The Church Courier, October 2008

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  • Pages: 12
2008 october

By Gary D. Grimes

Who should be our example for Christian living? Here are some potential examples: The retired minister in our midst? NO! Let’s make a list! Our Sabbath School superintendent? NO! Surely our Head Elder, NEGATIVE! What about our Head Deacon? NO! Maybe our Head Deaconess? NO! This guy is “a can’t miss”—our friendly Sabbath morning greeter? NOPE! Finally, our best shot—our Pastor? He’s a good man, but NO! Continue on page 6

In this issue:

Volume 9, issue 10

T h e C h u rc h c o u r i e r

the devil’s trap

Book Review


Pixie Pin Ups


Getting to Know


Church @ Work


He Cares

What more can we ask of the Saviour that to know we are never alone. That His mercy and love are unfailing and He makes all our problems His own. 

Pumpkin people How is being a Christian like being a pumpkin? God sees us, picks us out of the dirt, cleans us off, takes the yucky material out of us by forgiving us, puts a smile on our faces and places a shining light within us for others to see. Jesus said: ―Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven‖ (Matthew 5:16, NRSV).

The greatest act of humility occurred at the Last Supper when Jesus stooped to wash the feet of His disciples on the night before the crucifixion. It was the lowest slave that usually washed the feet of invited guests. Foot washing was necessary because of the dust, mud, and other filth a person walked through as a pedestrian on dirt roads around ancient Palestine. But at the occasion of the Last Supper, no such servant was present, and the disciples feet went unwashed; or so it seemed. Jesus, the Christ, the Eternal Son of God, who will come someday in triumphant glory for His people----took the role of the lowest servant and demonstrated a graphic lesson in humility and true holiness. And, in washing the feet of the twelve, He was really washing our feet too! We all need periodic cleansing from some type of sin that hinders us: gossip, unkind thoughts, jealousy, pride, etc., etc. And the foot washing service, done in the right attitude, can bring that cleansing. That's why the foot washing service is of such importance, and should be done reverently and in respect of what it represents. ( And it's also true that some sins and situations might require a rebaptism to show outwardly the repentance necessary.) But, for the most part, foot washing and what it represents, can suffice for those "everyday" sins we encounter in life. So, let's allow Jesus to wash us! But remember, we will never be able to wash the feet of those who have hurt us, until we allow Him, the One we have hurt, to "wash" ours! Yours for allowing Jesus to cleanse us to the uttermost, Pastor and Sharon Webb Page 2

The Church Courier

by: Ann Holland There are two outstanding books written by surviving family members to help strengthen and encourage God's people in this end-time of history. 1. A Thousand Shall Fall, by Susi Mundy. Susi is one of the children of this German family in this book. Susi is the Registrar at PUC in California now. This book is an electrifying story of a soldier and his family who dare to practice their faith at the time of Hitler's German Army in World War II. It is so thrilling to read about their answers to prayer over and over. 2. Though the Heavens Fall, by Mikhail Kulakov. It happens in Russia. Thousands of God's faithful men and women, prisoners of conscience, who sacrificed their lives for the gospel of Christ in the forced labor camps of the Soviet Union. Answer after answer to prayer. All so thrilling and inspiring. As I finished reading these two books, I felt such a heavy heart over all they endured. The thought came to me - I know when Jesus comes, He will take these beautiful people's hands in His and look so lovingly into their faces and say, "Well done thy good and faithful servant." And their response will be, "It was worth it all."

Our Church Library has an extensive collection of spiritual and theological books. In order to make your search easier we are making some changes. So if you visit our library during the next few weeks please note that we haven’t finished with this project. Sorry for any inconvenience. Church Librarians, Alex Ortiz and Omayra Rivera Vol. 9, Issue 10

Page 3

Youth Events October 3-5 Pathfinder Camp Out at Crews Lake Our youth are becoming very active in our church, daycare and school. The Youth and Pathfinders from the By David Hecht school grades 5-8 will be holding story time at the daycare. They are leading out in a worship service each month at the school and hosting vespers at the church every 2nd Sabbath. The Pathfinders are gearing up to go to Oshkosh, WI in August 2009 to Camporee . They will be having several fundraisers to raise the money to go. Please help with your prayers and donations. This will be a very rewarding experience for our Pathfinders. Also, our 8th graders, at the school, are going to St. Augustine FL. for their graduation trip. This will be a very educational trip. They also will be doing several fundraisers. Our Youth appreciate all the support that our Church Family gives to them.

Do you know this Youth? I am David Hecht, the one who does the Youth News. I was born In Jacksonville FL. I am 13 years old and I go to the Adventist Christian School. My favorite sport is wrestling any kind of wrestling (kickboxing, boxing, mixmartial arts, and just old-fashioned wrestling). What I want to be when I grow up is a doctor or a teacher, I haven’t decided yet. My parents are Lynn and Leann Hecht and my two brothers are Jake and Daniel. I have a cute little adorable dog named Molly. Page 4

The Church Courier

PIXIE PIN-UPS DO YOU KNOW ME? If you think you know this church member, submit your guess to us, either by phone or email. First 3 correct responses will receive a prize! You can submit your baby pix by email or directly to us. Photos can be black and white or color and will be He loves FL and the outdoors. promptly returned. For more information please contact us. September baby was: John Altmann (Clue: He enjoy riding his motorcycle.) John has 5 motorcycles and 1 scooter. Our winners were: Tara Rinkel and Arlene Learman Thanks for participating!

