The Church Courier, October 2009

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  • Words: 2,683
  • Pages: 12
O CTOBE R 2 00 9 V OL 10 I S S U E 1 0

Answers Answers to prayers Come in various ways, Sometimes in minutes, Sometimes in days. And some take years To fully unfold The harvest of love And blessings they hold. Answers to prayers Come in various forms, Sometimes in sunlight, Sometimes through storms. And some blossom late, But each one will flower Have faith and wait! -Helen Inwood in His Mysterious Ways

In this Issue: Parson to Person ············ 2 Think about it ··············· 5 Getting to Know ············ 7 Church @ Work ·········· 10

Did you ever stop to think that after His resurrection, Jesus came to the disciples and said, "Don't be afraid, go and tell My brethren"?(Matt. 28:10) Just think of it---while the mobs in Jerusalem were still filled with hate and danger, He tells His closest companions not to be afraid! They had every reason to be afraid---not only did the people want Jesus' blood, but they wanted His followers' blood too! No wonder they were hiding out "for fear." What about today? We live in a war-torn, dangerous society, full of fear of what's ahead of us! You don't need to be told how difficult it is for so many to just get along. People's financial situations have caused them to wonder what's next! Jesus' words of so long ago are still relevant today---He still says to all who love Him, "Don't be afraid." He comes to you in the hospital room, or during a family tragedy. He comes to us when we're having an unsuspected business crisis. He comes to us when we have a sudden physical problem that seems incurable. And still he says, "Don't be afraid. I am alive. I am here to bring just the help you need." Let's never forget that He still loves us and nothing, no one can separate us from His love! After all, His death proves that love! With Him there is no fear! Yours for loving Him all the more, Pastor and Sharon Webb

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The Church Courier

My Comfort My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life. Psalm 119:50 When WWII broke out in Europe, the French composer Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) joined the army to defend his native land. He had the misfortune of being captured in 1940 by the Germans while trying to escape on an old bicycle. Among his few possessions when he was sent to Stalag 8A were scores of Bach’s Brandenburg concertos and others by Beethoven, Ravel, Berg, and Stravinsky. Messiaen endured two long years in the prison camp, fighting off disease, starvation, and despair. His faith in God and his love of music gave him hope, which he tried to share with the other prisoners. To bolster their spirits, he arranged to have a short concert in the camp with the few instruments they could find. Desperate for a taste of culture, or anything to remind them of better times, five thousand of the pathetic prisoners came to the makeshift stage. There sat several of their own, a cellist who held a battered instrument having only 3 strings, a clarinetist, and a violinist. Next to them stood a dilapidated upright piano. They would soon hear that it was horribly out of tune and many of the keys were broken. Messiaen had composed the music for the event, and it bore the apocalyptic title “Quartet for the End of Time,” which has been called one of the most important pieces of modern chamber pieces. For many in the audience, this would be the last music they would ever hear. Fortunately, the composer was released the following year. But he never forgot that performance, and Oliver Messiaen often asserted that his music had never been listened to with such attention and understanding as on that cold day in Stalag 8A. Music has great power to comfort. Can you give a musical gift to someone in need? Play, sing, or share a special recording with someone who is lonely or ill? Submitted by: Cathy Van Duinen

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Philip John Lopardo was born on July 20, 1939 in Brooklyn, New York. The oldest of two children. At 12 years old, Philip realized his life’s passion: jazz music! After hearing Count Basie on the radio for the first time, he ran down to Philip John Lopardo Pitkin Avenue, bought his first Count Basie 1939-2009 album, got his first set of drums and birthed his lifetime musical journey. In 1963 Philip became ill and was hospitalized. While recovering, he saw a beautiful young nurse pass by his room; he left his room to chase after her. When he caught up to her, he asked for her number and told her he would love to take her out. She looked at him like he was crazy and then refused. For the next few days, he waited for this nurse to come by his room, where he would persistently ask her out on a date. After much convincing, Audrey agreed… Philip and Audrey were married in 1968 in Brooklyn, New York. They were blessed with three daughters, Jillian Tara, Jacqueline Tamara, and, Jeanine Tonnell. Philip was a devoted husband and a doting father. During the last eight years of his life, Philip lived life to the fullest! Philip was a wonderful son, brother, husband, father and grandfather. He was a great provider and protector for his family. Philip is survived by his loving, devoted wife Audrey, his three daughters Jillian, Jacqueline, and Jeanine. We know Philip is resting in Jesus, until that day when Christ will burst the clouds and we’ll be reunited in eternity.

