The Church Courier, September 2009

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  • Pages: 12
September 2009


Pathfinders: Camporee 2009 After long months of fundraisers, preparation and anxious waiting, our Pathfinder group went to Oshkosh, Wisconsin to the 5-day event sponsored by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist. This year’s theme was “Courage to Stand”, and you have to have courage to stand in front of over 35 thousand people and sing. Congratulations to Ashley and Brittany Howard, we are so proud of you two, and all our youth that participated. Go to page 7 to read some of the comments of our Pathfinders.

In this Issue: International Day··········· 3 The Big One ················ 6 Mission Trip ················ 9 Church @ Work ·········· 10

Talent Tent Winners: Ashley and Brittany Howard

Have you ever thought about what really makes you happy? May I suggest there is no true happiness until we've established friendship and fellowship with the Lord? And there is no possibility of establishing that fellowship apart from the cross of Jesus Christ. After all, God has said, "I will forgive you." But, He can only forgive you at the foot of the cross! Why is this? Because only through Christ's death on the cross can we be forgiven and reconciled to God. That's why we must come to the cross, repenting of our sins and trusting Christ alone to save us. But human pride can get in the way, and keeps us from admitting we are sinners! Or, we think we don't need saving! ONLY when we leave our pride at the cross can our hearts be open to God's redeeming grace! When we come to Jesus, God imparts His righteousness to us. It's as if an accounting entry has been made in the books of heaven, declaring us righteous for Christ's sake. The "Divine Bookkeeper" cancels our debt! Listen to what God says, "I will forgive their iniquity; and their sins I will remember no more."(Jer. 31:34) What a wonderful Saviour! What a wonderful Heavenly Father! Yours for letting Him "forget," Pastor and Sharon Webb Page 2

The Church Courier

We want to update you on our plans for the International Sabbath for our Church. Just this past week, I spoke with the lady who has the booths and made a plan to borrow them. The date will be Sabbath, March 13, 2010. I know it seems far away, but there is a lot of planning and work that goes into a successful day that we can all be proud of and enjoy. Our intention is to make a whole day honoring the many diverse nationalities of our Church Family. This is not official - this is the plan according to Martha Getlinger, but what I would like us to do that day is: Sabbath morning after Sabbath School study have a parade of flags representing all the nationalities in our church (or in the world - the vote is still out on that) and have the national anthems played at that time. I don't know if I can make that happen or not. I would like volunteers to wear something representative of their country if they are willing. Also since it is the second Sabbath, I would have liked foods representative of the different countries as well. But, since we will have the booths set up already for the night program, I don't know if we can make that happen. That remains to be seen. In the evening, we will have a Vespers with an International flair, I hope. And finally after sunset we will have the International Food Festival in our Fellowship Hall with the booths decorated to symbolize certain countries and members dressed in the different costumes of their country and two or three different samples of food that are prominent in that country. We will be selling tickets and the tickets will be used to purchase whatever food sample you would like to try. I would like our Adventurer and Pathfinder Club to be involved, possibly selling ice cream samples and being ushers and helpers directing folks that need help, etc. You can see there is a lot of planning and organizing still to be done. Next month, we will have a sign up sheet in the Church Courier with jobs that you can volunteer for, such as "I would like my country to have a booth," "I would be willing to carry a flag in the parade of flags," "I would be willing to wear a native costume for the morning service, vespers service or food fest service," or I would be willing to prepare food for one of the booths." More later...Martha

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The New Port Richey SDA Church is now on Facebook. If you have been in hibernation for the last few years and have never heard of Facebook, it's basically a social networking site. It's very simple to use and is actually quite handy. It will let you keep in touch with old friends, share pictures, send messages, share links and videos, etc, etc. You do have to make an account to use Facebook, but it's very easy and simple to do; and it's free. Visit to sign up. To become a fan of our church's page, after you login to your Facebook account, type in the search box "New Port Richey SDA Church" and press enter. In the results you will see our Facebook site; click the link "Become a Fan". The Internet can be a great tool but remember you must surf the web responsibly and always use common sense. See you online! The NPRSDA.ORG Team!

