The Church Courier, July 2009

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  • Words: 2,474
  • Pages: 12
July 2009 Volume 10, Issue 7

Patriotic Cantata Land of the Free, that is the title of our first Patriotic Cantata. Come and celebrate God and country throughout this beautyful and very traditional hymns like America the Beautiful, God of our Fathers, The Star-Spangled Banner, and others. All are welcome to attend this free event which includes a reception afterwards. Invite a friend!! Sabbath, July 4th @ 6:00 PM

A Touch of Porcelain In an event sponsored by the Women’s Ministries Committee, the ladies of our Church had the opportunity to fellowship while enjoying an afternoon of tea and pastries. Continue on page 12 In this Issue: International Day············· 3 Pixie Pin-Ups ················· 5 Church @ Work ············ 10

"Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane and said to the disciples: 'Sit here while I go and pray over there.' And He took with Him Peter and two sons of Zebedee, and He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, 'My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me.' " (Matt. 26:36-38). The Bible is the story of two gardens: Eden and Gethsemane. In the first, Adam took a fall. In the second, Jesus took a stand. In the first, God sought Adam. In the second, Jesus sought His Father. In Eden Satan led Adam to a tree that led to His death. From Gethsemane, Jesus went to a tree that led to our life. Satan was never invited to the Garden of Eden. If he has "invaded" the garden of your life, then invite Jesus to take it back. He will gladly enter and do what is necessary to win you back! But you must ask first! He never enters without an invitation! Yours for inviting Jesus to enter the "garden" of our lives, Pastor and Sharon Webb

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On April 25th, several of us had the opportunity to visit the Tampa 1st Seventh-day Adventist Church for a musical vespers (some of our members participated) followed by an International Food Fest celebrating the diversity of nations making up their congregation. It was fabulous - entertaining and delicious! It planted a seed in our minds that we could do a similar activity in New Port Richey. We also have a rich diversity of nationalities making up our membership of which we are very thankful and proud. Just off the top of our heads, we could think of members who come from India, Germany, Korea, the Philippines, Brazil, Panama, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Jamaica, Antigua, Haiti, Cuba, Bermuda, and the United States. I am sure there are more. Let me know, we don't want to leave anyone out. A project like this takes much planning! What we would like to do is have a Sabbath in Spring 2010 and have a full day as an international theme with members bearing the flags of the nations of their origin. In the evening, we would have a musical vespers and at sunset in our Fellowship Hall, we would have the food festival with samples of dishes from our homelands. These samples could be for sale to help offset the costs incurred in the program. I would like to do this as a Small Group meeting once a month, possibly at my home, unless it gets too big. Our final objective would be to enjoy the International Sabbath Day together in evidence of how God can bring peoples together from all lands who love Him and have like minds and kindred spirits to serve Him. Stay on the look up for more information. Martha Getlinger, Church Office Vol. 10, Issue 7

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On March 19, 1938, a baby boy was born to Wilbur and Grace Symmonds in Peoria, Illinois. His official name was Charles but it soon became shortened to Chuck. Chuck spent his childhood and youth in Peo1938—2009 ria. He attended Woodruff High School where a classCharles Symmonds mate, Janet Madison, caught his eye. After graduation he enrolled in the engineering school of Bradley Uni“Chuck” versity and worked at the Caterpillar Factory to pay his tuition and other college expenses while his high school sweetheart, Janet, was studying to become an LPN. In 1960 when she had finished her nursing course and Chuck was in his senior year of college, they decided that Spring Break was a good time to get married. They had two children, son David, was born in 1963 and Deanna followed in 1966. Chuck had a hobby of taking photos of people and events. This became such a fascination that he made it into a business, with his son David, which became known as C & D Studios. C&D Studios was well-known for its quality work and the business flourished. The Symmonds got baptized in 1986 by Pastor Gordon Rhoades. In 1999, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease although he had been suffering from the symptoms for some time before that. As the disease worsened and he lost much of his mobility, nurse Jan provided the special care he needed. He passed to his rest on May 19, 2009. He is survived by his wife Jan, son David of New York City and daughter Deanna Kestory and her husband, Dale of Richmond, Texas, two granddaughters, Katrina and Alexa. A memorial is planned in the near future to celebrate his life. The family plans to scatter his ashes from a boat on the Anclote River where the family spent many happy hours swimming, snorkeling and picnicking. He will be greatly missed by his immediate family and his church family.

Congratulations Justin Rivera for his baptism. God bless you and guide you always. Page 4

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If you think you know this church member, submit your guess to us, either by phone or email. You can submit your baby pix by email or directly to us. Photos can be black and white or color and will be promptly returned. For more information please contact us. Clue: “A deaconess.”

June baby was: Bob Powell (Clue: “Remember Alfalfa?”) Our winners were: Nobody guessed. 