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The Church Courier

PIXIE PIN-UPS DO YOU KNOW ME? If you think you know this church member, submit your guess to us, either by phone or email. You can submit your baby pix by email or directly to us. Photos can be black and white or color and will be promptly returned. For more information please contact us. September baby was: Sandra Bishop Clue: This little girl came from the East then the West. Sandra was born in Pennsylvania; lived Clue: With hair or there until she was 15, then moved to without hair it’s good counting. California until 2004. Our winner was: Stan Getlinger Thanks for participating!

Think about it… •

“Prayer is the place where burdens change shoulders.”

“I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker.” —Voltaire

“God’s answers are wiser than our prayers.”

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THE BIG ONE, THE BIG SIN! Part II By Gary D. Grimes We are sinners two ways. We are sinners by birth and by choice. First, we are born with a sinful nature. Psalms 51:5 says, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.” Second, we choose to live our lives apart from God. Lucifer chose to live his life apart from God and became Satan. Isaiah 14:12-14. “. . . I will be like the Most High.” The word “like” means be a false god living your life apart from the true God of heaven. It does not mean living a God like life in fellowship with the true God of heaven. Living your life apart from, independent of and in rebellion against the true God of heaven is the BIG SIN upon which all other manifestations of sin and sins come from. Even our sinful natures are rooted in the Big Sin. Satan brought the Big Sin to earth and Adam and Eve fell for it. Genesis 3:1-8 says, “. . . and you will be like God. . .” It is uncanny how the wording of Isaiah and Genesis are so similar. So, if the root of all sin, the BIG ONE, is living your life apart from Christ then the cure for the BIG ONE, the BIG SIN is living your life in and with Christ. Your broken fellowship with Jesus must be restored. This restored fellowship or relationship with God is mentioned throughout the Bible as walking together, eating together, being reconciled together and having peace together. Early on Genesis 5: 22, 24 says, “And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” Enoch got so close to God that God caught him up to heaven early. Want to go early? Than perfect your walk with God like Enoch did. The last book of the Bible, Revelation says in 3:20 “. . . I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Enoch walked with God. Jesus wants to eat with us. What better words to describe fellowship and relationship than walk and eat. As you can see we’ve now identified the BIG ONE, the BIG SIN as living our lives apart from Christ and God. I’m going to have to write a Part III to describe in a practical way how God wants to restore fellowship and a saving relationship with you and me. Stay tuned, the salvation saga continues on and gets better. GOD LOVES YOU!

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The Church Courier

So many new faces in our congregation fill us with happiness, but get to know them much more. Today you will have the change to meet one of the new members of our Latino community. Q: How did you get to know about the SDA Church? Eliezer Ocasio A: I used to be a SDA member at one time. I lost my ways from the truth only to realize that I needed Christ back into my life. As a kid and young man, I did not know the meaning of being a SDA member, now I know. Q: Talents that you would like to share with your church family. A: God has giving me a lot of blessings and multiple talents but the most important of all is to help anyone I can. Q: What are your hobbies? A: Reading, studying, preaching, missionary, teaching the word of God, networking, online radio talk shows also, TV on the web, making articles, making movie documentary's, music projects, video projects, music editing, video editing, those are my hobbies. Q: Tell anything that you would like our church family to know about you. A: I used to walk in the ways of men without the Lord in my life with big dreams and illusions, living mislaid to my own wisdom; I used to be a hip-hop and R&B music producer until God woke me up to see even close at the time and the events that are taking place at this very moment. Q: What do you like the most about the NPR Church? A: I very much enjoy coming to the NPR Church, very peaceful and organized church. Thanks Eliezer for letting us get to know you a little better, God guide you always!

