The Church Courier, November 2008

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  • Words: 2,380
  • Pages: 12
Vol. 9, Issue 11

November 2008

A Simple Prayer of Thanksgiving By: Helen Steiner Rice I come not to ask, to plead or implore You, I just come to tell You how much I adore You, For the kneel in Your Presence makes me feel blest For I know that Your know all my needs best… And it fills me with joy just to linger with You As my soul You replenish and my heart You renew, For prayer is much more than just asking for thingsIt’s the peace and contentment that quietness brings… So than You again for Your mercy and love And for making me heir to YOUR KINGDOM ABOVE!

More information on page 9

In this Issue: Thanks-giving for…...……..3 Youth News………………..4 I want you………………….9 Church @ Work…………..10

One of our fondest dreams came true back in August when we traveled to Ecuador and Galapagos Islands. You will remember that Charles Darwin went to the Galapagos to study the wildlife there and accepted the theory of evolution. Of course that's not the reason we went----we wanted to see if it was true that all the animals are not afraid of humans. We were excited to not only see the animals that live there, but to get up close enough to touch them. But touching is forbidden! Getting off the trails is forbidden! Taking food of any kind onto the islands is forbidden! Everything is well monitored by the guides that escort you everyday on and off the islands. Even though we knew the rules were specific and enforced, we still wanted to go. And what an unusual place it is! There are about 14 islands that make up the group, and we got to visit 6 of them. There are many types of birds that inhabit the islands, as well as iguanas, sea lions, giant tortoises, some non-poisonous snakes (which we are thankful we never saw), and at least two types of small lizards. But the one animal that intrigued us was the Blue-footed Booby----a bird about the size of a duck, but with a very pointed beak, and yes, very blue feet ! We had read about them, seen a few pictures of them, but had never seen one anywhere. It was nesting time on the islands, and they build their nests right on the ground, or sand. Some were incubating their eggs, while other's chicks had already hatched and waiting for their parents to bring fish back for a meal. When the babies hatch they're covered with stark white down, and no, their feet are not blue yet---they're white. We were told their feet turn blue as they mature. What a sight to see! Nests all over the place with very noisy chicks calling for their parents! We'd never seen anything like it, nor will we......Or, will we? We were reminded that someday, in the earth made new, "the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the goat, the calf and the young lion and the fatling together...the cow and the bear shall graze...they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord."(Isa. 11:6-9). Seeing the animals on the Galapagos Islands makes us long for the day described by Isaiah centuries ago! Looking forward to that glorious day, Pastor and Sharon Webb Page 2

The Church Courier

Thanks-giving for a Miracle by Martha Getlinger

Some of you know already the miracle of healing that the Lord provided for my sister, Elaine, but I think it is important for the strengthening of my own faith as well as others to share when we have had an experience that can lead to growth in our faith. In August, I received a call from my sister stating that she had been to her doctor and they had done an EKG and found blockage that may cause damage to the back of her heart. She was scheduled for a stress test and another EKG. Afterwards, she called again to say that she had failed the stress test and the EKG again showed blockage and the doctor had scheduled her for a heart catherization. Her doctor had shown the results to a cardiologist and they both felt this was the next step and that she would probably need a stent, but more likely by-pass surgery. So she agreed. She was afraid, as anyone would be, and concerned for her son Dylan, a 14year old, if something would happen to her. I assured her, saying I would come and be with her and that I would be Vol. 9, Issue 11

praying for her and ask my church family to pray for her. On September 18th, the day of the catherization, we went to the hospital at 6 am for preliminary blood work and chest x-ray and another EKG. The technician mentioned that this EKG looked pretty good. When it was shown to the doctor, he agreed, but felt they needed to continue with the catherization based on the previous tests. She was taken for the catherization at 3:30 PM and brought back in exactly 25 minutes. Nothing was done – the catherization showed no blockage! My immediate thought was, “Praise the Lord for answered prayer!” and I said to her, “Elaine, the Lord did a miracle for you!”

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Youth Events November 8, School Vespers and Game Night November 15, Pathfinder Bake-Potato By David Hecht Supper Fundraiser November 22, Youth 13 and Up fun evening at Celebration Station

Do you know this Youth? This is Ashley Howard. She is 13 years old. She goes to Adventist Christian School and is in 7th grade. She likes to draw, read , and play softball and soccer. She is very talented and can play a lot of instruments like the guitar, piano, flute, base, and the marimba. When Ashley gets older she wants to become a Doctor. Ashley was born in Springfield, Missouri. Now she lives in Land-o-Lakes with her Dad and Mom (Terry and Seon-young Howard) and with her younger sister (Brittany Howard) and their dog (Jack).

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The Church Courier

PIXIE PIN-UPS DO YOU KNOW ME? If you think you know this church member, submit your guess to us, either by phone or email. First 3 correct responses will receive a prize! You can submit your baby pix by email or directly to us. Photos can be black and white or color and will be promptly returned. For more information please contact us. October baby was baby was: Jim Schryer Clue: He loves Florida and the outdoors. Our winners were: Nobody guessed.

You would never know his hair was once so dark...

Thanks for participating!

