The Church Courier, August 2009

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  • Words: 2,753
  • Pages: 14
August 2009

Volume 10, Issue 8

A safe haven Don’t ride in automobiles; they cause 20 percent of all fatal accidents. Don’t stay at home; 17 percent of all accidents occur in the home. Don’t walk on the street or the sidewalk; 14 percent of all accidents happen to pe-

destrians. Don’t travel by air, rail or water; 16 percent of all accidents happen on these. However, only 0.001 percent of all deaths reported occur in worship services. Therefore, the safest place for you to be is in church. What are you doing next Saturday?, Sabbath school is relatively safe. ☺

In this Issue:

Adventurers Registration day is: Tuesday, August 18 from 6:30-7:30 PM. If you would like to be part of the staff, contact Lura Hickman at home 846-8447 or School 846-8919.

Join the fun!

Red, blue and white notes .. 3 Getting to Know ................ 9 Goodies on wheel ............ 11 Church @ Work .............. 12

In the next issue… Reports from: Oshkosh, Pathfinder Camporee and Mexico Mission Trip

The story is told of a mother who saved her baby girl from a burning house. In the rescue, she suffered severe burns to her hands and arms. Time went by and the baby became a little girl but didn't know the story about her mothers scarred hands and arms. In fact, she was so ashamed of her mother's gnarled hands and arms, that she begged her to always wear long sleeved clothes and gloves to cover up the ugliness. But one day the daughter asked her mother how her hands and arms had become so scarred. So, for the first time, her mother told her the story of how she had saved her baby's life. Her daughter was so upset she cried tears of sorrow and gratitude! "Oh, Mother, those beautiful hands...they're the most beautiful in the world. Please don't ever hide them again!" Just so, the blood of Jesus might seem a bit gory, even repulsive, to someone who doesn't understand the whole story. But any who have been rescued from the "fires" of sin, the nail-pierced hands of Jesus are really beautiful beyond measure! His hands tell us of His tremendous love and His willingness to save us regardless of the cost! What a wonderful Saviour! Yours in appreciation of Jesus' hands, Pastor and Sharon Webb.

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The Church Courier

Red, Blue and White Notes A “Patriotic Cantata,” including a tribute of those who have served in various branches of our military, was presented on Sabbath, July 4th. After the cantata, light refreshments were served, and members had the opportunity to fellowship. A copy of the Tribute was presented to all our Veterans. Special thanks to o u r f r i e n d A l b e r t o M or e t t a P h ot o g r a p h y ( h t t p : / / for the amazing pictures of the activity (and for the Getting to Know picture) and to Juan Rivera for a job well done on the DVD tribute, thanks also to the people that stayed and helped to clean afterwards and, everyone that had a part in this program. ☺ To see the video of the cantata, to view pictures or to download the songs on MP3, please visit the Church website at: www. Choir will start practice again Sabbath, August 22 at 3:00 PM. If you want to praise God through music join us this new season!

Vol. 10, Issue 8

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Kids Sabbath School Drawings A few Sabbaths ago I asked the Junior Class to write or draw something to make our congregation excited about helping our Church with their offerings. They had eight minutes from start to finish. I asked them to show what they think would help us to understand how important our offerings are and how just one penny can multiply. These are their works. Look at them, meditate and enjoy! Alex Ortiz

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The Church Courier


If you think you know this church member, submit your guess to us, either by phone or email. You can submit your baby pix by email or directly to us. Photos can be black and white or color and will be promptly returned. For more information please contact us. July baby was: Kathy Hershey Clue: “A deaconess.” Kathy has been a deaconess for more than 25 years and also an Elder.)

Clue: This cute child served in the Army, Navy, and Marines.

Our winners were: Nobody guessed. Thanks for participating!

Think about it…  Christian education is

an investment, cost.