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We want to welcome Art and Margaret Berard and Wes and Sheila Blevins, both couples coming from Tampa 1st. SDA Church.

Remember that now you can hear the sermons and special music from each Sabbath on the church webpage: Spread the good news! Do you know me? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

would like to talk with you, for am part of your church life. may be a complete stranger to you, but can help you be a better Christian. like to go to worship on Sabbath, for help you to be Christ’s partner. am very small, but am the keystone of your church program. am a weekly reminder of your daily blessings. dare you to be as good to God as He has been to you. am only paper, but carry the full gift of a generous heart. am the only pocketbook you need on Sabbath, and promise not to be a burden. am your chance to preach, for am a silent sermon of your devotion. am your tithe envelope.

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The Church Courier

Explain this A recent study of heart patients revealed that those patients who were prayed for had fewer complications in recovery. The Mid America Heart Institute of Kansas City studied 990 coronary patients in one year. The first names of half the patients were given to religious believers who prayed for four weeks that they would have a speedy recovery with no complications. Amazingly, those who were prayed for had fewer complications than the others. The study was published in the American Medical Association’s Archives of Internal Medicine. The study suggests that prayer does indeed facilitate healing. —Reported in Religion Today, October 27, 1999

Benefits of worship We go to church to be with others who either know God or wish to know God. The church is a place of acceptance, friendship and fellowship. It’s a place to honor and worship our loving Creator who accepts us as family. In church we pray to God, sing about God, hear God’s Word for us and find support and direction for whatever challenges face us. In church we find comfort in our sorrow, encouragement in our struggles and the Holy Spirit’s assurance that “all things work together for good for those who love God” (Romans 8:28, NRSV).

Come and join us next Saturday! ☺

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Save the date...WOMEN’S MINISTRY, “Women of Spirit Day” April 17th, 2010 at St. Petersburg SDA Church. For more information contact Liz Montanez.

If you can help with the expenses related to our fellowship meals, please put your offering in a tithe envelope and mark it “Fellowship Meals.” This will help to pay for kitchen supplies (i.e. plates, utensils, cups, etc.)


Mark your calendars:

We are looking for writers in our Church that like to submit articles and poems.

International Sabbath

Also, we need baby pictures for the Pixie Pin-Ups (page 5).

March 13, 2010

We also love ideas. Have any of those? Contact Omayra or Alex. ☺

Lifeline Screening Our Church will once again be involved in the LifeLine Screening program for health. We have chosen Wednesday, November 4 as the date the Lifeline Screening crew will come to our Fellowship Hall and offer five different screenings that could save your life. We’ll have more to share as the time draws closer. Page 10

The Church Courier

From the Editors of



Looking back at the whole situation I can see that God actually worked it out the best way possible even when I was thinking that my way was better.

I forgot! I forgot that the other day when I was worrying about a difficult situation, I prayed and asked God to take care of the problem, for me not to worry about it and I told Him that I trust Him.

All this made me think that we should not only ask when we pray but we also need to wait and be on the look-out for His response. When we pray, we ask God to answer our prayers so it is up to us to wait and listen for His response.

A few days later I found out that the situation was resolved but not the way that I wanted. I got frustrated and angry. I could not believe that happened and I was disappointed. Minutes May God make us later I remembered better listeners! that I prayed about Alex it and God took care

This newsletter is p u b lis he d monthly by the NPR SDA Church. If you have any comments to make about the newsletter, wish to make a donation, or wish to submit an article, please send it to the church or to us.

Contact Us Alexander Ortiz 727-365-2892

Omayra Rivera 727-372-0052

[email protected] NPR Seventh-day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653 727-848-4567

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NPR Seventh–day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653

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