Sp10-april 7, 2009

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HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Tuesday, April 7, 2009, commencing at 7:35 p.m. Salmon River Committee Room th 4 Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC

MINUTES PRESENT: Chair, Ian Mugridge Tom Annandale, Peter Horton, Alice Johnson, Grace Muller, Fred Pepin, Bev Sommer, Michelle Sparrow and Jane Watt COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: Councillor Charlie Fox STAFF: Paul Crawford, Elaine Horricks and John Robertson Susan Palmer, Recording Secretary


INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS John Robertson was introduced and welcomed to the Committee as the new Museum Services Manager. Round table introductions followed and the order of the agenda varied.



Election of Chair and Vice-Chair Moved by Tom Annandale, Seconded by Jane Watt, That Ian Mugridge be nominated as Chair for 2009. CARRIED Ian Mugridge was acclaimed Chair of the Heritage Advisory Committee for 2009. Moved by Ian Mugridge, Seconded by Tom Annandale, That Fred Pepin be nominated as Vice-Chair for 2009. CARRIED Fred Pepin was acclaimed Vice Chair of the Heritage Advisory Committee for 2009.

April 7, 2009 Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes B.



Heritage Advisory Committee April 7, 2009 The request was made to add correspondence from the Fraser Health Authority under Item I Correspondence. Moved by Alice Johnson, Seconded by Grace Muller, That the Heritage Advisory Committee adopt the Agenda of the April 9, 2009 meeting, as amended. CARRIED



Election of Chair and Vice-Chair This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.



Council Advisory Committee Establishment Bylaw 2008 No. 4700 Orientation binders were distributed to the members present and a brief discussion of the Council Advisory Committee Establishment Bylaw 2008 No. 4700 ensued.


Heritage Advisory Committee Binders Elaine Horricks provided a brief overview of the contents of the reference binders prepared for members and responded to questions regarding the material included.



Heritage Advisory Committee Notes December 2, 2009 Moved by Tom Annandale, Seconded by Jane Watt, That the Heritage Advisory Committee receive the Meeting Notes of the December 2, 2008 meeting. CARRIED



April 7, 2009 Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes D.



Heritage Planner’s Report Elaine Horricks reported the following: •

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A Heritage Revitalization Agreement was completed for the Porter’s General Store situated at Five Corners in Murrayville on December 15, 2008. An article appeared in The Langley Times shortly thereafter on January 11th, entitled “Porter’s gets heritage nod” which briefly outlined the Store’s history and some of the aspects of the HRA. Two new Heritage Conservation Covenants have been recently completed for two properties in Fort Langley, the Hope Carriage House on December 11, 2008 and St. Andrews United Church on March 17, 2009. These are the first Heritage Conservation Covenants to be put in place in the Township to date. At the request of Council, appointees from the Heritage Advisory Committee and the Aldergrove Enhancement Committee met on March 6, 2009 to garner heritage feedback on the proposed Aldergrove Pump Station for Philip Jackson Park in Aldergrove. Input was provided on the overall form, siting and proposed materials for the project to be situated across the street from Heritage Park on 32nd Avenue. It was recommended that exterior materials for the pump station reflect some of those used by the BC Telephone Museum directly across the street from the proposed station. The recommendation that the doors, windows and other openings in the pump station be detailed in a manner appropriate with the surrounding residential neighbourhood was also included in the feedback. The presenting architect took an interest in the sites past history with the Great Northern Railway in Aldergrove and indicated that he would pursue ideas in this area to determine an appropriate symbology for the proposed clock tower. Planning for the project involving the moving of the Willoughby Hall is currently underway and a Heritage Revitalization Agreement is currently being drafted to guide this transition. A number of site reviews have taken place on several other heritage structures in the Willoughby Area beginning in October of last year. Further updates on this development will be provided later in the meeting by Tom Annandale.

