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The Gommiwion note^nat the flight attendants did their duty with remarkable courage and composure, afl&femained in phone contact with authorities up to the grounding of the aircraft. Neither the tape recorded portion of Ms. ONG's call, nor the accounts by six separate witnesses to the calls indicate/that either Ms. ONG or Ms. SWEENEY reported the presence of a gun or the incidence of a shooting. The flight attendants were quite specific j about the kind of weapons they reported present—knives, mace and a bomb—and the ^o nature of the assaults on aboard—the "stabbing" of two other flight attendants and a passenger.
A third flight attendant
it perhaps a third flight attendants! tuated in a different part of the cabin than Ms. ONG and Ms. SWEENEYjinightJaave witnessed a shooting fi&vhich Ms. ONG and Ms. SWEENEY wcro unaware, mil ffti»
e*c»,-B$Qff can find n
irearm experts indicate that the sound of a in the cabin of an airc is implausible that Ms. ONG would be unmistakable and clearly evident to a and Ms. SWEENEY would have neglected to report a g if they knew one had aboard the aircraft without occurred, but it is equally implausible that a shooting occ them knowing it. ^ Dl vM<> V* can find no evidence of any phone contact by any of the other flight crew with theSOC. Indeed, tlio reeo chows that the SOC was apprised of both the ONG and SWEENEY calls while they were in progress, and thetBfete aware of the "stabbing" The fa* that the account of a shooting that no witness xeaaJls. was relay' ic account of a stabbing that is widely reported by the witnessei V ^/
notes that the alleged victim of the shooting was seated in 9(D). This seat is located in the business section of the aircraft. The stabbing account provided by the eye witnesses indicatesHhe victim of the stabbing was in business class. It is highly possible that the form of attack on the business class passenger—the only individual attack upon a passenger reported by eyewitnesses—became garbled as the account of the assault was relayed among Airline and FAA authorities in the fog and confusion of the , unfolding events of the day. Hijacker purchases
Other relevant evidence bears mentioning. While investigators have uncovered evidence of numerous knife purchases by the 19 hijackers, no firearm purchases have been *-U
Hijacker tactics rfhtefc affhe tactics of all four hijacking teams involved in the plot were similar. No evidence has been uncovered to suggest that firearms were used by the hijackers on any of the other flights. On the contrary, the common tactic among the four
/ teams of employing knives, bo/ cutters and mace is well established by the evidence, fcr seems unlikely that one of the teams would depart from the tactical discipline of commonstrategy. Shooting account related to UAL #175 ^f
The evidence indicates that authorities did receive a report of a "shooting" aboard one of the other flights hijacked on September 11, 2001. A passenger aboard UAL Flight &T75, Mr. PHILIP BURTON HANSON placed two phone calls to his father LEE HANSON to report the hijacking of the aircraft. According to the FBI interview ofJiTfeg^-HANSON, his son reported that a flight attendant had been stabbed, and that the hijackers appeared to have knives and mace, and claimed to have a bomb. PHUP HANSON requested that his father alert the airlines to the 1 emergency. After hanging up with Ids Son* LEE HANSON immediately contacted hia local polke department to report the hijacking.
third party, BRUCE DUCORT (apparently a family friend—we need^omd out), calling on behalf of the passenger's father, contacted United Airlines/ Mr. DUCORT told representatives of United Airlines that a passenger calling from aboard UAL #175 had told his father someone had been shot , ^J6 QjA*Jk{ ^£wk
5 phone call from LEE HANSON to CAPTAIN JAMES C ANDEE of the Easton, Clonnecticut Police Department was tape-recorded. The tape recording indicates no n of a shooting aboard UAL 175r Staff contacted CAPTAIN CANDEE of the Easlpn, Connecticut police. Mr. CANDEE confirms that LEE HANSON .mentioned his son's report of a stabbing, but no shooting aboard the hijacked aircraft. ^LxjQjtAj)
y>| UAL oU
an, Working-level Employee
1) See the FAA working room's butcher paper on which the shooting notation was made so we can see exactly how specific it was. 2) Talk to someone who was in the working room who can attest to the confusion. 3) Review a transcript of the call from the UAL #175 passenger's father to the sheriff to confirm that no message was made about a shooting. 4) Perhaps talk to the passenger's father to confirm that the son said nothing about a shooting. 5) Perhaps talk to the family friend to confirm it was an instance of "telephone." 6) Talk to the AAL FAA Principal Security Inspector 7) Talk to Suzanne Clarke of AAL to see where she got the shooting story.
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( __ METHODOLOGY Reviewed FBI reports naming each of the Flight Attendants to determine any indication of a phone call or of gun reports: y |JV( Findings: Named in 13 FBI 302's; two calls in evidence FAOng Named in FBI 302's; ^Wcalls in evidence •FA Sweeney FA Arestegui: Named in two FBI 302's: no calls reported or in evide FA Collman: Named in two FBI 302's; no calls reported or in evii Named in two FBI302's; no calls reported or in FA Low: Named in five FBI 302's; no calls reported or in evicubnce FA Martin: Named in four Fpl 302's; no calls reported or in evidence FA Nicosia: Named in two FBI 302 ;s; no calls reported or in evidence FA Roger: Namedin one FBI 302; no calls reported or in evi FA Snyder: Search lor Documents containing the following terms y AAM\ Shot AND flight attendant^- Zero documents Shooting AND flight attendanty-Zero documents Shot ANDflightAND 1 1 - Zero documents Shooting ANDflightAND 1 1 - Zero documents
Shooting AND hijack* ~ Zero documents *Means the search engine will search every permutation of the word. Documen