Think about it…  “Freedom fails when people decide that it is their right to take and not to give.” -Stanley Maxwell  “The fruit of silence is prayer. The fruit of prayer is faith. The fruit of faith is love. The fruit of love is service. The fruit of service is peace.” -Mother Teresa  ”The faces of children are proof enough of God.” Vol. 10, Issue 7

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I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO . . . . By Gary D. Grimes

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.” I am proud to be an American. I am proud to put my hand over my heart when I pledge my allegiance to the American flag. I still get excited when I sing our National Anthem at a football game. My people fled the Communists in Russia to find freedom here in the good old United States of America. Especially religious freedom is dear to my heart, but all the other freedoms are just as important. The Bible teaches us to defend the separation of church and state. Matthew 22:15-22. Thomas Jefferson said we must erect a great wall separating religion and political government. Government’s only duty toward religion is to stay out of religion. This means no state run church. No established church is to be permitted. Our religion lives or dies by our devotion to it and witness for it. Forced religion has no place in America. Big churches like the Roman Catholic, the Baptist and Methodist are free to prosper. Little churches like the Mormon, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventists are free to prosper without state interference. Oh, yes and atheists and non-believers are free not to believe. The Bible teaches us to be subject to governments that are established by God. Romans 13:1-7. It even says we should pay our taxes to Uncle Sam. Seventh-day Adventists, believe in being loyal to the nation they hold citizenship in. Here it is the United States of America. In Germany it is Germany. In Brazil it is Brazil. And so on in every nation. THERE IS ONE GIGANTIC EXCEPTION! That exception is when the laws of a particular nation go contrary to God and His supreme law. Then the higher Authority, God, always takes first place. This is taught in the above Scripture Matthew 22:l5-22.

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This lovely lady has transferred to our church from Wesley Chapel SDA Church. Q: How did you knew about the 7th Day AdEden Noel ventist Church: A: I am a Seventh Day Adventist from birth and was baptized at the age of 15. Q: Tell us about your talents. A: I sang in choirs in several churches. (She also brings some of the most beautiful dishes to our activities) Q: Do you have pets? A: I had a small dog, hope to get another soon. Q: What is your favorite color, hymn, food, and hobbies? A: My favorite color is green, my favorite hymn is Because He lives, I love fruit and vegetables, and my hobbies are listening to good music, visiting the sick, cooking and baking, I love gardening and making flower arrangements. Q: What is your favorite Bible story? A: Every bible story is precious to me. The crucifixion keeps me closer to Jesus. Q: Tell us something about you that you want your church family to know. A: I am a registered nurse. Was married and divorced. Have two grown children (boy and girl) they live in Houston Texas and we are in constant contact daily. Q: What do you like the most about our New Port Richey Church? A: The Church is beautiful and well kept. I like the friendliness, and order of services. Thank you so much Ms. Eden for letting us get to know you a little better, we are so happy to have you here. Vol. 10, Issue 7

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SOFTBALL Softball season started, this year with new colors: yellow, orange and plum. Come and enjoy the games and great fellowship under the shady trees. Also, bring some money so you can buy goodies from the Pathfinders. Proceeds will be use for their Camporee to Oshkosh. Support your Church activities! Games are every Sunday @ 6:30 PM at the School.

A Touch of Porcelain—Cont. from page 1 In the event, the ladies also had the opportunity to wear their hats and gloves and donate a non perishable food item to the benefit of our Community Services. Testimonies, games, and stories were also shared that evening. Special thanks to the Leader of Women’s Ministries in our Church, Liz Montanez and all the members of the committee for bringing to us this great event. Members of the WMC Liz, Martha & Tess with their hats and gloves.

A similar activSharpe (on right) did ity is going to Natalie a wonderful job decorating. be planned for this fall, so be on the look out! For more pictures go to our webpage: Page 8

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Our church is to be sold Our church is to be sold! Yes, our church is to be sold! No, we are not about to lose our building through foreclosure or repudiated debt. However, our church must be sold to the city and county. It has been planted to wield an influence beyond its membership and walls. Thus, we are presented with an enormous challenge. Our church must be sold to the un churched! There are scores of people in our community who would attend our church and join us in the Lord’s service if we would bother to sell our church to them. How much is our church worth to you? How much do you value its ministry? How much do you value the Christ it proclaims? As a member of this church, you are selling your church to others every day. Are you selling it short? Has it helped you to the extent that you’re willing to sell it to others? Will you be enthusiastic in talking about your church? Will you share your church with others who have no idea what they’re missing? Take our church seriously and talk to people about what our church has to offer them.

Did you know that you can get our Church sermons and music online? It’s true. Go to the Church webpage and download sermons or the Sabbath music to your MP3 player. Too cool! SermonMusicLibrary Vol. 10, Issue 7

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If you have any Church Family news (praises, prayer petitions, achievements, or want to congratulate someone), please contact the church office or us so we can get it into the newsletter.

Our Choir will be on a break until September. Thank you so much to all our Choir members and Stan Getlinger for their commitment, and also to our Directors John and Caroline Altmann for a great season! Please keep in your prayers the group that is going to the Mission trip to Mexico.

Our School is having 9th & 10th grades starting in August. Due to the new grades we are adding to our school, we are changing our name to Adventist Christian Academy. We will offering VPK to 10th grade. We are growing, Praise God! Remember School registration is: Sunday, July 12 from 11:00 AM-4:00 PM

School begins August 10

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From the Editors them in their spiritual growth. One of the happi- An encouraging est days of my life word, a friendly was the day that I call, or a helping saw my son getting hand. baptized. What a joy to see loved Contact those and ones accepting brothers Christ as their Sav- sisters that you ior and what a big haven’t see in You responsibility I Church. will never know have in helping him in his spiritual life. how much a simple call, card Are you aware or email can do. that we have a lot of “Christian ba- Omayra

bies” in our congregation? We have an obligation to look out for them, and help

This newsletter is published monthly by the NPR SDA Church. If you have any comments to make about the newsletter, wish to make a donation, or wish to submit an article, please send it to the church or to us.

Contact Us Alexander Ortiz 727-365-2892

Omayra Rivera 727-372-0052

[email protected] NPR Seventh-day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653 727-848-4567 Vol. 10, Issue 7

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New Port Richey Seventh–day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653

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