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  • Pages: 2
University of St. La Salle Graduate School Project FREE – Aklan EMERGING TRENDS IN INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY Dr. Annabelle C. Balor Professor

GRACE T. ANTARAN MED-RLL Student Personal Take-in

“Let Go... and Let God...” If I were to share what’s the most significant lesson I got from this course, it would be the value of letting go of your worries and fears and letting God do His plan for you. It’s the value of praying and being confident that good things will happen to you as long as you are anchored on Him. I noticed that most of the professors in La Salle are really prayerful. Each of them would start and end the class with a prayer. I believe Faith is one of the core values of Lasallian education. And I am thankful that I became part of it… That I was able to experience how to deepen my faith in God. Prayer is for anyone and everyone. I believe that prayer is the most powerful tool that we, as believers have. Yet often it sits in the shed of our life unused and uncollected. We usually pull it out during emergencies. Through prayers, I have seen amazing, powerful miracles take place. Seeing answered prayers has increased my faith and my influence in the place that God has called me to work as an educator. I have realized lately that prayer is not a strange or an emotional approach to a problem, but a quiet, Christlike attitude that looks for the good in everything and everyone. It is an attitude of heart and mind that knows there is a good outworking for every challenge. The last term has been very tough for almost all of us. The varied activities, the pressures and the sleepless nights would really put you to a point of giving up. But whenever I think of the idea that these things happen to toughen me, to test me, to polish me, and to help me become an effective and efficient educator in my school, then I would set aside the giving up thing. There are a lot of situations where prayer works. If you are unhappy, prayer can lift you into a new lightness of heart, joy, and happiness. If you are plagued with resentment and bitterness regarding a person or situation, prayer can bring a new understanding to you that will fill you with new peace and amazing love. If you are fearful, prayer can transform you into a person of great courage. If you appear sick or financially lacking, prayer can heal your body and restore your affairs. There is nothing prayer cannot do for you. Prayer is an inner line of communication between you and God. Prayer is your inner contact with wisdom, understanding, and inspiration. It is a simple, normal activity of the mind and heart of everyone who desires to be a better person, and to understand life and living. I observe that people who pray are inspired people. People who pray are strong, courageous people. People who pray are happy people. People who pray are successful, confident people. That is what prayer can do for you, for me, for everyone. It will heal you, prosper you, and bring you into such peace and joy as you have never known.

Furthermore, when we struggle, we assume the problem is that we are not letting go and letting God. The reality is that we struggle for a variety of reasons. One is that we have a weak faith. We just don’t have enough confidence in God to rest in the reality of His nature and have the peace that comes with a strong faith in Him. For instance, when trials come or we experience illness, financial ruin, or the death of a loved one, do we really believe that God works all things together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose? If we don’t know God intimately, it’s very hard to trust that He is working all things together for good. But if we do know Him, if we have spent time digging into His Word and meditating on His works and His nature, we have faith in His plan and purposes, His love for us, His sovereign control over all circumstances in life, and we rest in the peace that passes all understanding. But if we don’t know Him, we will always struggle against life’s hard circumstances. On the other hand, there is a positive reason for struggling—it is good for us and is God’s plan to grow and mature us into the people He wants us to be. Struggles are just one of the ways He strengthens us for the hard things life throws at us. Each one enables us to be stronger and better able to handle the next one. Trials are designed to show us and others that our faith is real. If we anchor our life to God, we can face the trials of life with grace and good humor and complete faith that whatever God has for us is will be just okay. So, I believe I need to let go of yesterday and let today be a new beginning. And be the best that I can, and to get to where God wants me to be.

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