Museum Service Manager’s Report John Robertson informed the members that Paul Thistle, Curator for the Langley Centennial Museum has recently left the Township to attend to family matters. He noted that he will be missed and that the work he performed for the museum was greatly appreciated. He reported that the Museum is continuing the work of creating strong community ties. Participation in upcoming events such as May Day and Canada Day is planned, as well as hosting the Fort Langley local Business Improvement Association for a gathering. He added that there are now active members on the Langley Arts Council and the museum will be hosting meetings with the Fort Langley National Historic site to strengthen ties through cooperative advertising and programming. He noted that they are looking to bring more people into the Museum through such

April 7, 2009 Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes D.


REPORTS (VERBAL) exhibits as the recent Barbara Boldt art exhibit, the exhibit by the Trinity Western University graduating class and HISTOR!CA, a national student fair aimed at promoting student involvement in history. The next venture will be the Chinese Lantern Exhibit in early May. He stated that 440 classes approximating13,000 students attend the Museum annually. He also added that ideas from the public and organizations such as the Arts Council will be sought on developing a “river” theme for the Museum reflecting that Langley is a child of the river (past, present and future). John advised that the Museum is expanding its role and will explore becoming an official partner in the National Historic affairs process, as well as hosting multi-site events. In response to a question pertaining to HAC representation on student award selection committees for such events as the science fair, he noted that he would ask the School Board to consider appointing an HAC member as one of the judges that review students’ work in the future. 3.

Willoughby Heritage Site Review Update Tom Annandale provided an update on the Willoughby Heritage site review process for the lands in the vicinity of 82 Avenue and 208th Street in Willoughby and provided the following comments: • • •

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The Land Use and Planning Committee met last fall in the Willoughby area to look at the historic Willoughby United Church and Tom Campbell Residence on 208th Street. Quadra Homes was planning to develop the lands where these structures are located into a large four storey apartment complex approximating 1,400 units. Initially, there was discussion surrounding demolishing the heritage structures and replicating them within the newly proposed development. To that end the Committee was asked to look at the structures to determine if they were salvageable. The Committee’s findings were that the structures were sound enough to be preserved and adapted for new or continuing uses and it was recommended that they be retained on the 208th Street corridor. Suggestions for the structures included the preservation and restoration of both structures, (excluding the unsympathetic addition that was added to the rear of the church several decades after the original was built), and their use as amenity buildings within the proposed strata development. The developer agreed with the Committee’s recommendations and proposed various sitings for the structures along the 208th Street corridor at different entrances to the proposed development. The proposed apartment complex which provided for a large concrete underground parking area for residents was to serve the dual function of foundation for the development as well as a foundation for the heritage structures. In early 2009 Quadra Homes made a decision to undertake a townhouse development directly north of the apartment site, and based on subsequent concerns from the Committee suggested that the heritage structures be located

April 7, 2009 Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes D.



at the south east corner of these lands. In February the committee was asked to consider the new plan and provided feedback on the new development proposal. The structures are now proposed to be sited on 208th Street along with an additional heritage structure currently existing on these lands known as the David Jones Residence. To summarize, the new proposal provides for the retention of three heritage structures on 208th Street. The structures will be revitalized adjacent to each other with their own independent foundations, and become new residential units for private sale, which will ensure their long term viability and maintenance. Setbacks and surface parking will be refined at further stages of design along with the proposed landscape scheme for the development.

Discussion: It was noted that the apartment project recently received 1st and 2nd readings on April 6, 2009 and Elaine Horricks reported that the Heritage Revitalization Agreements that will guide the re-location of the two heritage buildings existing on the apartment site to their new location on the townhouse site, will be brought forward soon as part of the proposed townhouse development application and be completed prior to the actual development of the apartment site. Bev Sommer suggested that the Heritage Revitalization Agreement require the developer to undertake an interpretive presentation to explain the historical context of the buildings at their cost. 4.

Heritage Week 2009 Fred Pepin reported that the theme for Heritage Week 2009 was “education” and reported on the following activities: •

He stated that the Langley Heritage Society (LHS) began heritage week with a “Passport to the Past” walk on the Fort to Fort trail from Derby Reach to Fort Langley.

He noted that the CNR Station was open for several hours during the walk to provide refreshments and approximately 200 people visited the Station.