 Accept forgiveness from God and put your sin behind you. It is not our business to remember what God has forgotten.  It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving. Vol. 10, Issue 8

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ADVENTIST GREEN By Gary D. Grimes Adventist Green I mean every Adventist member, all 20 million of us, around the world, should have a mission to take care of the earth’s environment. Seventh-day Adventists, of all Christians, should go green! Why? God owns the earth because He created it. Genesis 1 & 2:1-4. God owns the earth, a second time, because He redeemed it. Jesus redeemed the earth from the god of this world, Satan, on the cursed tree when He died. He not only died for you as an individual, but He died for the earth and all there is therein. Below are a few Biblical passages that teach God’s ownership of you and the earth. Psalms 50:10-12. I especially like verse 12 of this passage: “If I were hungry, I would not tell you; for the world is Mine, and all its fullness.” Psalms 24:1. “The earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.” Deuteronomy 8:17-18. Notice the first part of verse 18: “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth.” We are required to be faithful servants (managers or stewards) in both spiritual things and material things. Notice it does not say faithful owners, for again God owns you and the earth. Matthew 25:14-30. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP THE EARTH STAY GREEN? Here are a few practical suggests. 1. Do not litter. Save it for the trash can. 2. Drive the speed limit or better yet 5 miles under the limit. You’ll save the air we breathe and some cash too, not to mention speeding tickets. 3. Recycle everything you can: newspapers, cardboard, plastic, aluminum, sharps, batteries and outdated prescription drugs. 4. Turn off lights, turn up the AC and turn down the Heat. 5. Turn off the water at every chance. 6. Drive a high mileage car. Psalms 51:6 says the earth is growing old like a garment. Romans 8:22 tells us the whole creation is groaning like a woman suffering the pangs of child birth. Revelation 11:18 says those who destroy the earth shall be destroyed by God. This old earth is groaning in its death pangs. Soon Jesus will come and this earth as we know it will be destroyed, along with all those who helped destroy it. As faithful stewards of the earth now we are preparing to take care of the earth when it is made new. Revelation 21:1-7; Matthew 5:5 and Isaiah 65:17-19 and Isaiah 66:2223. ADVENTISTS EVERYWHERE LET’S GO ADVENTIST GREEN! What a beautiful color: fresh, spring like and invigorating green. Green speaks of our new spiritual birth and it speaks of the earth made new.

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The Church Courier

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pray for our school daily Glue Sticks Markers or crayons Dry Erase Markers (low odor, any color) Dry Erase Board Erasers Dry Erase Board Cleaner Copy Paper Headphones for Computers Stickers (all kinds) Easy reader books for Pre -K to 2nd grade Pocket Folders Stapler DVD & VCR combo player Kick Balls Jump ropes Sm. Toy Farm, Ocean & Wild Animals Match Box Cars Floor Puzzles (Farm, Ocean & Wild Animals) Toy Cash Register Toy Kitchen Cookware, baking and food toy items

Vol. 10, Issue 8

• • • •

T o y Kitchen Appliances Doll Cradle Learning CD’s & DVD;s for Pre-K Dress Up items for careers Plastic Containers sizes: Shoebox & flat-thin approx. 18x24

We THANK YOU for all your support and donations! Donations may be dropped of at the school or Church. If you prefer you can make a cash donation for the school wish list. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Jennifer Clark @ 842-8919

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In memory of Leonard DeFazio 1921-2009 It was a Vegetarian Cooking School held in our Fellowship Hall that attracted Leonard to our church. After attending the classes, he studied more deeply into our faith and was baptized September 2, 1995 by Pastor Doug Jacobs. Leonard found great pleasure in helping out at our Thrift Store until his health began to fail. He felt it necessary to live near his family and moved to Batavia New York, his hometown, to spend his last days with his son, Sam. Leonard was born in Batavia, New York on November 11, 1921 and lived there most of his life. After graduation from the local high school he found work as a tool grinder. He was married to Carmella who preceded him in death. He is survived by his sons Leonard Jr., Ronald, and James of Batavia,New York; by daughter Teressa Morasco of Batavia; by sons Samuel of Leroy, New York, Carmen of Port Richey, and Richard of Dunedin. One of the highlights of his life was watching horse racing and baseball games on TV. Spending time with his grandchildren gave him great pleasure. But his greatest love was going to The Thousand Islands for vacation, often renting a cottage for the summer. Leonard passed to his rest on June 7. 2009 at the home of his son, Samuel. He had arranged for his body to be donated to the Science Department of the University of Buffalo for study. Upon completion of their study, the body will be cremated and the remains sent back to the family to be buried in St. Joseph Cemetery in Batavia, New York. Page 8

The Church Courier

What a great joy is to meet new brothers and sisters. Today you will have the opportunity to meet one of our new members. Q: How did you get to know the SDA message? A: In the neighborhood that I use to live when I was child there it was a SDA church, a lady picked up all the kids from the neighborhood and took them to church.