We want to welcome our new members Dale and Mary Engle coming from the St. Joseph SDA Church in St. Joseph, MI. Congratulations to all the new members that got baptized recently, they are: Santiago Ortiz, Milagros Vazquez, Marisol Brewer, Yomanda Brewer, Immanuel Brewer, Emmanuel Brewer, Ivan Vazquez, Christian Vazquez, Antonia St. Hilarie, Joyce Zapata, and Lillian Scoggans. God bless you and guide you all always. Page 4

The Church Courier

PIXIE PIN-UPS DO YOU KNOW ME? If you think you know this church member, submit your guess to us, either by phone or email. You can submit your baby pix by email or directly to us. Photos can be black and white or color and will be promptly returned. For more information please contact us.

August baby was: Brian Hershey Brian served in the Army, Navy, and Marines. You can watch a tribute to our Church Clue: This little girl veterans on our webpage at came from the East Tribute. then the West. Our winners were: Arlene Learman, Martha Getlinger Sandra Bishop, and Pastor Webb. Thanks for participating!

Think about it… •

“God gives us the ingredients for our daily bread, but He expects us to do the baking.”

“You can't assume that kindness is an inherited trait. It is learned behavior." -Katie Couric

Joy is the flag that is flown in the heart when the Master is in residence.

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THE BIG ONE! By Gary D. Grimes No! I’m not writing about the Big Earthquake supposedly coming to California. I’m writing about The Big Sin that started it all! The fruits of the Big Sin are disease, evil, war, plagues, and death. The Big One started in heaven eons ago. The Bible describes the origin of The Big Sin in Ezekiel 28:11-18 and Isaiah 14:12-14. The Big One, the Big Sin, started with a creature in heaven named Lucifer who declared he was god. It is the creature saying I do not need the Creator God in my life. I can do quite well without God because I am a god too. It is a creature declaring his independence of the Great God. It is a creature living his life apart from God. God was not caught by surprise by the Big Sin in heaven. You can only imagine the great patience the God of love and mercy used in heaven to try to bring Lucifer back from the precipice of sin. Finally, Lucifer crossed the line from which he could not return. He became Satan, forever the adversary of God. He was now doomed to eternal death, the second death, from which there is no resurrection. “There was war in heaven” between Michael (Jesus) and the dragon (Satan). Revelation 12:7. Satan “prevailed not; neither was their (evil angels) place found any more in heaven” Revelation 12:8. Satan “was cast out into the earth” and his angels with him (Revelation 12:4). Jesus said, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven”. Now the war of the creature trying to be the Creator was transferred from heaven to this earth. Sure enough, there it is again in the Garden of Eden. Satan, in the form of a serpent medium, saying to Eve, “ye shall be as gods”. Genesis 3:5. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden the Big One, the Big Sin was established here on earth. Since then Satan has been trying to take us down to eternal destruction with him self. I Peter 5:8. What about you? Are you living your life apart from Jesus? Are you practicing the Big One, the Big Sin in your life? Next month we will study from the Bible how you can overcome and have victory over the Big One, the Big Sin in your life.

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The Church Courier

continued from page one: Pathfinders: Camporee 2009 A few days before our Pathfinder group got ready for the Camporee at Oshkosh I asked a few of them: What are you expecting from this Camporee? These were their answers: Brittany - for the weather to be really hot somedays and others days really cold. I expect to have fun and to make new friends. Miranda - to be cold because we are all the way up there. A lot of worship and a lot of loud noises in the middle of the night. Liam - to be fun, educational, and to make friends and to know more of God. Garret - to know more about God and to have fun with other SDA youth. Nicholas - a blessing and a good time with my good friends. Joe - to be really tired. Ms. Koch - exhaustion! We know they had a lot of fun, they get tired, and the met new friends. Above all these, the best thing is that we all made this experience possible with our prayers, donations, and time. We are happy to know that our youth group got to know more about Gods loves, and that they learned how to share this great news with others. Vol. 10 Issue 9

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An amazing gift for you! When we work an eight-hour day and receive eight hour’s pay for our efforts, that is a WAGE. When we compete with an opponent and receive a trophy for our superior performance, that is a PRIZE. When we receive something in recognition for our service or achievement, that is an AWARD. But when we can earn no wage, can win no prize and deserve no award — yet we receive such a gift — that is unmerited favor. That is undeserved kindness. That is GRACE.