He also noted that the Murrayville bus tour was unfortunately cancelled due to transportation issues surrounding courses required to operate the bus.

A presentation took place at Lochiel Elementary School on February 21st pertaining to the history of Langley schools along with a historical re-enactment of life in a one-room school house complete with a school-marm who humorously led ‘the class’ of attendees.

The Dixon House was opened for public viewing on February 22nd. He reported that work on the historic residence has been ongoing since last June and there are only a few things to complete, including some final painting and the instalment of storm windows. Over the past eight months, a bathroom and new

April 7, 2009 Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes D.


REPORTS (VERBAL) laundry room were added to the main floor, as well as new electrical, heating, plumbing, low flush toilets, and insulation. The work was carried out in partnership with the Langley Heritage Society, Metro Vancouver Parks Dept. and the Museum. Fred Pepin expressed concern that prior to Heritage Week the Langley Heritage Society was advised that there was a lack of advertising space on the Township page to promote the LHS events. Discussion ensued related to the HAC becoming involved in Heritage Week in future in a way they have not done in the past. Some of the identified roles the HAC could take on included partnering with other organizations in planning events or projects, raising funds to cover advertising costs for planned events, and establishing a budget, separate from the planning budget, to develop projects or presentations undertaken each year. It was recognized that a short-term task force would likely be required to initiate work in this area. It was also recommended that space be reserved on the Township website well in advance of Heritage Week next year in order to ensure the opportunity to promote community Heritage Week events.



Captain Jackson Commemoration Discussion ensued regarding the relocation of a historic memorial stone marking Captain Jackson’s grave at Mountain View Cemetery in Vancouver to a location near the original Jackson farm in Aldergrove to re-commemorate this WW II Township of Langley soldier. Following on the recommendations of the written report the following comments were provided: • • • • • •

That the project proceed on the basis that the tree planning does not occur at this time and that temporary storage for the marker be secured; Fred Pepin offered to provide temporary storage for the memorial stone when the time comes to store it; That the initial size of the tree to be planted be considered; That consideration be given to providing a low scale concrete base for the memorial stone as needed; That a plaque and base be provided at the site to explain who Captain Jackson was and the history of the WW II memorial trees, similar to the others existing in the Township; Fred Pepin indicated that he would ask the Langley Heritage Society to consider funding the cost for the concrete ‘housing’ for a plaque.

Action Item: The matter was deferred to the next HAC meeting to allow staff to determine the associated costs of adding a plaque and to await a response from the Langley

April 7, 2009 Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes H.


REPORTS (WRITTEN) Heritage Society regarding the provision of the concrete housing for it.



Museum Operating Grant Copies of a letter informing the HAC of the recently awarded Museum Operating Grant were provided on table. Discussion ensued and the following comments were provided: • Funding of $50,000 by the Arts Commission was augmented by further funding through the BC Arts Council in the amount of $46,000, for a total of $96,000; • The $46,000 BC Arts Council grant is a one-time amount reflecting monies received from the BC Arts Council for this year only; • The BC Arts Council received $7 million from the province for additional grants which was divided among many interests and facilities around the province; • The Langley Museum does fairly well in outperforming other museums in terms of grant money; • Grants are typically merit-based and awarded by jury decision based on how each museum is performing, using programming and community involvement as components of the evaluation criteria.


Murrayville Pump House Correspondence related to an opportunity for the public to tour the Murrayville Pump house was received from Wally Martin. A brief discussion ensued and concerns were raised with regards to insurance, access, collection of fees and public interest. The recommendation was made to send a letter to Wally Martin expressing these concerns and suggesting that a tour of the pump house be considered as a one-time event during Heritage Week. Moved by Jane Watt, Seconded by Michelle Sparrow, That the Committee send a letter to Wally Martin addressing concerns and suggesting that a tour of the Murrayville Pump House may be considered as a onetime event for Heritage Week. CARRIED


Fraser Health Authority (FHA) Riverview Development Project – Memorial Cottage Mental Health Facility for Langley Copies of a FHA announcement were distributed to members providing information on the construction of the Memorial Cottage Mental Health Facility for Langley and the grand opening planned for September 2009. More information to the HAC will follow closer to the date.