Edward Borrero

Q: Tell us about your family: A: My wife and I have two kids, 5 grandchildren and 5 great grand children. Q: What do you do for a living? A: I’m retired now, but I was a photographer for 45 years. Q: What is your favorite Bible story and why? A: Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Q: Tell us about your talents or any area where you would like to help in our church? A: My talent is photography. I had the opportunity to learn this in school. Q: Which is your favorite hymn? A: Under His Wings Q: What do you like the most about your new Church? A: I like the friendliness of the brothers and sisters.

Thank you so much Mr. Borrero, God bless you and keep you always under His wings. Welcome again to the New Port Richey Church! Vol. 10, Issue 7

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Optical Illusion: I received this in my email and it’s one of the coolest I have seen so far. Follow the instructions: 1. Relax and concentrate on the 4 small dots in the middle of the picture for about 30-40 secs. 2. Then, take a look at a wall near you. 3. You will see a circle of light developing. 4. Start blinking your eyes a couple of times and you will see a figure emerging...

On loan The gifts and talents you have been given do not belong to you. You have them on loan — in trust — to make what you can of them for the betterment of humanity. How are yours?

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The Church Courier

Goodies on wheel On Sunday, July 12th, the Adventist Bookmobile came to our church parking lot. I have to make a confession, this is the first time I visited it. I was very curious to see what it was, I owe a great deal to that truck (and it’s not money). I was very impressed to see a lot of members there, but most of all, the amazing variety that they offer. Music and books (in Spanish also) that you might normally not be able to get at a regular Christian bookstore, and of course food products. Did you know that you can order what you want in ad-

vance and they will bring it to you? New toll free # (877) 55-FLABC (5535222). Years ago, my husband visited the bookmobile for the first time, and bought a DVD, (the title of the DVD intrigued him, Final Events of Bible Prophecy from Doug Bachelor) that was the way he came back to Church. We will keep you post so you can also visit the bookmobile next time, and see what it is all about. You will never know what you c a n f in d t h er e ! ☺ Omayra Rivera

Thanks to our friend Pablo Ayala, ABC Manager, for the picture.

Vol. 10, Issue 7

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Camp Kulaqua

presents 2009 Family Camp September 4th through 7th. Family Camp is a wonderful opportunity for the church families to come together for a moderately price vacation, which will also give them an opportunity to grow closer to God. Applications are online at www.campkulaqua. come or call (386) 454-1351 for more information.

Our school will have a Work-Bee on Sunday, August 2nd from 9:00 AM to noon, to get ready for the new school year. We need your help! School is starting Tuesday, August 18 @ 7:45 AM Welcome to the School, the new secretary, Ms. Jennifer Clark and to the new teacher Mrs. Sheila Blevins. Wishing staff, teachers, and students a blessed school year!

FOOD DRIVE FOR OUR COMMUNITY SERVICES Our Community Service is in need of some items: • •

Hand soap

Macaroni & Cheese


Beans (dry)

Peanut Butter Can vegetables

Can fruit

Can soup


Help us to help the needy of our community.

Toilet Paper

God bless!

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The Church Courier

From the Editors ing at me and with A few weeks ago, while commuting to Tampa, I saw a sign asking a very interesting question. That question caused from me an immediate reaction: I smiled. The second reaction was that I started to really, really think on the answer. The question was: “Did you make God smile today?

me. Other times He is not smiling at me. Sometimes my actions are making Him feel sad.

I want to live my life in a way that God smiles at me every day. Even in the sad times, I want my decisions to make Him happy, what about you? Did you make God smile It was early in the today? morning and I couldn’t stop thinking Alex while I was driving if I make God happy or sad. Sometimes I find myself laughing and talking to God, thinking He is laugh-

This newsletter is published monthly by the NPR SDA Church. If you have any comments to make about the newsletter, wish to make a donation, or wish to submit an article, please send it to the church or to us.

Contact Us Alexander Ortiz 727-365-2892

Omayra Rivera 727-372-0052

[email protected]

NPR Seventh-day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653 727-848-4567 Vol. 10, Issue 7

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New Port Richey Seventh–day Adventist Church 6424 Trouble Creek Road New Port Richey, FL 34653

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