12.45, 14.00, 14.30, 19.10, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-JezeraMurter at 9.00; 15.20 18.00; 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20, 13.30, 19.30; Sibenik-Srima-VodicePirovac-Kašić at 11.40, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Vodice-Pirovac-KašićBanjevci at 15.20; Sibenik-SkradinPiramatovci-Krković-Žažvić-Lišani at 14.00, 20.15; Sibenik-Vodice-Čista Velika-Prović-Vukšić at 11.15, 14.00, 20.15; Sibenik-Grabovci-CrljenikStankovci-Budak-RadašinovciBanjevci at 15.20 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-Vodice-Čista VelikaLađevci-Krković-BilostanoviŽažvić-Lišani-Vukšić-Prović at 15.30; Sibenik-Lozovac-SkradinD u b rav i ce - R u p e - L a š kov i ca Đevrske at 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 (Antonio tours); Sibenik-Lozovac-SkradinLaškovica-Rupe at 11.15, 12.45, 14.00, 15.30, 20.00; Sibenik-SkradinSonković-Piramatovci at 12.45, 15.20; Sibenik-Skradin-SonkovićPiramatovci-Lađevci-Lišani at 11.00, 20.15; Sibenik-LozovacSkradin-Graovo-Plastovo-IćevoLaškovica-Rupe-Sonković at 9.00; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 10.15, 15.10, 20.30; Sibenik-Boraja-Lepanica-Vrsno at 12.00, 14.00; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-

knin Health Centre, tel. 660-552; General Hospital, tel. 663-732; Bus station, tel. 661-005; PHARMACY, tel. 660-080; Red Cross, tel. 662-019; Caritas, tel. 661-700; HVIDRA, tel. 661-612; Library tel. 660-010

murter PHARMACY tel. 434-129; Dentist tel. 436-026; NP Kornati tel. 435740; Borough of Murter tel. 435599; Jadranska BANK tel. 443137; Port Authority tel. 435-190

pirovac PHARMACY tel. 467-099, open from 8-14,30, saturday from 8 to 12; Doctor surgery tel. 467-080; Borough of Pirovac tel. 467-077; Post tel. 467-000; Jadranska BANK tel. 466-622; Firebrigade tel. 467-090.

primosten Borough of Primošten tel. 571-900; Police tel. 570-092; PHARMACY tel. 570-305, Jadranska BANK tel. 570-351; Privredna BANK tel. 571160; Post tel. 571-039; Firebrigade tel. 570-097; Libary 570-259

rogoznica Borough of Rogoznica tel. 559040; Firebrigade tel. 559-294; Doctors Surgery tel. 559-032; Dentist tel. 558-392; PHARMACY tel. 558330, Jadranska BANK tel. 559-540;

skradin PHARMACY – open mon, wed and fri from 7,30 to 13,30, and tue and thu from 13.30 to 19.30. tel. 771-099, 771-049

tisno/jezera Borough of Tisno tel. 439-262, 439-264, 439-268; PHARMACY tel. 438-512, Jadranska BANK tel. 438-486; FINA tel. 438-499; Post tel. 439-250; Port Authority tel. 439-313; ACI marina, tel. 439 295 .

vodice Doctors Surgery tel. 022/443-169; Dentist tel. 022/443-624; PHARMACY 022/ 443-168; Vet surgery 022/443-355 Bus station, 022/443627; Port Authority, tel. 022/443055; Post, tel. 022/442-145.

