The Church Courier, August 2008

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  • Pages: 12
August 2008

Vol. 9, Issue 8 Learning from a nursery rhyme we probably never give it a thought but when you consider seriously the nursery rhymes taught to children, one might discover a bit of wisdom. Recall this old rhyme written by an Englishman?

There was a crooked man, and he went a crooked mile, He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse, And they all lived together in a little crooked house. What is the moral of the rhyme? Is it not that if one starts out crooked, everything becomes crooked? Life never seems to get straightened out. The rhyme does not have the crooked man living happily ever afterward. That is why the Bible offers great wisdom regarding helping children to get started right. It says, 'Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray' (Proverbs 22:6). Students and Teachers we wish you a successful School Year! Morning Prayer

In this issue: Guard Your Thoughts.3 Think about it…………..5 Facts ‘n Figures …… . . 9 Church @ Work……….10

May I bask in the light Of your presence, O God, As I savor the warmth Of your care. Fill my heart with your wisdom and love Through this day, For it’s YOUR will I seek!

That’s my prayer!

Most of us wear a watch of some kind to tell us what time it is, but have you ever noticed that you often don't have to always look at your watch or a clock to know the time? Have you ever set your alarm clock at night for a certain time to wake up the next morning, only to wake up just a few moments before the alarm sounded? There is a good reason for this: we have a built-in “clock." Its long been suspected, but only recently has its location been discovered. Your built-in "clock" is your hypothalamus, which is a part of your brain that lies on the underside, right in the middle of your head. All we know about this built-in "clock" is what a group of Harvard Medical School researchers have learned. This inner "clock" is a cluster of brain cells that probably send out regularly spaced impulses like the ticking of a normal clock. At least that is the theory. But the scientists can't experiment with a human brain like they do with animals' brains. Wouldn't it be interesting to know exactly how this works? It's so true that we "are fearfully and wonderfully made!"(Psalm 139:14) What a powerful Creator we worship! No wonder the wise man Solomon concluded: "Whoever keeps the commandments shall feel no evil thing; and a wise man's heart discerns both time and judgment."(Eccl. 8:5) Let us give our great God the thanks and praise due Him for His mighty works----all around us in our universe and even within us! Yours for taking time to give Him the praise He deserves, Pastor and Sharon Webb

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The Church Courier

Guard Your Thoughts By Juan Rivera

John 8:1-11, it’s one of the great passages in the Gospels. Jesus intercedes for the woman caught in adultery. After her accusers have left, Jesus tells her to “go, and sin no more.” So what is sin? If asked, most would say what has been engraved in our heads, “sin is the transgression of the law.” Did you know that when you commit a sin, it never "just happens"? Sinful acts begin as attitudes or temptations in your mind and emotions. Temptation can lead us to internal sin and then to external sin. So how does temptation become sin? We can break down temptation in three parts: 1. Something that catches my attention; 2. An analysis of what caught my attention; 3. An instant desire, like impure thoughts (see Mark 7:2122). Impure thoughts are not sin; they become sin when we Vol. 9, Issue 8

entertain them. Everybody has impure thoughts of one type or another. That's part of the package of being alive. So having an impure thought come into your mind is not a sin by itself; choosing to entertain the thought is a sin. Internal sin goes from a strong desire to a decision and finally to planning. External sin is simply an internal sin that becomes a deed. We are all sinners whether it is an internal or external sin. It’s very easy to accuse the adulteress woman because her sin was external. Many times we act like the Pharisees and want to accuse those who have external sins. We can’t see internal sins but we tend to forget that God can. We need to be guarding our thoughts so that they don’t turn into internal sins. Continue on page 7 . Page 3

Back to School

By David Hecht

The Summer is almost over, so pack your pencils and calculators, because school starts August 18. This is going to be another successful year.

July 5th was the Youth Lock-In; every one had fun. We played games & watched movies. You should have been there! IT WAS AWESOME!!! PATHFINDERS Registration and club meeting begins Aug. 19 @ 6:30 PM

Do you know this Youth? This is Frankie Biedinger, he is 13 years old. His hobbies are playing videogames, Chess, Golf, and reading books. He likes to play Laser Tag. He is in a lot of different clubs. He’s in the Pathfinders, Club-Book, ClubSquires, and Chess Club. He also is a volunteer in our Community Services. When Frankie gets older he wants to be in the Air Force. He lives in Port Richey with his Dad and Mom (Steve and Susan Biedinger) and his three sisters (Sarah, Gabby & Korinna). Page 4

The Church Courier

PIXIE PIN-UPS DO YOU KNOW ME? If you think you know this church member, submit your guess to us, either by phone or email. First 3 correct responses will receive a prize! You can submit your baby pix by email or directly to us. Photos can be black and white or color and will be promptly returned. For more information please contact us. July baby was: Stan Getlinger (Clue: This little boy keeps going, going

His favorite hymnal is “Crown Him with many crowns.”

and going...

Our winners were: Marjorie Boyd, Arline Learman, and Pastor Webb

Think about it…  By learning you will teach; by teaching you will learn.  If God is your copilot, swap seats.  Help me today, Father, to submit my agenda to your perfect planning.  Life is a mirror; If you frown at it, it frowns back; if you smile, it returns the greeting. Vol. 9, Issue 8

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GO WITH THE 80/20 ODDS By Gary D. Grimes Life expectancy is greatly increased by wearing seatbelts when you’re in a vehicle. I’m a great believer in going with the odds. So I try to remember to buckle up every time. The one time I can remember not buckling up I was involved in an accident. Lucky for me, I was rear ended so my head went back into the seat rest instead of forward into the windshield. I have a friend who will not wear a seatbelt for fear of going under water in an auto and drowning because he won’t be able to get his seatbelt unlocked. He refuses to go with the odds. My friend even lives in Idaho which is high desert country with hardly any water. Now for what I really want to talk with you about: Christian education. The last time I checked the odds were about 80 to 20 that Adventist youth, who stayed in our schools, stay with Christ and with our church. Four to one! That’s pretty good odds! Weighed in the balances of eternity I would certainly go with the 80/20 odds. No matter what the cost we (parents and church members) must keep our kids in kindergarten, elementary school, academy, college and graduate school. Parents need to lead the way in the education finances of their children, but church members need to make substantial contributions to this worthy project. Our goal: every Adventist youth in Adventist schools. Remember it is a “church school” not a “parent’s school.”