Softball it’s over…

We want to congratulate the Orange team, the Orioles, for winning this season. In celebration and fellowship all the teams had a meal, awards and, remembered all the players thru video and photos. To see the pictures go to the C h u r c h w e b p a g e :

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Mexico Mission Trip by Christie Menendez-Rodriguez I miss Mexico!! I miss the HOT, HOT SUN. I miss shoveling cement into buckets! I miss our slave driver Chris. (inside joke for those that went to Mexico). I miss Pastor Daniel, he was so inspirational when he spoke. I miss playing soccer with the Mexican children (by the way, that was the highlight of the trip). I miss the church we attended. There was a feeling of love in that church that had no a/c. yes! church service in 100 DEGREES HEAT. But all that mattered that day was the gratefulness of those people and the fire for God they had inside them. They have so little in our human perspective, but in reality they have SO MUCH! I think this Mission trip was to help us "the missionaries” understand that materialism is not what brings happiness.....Its our relationship with HIM-OUR LOVING FATHER WHO ALWAYS HAS HIS ARMS OPEN FOR US. This is where our dependency should be every single day of our lives. Anyways, I had to come back because I missed my family and especially my church family! But there is always next year....Hope to "work" beside you all next time. Memory text. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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“YOUNG AT HEART” CAMP at Camp Kulaqua— October 18th—22nd, 2009. This is a camp for adults, 50 years and older. This year the theme is “Oktoberfest.” Applications can be found in the church office.

I am in need of a piano, in excellent/ good working condition. If you or someone you know has one please call Hazel Powell @ 813-469-3012. COMMUNITY SERVICES

As we get closer to winter, we have some needs to share. For the homeless, we can use blankets, men’s and youth clothing, kitchen utensils, men’s and children’s shoes and linens, either bed or bath. You may give a donation to the Community Save the Services Dept. in your tithe envedate...WOMEN’S lope and they will purchase the MINISTRY, “Women food. Also, more volunteers would of Spirit Day” April be appreciated. Thank you for 17th, 2010 at St. Peters- whatever you will do to help burg SDA Church. us...Bob Powell, Director

Lifeline Screening Our Church will once again be involved in the LifeLine Screening program for health. We have chosen Wednesday, November 4 as the date the Lifeline Screening crew will come to our Fellowship Hall and offer five different screenings that could save your life. We’ll have more to share as the time draws closer. Page 10

The Church Courier

From the Editors that God planned everything that happens to us. Our own wrong choices many times get us into trouble. Paul is telling us that even when disaster and tragedy strikes, God can use the results of our bad decisions, the results of tragedy, loss, and disaster to work for our good. So, in light of this reality, that not only optimism is logical, it is unavoidable.

Take a look at this line: GODISNOWHERE Did you read it as “God is nowhere? Or are you an optimist who read it as “God is now here?” “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 )

If there is a reason for So be optimistic, Christians to be optiGod is now here, mistic, it is in the promGod is with us! ise of this scripture. We have every reason -Omayra to rejoice and celebrate, whatever our circumstances. I don’t think this means

This newsletter is published monthly by the NPR SDA Church. If you have any comments to make about the newsletter, wish to make a donation, or wish to submit an article, please send it to the church or to us.

Contact Us Alexander Ortiz 727-365-2892

Omayra Rivera 727-372-0052

[email protected] NPR Seventh-day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653 727-848-4567

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NPR Seventh–day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653

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