Grebaštica-Drage-Bratski Dolac at 11.45; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-ŽaborićGrebaštica-Brnjača-Drage-Bratski Dolac at 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Brodarica at 6.10, 7.00, 7.45, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.05, 14.00, 15.05, 16.05, 17.30, 19.10, 20.00, 21.10; SibenikGrebaštica-Brnjača-Drage-Bratski Dolac at 14.00, 20.00; SibenikGrebaštica-Brnjača-Drage-Bratski Dolac-Sapini Doci at 15.10; SibenikPrimošten-Rogoznica at 9.45; Sibenik-Primošten-RogoznicaRažanj at 11.00, 11.45, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Primošten BIS at 12.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-DubravaBiranj-Danilo-Perković-Sitno at 9.00, 12.40 (to Birnja), 21.15; SibenikDubrava-Danilo-Perković-Sitno at 11.30, 14.00, 15.20, 20.00; SibenikKraljice-Mirlović-Nakići-Radonić at 15.10; Sibenik-Konjevrate-MirlovićUnešić at 11.30; Sibenik-VrpoljeKraljice-Mirlović-Unešić-Sedramić at 14.00, 20.15; Sibenik-ŽivkovićPokrovnik-Pakovo Selo-Miljevci at 11.00 (Čupić); Sibenik-NakićŽivković-Pokrovnik-Miljevci at 14.00 (Čupić), 20.15 (Čupić); SibenikBilice-Stubalj-Vrulje at 7.00, 10.30, 12.00, 12.45, 14.00, 15.30, 17.40, 20.00; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.30, 10.30, 12.30, 13.30, 14.00, 15.20, 18.30, 19.15, 20.00, 21.10; Sibenik-SolarisZablaće at 7.00, 9.00, 10.00 11.40, 13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 16.00, 17.40, 19.10, 20.15. LOCAL LINE - saturday Sibenik-Drniš-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15 (Čupić), 11.30; Sibenik-Drniš-KosovoKnin at 8.30, 14.00, 20.00; SibenikSrima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 9.00, 11.30, 14.00, 18.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-TribunjSovlje at 6.30, 7.15, 8.40, 10.15, 20.00 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-LepenicaVrsno at 12.00, 15.10, 20.30; SibenikJužna Dubrava-Danilo-PerkovićSitno at 9.00, 11.30, 15.20, 21.15; Sibenik-Konjevrate-Nakić-Mirlović at 15.20; Sibenik-Lozovac-SkradinDubravice-Graovo-PlastovoBratiškovci-Laškovica-SkradinSonković at 9.00; Sibenik-LozovacSkradin-Sonković-DubraviceGraovo-Plastovo-Ićevo-LaškovicaRupe at 13.00; Sibenik-LozovacDubravice-Graovo-PlastovoIćevo-Laškovica-Rupe at 15.30; Sibenik-Skradin-Sonković-GračacVaćani-Piramatovci at 15.20; Sibenik Lozovac-Skradin-DubraviceRupe-Laškovica-Đevrske at 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 (Antonio tours); SibenikVodice-Čista Velika-LađevciKrković-Bilostanovi-Lišani-Vukšić (end of village)-Prović at 12.00 (and Piramatovci), 15.30 (to Bilostanova); Sibenik-Bilice-Stubalj-Vrulje at 7.00, 10.30, 12.45, 15.30, 20.00; Sibenik-Grabovci-Stankovci-Budak at 10.30 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-SolarisZablaće at 7.00, 9.00, 10.00, 13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 20.15.

LOCAL LINE - sunday Sibenik-Drniš-Oklaj-Knin at 8.30; Sibenik-Drniš-Kosovo-Knin at 14.00 (Čupić); Sibenik-Srima-VodiceTribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 20.00, 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00, 14.00, 18.00; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; SibenikJadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 15.10; Sibenik-Južna DubravaDanilo-Perković-Sitno at 15.20, 21.15; Sibenik-Lozovac-SkradinDubravice-Graovo-PlastovoSonković at 9.00; Sibenik-LozovacS k ra d i n - D u b rav i ce - G ra ovo Plastovo-Bratiškovci (to Gračac playground) at 15.30; Sibenik-BiliceStubalj-Vrulje at 7.00, 10.30, 14.00; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablaće at 9.00, 10.00, 13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 20.15.

Trains Departure from Sibenik: 4.26 : for Perković, Knin and Split; 7.42 : for Perković, Knin, Split, Zagreb; 10.56 : for Perković, Split and Zagreb; 12.25 : for Perković and Split; 15.10 : for Perković and Zagreb; 15.37 : for Perković, Knin and Split; 17.43 : for Perković; 20.l0 : for Perković, Knin and Split; Zagreb, Osijek, Vinkovci; 22.50 : for Perković and Zagreb (direct). Arrival at Sibenik: 6.27 : from Knin, Split, Perković and Zagreb (direct wagon); at 7.33 : from Perković; 8.54 : from Knin, Split and Perković; 12.07 : from Zagreb and Perković; 13.34 : from Perković; 16.37 : from Zagreb and Perković; 17.33 : from Knin, Split and Perković; at 18.48 : from Perković; 21.20 : from Knin, Split, Perkovića and Zagreb (fast train).