April 7, 2009 Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes I.



2009 WORK PLAN 1.


Proposed 2009 Draft Work Plan Elaine Horricks provided a preliminary draft list of eight current initiatives identified by planning and museum staff which will require input from the HAC in 2009 along with a list of other tasks that the HAC performs on an ongoing basis. Ian Mugridge requested that Committee members take time to review the items and submit comments and any other prioritized suggestions for the 2009 Work Plan to Elaine Horricks by email at [email protected] within ten days (April 20, 2009) of the meeting.


Heritage Advisory Committee Draft Terms of Reference Discussion ensued regarding the draft Terms of Reference for the HAC. It was noted that three ongoing sub-committees are required to continue the year-round work of the HAC as follows: • • •

Heritage Site Review Sub-Committee (formerly called Land Use and Planning) Museum Advisory Group (or Sub-Committee) Douglas Day Sub-Committee

The question was raised as to whether each sub-committee will have its own Terms of Reference to which the response was positive. Other questions related to how many persons should ideally sit on these sub-committees followed by the recommendation that there not be any less than three or no more than five generally. It was suggested that an expanded description of their activities could be included in the Terms of Reference to clarify their activities and responsibilities to the HAC. It was noted that in the past the Chairs of these sub-committees have reported directly to the HAC and through the HAC to Council. With regards to the Douglas Day Sub-Committee, Alice Johnston noted that the purpose of the Douglas Day Sub-Committee is to provide continuity in the recognition of Douglas Day annually. She expressed concern regarding how many pioneers in the community did not stay involved in the planning last year and advised that there needs to be more input from organizations and individuals for this year’s event. She stated that the planning for the 150 year celebration of Douglas Day in 2008 was an exception, due to its significance for the province generally, and anticipates that the planning in 2009 will return to how it has been done in the past. Action Item: The Chair, along with staff, to prepare a revised draft of the Terms of Reference for the next meeting based on the comments received, for subsequent submission to Council for approval.

April 7, 2009 Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes K.





Heritage Conservation Workshop “Conservation Planning, A Values-based Approach”, February 2009 Tom Annandale reported that he had attended the Conservation Planning Workshop at SFU in February. He noted that it was well attended and featured an excellent presentation by a heritage specialist from England and Australia. He added that he received a copy at the workshop of “The Conservation Plan” by J. S. Kerr published by the National Trust of Australia, an excellent document that he would be happy to provide to the museum library for reference purposes. He also distributed copies of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation’s “Old School” Newsletter featuring course and workshop descriptions offered by the Foundation in 2009.


A Fine View of the Show, Letters from the Western Front Publication on Captain Hector entitled “A Fine View of the Show, Letters from the Western Front”, by Andrew Jackson.


Heritage BC Annual Conference 2009 Elaine Horricks advised that the Heritage BC Conference will be held in Kelowna in June this year and noted that details are located in the “Heritage Events” section of the members Heritage Advisory Committee Binders. Registration information on the 2009 annual conference may be found on line at http://www.heritagebc.ca/events/annual-conference-registration. Moved by Grace Muller, Seconded by Jane Watt, That the Committee receive the Information items as presented. CARRIED





Heritage Society Annual General Meeting Fred Pepin noted that the Annual General Meeting and Potluck hosted by the Langley Heritage Society will be held on April 24, 2009 commencing at 5:30 p.m. at the Willoughby Community Hall.

April 7, 2009 Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes O.

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Alice Johnson advised that she would not be in attendance at the May 5, 2009 meeting. Jane Watt requested a copy of an organizational chart for the Museum for reference in Museum related work. Staff to follow-up with Jane Watt and provide a chart or explanation of how the museum functions within the Township as a whole.


NEXT MEETING Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Location: Salmon River Committee Room 4th Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue Time: 7:30 p.m.


TERMINATE Moved by G. Muller, That the meeting terminate at 9:53 p.m. CARRIED


____________________________ Chair, Heritage Advisory Committee

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