Think about it… If the only prayer you said in your entire life was “thank you,” that would suffice. Meister Eckhardt I have a great need for Christ; I have a great Christ f o r m y n e e d . —Count Zinzendorf Bread for myself is a material question, but bread for my neighbor is a spiritual one. A man grows in grace as he grows in gratitude. Vol. 9, Issue 11

“Blessing and glory and wisdom, Thanksgiving and honor and power and might, Be to our God forever and ever. Amen.” Revelation 7:12 Page 5

Cont. from page 3 By Martha Getlinger

Then something strange happened and it is important that I share this part. In my mind, a thought came to me, all in a matter of seconds. (‘Was this a miracle? What if the first two tests were a fluke, the stress test was a mistake, the doctor and the cardiologist were mistaken. Let’s be logical about this!) Why would that thought have even come into my mind? The body of evidence to indicate there was blockage was great and I feel the doctor was prudent and right to continue. I felt sad to think I would doubt God so quickly after just praising Him so sincerely.

After reflecting on it, I don’t think it was truly my thought, but Satan’s. I think this happens to us many times when we can’t fully comprehend a situation. I believe this was Satan trying to steal the glory from God regarding this miracle or at least to make me have doubts. Many t i me s wonderful things happen and we think to credit God and then so quickly we think or someone else will say, “That was just a coincidence!” Don’t believe it – this is how God works, how the Holy Spirit impresses us with thoughts or actions to do. Just believe and pray for stronger faith to believe more!

Five purposes of prayer 1. Praise and adoration: responding to the glory and grandeur of God. 2. Thanksgiving: acknowledging the Giver of all good gifts. 3. Confession: admitting our failures and asking for pardon. 4. Petition: asking God to take care of us. 5. Intercession: asking God to help others. Page 6

The Church Courier

Vol. 9, Issue 11

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Cranberry-Sweet Potato Quick Bread This makes a lovely gift wrapped in colorful cellophane and decorated with ribbon. Yield 16 servings (serving size: 1 slice) Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg Cooking spray

3/4 cup no-sugar-added canned mashed sweet potato 3/4 cup egg substitute 1/3 cup orange juice 1/4 cup margarine, melted 1 cup chopped cranberries 2 tablespoons sliced almonds

Preparation: Preheat oven to 350. Combine first 7 ingredients in a large bowl; make a well in the center of the mixture. Combine sweet potato, egg substitute, orange juice, and margarine in a bowl; add to dry ingredients. Stir just until moist. Fold in cranberries. Spoon batter into a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan coated with cooking spray; sprinkle almonds over batter. Bake at 350 for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes on a wire rack, remove from pan. Let cool completely.

Gifts of Hearing and Smelling My granddaughter received a watch and perfume for her birthday. Melissa was so excited she pestered everyone all day to look at her watch and smell her perfume. At dinner her mother said, "Honey, I know you're proud of your gifts, but please don't mention them while we eat." All through dinner Melissa sat silently although she sniffed audibly at times and often raised her wrist to listen to her watch. As the meal came to an end, she blurted out, "I'm not supposed to mention it, but if anyone hears anything or smells anything, it's me."  Page 8

The Church Courier

Adventist Christian School Pre K Art Exhibition People everywhere are looking for turkeys this time of a year. But our Pre Ks are on a mission, the mission to save the turkeys this Fall! Parents and students working together have put a wonderful and very creative Fall Exhibition, we named Turkey in Disguise. Come and visit your Church School during the week of November 18-21, and vote for your favorite. REMEMBER TO SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND

I WANT YOU!!! By Juan Rivera

Your church website,, needs your help! We are in need of pictures. If you have pictures of church activities then we want to talk to you! We also need to keep our website updated so if any of the pages: youth, pathfinder, adventurer, ministries, etc., need to be updated, please contact us at [email protected].

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We are looking for people that want to help our School but a the same time want to help themselves. If you are a business owner or if you posses some talent and want others to know, I have good news for you. In order to help with the cost of our school Yearbook we are providing advertisings in our Yearbook. Different members participated and benefited last year. If you want more information please contact our Church Office, School Office (727 842-8919), or Omayra Rivera. Reserve your space today!

VESPERS November 1 - Christie Rodriquez and Family

Health lecture featuring Dr. Terry Howard. When: Sunday, Nov. 2nd Time: 10:00 AM-Noon Here at Church, lunch included. For more information contact our Health and Temperance Leader, Ann Holland.

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November 8 - School Vespers, game night following November 15 - "Heart To Heart" concert. November 22 - Stan and Martha Getlinger November 29 - NO Vespers program. Happy Thanksgiving. Count your blessings! The Church Courier

I read the other day in the newspaper about a storm named Omar, that was moving through the Caribbean. The "special" thing about that storm was that it was the first time that a storm moves north east towards the Caribbean Islands. They weren't waiting for a storm to hit them from that direction. Though Omar was a category 3 storm it didn't do a lot of damages. People had time to get ready. Sometimes we know exactly what is going to happen when we get into a situation, we have a plan, we prepare ourselves for it, we get ready. The problem is that sometimes we are not expecting the consequences of that situation to come from another direction. We are not expecting the "storm" to hit us from the opposite way. So what is there for us to do? We better BE ready, everyday, all the time. One thing is to loose our car, house, or money, even when we are not expecting that to happen, than to loose our souls even when we were thinking we were ready. Are you ready yet? Alex Ortiz

This newsletter is published monthly by the NPR SDA Church. If you have any comments to make about the newsletter, wish to make a donation, or wish to submit an article, please send it to the church or to us.

Contact Us

Alexander Ortiz 727-365-2892

Omayra Rivera 727-372-0052

[email protected] NPR Seventh-day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653 727-848-4567 Visit us on the web: Vol. 9, Issue 11

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New Port Richey Seventh–day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653

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