Boats SIBENIK – ZLARIN (ferry): tuesday and thursday at 12.30, return at 19.10. SIBENIK – ŽIRJE (ferry): tuesday, wednesday and thursday at 12.30, return at 17.45. Monday, friday and saturday at 10.30, return friday at 15, monday and saturday at 15.30 , return at 13 and 17.45 . Sunday and holidays at 11.00, return at 17.45. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE (hydrofoil Mislav): monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and saturday at 18.45, friday at 16.00 and 19.30, return at 6.50, friday and at 18.05 . Sunday and holidays at 9 and 18.45, return at 6.50 and 11.20 . SIBENIK – ZLARIN – PRVIĆ – ŠEPURINE - VODICE: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday at 6.00, 9.30, 13.30, 15.30 and 19.30 .

saturday april 11th 2009.

sibenik times



Osnivač i izdavač | Publisher: Šibenski list d.o.o. Adresa | Address: Božidara Petranovića 3, Šibenik Telefoni | Telephones: 022/311-300; 022/311-399 Fax: 022/330-100; 022/311-302


Direktor | Director: Srđan Bužančić ([email protected]) Glavni urednik | Editor in chief: Zdravko Pilić ([email protected]) Urednik | Editor: Mark Thomas ([email protected])


Asistent | Assistant: Grga Mirjanić ([email protected]) Fotoreporteri | Photography: ([email protected]) Vilson Polić Nikolina Vuković Stipaničev CROPIX


Grafička priprema | Graphics: ([email protected]) Orsat Lasić Luka Čanković | Nino Milin Marketing: • Nikolina Čvorak • ([email protected]) Mobitel: 091.302. 01. 22 • Elida Slavica • ([email protected]) Mobitel: 091.302. 01. 06 U suradnji s | In association with:


Turistička zajednica Grada Šibenika Tourist board Sibenik Director: Goran Bulat Tel: 022/212-075 |


Tourist board Jezera Director: Nenad Milin Tel: 022/439-120 | Tourist board Knin Director: Ante Šimić Tel: 022/664-819 | Tourist board Murter Director: Željana Šikić Tel: 022/434-995 |


Tourist board Pirovac Director: Višnja Gulam Tel: 022/466-770 | Tourist board Primosten Director: Jere Bakotić Tel: 022/571-111 | Tourist board Rogoznica Director: Ante Karabatić Tel: 022/559-253



Tourist board Skradin Director: Karmen Bičanić Španjol Tel: 022/771-329 | Tourist board Tisno Director: Milena Obratov Tel: 022/438-604 |

6. - 9. travnja 17-20 sati LIKOVNA RADIONICA “Uskršnja slikovnica”

10. travnja 18 sati DJEČJA PREDSTAVA “Uskršnji zeko u pjesmi i priči” dječjeg vrtića Osmijeh

11. travnja 9-15 sati

“Uskršnji sajam zdrave hrane”

Tourist board Tribunj Director: Zlata Rašćan Tel: 022/446-143


Tourist board Vodice Director: Anita Franin Pečarica Tel: 022/443-888 |


All text and photos are exclusive content of Sibenik Times and without authorization can’t be reproduced! Transcripts and photos are not returned. Sibenik Times is free of charge and is published once a week. Žiro račun broj | Bank account: 2411006-1100004846 Tisak | Print: Tiskara Slobodna Dalmacija, Split


Uskrs u Dalmareu

10 sati

10-12 sati ZABAVNI PROGRAM klapa Romansa i etnoigraonica Balarin



sibenik times


Sunny High 19°c / Low 11°c Chance of rain 0%


Sunny High 18°c / Low 10°c Chance of rain 0%


Seven day weather forecast

Partly cloudy High 18°c / Low 10°c Chance of rain 0%

saturday april 11th 2009.

Now & Then


Partly cloudy High 19°c / Low 9°c Chance of rain 10%


Partly cloudy High 20°c / Low 10°c Chance of rain 10%


Sunny High 20°c / Low 11°c Chance of rain 0%


A view along the portside of Sibenik taken in 1929. As you can see from the photo the harbor wall has been built up and widened since those times.

Sunny High 21°c / Low 12°c Chance of rain 0%

The same scene taken today. Although the architecture has changed over the years the hotel in the background and the church spire can are still recognizable from 80 years ago.

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