Think about it…  ―Forgiveness can remarkably restore our relationships, renew our spirits and revitalize our lives.‖ —William Arthur Ward  ―If you really believe the Christian gospel — God behind us, his cause committed to us, his power available for us — then proclaim it, live it, implement it, for humanity’s hope depends upon it. It is, indeed, a faith for tough times.‖ —Harry Emerson Fosdick  ―Your temper will improve the longer you keep it.‖

Vol. 9, Issue 10

Page 5

Cont. from page 1 By Gary D. Grimes

By now you know the answer. It is none other than Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus is our perfect example in our Christian behavior. He is sinless (II Cor. 5:21; I Pet. 2: 21,22; I John 3:5). He is the One altogether lovely. Follow Him, not some weak sinful human being. He is worthy of our worship. Appropriate His righteousness by faith to clean up your past. Invite Him into your heart to live a victorious Christian life.

The devil’s trap. Getting us to take our eyes off Jesus as our Example and looking to some poor, sinful fellow human for our example. Then Satan springs his trap when the weak human example falls. Many times we fall with him. Brother and sisters, always do as the hymn tells us, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” JESUS IS THE ONE! MAKE HIM YOUR EXAMPLE TODAY!

In this section you will see interesting facts and figures. Got some? Send it to us. s man body hold The average hu kill all the flees on enough; sulfur to a potassium to fire an average dog, 0 on to make 90 toy cannon, carb , e 7 bars of soap pencils, fat to mak ake 2,200 match phosphorus to m ns of water! heads, and 10 gallo

Approximately two-thirds of a person’s body weight is water. Blood is 92% water. The brain is 75% water and muscles are 75% water.

To make 2 pounds of honey, bees have to visit 4 million flowers, traveling a distance equal to 4 times around the earth.

Page 6

The Church Courier

Only Jesus by: Lorraine Wilson— NPR SDA Church Member

Congratulations to Tara Rinkel & Sean Fairbrother for their wedding. They got married here at our church in a beautiful and intimate ceremony on September 26th. We wish them the best!

Vol. 9, Issue 10

Jesus came to save us from our sins. Only Jesus knows our thoughts within. Judging others is not the thing to do, There is only one Judge—Jesus. If we can’t forgive someone, And it’s hard for us to do, Remember Jesus forgives us For all the wrongs we do. So look to Jesus, keep Him first in your life. Only Jesus hears our prayers, So follow Him each day.

Page 7

This month we will have the chance to get to know a little better one of our newest members, Aracelis Garcia. She was baptized recently in our church. Q: Where were your born? A: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Aracelis Garcia

Q: What do you do for a living? A: I work for the Pasco County School System Q: Kids? Ages. A: Two kids. A girl that is 16 years old and a boy who is 12. Q: Favorite food? Pets? A: All kinds of food  I have a dog named Buddy. Q: Talents: A: Friendship (Besides being friendly and caring, Aracelis, also joined our Church Choir—Alto Section, using her voice to the glory of the Lord). Q: Favorite bible verse or bible story? A: 1 Corinthians 13 Q: Something that we haven’t asked that you want the church family to know? A: I’m the only SDA out in my entire family. Also, I lived 2 years in Korea and I can speak a little Korean. Q: What do you like the best about the NPR SDA Church? A: The Hispanic Community. We are so happy Aracelis for your decision to follow Jesus. We love you and thank you so much for letting us get to know you a little more. God bless you! Page 8

The Church Courier

SCHOOL FUNDRAISERS – Please remember our ongoing fundraisers collecting old cell phones, collecting used ink cartridges and the Sweetbay “Earn School Dollars” fundraiser.

Vol. 9, Issue 10

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DO YOU HAVE A SMALL GROUP? If you don’t and want to be part of one, contact Martha for dates and locations of the new Small Group Studies.

We have regularly scheduled Saturday evening Vesper programs. Lennie Schiefer and Martha Getlinger are planning a variety of programs including concerts, bible trivia, movies, etc., and all are sure to be spiritually uplifting evenings to close out the Sabbath. Members are encouraged to come out for a blessing.  October 4 at 6:30 pm is a concert by Ralph Henderson. He is a gifted and talented pastor from Orlando who writes all his own music and songs. He has been here in the past. Please come out and support our out-of-town guest singer.  October 11 at 6:30 pm (and every second Sabbath of the month) will be the NPR SDA School children with Mr. Cruz in charge. We have wonderful talent in our school. Each month will be something different. Come support our children and plan to stay afterwards. There will be a game night following all school Vespers. Please bring a snack/game to share.  October 18 at 6:45 pm will be the Pathfinder and Adventurer i n d u c tion program.  October 25 at 6:00 pm will be a concert by Walden Thomas and "Restoration". Walden used to be a member of the St. Petersburg Church and sang for the Evangelism programs and other specials mu sic services. "Restoration" will sing a couple of songs for the morning Church service and then have a Vesper concert. If you would like to be in charge of one evening Vespers program or have ideas please call Lennie Schiefer 727-376-4362. An invitation is extended to our members to be involved whether it be up front or in the pew, come out and be blessed!

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The Church Courier

This newsletter is published monthly by the NPR SDA Church. If you have any comments to make about the newsletter, wish to make a donation, or wish to submit an article, please send it to the church or to us.

From the editors Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me (Ps. 23:4). I learned Psalm 23 when I was 8 years old, I remembered my stepmother teaching it to my brother and me. As Christians we face so many situations and sometimes God allow some of our fears to come true and it’s in that moment that we discover that we will not disintegrate. It is wonderful to know that if we trust in God everything will work for our best. Trust in Him with all your heart because He said: I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 Omayra Rivera

Contact Alexander Ortiz 727– 365-2892

us Omayra Rivera 727– 372-0052

[email protected]

NPR Seventh-day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653 727-848-4567 Visit us on the web: Vol. 9, Issue 10

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NPR Seventh–day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653

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