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The Church Courier

Cont. from page 3 By Juan Rivera

Here’s what the Bible also tells us about sin. “Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires” (Romans 8:5). “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives. My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if

anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One” (1 John 1:82:1). Jesus says “go, and sin no more”. Notice he doesn’t say, “That’s all right. Don’t worry about it.” No. He challenges us to faithful obedience to God. He’s saying, “You have sinned, but you can do better. I know you can.” He offers us a 2nd chance. This is the heart of the Good News of Jesus Christ- grace, hope and help for sinners like you and me. Praise God! “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23).

We are looking for members that want to share their testimonials, members that want to write uplifting articles, members that want to participate in the Pixie Pin-Ups submitting their pictures.

See our contact information on the last page! Vol. 9, Issue 8

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Congratulations to Korinna Biedinger for winning the Adventurer of the Year. Congratulations also to Justin Rivera and Marcus Gagye that won the 2nd Place. Keep up the good work! Remember that Adventurer Club registration and starting day is Tuesday, August 19th, at 6:00 PM.

It’s a Boy! Congratulations to Sharon and Joe Vital and big sister Joy for the arrival of the new member of the family. Zachary Brian was born June 25th at 8:25 AM. He weighted 8 pounds, 11 ounces and a height of 21 inches. God bless you!

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The Church Courier

In this section you will see interesting facts and figures. Got some? Send it to us. ces a ach produ Your stom mucus every of new layer it otherwise s two week . est itself would dig We throw away 500 million plastic bottles and 8 billion plastic bags each

Orange juice helps the body absorb iron more easily.

Every stamp, y time you lick a ou’re con 1/10 of suming a calorie .

WHAT TO DO IN DO-OR-DIE EMERGENCIES? (Reader’s Digest) These are some good ideas and strategies to keep you alive in case of emergency. LOST IN THE WILDERNESS: Stay visible, make a signal with colorful gear or a big X out of rocks or dig a shallow trench. If you need water it’s usually better to drink from a stream with suspect water than to go without. If you’re stranded in your car, stay there: you’re more visible to rescuers, and the car provides shelter. IMPALEMENT: If you have something stuck in any body part, including your eye, don’t remove the object. Try to trim the object breaking off the part that’s protruding from your body, but don’t pull it out. BEAR ATTACK: If you surprise a bear, don’t run away. That invites an attack. It is better to stand up and back away slowly, without looking the bear in the eyes. Try to make yourself look as large as possible: raise your arms, stick out your chest. If its’ going to attack, lie face down, with your hands clasped behind your neck. Play dead. Now, enjoy the rest of you summer and survive! Vol. 9, Issue 8

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New monthly Study & Prayer Group

What you need is Favorite Vegetarian Recipes

New group forming, for non-members, at our Church. We will be discussing Bible principles for today’s world and final events of Bible prophecy.

The best collection of recipes of the NPR SDA Church Members.

Starting Thursday, August 7th, from 7:00 - 8:30 PM

Order your copy for just $8.00 @ the church office or go to: /recipes

Do you know somebody that might be interested? please contact Juanita & Gary Grimes or Omayra & Juan Rivera for more information.

Need ideas on what to cook today?

Surprise someone today with this healthy and unique gift! While supplies last

Spread the good news in your neighborhood! We are happy to announce that a new season for the NPR Sanctuary Choir is about to start: When: Saturday, August 23rd Time: 5:00 PM If you are interested please join us! Advantages of joining the Choir:

 You have excellent seats and are assured a reserved seat for Christmas and Easter.  From your advantageous seat, you can smile at, and enjoy the rest of the people in the congregation.  The pastor is nearly always looking the other way.   You’re in a wonderful spot to see new members.  You don’t have to worry about what to wear. (we have a special robe for you)  The cost for all these benefits? Just one evening a week.  Oh, yes, one more reason to join the choir: You’re a talented leader, and we need you! Page 10

The Church Courier

God Eyes… The other day, while driving to my job, I heard a song in which the singer asked God: “give me you eyes so I can see…” The singer wants to be able to see life the way God sees life, he wants to be able to see this world the same way God does. I started to think: Are we ready for that? Can we see this world the same way God does and stay calm? Are we strong enough to see the pain, misery, and the hurting hearts? Are we spiritually mature enough to look at someone's eyes and see his/her needs, desires, sadness, happiness, or thoughts? I know what the singer means is for God to let him help someway, to be able to be moved when others are hurt, scare, or without hope. This is something that we all want or need. It will be great if every single Christian out there and here in this church asked God for eyes to see, and the strengths and abilities to do something about it. Alex Ortiz This newsletter is published monthly by the NPR SDA Church. If you have any comments to make about the newsletter, wish to make a donation, or wish to submit an article, please send it to the church or to us.

Contact Us

Alexander Ortiz 727-365-2892

Omayra Rivera 727-372-0052

[email protected] NPR Seventh-day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653 727-848-4567 Visit us on the web: Vol. 9, Issue 8

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New Port Richey Seventh–day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653

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