Senate Meeting 11-7-2008

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18th Senate Meeting Minutes: November 7th, 2008

1. Called to Order – 9:04 am 2. Roll Call – Senator Aday absent 3. Additions – Bill 18.005 and Bill 18.010 added to Old Business. Confirmation of Elections Board Members added to New Business. Corrections – The numbers move accordingly, #9 – Bill 18.010, #10 - 18.011, and etc.

4. Agenda approved 5. Minutes approved 6a. President Sterr’s Report – 3 candidates to approve for the Elections Board Attended several meetings for the Rec. Center survey, it will be a main source of info, to be taken by 15-18% of the students, and prizes to be given out. Went to a meeting about the Applied Technology building Met with John Bishop (Chair of Faculty Org.) to speak with Academic Integrity and about the student recreational center Going to Pullman for the WSL Meeting to set up legislative agenda Allison Gallaway is the new advisor for the Judicial Board Wants to conduct a forum to discuss General Education Requirements w/students 6b. Vice President Wooster’s Report – Have been focusing on the Rec. Center Survey Attended the External Affairs meeting Tabled at the Fall Preview day Women’s Resource Committee will start a new project soon and plan an event in the spring semester Legislative Agenda to be set during the WSL Meeting Working on expectations of the members of the Senate 6c. 1) Eric Davidson’s Report – Next Bowling Night to be in January Regal Cinema Tickets are on sale again Trans Siberian Orchestra tickets sold out 2) Nicole Mousleh’s report – Working with Activities Board on flyers for their events Purchased a new board to be used when tabling Heavily advertising the Student Rec. Center Survey 3) Michael Hatch’s report – Working on the usability survey Putting the survey up on the ASWSUV website 4) Sommer Knight’s report – Legislative Agenda to be discussed at 11/8 WSL Meeting Studying about the issues of technology and hate crimes 5) Blake Hunter’s report –

Leadership Training Event on 11/8, 39 people signed up, will have many great speakers, and may become an annual event Club Forums on 11/17 at 6-7pm and 11/20 at 1-2pm about properly filling out an ASWSUV funding request 6) Jared Pengra’s report Working on the Rocky Horror event, Oregon Ballet Nutcracker tickets, and received feedback from WSU Spokane about Brew Bus tour Assisting Activities Board members with their events 7. Committee reports External Affairs – We received the new printers and are working on banners Computer Lab Hours may be advertised by VIT Volunteer Fair on December 1st or 3rd Faculty Food Drive Programming – Locker project continues to be discussed Meeting with Michelle on 11/12 about trophy case Spoke with Neil G. about hair dryers in fitness center (Bill 18.010) Finance - $3,663.35 per meeting Met after last Senate meeting Rules and Regulations – wrote up 3 By-Law Amendments Budget Committee won’t meet until next semester Old Business 8. Bill 18.005 Senator Atkinson moved to postpone indefinitely. Senator Sanders seconded. 9. Bill 18.010 Senator Chu moved to postpone definitely. Senator Kleinschmidt seconded. . New Business 10. Bill 18.011 Questions: Where is the meeting? San Francisco What about the panel? Will be on PowerPoint, advertised on flyers, and will benefit students Why did you not try to raise funds? Too short of notice and students that are attending will provide their own transportation, may carpool Why only 5 students? They are the ones who were interested and contacted them What are they doing at the meeting? To attend panels and ask questions Any specific date planned for the panel? To be announced but to be put on by the Anthropological club as a special event Senator Chu moved to call to question. Senator Brown seconded. Bill passed. 11. Bill 18.012 Questions: What were the responses from the clubs you contacted? Spanish Club will translate the programs and advertise the event. Why is there a price increase on the films? Needed to add shipping costs

Amend bill from “To” to “Two” thousand dollars. Amendment amended. Senator Sanders moved to call to question. Senator Kleinschmidt seconded. Bill passed. 12. By-Law Amendment 18.005 Senator Morgan moved to call to question. Senator Chu seconded. Amendment amended. 13. By-Law Amendment 18.006 Senator Chu moved to amend amendment to “Registered Student Organizations Director”. Senator Atkinson seconded. Amendment amended. Senator Brown moved to call to question. Senator Sanders seconded. Amendment amended. Senator Cruz moved to “Confirm Elections Board Members” to line item number 14. Senator Atkinson seconded. Agenda amended. 14. Elections Board Confirmation Senator Chu moved to call to question. Senator Atkinson seconded. Melissa Boles now a member of the Elections Board. Senator Chu moved to call to question. Senator Morgan seconded. Tiffany Moore now a member of the Elections Board. Senator Brown moved to call to question. Senator Chu seconded. Annanissa Jean Patterson now a member of the Elections Board. 15. By-Law Amendment 18.007 Senator Atkinson moved to call to question. Senator Chu seconded. Amendment amended. 16. Resolution 18.001 Senator Kleinschmidt moved to call to question. Senator Brown seconded. Resolution passes. 17. Recognition to External Affairs Committee, President Sterr, RSO Director Blake Hunter, and Senator Chu 18. Expectations of the Senate Think about funding requests from the requester’s point of view. Talk about issues within committees. RSO Director’s involvement is important. Think about whom benefits from granting the funding request and interpretations. Senator Chu moved to “Introduction of Activities Board” to line item number 19. Senator Sanders seconded. Agenda amended.

19. Introduction of Activities Board 20. Recreation Center Survey Refer to sheet when tabling – ask President Sterr any questions you might have Links of myWSU, WSU email, and ASWSUV website Takes only 10 – 20 minutes to fill out survey The drawing of prizes will happen after December 1st

Comprehensive report from consultants to come out next semester The survey is an information gathering survey to understand the options of what kind of Recreation Center we would have or if our campus even needs one Senator Chu excused at 10:52am 21. For the Good of the Order Senators will table next week Feel free to contact fellow ASWSUV members’ and use them as a resource McIlvoy: Many things are happening with student organizations on campus. VanCougar editors are resigning next semester. New path starting for KOUG Radio, get in touch with Senator Atkinson or Michelle McIlvoy if interested. Adjourned at 11:00 am

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